Taurus man and woman: excellent compatibility of two strong signs is possible

The union of two calves is a very strong, extremely stable combination that has taken the classic “slowly but surely” principle as its motto. The compatibility of a Taurus man and a Taurus woman has very favorable prerequisites, but it’s not so easy for partners to reach their idyll. First of all, this will take a very long time, and it will often be very difficult for this couple to agree.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, which takes over from Aries. These people were born in the spring, just at the time when the agricultural cycle begins. And I must say, it has its own symbolic meaning. The calf simply belongs to the earth element. These are solid, practical people who very early part with the illusions of childhood and youth. A typical Taurus believes only in himself and relies solely on his own strength. Yes, he has a couple of good, reliable friends, but even he rarely resorts to their help. The main principle of these people is stability and confidence in the future. And they perfectly understand: if you don’t stomp, you won’t burst. That is why there are so few visionaries among the Taurus, frank talkers who believe in something irrational. Our heroes, rather, are fans of classical logic. They prefer to plan all their affairs, and even if the scenario develops differently, they will prefer to simply wait out a more opportune moment.

It’s just that both the Taurus man and the Taurus woman are unhurried. Perhaps this is not enough at first glance. meaningful quality and creates favorable conditions for their compatibility in a love relationship. It's just that this guy will never insist, much less push his will against the fair sex. Most likely, even the lady will act as the initiator of the acquaintance in this case - you can not wait for the first step from the slow calf. But this is just the case when she is not at all embarrassed to give the signal first. It’s just that some unknown force attracts her to the guy of her own sign. And the compatibility horoscope can easily explain the magic that is gradually chipped between our heroes. Everything is very simple - they feel that the interlocutor is on the same wavelength, and therefore it is incredibly easy to adapt to his energy, the rhythm of life, even the simple pace of speech and demeanor.

The Taurus guy and Taurus girl will feel that together they seem to be entering a safe haven, where everything is simple and familiar. It is pleasant for them to communicate together, since the conversation is never accompanied by unexpected turns, which our heroes really do not like. Taurus are simple and predictable, they prefer to follow the beaten path, and therefore they never rush into battle first. They cannot be seen at the epicenter of events - rather, they will pass by, because their cautious temperament and dislike for extreme events will keep them within their own plan.

That is why the compatibility of two calves in love develops so harmoniously: they have very similar life values. Of course, their goals on this planet may be very different, but this is normal. After all, there is nothing to worry about if your partner goes in one direction, and you go in another. The main thing is to go together and help. Moreover, even the direction of their thought largely coincides. It is interesting that the Taurus guy starts dreaming about his own house, wife and even children quite early, which is not at all typical for young people. He just comes from the good old truth that a real man must plant a tree, build a house and, of course, give birth to a son.

That is why the search for a life partner, a reliable partner and a true like-minded person is the most important point in his plan. And the Taurus woman fits perfectly into this image. She is reliable, modest, and a man feels with her literally in a comfort zone. It's just that he no longer needs to explain what and how, and even addiction goes surprisingly quickly. Of course, that is fast in this case - precisely by Taurus standards.

It's just that the calf is not exactly a life partner - but even gains friends over the years. He carefully looks at a new person and never gives too much credit of trust. A typical representative of this sign arranges numerous tests for people who claim a place in his heart. And interestingly, the calves themselves are also happy to pass the exams that the opposite side organizes for them.

That is why the style, rhythm and energy of the development of the novel of the Taurus man and the Taurus woman will quite appeal to both. Nobody is in a hurry, because I am sincerely convinced that there is simply nowhere to hurry. Another thing is what are important questions, as compatibility in love, and then in family relationships, must be checked for a very long time. To do something out of the blue is not in the rules of the calf. He likes to look 10 steps ahead. At times, it may seem as if these two are playing a game of chess in which you can take as much time to think as you need.

Marriage compatibility: a drop of diversity

But, no matter how long their relationship lasts, they will certainly approach something serious. The most important indicator of the well-founded intentions of a Taurus man is the very fact that he has been dating his soul mate for quite a long time. It’s just that this person does not tend to make acquaintances and develop relationships, the purpose of which he sincerely does not understand. In a word, Taurus always participates only in those projects that are really interesting (read: useful). That is why even if it seems that he is too slow in making a major decision, this is only a superficial impression.

In fact, at the moment when the Taurus girl will be tormented by thoughts about whether he likes her, and how serious his intentions are, this guy will already be planning a wedding, upcoming expenses and other earthly plans. Don't forget: he thinks 10 steps ahead. A typical representative of this zodiac sign will never make a feast for the whole world, not being sure what awaits the couple after that: where they will live, with whom, like everything else in this spirit.

