Does Karachentsev have his own children? Nikolai Karachentsov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children, photo of the actor. Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Karachentsov

Nikolai was born into a creative family in the capital, on Chistye Prudy: his father, Pyotr Yakovlevich, was a graphic artist who worked in the Ogonyok magazine. Mother, Yanina Evgenievna, was a choreographer. Where to go from such a family if not into a creative profession?

1975 Photo: Global Look Press

So Nikolai Petrovich became an artist. And he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 1967, with honors. Then he, one of the best graduates, was assigned to the Theater Lenin Komsomol.

Lead Actor

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of Nikolai Karachentsov, 2004.

In the photo: Mark Zakharov and Nikolai Karachentsov, Alexandra Zakharova. Photo: Global Look Press

In 1973, the theater was headed by Mark Zakharov, and the life of Lenkom, including Karachentsov, changed dramatically (by the way, on the same day Nikolai Petrovich’s native theater celebrates its 90th anniversary). He received roles in such high-profile productions as “Autograd 21”, “Til”, “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta”, and, of course, in the famous play “Juno and Avos”. Karachentsov becomes the leading actor of the troupe and the idol of the public. And not only theatrical: even earlier, immediately after graduating from the Studio School, he began acting in films - in the films “Strokes to the Portrait of V.I. Lenin” and “... And May Again.”

Performance "Juno and Avos"year 2001. Photo: Global Look Press

Peak of Glory

Still from the film “White Dews”, 1983.

Nikolai Karachentsov, Gennady Garbuk, Vsevolod Sanaev, Mikhail Kokshenov

Real film fame, however, came to Karachentsov later: after the role of Volodya Busygin in Vitaly Melnikov’s film “The Eldest Son” (1975).
Since the mid-1970s, Karachentsov has been filming a lot - “Dog in the Manger” and “Kings and Cabbage”, “The Adventures of Electronics” and “Pious Martha”, “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins” and others.

On the set of the film "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines." In the photo: Alla Surikova,

Nikolai Karachentsov, Andrei Mironov, Leonid Yarmolnik, 1986. Photo: Global Look Press

The actor becomes mega-popular. He is invited to both TV and radio, he voices cartoons and foreign films. For example, it is known that in those years Jean-Paul Belmondo was “assigned” to Karachentsov. And, if Nikolai Petrovich was on tour, and at that time it was necessary to dub a film with Belmondo’s participation, then they waited patiently for Karachentsov, without giving this work to anyone.

1997 Photo: Global Look Press

The actor also loved to sing and released several records. And in the theater his vocal capabilities were often used. Nikolai Petrovich was also fond of tennis and participated in big tournaments more than once.

2005 year. Photo: Global Look Press


The actor was at the peak of his popularity when a terrible car accident on February 28, 2005 cut him short creative way. Karachentsov received a very severe traumatic brain injury. Doctors performed brain surgery on him. The actor was in a coma for 26 days. After which the long process of recovery began. But it was not possible to fully restore all vital functions: speech was impaired, it seems, forever.

With his wife Lyudmila Porgina. Photo: East News

Since then, Karachentsov has undergone several courses of treatment in various rehabilitation centers Israel and China. Several concerts were held in his support, including in 2014 an evening in his native Lenkom, which was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Nikolai Petrovich.

New challenges

The vicissitudes of fate continue to haunt the remarkable master: in February of this year, Karachentsov was again involved in a major car accident and received a concussion. And just recently, in September, doctors discovered he had a malignant tumor. Lyudmila Andreevna Porgina, Nikolai Petrovich’s wife, believes that a lot of time has already been lost: the treatment could have been effective if doctors had diagnosed oncology earlier (previous tests did not show it either in Russia or in Germany). Now the tumor is six centimeters.

With his wife Lyudmila Porgina, 2006. Photo: Global Look Press

We really hope that our favorite artist and courageous person will be able to overcome another terrible test!

Nikolai Karachentsov is a versatile personality, a wonderful actor, musician, performer of original songs. His talents can be listed for a long time. Of course, he could have achieved much greater results, if not for an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances that completely changed his life. The biography of Nikolai Karachentsov is full of various life stories, experiences, and dramatic changes. Despite the difficulties that happened to him 12 years ago, the actor was able to survive them and recover.

