Hierarchy of females. Rank. Description and examples of males with different combinations of rank and primativity

Natural tribal hierarchy with sexual substructures.

Consider the hierarchy of a tribe consisting of a large number of individuals of both sexes, taking into account this sexual heterogeneity. The first thing that fundamentally distinguishes him from the family is that the tribe has a fairly powerful buffer part, there are many men in the tribe. That is, the loss of an individual male is not so dangerous for the survival of the tribe as a whole, and this will not affect reproduction in any way, there will always be a male inseminator. Second, the tribe is heterogeneous. There are strong and weak, stupid and smart, and so on. But what is much more important for further narration is that there are high-ranking and low-ranking, high-primative and low-primative ones.

The hierarchical structure of the male part is similar to the structure of the herd - pyramidal. The position in the hierarchical pyramid (rank) is determined by the overall viability of the individual. In an ancient tribe, this vitality is determined, as in the human herd, by ranking potential plus physical data and aggressiveness. Although the pyramid is no longer supported only by the rigidity of dominance, but also by rational motivation and altruism lower layers.

At the very top of the pyramid of power is the leader - the most aggressive and strong warrior. He is the quickest wielding his stone axe, so challenging his power is fraught with trouble. Psychologists call such a man "alpha". Ethologists call such a male high-ranking. Below the leader are the strongest and most aggressive warriors of a lower rank, the middle-ranking “gammas”, but they have a real chance to take the place of the leader if something happens. Even lower are all the rest, low-ranking “omegas”, who may not even dream of a leader’s position, but dream and strive to become middle-ranking.

High-ranking ones get bigger and better loot pieces. Women love them. Since we are here considering the biological foundations of our species and instinctive behavioral programs, then it will be more logical and convenient to use the terminology of ethologists who study animal instincts.

Signs of a high rank according to Protopopov:

High self-esteem, tendency to underestimate others
Faith in your infallibility, no doubt
Resolute concern for your comfort, health and safety
Optimism, confidence in the future
Boastfulness, self-satisfaction
The tendency to make decisions quickly, without much deliberation.
The ability to act regardless of the opinions and problems of others, asociality
High threshold of guilt
Painful perception of criticism, difficulties with self-criticism
Decisiveness, enterprise, initiative, perseverance
Great professional, social and property ambitions
Organizational skills
Openness, shamelessness, extraversion
Stubbornness, obsession, conflict initiative, selfishness
Conflict resilience
sexual success

Signs of a low rank according to Protopopov:

Low self-esteem, tendency to form an inferiority complex
Ability to tolerate inconvenience, discomfort, and unsafe living conditions
Tendency to pessimism and depression; uncertainty about the future
Indecisiveness, long reflections before making decisions.
Dependence on the opinions of others, fear of offending someone, reflexivity
Low threshold of awareness of one's guilt, shame (the feeling of guilt arises at the slightest provocation)
Willingness to be satisfied with the status quo, conformism
Lack of great career and property ambitions
Low organizational skills
Altruism, self-sacrifice, self-criticism
The tendency to bow before authorities, to believe them; religiosity
secretiveness, introversion
Shyness, compliance, modesty, timidity, law-abiding
Touchiness and scrupulousness
sexual failure

This pyramidal hierarchical structure is copied to this day, for example, in Russian army. The rank of a male in the hierarchy is determined by certain signs on shoulder straps, and the rank and file are artificially humiliated, tortured and deprived of the opportunity to have sex in order to bring down ranking ambitions and force them to obey unquestioningly.

Women are, as it were, a little on the sidelines, not clearly entering the male hierarchy and not clearly forming their own clear hierarchical structure. And at the same time they keep close to their men. But when it is necessary to throw a scandal to men, they quickly unite. The female community forms the reproductive core of the tribe, so it is unusually close-knit. And not only psychologically, but even physiologically. In the women of the group, even ovulation is synchronized. And they all stare at the leader and strong warriors. And none of them like weak men. This has a deep biological meaning. The offspring must be viable, so the father must be a strong viable man. The weak and unviable should not multiply, even despite the excess of women. Therefore, in many, including some modern cultures polygamy is practiced. A viable (and therefore rich) man has many women and children from them. The communities of many animals are organized in a similar way. Strong males have harems, while weak ones have no chance of mating with a female. Everything is logical and rational from a biological point of view.

While the tribe remained small, all the instincts of people corresponded exactly to their biological purpose and real way of life. Therefore, the majority in the tribe still consisted of strong and rather aggressive men with high ranking potential and behavior controlled by these instincts. Simply put, they did not really think about the meaning of life and other high matters, but lived in a simple way. They did what they wanted. And they wanted what instinct dictated. Since the desires and emotions of a person are nothing more than a manifestation of the instincts that control this person. People who live by instincts, that is, by desires and emotions, are called highly primative . Living in the mind low primative . We will be especially interested in the high-ranking, low-primative members of our tribe. Psychologists designate such a man with the letter "beta". These are the men who think more with their heads than trust their emotions. This is either a shaman or a skilled hunter who prefers the excitement of the hunt to the struggle for the leader's position. In an ancient tribe, there were few high-ranking low-primatives, since the instinct corresponded to the way of life, and it was more profitable for an ancient person to be highly primative. In addition, the low-primative high-ranking leader did not like the high-primative high-ranking leader, whose male hierarchical instinct saw him as a competitor. After all, both the shaman and a good, prolific hunter enjoyed great authority among their fellow tribesmen, had their own opinions and interests, which inevitably undermined the authority of the leader and led to conflicts with him. But since both the shaman and the prolific hunter were very much needed by the leader and did not particularly claim his place, the leader tolerated them in small quantities. Well, the female instinct of women could not understand why they were not like everyone else, and took low primativity for a low rank. That is, not all women were able to love them. There were few of them in the primitive tribe, quite a few ... However, later, as the society grew larger, the role of the low-primatives sharply increased, they multiplied and formed the basis of civilization.

All this is very important for our further narration, so the reader must remember all these terms and their meaning, at least in a simplified way, they will occur very often in the text. Moreover, understanding further text unthinkable without knowledge of these terms:

high ranking - self-confident, successful, authoritative, cool.
low rank - a weakling and a loser.
highly primative - living only emotions and desires (instincts).
Low Primitive - capable of rational behavior, able to oppose reason and calculation to emotions and desires (instincts).
Rank Potential - the ability to become high-ranking.