And finally, the long-awaited day comes, and our heroes decide that they will continue their earthly journey together. It must be said that in such pairs the probability of decay is extremely small. It’s just that when they come to the decision to get married, this at least means that everyone alone has already analyzed all the possible pros and cons, calculated plans for the years ahead and thought out exactly what difficulties could potentially arise in their union. And if so, then the decision made is really meaningful. Accordingly, no one will even think of backing up - this is why the compatibility of a Taurus man and a Taurus woman in marriage is so reliable.

The only significant risk that somewhat complicates the smooth, even course of our heroes' existence is their intransigence. Indeed, Taurus is considered one of the most stubborn, persistent signs of the zodiac. As a rule, this person does not give in to external pressure not out of principle. He just sincerely believes his position is correct. Somewhere the calf can simply withdraw into himself, somewhere he can argue thoroughly. But in most cases, he simply politely ignores external remarks and does not give in to any provocations. Literally, this person sees only a goal in front of him, before which all minor obstacles fade, which he considers as temporary obstacles.

But in practice this has its side effects, because even the most positive qualities are not one hundred percent good, right? And in family life, two bodies can feel the same reverse side their benefits. Long disputes can turn into real politics of confrontation. Perhaps this worst case, so partners must do everything possible to constantly monitor the situation and not bring it to a neglected state.

And the life of this calm couple can be overshadowed by boredom. Indeed, when all life goals have already been achieved, they can literally and figuratively just fall apart on the couch. Yes, Taureans are real homebodies, and in this sense they will always find ways to organize their leisure time at home. Another thing is that sometimes you need to go out into the light. That is why the stars advise this couple to arrange a change of scenery from time to time. Start small: just change your plan of action. Believe me, that very drop of diversity will only benefit your relationship.

Compatibility in sex: earthly passions

Interestingly, outwardly chilly and even indifferent bodies are actually full of passion. It seems that they are excited by the darkness itself or the weak light of a candle. The belonging of this zodiac sign to the elements of the earth explains why it is attracted to intimacy purely natural side.

Taurus may not pursue a beautiful interior, walks under the moon - a thorough prelude, complete rapprochement, a state of unconditional trust are important to him. It is in such an environment that both halves are fully revealed - this is where their earthly passions boil. I must say that since the Taurus guy and the Taurus girl prefer stability, they will find mutual understanding in the intimate sphere. Yes, their nighttime adventures are not as bright as in the Mexican series. But gentle, pleasant and sensual.

Compatibility at work: on the same line

If a Taurus man and a Taurus woman work, as they say, in the same field, their compatibility at work is very successful. But when one of them becomes the boss, this is already a less favorable option.

Just the slowness of the calves will play a cruel joke. Yes, they are accustomed to carefully plan everything, calculate their every step. But when there is no person who would hurry them up, things can get stuck on dead center. That's why our heroes will work together only on one line.

The compatibility of Taurus man and Taurus woman is quite favorable - the mirror effect works well. But to build a really strong relationship, this couple will have to go a very long way.

The relationship of these two representatives of the Earth perfectly fits the description of the type of compatibility of the same signs "I and my mirror." At first, young Taurus, as if approaching a mirror and admiring the reflection, when they get to know each other, they see the most best features, inherent in themselves - this is a wide smile, and friendliness, and a desire to please the person who is interested (each Taurus tries to sincerely please not everyone in a row, but only to those who are interesting to him). Then similar qualities of personality and character will be assessed: poise, striving for stability and constancy, honesty, even if painted in rude tones, readiness to help on the verge of self-sacrifice.

It is easy to guess that the derivatives of the above are likely to be similar interests, hobbies and plans for life. As for strong friendship, these qualities should be enough for her in full. But the illusion that a copy partner can become an ideal for relationships and family will constantly be tested by reality. And in the end, reality will win. A developed and mature personality is much better suited to someone who is fundamentally similar to her in something, but different in something. And on the basis of these differences there will be a mutual exchange. And when you have a partner in front of you, from whom, by and large, there is nothing to take, and who, accordingly, has nothing to offer in return, then the relationship very quickly exhausts itself.

So Taurus and Taurus at a young age, when the best friend is someone who looks like you, they get very close, and as they grow older they understand that everyone would like a more interesting partner than their boring reflection. And therefore, in maturity, such meetings practically do not occur. Unless the partners are of the same sex and it is not about friendship or cooperation.

Usually, two Taurus have mutual satisfaction with the physical side of the relationship. But not as long as we would like. Both are quite conservative and monotonous in habits, so they literally read each other in advance after the first meetings. But in terms of fidelity, both are reliable and mutual. And they are unlikely to consider someone from fleeting hobbies as an incentive to destroy the stability so dear to them.

What is worth working on in a relationship for two Taurus?

Representatives of this zodiac sign tend to a measured life, preferring to spend time with family or with a loved one, rather than attend crowded and noisy events. And, being with each other all the time, they begin to frankly get tired. From the boring predictability of a partner, from his senseless obstinacy, from useless resentment, from material obsession - in a word, from everything that they themselves are familiar with from birth, but now “in the mirror” is reflected simply on a frightening scale.

