Alexandra Kutsevol who is she by nationality. The civil wife of "Ivanushka" Oleg Yakovlev entered the fight for his millions. "Marriage is not fashionable"

Many people know that Oleg Zhamsaraevich Yakovlev- Former band member "Ivanushki international". In the 90s, this boy trio was very popular, but it managed to become famous even before joining it. Oleg Yakovlev. This guy replaced Igor Sorin, who left the group due to some subtle mental anguish and fatigue from the burden of fame and popularity. Oleg Yakovlev The public did not immediately accept, fans expected the return of the previous singer. But after Oleg Yakovlev sang such hits as "Bullfinches" And « Poplar fluff» , fans began to consider him as a full member of the group. In addition, soon Igor Sorin fans die tragically, suffer, suffer the loss, it’s understandable, the young guy leaves at the peak of his popularity, but life goes on as usual, years pass, in the end it becomes clear that Oleg Yakovlev joined the team "Ivanushek international" successfully.

For 15 years Oleg Yakovlev was one of the group's vocalists "Ivanushki international" but when the singer turned 43 years, he has a decision to leave the band and start a solo career, in addition, our hero decides that he has a unique voice, that only those songs where he has a decisive main part become hits, and it is precisely because he is poured into them nightingale. But did he have an amazing voice? Oleg Yakovlev? I specifically the other day watched the clips of the group "Ivanushki international" as well as solo projects Oleg Yakovlev I didn't hear any unique voice from him. The most worthwhile and memorable voice Kirill Andreeva- dark« ivanushki» . So why is life Oleg Yakovlev was so interesting and intense during the fifteen years that he was in the group "Ivanushki international"? Well, simply, the guy got into the stream, pulled out his lucky ticket, any other could have been in his place. This is the cruel truth. However, in their interviews Oleg Yakovlev likes to talk about his uniqueness, about how he was a successful theater actor before he sang, and he had roles, both main and title ones, and in extras, and on the course in GITIS He was not one of the best, in his last interviews this artist even began to claim that he was the best. That's just the puzzle does not add up, and I'm sorry Oleg Yakovlev Moreover, I am even embarrassed for my truth ...

Oleg Yakovlev did not understand that the group was successful not thanks to him, but thanks to a talented composer and producer Igor Matvienko, separately« ivanushki» few people will be interested, and especially if they do not perform their golden hits. Imagine an aging 47 year old ex« Ivanushka» , who began to sing songs like half-sneakers. And I'm not exaggerating ... unfortunately.

"You are my mania, and I am in a fog"

"Dance eyes closed to me

You are completely different in dance

With double hands

But not getting into the rhythm

These are the songs that delighted their fans Oleg Yakovlev.

These songs, which I listened to specifically before writing this article, upset me wildly. Melodies in two chords, words are empty, it's so boring and tedious that I can't call it music. Comrades, it's better to sing nothing than to sing like that! But Igor Matvienko well done, he did not ban solo concerts Oleg Yakovlev perform hits« ivanushki» , otherwise, well, who would even go to these performances? Life is cruel, the truth is often painful to hear.

Oleg Yakovlev left the group "Ivanushki international" V 2013 year, a certain Alexandra Kutsevol, it was this girl who buzzed our hero in the ear about what a unique, unique, fortune-kissed genius he is. Alexandra Kutsevol convinced Oleg Yakovlev that he needs to start a solo career, that there should be creative growth.

Marry your chosen one Alexandre Kutsevol Oleg Yakovlev never intended, he said it openly in every interview. The singer did not believe in the institution of marriage, he believed that a documented marriage relaxes women, supposedly the next day after the painting, the newly-born wife puts on a crumpled greasy dressing gown, puts her feet in torn slippers, stops shaving her armpits, starts munching at the table.