Male types:

High-ranking highly primative - violent, self-confident, untrained, uncontrollable, constantly proving in a fight that he is right. In ancient times - the leader. Nowadays, either an alcoholic and a loser, or a bandit.

High rank low primative - Self-confident smart strong male. In ancient times, a shaman or good hunter. Nowadays - successful businessman, boss or highly paid specialist.

Low rank high primative - a loser, a coward and a bastard. Six. At all times.

Low rank low primative - a coward and a weakling, but a trainee. IN ancient world- food for tigers. IN modern world- Lifetime petty clerk.

Medium-ranking combine the qualities of high-ranking and low-ranking in different proportions. transitional form. When interacting with low-ranking ones, they behave like high-ranking ones. When interacting with high-ranking ones, it is similar to low-ranking ones.

Now read the meanings of the terms at least 5 more times to better remember them. It is important. And bookmark this page in case you forget. I promised not to abuse scientific terminology. But without these key concepts further narration is simply unthinkable. They are the basis for understanding the structure of human societies, evolution, history and gender relations.

Let us make a reservation right away that no matter how low-primative a person is, he is not able to completely suppress instincts with his mind. Only to some extent. Highly primative - not capable at all. Moreover, instincts can turn off the mind. Then they say that a person acts spontaneously, in a state of passion, on a whim, overwhelmed by passions, emotions, stupidly, etc. If instinct blocks a person’s information input channels, they say that a person is stupid. For example, a highly primative child may not perceive information from a teacher, since the child's hierarchical instinct does not consider the teacher to be sufficiently authoritative and high-ranking. But it is worth raising the authority of the teacher or introducing elements of the game into learning, as the blocking is removed, and the child begins to perceive information normally. That is, if you take into account the game of instincts, then they can be controlled. For example, the mind of a man says that you need to lose weight. But it is very difficult to suppress the food instinct with reason. There is a wish. In this case, you can make the installation that you need to lose weight in order to please young women. In this case, a strong sexual instinct works against the food instinct. Therefore, losing weight is easier. These methods are used by psychology and psychotherapy. If instincts interact with a weak mind, then this is called stupidity. If with a strong mind - emotionality.

So, an ancient small tribe consisted mainly of highly primative individuals with a relatively high rank potential and controlled by innate instinctive behavioral programs of both the level of a human herd and the level of a tribe with a paired internal structure. Instinctive programs were formed in the conditions of life of a small community of people in an environment wildlife and met the same conditions. The main differences between the set of human instincts at the level of an ancient tribe and herd instincts are the appearance of weak altruistic instincts, elements of innate morality, low primativity, and also the instincts of interaction between a male and a female in a stable pair.

Everything that is described in this chapter, all the qualities, elements of behavior and the foundations of relationships that have been formed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of our kind and over tens of thousands of years of evolution of our species, which are necessary for human survival, were genetically fixed in the form of innate instincts. It will be difficult for you to believe this, and at the same time, a simple truth is obvious to any biologist: SINCE WE HAVE NOT CHANGED. Well, there, the loincloth began to be called a miniskirt, sewn from a different material and decorated in a different way. And the mammoths have already been eaten. And everything else is still. That is, everything that we just peeped with such interest in the tribe of our ancestors is enshrined in our instincts (innate biological programs) to this day. Our entire civilized life today consists of pieces of these programs, and the mind, upbringing and education only serve and slightly correct their work.

For our further presentation, it is important for us to understand one very important thing:

Our biological species was formed when people lived in small communities. Family, small tribe. That is, in our innate instincts, the behavioral stereotypes necessary for survival in a family or a small group surrounded by wildlife in an environment of danger and lack of food are fixed. Since then, we ourselves and our instincts have not changed, only the conditions of existence have changed. And instincts - do not correspond to the changed conditions of existence. In other words, desires and emotions control us as if we live in primitive world, but really around the 21st century and man-made civilization.

What do real men love? © Thinkstock

Probably, every woman at least once in her life had to exclaim, “Well, why, Lord, Sasha (Vanya, Kolya, etc.) does this and not otherwise? Understand him!" And in response - silence ... Alas, even the Lord God does not undertake to reason with a man. Do you know why? Because He Himself created them like that... What kind of - "such"? different. And it's stupid to ignore it.

What are men like?

An interesting and very understandable classification of men is given by Alexander Sviyash in his book "Sex as a joyful psychotherapy for very busy uncles and aunts". (The book can be purchased at the empik.ua online store). However, this classification is true not only for men, but also for women.

According to Alexander Sviyash, all people can be conditionally divided into two large groups: high primative and low primative. (Not to be confused with primitiveness! These are completely different terms).

Highly primative people- these are those whose instincts prevail over the arguments of reason. The main life motto of such people is “Love everything that moves”. Mass residence of such people is observed, for example, in our friendly Georgia. (Alexander Sviyash emphasizes that the abundance of highly primative people is typical for countries with difficult conditions for survival; prosperous Europe has long been giving birth to predominantly low primative people).

The main characteristic of a low primative male- the predominance of the mind over instinct. They will think a hundred times before doing something.

Important note: a highly primative person can be a doctor of science, an academician, and a low primative person can be a complete ignoramus. However, Alexander Sviyash nevertheless makes a reservation: among low-primative people, there are still very few frankly stupid people ...

Sexual signs of men with well-developed instincts

INhighly primative people in love are hot and able. True, highly primative people usually have an abundance of partners ...

Low primative men
I also want sex. But not with everyone accessible women, but with one chosen one for your mind and heart. Low primative men won't comb stone jungle in search of a lover. They are focused on calm, open, trusting relationships with one and only (well, two!) Women.

Who are the primates and "wise men" looking for?

Primates are ideally looking for a virgin. Women's innocence is an attribute that is very important in a highly primative community and completely meaningless in a "smart" environment. It is very important for a male primate to get, in his eyes this is a huge bonus.

A reasonable man is unlikely to decide on a serious relationship (read - marriage) without making sure that he is good in bed with this woman. And female innocence for him is an extra problem.

The main mistake of women

“Women are not used to paying attention to the primativity of a partner and when communicating with a man they like, they use standard marital behavioral strategies. That is, they flirt and create barriers to access their bodies,” writes Alexander Sviyash.