Usually Taurus, not in a state of work or creative process, is a real lying stone. And when both in the family are like that, then who will stir them up? So they will lie and grumble at each other.

This couple is recommended to at least occasionally pull themselves out of the routine of life. Companies of friends are useful to them, where everyone can prove himself as a storyteller, and as a toastmaster, and as an artist - the main thing is that the genres do not intersect. Well, not to abandon a hobby in which everyone could retire, be creative, meditate and take a break from a partner.

Taurus Woman and Taurus Man

The relationship of a Taurus man and a Taurus woman at the development stage greatly simplifies openness in communication and straightforwardness. Partners are similar in many ways, which allows you to behave naturally. This helps both to decide on a serious step - to move beyond friendship and offer the partner the creation of a family, to which both are extremely responsible.

Without spending a lot of time studying positive traits and each other's shortcomings, both partners save themselves from unpleasant surprises in married life. And all the disagreements and scandals, in fact, turn out to be very predictable. But this does not mean that every Taurus seeks to extinguish the problem in its infancy. Sometimes it's even the other way around: one or both partners may be specifically set up for a duel in the kitchen that evening. At the same time, even preliminarily mentally preparing for it.

I am glad that in most cases the couple is still able to realize the risks of aggravating the conflict and quickly conclude a truce. Being subjected to such tests and accumulating baggage of insults and nit-picking, the union, alas, does not become more stable. And in the end, only faith in stability, loyalty to a partner and commitment to the comfort of life become its foundations. Typical Taurus follower bad world than a good war, therefore, it will go to the gap only as a last resort.

Taurus man (April 21 - May 21) - an earthly, simple, sensual and very stubborn creature. Against the background of the rest of the signs of the horoscope, it looks like a real rock, it was not for nothing that Taurus was previously depicted as half grown into the ground.

The constellation, after which the sign is named, consists of 216 stars visible to the naked eye, and really resembles a bull with its outlines. According to ancient Greek mythology, Taurus is the same bull that Zeus once turned into in order to kidnap Europa, the princess of Phoenicia. Europe, famous for its beauty and good disposition, became the beloved of Zeus and gave him three sons.

The bull has always been considered the personification of perseverance, hard work, a combination of calm strength, wild fury and incredible tenderness. A powerful bull with a quick temper, but with a rational outlook on life, a sign of expedient, decisive strength. The bull is a very accurate symbol for the Taurus man, using strength and pressure to achieve the goal.

It is difficult to find people more practical and romantic at the same time than those born under the constellation Taurus. The Taurus man is an open book for a wise woman, this is a dream man, the very wall behind which it is safe, cozy and calm. It may be a little boring with him, but is it so important for a happy family life?

Under the constellation Taurus, such outstanding and boring people were born! personalities like William Shakespeare, Niccolo Machiavelli, Immanuel Kant, Ivan Kulibin, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sigmund Freud, Honore de Balzac, Sergei Prokofiev, Boris Akunin, Al Pacino and many others.


The element of Taurus is Earth. Basically, these are earthly, practical, even mundane people who do not build any stunning plans, who are used to calling a spade a spade. The element of the Earth is the personification of physical strength, stability, material well-being, fertility in the broadest sense of the word.

The element of the earth conceals incalculable riches, since the Earth itself is the main treasure. The main property of the Earth is the ability to firmly and thoroughly hold a form, a clear structure. Earth is the basis of everything stable and unchanging. Therefore, all the signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are practical, rational and complete. common sense. They instinctively know how to use the means at hand to achieve the end result.

The earthly Taurus Man perceives the world through his physical sensations, high endurance and tolerance helps him find a way out of the most critical situations. But the breadth of views is not included in the list of his virtues, as well as imagination. The element of the Earth endowed him with conservatism, constancy and a tendency to pessimism.

The best compatibility of "earthly" people is the element of Water. Seething Water will feed the Earth, give it life, and the Earth, in turn, will become a reliable support for Water. Representatives of these two elements are literally meant for each other. The union of two "earthly" people will also be quite harmonious - they can become reliable partners to each other both in life and in business.

The worst compatibility among "earthly" people with the elements of Fire and Air. They are completely polar to each other, and such unions are usually short-lived. But, there are exceptions to any rule, and there are many such examples.

Any person born under the constellation Taurus will feel comfortable closer to his element - the Earth. This will give him a sense of security and stability, which is a priority for him. He is recommended to live either in a private house or on low floors. The higher the floor of residence, the more restless a person will feel, he will be uncomfortable.

The Taurus man is very closely connected with nature, therefore, in countryside, on his own land, he will always feel more comfortable than in an urban environment. Even living in the city, he needs to merge with nature from time to time, to be able to walk barefoot on the ground, to breathe the air. In the house of Taurus, there must be a lot of indoor flowers and a pet.


