Competitions for creative people. Creative competition for admission to the university. What is it and who sells it

  • November 17, 2015, 22:53
  • Hello! If you want to stay up to date with upcoming competitions for artists, illustrators and designers, then this community is for you.

    Participation in competitions gives you the opportunity to express yourself and your creative potential, test your strength, diversify your creative activity, win a nice prize, and in some cases even make good money or become famous.


    Trailhead Wear has always tried to bring together energetic and versatile people. These are athletes, musicians, artists, all those who are cramped within the framework of an ordinary city. For them, there is Saint Ghetto with its own rules of the game. The task is simple: create the coolest print. It does not matter to us whether you are a designer with Andy Warhol experience or a brilliant self-taught Banksy, everyone can take part without any restrictions. The main thing is that your work should touch Trailhead in particular, and the whole of St. Petersburg and Moscow in general. What will the first among the best get? Immortal glory and 100,000 rubles in addition (50k cash and 50k gift certificate). But even if you didn’t rise to the podium, and your print is incredibly good, then you definitely won’t be left without attention. So, the scheme is simple: the coolest work, one hundred thousand rubles, you need to have time to draw before September 1. Make a repost and wait for the results. Show everyone what you are capable of!

    Submit your work here: [email protected]
    (be sure to include links to your contacts)

    P.S. In order for everything to be fair and your ideas not to be stolen by other participants or other brands, this time prints will only be accepted by mail, after the end of acceptance, all works will be published in our group in a separate album.

    Third place: the publication of the work and the name of the contestant on the information resources of the Hinode festival, a ticket for the first day of the festival on April 23 and a souvenir with the symbols of the festival.
    Second place: publication of the work and the name of the contestant on the information resources of the Hinode festival, 2 tickets for the first day of the festival - April 23, and a souvenir with the symbols of the festival.
    First place: - Wacom Intuos Comic graphics tablet with Clip Studio Paint Pro and Anime Studio Debut included.

    • Author
    • February 2, 2016, 04:11 PM

    • Competition "COSMOS 1961 - 2016 - 2147", in honor of the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight - Yu.A. Gagarin, celebrated on April 12, 2016 into space.
      The purpose of the competition: symbolically, progressively, inspiringly, reflect human space exploration in the past, present and future.
      It is assumed that the competitive works (posters and other forms of creativity) on the theme "COSMOS 1961 - 2016 - 2147" will become symbols of the progressive historical spatio-temporal development of all mankind and point to the key role of the culture of the USSR, Russia in this movement.
      Terms and procedure for the competition:
      1. Participants submit works for the competition until March 15, 2016. Preferred format of works: posters.
      2. Summing up - no more than 45 days from the date of the end of the competition.
      Awarding - during 2016.
      3. Works can be performed by one author or several authors.
      4. The number of works from one author (group of authors) is not limited.
      Organizers: Project "Future-2147" (landmark 1000th anniversary of Moscow), crowdsourcing platform, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), Moscow Planetarium
      Partners: Rossotrudnichestvo, Roskosmos, Russian Space magazine, Moscow Library. May 1, Moscow Cultural Center "Salyut", Central City Public Library. V.V. Mayakovsky (St. Petersburg), platform "Chaos and space: extraterrestrial settlements of the future 2016-2147", publishing house "Lomonosov"

      • The Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) will award the authors of selected works with diplomas and prizes.
      • The selected works of the contest participants during 2016 will be demonstrated at the representative offices of Rossotrudnichestvo as part of exhibition events dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of human space exploration
      • Rossotrudnichestvo will award diplomas to the authors of selected works, provide informational support to the Competition and Exhibitions.
      • The authors of selected works will be rewarded with Roscosmos prizes.
      • The magazine "Russian Space" will publish selected works of the Competition "COSMOS 1961 - 2016 - 2147" on its pages; the editor-in-chief of the journal, USSR pilot-cosmonaut V.P. Savinykh prepared books for the winners (with his authorship or under his editorship) with a personal signature.
      • Selected works in 2016 will be shown as part of exhibition events at the Moscow Library. MAY 1 (Leninsky pr-t, 37A).
      • Selected works in 2016 will be shown as part of exhibition events at the Salut Moscow Cultural Center.
      • The Moscow Planetarium will award prizes to the authors of selected works.
      • Central City Public Library. V.V.Mayakovsky, St. Petersburg will demonstrate selected works of participants in the competition "COSMOS 1961-2016-2147" at the "Intellectual Amusement Park" festival or other events.
      • It is planned to place a number of works on the platform "Chaos and space: extraterrestrial settlements of the future 2016-2147":
      • The authors of selected works will be rewarded with books from the Lomonosov publishing house.
      • Works sent to participate in the Competition "COSMOS 1961-2016-2147" can be used by everyone for exhibitions, other cultural, educational events dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight - Yu.A. Gagarin into space, as well as in other cases - with an indication of the competition "COSMOS 1961-2016-2147".
      Details and download of works


      Will you participate?

