Relationship between Aquarius and Sagittarius. Sagittarius and Aquarius: general compatibility. What difficulties can await a couple

This is a couple with excellent compatibility, but their harmony is not unconditional - for strong alliance you need to work on yourself and on relationships, improve, become better. Therefore, the pair of Aquarius women and Sagittarius men is considered one of the most promising for both ordinary everyday well-being and spiritual growth of partners.

Aquarius-Sagittarius compatibility: how to seduce a Sagittarius man?

The Sagittarius man is always open to new things and is in constant search curiosities. The unusual extravagant appearance of the Aquarius woman and her original character will interest him, and the more Sagittarius recognizes her, the more she will discover virtues and perfections in her. The Aquarius woman is patient with the almost childish antics of Sagittarius, inquisitive, easy-going. For the first time he will meet a woman who does not seek at the first opportunity to tighten promising Sagittarius in the registry office. She is quite satisfied open relationship based on mutual trust. Sagittarius and Aquarius look at many things differently, but the very fact that they generally look and notice the same things, and not look in different directions, will be very important for Sagittarius. Deep down the most frivolous lover beautiful life Sagittarius - teacher, preacher, missionary. He will be pleased to meet a woman for whom spiritual values ​​are more important than material ones (although Sagittarius himself is from wealth rarely refuses). Selflessness, support of his interests, willingness to share his hobbies and patience - these are the weapons of Aquarius in the struggle for Sagittarius.

What does an ideal couple look like: an Aquarius woman - a Sagittarius man?

People around love these sociable, interesting and friendly people. They are never boring, they do not create problems for acquaintances. Perhaps at times they are too noisy and active. Most often, a pair of Aquarius and Sagittarius can be found on an exotic tourist route or at educational and charitable events. At every moment of life, they either seek the truth, or carry it to others. Sometimes it seems that they do not have a personal space in which only family members are allowed. Actually it is not. Sagittarius loves his home to be rich and beautiful. Convinced by a partner, the Aquarius woman will apply all her design talents so that housing is “with a twist” (although she is unlikely to do housework). But admission to their house is really open to many - everyone to whom the couple treats well. They are not fans of quiet family evenings in front of the TV. IN perfect couple each of the partners receives the fulfillment of their most powerful love dreams. Sagittarius finds a woman who understands him perfectly and sexually attracts him, and Aquarius finds a man to lean on.

What are the difficulties in the union of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man?

Problems for a couple may arise not from the side of the freedom-loving Aquarius, as one might think, but from the side of Sagittarius. There are two main difficulties. If they can be solved, the life of the couple can be considered cloudless. The first problem lies in the infidelity of a man. Sagittarius does not refuse an affair with an attractive lady. Moreover, he may not even suspect that his companion may not like it, because she is so free from conventions and prejudices. And Aquarius, each betrayal deeply hurts. For her, freedom is the freedom to love without prejudice, and to love faithfully and for a long time. The second problem concerns Sagittarius' career. Sooner or later, most men of this sign reach the top. And here their features such as the desire to teach, patronizing attitude towards people, nobility, authoritarianism are manifested. Aquarius does not appreciate social authorities. Sagittarius doesn't like it. Aquarius herself begins to tolerate the behavior of her beloved.

Sagittarius tends to idealize a partner. His romantic admiration for the lady of the heart will be the most reliable guarantee of his fidelity. This tool is more effective than appeals to his conscience, discussion of moral standards or threats of divorce. The Aquarius woman has all the data to ensure that the admiration of Sagittarius is eternal. She is so unpredictable and at the same time reliable, she understands Sagittarius so well and at the same time is capable of original thoughts, she suits him so sexually that he will fall in love with her again and again. Aquarius needs to remember from the very beginning of a relationship that sex means more to her man than to her, and not to forget to be not only a good friend for Sagittarius, but also a seductive beauty. When Sagittarius began to climb up the social ladder, Aquarius had to keep up with him. Sagittarius will begin to dissatisfy the many views of Aquarius. If you ignore his discontent, the couple will break up - neither Sagittarius nor Aquarius will receive the usual understanding and support from each other. A good way out is to make a career or become a valuable specialist in your own field. Sagittarius respects authority and will keep authoritarian habits towards a successful woman.

Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man compatibility at work

The union of the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man is very promising. They are able to bring any undertaking to a shine. But the couple is still missing something. Most likely hard work. Therefore, having coped with one task, they will begin to look for a way to dodge the next one together. The exception is those works that both perceive as a vocation.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man - colleagues or partners

They are proactive and active. Sagittarius will lead the way. Aquarius will be a source of news, original advice and innovative methods for him. With a reasonable distribution of roles, where Sagittarius is looking for patrons and useful connections, and Aquarius communicates with everyone else. The projects they start can become popular and bring them fame.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Sagittarius man is the subordinate

This is a good business alliance. The Aquarius boss is caring, but gives her subordinates a lot of freedom. Sagittarius is able to set goals and go to them, he tries to make his work successful, not a failure. So they work well.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Sagittarius man is the boss

This is an average combination. Sagittarius will appreciate the dedication of Aquarius and her sincerity, dislike of intrigue and the ability to get along with the team. But he strives for success, and Aquarius will seem too optional to him.

Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man compatibility in friendship

They are great friends. The Aquarius woman is romantic and has charm, but knows how to be "her boyfriend". It is interesting to talk with her on any topic. She will attract Sagittarius with sincerity and loyalty to friendship. And Sagittarius will become an excellent companion for her in the most unpredictable undertakings. In addition, they are united by idealism and faith in the best. Friendship can be short-lived, because Sagittarius will want fresh impressions and new acquaintances. Aquarius knows how to be a friend to many, and Sagittarius does not have enough time for all friends. He can forget Aquarius. The “halves” of this friendly couple should be wary of betrayal: Sagittarius is not averse to having an affair with Aquarius and will be able to seduce her.

Aquarius and Sagittarius strive for independence. Both signs love freedom, peace, moderately inquisitive and a little adventurous. Aquarius and Sagittarius prefer to live for their own pleasure. What happens when these two signs meet? Will they be able to be together? How to make their marriage perfect? This will be discussed in the article.

Aquarius Man

This person is famous for generosity, sociability and kindness. He is interested in the people around him. Aquarius loves to take part in their lives, and he is flattered that he is needed. A man of this sign always meets new people, so he has many friends to whom he is ready to help at any moment. He will spare no time and effort on them.

Often the Aquarius man is shy with women. Therefore, he prefers that the weaker sex take the first step towards. However, a woman will have to try to win the heart of Aquarius. Very often this is not easy to do because of his timidity.

You can’t talk with an Aquarius man in an orderly tone, he will not tolerate such treatment. If you want to ask him for something, do it carefully and tactfully so as not to frighten him away. Women's cunning defeats Aquarius. If the companion can talk heart to heart with him, then he will do the impossible.

It seems that the stronger sex of this sign is cold and prudent. However, it is not. Aquarius just hides and withdraws into himself. Indeed, he is very vulnerable and soulful person. Aquarius is also very amorous, but before connecting his life with a woman, he will think over every step. He is in no hurry to become a husband.

Sagittarius Woman

The weaker sex of this sign loves vivid impressions. The Sagittarius woman is resourceful, enterprising and will never sit idly by. She is always busy and does not like to be dependent, so she does everything to become successful.

Sagittarius women are leaders in life who do not like control from anyone, but strive to be free. This weaker sex is in no hurry to tie the knot, but always carefully approaches this issue.

If it so happened that a Sagittarius woman met a man, she will do everything in her power to make both of them equal. As he does not like to command his beloved, he will not accept such an attitude towards himself.

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius, open, honest, will always express her opinion. You can easily understand who she liked. She loves hardworking men, and most importantly, not greedy. Therefore, not all signs suit her.

But what if a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man met? Their compatibility is almost perfect, if you do not take into account a few nuances. For example, a representative of the first sign hates a boring life. If a man can diversify it, then the Sagittarius woman will be happy.

Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man: compatibility in love

As mentioned earlier, these two signs are very similar. Perhaps that is why it is easy for them to understand their other half. Sagittarius woman, Aquarius man are both unpredictable. They can even meet in transport, and at first sight a spark will run between them. It is this couple who feels their other half at a distance.

When meeting Aquarius, it is common to get lost, but then Sagittarius will take the initiative without any problems. When she wins him, they will have mutual understanding not only in love, but also in friendship.