The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, the patroness of love and the emotional sphere of human life. Venus gives Taurus an aesthetic perception of form, including thought forms. "Beautiful" and "ugly" for him are not just words, but a way of feeling the world, a way of perceiving actions and behavior. If Taurus does not like something, then it seems to him ugly, although the matter may not concern an aesthetic moment at all.

Venus manifests itself not least through the desire to possess material wealth, in pursuit of luxury and comfort. The planet endows a person with love for the earth, tact and elegance. The diocese of Venus is feelings, not reason. Her most valuable gift is the ability to feel happy and the ability to love.

"Low" Taurus can be lazy, passive, aesthetically undeveloped, but even he is usually unusually capricious in terms of beauty at his level of understanding of it, and of course, like all Taurus, unusually stubborn. Such Taurus has a highly developed self-flow to their instincts, promiscuity, consumer attitude - all this is also a strong influence of the struck Venus.

Another, no less influential ruler of Taurus is Chiron. This invisible planet brings human consciousness one step above the socially mastered level, endows it with incredible flair and insight. Taurus, in whose horoscope Chiron is strong, have psychic abilities, the ability to heal, predict the future, the ability to influence human consciousness. He is characterized by paradoxical behavior, an unusual vision of the world, the ability to get used to someone else's image.

Weak Chiron means the absence of a pronounced impact on a person's life, but does not set any boundaries for him. The weakness of Chiron is perceived more positively than negatively: a person will have fewer situations that confuse him, it will be easier for him to look at the world. Perhaps he will lack originality and freshness of views a little, but he will be quite understandable. Sometimes a weak Chiron makes a person go to extremes, weave intrigues, play a double game, become a traitor.

Talisman Stone

The main mascot for the Taurus man is the emerald. When worn continuously gem helps to improve the mood in life, make the character softer and more docile, make a man more cheerful, give him hope for the future. Emerald is able to protect not only its owner, but also his home. He will preserve peace and harmony in the family, give mutual understanding.

Dressed at night, the stone will keep good dreams, relieve nightmares and insomnia, relieve stress. Emerald is the key to peace, success and happiness. It is simply necessary for people who are naturally gloomy, laconic, modest - in a word, Taurus.

Another important talisman for the Taurus man is agate, which is also called the “happy mineral”. He helps his master cope with negative traits character, and most importantly, improves financial condition a person, which is important for all Taurus.

Agate protects a man from energy vampirism, helps him open up spiritually, reveals the instinct of self-preservation, and warns of dangers. It is difficult to overestimate the ability of this stone as an amulet-amulet for people. dangerous professions and those involved in extreme sports.

Sapphire - helps to concentrate, direct thoughts in the right direction, moderates anger, strengthens willpower. A talisman made of sapphire encourages noble deeds, repels enemies, protects from anger, fear and envy. In his presence, black magic loses its power. But there is one caveat - you can not wear a sapphire if it has visible defects, large scratches or cracks. Such a stone will only bring misfortune.

There are also stones that Taurus is categorically not recommended to wear - these are amber, topaz, ruby ​​and amethyst. In any case, when choosing jewelry with a stone, the Taurus man needs to listen to his inner voice - if when looking at a gem, a feeling of warmth appears in the soul, then this is his stone.


All those born under the sign of Taurus are recommended to have any object with the image of their bull symbol - a figurine, a brooch, a drawing, or any other object. It's great if the bull is made of precious metal, because Taurus is a sign of the zodiac, personifying material well-being, wealth.

But most Taurus men are concerned not only with their material condition, but also social status. Therefore, another successful talisman for them will be an elephant, which helps to gain a stable authority in the eyes of others. The natural grandeur and calmness of this animal has a beneficial effect on the psyche of a man, making him more wise and calm. An elephant figurine can be made of any material except ivory, otherwise the talisman will not help, but harm.

The horse for Taurus is a symbol of success and efficiency. If a man has a figurine or drawing depicting a horse on his desktop, then his career will quickly go uphill. A small golden horse in the form of a golden pendant or pendant will bring good luck to a man, protection from illnesses and overwork. You should pay attention to how the horse is depicted. A peacefully grazing animal will help to tame the obstinate temper and assist in reaching a compromise, while a rearing horse, on the contrary, activates the energy of the leader, gives courage and determination.


The typical Taurus man is usually short, stocky and stocky. He has a “broad bone”, so even a thin man looks more solid and impressive than people with a “thin bone”. Looking at such a person, it immediately becomes clear that he stands firmly and confidently on the ground.

Taurus men usually have a short, "bull" neck, a rounded face, but not puffy, a wide large nose-potato, plump sensual lips, plump cheeks. The eyes are large, bulging, often drooping, framed by fluffy eyelashes. Hair can be of any color, most often thin and not too thick.