In almost all attractiveness courses, teachers advise choosing the tactics “He is the hunter, and I am the game” as the main seduction strategy. Alas, this strategy is only win-win for highly primative men! Obstacles only inflame such a man and cause a desire to achieve the goal at any cost. The more actively the "game" escapes, the higher the temperature of the blood in the veins of the "hunter".

Alas, having achieved his goal, a highly primative man does not enjoy the victory for very long ... If he managed to get married, he sends his soul mate to the kitchen, and he himself - sorry, "the pipe is calling." If the march of Mendelssohn has not sounded, the primacy disappears ...

Coquetry - a woman's weapon? Yes, if the man is a primate.

A low-primative man makes a rational conclusion: “To be flirtatious means to be hypocritical. It is hardly worth expecting openness and sincerity from her, it's time to dump. It’s a pity, of course, she seems to be a good young lady, but ... the soul does not lie. Yes, it is difficult for a low-primative soul of a man to accept standard

Rita look ... this video .. you will find out interesting

Margo Rita, because experiences lead to one's own truth and experience. If there are no experiences, a person will be weak before life. Like a flower in a greenhouse. A flower that has survived both cold and heat, drought and heavy rains with lightning and even hail. It is very viable, strong and even has a special smell. Greenhouse flowers often do not smell. Because few people pollinate them. A wild flower, he communicates with many. And dragonflies and flies and bumblebees and bees, wasps and even grasshoppers. And how many bugs and spiders, not counting butterflies. Therefore, a wild flower is beautiful from any side. (IMHO) Both externally and internally healing. He is spiritually filled. If I may say so. The truth is, I didn't listen. What is Sviyash broadcasting in the video.

And this means that, contrary to our standard ideas, almost half of men are focused on long-term relationships, do not accept coquetry, and generally tend to behave differently than we expect. (copy)

Anyut, but the person is to blame for driving himself into these endless experiences, isn't it? I know people who literally went through "HELL" (I'll put it in quotation marks), so that it would be clear what kind of "horrors" he went through. I also went through exorbitant fears, I seem to be mentally healthy ...

An important note: a highly primative person can be a doctor of science, an academician, and a low primative person can be a complete ignoramus. However, Alexander Sviyash nevertheless makes a reservation: among low-primative people, there are still very few frankly stupid people ...

Highly primative people are those whose instincts prevail over reason. The main life motto of such people is “Love everything that moves”. Mass residence of such people is observed, for example, in our friendly Georgia. (Alexander Sviyash emphasizes that the abundance of highly primative people is typical for countries with difficult conditions for survival; prosperous Europe has long been giving birth to predominantly low primative people).

Highly primative people in love are ardent and know how to please their partner. True, highly primative people usually have an abundance of partners ...

Yes .. so Sviyash writes how to get out of this garbage pit .. shows the way ... but it’s impossible to carry anyone in your arms ... But it would be nice ...

If there are no experiences, a person will be weak before life.

If a person lives all the time, then he will die from mental exhaustion ... One thing is experience ... another thing is endless chewing of this experience ... especially if it turned out to be painful ..

How many low primative men are there in the world? There are slightly more highly primative men, in whom instincts prevail over reason, than “wise men”: 55% against 45.

Who are the primates and "wise men" looking for? Primates are ideally looking for a virgin. Women's innocence is an attribute that is very important in a highly primative community and completely meaningless in a "smart" environment. It is very important for a male primate to get a female that no one else has used, in his eyes this is a huge bonus.

Is coquetry a woman's weapon? Yes, if the man is a primate. A low-primative man makes a rational conclusion: “To be flirtatious means to be hypocritical. It is hardly worth expecting openness and sincerity from her, it's time to dump. It’s a pity, of course, she seems to be a good young lady, but ... the soul does not lie. Yes, it is difficult for the low-primative soul of a man to accept the standard female tricks.

Low primative men also want sex. But not with all available women, but with one chosen one for your mind and heart. Low primal men will not scour the stone jungle in search of a beloved. They are focused on a calm, open, trusting relationship with a single (well, well - with two!) Women.

The main mistake of women “Women are not used to paying attention to the primativity of a partner and when communicating with a man they like, they use standard marital behavioral strategies. That is, they flirt and create barriers to access their bodies,” writes Alexander Sviyash.

The main characteristic of a low-primative man is the predominance of mind over instinct. They will think a hundred times before doing something.

In almost all attractiveness-building courses, teachers advise choosing the tactic “He is the hunter, and I am the game” as the main seduction strategy. Alas, this strategy is only win-win for highly primative men! Obstacles only inflame such a man and cause a desire to achieve the goal at any cost. The more actively the "game" escapes, the higher the temperature of the blood in the veins of the "hunter".

A reasonable man is unlikely to decide on a serious relationship (read - marriage) without making sure that he is good in bed with this woman. And female innocence for him is an extra problem.

Sexual signs of men with well-developed instincts

Alas, having achieved his goal, a highly primative man does not enjoy the victory for very long ... If he managed to get married, he sends his soul mate to the kitchen, and he himself - sorry, "the pipe is calling." If the march of Mendelssohn has not sounded, the primacy disappears ...

A mature man. Version 1.0 Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

Ranks of men

Ranks of men

Consider the hierarchy of a tribe consisting of a large number of individuals of both sexes, taking into account this sexual heterogeneity. The first thing that fundamentally distinguishes him from the family is that the tribe has a fairly powerful buffer part, there are many men in the tribe. That is, the loss of an individual male is not so dangerous for the survival of the tribe as a whole, and this will not affect reproduction in any way, there will always be a male inseminator. Second, the tribe is heterogeneous. There are strong and weak, stupid and smart, and so on. But what is much more important for further narration is that there are high-ranking and low-ranking, high-primative and low-primative ones.

(Natural tribal hierarchy with sexual substructures)

The hierarchical structure of the male part is similar to the structure of the herd - pyramidal. The position in the hierarchical pyramid (rank) is determined by the overall viability of the individual. In an ancient tribe, this viability is determined, as in the human herd, by ranking potential plus physical data and aggressiveness. Although the pyramid is supported not only due to the rigidity of dominance, but also due to rational motivation, and due to the altruism of the lower layers.