There is an opinion that Aquarius and Sagittarius were blessed in heaven, since every date they have is like the first time.

They have the same outlook on life and similar rules. Therefore, very often others are surprised how these two can understand the second half at a glance.

What are the relationships that the Aquarius man, Sagittarius woman entered into? Love between them flares up with lightning speed, but it can quickly go out. The couple will divorce because of several things: deceit, betrayal and disappointment. None of them will forgive these things.

Marriage Compatibility: Sagittarius Woman and Aquarius Man

This couple could be perfect. They will do anything for their half. However, there are some difficulties in marriage. This, oddly enough, is a good compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. Sagittarius woman, Aquarius man - a couple that lives a calm and measured life. Therefore, only boredom can destroy their marriage.

If they do not diversify their weekdays, then they will quickly get bored with everything. The couple loves to travel and learn new things every day - so why not do it together?

However, if one of them wants to take a break from hard everyday days alone, his companion will not like this behavior. That's the only reason the couple will break up. Then no one will stop them, not even joint children.

A pair of Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man is prone to boredom, and then both begin to look for new experiences. This behavior often leads to infidelity, then to disappointment, and then they get divorced.

Children for both signs are the most valuable thing that can be in their lives. However, the couple will also accustom their child to an active rhythm of existence. They will not pay attention to the fact that this may be alien to the baby. Therefore, they will be very surprised that their grown-up child will oppose such a life.

How to make a relationship completely perfect?

Sagittarius woman, Aquarius man - a great couple. However, in order to make the relationship ideal, it is necessary to invent entertainment every day, because boredom can spoil the impression of their soul mate.

Try to travel more often, go hiking, discuss your day, read books, etc. On weekdays, work does not allow you to relax, but on vacation or on weekends you can afford it. After all, both Aquarius and Sagittarius are able to be independent and earn enough money for entertainment.

Both signs are active and cheerful. Therefore, they need to attend cultural events together as often as possible. Although Sagittarius and Aquarius are not jealous, it is not recommended to change. After all, they can forgive almost everything, but not this.

If these two signs periodically arrange surprises for their soul mate, then both will definitely not be bored. The temperament is difficult for both Sagittarius and Aquarius, but together they will survive everything.

The pair of female Sagittarius - male Aquarius has excellent compatibility, the main thing is to correctly use the chance that has fallen in the form of a meeting of your soulmate.


Sagittarius and Aquarius can be great friends, lovers or co-workers. They are equally active, love to work and pay attention to the family at the same time. Oddly enough, they succeed.

The couple will be happy until they get bored together. To prevent this from happening, they need to find new entertainment and hobbies every day. Sagittarius and Aquarius will not sit at home in front of the TV. They need both air travel, hiking and the like. Only then will they be fully satisfied with their lives.

Hello, thank you for answering my question so quickly (about why there is no description for self-rating 10 in the Pythagorean matrix).

I watched 11/28/1983, but this date of birth is not mine, but a person whom I know, but not close, he himself is just a military man, with such a decisive character (11111)!
I was born on 01/31/1990. I myself have the character 1111, but I'm more of a shadow leader, and only recently I felt it. So Aquarius! I perceive infringements on freedom very sharply, I even try to fight it. And also such a cute appearance that at first people think that she is a simpleton, and when they get to know closer ... they understand that not everything is so simple :)

I would say that I really feel that there is little energy (2), and also problems with confidence and courage. Therefore, she has not yet fully revealed herself, as she thought of herself in her career, in spirituality.

Sergeevna, now everything is clear. And I would like to rejoice for young man who definitely found himself in the military sphere.

Of course, I can imagine how much anger I cause when I answer twice to the same person, while there are already more than a thousand letters in the mail, but it seemed to me that the information you sent for the calculation would be useful for the resource as a whole.

So, first I would like to say about your Pythagorean square: 1111 2 3 4 6 8 999. Obviously, the strongest qualities are the will / character and mental capacity. From here follow strong derivative qualities from 1 and 9: “five” in purposefulness and also 7, like on 11/28/1983, along the spiritual diagonal.