“Dog in the Manger”, “The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines”, “The Adventure of Electronics”, these are probably the most notable paintings in track record actor. He is the pride of Russian cinema.

An actor was born in the capital Soviet Union in 1944. The small town of Chistye Prudy can be called its homeland. The family was also involved in creativity and art. My father worked in the artistic direction, worked for the benefit of the famous magazine “Ogonyok”. Mom connected her entire life with ballet and staged various dance performances. She was very often invited to famous capital theaters, where she helped organize performances.

Childhood photos of Nikolai Karachentsov

Thanks to such talent of his parents, Nikolai was given a natural gift. Already during his school years, he began to actively participate in school plays. He was attracted to amateur performances, as he could easily transform into any characters. His first theatrical association was the group "Active", which was organized at the children's theater.

N. Karachentsov in his student years

Of course, his love for art allowed him to immediately choose a profession. Karachentsov entered the Moscow Art Theater. Already in 1967, he received the long-awaited diploma, with a large number of recommendations and excellent grades.

He was constantly set as an example, as the actor had incredible charisma. It's not for nothing that he entered the rating best students of the year.

The Lenin Komsomol Theater became a refuge for him for life. Here he performed his best performances and works that deserve public viewing.

Nikolai Karachentsov in his youth


Nikolai Karachentsov's irresistible performance on the theater stage helped him realize a wide variety of images. According to viewers, his actions always fascinated. The actor’s first theatrical works were “104 pages about love”, “A movie is being made” and so on. According to many critics, Nikolai became a new star who shone in the bosom of Russian theatrical art and cinema.

The first works in the theater were staged by Anatoly Efros, but after Mark Zakharov came, the performances completely changed. The actors called this time for Lenkom a key one, since Mark was able and knew how to stage good theatrical works. Zakharov did not lose sight of Karachentsov’s talent. The first one collaboration“Autograd 21” allowed Nikolai to get very important roles for him.

IN theatrical production"Juno and Avos"

The performance “Til” was incredibly attended a large number of spectators. Karachentsov played a mischievous hooligan, about whom many critics wrote. It was an incredible role. He was called the idol of youth and for good reason. Nikolai Karachentsov was not only an actor, but also a singer, acrobat and mime. The combination of such qualities cannot but attract.

The artist’s career included a huge number of genres and roles. He never sought to play certain roles, as he was a versatile personality. “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta” is the first rock opera in his career in which Karachentsov took part. He was fascinated by the experience he was able to gain. From 1976 to 1993, the presented work was constantly staged on the Lenkom stage. Karachentsov was one of the best actors who played Death and the leader of the Rangers. The biography and personal life of Nikolai Karachentsov has always developed in an extremely successful way, which did not interfere with the development of his career.

You cannot miss the work “Juno and Avos,” which has become one of the most famous in the actor’s repertoire. It was a rock opera staged at Lenkom.

Actor at the premiere of the play "Till Eulenspiegel"

In 1981, the premiere was presented, which attracted a full house. Nikolai Karachentsov played the role of Count Ryazanov and was loved by many viewers. Critics from all over the world came to Moscow to watch the artist’s wonderful performance. The rock opera “Juno and Avos” was presented in the best theaters in the world. The tour of the Lenkom theater troupe was a huge success.

Nikolai Karachentsov rightfully became the star of Lenkom. Here incredible prospects opened up for him; he played several dozen leading roles in productions of various genres. Special mention can be made of such works as “ Czech photo", "School for emigrants" and so on. For 30 years professional activity, he managed to become what he dreamed of being. There were successes not only on the theater stage, but also in cinema.

Movies and music

After the play “Til” was staged, the actor began to receive a huge number of offers from directors. Despite the fact that he had already taken part in various films, the general public learned about him only after this premiere. The first drama “Eldest Son”, filmed in 1975, captivated millions of viewers. A large number of famous people played here Soviet actors, namely, the eldest son was Nikolai Karachentsov.

Still from the film “The Adventures of Electronics”

Even today the film deserves a lot of positive feedback. Now not only theater visitors learned about him, but also television viewers who saw the actor for the first time.