In general, Taurus men are distinguished by a rather pretty appearance, although they tend to be overweight. Even if in his youth a man is distinguished by slenderness, with age he invariably gains excess weight. For Taurus men with the negative influence of Venus, a certain effeminate figure is characteristic.

Character traits

The main character traits of a typical Taurus man are patience, perseverance, and the ability to make long-term efforts. He is distinguished by constancy in his habits and beliefs, he is suspicious of everything new, he feels uncomfortable in an unfamiliar company. The positive side of the slowness of Taurus is prudence and prudence. Such a person knows how to inspire trust, and completely justified. His motto is "said - done!". The Taurus man does not tend to hover in the clouds, so he never gives out empty promises.

The energy of Taurus does not splash over the edge and does not rush out, as, for example, in Gemini, its energy is even and purposeful. This explains the incredible physical and moral endurance of people born under this sign. A typical Taurus spends his energy moderately, without overexertion, so he knows how to work in one direction. for a long time. He is stubborn enough to fight for a lost cause, but rarely does anything for others for nothing.

In addition, Taurus has a remarkable ability to abstract from the outside world, not to be distracted by external stimuli. This ability is closely related to the Taurus' need for a comfortable and harmonious existence. Unwillingness to delve into other people's problems, a negative attitude towards any changes is connected precisely with the unwillingness to lose peace of mind and peace.

For the most part, Taurus men are not too talkative, close ties and a trusting relationship with them are possible only after a long time. The element of the Earth does not allow these people to easily understand someone else's point of view, moreover, it makes them incredible owners and tyrants. However, the infinite patience that distinguishes all Taurus allows them to maintain friendly relations with those around you. A man can carry for years a huge emotional and physical activity and people around you won't even know it. But behind the facade of equanimity, hidden grievances, irritation and discontent can be hidden, which sooner or later will break out. The anger of Taurus is terrible, he practically ceases to control himself.

Astrologers distinguish three types of men born under the sign of Taurus:

  • Harmonious Taurus- a person down to earth, calm, extremely clear and simple. He lives in a clear world, in harmony with himself and nature. Does not hover in the clouds, does not build castles in the air, does not give impossible promises. A harmonious Taurus clearly follows the set task, achieves everything with the help of cold pragmatism and his own talent. Harmonious Taurus of the lower octave can be represented by a person who is lazy, stubborn, inclined to indulge his instincts.
  • Amazed Taurus- a person is incredibly hardy and stress-resistant, but he will have to live a difficult life, full of difficulties and trials. To achieve the success to which he so strives, the struck Taurus will have to work three times as hard as other people, and more than once he will have a feeling of an insurmountable obstacle. It may happen that even the most patient male Taurus cannot withstand the stress of life and turns into a real angry bull. Fortunately, such outbursts of anger are infrequent and do not last long. A severely affected Taurus can experience extreme greed and jealousy for someone else's success, low spiritual and mental development. Excessive attachment to money savings and pleasures can lead Taurus to serious psychosomatic illnesses.
  • Primitive Taurus type occurs infrequently. He is ruthless, cruel and destructive, but like all Taurus, he can be very devoted to his ideas and life beliefs. Such people can make an ideal servant or a typical bureaucrat. Service does not humiliate them, since it is devoid of slavish overtones.


Taurus men do not get sick often, but for a long time and hard, many problems are hidden. A person recovers slowly and difficultly, he consults a doctor only as a last resort. But if, nevertheless, he crosses the threshold of the doctor's office, then with the stubbornness of the bull he will strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, and all the inconveniences and pain will be endured courageously and without whims. I must say that Taurus have great reserves for restoring health even after the most serious illnesses.

The vulnerabilities of the Taurus man are the throat, esophagus, hearing organs, and lymphatic system. He has a low metabolism, which leads to the gradual accumulation of fat in the body, gastritis, constipation, and even diabetes. Despite physical strength, a man often catches a cold, suffers from infectious diseases.

Indulgence in your own weaknesses and vices can lead to problems such as overeating and alcoholism. Most Taurus men smoke, which also does not add to their health. They have difficulty following a diet, do not like physical exercise and any restrictions. Going beyond purely selfish, earthly needs can significantly improve the health of any Taurus. If a person follows his own weaknesses, then even the huge internal reserves donated to Taurus by nature will quickly be depleted and his health will deteriorate.


Taurus will be indispensable in professions that require perseverance and patience, he will not object to some routine, repetition, physical labor will never scare him either. Whatever profession he is engaged in, a man will always strive hard for success, and difficulties will never scare him. Taurus is a sign of expedient determination and strength, called upon to deal with material affairs, mastering them.

The best use of Taurus is anything that provides worthy reward, sense gratification - from farming to banking. Representatives of this know a lot about everything that can grow - from domestic chickens and garden apples, to stock quotes and the dollar.