And in this regard, Sergeevna, I would like to say that you are, for sure, extremely attractive to strong (111, 1111 and especially 11111) and smart men. For the reason that they see in you not only a cute appearance, but also a strength of character that matches their own, and besides this, a developed mind, which deserves separate male respect. Of course, such a man, as from your first letter, from 11111 will be more interested in a woman with 1111, other things being equal, than with a weak character. And this is logical. Just like a lion should be paired with a lioness, not a mouse :)

So we smoothly approach your pair from 11/28/1983. I propose to first look at this compatibility from the male side. Here we have the following data:
- he is Sagittarius, representative of Fire, who craves the sign of Air, for example, Aquarius, like you
- he has a character of 11111 and you have 1111
- he has an intelligence of 99 and you have 999
- he has a sense of purpose at 5 and you at 5
- he has a “spiritual vector, like Putin” by 7 and you also have 7

It turns out that all the most strengths, which form the basis of the personality of this man, he sees in you. This is what for him is the first starting point in his interest in you.

And the following calculation of biorhythms/chakras is already a control one:

Two strong compatibility, one of which is at the maximum - and both are "male". What can I say: pure attraction strong man to a woman worthy of him. Hmm, if in your place there was not a woman, but a man, while the man in question himself was the commander-in-chief of the army, then the man with your date of birth would make him an excellent team. Even, probably, would be truly his right hand in command.

However, we are not at war, and you are not a man either. Therefore, despite your possible interest in this strong military Sagittarius man and his attraction to you, I would, alas, not say that you, Sergeevna, will be fully happy with him in a relationship. No, I'm not trying to dissuade you, but it's just that this situation is, one might say, classic in terms of "male" attraction. And, perhaps, somewhere you will read about how Aquarius and Sagittarius coexist perfectly, or about how two strong characters are friends, where one is still a little stronger. Perhaps even now this man is ready to carry you in his arms and really appreciates all your strengths, thus getting a rather rare combination of love, understanding and respect. But all these things are not quite what, according to the methodology proposed on the site, should form the basis of harmonious and happy relationship couples.

It's up to you, of course, to decide. Maybe this intellectual connection, commonality of aspirations and a strong leadership shoulder is just what you are looking for. But, if you now make it clear to this Sagittarius that he can try to “conquer” you, then keep in mind that then he will definitely not retreat, let alone give up. Never.

A little about you personally: I think life has so far given you few reasons to fully show your character 1111 and mind 999. Then you would not say that you lack something in terms of confidence or will. And you know, Sergeevna, there are two ways out: either you find yourself in some extraordinary situation, where you are forced to 100% show the qualities given to you, and only after that you will find out about them. full strength and then successfully apply all your life. Or you, for example, right tomorrow, from Monday, start using them, just believing in yourself. you said very important thing that you manage to be a "shadow leader" now. Believe me, there is no difference between a “shadow” leader and a “non-shadow” one. If you manage to be the strongest "in the shadows", then you can do the same thing "in the light." I believe in you and wish you good luck!

Good afternoon. I am 12/18/1981 Irina, he is 02/18/1978 Nikolai. They met at the beginning of 2007, in 2008 they began to live together, in 2009 on September 23 they got married. On December 28, 2012, I left my husband, saying in advance that I was getting a divorce. Reasons - lack of sex, my husband did not want to, I was harassed; I didn’t work for a year and a half, I was looking for myself, I felt dislike for society, one might say a sociophobe, he allows units to approach me, and probably I always wanted to be that chosen one, and I became her for him, but this only increased the exactingness, apparently I should was to be an unshakable ideal; from here constant criticism, nitpicking. April 16, 2013 received a divorce. Two days ago I found out that he had moved out of the apartment we rented together. And I was seized with panic, I realized that there was nothing left that had anything to do with our family. And I was plagued by doubts. Do I want to return it. Or I'm just lonely. Is there a chance. Is it even worth thinking about it. Our union was painful. But at the same time, I am still convinced that the connection between us is deep, which still needs to be looked for and may not be found anymore. And I'm very scared. Where was the mistake ... The fact that we generally connected once or that we divorced.

