Maria Shukshina: biography, personal life, children, husband. Does not tolerate weak men. Three novels by Maria Shukshina Life is theater

Sometimes in life one incident can change its further course forever: you fell in love, did not go to a meeting that had been planned for a long time, but went to a completely different place and, thus, changed the situation radically. Any situation and a person’s movement in a certain direction is a step towards building one’s destiny. It is not without reason that they say that each of us is the architect of our own happiness. Sometimes it happens that non-public, ordinary people, meet a celebrity on their way and find themselves in their environment of communication, hobbies and other things. Many people can’t even imagine what it’s like to be from common man immediately become an object of close attention and discussion. Those who live in a creative or bohemian environment from birth have long adapted to it and have acquired immunity, while others who have seen such a life only on TV or leafing through magazines sometimes find it difficult to plunge into the unknown.

Who are we talking about?

Artem Tregubenko is an ordinary Soviet boy, of whom there are millions, but who became the husband of a young girl born into a family of popular artists of the Russian Federation. The article will talk about everything related to the personal life, studies, relationships of Artem and his famous wife, and we will also try to touch on all family members of the popular Shukshin family, with whom fate so closely connected a simple translator from the capital.

A few words about the famous acting family

Vasily Shukshin and Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina are, without a doubt, legendary figures in the history of Soviet cinema. Shukshin himself was revered both in the theater and in the cinema, considered one of the most talented personalities of the era. The whole country watched the films “Kalina Krasnaya” and “Stoves-Benches” with bated breath, empathizing with the simple village heroes. Their fates were so similar to the lives of millions of Soviet citizens that everyone, without exception, saw themselves, their parents or friends in the heroes. All because Vasily Shukshin is from the people. He conveyed the mood so accurately, charged with his energy that passed through the screen, that any viewer believed the actor as himself.

Girls who knew celebrities and popular people of the elite from childhood

The Shukshin family had two daughters, Masha and Olya, who knew the acting environment from birth, often being either behind the scenes or on the set. By the way, both daughters of the acting couple took part in the filming of the film “Stoves and Benches” when they were very young. Celebrities who visited the family knew the girls from the cradle, so neither Maria nor Olga ever experienced any inconvenience associated with bohemian life or communicating with popular personalities.

Maria Shukshina always had a certain love for the acting profession, but her mother, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina, always dissuaded her daughter from this, noting that even talent may not help without an influential director who would take the aspiring actress under his protection. Perhaps it was for this reason that Masha chose a completely different profession, which had nothing to do with theater and cinema. However, the ways of the Lord are mysterious, and fate decreed otherwise. Subsequently, Maria began acting with famous directors and quickly abandoned the specialty she received at the institute, devoting her life to television.

Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Maurice Thorez - fate or coincidence?

After finishing school I entered college foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez. This is precisely the choice she made for herself in order to protect herself from failure in the profession, considering translators to be in demand, and work in her specialty to be quite prestigious. A smart and cheerful guy from Moscow, Artem Tregubenko, entered the same institute, and the same faculty. He ended up in the same group with the daughter of famous Soviet actors. brought together young people who were completely different in everything. At first, Shukshina and Tregubenko found themselves in a common company, and only after some time did the young people pay attention to each other. According to the recollections of the couple’s close friends, and the young lovers themselves, the institute years were incredibly fun and positive. Frequent fees with a guitar, wine and jokes that never stopped for a second, made the atmosphere lively and unforgettable. There was a lightness then, which is sometimes greatly lacking with age.

Shukshina’s first husband: reliable biography facts

But to continue the story about the lovers, it is worth saying a few words about the young man. Artem Tregubenko, as mentioned above, is an ordinary guy from Moscow who, by luck, managed to meet a famous girl. Very little is known about him, because after the failed marriage, Shukshina says nothing at all about Artem, and he, in turn, disappeared from the field of view of journalists, trying once again not to be seen. There is very little information, but still something is known about Tregubenko. He was born on November 14, 1966 in the capital. He grew up like many Soviet children, but with early age was fond of foreign languages ​​and had a passion for studying them. That's why choosing him future profession was obvious.