But was that the reason why Oleg Yakovlev didn't want to get married? They say, and not without reason, that this guy preferred to love boys, for which he was once beaten on the street, they wrote about this in the press, it was in 2006. IN Lately Oleg Yakovlev was very cutesy, spoke with a breath. But I do not in any way condemn this singer, this is his personal business, the only thing that I do not like is PR novels. It's not fair, it's not beautiful, but it's the laws of show business. Alexandra Kutsevol was not only a friend Oleg Yakovlev, she was his PR manager, producer, director, clung to him with a stranglehold and wanted to promote, but did not save him ... June 29, 2017 of the year Oleg Yakovlev died of bilateral pneumonia. This official version, but they say that there was cirrhosis of the liver, sort of like Oleg Yakovlev drank non-carbonated drinks because of lack of demand. Versions popped up about other diseases. But, for example, the singer Katya Lel V May 2017, a month before death Oleg Yakovlev I noticed that he had yellow whites of his eyes, which means he had cirrhosis.

Oleg Yakovlev grew up without a father, his birth story is very interesting and somewhat unusual. His mother was very beautiful 42 years she fell in love with a young soldier of eighteen, only about three dates, pregnancy, parting with her lover, keeping this secret from her son for a long time. Mother Olezhki I never saw the soldier again, she is a Buryat who professes Buddhism, he is a Muslim, an Uzbek, but his son decided to become Orthodox. Oleg Yakovlev he never saw his father, at one time he said in an interview that he was trying to find him, but later he concluded that no one needed it - neither his father, nor himself. Oleg Yakovlev he was afraid of death, he did not celebrate his fortieth birthday, he bought an apartment at the intersection of three temples, he often spoke about the fact that he didn’t have so much left, maybe he was flirting, or maybe he felt that he would leave this world in the prime of his life?

Oleg Yakovlev he was very fond of cooking, while his girlfriend did not even know how to make tea humanly (the singer himself told everyone about this). Pancakes for Shrovetide, Easter cakes and colored eggs on Easter, lenten food during Lent, cakes, pies - all this was able to cook household Oleg Yakovlev.

Sometimes to his girlfriend Alexandra Kutsevol parents came, Oleg Yakovlev he said that he didn’t even have time to talk with them, since they all went to doctors and doctors, their health was not the same, the technical examination had to be passed more and more often. But about your health Oleg Yakovlev failed to take care of.

The ex-soloist of the Ivanushki International group, Oleg Yakovlev, who died on June 29, did not have time to realize his grandiose creative plans. His relatives and colleagues speak about it. For many sudden death the artist was a real shock.

“I can’t believe it - everything was fine a month and a half ago,” the soloist of Ivanushki told Reedus.

“I am in shock, I condole with the friends that he had, and all the fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of the Ivanushki International group,” Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov, the second member of the popular trio, told RT.

The reaction of other colleagues was similar. "When we met in last time, he had so many good musical beginnings. I always thought it was cool that Oleg would have such new songs, that he would conquer the world on his own. I am shocked by what happened, ”TASS quotes a former member of the Hands Up! group. Alexey Potekhin.

TV presenter Yana Churikova expressed her condolences to his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol.

“We crossed paths many times at work and on stage, when Oleg was a member of Ivanushki International, and then, when he decided to engage in solo work, to engage in himself. When people leave who, according to any criteria, should not have done this, it is unexpected, unpleasant, pitiful, ”added Churikova.

Didn't want to go to the doctors

On June 27, Yakovlev was admitted to intensive care with pneumonia. His condition was assessed as serious. Doctors fought for the artist's life, connected him to a ventilator, but, unfortunately,. On the morning of June 29, he was gone.

“The man just didn’t come to his senses,” said his common-law wife and producer Alexandra Kutsevol to She later added that the cause of the singer's death was cardiac arrest.

The girl admitted that the performer had long been serious problems with health.

He really had bad diagnoses, a lot of things fell on him. In an instant, the condition deteriorated sharply. Because of this, he was urgently hospitalized, ”she said.

Literally a week before, Yakovlev congratulated the doctors on their professional holiday on his Instagram page and thanked them for being “alive and healthy.”

According to her, Yakovlev until the last did not want to go to the doctors.

“The fact of the matter is that Oleg preferred to be treated at home. Before last day he was in the apartment. When he became very ill, he was hospitalized. He did not want to be treated, although he had long been advised to go to the clinic. He was stubborn and wished to stay at home. Perhaps if he had been hospitalized earlier, he could have been saved, ”she told“.

The day before his death, all his relatives were allowed into the ward to Yakovlev.