In-contri: Irina, you have, perhaps, one of the most confusing stories that have so far been. And yet the calculation shows that you wind yourself up more about how “deep” and special this relationship was. However, this happens very often after the separation of people, especially if one or both of them were complex personalities. Well, Irina, let's see what connected you. Your signs are from complementary elements - Fire and Water. At the same time, the relationship in which they are as a result of their location on the zodiac circle is called “Big brother and younger brother". The first inconsistency is already here. "Big brother" - the sign of Aquarius - the sign of your ex-husband. Those. “younger brother” is you, Irina. But in Pythagoras, the opposite is true: you have a character of 6, and your husband has only 2. Thus, there was a problem with the distribution of roles and, it seems, the position of the husband as a “second number” greatly depressed his personality. Let's now look at the personality of the husband according to the individual calculation of the square of Pythagoras. And here we see a very rare square with almost all cells filled in, and in 5 cells out of 9 there are two digits at once, which indicates the natural development of those qualities for which the corresponding cell is responsible. Simply put, your husband is actually quite a versatile and interesting person who has access to literally everything in this life. Only now such a square often becomes not a good chance for the owner, but bad luck. A person does not know how to apply himself, he is not interested in developing, a sense of his own exclusivity prevents him from building relationships. The people around him seem flawed, any monotonous activities quickly get bored with him and he always feels that he "deserves more." This may be so, but one must be able to achieve “greater”, because it is not given just like that from above, as various qualities are given to such a person. But he, again, does not know how to achieve and is not used to. Few people get out of such a "closed" square. Just like what happened to your husband. Even the "male" creative chakra, which he crossed with yours by 62%, could not move him from dead center. In conclusion, Irina, I also suggest that you calculate the male and female levels in your couple in order to understand which of the two of you was more inclined towards a partner in this relationship. So, male levels: physical - 88% (fast-moving), intellectual - 63% and creative - 62%. In intelligence and creativity, your husband did not have much attraction with you. And now yours, women: emotions - 57%, heart - 82% (this is already palpable) and intuition in dissonance. And, just, you have the highest intuitive chakra, Irina, and suggests the right path: “Is it worth it to think about it at all?”, “Our union was painful”, “Where was the mistake ... The fact that we met at all.” I think that the mistake was that out of friendship, which first connected you through the heart chakras, you decided to build love. It didn't work out, Irina. It's worth recognizing it. And once again, I would like to remind all readers already that it is better to have a couple, but very strong levels of attraction, than a few, but half-hearted ones. Therefore, it is recommended to start with an emotional compatibility of 70% and add something from the higher chakras to this. Irina, good luck in your search for a new interesting and suitable partner for you.

Hello! I really like the site! A fresh and interesting idea.
I have a few questions. 1. Compatibility on an emotional level is important, as I understand it, for girls. And compatibility at an intellectual level for men. Doesn't this mean that with good emotional compatibility but no intellectual compatibility, there is a possibility that the MCH can defect to another one with whom he has good intellectual compatibility? And 2. It is not completely clear to me how compatibility manifests itself in the very last, highest chakra. My d.b. December 19, 1989, his - February 7, 1975. In general, the lack of compatibility in many chakras scares me. In your opinion, is there a prospect for this relationship? Or am I trying in vain. Thank you)

In-contri: Eugene, good questions, thanks. And it’s good, by the way, that you first come up with the elements: Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, Aquarius is a sign of Air.
- First question: very accurate remark! Although here it is rather from the category (on an example): it is accepted that mathematics and physics at school are given better for boys, and Russian and literature for girls. Those. For most students, this division works. But haven't we seen the girls problem solving of any complexity, and boys, essay writers the best? So it is with chakras: emotions are close to both women and men, but it seems like it’s not customary for men to show them too much, so the emotional chakra is conventionally classified as female. But, Evgenia, if there is good compatibility and in reality there is sympathy, then they will be equally mutual. But the fact that men "fall for" women with high intellectual compatibility - it works 90%.
- People come to compatibility in the higher chakra for years. This is already called a common destiny or striving for a common ideal in life. When all the stages of compatibility have been passed and the couple understands that they have already entered the stage of spiritual unity, then this is highest compatibility. As in the example of a pair of spouses Gorbachev.
- Your couple, Evgenia: almost everything that is in the minimum recommendations of the author has been completed. Except for the huge difference in temperaments. But this can be smoothed out by the fact that your temperament, Evgenia, will only open up by the age of 30, and your partner, on the contrary, will fade with age. Now, of course, you are passionate about the physical side of relationships with each other, but over the years, thanks to the maximum in emotions and compatibility in the higher chakra, when it opens, you should be all right. Those. perspective, I think there is. Don't worry about incompatibilities. You just don't have effective interaction at these levels, that's all. The main thing is that there is a fundamental base, emotional intimacy and, in the long term, spiritual.

