Anna Sedakova's husband is a bachelor. Bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky: the bitter truth about Anna Sedokova's ex-husband. The eldest daughter of the singer

The appearance of Anna Sedokova is admired by many women: an excellent figure, mouth-watering forms and a face, like a 20-year-old student. But the star is already 35 years old, and she has three children, but her husband is still missing. Turns out it's not all about beauty...

The personal life of a celebrity has never been cloudless. Although she was not deprived of male attention, she never met the only one with whom she would live in sorrow and joy until her old age. We talk about the novels of the star beauty.

First husband

She took her first lover, Dynamo Kyiv footballer Valentin Belkevich, away from him. civil wife Lesia, with whom he lived for quite a long time. After the wedding, Valentine and Anna had a daughter, Alina.

Family happiness didn't last long. Sedokova left " VIA Gra”and demanded that her husband invest in her solo career. But her husband saw her exclusively as a housewife ... A year and a half after the wedding, they broke up, Belkevich returned to his ex-lover.

After the divorce, Anna and her daughter received a luxurious apartment and a car. In 2014 her former spouse died suddenly: he had a blood clot. Since the football player did not leave a will, Sedokova had to fight for property in court.

Second husband

With her second husband, Maxim Chernyavsky, Sedokova met in an elite sports club. Some time after they met, the couple went to Los Angeles, where they settled. In 2011, they got married, and six months later, Anna gave birth to a daughter, Monica.

They failed to build a family nest. There were rumors that Chernyavsky often cheated on Anna with her friends. After the divorce, Maxim's rich grandmother said that Sedokova did not know what love was, she only needed money. And all the family pictures on Instagram are just window dressing.

At first, her ex-husband fully provided for his daughter, but now he decided to deprive Anna of parental rights. According to the artist, now she sees her daughter only in the presence of a lawyer and communicates with her only in English.

“For eight months now I have not had the opportunity to communicate with her normally, just to be there. Her father, a man I trusted, went to war against me. Maxim decided to deprive me of my maternal rights, and I have absolutely no idea why. I never forbade him to see his daughter, to take her. Maxim and his grandmother took Monica to America and went to court.”- Anna said in an interview.

Third Beloved

Already by tradition, a successful and wealthy man became the father of Sedokova's third child. Artem Komarov is the son of a billionaire. When she told him that she was pregnant, the man decided to marry. However, the wedding never took place. Apparently, the guy's parents were against this marriage.

Eternal single mother

“It’s hard to be a mom alone. Not financially. I have long been accustomed to supporting everyone, to be the basis. It is difficult to be a warrior in the field. One parent,- Sedokova once admitted.

She appealed to all women who also raise children alone: “I read your comments and I am overwhelmed with a sense of pride for each of you. To my mother who raised us on her own, and to the thousands and hundreds of thousands of girls and women who were forced to learn the word "masculinity." I am strong and I can handle it. Like hundreds of thousands of mothers who raised their children without dads ... "

News about new celebrity novels constantly appears on the Web. Who knows, perhaps the prince on a white horse is already somewhere nearby...

Or maybe? Life is unpredictable!

Her ex-husband Maxim Chernyavsky rejoices in replenishment in new family. The businessman had a daughter. This became known to the journalists of the Russian portal Super.

“Ex-husband Sedokova became a father for the second time. While Anna Sedokova's lawyers are hatching a plan to return her 7-year-old daughter Monica, her ex-husband Maxim Chernyavsky does not stop there: 27-year-old beloved star Bachelor Daria Sidorova bore him another daughter. The couple lives in Los Angeles (California, USA - ed.) and hides their relationship, despite a three-year romance and birth common child. By the way, according to our sources, Dasha and Maxim were introduced by their mutual friend Anastasia Reshetova, who was Daria's rival in the competition Miss Russia 2014", - written on official page magazine in Instagram.

Daria Sidorova

“I don’t understand one thing, why does he need a child? In any case, the daughter is better with her mother. He already has another woman, another child ... "," Do not return this shabolda's daughter. She hasn’t been kissed for two whole months, poor thing”, “Congratulations to dad twice! We wish health to the baby, strength to mom and dad ... Long life together and also give birth to a brother, haha”, “It is such a rarity when a couple hides their relationship, and does not put everything on display. Much more is believed in the happiness of such couples, ”fans say.


Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky and Ukrainian singer Anna Sedokova got married on February 12, 2011. In the same year, their common daughter Monica was born in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Maxim Chernyavsky, Anna Sedokova and Monica

In 2014, Chernyavsky and Sedokova announced a divorce, and in early May 2018, it became known that the man intended to deprive his ex-lover of his parental rights.

Watch Anna Sedokova's video for the song At will:

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Read on E-motion about the main men in the life of the singer

Photo 1 of 7:©

Anna Sedokova is now in the spotlight - rumors about her divorce from her husband Maxim Chernyavsky, as well as about quarrel with girlfriend Santa Dimopoulos now on everyone's lips. On her page, Anya shares her thoughts on personal topics, and on E-motion we will try to find out why Sedokova is so unlucky with men. Read about the main men in the life of a beauty and draw your own conclusions.

Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk © Lydia Tropman

Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk

Of course, Anna Sedokova did not have an affair with these men. But they played important role in the life of the singer, inviting her to the group " VIA Gra". It is not known how it would creative life Sedokova, if not for these producers. However, one can, of course, assume that Anna would have managed without them, and Meladze and Kostyuk just made her way into show business a little easier.

Be that as it may, Sedokova broke up with these men with a scandal. And when her solo numbers were cut out from the television version of the concert for the anniversary of VIA Gra, she just shrugged her shoulders, saying: “The ability to rejoice in the victories of your students is the greatness of a teacher.”

Valeriy Meladze © Oleg Batrak,

Valeriy Meladze

Who would have thought that shooting in Valery Meladze's video "I can't live without you" would be such a test for Anna Sedokova. As, however, for Valery himself. The thing is that Meladze's wife, Irina, accidentally drove to the set then. From the abundance of frank scenes, the woman was simply horrified and immediately demanded that they be cut out.

And in the party they immediately whispered that there is no smoke without fire, and it is not for nothing that Irina is so jealous of her husband for the young beauty Anna. As time has shown, then the singer's wife should still be jealous of the wrong member of VIA Gra ...

Valentin Belkevich ©

Valentin Belkevich

The football player and at that time the captain of Kyiv "Dynamo" Valentin Belkevich became the husband of the singer in June 2004. The love for the athlete captured the singer so much that for the sake of her family, having learned about her pregnancy, she even left the mega-popular VIA Gra. Married to Belkevich, Anna gave birth to a daughter, Alina. But even a child could not save the couple from breaking up.

Sedokova honestly admitted that her divorce was very difficult, and hinted that Valentine's betrayal was the reason. Moreover - according to Anna, the ex-husband offered her to get back together, but she still decided that broken cup don't glue.

Andrey Malakhov © Press Service

Andrei Malakhov

“Sedokova was caught in bed with Malakhov” - this type of headlines literally blew up the Internet a few years ago. Of course, it was only on the set of Anna's video "Get Used" - especially since Sedokova and Malakhov are old friends. But such a hot reason for rumors could not go unnoticed and the couple was even credited quick wedding- Anya and Andrey played love in the video too convincingly. However, until now, the singer and showman are only friends.

Roman Emelyanov ©

Mother of many children is trying to secure her future

The 35-year-old has an excellent figure, seductive breasts and “full tuning” (see the “before” photo of the singer above, on the left). The star has three children and no husband. But Anna does not despair - she has enough familiar millionaires who know that this beauty needs to be introduced for a serious relationship with wealthy guys. There were a lot of such acquaintances, but why didn’t any of the rich people “from the list of Anna Sedokova” become her support and ensure a “comfortable old age”.

The personal life of Anna Sedokova was difficult. We remember the former and current men of the famous beauty.

First husband

The first wedding of Anna Sedokova. 2004 Photo: archive.