After the long-awaited premiere, he became one of the most sought-after artists. The incredible schedule and workload did not interfere with him, but on the contrary helped him keep himself in good shape. He has worked with various genres and roles. Of course, we can mention the film “Dog in the Manger,” which the audience really liked. The film “The Adventures of Electronics” won children's hearts. Also in the repertoire were the films “Deja Vu”, “Bright Personality”, “White Dews” and so on.

Still from the film “Eldest Son”

In modern cinematic art, the actor made his mark with the series “The Files of Detective Dubrovsky”, “Petersburg

Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov - National artist Russia, "a powerful actor with phenomenal magnetism" who was always the center of attention wherever he was

Date of Birth: October 27, 1944
Place of Birth: Moscow, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Scorpion
Date of death: October 26, 2018
A place of death: Istra village, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region, Russia

“Any artist, everything he creates, he passes through himself, through his heart.”

“Greed, acting hunger, you’re afraid of not being able to do something, you still want to play as much as possible. This immediately spurs me on: I came out alone, can I hold the auditorium for two and a half hours?”

Biography of Nikolai Karachentsov

Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov was born in Moscow into the family of a graphic artist who worked in the Ogonyok magazine - Pyotr Yakovlevich and a choreographer - Yanina Evgenievna. When my mother studied at GITIS, little Kolya had nowhere to take him, so she took the boy with her everywhere: to classes, to performances at the Bolshoi Theater.

Then little Kolya fell in love with ballet; it seemed to him that there was no better job for a man. He even dreamed of himself dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.
But when he turned 9 years old, and the time came to enter a choreographic school, his mother was categorically against it: if there was a girl, she would send him to a ballet school, but she would never send a boy.

Mom saw a lot of unfortunate people men's destinies in ballet and did not want such a fate for her son.

After secondary school there was the Moscow Art Theater School, from which he graduated with honors. Nikolai Petrovich was offered a job at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. At that time, a wonderful director and artistic director of the theater, Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros, was fired. He was appointed second director at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Then the director took ten leading actors with him, and the troupe was naked.

The Lenin Komsomol Theater gradually lost popularity, when suddenly a new director came - Mark Zakharov. It was luck, the theater began to revive. And Karachentsov received roles in such sensational productions as “Autograd 21” - this was Zakharov’s first performance, then “Til” appeared, “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrietta” and “Juno and Avos”, where music was not just a background, but a component performance.

Karachentsov’s love affair with cinema began with the films “Strokes to the Portrait of V.I. Lenin” and “... And May Again.” As the actor himself admitted, when he started acting in films, he agreed to everything: he simply understood perfectly well that he needed to “get his hands on” in the profession.

"Find the one golden mean, so that on the one hand I don’t squander myself, but on the other hand, suppose I refuse everything, and in ten years they give me a role that I can only dream of, I won’t play it, I’ll lose my form.”

Peak of popularity

The actor believed that the cinema did not offer him roles equal in scale to the roles of Til, or Count Rezanov from “Juno and Avos”, or Yuri Zvonarev from the play “Sorry”. But, on the other hand, Karachentsov played such iconic roles as Volodya Busygin in “The Eldest Son” (1975), Marquis Ricardo in “Dog in the Manger” and Dickie Meloni in “Kings and Cabbages”, gangster Urry in “The Adventures of Electronics” and Pastrana in “Pious Martha”, cowboy Billy in “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins” and others.

The actor's popularity grew rapidly, he began acting on TV and performed on the radio, voiced foreign films and cartoons, and recorded records as a singer.

Even at the age of 60, the actor learned to dance step and performed on tour together with a dancer, a graduate of the Moscow region art school, laureate international competitions according to the step by Marina Shirshikova. All this time he did not stop acting, played in his native Lenkom, and participated in charity concerts.

“I can only work in a friendly atmosphere. Even if I joke awkwardly and not in the most in a high way, and, for example, the lighting designer smiles, and my soul becomes lighter.”

Car accident

When fame reached its peak, a terrible disaster occurred on February 28, 2005, as a result of which Nikolai Petrovich received a severe traumatic brain injury, then underwent brain surgery and was in a coma for several days. The actor survived, and the painful process of rehabilitation began in the centers of Israel, China and Russia. But he failed to fully recover.

In February 2017, the actor again got into a major accident and received a concussion. And in September 2017, doctors discovered Karachentsov had an oncological disease: a tumor of the left lung.

