Page of Ksenia Larina on Facebook. Ksenia Bik and Dmitry Maryanov hid the birth of a common child for five years Facebook ksenia

And at the beginning of his acquaintance with Xenia, he did not even think that this, in fact, a fleeting acquaintance could end in a wedding.

They met 7 years ago in Kharkov, where the artist arrived with a performance on tour. Ksenia was called by her mother to “look at Moscow artists”, tickets were received from someone, and the girl noticed that the whole performance was focused on her. After the performance was over, the actor gave her flowers and invited Gosha Kutsenko to the club to perform. She did not plan to go, but by a happy coincidence, a friend called her mother and again offered tickets, now to a concert. And the girl went.

“There is another coincidence: all the artists are walking in the hall, but Maryanov is not. I meet a friend - the art director of this institution.

Ksenia, let's go, I'll show you the club, - he offers.

And on the second floor we see Dima. The friend exclaims:

I just went to his performance, I'll go say hello!

So I was at the show!

We are coming. Dima looks at me intently:

After all, it was you?

Good evening, thanks for the flowers, I try to sneak away, but Maryanov catches my hand:

Can you show me the city?

I guess what it's about. You are on tour, you are a star, all your girls ... Probably, on the contrary - you want to show me your hotel room.

Well, that would be nice!

I can take you to a place where women are ready for optional acquaintances, ”the girl later told about that“ very meeting ”.

Well, if so, Maryanov invited Xenia to come to visit him in the capital. After 2 weeks, Bik flew to Moscow. A 23-year-old psychologist from Kharkov found herself in the capital for the first time and was very embarrassed, and at first it was difficult to communicate with Maryanov.

However, there was something in this girl that hooked the actor, and the initially optional romance soon grew into serious relationship, 2 years later, Ksenia even gave birth to an actor of a child, but, with a marriage proposal, he was still in no hurry. Although Maryanov actively participated in the upbringing of the child, and the daughter literally lived in 2 cities - Moscow and Kharkov.

“When we had a daughter, Anfisa, at first she lived with me in Kharkov. Since our union remained a mystery to everyone for a long time, there were rumors in the press that this was my “child from my first marriage.” We never commented on the situation, but Anfisa is Dima's daughter, and Dima is her father! Despite Anfisa, for another four years I remained just a guest in Maryanov's house. All the same, it was necessary to test us for strength, proximity, similarity. It’s scary to pull off a child like that, to leave parents: what if something doesn’t work out? Yes, and with the documents for the move there was a lot of trouble. At first, I left my daughter in Kharkov with my mother. Sometimes - with Dima's dad. Maryanov sat with little Anfisa several times while I went home on business, ”Xenia noted.

Later, Dmitry Maryanov said that Ksenia completely changed his life. He stopped drinking, gave up cigarettes, the young wife was ready to share bike trips with her lover. The couple had a large number of plans. The news that Maryanov was gone was a blow to his family. Ksenia was left alone with her daughter. Next to her at the moment are his close friends.

For real creative person shows his talent in everything, and Ksenia Larina - best to that example. Actress, radio host, journalist - in any role she shines, surprises and reaches incredible heights.

Becoming a journalist Larina

Ksenia became Larina only in 1990, when she began to publish actively and decided to take a pseudonym. Until that moment, she was Barsheva, a native Muscovite who lived all her childhood in a communal apartment and graduated from GITIS with honors. Work in the theater gave her her first husband - actor Nikolai Dobrynin - and an understanding of what she wants from life. And as it turned out, it was journalism.

Ksenia connected her career with Ekho Moskvy. Being a news radio station, it is not very popular among the general public, in particular among young people. However, Larina was able to attract attention to herself with vivid statements and a not quite standard view of the events taking place around her. The journalist's comments often go beyond the "permissible", but this is precisely what causes increased interest in her. Wanting to expand her “sphere of influence”, Ksenia started a Facebook page, where, as you know, information restrictions do not apply. Here is the address of this page -

A page free from prejudice

IN social network Larina is very popular, as evidenced by the following statistics: 2700 friends, 19500 subscribers and at least 300 “likes” per post. For representatives of Russian journalism, these are very serious indicators, which even some celebrities can envy. Still, Facebook users appreciate intellectual information, especially if it is presented in an alternative form. And Ksenia Larina writes only in this style: boldly, critically, categorically.

New publications on the radio presenter's page appear regularly, and always contain up-to-date information. Naturally, such posts instantly scatter throughout the Russian Facebook community and provoke active discussion. Almost every new publication by Larina unfolds heated discussions with a smooth transition to related topics. For example, one of the posts on Olympic Games in Sochi, in a few hours he collected 450 "likes" and 150 comments.

As an experienced journalist, Ksenia Larina knows how to hook the reader. Her notes are not just self-promotion or non-committal photographs, but a small "essay on the topic" that causes subscribers and friends to open dialogue. This, in fact, is the secret of the popularity of Xenia's page. She expresses her opinion, which leaves no one indifferent. He is either supported or openly criticized.