A romantic relationship that led a couple of young people to marriage

So, when Artem Tregubenko turned his attention to the modest and timid girl Masha, the young people were already in their 3rd year at the institute. Their romance was swift, and by the middle of the next course the couple got married. The celebration was purely student-style: cheerful, reckless and long-lasting. The first day of the wedding ended well after midnight, or to be more precise, at 5 o'clock in the morning. At first family life brought young people exclusively positive emotions, but then everything turned sour, although the couple had no reason for disagreement. Shukshina’s husband Artem Tregubenko supported his wife in every possible way and, according to the assurances of the couple’s friends, even overprotected her.

Family life is a fiasco

After graduating from the institute and both spouses receiving diplomas, Maria Shukshina became pregnant, and a daughter, Anna, was born into the family of young people in 1989. However, such a joyful event did not bring the couple closer, but, on the contrary, separated them. A series of omissions and misunderstandings led to the family breaking up. For a long period by that time already ex-husband Maria Shukshina Artem Tregubenko was excommunicated from her. However, the woman subsequently softened and, in her own words, allowed the girl to meet with her father. In one of the interviews, Shukshina shared that she is now in great relationship He communicates with his first husband and his daughter Anna constantly.

An ordinary person out of a billion like him, but with a sense of tact and dignity

After breaking up with a famous girl, Artem Tregubenko’s personal life remained sealed. Shukshina refuses to comment not only on the reason for the breakup, but also to tell anything about her ex-husband. They say that Tregubenko himself was always tactful and well-mannered, so he, like Maria, never commented on what was happening, and then completely disappeared from the press. On its pages in in social networks there is not a single photograph together with his daughter, so it remains a big mystery whether he communicates with Anna. Reliable fact, which marks the biography of Artem Tregubenko, is that he, as before, works in his specialty, travels a lot around the world, but has never acquired a wife or children.

Anna - daughter of Tregubenko and Shukshina

The daughter of Tregubenko and Shukshina decided to continue family tradition and followed in the footsteps of her grandfather Vasily, enrolling in directing. Anna, like her mother, got married early. Moreover, in some ways she even repeated her fate: the girl’s chosen one was her peer, whom she met in the company of close friends at a student party. Konstantin immediately managed to win Anna over and already in 2013 the young people got married. Their celebration was quite modest, only close relatives and friends of the newlyweds were present. However, according to the press, the girl’s father was not at the wedding.

The wedding of daughter Shukshina and Tregubenko fell in the middle school year, and the young people at that moment were still students, so they went on their honeymoon some time later. IN the winter vacation the newlyweds visited Punkaharja in Finland, where in the wilderness, away from prying eyes, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina has property (a small apartment). In 2014, Anna gave birth to a son, who was named Vyacheslav.

Interesting facts about Artem Tregubenko and Maria Shukshina

Although Shukshina herself hides a lot from the public, and her first husband generally leads a secluded life, we still managed to find out some interesting facts about them:

  1. Maria Shukshina has three marriages behind her, and none of them can be called successful. Her first husband, Artem Tregubenko, invited his good friend Alexei Kasatkin, who at the party in honor of the newlyweds did nothing but dance with the bride and entertain her in every possible way. Subsequently, it was he who became Mary’s second husband. Perhaps even then the witness was secretly in love with the bride.
  2. Many who were familiar with famous father Maria Shukshina, they prophesied for her husband creative personality, actor. Artem Tregubenko was not one, and the two spouses after him also had nothing to do with the acting profession. Rather, their path is business.
  3. All children who were born by Maria Shukshina from their husbands were protected in every possible way after the divorce from communicating with their fathers. Maria constantly wanted sole custody and strived to ensure that only the children remained with her. Artem Tregubenko also went through this, as mentioned above, at first Shukshina did not want Anna to communicate with her father. Two subsequent husbands constantly sued the famous mother in order to have the right to communicate with their offspring. It is not at all clear what exactly Maria Shukshina is guided by when trying to limit the presence of natural fathers in the lives of her children.