Tauruses feel great about money, so any activity related to finance will be good for them: an economist, an accountant, a trade worker, a businessman. They also make excellent business executives, and the work of a planner, supplier, accountant, auditor is suitable for them. The hands of male Taurus usually grow from the right place, so among them there are many craftsmen, plumbers, carpenters, turners, production workers, people of working professions. Thanks to the ruling planet Venus, there are many creatively gifted personalities among Taurus: architects, artists, singers, sculptors, artists, writers, directors.

The Taurus man treats work as own child, she occupies almost the main place in his life. He is a workaholic by nature, very attentive to detail, focused on results. If the work has no prospects or is poorly paid, then the man will not stay on it for a long time. He has every chance of becoming a successful person, but on the condition that he is able to overcome his natural laziness and stubbornness. Another trait that can prevent a Taurus man from quickly climbing up career ladder is slowness and conservatism.

financial well-being

Most Taurus men have an innate sense of money, they are able to make it literally out of thin air. Money is the essence of this sign, from where it draws its vital energy. For the sake of money, Taurus are capable of the hardest work, they strive to earn a lot in order to satisfy their need for comfort, to look significant in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. We can say that Taurus is programmed to earn and accumulate money.

Taurus prefers to materialize money in convenience and "eternal values", that is, in something that will help preserve capital. The man is practical, sometimes stingy, money never burns his pocket. But he rarely saves on himself, loves to spend on his personal pleasures and needs.

Taurus, like no one else, understands that money must work and generate income, constantly be in motion. Stagnation of money for him means a loss, so he rarely keeps his finances “in a stocking”. It rarely happens that the love of money goes beyond the bounds of reason, and then hoarding becomes the only goal of a person.

Even if the Taurus man is rich like Croesus, he will never advertise his financial well-being, on the contrary, in the eyes of those around him, he will try to downplay it. Among Taurus, there are rarely scammers and lovers of easy money, usually all representatives of this sign achieve a stable financial position solely through hard work and perseverance.


Thanks to the ruling planet Venus, the Taurus man loves and appreciates carnal pleasures like no other. Sensuality is the main characteristic of Taurus, this is the most sensual sign of all the signs of the horoscope. Living under the auspices of Venus, these people are born for physical love, affection and the most exquisite carnal pleasures.

However, the horoscope claims that the sexuality of the Taurus man is directly related to his financial well-being. If things with money are not going very well, that he can compensate for failures with numerous love affairs, even become a gigolo, since Venus endowed him with remarkable sexual stamina. A man is able to maintain a good physical shape until old age.

The Taurus man, as a rule, is very hardy in bed, but even here his conservatism can manifest itself. The lack of sophistication, ingenuity and willingness to experiment can compensate for his openness and sincerity in relationships. He will never allow himself to be rude or incorrect towards a woman. But the partner needs to be prepared for the fact that meetings can take place according to the same scenario, and beautiful words and compliments will not flow like a river. He has a primitive approach to sex, and nothing can be done about it.

Taurus love to indulge in passions with comfort, the environment for them is no less important than the sexual act itself. No intercourse on hastily”, only when he himself feels that the moment has come. A man is very sensitive to smells, so his partner should smell pleasant, but not harsh. It is unlikely that he will be able to lead his partner in unknown ways, but she will certainly be satisfied with him, as a man will be able to compensate for his lack of imagination with his tirelessness. In many ways, the Taurus man is the perfect lover, his great advantage is strength.

Love and marriage

Dreams of love begin to excite the sensual Taurus man quite early, but love at first sight is not about him. Feelings of Taurus are formed gradually, but they will be simple and understandable. Among them there are many monogamists who can carry their feelings through their whole lives. He will never promise golden mountains to his beloved woman, but will surround her with care and attention, make her feel like the only one loved. Having achieved reciprocity, Taurus will consider the woman his property, with all the ensuing consequences. A woman must always remember that in anger he is terrible, so she should not give even the slightest reason for jealousy.

Taurus' passion is complete - he will follow his beloved woman to the end, regardless of whether this end is sweet or bitter. If a man is in love, no one and nothing can stop him: neither criticism, nor the opinion of others, nor inconvenience and discomfort, although in other respects he is quite practical.

A Taurus spouse is one of the most valuable acquisitions for any woman with traditional views on family life. But here's the paradox, despite its absolute reliability and stability, the Taurus man can physically cheat on his wife, while believing that marriage is sacred. He can afford betrayal, but God forbid his wife even just smile at another man.

The main drawback and at the same time the dignity of the Taurus man is predictability. A smart woman will be able to manage him, but this cannot be done openly, so as not to hurt his pride in any way. He should feel like the head of the family, the master of the situation. Taurus will always take care of the family nest, his motto is - all in the house! Having a weakness for comfortable life, the Taurus man will do everything to make his home comfortable and secure.

Most the right way live with Taurus husband in happy marriage- remember about the peculiarities of his nature and, if possible, adapt to them. This is the case when a woman can proudly say "I live like behind a stone wall."