At the very top of the pyramid of power is the leader- the most aggressive and strong warrior. He is the quickest wielding his stone axe, so challenging his power is fraught with trouble. Psychologists call such a man "alpha". Ethologists call such a male high-ranking. Below the leader are the strongest and most aggressive warriors of a lower rank, the middle-ranking “gammas”, but they have a real chance to take the place of the leader if something happens. Even lower are all the rest, low-ranking “omegas”, who may not even dream of a leader’s position, but dream and strive to become middle-ranking.

High-ranking ones get bigger and better loot pieces. Women love them. Since we are here considering the biological foundations of our species and instinctive behavioral programs, then it will be more logical and convenient to use the terminology of ethologists who study animal instincts.

Signs of HIGH RANK (VR) according to Protopopov

High self-esteem, tendency to underestimate others

Faith in your infallibility, no doubt

Resolute concern for your comfort, health and safety

Optimism, confidence in the future

Boastfulness, self-satisfaction

The tendency to make decisions quickly, without much deliberation.

The ability to act regardless of the opinions and problems of others, asociality


High threshold of guilt

Painful perception of criticism, difficulties with self-criticism

Decisiveness, enterprise, initiative, perseverance

Great professional, social and property ambitions

Organizational skills

Openness, shamelessness, extraversion

Stubbornness, obsession, conflict initiative, selfishness

Conflict resilience

sexual success

Signs of LOW RANK (NR) according to Protopopov

Low self-esteem, tendency to form an inferiority complex

Ability to tolerate inconvenience, discomfort, and unsafe living conditions

Tendency to pessimism and depression; uncertainty about the future

Indecisiveness, long reflections before making decisions.

Dependence on the opinions of others, fear of offending someone, reflexivity

Low threshold of awareness of one's guilt, shame (the feeling of guilt arises at the slightest provocation)

Willingness to be satisfied with the status quo, conformism

Lack of great career and property ambitions

Low organizational skills

Altruism, self-sacrifice, self-criticism

secretiveness, introversion

Shyness, compliance, modesty, timidity, law-abiding

Touchiness and scrupulousness

Sexual failure.

This pyramidal hierarchical structure is copied to this day, for example, in the Russian army. The rank of a male in the hierarchy is determined by certain signs on shoulder straps, and the rank and file are artificially humiliated, tortured and deprived of the opportunity to have sex in order to bring down ranking ambitions and force them to obey unquestioningly.

Women are, as it were, a little on the sidelines, not clearly entering the male hierarchy and not clearly forming their own clear hierarchical structure. And at the same time they keep close to their men. But when it is necessary to throw a scandal to men, they quickly unite. The female community forms the reproductive core of the tribe, so it is unusually close-knit. And not only psychologically, but even physiologically. In the women of the group, even ovulation is synchronized. And they all stare at the leader and strong warriors. And none of them like weak men. This has a deep biological meaning. The offspring must be viable, so the father must be a strong viable man. The weak and unviable should not multiply, even despite the excess of women. Therefore, in many, including some modern cultures, polygamy is practiced. A viable (and therefore rich) man has many women and children from them. The communities of many animals are organized in a similar way. Strong males have harems, while weak ones have no chance of mating with a female.

Everything is logical and rational from a biological point of view. While the tribe remained small, all the instincts of people corresponded exactly to their biological purpose and real way of life. Therefore, the majority in the tribe still consisted of strong and rather aggressive men with high ranking potential and behavior controlled by these instincts. Simply put, they did not really think about the meaning of life and other high matters, but lived in a simple way. They did what they wanted. And they wanted what instinct dictated. Since the desires and emotions of a person are nothing more than a manifestation of the instincts that control this person.

People who live by instincts, that is, desires and emotions, are called highly primative. Those who live by reason are low primative.

We will be especially interested in the high-ranking, low-primative members of our tribe. Psychologists designate such a man with the letter "beta". These are the men who think more with their heads than trust their emotions. This is either a shaman or a skilled hunter who prefers the excitement of the hunt to the struggle for the leader's position.

In an ancient tribe, there were few high-ranking low-primatives, since the instinct corresponded to the way of life, and it was more profitable for an ancient person to be highly primative. In addition, the highly primative high-ranking leader did not like the low-primative high-ranking leader, whose male hierarchical instinct saw him as a competitor. After all, both the shaman and a good, prolific hunter enjoyed great authority among their fellow tribesmen, had their own opinions and interests, which inevitably undermined the authority of the leader and led to conflicts with him. But since both the shaman and the prolific hunter were very much needed by the leader and did not particularly claim his place, the leader tolerated them in small quantities. Well, the female instinct of women could not understand why they were not like everyone else, and took low primativity for a low rank. That is, not all women were able to love them. There were few of them in the primitive tribe, quite a few ... However, later, as the society grew larger, the role of the low-primatives sharply increased, they multiplied and formed the basis of civilization.

All this is very important for our further narration, so the reader must remember all these terms and their meaning, at least in a simplified way, they will occur very often in the text. Moreover, the understanding of the further text is unthinkable without knowledge of these terms:

Male types:

high ranking - self-confident, successful, authoritative, cool.

low rank - a weakling and a loser.

highly primative - living only emotions and desires (instincts).

Low Primitive - capable of rational behavior, able to oppose reason and calculation to emotions and desires (instincts).

Rank Potential- the ability to become high-ranking.

Medium-ranking combine the qualities of high-ranking and low-ranking in different proportions. transitional form. When interacting with low-ranking ones, they behave like high-ranking ones. When interacting with high-ranking ones, it is similar to low-ranking ones.

Now read the meanings of the terms at least 5 more times to better remember them. It is important. And bookmark this page in case you forget. I promised not to abuse scientific terminology. But without these key concepts, further narration is simply unthinkable. They are the basis for understanding the structure of human societies, evolution, history and gender relations.

Let us make a reservation right away that no matter how low-primative a person is, he is not able to completely suppress instincts with his mind. Only to some extent. Highly primative - not capable at all. Moreover, instincts can turn off the mind. Then they say that a person acts spontaneously, in a state of passion, on a whim, overwhelmed by passions, emotions, stupidly, etc. If instinct blocks a person’s information input channels, they say that a person is stupid. For example, a highly primative child may not perceive information from a teacher, since the child's hierarchical instinct does not consider the teacher to be sufficiently authoritative and high-ranking. But it is worth raising the authority of the teacher or introducing elements of the game into learning, as the blocking is removed, and the child begins to perceive information normally. That is, if you take into account the game of instincts, then they can be controlled. For example, the mind of a man says that you need to lose weight. But it is very difficult to suppress the food instinct with reason. There is a wish. In this case, you can make the installation that you need to lose weight in order to please young women. In this case, a strong sexual instinct works against the food instinct. Therefore, losing weight is easier. These methods are used by psychology and psychotherapy. If instincts interact with a weak mind, then this is called stupidity. If with a strong mind - emotionality.

