Biography of Maria Shukshina. Maria Shukshina - biography, personal life, daughter of Vasily Shukshin A few words about the famous acting family

Maria Shukshina is considered one of the most successful and sought-after actresses, whose heroines are often strong and self-sufficient women. It is very important for her that things work out on the set. a good relationship and mutual understanding with the film director, thanks to which Maria receives great pleasure from her work. Despite failed marriages, Shukshina believes that her personal life was happy. Now she is not only raising children, but has also become one of the youngest and most beautiful star grandmothers.

Maria was born in 1967 in Moscow. Her parents are famous creative people: father is actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, and mother is actress Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina. When the future screen star was seven years old, grief happened in the family: her father passed away. Mom was often away from home, on tours or festivals, so the girl also had to look after her younger sister Olga.

While still alive in 1972, the father directed his daughters in the film “Stoves and Benches,” and two years later Masha played in the film “Birds over the City.” But acting did not interest her at all, and after graduating from school, the girl received an education at the Institute foreign languages, and then she was a translator at a brokerage company.

In the photo, Maria as a child with her parents and younger sister

Perhaps Shukshina never continued acting dynasty, if she had not been offered to star in the film “American Daughter,” which was filmed in San Francisco. After the release of the film, the aspiring actress received her first success. In 1999, her collaboration with television began: for 15 years, Maria hosted the “Wait for Me” program on Channel One. Among the successful works of the actress, one can note her roles in such film projects as “Who else if not me?”, “The Outgoing Nature”, “Yolki 3”, “Such Work” and others.

Despite success in her career and excellent external data (height - 180 cm, weight - 65 kg), Shukshina’s personal life was not easy. During her university years, she began dating her classmate Artyom Tregubenko, who soon became her first husband. In 1989, a daughter, Anna, was born into the family, however, almost immediately their relationship underwent changes. After several years of married life, Maria decided to leave her husband.

Actress with her eldest daughter Anna

She knew her second husband, businessman Alexei Kasatkin, before: the young man was a friend of her first ex-husband. Having met the actress one day, he asked her out on a date, after which they never parted. Soon the couple had a son, Makar, but this relationship did not develop into a strong and long-term marriage.

Boris Vishnyakov - Shukshina’s third husband

A new love appeared in Shukshina’s personal life a few years later, and businessman and lawyer Boris Vishnyakov then became her chosen one. In 2005, the couple became parents: they had twin sons, whom the happy parents named Foma and Foka. At the same time, the husband began having problems at work, and the couple began to quarrel, as a result of which the actress and her children left him. For a long time there were strained relations between them, but time passed and everything got better. Boris is involved in raising the boys, but there is no question of reuniting the former spouses.

In the photo Maria Shukshina with her sons:

Maria strives for her children to grow up to be decent and educated people, so she is a strict and demanding mother. Daughter Anya was educated at VGIK, and in 2014 she married her lover Konstantin, with whom she lived for several years in civil marriage. In the fall of the same year, they gave the actress a grandson, Vyacheslav. Shukshina rarely shares details of her life with fans, but sometimes on her page you can see photos of her growing twin sons, as well as her beloved grandson.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 05/26/2017

One fine day I decided to find all the best photographs Maria Shukshina. Outwardly, this actress is very similar to her mother, Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, but Masha is more sophisticated, stately, sophisticated, and her height, by the way, is 180 centimeters. At the time of writing this article, Maria Shukshina turned 50 years old, and she is still as pretty as she was at 20 or 30 years old and, it seems to me, even more beautiful.