Tregubenko's real life is unknown to anyone. Conclusions can be drawn from what he shares on social networks. His photos indicate that the man travels a lot.

2017 is the anniversary year wonderful actress and TV presenter Maria Shukshina. It’s hard to believe, but the mother of four children and the grandmother of her grandson from her eldest daughter Anna turned 50. The hero of the article is Maria's ex Boris Vishnyakov, whose biography is interesting due to the fact that he is the father of two younger screens. For a number of years, public attention has been focused on the war waged by the former spouses over the division of children.

What is known about Vishnyakov?

What was Boris Vishnyakov like before he met Shukshina? He was engaged in real estate in Moscow, had a reputable trading company in neighboring Germany, several luxury cars and a yacht, rented a dacha for 13 years and lived in a civil marriage with a certain Elena, with whom he did business together. Sometimes he drowned his failures in alcohol, which led to the fact that in the 4th year life together The common-law spouse had an abortion. Later she was no longer able to become a mother.

After meeting with Shukshina, the alliance with Elena broke up. Vishnyakov left his common-law wife a business in Germany and an apartment in Moscow. But the woman still suffered a severe nervous breakdown and was treated at rehabilitation center, after which she left the country. Only years later they restored their relationship, and Elena forgave ex-spouse. After renewing ties, the woman made a will, according to which all the property that was once joint with Vishnyakov was assigned to his sons.

Fateful meeting with Maria Shukshina

They met in August 2004. By the will of fate, Vishnyakov’s company distributed land in the Moscow region, where Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was allocated a plot for Vacation home. Maria and her mother came to help choose the place where the first meeting with the successful businessman took place. Boris did not immediately manage to win the beauty’s heart. At first there was friendly communication, joint dinners, a trip to Germany. The actress had two not quite behind her successful marriage and two children. She didn’t want to start a family for the third time.

For the first time in his life, Boris Vishnyakov fell in love, falling into severe emotional dependence. With Anya and Makar, Shukshina’s children from two previous marriages, the relationship was good and warm. Soon the couple began their life together, which, by the way, was not cloudless from the very beginning. Maria was busy with her career, raising her older children, and had very little interest in everyday life. Quarrels began. That is why none of the two raised the issue of entering into an official marriage. When it seemed that the couple was ready to separate, and Boris Vishnyakov was faced with a fact: a joint child was about to be born.


And two were born at once - sons Thomas and Foka. Boris Vishnyakov became a father for the first time at the age of forty. The baby's birth date is July 31. This happened in 2005, a year after we met. The last three months before giving birth, Maria felt quite poorly, and during her pregnancy the family lived constantly in the country. Vishnyakov almost did not delve into the affairs of the company. The business began to burst at the seams, and he had to withdraw his share from the company's turnover. He had to get by on his own, but he devoted most of his time to household chores and creating an atmosphere of comfort for Maria. The money was melting, and soon the previously successful businessman began to have financial problems, which the future mother of the children did not want to hear about.

But the appearance of the babies was an all-consuming happiness, and already in the maternity hospital Vishnyakov turned into caring father, swaddling children and helping Maria with everything. The names of the babies were suggested by the confessor, but there was a misunderstanding about the rest. At first there was an agreement that the sons would have their father's surname, but then Maria broke the promise. According to documents, they are Shukshins. Vishnyakov assumes the influence of Lydia Nikolaevna, who has always been an undeniable authority for her daughter.

Period of difficulties

Until she was one year old, Maria did not expect to hire a nanny, which led to the fact that the father began to take care of the children for the most part. To cope with financial problems, Vishnyakov decided to invest in new project, where he attracted funds from Maria and a family friend, actor Alexei Guskov. The money “got burned”, and this caused discord between common-law spouses. At that time, the babies were three months old.