There is an example of very rare couples when people are so different that even the fact that they life together causes genuine confusion. The compatibility of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman is a great example: yes, our heroes are completely different from each other and revolve in different circles. That does not prevent them from finding their happiness together.

The compatibility horoscope of zodiac signs that belong to different elements, as a rule, predicts numerous frictions caused by differences not only in life views, but also in the rhythm itself. However, Sagittarius and Aquarius are far from the case. Moreover, it is a pleasant astrological exception.

In such an interesting and promising alliance, the Sagittarius guy is a fire. He is businesslike, self-confident, focused on specific tasks and almost never deviates from their implementation. If it is true that you can run away from life or try to solve the problem, then it is also true that the typical Sagittarius man is busy overcoming difficulties.

The Aquarius woman represents air. She is charming by definition. And if at first the archer is attracted by her sweet, sparkling smile, then for a long time he will not be able to find a specific reason for his charm. In fact, the situation is very simple. Aquarius has been and remains one of the most sincere signs of the zodiac. These people just don't know how to be fake. Although on the other hand they are brilliant actors who will always play their part to get away with it. But this is true only for strangers and only for extreme situations.

Otherwise, it is precisely the openness, directness of Aquarius and her friendliness that will become a real balm for the soul for the Sagittarius man. The fact is that he himself is quite open. This person prefers a smooth, open dialogue in which everyone can freely exchange views without resentment over the policy of behind-the-scenes negotiations and tricks.

Sagittarians hate gossip, intrigue and other manifestations of human ingenuity. It is interesting that although these people are mostly not burdened with a load of prejudice, they still believe that in many ways intrigues and lies come from the fairer sex. And it is the Aquarius girl who will convince him that this is at least not entirely true. We can say that this lady has a few trump cards in her pocket, but all of them are large and just like a selection.

Indeed, it does not fit into the classical ideas and images. She is alien to whims, turning into a gentle mimosa or a daring tigress. And although, if desired, she can vividly demonstrate best qualities of these types, in fact, Aquarius is a model of honesty. With myself and people. Of course, she herself is not without sin. But we are talking about people, not about an ideal gas. And over time, the quick-witted Sagittarius man will finally understand what attracts him so much in the beloved Aquarius lady: this is her sincerity, unwillingness to play up and deceive. Yes, she also likes to speak directly. And it is precisely mutual openness that will form an incredibly solid foundation for the compatibility of our heroes in love relationships.

Over time, partners will discover one amazing phenomenon. Let's say some 3 months have passed, and it seems to them that they have been dating for a whole year. As if they never parted, but they are probably familiar with past life. And from the point of view of the stars, this effect is not surprising. After all, when two people have really similar life goals and the very attitude, then no differences in character will be so noticeable.

It’s just that both Aquarius and Sagittarius are very good at negotiating. They will quite willingly forgive each other for small weaknesses, and most importantly, they will accept the soul mate for who she is. And the reason is simple. When a person strongly coincides in spirit, and it is pleasant to share every moment with him, then you just want to close your eyes to the shortcomings. At first, our heroes, most likely, will not notice them at all. And later they will get used to each other to such an extent that minor weaknesses will not seem so significant.

Of course, the Sagittarius guy and the Aquarius girl are made of the same substance as all sinners. They sometimes have disagreements, quarrels, even quarrels. But short-lived and not quite serious. And this is their advantage. Yes, partners are in conflict, they can even raise dust to the ceiling. But that same force of mutual sympathy not only securely keeps them close, but also makes them put up almost immediately.

In fact, both Aquarius and Sagittarius are quick-witted people. They cannot live for weeks and even days in complete solitude, sitting behind a wall of silence. It doesn't even matter who throws the white flag first. It is interesting that an Aquarius woman will often do this, because after each conflict she does not flatter herself with the illusion that she is right by definition, but sits down and carefully thinks about why it happened, and who is really wrong this time.