Maria Shukshina has a younger sister, Olga, who looks like her father, Vasily Shukshin. The sisters are very different in character. About Olga for a long time nothing was heard, they said that she had gone to a monastery, didn’t share something with her relatives, and decided to hide from the bustle of the world. When I'm looking for someone's photos, and in this case the hunt was for best photos Maria Shukshina, I’m starting to become interested in this person - where she was filmed, who the parents are, what creative path, how things are on the personal front, how many children, husbands, how he lives, how he breathes. So, it turned out that everything in the Shukshin family is very confusing, they hid so many skeletons in the closet, so many intrigues, resentments, family secrets, which from time to time some of the most offended relatives expose to the public. As it turned out, the most offended of all the Shukshins and those involved with them is Olga Shukshina, Maria’s younger sister. The age difference between these women is only a year, but in fact it seems that the youngest of them is not Olga, but Maria. Well, Olga is very offended by her family, she has a hundred complaints, but are mother Lydia and sister Maria actually some kind of monsters? It seems to me that this is actually not the case. I’ve read interviews like this before, where over-aged children complained about their parents, cherished their childhood grievances, and years later poured them out on the pages of glossy publications. And in fact they turned out to be wrong. It seems to these unfortunate people that they will tell their story and the whole world will sympathize with them, will see how insignificant and selfish their parents were. But in fact, these children are very spoiled; at birth they received everything - status, money, the opportunity to study in best schools, institutes, housing problem never stood face to face in front of them. But the children suffered because their mothers were not affectionate enough with them. Moreover, the offspring themselves were far from being gifts - they smoked, drank, studied disgustingly at school, began to lead a riotous, free life early, and did not shine with special talents. But they demanded more and more dedication from their parents. But all this is not about Maria Shukshina; she never accused her mother of anything in her interviews. She was only grateful to her; she was not offended by the fact that her mother, a year after her father’s death, was able to love someone else. Life goes on. Olga expected from her mother that she would become a recluse and, like the widow of Yuri Gagarin, would forever remain away from human eyes and remain faithful to her deceased husband for life. Ridiculous. Why expect this from a mother? Let her be happy in her new relationship. Upon reaching adulthood, both sisters - Maria and Olga - inherited impressive sums of money, Masha bought a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, Olga played hooky and squandered her money on travel and drinking - she visited Paris alone six times. Upon her return, the prodigal daughter expected her mother to kiss her, hug her and shelter her. But forgive me, Olga was in isolation, she went to waste her money and life in America, there, when the money ran out, she worked as a cleaner, bartender, waitress, drank constantly, ruined and ruined her young life. This was while Maria Shukshina was studying at Moscow State Linguistic University to become a translator. Well, excuse me, if my daughter, like Olga, had gone off the deep end when my second daughter was gnawing on the granite of science, what would I have said upon her return? Well, perhaps I would start reading notations? In fact, I would be shocked by what is happening! Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina was just surprised that her daughter did not stay in America, but returned to her native land. But Olga did not expect such a reception. Throughout her life, Olga carried a grudge against her mother and older sister. Maria is more successful, more beautiful, men and the public like her. According to Olga, Masha paid little attention to her sister, did not take care of her, did not care for her, and did not cherish her. What for? If the sister is a completely different bird? If the soul does not lie, if the only thing we have in common is kinship and surname?

In the photo, Maria Shukshina with her two youngest children - Foma and Foka.

In the photo, Maria Shukshina with her daughter Anna.

Maria Shukshina, of course, is not an angel either; she has her own stormy, irregular, bitter personal life. Three marriages behind her - from her first husband Artyom Tregubenko, a daughter, Anya, was born in 1989, from her second husband, Alexei Kasatkin, a son, Makar, was born in 1998, and in 2005, Maria Shukshina became the mother of twin boys - Foma and Foka, whom she conceived with her third husband – Boris Vishnyakov. Not everything is going smoothly with Maria Shukshina’s children; only her relationship with her eldest daughter Anya, thanks to whose successful marriage she became a grandmother at the age of 47, was not discussed in the press.

In these photos, Maria Shukshina with her son Makar Kasatkin.

Makar Kasatkin has already gotten himself into several scandals. The young man met on a certain website with beautiful girl Nastya, living under the name Freya Zilber. This girl is very pretty, but extremely uneducated, and before meeting Makar she was engaged in very dubious business, either escort services, or something even worse; at the age of 14 she gave birth to a child, but her daughter does not know who her real mother is, she is Freya calls her sister, and dear grandmother became a mother to her. So, this same Freya, at the age of 19, became pregnant with Makar Kasatkin, after which the whole country accused him of assault and drug distribution, and now expects that this representative of an eminent family will provide for both herself and their unborn child.