Compatibility Horoscope

Taurus-Aries- this relationship is unstable, as both partners are stubborn and active. Such an alliance can quickly tire them out, but if they manage to adapt to each other, then the Aries woman will become the most reliable, decisive and faithful partner for the Taurus man. The more the Aries woman boils, the calmer the Taurus man should be, this is the key to their family happiness.

taurus taurus- this is the union of two business executives who can live in perfect harmony. The similarity of their interests is so obvious that it immediately catches the eye. This couple, like a reliable bank, will accumulate and increase their capital, which will only strengthen their family union.

Taurus Gemini- a rather unsuccessful marriage union, but a love union can be ideal. The Gemini woman is a rather windy creature, and the Taurus man can never fully trust her. Sooner or later, this will lead to the collapse of the family, as quarrels and scandals will be constant companions of this couple.

Taurus Cancer- the union of these people can be strong and durable, since both expect about the same thing from marriage: reliability and stability, home comfort and prosperity. The Cancer woman, like no one else, needs a reliable and strong partner, which is the Taurus man.

Taurus Leo- it will be a very difficult, but quite common alliance. They both want the same thing from life: wealth and prosperity, but the struggle for leadership and mutual jealousy can interfere. Despite the fact that the couple has perfect sexual compatibility, it will not be easy for them to live together.

Taurus Virgo- one of the most successful marriage unions in which there will be no place for passions and scandals. Calm and peace will reign in the family, and views on life will always coincide. But the question is - how quickly will love turn into a habit?

Taurus-Libra- it will be a union of two aesthetes and gourmets, united by love for comfort and pleasure. In this pair, everything will contribute to the creation of a strong and long-term relationship, but how quickly will the airy, intellectual Libra woman become bored with the down-to-earth Taurus man?

Taurus Scorpio- a fairly common union of two strong personalities. Their marriage should be built on mutual respect and complete trust, then it will be almost perfect. The Scorpio woman does not tolerate henpecked, so she will calmly give the reins to the calm and practical Taurus.

Taurus Sagittarius- this union will not see family happiness, the boiling of passions and emotions will be too great. The Taurus man will always strive for a traditional house-building, and she will never allow her freedom of communication to be limited. The success of this marriage will depend on the patience of the partners and the desire to be together.

Taurus-Capricorn- a very strong and very common union of two "earth" signs. Their common features are patience, practicality, purposefulness, love of nature. They have everything that comes under the definition of "perfect marriage".

Taurus Aquarius- a rather restless union, especially for a man. The Aquarius woman is always in perpetual motion, and the Taurus man appreciates peace and tranquility like no one else. The conservatism of Taurus will always hold Aquarius back, forcing her to go against her nature. He will never be able to understand her sublime nature.

Taurus Pisces- one of the most successful unions, where both partners can completely suit each other. The Pisces woman does not mind living in an aquarium that the Taurus man will equip for her. She will gladly give him the place of the head of the family, and she herself will become the keeper of the hearth, obeying her husband in everything.

“Finally, I met a worthy person,” each of the Taurus will think, deciding to start a relationship with a partner of his sign. And this definition of "worthy" refers to everything that includes their union. There are few zodiac couples of the same name, doomed to harmony and happiness, since complementarity cannot be found in relationships between similar people. But each of the Taurus is such an integral person that he simply does not need the influence of a partner. Yes, and would not accept any influence, too independent and stubborn.

The union of two people who honor the same truths can avoid many conflicts. Why argue, why quarrel, if the partner’s opinion almost always coincides with yours? .. so rarely doubt that one can say almost never. They know everything for sure. They can make mistakes, no doubt - no one is perfect, but the chosen path will not be curtailed, even when faced with serious obstacles. Bulls are not afraid of difficulties - it’s better that difficulties are afraid of them: people of this sign have so much inner strength that they are literally able to bend the world under them if they wanted to. However, they do not need peace - a good house, stable prosperity and a quiet life are enough.

Tauruses are very economic and diligent. Even receiving a fairly high income and having accumulated considerable capital, they will not litter with banknotes, wasting their savings on entertainment and whims. Firstly, prosperity cost them great labor and diligence, and they. Secondly, they are not conceited at all, and in general they are not accustomed to reckon with other people's opinions. Tell me, if a representative of any other sign were in the place of the Taurus woman, would she not torture her husband with demands to buy her a lot of expensive toys demonstrating the status? Of course, the Ox will not get tired of telling his wife his firm “no” over and over again, but with what deepest respect he will imbue a woman who is able to say “We now need a new boiler more than I need new shoes.” And when the Taurus girl nevertheless gathers in a shoe store, she will acquire a pair of strong boots for any weather - because they are more practical than model pumps. She will not ask her husband for money for them, since from childhood she is used to being independent, and from adulthood she is to provide herself with everything that is needed.