Apparently, the doctors already understood that Oleg would not get up again, so they allowed his family to spend the last hours with him. We held his hand. Somewhere in the depths of our souls, we realized that he was leaving us, but we hoped to the last. ... Oleg never regained consciousness, - says the PR manager.

Romance with a fan

The love story of Oleg Yakovlev and Alexandra Kutsevol is truly amazing. Alexandra was an ardent fan of Ivanushki. According to the media, for the first time she saw Oleg at the age of 11 at a concert and promised herself that she would achieve his favor. For the sake of her dream, Alexandra moved from her native Nefteyugansk, became a TV journalist and surprisingly quickly entered the circle of friends of Ivanushki.

However, it took at least 10 years to conquer the heart of an idol. According to Express-gazeta, the girl found weakness artist: it turned out that Oleg always dreamed of doing solo work. Journalists claimed that after 40 he began to have a serious depression, and Alexandra supported him, convinced him to record a solo song and pushed him on the radio, using her connections.

In total, Yakovlev recorded seven compositions, and his heart finally melted - Alexandra became his manager and moved to her lover, the newspaper describes.

Unfortunately, the personal success of the "light-haired one from" Ivanushki "" became the cause of disagreement in the group. According to, he believed that he alone was pulling the whole group, although the producers did their best to meet him. Igor Matvienko completely allowed Yakovlev to perform his solo songs at concerts. Nevertheless, relations between the members of the group deteriorated, and in 2013 Yakovlev was offered to leave the team. According to another version, he was "left" from the group due to alcohol abuse.

Over the past five years, Alexandra Kutsevol has been next to the ex-soloist of Ivanushki Oleg Yakovlev. The couple was not painted, but the girl's friends and acquaintances considered the singer's common-law wife.

In numerous photographs that can be seen on the Web, Oleg and Alexandra were constantly together. However, after the death of Yakovlev, it turned out that he did not include his beloved in his will. All his property, which is about 200 million rubles, the artist left his niece and friend, actor Roman Radov.

A few months ago, when it became known about Yakovlev's will, a lot of assumptions appeared on the Internet about what actually connected young people.

The circumstances of the singer's death still raise many questions. Rumors circulated online that complications from pneumonia were caused not by cirrhosis, but by AIDS. In conversations with reporters, Yakovlev's neighbors reported that the artist had lived in the same apartment with Roman Radov for quite some time. And one of the psychics even stated that during the time of "Ivanushki" unconventional damage was directed at Yakovlev.

Internet users took the side of disinherited Alexandra Kutsevol

The other day, information appeared in the media that Alexandra Kutsevol was going to sue part of the inheritance of Oleg Yakovlev, proving that the singer was insane. Thus, the will will be invalidated, and the civil wife of the singer will be able to claim the property of the star.

The intentions of Alexandra Kutsevol are being vigorously discussed on the Web. It is worth saying that many users feel sorry for and support her, believing that the late singer acted unfairly towards his beloved:

Lana_hater_ And why the thirst for money immediately? You live with men, but he leaves you nothing at all? Well no, it's not fair.
gshock2318 they lived together, shared a budget, bought apartments together, and then bam: and everything to a friend and niece. Too dishonest
dinyliafaa It’s somehow unfair, they were together for many years, the wife is still, although not on paper.
darya_muratova Here you live with an alcoholic, you wash your shorts, you cook borscht, you pull it out of depression, and then hop and you are left without everything ... A mystery, how could you not include your beloved woman in the inheritance ..

Correspondents "Light it up!" visited the farewell ceremony with Oleg Yakovlev and found out the details of his death.

The news of the death stunned the entire Russian show business. None of the singer's colleagues even suspected that he was experiencing big problems with health, and for the final ten days of his life he could not get out of bed at all.

The official cause of Yakovlev's death was cardiac arrest. According to the medical report, this was due to bilateral pulmonary edema. Yakovlev spoke about his problems to few people. After leaving Ivanushki, he did not appear so often. Despite the release of new songs, he began to feel depressed because of lack of demand. Because of this, according to rumors, the singer became addicted to alcohol. Some colleagues blame Yakovlev's civil wife Alexandra Kutsevol for Yakovlev's troubles. Like, it was she who advised her beloved to go into free swimming. Allegedly, Sasha offered to help in the promotion of Oleg, promising mountains of gold. But in the end, she didn’t perform anything, leaving Yakovlev behind the big stage. This version greatly outraged the wife of another Ivanushki soloist, Kirill Andreev, Lolita, who knows the situation from the inside.