Not everything is going smoothly with Maria Shukshina’s younger children (Foka and Foma). At one time they spent more time with their father than with their mother, the fact is that Boris Vishnyakov’s business did not work out, but he loves his sons so much that he decided to devote himself to his family and raising his offspring. As a result, there was discord in the family, because Maria Shukshina was attracted strong personalities, and a man baking pancakes and reading bedtime stories to children did not fit in with the image of an alpha male in her imagination, and the division of children began. Boris Vishnyakov was very worried about the separation from his sons, gave scandalous interviews in magazines (honestly, when I read these outpourings of an abandoned man, I felt so sorry for him), tried to reach Maria Shukshina. After some time, the relationship between Boris and Masha improved and today the man can see his children more often than indicated in the court decision.

In the photo Vasily Shukshin with one of his daughters.

With daughter Anna.

Still from the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard".

In this photo, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina with her daughters Maria and Olga, as well as with her granddaughter Anya.

Childhood photo of Maria Shukshina.

In this photo, Maria Shukshina with her four children.

Grown up twins.

Little sisters Masha and Olya Shukshin.

In this photo, Makar Kasatkin (son of Maria Shukshina) and Vyacheslav (grandson of Maria, son of daughter Anna).

Everything is complicated and confusing not only for Maria Shukshina, it didn’t just happen family life and her parents. Father Vasily Shukshin is not only an actor, but also a film director, screenwriter, and writer. He died at the age of 45, it happened on the set of the film “They Fought for the Motherland.” It is noteworthy that he starred there with his wife Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, she played a widow, a role that had become prophetic, which she long and persistently refused. The cause of Vasily Shukshin's death was myocardial infarction. After an autopsy of the untimely deceased Shukshin, it was discovered that his heart was worn out and did not look like a heart young man, but like the heart of an ancient old man. Vasily Shukshin lived without sparing himself, he smoked a lot, drank buckets of coffee, abused strong drinks, and on top of everything, he experienced drama in his personal life. Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina became his fourth wife.

Vasily Shukshin’s first wife is Maria Shumskaya, she was a resident of the same village where Shukshin was born. There was love between these two, but both were too young. Maria was from a wealthy family, only daughter, Vasily was a tramp; his father was shot during collectivization. When Vasily Shukshin entered VGIK, Maria Shumskaya did not go with him, because she was frightened by the unsettled conditions of life. Her husband at that time spent the night wherever he had to. Masha said to her husband, they say, first you will settle down, and only then you will take me. And, of course, he didn’t take her anywhere in the end, Moscow life got him caught up, such a prominent man wouldn’t be left alone, he was in trouble, he was in trouble. But Maria and Vasily wrote very sincere letters to each other, full of love and passions, Maria Shumskaya still cherishes these messages; Vasily Shukshin always carried her letters with him. Vasily Shukshin had many women, some were grateful to him for becoming his wives, at least temporarily, others kept the grudge all their lives. Everyone can be understood.

And how many interviews, programs and shows to which Shukshin’s ex-wives were invited. Resentment, pain, bitterness. He deceived me, took advantage of him, and so on. The most offended is Lydia Chashchina, she admits that she fell in love with Vasily Shukshin for his strong masculinity, simply because he was an alpha male. That is, she had the right gentleman, good boy- the pilot gave flowers, bought fruit, looked after him beautifully, but she turned him away, chose the one who humiliated, deceived, got drunk, and didn’t give him a penny. Even after many years, Lydia Chashchina could not forget past grievances. On the other hand, no one tied her to Vasily Shukshin - she could always leave, even after his first meanness, but together they lasted about five years.

By the way, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina took her double surname only after the death of her husband. So she promised to become Shukshina after changing her passport, but by taking a double surname, she fulfilled the will of her late husband. From Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina herself difficult fate. There are not only two daughters from Vasily Shukshin, but also a daughter from his first marriage. Anastasia was sued from her ex-husband, there were 14 trials, in the end the mother was not allowed to see her daughter. The girl grew up, but her mother was no longer eager to see her; she had a new family, other daughters. After many years, Anastasia does not hold a grudge against her mother Lydia.