The Taurus man is fascinated: here she is, his only one! Calm, serious and pragmatic, but at the same time so warm, homely and caring. She responds to his restrained delight with no less admiration - the Ox woman despises guys with a hole in her pocket and wind in her head, and therefore she deeply respects her chosen one, who can be called anything, but not windy. Together they will go through life, leaning on each other, to someday meet old age in a comfortable and tidy house by the lake, far from the noisy bustle of the cities. They did a good job and deserve rest. And let Taurus be completely unsentimental, one day the old Ox will take his old woman by the hand and say: “It's great that I once chose you.” To which she will probably answer: “Undoubtedly great ... but I chose you!”.

Yes, the struggle for the right to lead in a bull family is not uncommon. After all, we have two Taurus in front of us, and this is one of the most stubborn signs of the Zodiac. Their life position"No step back!" helps to achieve success in any business ... but not in a dispute with his own kind. Have you ever argued with your reflection in the mirror? The verbal duel of two Bulls is about the same. Moreover, it can literally arise from scratch: one did not give in, the second was indignant, and as a result, the Taurus did not talk to each other for a whole week. It's amazing, but such a competition - who will over-stubborn whom - is sometimes the cause of serious quarrels and even the separation of a pair of Bulls. Never let this happen! Winning an argument won't bring you as much joy as it will make you feel proud of your partner. You know yourself that you are perfect for each other. So find the courage to be the first to say "I'm sorry" - for the sake of future for long years joint happiness.

A man and a woman born under the sign of Taurus understand each other very well - they have the same goals, life values, as well as the degree of activity. These people always communicate with pleasure, even if they are not too familiar. They are just nice to each other, and the fact that on the world they look the same, gives them a feeling of complete comfort.

If two calves are connected by business relations, then each of them did not dare to dream of a more reliable partner. These people do not take unnecessary risks, avoid dubious transactions, act slowly but surely. They carefully think over their every step, so their business success is natural and does not apply to luck.

Personal relationships of Taurus from the very beginning are easy and pleasant. A man and a woman understand each other even without words, neither of them has the fear of disappointing the other with their actions. From the outside, their lifestyle may look too monotonous, but the bodies do not need frequent changes and changes of impressions. Only an out of the ordinary event, such as a deliberate deception or a natural disaster, can destroy their union.

♉ + ♉: In a love relationship

THE PERFECT COUPLE- A guy and a girl born under the sign of Taurus first communicate as friends, while gradually drawing closer. Initiator love relationships usually a young man becomes, but for his chosen one such a turn of events will not come as a surprise. Taurus do not like to act in a veiled way, so the girl immediately noticed the guy's sympathy, but she did not hide her own either.

Lovers spend a lot of time together, avoiding noisy campaigns and crowded places. They love a calm, romantic environment where no one will stop them from enjoying each other's company. In this relationship, there is no crazy passion, jealousy, scandals and major quarrels. If misunderstandings arise between lovers, frank conversations help to solve them, because the bodies do not like to be dark.

The relationship of these people can begin in early adolescence, or even in childhood, and last for years without significant changes. Of course, each of them grows up, but preferences and habits remain the same. Most often, such love affairs lead to the creation of a family, but already at a conscious age, after both gain financial independence from their parents. Of all the signs of the zodiac, Taurus is the most responsible, therefore, does not commit rash acts.

♉ + ♉: Married

THE PERFECT COUPLE- Representatives of the Taurus sign are very serious about creating a family, so they try to get to know each other as best as possible before the wedding. Young people can meet for several years before they decide to legitimize their relationship. A Taurus man will never propose to his girlfriend if he is not sure that he will be able to provide for his future family. The marriage of this couple becomes a kind of quality mark, which speaks of the stability of the financial situation of the spouses and their confidence in each other.

Very often, Taurus spouses join their efforts in work, as a result of which their bond becomes even stronger. The wife tries not to burden her husband with household duties, but he very often offers his help to her. The spouses have no reasons for major quarrels, and they try not to pay attention to the little things.

IN intimate life compatibility is excellent - both spouses have a low need for sex, they do not respect extreme sports and experiments. A Taurus woman is not capable of treason, and if this happens, then only in an exceptional case, but even so, she will not make a secret of what is happening. The same can be said about her husband - he is not fond of women on the side, he does not know how to lie, so the wife can be absolutely calm.

Such marriages almost never break up, but there is an exception to any rule. The divorce of two bulls can be triggered by external factors and unforeseen circumstances, but these people cannot be said to have not come together in character.

♉ + ♉: In friendship

THE PERFECT COUPLE- A Taurus guy and a girl of the same sign feel each other very subtly, in their relationship there is mutual respect, frankness and intimacy, but here it is a big question. These people can only be friends if they are relatives, because in otherwise they are too attractive to each other. If, if there is no bright mutual love, the bodies will be able to be content with sympathy, but it is present. In fact, it is not so important whether these people are friends or meet - their compatibility is impeccable.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

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