Vishnyakov worked with children for up to a year, and then a nanny appeared in the family, and he turned into a visiting husband and father. Things weren't going well in business; problems were drowned out by alcohol. But having pulled himself together, Boris Vishnyakov (a photo of him with his sons is presented in the article) was able to rent a dacha next door to Mashina and get busy raising his children. He took them to training, introducing them to the sport. The sons played hockey.

The conflict between the spouses escalated due to the fact that Vishnyakov was building a house for Shukshina in the Moscow region, borrowing money from the foreman for his needs. When Maria found out about this, a huge scandal occurred.

War for children

For four and a half years, Vishnyakov worked with children, while Maria more often lived in Moscow and acted in films. At the first request, the father took the children to the capital, giving the mother the opportunity to communicate with them. So, nothing foreshadowed trouble when the ex-wife asked to bring her sons to go with them to the sea. A month and a half later, the father found out that there was no trip, the mother simply took the children for herself, depriving him of the opportunity to communicate with them. The whole of 2011 was spent in scandalous proceedings in the press and on television. And if the woman remained silent, then Boris Vishnyakov, Shukshina’s husband (the photo can be seen below), appeared on all TV channels to draw attention to his problem.

Only one court hearing was enough for a settlement agreement on the father’s participation in raising the twins to be finally drawn up. According to the plaintiff’s lawyer, it is not always fulfilled, so Vishnyakov, a lawyer by training, wrote a statement banning the children from traveling abroad, which gave a new round to the scandalous proceedings.

New novel

In 2016, it became known about the romance between Boris Vishnyakov and Olympic champion Svetlana Zhurova. The State Duma deputy, who is raising two children with tennis player Artyom Chernenko, lives with a businessman in civil marriage on its territory. It is known that she led litigation for the house and alimony from her ex-husband, with which Vishnyakov helped her. According to Chernenko, the sons do not have the best better relationship with my new stepfather.

Today’s article will tell you about an amazing actress, TV presenter and simply amazing woman who won the hearts of many TV viewers with her talent. We will talk about Maria Shukshina, who achieved the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Most people remember Maria as the host of a television program called “Wait for Me.” This program is aimed at those who have been searching for their loved ones with all their might and longing for reunification. By the way, in addition to her work on television, the actress distinguished herself as a caring mother and loving grandmother. Maria has four children and a small grandson.

As expected, recognizable and famous people There is a fan audience that wants to know absolutely a lot about their idols. Our today's heroine is no exception. Fans of the artist’s talent are eager to know the answers to questions such as height, weight, age. How old is Maria Shukshina is an equally popular topic.

So, the actress’s height is 180 centimeters and her weight is 65 kilograms. Maria Shukshina, at the age of 51, has exactly these external characteristics. Photos in his youth and now, are in the depths world wide web, since these materials are publicly available.

In one of the capital's maternity hospitals, the biography of Maria Shukshina began. The girl was born into a family that is directly connected with the film set, the world of theater and cinema. Maria’s debut came at the age of one and a half years, in a cinematic film called “Brother”. And four years later, little Masha and her younger sister Olya took part in the filming of the film, which was called “Bees-Shops”. The next picture took place during my school years. For these roles we should thank her star parents.

Father - Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, worked in the world of cinema. He was a fairly eminent actor, and at the same time an excellent writer, an excellent screenwriter and an unrivaled director in cinema. Mom - Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina, worked as an actress, and at the same time she was very popular, she was recognized both on television screens and on the stage of the theater. The films in which Lydia Nikolaevna took part enjoyed enormous success then, and now they have become masterpieces of Russian cinema.

After our heroine graduated school education, then I decided to apply for foreign language. Her choice fell on the Maurice Thorez Institute, where she chose the specialty of a secretary-translator. After graduating from higher education educational institution, Maria Shukshina worked as a broker for a long time and she didn’t even think that she would return to the world of big cinema.