On October 26, the day before his birthday, Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov died in hospital No. 62.

Personal life

Nikolai Karachentsov has been married to his wife, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Porgina, for 43 years since 1975. The couple had a son, Andrei, in 1978. There are three grandchildren: Peter, Yanina and Olga.


1968 - ...And it’s May again!
1970 - Touches to the portrait of V.I. Lenin. Film 4th “VKHUTEMAS Commune”
1970 - Red Square
1974 - My destiny
1974 - Once Upon a Time 1975 - Eldest Son
1976 - Long, Long Case
1976 - Sentimental novel
1976 - 12 chairs (4th series)
1976 - Soldiers of Freedom
1977 - Dog in the manger
1977 - A moment of luck
1978 - While the dream runs wild
1978 - Yaroslavna, Queen of France
1978 - Kings and cabbage
1978 - Mistakes of youth
1979 - This fantasy world. Issue 1. “The Man Who Could Work Miracles” (film-play)
1979 - Adventures of Electronics
1979 - The investigation is conducted by the Experts. Shepherd with cucumber
1979 - Nightingale
1979 - Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. Bloody inscription
1980 - Pious Martha
1980 - Ladies invite gentlemen
1981 - Comrade Innocent
1982 - The trust that burst
1982 - Treasure Island
1982 - The House That Swift Built
1982 - Donkey Skin
1982 - Room for maneuver
1983 - White dews
1983 - Kindergarten
1983 - Long road to yourself
1984 - Eight Days of Hope
1984 - A small favor
1984 - Before we part
1984 - Together with Dunaevsky (concert film to the music of I. Dunaevsky)
1985 - Battalions ask for fire
1985 - Blue Cities (concert film to music by A. Petrov)
1985 - Master of Stained Glass (concert film, with songs based on poems by A. Voznesensky)
1985 - Sunday Dad
1985 - How to become happy
1985 - Contract of the Century
1985 - One for all!
1985 - Today and Always
1986 - Who will enter the last carriage
1986 - The right people
1986 - What is Yeralash? (concert film)
1986 - Confrontation
1987 - Moonsund 1987 - The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines
1987 - Habitat 1988 - Miss Millionaire
1988 - One, two - grief is not a problem!
1989 - Bright personality
1989 - Deja vu
1989 - Two arrows. Stone Age Detective
1989 - Criminal Quartet
1990 - Trap for a lonely man
1990 - Dungeon of the Witches
1991 - Fool 1991 - A woman for everyone
1991 - Kitty
1991 - To hell with us!
1991 - Crazy 1992 - Good luck, gentlemen!
1992 - Romance about a poet
1992 - Murder at Sunshine Manor
1993 - Here I come...
1993 - Tango on Palace Square
1993 - Our shooter is everywhere (Auction)
1994 - Simple-minded
1994-1995 - St. Petersburg mysteries
1996 - Queen Margot
1998 - The denouement of St. Petersburg mysteries
1998 - The circus burned down and the clowns fled
1999 - D.D.D. Dossier of detective Dubrovsky
2000 - Secrets palace coups. Film 1 “The Emperor's Testament”
2000 - Game of Love
2001 - On the corner, near the Patriarchs-2
2001 - Perfect couple. Episode 8
2001 - The Lion's Share
2001 - Salome
2002 - Excitement
2003 - Photo
2003 - Tartarin from Tarascon
2003 - Collective Farm Entertainment
2004 - December 32
2004 - The Mystery of the “Wolf’s Mouth” (If we go camping tomorrow)
2004 - Pa 2004 - Bat
2004 - You are my happiness
2006 - Quiet Don
2014 - White dew. Return

When trouble happened to Nikolai Karachentsov, it suddenly became clear that in his family, in addition to his own, there was also Foster-son. Mikhail was on duty at the artist’s bedside and later accompanied him on walks. The reporters found out who this guy was.

Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov always said that family comes first for him. And the family is his wife Lyudmila Porgina, son Andrei, grandchildren Petya and Yana. And also Mikhail Bolshakov, whom friendly family The Karachentsovs have long been considered the second son.

12-year-old Misha Bolshakov met the Karachentsovs almost 20 years ago. At that time he was visiting his parents' friends at the dacha. Turned out to be their neighbors acting family.