The objectivity of Aquarius, the openness and honesty of Sagittarius - that's what keeps our heroes together and gives them really great chances of compatibility in love. They are sincere and friendly, so even misunderstandings and quarrels do not extinguish their desire to be together.

Marriage compatibility: love through respect

There are legends about the love of freedom and the strangeness of Aquarius. Indeed, for this lady to be like everyone else is very boring. After all, it must be something different. Moreover, Aquarius argues according to the principle "to be, not to seem." That is why it is enough for her to simply know how things really are, and who thinks what is the tenth thing.

That is why Aquarians often do not marry for quite a long time, without fear of rumors and gossip. They live and enjoy life - alone or with someone else. But reliable man Sagittarius literally convinces his missus that their relationship is at least ripe for a new stage. And the most interesting thing is that she tends to agree with him, without much controversy and bickering.

Sagittarius can feel like a real hero, because he married not just anyone, but the very Aquarius who puts his personal freedom in the first place, and everything else in the second. Interestingly, in marriage, the compatibility of partners promises to be no less favorable. Although, of course, they will face some difficulties, sometimes even unexpected ones, which is quite normal for the adaptation stage.

Another thing is that, oddly enough, but the center of the perturbation of calm in such an almost ideal tandem will not be Aquarius at all. The Sagittarius man, with his thirst for adventure, can somewhat sin on the classic male weakness. And a quick-witted wife, of course, will be able to establish all the causes and consequences of such phenomena.

I must say that Aquarius is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. And although this girl understands loyalty in a slightly different way (like all other values), she still remains faithful not only own ideas, but also half. Interestingly, Aquarius's more influences not even physical, but spiritual betrayal.

Of course, everyone puts something of their own into this concept. And the Aquarius interpretation of fidelity comes from a simple formula: “be indispensable to me, best friend". For this zodiac sign, there are few real differences between love and friendship. In fact, friendship is the highest manifestation of love. And the reverse combination is also true. That is why it is one thing to change physically, and another to betray friendship, i.e. those ideals that two people literally profess.

Of course, a Sagittarius man is unlikely to understand the intricacies human soul, because it is generally not typical for him to talk about abstract things for a long time, but at least he will always respect the views of the beloved Aquarius girl. Same as Aquarius. And that's exactly what mutual respect will serve as an excellent basis for the compatibility of these people in family relationships. It's just that their romance initially began with a high - with that same spiritual intimacy. And as long as this strength is maintained, the union will develop so successfully that even quarrels and troubles will be forgotten very quickly.

And one more possible obstacle - the Sagittarius man, for sure, over the years will gain all conceivable and inconceivable career heights, after which his love for teachings may manifest. Which will be a mistake, which he soon realizes. After all, you can only communicate with Aquarius on an equal footing - justice should be in everything.

Compatibility in sex: reliability day and night

The night clock gives our heroes incredible inspiration, as it once again convinces them that the very person whom they gently and passionately embrace will not turn into a monster when the clock strikes midnight.

Both Sagittarius and Aquarius gain spiritual intimacy even in intimate amusements, because even in such delicate matters they behave extremely openly and endow their soul mate with the strongest manifestations of earthly love. In a word, when a partner is reliable day and night, this is the best basis for harmony.

Compatibility at work: lovers of the new

In a working relationship, a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman will stick to informal hierarchy. They sincerely sympathize with each other in any posts and positions. This tandem will be successful in all activities that are associated with the development of new markets, technologies and entire areas of activity.

It's just that these two are always drawn to the new, the unknown - such is their nature. If Aquarius has a constant curiosity for new products due to an innate thirst for knowledge, then Sagittarius is an adventure hunter. The motivation is different, but the goal is the same. Here is their formula for success.

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman have excellent chances of compatibility. And even if at some moments resentment against each other makes everything bubbling inside, there is no doubt that this will pass after the first hug. And then you will again go forward, towards the unknown.

The chances of Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility in love are huge. But they will have to work hard to live together happily ever after. The signs are so similar in the main that at first they do not pay attention to each other's minor flaws. But, as you know, success in any pair depends on details and trifles.