However, her parents’ genes made themselves felt in the ninetieth year of the twentieth century, Maria took part in the filming of a film called “The Eternal Husband.” From that moment on, Shukshina began to make up for everything she had missed and until 1998 she starred in several films.

Here the actress is invited to take part in a very complex project called “Wait for Me.” The essence of this television show was to reunite people who had lost contact with each other. Shukshina worked on this project for sixteen years.

After this, Maria disappeared from television screens for three years, after which time she appeared in a sitcom called “ Perfect couple" Further roles simply fell on her. The offers came one after another, and the actress saw no reason to refuse.

Interesting fact is that the actress is fluent in three different languages.

Filmography: films starring Maria Shukshina

In addition to her work on television, fans of the actress’s talent are interested in her filmography. Films with the participation of Maria Shukshina in leading role are very popular among the masses. In her arsenal a large number of cinematic films, but among them it is worth highlighting such as “Indigo”, “Alien’s Own”, “Goodbye, Boys” and so on.

The actress worked out her roles very carefully. Basically, these were self-confident heroines, distinguished by a strong will, deep passion and complexity of character. An interesting fact is that while working on a television project called “Wait for Me,” a certain understanding came to Maria. Rather, the realization that everyone experienced the same feelings that the characters in the program experienced.

As soon as the actress gained her fame, she was immediately surrounded by fans who tried to win the beauty’s heart. However, Maria Shukshina’s personal life is quite complicated. The actress did not pay attention to her fans in this way.

But with all this, Maria was not alone, and gave all of herself to the passion that arose with the advent of a new gentleman. Shukshina, without any effort, could turn the head of any man she paid attention to. However, despite all this, she never found well-being. Having children from their spouses, family happiness And peace of mind Maria never found it.

The house and family in which our today's heroine grew up was strong as steel. As mentioned earlier, the actress's father was very versatile and creative person, and my mother is a famous actress. At the age of seven, Masha lost her father, his heart could not stand it, and he left this world.

From that moment on, Maria Shukshina’s family ceased to be complete. By the way, the actress has a younger sister, Olga, who was born when Masha was one year old. Unlike his older sister and parents, she did not follow the acting path and entered a literary university. On this moment, Olga does not maintain relationships with her mother and sister.

For an actress, such a topic as children is a separate universe. The woman believes that children are the greatest happiness in her life. Maria Shukshina's children were born in different marriages, A eldest daughter has a child herself.

The actress has very painful memories with her second child, Makar Kasatkin. At the age of two, the boy was kidnapped, of course his mother contacted law enforcement agencies and after some time the child was found and returned. The actress also has twins; they are currently thirteen years old and studying at school. The actress loves her children very much and tries to devote as much time as possible to them.

For the first time, the actress became pregnant while a student, and the father became a young man who was studying in the same course as our heroine. However, after the child was born, Artem Tregubenko – that is the name of the girl’s biological father – abandoned the family.

Now Maria Shukshina’s daughter, Anna Tregubenko, is raising her own child, who was named Vyacheslav. Anna graduated from VGIK as a producer, and she did it on her own, without using the name of her famous mother. The girl got married and is happily married. In turn, Maria, having become a grandmother, does her best to help raise the child and loves the boy very much.

The actress’s second child was born in 1998 from the union of our heroine and sports manager Alexei Kasatkin. By the way, it was Alexey who was a witness at Maria’s first wedding ceremony. As mentioned earlier, the son of Maria Shukshina, Makar Kasatkin, became a victim of kidnapping. The kidnapper was his own father, whose motives remained shrouded in mystery.

Makar has a rather difficult and daring character, it is because of this that the guy repeatedly ran away from home. He took part in the filming of documentaries dedicated to his family. He is currently studying at the school as a cadet.

In 2004, the actress learned that she was having twins. The sons of Maria Shukshina, Foma and Foka Vishnyakov, were born from a union with her common-law husband Boris Vishnyakov. The man has his own business. However, after the separation, Maria made it clear to Boris that she would not allow him to see the children. But after a certain time, she still allowed him to see his sons.