“Sasha always told him: I will support you, no matter what you decide,” Lola assures. She didn't take him out of the group. There were some problems because of which there was discord in the team. But Sasha supported him. She is the only person who loved and loves him sacrificially and devotedly. She did everything for him. It’s bad for him - she is with him, good - Sasha is nearby.

Alexandra and Oleg lived in civil marriage about five years old. Rumor has it that Sasha, who is ten years younger than the singer, long years was an ardent admirer of "Ivanushki". Allegedly, she was so much in love with Oleg that she tried with all her might to attract his attention. But Kutsevol herself always denied these rumors.

“I was not a fan of Ivanushki,” she said in an interview. - I worked as a TV journalist, we crossed paths with Oleg many times at work. We met, became friends, and then we had something more than friendship.

Lolita Andreeva, who has been with Ivanushki on more than one tour, said that Oleg's common-law wife is simply embarrassed by the word "fan". Cyril's wife assured us that their relationship developed before her eyes.

“Sasha really was a fan of Oleg for many years,” Andreeva continues. - She told me: “Lola, I love him so much. I'll just always be there for him." And I looked at her with regret and repeated: “Sasha, you are a fan. And artists are such people that it always seems to them that they love their image, and not themselves. She was sure that Sasha would not succeed. But this is an amazing girl. She proved her love with her patience, wisdom, and help. She was always there and ensured that Oleg looked at her differently. He believed that Sasha really loves him. And he so needed this love and care. After all, he had practically no blood relatives left. Mom died a long time ago Native sister died of cancer ten years ago, he never knew his father. I heard that he has a niece, but she lives somewhere far from Moscow. In public, Olezhka always said to Sasha: “Come on, hug me, let’s kiss!” He wanted her to show her feelings for him in front of everyone.

Despite the fact that the couple lived together, Yakovlev was in no hurry to lead his beloved down the aisle. He was afraid that Sasha would change her attitude towards him.

“He himself insisted on cremation”

The farewell ceremony with Oleg Yakovlev was held behind closed doors. Only the closest people were allowed into the hall where the funeral took place. Celebrities also came to say goodbye to Oleg: Katya Lel, Diana Gurtskaya, member of the Roots group Alexei Kabanov, Anna Semenovich.

– Oleg has always been very smiling, positive, cheerful and kind person, - said “Light it up!” Anna Semenovich. - He did not dissolve gossip, never condemned anyone and loved life.

Producer Igor Matvienko came, as well as the Ivanushki group in full force. Grigoriev-Appolonov and Andreev did not give any comments, surrounding themselves with guards so that they could not be approached. Only Kirill Turichenko decided to interview, who took the place of Yakovlev in the Ivanushki group.

“We had very little contact with Oleg, unfortunately,” Kirill shared. “But he treated me well. When I came to the group, Oleg gave me some advice.

Alexandra Kutsevol did not come out to reporters either. civil wife She stayed by her side until the very end. The heartbroken girl was led out into the street by the hands of several people. She could barely move her legs.

“Sasha feels bad,” Lola continued. I don't think she has any idea what happened yet. It was said that Sasha even wanted to commit suicide. But this is not true. Of course everyone loving person say: "I don't want to live without my beloved." All this will still be. But we will pray for her, and the Lord will protect. Sasha did everything for Oleg until the last second. And God bless her for it.

The body of Oleg Yakovlev was not interred. During his lifetime, he wanted to be cremated after his death. Alexandra Kutsevol fulfilled the will of her lover.

“We wanted his body to be interred in a Christian way,” laments Lola. - So that people can come to the grave and Sasha herself too. After all, I know for myself: it happens that you go to church, pray, then you stand on the grave native person, lean against the monument and it becomes easier. But it was Oleg's will, and Sasha fulfilled it. By the way, he talked about this long before his death. My husband Kirill also heard about it more than once.

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