Relationship between Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man

Cloudless - that's all you need to know about the relationship between the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman. They are so good together that there is no doubt about their compatibility. They are perfect for each other: they understand the partner perfectly, guess his thoughts and pick up all his ideas.

Psychologists say that half an hour of observing a couple will tell everything about their compatibility. Positive awaits those lovers who readily respond to any promise of a partner. The horoscope initially lays such an emotional response in the love relationship of the Sagittarius girl and the Aquarius guy.

Both signs have a similar and absolutely fantastic humor, value freedom and independence, readily meet the new and the unknown.

Aquarius gushes with unusual ideas, and the Sagittarius woman knows how to bring them to life. When Aquarius is exhausted, the partner recharges him with her fiery energy.

They make an excellent couple both in love and in a longer-term union. The family of these signs is like a strong, stable ship. No storms and tempests can unsettle them.

Mutual jokes and jokes help them get through difficult times. They are not afraid of change and therefore easily change their place of residence, work and environment if they understand that the old has already exhausted itself.

What difficulties can await the couple?

In a love relationship between a Sagittarius girl and an Aquarius guy, there can be ups and downs and conflicts. The greatest danger for these signs is the routine and monotonous life. Life is able to drag them into a pool, from which it will be quite difficult to emerge.

Both signs are fickle and do not like monotony and boredom. They try to transfer household chores to each other, while everyone wants to escape to something more interesting. But this is a dead end path.

The horoscope advises the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man to honestly distribute the work around the house.

Such signs should not save on home appliances. What can be delegated to relatives or paid assistants. And in order to disperse boredom, arrange family holidays, romantic surprises, joint trips, travel and other adventures.

Over time, the Sagittarius woman begins to annoy those features of her husband that previously touched. His creativity and unpredictability is good at the beginning, at the time of falling in love. However, surprises, like a punching bag in the middle of the living room or unexpected guests after a hard day's work, will be in family life tiresome.

It is impossible to convince Aquarius that he is wrong. Scandals and tantrums will not help here either. It is better to translate everything into a joke, and then agree on at least some rules for cohabitation. For example, always consult about rearrangements in the house.

Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man relationship

The horoscope claims that the compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius in such a combination requires more work from the couple. The Aquarius woman is smart and funny, but she is headstrong and always likes to have her own way. Of course, this introduces a kind of intrigue and game into the life of lovers, but it also creates certain difficulties.

The game, in fact, is the motto of this couple. They play in life, with each other, in bed, at work, with relatives and children. The game requires humor, intelligence and readiness to always catch and throw the “ball” back to the partner. Therefore, boredom and sadness are not for them.

However, playing, in love and marriage, they do not turn into rivals, but still remain partners.

Friendship is the main thing that keeps their love relationship. Although passion for them is also not in last place. For this, the couple has enough desire, energy and a lot of erotic fantasy.

The Sagittarius man immediately falls in love with the Aquarius woman, at first he is attracted to her by sexual attraction. But soon they realize that they surprisingly coincide in everything, have similar tastes, preferences, interests and values. They are so close to each other that after a month or two they no longer think of life apart.

Causes of conflict in a couple

Like any girl, the Aquarius wife sometimes likes to throw tantrums and is prone to manipulation in the spirit of fainting and imaginary illnesses. Aquarians are champions of creative ideas. And no one promised that only for a good cause.

Well, if the girl Aquarius decided to arrange a "demonstration performance", she would take out the brain of anyone. Anyone would have given up on the first chord, rushed for flowers and ordered dinner at a restaurant to calm their beloved.

But Sagittarius is not just anyone. He hates when they try to control him in a love relationship. He will grit his teeth and roll up a counter scandal. Or arrange the same complex performance. Fortunately, he has enough energy.

It will be fun at times. Two people compete to see who wins this moment sick, although in reality both are healthy, at least send them into space. Or arrange other similar games.

But sometimes things can go too far. Sagittarius has unlimited patience. He, like any man, wants to come to a calm and comfortable house and meet there loving wife, and not guess every time what his indefatigable little wife will throw out.

True, as soon as an extraneous danger appears, both forget the feuds and begin to act as a united front. She "stands behind her back and feeds the cartridges." It seems that there was no quarrel at all.

Thus, Aquarius and Sagittarius in love have excellent compatibility. They are helped by:

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