The boys are hooligans and like two sides of the same coin, Foma first does something, and then thinks about his actions, Foka, on the contrary, thinks through a strategy, and then acts. Only their older sister can cope with these outrages.

Former husband of Maria Shukshina - Artem Tregubenko

In her fourth year of higher education, a young man named Artem had his eye on Maria. They were studying on the same course, the guy courted the actress in every possible way, and she could not resist. That same year, the couple tied the knot.

However, after the couple had a child, everyday problems, quarrels and scandals. After this, Maria Shukshina’s ex-husband, Artem Tregubenko, decided to leave the family. It is not clear what exactly caused this decision, but most likely it was the child who became the stumbling block to the fact that the marriage came apart at the seams.

The actress met her second husband while still at university. As noted earlier, it was he who witnessed the artist’s first marriage. Ten years later, they met again, and after some time they began living together.

After a certain period of time, a child appeared in their family. Maria Shukshina's ex-husband, Alexey Kasatkin, doted on the boy. However, the actress herself decided to leave her husband and take the child with her, while forbidding Alexei from seeing his son. But in the end, she became softer and gave permission to visit the child.

For the third time, the man with whom the actress decided to connect her life was a famous person in the capital. Maria Shukshina's common-law husband, Boris Vishnyakov, was a businessman with a legal education. From the fruit of their love twins were born - Foka and Thomas. It was the father of these children who took upon himself the responsibility of raising the children, while giving up his business. The boys became very attached to their father.

Four years after the birth of the children, Maria took the boys from her father and left. Boris made an accusation that the actress kidnapped the children, but after a certain period of time he withdrew all accusations and improved relations with his wife. common-law wife. Vishnyakov sees his children, however, after what happened, there can be no talk of living together with Maria.

There is a lot of photographic material online that shows changes in the actress’s facial features. The woman herself does not deny the fact that she uses the services of plastic surgeons. Based on this, the comparative photos of Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery are genuine.

The actress has a positive attitude towards this, but does not take this matter to fanaticism and avoids radical methods. Maria tries to follow a routine, eat right and prefers active recreation. Regarding plastic surgery, the woman did not undergo lifting surgery or the like. Of all this, Shukshina uses only mesotherapy, to be more precise, these are injections of hyaluronic acid.

The actress is not a person who is alien to social services. Based on this, things like Maria Shukshina’s Instagram and Wikipedia have a place.

The website of the free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia" has it Official page. Everything is written on it official information regarding the biography and filmography of Maria, and in chronological order. The actress has an account on the social service Instagram. It is there that you can see all the latest and official news regarding the work process and leisure, since Shukshina herself leads it. The actress quite often posts new photos and videos.

In the new retro melodrama, she played the mother of a family and a newspaper editor. Maria herself does not favor the press. Perhaps because journalists too often invaded her personal territory. However, some events in her life were so loud that it was simply impossible not to pay attention to them

Maria Shukshina

Liliya Sharlovskaya

Maria started filming with early childhood and already at the age of four she played with her parents in “Stoves-Benches”. But when after school it was time to choose a university, her mother, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina, said bluntly: “Study anywhere, just not to become an artist.” An obedient girl, Masha did not argue and, after thinking, decided to go to Foreign Languages. It was the eighties outside - that is, “ iron curtain"and complete isolation. And trips abroad were available to a limited circle of people, including translators.

After college, Maria Shukshina was assigned to a brokerage company, where she felt quite at home. But you can’t fool your genes: in the end, she still became an actress, albeit without a specialized education. But she doesn’t regret it at all: she has an excellent memory, and also a complete absence of theatrical cliches. And some roles went to her, among other things, because of her excellent knowledge in English. For example, in the film “American Daughter” by Karen Shakhnazarov. Actually, this film became her first serious work, giving her a ticket to big cinema. Today, Shukshina’s filmography includes about fifty films, and these are roles for which she is not ashamed.