For a promising athlete with profitable contract Anna Sedokova got married 14 years ago. Valentin Belkevich was a famous footballer in Dynamo Kiev. Anna was 22 years old, her chosen one was 31 years old. They were introduced by a common stylist. For the sake of an affair with the singer, Belkevich left his common-law wife Lesya, with whom he lived for almost 10 years.
Five and a half months after the wedding, the couple had a daughter, Alina Belkevich. A year and a half after the wedding, the couple divorced - Belkevich returned to his former lover. Family life it didn’t work out with Sedakova: different characters, the singer left VIA GRA and wanted her husband to invest in her solo career - the football player wanted his wife to stay at home .... Belkevich visited the former ...
After the divorce, Sedokova had an apartment in Kyiv and an expensive car as a dowry. The singer went to conquer Moscow.

In 2014, Belkevich died (a blood clot broke off). Anna Sedokova then wrote on Instagram: “This is some kind of horror. I don't believe. He was a brilliant sportsman, strategist and good man. He loved his daughter. He was loved and respected by millions. And especially one little girl…”
Valentin Belkevich did not leave a will and Sedokova filed a lawsuit so that part of his property would go to them common daughter. Belkevich's wife Olesya also claimed the inheritance, who gave birth to a football player's son.

Second husband

Sedokova met her second husband in an elite sports club. Businessman Maxim Cherniavsky “accidentally” turned out to be the grandson of a well-known businesswoman in Kyiv. Anna often visited Chernyavsky's 3-story mansion in Kyiv, vacationed with him in Los Angeles, where the couple later settled. In February 2011, the couple got married, and in July their daughter Monica was born. The family idyll seemed eternal, but they say that Maxim had an affair with one of the then soloists of VIA GRA - there is no evidence for this.
But Sedokova said that her ex girlfriend when Anna flew away on tour, she kept company with her husband: “... And there were several such friends. I sobbed on the shoulder of another girl, told, sitting in the kitchen, that Maxim and I were in a quarrel, that we both didn’t know if we wanted to be together or separately. She listened sympathetically and nodded. Two days later, I flew to Moscow to host an event, and already there I found out that a friend who felt so sorry for me now rides with Maxim in a car, spends evenings with him in clubs and often visits our house. I think I chose the wrong "friends".
Sedokova was the first to talk about divorce, and Maxim immediately began to draw up documents ... Chernyavsky said that the reason for the divorce was the reluctance to build a joint nest - the wife often flew away on tour, regardless of her husband's opinion.
The child of the couple after the divorce is raised by the father: the girl lives with him in Los Angeles, attends school. In Chernyavsky's personal life, too, everything is in order. Maxim fully provides for his child.
Maxim's grandmother Marina Chernyavsky in an interview with the site described her grandson's ex-wife as follows: “Don't make me laugh, okay?! Anya lives for social networks, for her image, for photographs, she lives for advertising, but not for children. Children are publicity. She forgot what love is, but she remembers what money is. If Sedokova changes, then at the age of 70. And even then, it is unlikely ... "

Anna with her second husband. Photo: archive.

Third millionaire

According to tradition, Sedokova gave birth to a third child from a very successful, rich ... But even the son did not force the man to marry Anna. And how beautifully it all began: the guy is 10 years younger than the singer. He is an heir from a very rich and influential family. Sedokova was introduced to a millionaire by her friend (also a millionaire). After a short romance, Anna told the chosen one that she was pregnant, he decided to marry. But, they say that his parents did not allow this marriage. And the groom, apparently, did not particularly insist.
Sometimes dreams do come true. Therefore, Sedokova can still meet her rich prince, and he may even marry her. Now there are reports in the press about the singer's new novels - with colleagues, a photographer ... It's just a photo, a game, an interesting pastime. Next to Anya on a permanent basis can only be a rich man. Or maybe her last millionaire will return to her?

Maxim Chernyavsky is a businessman. Known to the Russian television audience thanks to his participation in the show "". The man came to the project hoping to find the other half and very confident that he would immediately figure out the fake ones and money hunters. Being, by his own admission, a shy person, he doubted that show business was the right place to look for a bride.

“And a lot of work in America, daughter, friends, hobbies.”

