The star of "Molodezhka" Anna Mikhailovskaya was intrigued by the pregnancy. Anna Mikhailovskaya published a new photo in which she can be mistaken for a pregnant woman Mikhailovskaya pregnant

Anna Mikhailovskaya, an actress who at the very end of the 2000s won the love of the younger generation, played prominent roles in the TV series Margosha and Barvikha. A lot of time has passed since then: the girl has matured and has become a real decoration of numerous television projects: Golden, Payback for Love, There is Happiness, Hillbilly, Model Model, Captain.

Many of our readers are interested in whether Anna Mikhailovskaya and Nikita Mikhailovsky are relatives. We answer: no, they are just namesakes.


Anna Mikhailovskaya was born on July 3, 1988 in Moscow. The family was far from the world of art: father, Mikhail Fedorovich, a graduate of the Civil Engineering University (MISI), and mother, Olga Alexandrovna, a flight attendant who worked all her life at Aeroflot. It was her mother, who, on duty, always needed to look her best, taught Anya the tricks of makeup, the ability to choose clothes and other beauty secrets.

When she was 12 years old, baby Anton appeared in the family. Despite the big difference in age, brother and sister always got along well.

As a child, Anya Mikhailovskaya did not have a single free minute. The girl read a lot, loved to draw. IN general education school No. 827 she studied for one five. From the age of five, Anna was engaged in choreography, achieved the title of candidate master of sports in the field of sports dances.

In the senior class, she went to MISI out of competition as an Olympiad and was preparing to continue the dynasty of builders (not only her father, but also her uncle and cousin Ani graduated from MISI). But the case changed everything, directing Anna's life and dreams in a different direction.

The beginning of an acting career. The most beautiful

At this time, the girl was thinking about stopping dancing, as her regular partner stopped showing up at training. Parents persuaded Anna to go to the dance in last time. And it was on that day that the producers of Mosfilm came to the lesson, looking for an actress in the TV series The Most Beautiful. For filming, they needed a dancer who, according to the script, comes to Moscow from the provinces to participate in a dance competition. As a result, the casting managers gave preference to Anna. Then it turned out that they were looking for an actress with the necessary inclinations for 6 months.

This case discouraged the girl. All partners on the set vying with each other advised her to go to VGIK. After hesitating, she took the documents from MISI and signed up for the entrance exams to the film institute.

The auditions took place in parallel with the filming of the series, and Mikhailovskaya had to be torn between work and preparation. Her on-screen "mother" Alena Khmelnitskaya advised memorizing an excerpt from Bunin, which the selection committee accepted with a bang. Anna studied at the course of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Grammatikov and in 2009 became a certified actress.

Star Trek Anna Mikhailovskaya

The main role in the series with an impressive cast is a great career start for an aspiring actress. But this is just the beginning of her path to success. In 2007, she received small roles in the projects Law & Order. Department of Operational Investigations ”“ The Return of the Turkish ”, and also played Katya, the girlfriend of cadet Trofimov (Arthur Sopelnik) in the TV series“ Kadetstvo ”.

In 2008, the continuation of the series “The Most Beautiful” saw the light, but the cast was waiting for a change: Ivan Zhidkov came to replace Nikita Efremov.

Visiting Anna Mikhailovskaya ("Own People")

In 2009, Anya went to work at the Moscow City Council Theater (she was busy in the productions of "Casting", " silver Age”, “RRR”), and a few months later she began acting in the popular TV series “Margosha” - a comedy melodrama about how once a successful gloss editor woke up in the body of a woman (Maria Berseneva).

Anna's heroine is Natasha Egorova, the daughter of the editorial director, spoiled by her father's money and connections, a domineering and bitchy girl with an angelic face. The project had big success viewers and was renewed for two more seasons. IN total 240 episodes of "Margosha" were released on TV screens.

One of the most notable works of the young actress was the role of Ksenia Zavidova in the youth series "Barvikha" - about the "golden children" who have to learn to build relationships with ordinary peers. When asked about the similarities with her heroine, Anna answered that they were united only by a love of sports and natural leadership qualities. During the filming, the girl worked with Ravshana Kurkova, Lyanka Gryu, Anna Khilkevich, Andrey Dementyev.