In her work, Shukshina is a true perfectionist. On the one hand, this scares everyone who encounters her during the filming process. On the other hand, colleagues know for sure that there is no doubt about an excellent result. So, during the filming of “Serebryany Bor”, Maria, so that there was no falsehood on the screen, took the choice of costumes seriously. And for this she turned to her mother, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, for help. “She was an incredible fashionista in the 80s. It was impossible to buy a dress from a European designer in the USSR, but the actors often traveled abroad, to festivals, they were given “checks” with which they used to shop at the Beryozka store,” says Maria. “Every time I found myself in Beryozka.” Together with my mother, I opened my mouth in admiration and dreamed that someday I would be able to afford this!.. My mother is extremely thrifty and has not thrown away those outfits to this day. That’s how we resolved the issue with the costumes.

Lucky nine

Despite the great demand in her profession, she considers her children to be the most important achievement of her life. She has four of them.

Numerologists claim that nine is magic number, a symbol of constancy and success. So, in Mary’s life this number runs through a bright thread: every nine years she gave birth to a child. At first - senior Anna(she is 28), then Makar, followed by the twins Foma and Foka. And ten years later - grandson Slavik, who turned three in November. Moreover, Maria herself is not at all worried about her grandmother’s status. “I’m already both a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law. In my opinion, wonderful,” she says.

All children, as Maria admits, are very different. Even twins are different from each other. And everyone has already chosen an activity to their liking. Anna before leaving maternity leave Graduated from the production department of VGIK. Makar is going to become a lawyer. And the twins are still in school, but they also know who they will be: Foka is preparing to become an architect, and Foma has chosen the position of president.

But with my personal life, everything was more complicated, which is why the children were born from different men. Masha herself believes: rather, this is due to the fact that she is a self-sufficient person. Therefore, she does not understand why it is worth living with a person who does not suit her one hundred percent.

Her first marriage with Artem Tregubenko, in which the eldest Anna was born, was an example of a classic student union: they met, fell in love, got married instantly, just as quickly became young parents, and then just as quickly lost interest in each other.

The second husband, who became the father of Makar's son, was a friend of the first. He even acted as a witness on the part of the groom at the wedding of Masha and Artem. But they met many years later, when both were already divorced. We accidentally ran into each other in the park, where we were walking with children. We started calling each other, then meeting from time to time. Then they got married. Alas, this marriage did not last long.

Maria lived in a civil marriage with the father of her youngest children, businessman Boris Vishnyakov. But it was this union of hers that at one time became the object of close attention from the press. After the separation, the parents of Thomas and Foki began a protracted war for the boys. Maria herself did not comment on the situation then, but Boris gave interviews left and right, showing the mother of his children in a very unsightly light.

And not so long ago another scandal broke out with Mary’s children. A pregnant girlfriend of Makar, Shukshina’s eldest son, appeared. The girl accused Makar of beating her and of possessing illegal drugs. Maria herself, who at first habitually ignored the hype, at some point could not restrain herself and commented on the situation on her microblog: “I’m shocked by what’s happening. But now the police are checking. As soon as the results become known, I will inform you immediately. Until the results are announced, this is all considered speculation (to put it mildly).”

Touching, sincere and charming Maria Shukshina - these are the epithets associated with the image of the famous actress and TV presenter. Despite the gentleness and kindness she showed in the well-known “Wait for Me” program, in life she is completely different. And the character famous person, her waywardness and iron will women with different men. She can't stand it weak men, and only children reign in her heart.

The birth of Maria in a family of famous actors

No other path than acting was shown for Maria, because the girl was born in a couple famous actors– Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva Shukshina. Masha was born in May 1967, next year she will turn 51 years old, but despite her age and numerous births, and she has four children, she looks charming and youthful in photos and in reality.