In her youth, Lidiya Fedoseeva Shukshina was such a beauty!

Photo of young Vasily Shukshin.

Auditions for the film. Lidiya Fedoseeva with her daughters.

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina with her mother.

Olympic speed skating champion and MP State Duma Svetlana Zhurova spun new novel. Her chosen one was the former husband of actress Maria Shukshina, lawyer and businessman Boris Vishnyakov. The lovers are already living together, LifeNews reports.


Former spouse Svetlana Zhurova, tennis player Artem Chernenko, is dissatisfied with the choice of his ex-wife. The athlete said that Boris Vishnyakov allows himself to be rude to his children who live with Zhurova - 6-year-old Ivan and 12-year-old Yaroslav.

“There were a couple of conversations with the eldest son, because the younger one doesn’t quite understand yet, he’s just scared. And the eldest one is a quiet person by nature, it’s difficult to get information out of him, but even from him it slipped out a couple of times that there are personal insults about mental abilities junior and so on",– said Chernenko.

Let us remind you that Maria Shukshina and Boris Vishnyakov lived in a civil marriage for 10 years. They have two children together - 10-year-old twins Foma and Foka. The separation of Shukshina and Vishnyakov, which happened in 2009, was overshadowed by scandals. They fought for custody of their children, and the details of their personal lives were actively discussed in the media.

The actress opened her Instagram account and for the first time in a long time showed photos of her grown-up children.

Actress and TV presenter 49-year-old Maria Shukshina long years did without social networks. She has repeatedly admitted that all existing pages under her name are fake. However, Maria recently opened an account on Instagram, in which she officially greeted all fans, announcing that, after all, she was seduced by the possibilities of the Internet.

« I am glad to welcome you to my first and only Instagram page. Maria Shukshina"- wrote Shukshina. Most of her Instagram photos illustrate the star's daily work processes. However, there are also several pictures with her children. So, recently Shukshina, for the first time in many years, showed her grown-up twin sons Thomas and Foku from her third husband, businessman Boris Vishnyakov.

The boys, according to the actress’s subscribers, have grown noticeably and very soon will be on par with their older brother Makar, whom Maria gave birth to from her second marriage to businessman Alexei Kasatkin. Maria also showed her adult heir by publishing his photo on her page.

“A small, but still significant, part of my children,” Shukshin signed the photo .

The star did not ignore eldest daughter Anya from her first husband Artem Tregubenko, posted on the Internet joint photo with daughter.

Maria Shukshina with her daughter Anya

The daughter of the famous couple from the cinematic environment, Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, Masha could not choose a path other than acting. But, realizing how unpredictable he could be, the girl first tried to get an education that was far from acting. After school, Maria entered the translation department of the Mores Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages, became a translator and worked in her profession for several years. But the proximity of the bohemian environment and the opportunity to engage in acting still forced her to deviate from her intended path. In the 90s, Maria was invited to the cinema, where she remained. But he never ceases to be passionate about learning languages. The actress’s arsenal today includes English, German, French and Italian.

Wedding story

In films and TV series, Maria Vasilievna plays a variety of roles. In her interviews, talking about the heroines, she admitted more than once: the most interesting thing is to play a type that is completely dissimilar in spirit. It’s great when you need to not only differ in appearance from Masha Shukshina, but also change your plasticity, facial expressions, and get used to the role completely, so that it is impossible to recognize her by the manner of her acting.

But in her personal life, Masha doesn’t like to play. She said that she loves her - that means it is so. She said that she’s had enough of marriages—she won’t get married.

Maria's first serious love happened back in student years. Masha married a classmate Artema Tregubenko. Neither the actress nor her ex-husband talk about that marriage. Only one is known interesting fact: Maria’s future, second husband was a witness at that wedding. They say that already then Alexey Kasatkin was passionately in love with the future star. The bride danced all evening with the witness, and not with the groom.

From her first marriage, Masha will have a charming daughter, Anechka, but after a few years the couple will divorce. Intelligent Artem never admits what happened in their family then?