Subsequently, Anna Mikhailovskaya embodied the image of this heroine one more time - in the series “Golden. Barvikha-2". In the continuation of the series, the heroine of Anna became more feminine and sensual, she had a desire to love and be loved, she had to overcome many internal barriers and learn to value herself. All this could not fail to find a lively response from the audience.

In 2011, the actress moved from the Moscow City Council Theater to the Moscow Independent Theatre. Since then, the actress has remained true to herself and the chosen creative vector. Alternating work in the theater with roles on television, Anna Mikhailovskaya still pleases her fans with new remarkable works.

In 2013, the girl began acting in the sports series Molodezhka. Her Yana Samoilova, a sweet and modest girl, fell in love with all the viewers. She had a chance to play love with the characters of Vlad Kanopka and Ivan Zhvakin.

So, in 2014, she could be seen in the TV series Fashion Models, where she again got the central role: the orphanage Sashenka, who comes to Moscow to go to college, but fails and gets a job as a cleaner in the House of Models. And then the fairy tale about Cinderella begins in a modern way - Sasha is noticed by an eminent fashion designer and invites her to go on the podium.

During filming, the actress threw off a few kilograms to match the image of the fashion model, and also took part in bed scenes with Rinal Mukhametov, who played the avant-garde artist Ivan. The love scenes were filmed on July 3, Anna's 25th birthday, and thanks to the professionalism of both actors, they managed to convey the maximum of feelings and emotions.

The series "The Captain" with Anna Mikhailovskaya and Alexander Ratnikov in the lead roles was released in May 2017. And again, the actress reincarnated as an orphan named Sasha, but this time she had to demonstrate the contrast between the happy and secure childhood of her heroine and the horror that fell upon her after the tragic death of her parents.

In 2017, the biographical series "In the constellation of Sagittarius", dedicated to life path"Soviet Pele" Eduard Streltsov ( The wedding of Anna Mikhailovskaya and Timofey Karataev took place in August 2013

Exactly one year later, the lovers got married. July 6, 2015 Anna Mikhailovskaya became a mother. The boy who was born was named Miroslav, affectionately - Mirosh. Two months later, she returned to work.

Shortly after the birth of his son, the shooting of the series "Captain" began, which, instead of the expected three months, stretched into seven. Separation from her son was a terrible test for Anna. Timofey also flew away at this time - he spent 4 months filming in China. Caring for Miroslav fell on the shoulders of Anna's parents.

In 2018, fans of the actress suspected that something was wrong in her family. Their joint photos on Instagram disappeared, Timofey began to post pictures with other girls. It soon became clear that the actors had indeed filed for divorce. But, as Anna later said, they kept friendly relations for the sake of the son.

Anna Mikhailovskaya now

In 2019, the last season of Molodezhka was released, but Anna said that she would not mind acting in the continuation of the series if she had time. But Anna will certainly appear in the second season of The Captain.

The other day, the popular actress Anna Mikhailovskaya, together with her husband Timofey Karataev, visited the third award of the Association of Film and Television Producers. For the event, the 26-year-old artist chose a long black dress, decorated with pleats at the top. But even such a cunning outfit could not hide the girl's rounded belly. As society chroniclers suggest, Mikhailovskaya is in her fifth or sixth month of pregnancy.


Some brave journalists nevertheless decided to turn to Anna herself for comments. However, the girl did not want to say anything about her interesting position. "I don’t want to share this joy with anyone except my loved ones, I have the right to do so! I will not tell any details, I hope the fans will understand me and will not be offended. In addition, I will soon begin shooting, and I think that I will be able to combine them with my current position, "Mikhailovskaya said.

But her husband Timofey Karataev turned out to be more talkative. He did not deny that he and his wife would soon become parents. “We don’t have superstitions, it’s just that Anya doesn’t want to share our most intimate. Pregnancy is a very personal moment., which you don’t want to talk about to outsiders," Mikhailovskaya’s wife quotes Woman’s Day.