Friends persuaded Maxim to accept the invitation, and the producers promised to move part of the filming to the USA so that the entrepreneur would not change his usual schedule.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Cherniavsky was born in Kyiv, according to the sign of the zodiac Virgo. At the time of the birth of his son, his father was a military man, and his mother was a student at an economic university, later she began to work as the chief accountant of a large enterprise. A few years later, my father decided to found own business, the financial situation in the family went up sharply, but after that the parents decided to divorce.

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Maxim Chernyavsky

Maxim stayed with his mother and his grandmother Marina, who took care of the boy the most. Actually, it was the grandmother who was the head of the family. The woman is the founder and owner of the well-known network of construction hypermarkets "Maxi" in Kyiv, which she named after her only grandson. In one of these shops school age Chernyavsky received his first work experience, moonlighting as a cashier. And when he was 19 years old, his grandmother entrusted the young man with the management of the hypermarket.

After graduation elite school with a gold medal, Maxim entered the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, from which he graduated with honors. He founded his first company when he was still a student.

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It was a development company that did not bring much income, and the company was suspended. After graduation, Maxim Chernyavsky returned to the project and began to successfully engage in construction, as well as the sale of luxury real estate.

Later, the young man moved to Los Angeles, where he completed an architecture course at a local college. Also, the man transferred most of the business to America, as he prefers to build houses in the Art Nouveau style, which is not in demand in the post-Soviet states. Nevertheless, Maxim often visits both Ukraine and Russia.

Project "Bachelor"

In 2013, the TNT television channel invited Maxim Chernyavsky to become the main character Russian version romantic reality show "The Bachelor". Since after a divorce from his first wife Anna Sedokova, the young man was free, and the project, which offered communication with 26 diverse girls, would add popularity, Maxim agreed.

Maxim Chernyavsky and participants in the show "The Bachelor" (frame from the TV show "The Bachelor")

In the program, Maxim Chernyavsky is surrounded by attributes luxurious life. In the first episode, a man arrives in a gleaming Rolls-Royce and receives guests in a luxury home in Los Angeles.

The filming of the project took place in the autumn and winter of 2013 in Russia, Ukraine, the USA, Switzerland, Italy and France, and the show appeared on the air in the spring of 2014. 26 girls from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus fought for Chernyavsky's heart.

The winner of the 2nd season of the show "The Bachelor" was a 23-year-old employee of a law office, whom Maxim Chernyavsky preferred to the rest of the contenders. Explaining his choice, he explained that he believed in the sincerity of the girl, that she had real feelings. In addition, Masha is smart and loves children, which was important for Maxim.

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Maxim Cherniavsky and Maria Drigola

Chernyavsky remained to live in Los Angeles, Drigola - in St. Petersburg, but once a month she flew to a potential groom. According to rumors, in September 2014, the lovers planned a wedding, they wanted to register in the bride’s homeland, and celebrate the celebration in the Maldives. Maria allegedly looked after a dress from Vera Wang, and Maxim ordered Cartier rings.

However, love could not stand the distance, the couple broke up. Nevertheless, the project played an important role in Chernyavsky's biography. And Drigola, who has become prettier and has changed her hair, now travels a lot and does not remember the show, thereby making it clear that she is quite satisfied with life.


A man in the media is often presented as a "successful millionaire", the owner of a "large construction company in Los Angeles, which has branches around the world, ”but in 2016, Russian publications repeatedly reported that Chernyavsky was experiencing financial difficulties, and this was not visible behind the haze of fake wealth.

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Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky

Marina Chernyavskaya, Maksim's grandmother, is a successful businesswoman in Ukraine. According to Ukrainian journalists, the development company run by Maxim is the merit of his grandmother, as she helped develop her grandson's first project. However, Maxim's business failed, and 3 months after the start of his activity, the young businessman was left with nothing. But the man managed to buy real estate in Kyiv and Los Angeles.

In addition, the journalists learned that the name of Maxim Chernyavsky's company is Monaco Development. She does not have an official website, but only a Facebook page. Media representatives reported that at the address indicated in social network, there is a private village house, but not the office of the "construction empire".

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