"I loved her very much"

Almost ten years later, Masha gets married for the second time. A non-random meeting took place in 1995, at a dinosaur exhibition. Alexey later admits that it was enough to meet his former classmate’s eyes for the gears of his internal clock to force him to turn back time. I remembered the sweet student days, and for the young people everything started spinning on its own.

At that exhibition, Alexey was with his second wife, but soon he was forced to admit to her that he had fallen in love with someone else. Masha and I only went to a restaurant a couple of times, and then moved in together. For a year and a half, Kasatkin showered his beloved with diamonds, gave her fur coats, and took her to resorts. They were happy and in love. From such a union, Maria’s second son, Makar, was born. They signed without a grand celebration on the same day when they prepared the documents for the newborn Makarka. Grandma Lida was with the baby at this time. Alexey still admits ex-wife in love.

A child was kidnapped

In total, the newlyweds were married for about four years. This couple suffered many mutual grievances, many serious scandals. The parents of Shukshina’s second husband are still offended by her, allegedly because she deprived them of the opportunity to communicate with their grandson. And Alexei idolizes Mashu, tells how they loved each other and does not even rule out the possibility that something similar could happen again.

According to the husband’s relatives, the discord in the lovers’ relationship began because of Machine’s jealousy. She constantly accused her husband of cheating, and her mother-in-law was sure: her daughter-in-law was causing scandals and provoking a divorce on purpose. Because I found someone richer. But an incident that Shukshina cannot forget to this day became fatal in the relationship of the already divorced spouses.

Living with a movie star is difficult, and when Kasatkin got married, he had to understand that Maria would not be able to pay much attention to her family. And so it happened. A month and a half after the birth of the baby, Masha had to fly to another country. She left Makar with the nanny in Vladimir region, in a house on the lake. Having learned about this, Shukshina’s mother-in-law immediately rushed to “save” the child and took him with her. The worried nanny called Maria Vasilyevna, and she realized: the baby had been kidnapped!

They took Makar away with the police. The horror that Shukshina had to endure, who was in another country and simply did not have the opportunity to understand the situation and influence it, will remain in the mother’s heart forever and will affect her future fate.

There will be no third marriage!

In the mid-2000s, a lawyer began to court Maria Boris Vishnyakov. The man sincerely fell in love with the beauty, asked her to marry, tried to please, but Maria, taught by two unsuccessful relationships, protested. Even when she realized she was pregnant, she refused another stamp in her passport.

Meanwhile fate brought good news: Shukshina and Vishnyakov were born with twins! The names for the boys - Foka and Foma - were suggested by the Shukshins' confessor. The twins were supposed to take their father's surname, but Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina intervened in the registration and insisted that the grandchildren should bear the famous surname of their grandfather.

But the lovers’ quarrels began even before pregnancy. Masha, according to Boris, always remained cool towards him, behaved arrogantly and dryly. She didn’t believe that he truly loved her, she demanded that she fulfill the promises that the lover Vishnyakov gave her while he was courting her. Namely, to throw the whole world at her feet, to make sure that she does not need anything.

But when the boys were just born, their father’s business began to nosedive. He fell apart and could not get himself together. Instead of supporting the mother of many children, Masha, unable to withstand the numerous scandals of the exhausted Shukshina, he left for the Belarusian wilderness. For a whole month Masha didn’t know what to think.

Eternal swing

Then she will make a statement that she is used to relying on herself in everything, that she does not tolerate weak people around, and that she is ready to raise the kids alone. Nevertheless, Boris, having recovered from his failures, returned. He took care of the boys, spent all his money on them, so much so that there was nothing left for anything else. Once he admitted to Masha that he couldn’t even pay the nanny, after which the long-disappointed Shukshina forbade him to communicate with the children.

After a while, Boris finally found the strength to pull himself together, began to lead a long-term project, and made peace with Masha. His sons moved to live with him, and he did not give up trying to return, albeit difficult, but beloved woman.

But as time passed, they quarreled again. The children moved to the Shukshins. Then - a new truce...

Their relationship is still like a swing. Boris can only guess whether he loves or doesn’t love, whether he will forgive or not. Recently they judicial procedure dealt with child custody. And in latest news they talk about how great Shukshina and Vishnyakov spent a week in sunny Turkey...

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