High-ranking highly primative:

Violent, self-confident, untrainable, uncontrollable, constantly proving that he is right in a fight.

In ancient times - the leader. Nowadays, either an alcoholic and a loser, or a bandit.

High rank low primative:

Confident smart strong male. In ancient times, a shaman or a good hunter.

Today - a successful businessman, boss or highly paid specialist.

Low rank high primative:

A loser, a coward and a bastard.

Six. At all times.

Low rank low primative:

A coward and a weakling, but a trainable one.

In the ancient world - food for tigers. In the modern world, a lifelong petty clerk.

So, an ancient small tribe consisted mainly of highly primative individuals with a relatively high rank potential and controlled by innate instinctive behavioral programs of both the level of a human herd and the level of a tribe with a paired internal structure. Instinctive programs were formed in the conditions of life of a small community of people surrounded by wild nature, and they corresponded to the same conditions. The main differences between the set of human instincts at the level of an ancient tribe and herd instincts are the appearance of weak altruistic instincts, elements of innate morality, low primativity, as well as the instincts of interaction between a male and a female in a stable pair.

Everything that is described in this chapter, all the qualities, elements of behavior and the foundations of relationships that have been formed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of our kind and over tens of thousands of years of evolution of our species, which are necessary for human survival, were genetically fixed in the form of innate instincts. It will be difficult for you to believe this, and at the same time, a simple truth is obvious to any biologist:


Well, there, the loincloth began to be called a miniskirt, sewn from a different material and decorated in a different way. And the mammoths have already been eaten. And everything else is still. That is, everything that we just peeped with such interest in the tribe of our ancestors is enshrined in our instincts (innate biological programs) to this day. Our entire civilized life today consists of pieces of these programs, and the mind, upbringing and education only serve and slightly correct their work.

It is important for us to understand one very important thing for further presentation:

Our biological species was formed when people lived in small communities. Family, small tribe. That is, in our innate instincts, the behavioral stereotypes necessary for survival in a family or a small group surrounded by wildlife in an environment of danger and lack of food are fixed. Since then, we ourselves and our instincts have not changed, only the conditions of existence have changed. And instincts - do not correspond to the changed conditions of existence. In other words, desires and emotions control us as if we live in a primitive world, but in reality around the 21st century and technogenic civilization.

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CI) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (RA) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (TE) of the author TSB

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ENVY AND RANKS At the same time, the system is well conceived. There are more than enough incentives to serve and curry favor. Selfish motives, unlike fear, have the widest possibilities to be fed from the tables of ranks and titles. The feeling of envy is inherent in almost everyone

From book encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Take care of the men! The title of the article (Literaturnaya gazeta. 1968. July 24) by the famous Soviet demographer Boris Tsezarevich Urlanis (1906-1981). In it, he showed that in the USSR the mortality rate among men is noticeably higher than among women, and he gave his analysis of this phenomenon. As reported

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Primativity is an indicator that shows how strongly innate instincts are manifested in human behavior - the flock instinct, the instinct of procreation and the survival instinct. Highly primative people in their behavior are mainly based on instincts. Low-primitive, rational people in their behavior rely mainly on reason and logical reasoning.

Most people rely on both instinct and reason when making decisions. But the ratio of reason to instincts can be different.

The task of the test is precisely to help you understand how rational and how instinctive you are. This will help you better understand the hidden motives behind your behavior and your relationships with other people.

Test for men


Self-assessment in points


Do you have a lot of hair on your body? The question applies only to the representatives of the white race.

If you have hair all over your body, including your back, then put 10. If the hair grows only on the head and pubis, and everything else is clean, then put 2. If there is vegetation on the body, but not very much, choose an intermediate value. Long hair, beard, mustache - add a couple of points.

Do you like extreme sports, risk to life, thrills?

If you can't live without it, put a 10. If you avoid it, put a 1 or 2. The rest is in between.

Are family relationships, constant communication with relatives, friends, helping them important to you?

If very important, put 10. If not important at all - 1. In other cases, rate the importance of this indicator for yourself in the range from 2 to 10.

Can you control your emotions or can they overwhelm you and control your actions? How about jealousy?

If you are super emotional (or jealous) and often cannot control your behavior, then put 10. If you are not emotional, then 3.

If loneliness gives you pleasure, then put 1 or 2. If you definitely need people, you don’t feel good without them, put 10. In other cases, rate the importance of this indicator for yourself in the range from 2 to 10.

Can you control your food (drinking, smoking, drugs, gambling)? Or do you do it in excess and then berate yourself for it?

If you freely control the amount of food consumed (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling), then put 2. If you cannot control these processes at all, then put 9 or 10. In other cases, rate the importance of this indicator for yourself in the range from 2 to 10.

Are you in control of your sexual desires, or sexual attraction completely captivates you?

If you do not have excessive sexuality, then put 2. If you are super sexy and think only about sex, put 10. In other cases, rate the importance of this indicator for yourself in the range from 2 to 10.

Do you like hunting, fishing? And this is not about a trip for relaxation or meditation, but for prey. That is, you are completely focused and at any cost wants to get yourself fish or meat.

If you always strive to get as much as possible more fish or game, this is very important for you, then put 10. If you go fishing or hunting just for the sake of communicating with friends or nature, then put 4. If you are far from these entertainments, then put 2. In other cases, evaluate the importance of this indicator for yourself between 2 and 10.

Do you like to eat dishes prepared from living creatures - live fish, crayfish, freshly killed game, meat with blood, etc.?

If you are happy to choose live fish, crayfish, poultry, etc., and are happy to eat food prepared from them, then put yourself a 9. If you are a staunch vegetarian or do not eat anything that has eyes, then put 1. In other cases rate the importance of this indicator for yourself on a scale of 2 to 10.

Is it important for you to belong to any nation, nationality, clan, religion, party?