By the way, the photos published by Larina are not just excerpts from dull photo shoots or “lift-looks” with which the entire Facebook is full. Behind each photo there is some story, some important day for Xenia. Basically, these are mass political and social events or theatrical events in which the radio host often takes part.

In summary, I would like to say that the page of Ksenia Larina is worthy of the attention of people who respect an open look at the events taking place around. If you like the radio station "Echo of Moscow" - subscribe to its page. If you like the Dozhd TV channel, subscribe to her page. And in general, everyone who wants to revive their News Feed with something sharp and large-scale should subscribe to Larina's page.


Guest 11/16/14

listened to Once again program "We speak Russian". I never cease to be amazed at the rudeness of K. Larina! This is expressed in her jokes, from which she does not laugh, but neighs, not paying attention to the fact that the environment is silent. He will not use the opportunity to spit in the Soviet past. At this time she received free education and, for sure, she passed exams on the work of Soviet poets. She does not notice her vulgarity. Think of it as creative freedom. These are the "intellectuals of the ether" by Venediktov.

Guest 08.01.15

I admire Ksenia Larina! I always look forward to her voice! All her comments and statements are appropriate and bold, the jokes are witty and sharp! And most importantly, I absolutely agree with her position on almost all issues. I would like to have such a person as my friend.

Guest 05/26/15

Ksenia Larina-sip fresh air in our musty country. In recent days, it’s been so hard on our souls, news of the destructive events in Echo are reaching us in the outback. So the enemies of democracy don’t need to specifically close Echo - something faceless, meaningless, getting used to "poo" throwing themselves at normal people, yes, a secretary who is excellent at the profession - it’s me about Lesya Ryabtseva who spreads my opinion - and a split began at the “crossing where they don’t change horses”. after all, all classical literature. , probably, I re-read where similar situations are described. Drive this "necrophile" faster, otherwise, when you come to your senses, it will be impossible to get rid of it - it will start cutting veins, or drain compromising evidence - the closer to the "body", the more terrible the manipulations. This a look from the outside - without "Echo" life will become gray - to escape in the wonderful that is in the world, not knowing what is happening in your native country - it does not work. , this is not her "merits", but I somehow connected) And now the founding fathers are leaving Echo. Or is it a special plan-how to close Echo?

Guest 02.10.15

Ksenia Larina is the main face of the echo of Moscow. This is the most principled, most honest, most intelligent and kindest employee of the radio station. I remember her from St. Petersburg, when a presentation of nostalgia radio was held in the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, her father, Andrei Barshev, the best radio host of all times and peoples, was also there, by the way, Jean Tatlyan introduced me to him for the first time. What a unique voice, how much in it, there was nobility. After his death, the radio beacon dimmed, hee-hee yes ha-ha remained. Returning to Xenia, I can say one thing: Venediktov needs to protect her like the apple of her eye, God forbid she leaves Echo of Moscow, Echo will lose all meaning. When she is on vacation, we look forward to her return. I understand that she likes to conduct a dissenting opinion with Svanidze, he, of course, is an intelligent and educated person, she would not agree with another to host this program, except perhaps with Garry Kasparov. But Svanidze is trying in every possible way to elude Xenia's sharp and direct questions, and still she forces him to answer them. At the same time, you can see how he fidgets in his chair. Ksenia, I am a military pensioner, a doctor, I am 72 years old, and I want to confess my love to you, God bless you and long life. Vladislav Osipov, St. Petersburg

Dmitry Maryanov, who died yesterday from a thromboembolism, never liked to disclose the details of his personal life. Moreover, even many of his acquaintances and colleagues knew practically nothing about his existence outside the stage.

Maryanov tried not to talk about either his 30-year-old wife Ksenia Bik or their joint daughter Anfisa. Moreover, for a long period of time, many considered Anfisa to be Xenia's daughter from her first marriage. The truth has only recently come to light.

Stunned by the news of Maryanov's death, actor Emanuel Vitorgan wrote in his microblog:

"DIMOCHKA MARYANOV ... I can't believe it!!! Ksyushenka, Anfisochka, our dear ones, only we all rejoiced at your good news at the evening - and such a woe!".

This phrase intrigued subscribers: what did the couple say at the evening? What news in question? Commentators agreed that this is either the recognition of Maryanov's daughter Anfisa, or new pregnancy Bic:

"What did they tell you? That the daughter is really his? So all of Moscow knew about this for a long time,"

"God, is Xenia really pregnant?"

"I also thought that they were waiting for the second one ...".

Recall, on the eve it became known that Dmitry Maryanov died at the age of 48. Audiences will remember him for his roles in films such as Above the Rainbow, Dear Elena Sergeevna", "Countess de Monsoro", "The President and his granddaughter" and others.

Friends and relatives cannot believe the loss,.

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