Anna Mikhailovskaya gained popularity after the release of the film "The Most Beautiful" in 2005. Since childhood, the girl was fond of choreography and achieved significant success, becoming a candidate for master of sports in sports dancing. At one of the training sessions, she was noticed by the producers from Mosfilm, who were looking for a heroine. As a result, Mikhailovskaya was invited to audition and was approved for the role of a simple rural girl who goes to Moscow to participate in a ballroom dancing competition.

By the way, after filming, Anna decided on future profession and in 2005 entered the All-Russian state institute Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov, which she graduated in 2009. From the same year, Mikhailovskaya began to serve at the Mossovet Theater.

Secretly divorced after five years of marriage. This was reported by Karataev in his microblog Instagram, posting his photo against the background of one of the Moscow courts.

“Today Anya and I were officially divorced. I think it's right to talk about it publicly in order to avoid unnecessary talk! I didn't think it would come to this! When he made an offer, he believed that it was for a long time. It was sincere and real! Unfortunately it didn't work! There are certain reasons for this! I love my son immensely and will always be his father. Two or three days a week he lives with me and this is the most wonderful time for me! P.S. Nobody is sad! Everything is OK!” Karataev wrote on June 13.

Youth star Anna Mikhailovskaya and Timofey Karataev secretly divorced after five years of marriage

Recall that Anna Mikhailovskaya and Timofey Karataev met at a casting in 2012, soon began dating, and a year later they got married. The star of "Youth" published photos in her microblog on Instagram, in which she showed a family idyll. At the beginning of 2015, Anna's fans suspected that the actress was pregnant, but Mikhailovskaya did not confirm the rumors to the last.

When it became impossible to hide the obvious, the actress asked fans and journalists not to get into her personal life, because she did not want to share good news about the imminent replenishment with no one but the family. After the birth of a son whom his parents named rare name Miroslav (affectionately - Miron or Mirosha), Mikhailovskaya began to occasionally publish photos with her husband and heir, without showing, at the same time, the face of the baby. The actress made an exception only today, on Miron's third birthday.

Anna Mikhailovskaya with her son Miron

A few months ago, fans of the couple suspected that there was a discord in the family of Mikhailovskaya and Karataev - joint photos ceased to appear in the accounts of the actors. Now, however, both parents share frames with their son: Timofey said that his son lives with him 2-3 days a week.

“To relieve the anguish of the previous post, I’ll tell you: I’m insanely high when my son and I are together! As it turned out, I'm a "crazy dad-mom" I'm crazy about everything that we do together! This is not only to play and walk, but also to swim, feed, put to bed, cook pancakes in the morning, lunch, dinner, etc. I'm just disconnected from outside world and we hang out together! Because we are a team! P.S. I think I need to vlog! We often like to get out somewhere. Maybe you know what is interesting now? ”Karataev asked his subscribers, posting a few more pictures after that, in which he is captured with Miron.

Timofey Karataev with his son Miron ( Photo gallery: swipe right)

Starting in October this year new season popular TV series "Molodezhka" on STS. One of the main roles there is played by actress Anna Mikhailovskaya. Incredibly, at 28, she looks like a girl! But the beauty manages not only to act in numerous projects, but also to be loving wife And caring mother one year old son Miroslav. the site learned the secrets of harmony and youth of the star.

website: Anya, you are busy in many projects. Surely they require a lot of time and effort. What helps you always stay young and radiant?

Anna Mikhailovskaya: In this sense, I was very lucky with genetics. In general, I am for naturalness, therefore, in ordinary life I do not use cosmetics, except for hygienic lipstick, mascara and hand cream.

website: Once you were engaged in ballroom dancing, and now you are fond of sports?

A. M.: Sometimes I go to Gym, love to swim. But more often I do some exercises at home or shake the press. True, this happens irregularly due to the busy filming schedule and family worries.

! Tell me how you got rid of excess weight.

A. M.: To be honest, during pregnancy I gained only 15–16 kilograms, and after giving birth, I had to lose an extra 4–5 kilos. I didn’t even change my wardrobe, I wore the same things, so now I can’t say that I had to actively lose weight after pregnancy.

A. M.: To be honest, I have never been to a dermatologist, I rarely visit beauty salons, except for manicures and pedicures.

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