If you are very concerned about national, religious or party issues, you consider yourself an expert in this, then put yourself a 9. If you are not at all interested in your nationality, religiosity, partisanship, you are far from it - put yourself a 2. In other cases, rate for yourself The importance of this indicator is in the range from 2 to 10.


Test for women


Self-assessment in points


Are family relationships, constant communication with relatives, children, helping them important to you?

If very important, put 9. If not important at all - 1. In other cases, rate the importance of this indicator for yourself in the range between 1 and 10.

Can you control your emotions or can they overwhelm you and control your actions?

If you are super emotional and often cannot control your behavior, then put 10. If not emotional, then 1. The rest is in between.

Is it important for you to have your children?

If it’s very, you can’t imagine life without children, then put 9. If you don’t need them at all, then put 1.

Can you for a long time to be alone, or do you definitely need the company of other people?

If loneliness gives you pleasure, then put 1 or 2. If you definitely need people, you don’t feel good without them, put 9.

Can you control what you eat (drinking, smoking, sex) or do you gorge yourself and then berate yourself for it?

If you freely control the amount of food consumed (drinks, cigarettes, drugs), then put 1. If you can not control this process at all, then put 9 or 10.

Do you have an unconscious craving for miracles, divination, clairvoyance, astrologers and other mysticism?

If you are very interested in this, you cook in it and constantly use magical rituals, fight evil eye and damage, then set yourself 10. If you are far from this and treat mysticism with humor, set yourself 2.

Are you a religious person?

If you are very religious, perform all the rites of your church and sincerely do not understand non-believers, then put 8. If you are an atheist, then put 1.

Are there unreasonable fears, forebodings, disturbing dreams and other incomprehensible phenomena in your life?

If you are constantly overcome by incomprehensible fears, premonitions, you are trying to interpret your dreams, then put 8. If you have fears, but you clearly understand where they came from (strong fear, etc.), then put 4. If fears and premonitions are alien you, put 1.

Is marriage a very important part of your life?

If you can't imagine a single life, it loses all meaning for you, then put 9. If you have a lot of interesting things to do, and you are completely calm about whether you are married or not, then put 2.

Is belonging to a family, clan, nation, nationality, party, religion important to you?

If you clearly position your national or religious affiliation, and are fully guided by their norms, then put yourself a 9. If you are not at all interested in the nationality and religiosity of you and your loved ones, then put yourself a 2.


Insert in the middle columnthe value of the indicator that reflects your Current state and behavior. Then press the "CALCULATE" button and you will get your approximate primativity score.

Learn more about primativity

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« Actually, this feature of the human psyche has long been taken into account by scientists., and they even introduced a special term for it -"primative" . The meaning of this word is very similar to "instinctive". This is not primitiveness, but precisely primativity, which comes from the word "primacy", that is, predominance. Or from the word "primates", in the sense of monkeys. Which also fits here. Therefore, it can be said that“primativity” is the degree of expression of instinctive patterns of behavior in relation to rational . To put it very roughly, the more primative a person is, the closer he is toby your behavior to animals.

At first glance, it may seem that the sample of primativity is an underdeveloped and uneducated man , overgrown with hair, foul-smelling, loud and non-literary expressing his unpretentious thoughts, constantly eating and drinking something and covetous any passing past the woman. A familiar example, isn't it?

Whereas a person with absent primativity is a well-pressed and elegant man in a strict suit and glasses, with three higher educations, with a thoughtful intellectual face and a leather briefcase with business or scientific papers. Or with a laptop.

It's almost like that, but oh no at all. In fact, the degree of primatiality almost does not depend on the level of education of a person . That is, there can be a highly primative academician and a low-primative (that is, highly rational) janitor (although, of course, in fairness it must be said that the opposite is much more often the case).Primativity is manifested in the extent to which a person's behavior, regardless of his consciousness, is influenced by innate instincts. . And this sometimes depends little on the level of education, the social environment in which the person lives, the position held and other factors.

People encourage instincts

Let us return to the question of how society relates to the animal nature in behavior of a person . It seems that he does not approve, since cruelty, rudeness, intemperance in desires, gluttony (remember: “Well, you are an animal!”), Arrogance(“Stop like a donkey!”),excessive sexual concern ("March cat", "male"), vindictiveness and other not very pleasant qualities.

That is, people, it seems, should not behave like animals, but should be guided in their behavior by moral norms., moralityand other reasonable rules accepted in this society, which clearly do not encourage the manifestations of animal instincts.

But let's imagine a group of women discussing a young mother who is very attached to the child and has devoted all her thoughts and actions to him:"This is a good mother, she has strong maternal instinct. Such a mother is a model for others!

And there goes another mother, a bad one. She gave the baby to a nanny two months after giving birth and went to work herself. She does not think about the child at all, she does not have maternal feelings, well, is it possible! And that woman over there is absolutely terrible, she doesn’t want to have children at all!”

Familiar stereotypes, right? That is, in general being an animal is not good, but having such a maternal instinct is wonderful!

And what about our sport, all built on the idea of ​​achieving victory at any cost? Doesn't it feed the survival instinct in the form of fighting forhighest place in the sports hierarchy? And endless action films, what instincts of the audience do they please? Is it an important part of our life? And is there a lot of reasonable and human eskogo?

So in reality people who declared themselves as beings who manage their lives with the help of reason (homo sapiens - a reasonable person), cling to instincts with all their might, encourage and develop them. They encourage their animal nature, although they declare the need to live intelligently and consciously.

This is our world, and you need to live in it a whole life, and preferably with pleasure.

What is instinct?

But now you can ask what is this very instinct, which clearly betrays an animal origin in a person. Or, on the contrary, the process of movement from a rational being to an animal?Judging by the events taking place in the world, these two processes are taking place simultaneously.

It must be said that modern science does not like to discuss the topic instincts , because she has not yet been able to draw up a single classification or give a definition of instinct that suits everyone.

At first, there were five or ten instincts, and then the number reached several hundred. After all, to instinct am people refer to phenomena of a completely different order. For example, we instinctively withdraw our hand when we touch a hot surface. And instinctively shrink, concentrate in moments of danger.

On the other hand, we also perform the process of breathing, controlling the muscles of the body during movement, not consciously, but instinctively, but these are completely different instincts.

On the third hand, we can talk about the instinct of procreation, the instinct of motherhood, the leadership instinct - these are not at all the internal mechanisms that control breathing.