“It was a wonderful June day,” recalls Lyudmila Andreevna. “My son Andrei and I went to the dacha, and Kolya was filming at that time. I called my neighbors and got ready funny company, sang songs with a guitar, fried kebabs. Then I went into the house and suddenly discovered that my faucet was not working. I tried to repair it myself, but it didn’t work. Then friends advised me to call Misha. They said that he simply has golden hands, he can fix anything. There was nothing to do - she called. And this guy repaired everything in a couple of minutes!

In gratitude, Porgina invited the young master to stay in their company. The boy agreed.

“And at that time I had just returned from a tour of Italy and enthusiastically began telling my friends about it at the table,” Porgina continues. “And if the neighbors got used to my stories, then Mishka, I remember, listened to me with his mouth open. That's how we became friends. That summer he spent a lot of time with us, playing with Andrey. In general, we ourselves did not even notice how gradually he became a full member of our family. After some time, Mishka began calling Kolya dad and me mom.

Soon another, no less important event happened in Misha’s life - he decided to be baptized. Lyudmila Andreevna pushed him to this.

“I said: “I want you to become Orthodox. We will go with you to monasteries and go to churches.” And he agreed, answering: “Okay, mom,” says the actor’s wife. “But he amazed me even more when he asked if I could be his godmother. I immediately agreed. This is a great honor and responsibility for me. I never shirk from my responsibilities. A year ago, Misha and I went to Greece to the island where the Church of St. Michael is located. I knew that my godson simply physically needed to be there. He was going through difficult times at the time, couldn’t find a job for a long time, began to delve into himself, and I realized that I had to act. And as soon as Mishka set foot on this land, he immediately fell in love with its beauty. In the temple we read an akathist, prayed for the health of Kolya and everyone we love. We spent literally a couple of days on this marvelous island, and just before we left, a very funny incident happened.

In the morning, my son, as I jokingly call him, and I went to the temple, and there he, standing in front of the icons, said: “Lord, how I don’t want to leave here! I wish I could stay another day.” And what do you think, we were so amazed by the beauty of the cathedral that we apparently lost track of time and ended up missing the ferry leaving for the mainland. That is, Misha’s wish came true. Then I found a Russian-speaking girl who helped us and organized dinner for all twelve people who were late for the crossing. And I remember how I sat near the temple, smelled the incense wafting from there, and mentally praised the Lord that we managed to stay in this paradise for one more night. And in the morning the ferry came for us, and we left there so happy!

Porgina communicates with her godson almost every day. If Mikhail doesn’t have the opportunity to visit his second mother, he always calls to find out how dad Kolya is doing and if he can help with anything.

“I appreciated Misha’s devotion to our family when trouble happened to Kolya (Nikolai Petrovich had an accident, crashing into a pole. - Author),” says Lyudmila Andreevna. “I ensured that Misha was in intensive care. Most of the time, of course, I was next to Kolya - I read him poems, psalms, sang songs, told funny incidents from our lives, about how my son was doing at work, what his grandson Petka did again, and in the evening Misha came. He read to Koke all the letters from Internet mail that came to him from all over the world - from England, France, Germany, Israel, Canada.

Then he began to bring him records with his songs - this is what the doctors recommended us to do. Later, when Kolya had already opened his eyes, he brought him stacks of cassettes with films in which Kolya had acted. We showed him mostly comedies - my husband’s mood after the operation, you understand, was decadent, he didn’t want anything, the light was not kind, and we had to make him smile.

True, when we wanted to play “Juno and Avos” for him, he shook his head and turned away. Misha bought kilograms of cottage cheese, strawberries and all the products that were needed then. After the operation, Koka had very difficulty swallowing, and it took hours to feed him. But I never heard a word of reproach from Misha; he sat by Kolya’s bed as long as necessary, brought him a spoon and waited for Nikolai Petrovich to swallow the food.

– And your son Andrei was never jealous of you for Mikhail?

- No, what are you talking about! Misha is older than our Andryushka, so he has always been like an older brother to him: for example, he taught him to drive a car. And in general, they are too different. Andryusha is a silent man, a tennis player, an athlete. But Mishka, on the contrary, is far from sports, you can’t drag him to the gym, he is talkative and sociable. When we came somewhere to relax, our Andrey first of all asked where the pool was, and Mishka went to the beach to sunbathe or read a book in the room. But our Andryushka got married early, and Mishka is still walking: he says he hasn’t found his girlfriend. I, of course, tried to arrange his personal life for my godson, bringing some girls to the viewing. He flirted with them all evening, made advances, made eyes at them, quoted classics, and as soon as they left, he pouted his lips and said that this was not the woman of his dreams.