With actor Sergei Nikonenko and twins

The girl grew up obedient, studied successfully at school, had the makings of a polyglot - foreign languages ​​were easy for her. Free time The family spent time at the dacha, where Maria met many famous personalities as a child.

Communicating with friends of the Shukshin couple, the girl realized that the path of an actor is not so easy, and therefore she decided to connect her future with a career as a translator of foreign languages.

After graduating from school, the girl successfully passed the entrance exams to the Mores Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages. After graduating with ease, she managed to work for several years as a translator. Today she has excellent knowledge of such languages ​​as:

  • English;
  • Italian;
  • French;
  • German.

The beginning of Maria Shukshina's wedding stories

Maria’s arsenal of film heroines includes a variety of characters that she played with Vladimir Mashkov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Andrei Merzlikin and others.

In interviews, the actress often repeats that she works best in the roles of heroines who are not at all close to her in spirit. Well, in her personal life she doesn’t like to joke, and if she loves it, it’s completely, not tolerating deception and betrayal.

True, in latest interviews the famous TV presenter said that she is fed up with marriages and does not intend to get married again.

And this is understandable, three unsuccessful marriage anyone can be knocked out of balance. But they gave her beloved children, who today make up the meaning of her life.

Maria with her children - daughter Anna, son Makar, twins Foka and Thomas

Maria's first husband - Artem Tregubenko

She met her first husband at the Institute of Foreign Languages. The guy was her classmate.

What’s noteworthy is that at their wedding, the TV personality’s second husband, Alexey Kasatkin, became a witness on the groom’s side. And, as it turned out later, even then he was secretly in love with a girl.

In this marriage, Maria gave birth to a daughter, Anechka, but a few years later the couple separated. Maria does not voice the reason for the breakup to this day.

Maria with her daughter Anya

“I have always loved her” - Maria’s second husband Alexey Kasatkin

Fate brought the girl together with her future husband only ten years after the divorce. They met by chance at a dinosaur exhibition and realized - student years and secret love were not forgotten. And, although Alexey was already married at that time, nothing prevented their whirlwind romance. For a year and a half, the lovers lived without legitimizing their relationship.

According to the TV presenter, Lesha showered her with jewelry, took her to expensive resorts and gave fur coats at incredible prices.

The young people were in love and happy, and in this harmonious union a son, Makar, was born. The couple officially registered their marriage on the day Maria was discharged from the maternity hospital and, despite the fact that they are now divorced, her ex-husband still confesses his love to her.

After the birth of the child, Maria lived with Alexei for four years - all this time was punctuated by scandals and personal problems in the family. According to Alexei’s relatives, many problems arose due to Maria’s pathological jealousy, but the star herself denies this.

The fatal incident that influenced further relations with Alexei and his family was the problems that arose due to misunderstandings regarding the child. IN Once again Having gone on tour, Maria left little Makar with a nanny, and Alexei’s mother came and took him. The nanny called Maria and said that the child had been kidnapped. She cannot even describe in words the horror the TV presenter experienced at that moment.

Maria's third common-law husband - there will be no official marriage

Having learned from her previous two marriages, Maria is in no hurry to get married again. In 2000, fate brought her together with lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, and no matter what tricks Boris goes to, the woman is in no hurry to marry him. Even the birth of twins, Foki and Thomas, did not motivate her to do this. Moreover, the personal life and family of Maria Shukshina, together with Boris, is experiencing constant storms. Boris associates them with swings, and he can only wonder if Masha loves him and if everything will work out again.

Maria with Foka and Thomas

Maria Shukshina today

IN Lately Information appeared in the media that the scandal in the family of Maria Shukshina was now indicated not by her, but by her son. 19-year-old Makar is accused by his chosen one, claiming that the guy takes narcotic substances and often engages in assault. But many believe that all this is just a way to promote themselves.

The TV star is sure that her son a priori cannot behave like this. Children are everything to her, for their sake she works, develops, takes care of herself, and she raised them to be purposeful and respectable members of society.

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