Here m We will consider only those phenomena that are indicated in the third variant. That is those complex processes that influence a person's behavior apart from his consciousness, forcing him to attach great importance to certain values ​​and priorities and to take actions arising from this choice.These processes are unconscious, that is, they do not come from the human mind (here we mean the rational component of human thinking), but from some other centers that a person initially recognizes as very important.

Wewe willconsideringbejust a few instincts

. procreation instinct , consisting in unconscious the craving of people to produce offspring. And this is not about sex, but about the desire to have children.

. herd (herd) instinct , which consists in an unconscious desire to belong to some group (flock), where a person feels safe. The same instinct determines the position of a person in society, his place in the hierarchy of people;

. instinct for self-preservation (survival) , which consists in an unconscious desire to survive at any cost in case of danger (can be suppressed by will and internal attitudes). Another form of manifestation this instinct - an unconscious desire to help a blood brother - another person who is in danger or suffering, that is, mercy;

. leadership instinct - an unconscious desire to occupy the highest possible position in society (in its sphere and at its level), where it is safer and more tidbits of all kinds of benefits are obtained. Here, another form of manifestation of this instinct is also possible - the desire to protect the weaker ones, to take responsibility for their life and well-being.

It's understandable that this list could draw the ire of an instinct specialist.(ethologist) , but we will not claim this honorary title. For further reasoning, what we have indicated is enough for us (and if these instincts are not enough, then we will add more).

When is a person intelligent?

If a person is a dual unity of an animal and a rational principle, then is it possible to distinguish when a person is controlled by a reasonable the beginning, and when - the animal? Usually e These states are easily distinguishable.

If you find in a situation whereyou have enough knowledge, information and time to assess the current situation and make an informed decision, then most often your behavior is reasonable. This is the reasonable behavior of a housewife in the kitchen, a worker in a factory, a director of an enterprise in his office and so on.They perform more or less standard actions according to predetermined rules, nothing threatens them and does not cause much anxiety, so instincts are not in demand.

But if you have just been appointed director, and this position is new and disturbing for you, then instinctive safety mechanisms may be activated unconsciously in you. Which will manifest themselves, for example, in the desire to surround themselves with “safe” people (relatives, friends, former colleagues), although objectively their business qualities may not meet the necessary requirements.

That is, instincts come to our aid, When we do not have enough information and time to make a reasonable (i.e. rational, rational)solutions. For example, you need to make a decision quickly, and you you can not with your rational mind (no matter how complex it may be) to understand what is happening. Loud sudden sound, unusual vibration, incomprehensible speech or threatening intonations in the voice of a stranger, incomprehensible events around you , lack of necessary information - all this, and many other factors can start us instinctive processes.

In a difficult situationThe mind cannot give an unambiguous assessment of the situation, so it is quickly pushed into the far corner, and it enters into control of a person. e t block Instinct s . First, the survival instinct launches its analyzers for danger - is there a threat to life? Then he offers to either take some action (squint, listen, hide, etc.), or, if there is no direct threat, triggers the following instincts. For example, a herd - a person begins to look for another person - it is safer together. If another person needs help, already the survival instinct makes us rush to help him., and so on.

Instinct helps us survive

That is, it can be stated that instincts help a person survive in a dangerous world . Man is absolutely rational with completely suppressed instincts, he will not live here for long - without receiving the necessary information, he will go without fear to see what kind of incomprehensible noise he heard. A man with instincts would have long ago made his legs from an incomprehensible noise, and this one goes to find out who shot whom and why. Or what was itnoise-like soundfalling wall. And so on.

That is, it turns out that if our world were absolutely safe, if the hot and cold water, electricity, earthquakes and other catastrophes would not occur, there would be no crime - in such a world, instincts are really almost not needed. Unless the instinct of procreation would be useful, and it is easy to replace it with cloning.As you understand, approximately such living conditions exist only in some countries of Europe and in North America. It is so safe there that most of the locals (not migrants from the East) simply have nowhere to apply their instincts. Due to lack of demand, they fade away.

But it is only a small part of our planet. Otherwiseour world is not like that. Someone is constantly fighting in it,fighting for powerthere are lawbreakers ow, are happening catastrophes, earthquakes, accidents and other life-threatening events I - so we need instincts. Relatively speaking, they are needed in order to prolong the existence our body.

The number of catastrophes and other life-threatening events in our world is constantly increasing. Catastrophes are the result of climate change on the planet under the influence of transformative (seemingly intelligent?) activities of people . Smart scientists invent new products, smart entrepreneurs make them, smart consumers buy them. And the planet as a result of this total rationality perishes. But not quickly, but gradually, forcing a person to train and develop his instincts, that is, to become closer to her, Mother Nature (after all, animals are part of Nature).

That is, it looks like today the entire planet (as a single living being) is interested in reducing intelligence of people (in terms of science, engineering and technology)so that they heat it less, litter it, destroy it Natural resources and forests.

In fact, these processes in the world and occur - the number of the population with predominant instinctive behavior is constantly increasing- the population of African and Asian countries is growing and migrating to Europe and America. And the indigenous population of European countries is falling, because low-primative nations do not seek to multiply (the instinct of procreation is sleeping, and Reason does not want to burden life with the troubles of raising children). Such a funny closed process - the faster we are moving forward in terms of science and technology, the faster we get back - to ecological or some other catastrophe, which will again pull out of us the instinctive (read - animal) beginning.

Since primativity is not evaluated in any special units, we will evaluate its value as a percentage.

And vice versa, a person with completely suppressed instincts and guided only by his mind (practically - a walking calculator, a bore) will have a low primativity close to 0%. It is clear that the extreme values real people do not have, most have primatiality in the range from 20 to 80%.

Approximate grades

It is possible to give examples expert opinions the level of primativity of inhabitants of different countries. These will be average estimates in relation to the entire population of the country. Naturally, among this population there will be a certain number of people with much higher and much lower indicators of primativity. Therefore, you do not need to take the figures given as a basis for resentment or other unhappy feelings, be more reasonable and benevolent, even if you are not satisfied with these assessments.

So, the highest rates of primativity are likely to be found in the countries of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. On average, their primativity can be estimated at 75-80%. Residents of the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus (the former republics of the USSR) have an average primativity of 65-70%. The primativity of the inhabitants of Russia can be estimated at 55-60%, and it is decreasing due to the stabilization of the economic and political situation in recent years.