Now the godson of Nikolai Karachentsov works in a prestigious company, he graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute.

“Cars are his main and, it seems, only passion,” sighs Lyudmila Porgina. – He can talk about engines, wheels and other details for hours. His eyes light up when he watches these car shows. But personally, it seems to me that he would make a good actor. He is a talented guy: he writes poetry and music, plays the guitar. But for now Mishka doesn’t want to change anything in his life. And we are happy that we have not one, but two sons.

The boy was born in Moscow on February 24, 1978 in a family of theater and film actors. Andrei’s father is the famous artist Nikolai Karachentsov, known for his roles in Russian cinema and brilliant acting on the theater stage, including performing songs and parts in musicals. Mother is Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, actress Lyudmila Porgina.

Despite the creative environment that reigned in Andrei’s family, the young man preferred a non-social life, and a public career never attracted Karachentsov Jr. In one of the interviews, the man admitted that he was not popular with his father and tried not to focus on the star relationship.

The young man, no doubt, was proud of his father’s achievements and roles, but he understood that if he tried to become an actor, he would not avoid comparison with him. And as it turned out, according to the man’s admission, the talents of the famous idol of millions were not inherited. Andrei realizes that he is not created for the stage; the plasticity and artistry inherent in his father are completely absent from his son.

In high school, the young man realized that he was striving to uphold the rule of law and justice. After receiving the certificate, the graduate entered MGIMO to study at the Faculty of Law.


Having received a diploma prestigious university, the newly minted lawyer began to work as a lawyer. For a long time the man lived away from cameras and television screens. Nikolai Petrovich himself preferred not to talk about his family in interviews. To quote the famous talent, family is personal and close; it is unnecessary for outsiders to know anything about it.

Communication with journalists began for the man after the tragedy that happened to Nikolai Petrovich in 2005. On the night of February 27-28, the actor rushed to his wife, saddened by the death of her mother. On an icy road, the theater and film star lost control and crashed into a lamppost. Unfortunately, the driver did not wear a seat belt, and the speed was significantly exceeded.

Best of the day

As a result of the terrible accident, Karachentsov received a severe traumatic brain injury. Trepanation and brain surgery were urgently performed. After receiving help, the actor spent 26 days in a coma. Rehabilitation period took more than two years. Speech and motor activity are restored slowly but surely. All this time, Nikolai Petrovich’s wife and son were nearby.

The series of sad events did not stop there. In 2017, the actor was diagnosed with a malignant lung tumor. Andrei said that if the tragedy of the car accident had not happened and his father’s health had not been under the close attention of doctors, oncology would hardly have been discovered.

The son of Nikolai Karachentsov met with journalists interested in the actor’s condition, gave explanations and kept fans and those concerned informed about the events happening with his father.

Personal life

Little is known about the man’s personal life. Basically, Andrei's personality is connected with his father and the events happening to him.

The son of a famous artist is happily married. In the photo, the family man flashes with his wife Irina. It is known that the woman is a gynecologist by profession. She, like her husband, is far from public life.

The family has three children growing up. Son Peter was born in 2002, later two daughters appeared - Yana in 2005 and Olga in 2015.

Andrey Karachentsov now

According to information from the register of the Moscow Bar Chamber, Andrei Nikolaevich’s lawyer status has been suspended. Currently, Karachentsov Jr. is helping his mother take care of his father’s health, organizing treatment and therapy for the actor abroad and in Russia.

Besides, former lawyer is general director Nikolai Karachentsov Cultural Foundation. According to the director, the organization was created in order to preserve the memory of the artist’s merits and talent. Cultural life and art help the actor maintain good spirits and lift Nikolai Petrovich’s mood.

As part of the foundation’s work, on December 6, 2017, a play based on Valentin Krasnogorov’s play “Easy Acquaintance” was staged and presented. The premiere took place at the Modern Theater. The event was attended by actors and directors, the entire family of the artist and Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov himself.

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