The primativity of the indigenous population of the United States (without African Americans) can be estimated at 40-45%. The primativity of the inhabitants of Europe (excluding southern countries) can be estimated at 20-25%. Expert assessments, since serious studies on this topic have not been conducted.

You already have test results, so you can compare your primativity with the national average. Most likely, it will be somewhat lower than this average value - highly primative people do not like to read such books. They have more interesting things to do - sort things out with people around them, produce children and ensure their survival.

Let us first consider the characteristic features of the behavior of people with high and low primativity. According to them, you yourself will be able to assess the reliability of the above estimates.

Character traits highly primative people

A clear positioning of oneself in the human hierarchy (that is, knowledge of one's place in the community), usually a rather low self-esteem. The need for an external powerful patron who will indicate what needs to be done and protect in case of danger. The unconscious delegation of important decisions to persons occupying a higher position in society (...the master will come, the master will judge us …).

A rigid religion, usually with strict regulation of behavior and harsh punishments for breaking rituals. High emotionality, slight excitability and aggressiveness (sometimes this sign is absent due to the fulfillment of religious prescriptions or the prevailing way of life). The predominance of relations and connections over the law, the use of the law for personal purposes, high corruption(there are exceptions).

High need for family and birtha large number children. High sexuality in men. High need for care e about relatives Strong family ties.Propensity to feast and hospitality. High desire for communication. A strong desire to find their own community and aggressively treat those who do not share the ideas of this community, whether it be an association on national, religious or other grounds. High interest in achieving prey by hunting or fishing. High dependence on pleasure, low resistance to addictions. Expectation of a miracle, high commitment to gambling and drugs with the transition to addiction.

Characteristic features of people with low primatiality

Reliance on oneself and on scientific knowledge, weak dependence on external forces. Low need for religion. The high price of life, respect for any person, tolerance in relationships. Recognition of the rights of any person to his freedom, hence the recognition of same-sex marriages. The predominance of rational thinking over emotions, low emotionality. The predominance of law over relationships and connections, low corruption. Weak family ties, restraint in communication. Weak desire to reproduce the genus. Restraint in emotions, building family relationships with a high degree personal freedom, respect for the rights of a partner. The absence of an unconscious desire to be a member of some community.

How does it manifest

Now d let's see,how differences between people with high and low levels of primatiality can manifest themselves in specific areas of life.


Take such an important part of life as self-esteem, a sense of self-worth, perception of oneself as important element universe.

People with high level of primativity usually live in dangerous environment, in difficult conditions, where their lives are threatened by many dangers. You can die easily, so neither your own nor someone else's life is a serious value. And it is easily sacrificed in the name of various ideas - religious, clan, territorial, to preserve what is considered to be honor in this community, and for many other reasons. It is clear that self-esteem at the same time is quite low, a person tends to live surrounded by people close to him (close by blood, by nationality, by religion, etc.). Once in an unfamiliar environment, he unconsciously (herd instinct) seeks to find people close to him by blood (nationality, place of birth, etc.) and communicate with them. Such communities (fellowships) are created by migrants to Russia from the Caucasus or Central Asia. But exactly the same communities are formed in the countries of Europe or in America by immigrants from Russia. Among compatriots, people find communication, support, a sense of security.

It is convenient to manage highly primative people, since they do not have their own opinion, they delegate the right to make decisions to those who are higher than them in rank (God's viceroy - the head of the religious community, the king, shah, president (if he wants to call himself that), boss, commander , etc.). They are ready to take any means of governing them for granted, therefore dictatorships or monarchies prevail, where power is inherited.

Since people have low self-esteem, they seek protection and help from some external forces, not relying on themselves. Therefore, in such countries there is a high demand for religion, and a rigid religion that clearly prescribes all the steps in a person's life. If the religion is not so rigid, then it is popular to seek help from various kinds of sorcerers, shamans, clairvoyants or magicians.

Highly primative people usually have little faith in the possibility of changing the situation on their own, so they have high faith in the Miracle. Hence the high popularity of all kinds of drawings and lotteries, gambling. Moreover, since the rational principle is poorly developed, and faith in the Miracle is high, people cannot stop in their gambling aspirations (including cravings for alcohol and drugs). Understanding this national peculiarity, religious and secular authorities usually impose strict bans on gambling, alcohol and drugs.

In low primative communities, where people make conscious decisions, the situation is quite different. Here, each person feels like a Personality with certain rights and his own opinion. It is difficult for such people to impose some kind of choice, because they are used to thinking and making decisions themselves. It is clear that with the help of massive influence through television using modern psycho-technologies, some solution can be imposed on them, but this will not last long. After a while, they will figure out the deception and call to account whoever manipulated them, regardless of their position. Such examples, when politicians of any rank, even the highest, are put on trial, we periodically see in developed democracies.

This is not possible in highly primative countries. And not because there is no democracy, but because there are other people. An attempt to impose a democratic model of government on a country with a highly primative population leads to more than sad results. The real masters of the country, using democratic tools, ensure their victory in the elections and continue to rule, already having the status of a “civilized” society.” Until the self-esteem and self-awareness of the population reaches a certain level (primativeness of the population does not decrease to 40-45%), democratic forms will cover clan (herd) relations.


Primativity has a huge impact on family relationships, dictating the family model and the behavioral strategies of men and women.

For example, the instinct of procreation makes men unconsciously strive to sleep (create offspring) with the maximum number women. On a conscious levelthey are only interested in sexunconscioushighly primative maleseeks to assert himself as a male - the owner of all the females of the pack.

E the same instinct makes womenat any cost to start a family and have children (to continue the race). When choosing a husband, a woman unconsciously seekschoose the highest-ranking (in terms of instinct, not reason!) man, and become his wife (or mistress). High-ranking - that is, occupying a high status in society (in a pack).

But if then the man does not live up to expectations women ( turns out to be weak, unsuccessful, penniless), his rank in the eyes of a woman falls sharply (love passes). ABOUTcools off towards him and directs his attention to another, again high-ranking(in relation to her status) a man. These processes are described in great detail in the work of V. Protopopov "Treatise on love from the point of view of a terrible bore"and in the book "Counsel to Married, Rejected and Longing to Be Married"}

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