        Task: you need to draw a vertical avatar in any style and technique (in digital, watercolor, etc.). There should be a picture and the inscription "Drawing Lessons", the author's processing of the existing one is possible. Upload your work here:

    What is a creative contest?

    In order to enter the Faculty of Design, in addition to the Unified State Examination, you need to pass a creative competition. It includes an interview and review of your creative project. Depending on the profile you choose, the creative contest may differ in what creative project you are submitting.
    The minimum score is 60. If you scored below, you will not be able to participate in the competition.

    What is an interview?

    An interview is a dialogue between the applicant and the selection committee. You may be asked about the authors, trends, directions of a particular era, such as Antiquity or the Early or High Middle Ages. Applicants come across questions about the trends of the XIV-XX centuries. You will also be asked to describe one of the eras. Be prepared to be asked additional questions.

    So, what is a creative project?

    A creative project is a series of your work (6-12) that unlocks your potential. Works must correspond to the profile of training. You can choose the topic yourself.

    There are specific evaluation criteria:

    • stylistic unity;
    • conceptual completeness of the series;
    • originality of the author's intention;
    • harmonious color and compositional solution;
    • clear presentation of the project.

    What are examples of creative projects?

    If you choose the "Communication Design" profile, it can be a series of posters or covers, if "Animation" - a series of characters or frames for a cartoon.

    How can you prepare for a creative competition?

    1) If you decide to enter the design, you probably already have some work or sketches. Use them. Refine and practice.
    2) Follow the news of the design world and be sure to try to understand the art.
    3) If you are a student in grades 10-11, sign up for preparatory courses. You will receive the necessary knowledge and advice for preparing your own project.
    4) Well, if you live somewhere in Novosibirsk and there is no opportunity to come to classes at HSE, then study at an online school.

    In our daily column The Answer, we analyze the important questions that we face almost every day. To the point, short and simple. Your little survival tutorial I don't want to live in a hostel, what should I do? You don't have to wait until you graduate from a bachelor's or master's degree to

    In our daily column The Answer, we analyze the important questions that we face almost every day. To the point, short and simple. Your little survival tutorial What is The Tower? This is us! One of the largest student media in Russia. We will tell you about

    Every child who learns the wisdom of his native language at school will say that "creative competition" is a phrase consisting of two words: the noun "competition" and the adjective "creative",

    Contest- this is a competition in any kind of activity of two or more participants. Members can be groups, i.e. teams. For winning the competition, a reward of a moral or material nature is due. Often the spectators watch the competition, they inspire the contenders for victory and at the same time they themselves enjoy watching the ups and downs of the struggle. These distinctive features are put on a par with the Piano Competition. P.I. Tchaikovsky, and the contest "Miss Charm", and the contest of young beet growers and rabbit breeders. The activities are different, but the rules and laws of the organization are identical.

    Therefore, that detachment business, in which there are elements of competition, entertainment and honoring the winners, can be called a competition:

    - "Competition of masters of dressing beds",

    - "Competition for the collection of medicinal raw materials",

    - "Competition for the best stool jumper."

    As you can see, there is no such activity that could not be organized as a competition. If you turn on the comparison-competition mechanism and prepare an abundance of praise and gifts, then absolutely everything can be done as a competition: from brushing your teeth in the morning to washing your feet in the evening, from eating in the dining room to going to the toilet. It is only necessary to see how expedient and pedagogically justified it is.

    Synonyms for the word "competition" can be the words "tournament", "battle", "duel", "fight", "rally", etc.

    The adjective "creative" is understood as "non-standard", "original", "unparalleled".

    When these two words stand side by side, they mean that the participants are not competing in "whatever" activity, but only in one that has a touch of creativity. /This imported word in Russian corresponds to the word creativity/. A creative competition is a competition in the creative performance of some work. Since not every work can and should be done creatively, the number of creative competitions is somewhat less than just competitions.

    In the life of a country camp, a creative competition is one of the most common and popular forms of work. Such detachment cases have already become classics, such as:

    "Acting Competition"

    "Sand Urban Contest"

    "Competition of crafts from natural materials"

    "Noise Orchestra Competition"

    "Contest of liars named after Baron Munchausen"

    In all these matters, children need to show not so much strength and dexterity as fantasy, imagination, resourcefulness, a special original look at things. Because of this, a creative competition is not only a pleasant pastime for children, but also "a wonderful pedagogical tool that contributes to the formation of the creative abilities of an individual." But a creative competition will become such a means only if it is competently organized. How to properly organize a creative competition, you can consider one example. And let this example be "Chamomile" - the most frequently carried out detachment business. It was called "Chamomile" because the organization required a chamomile flower cut out of paper. On the reverse side of the white petals were inscribed tasks of a creative nature that the children had to complete. They tore off the petal, got acquainted with the task, prepared and demonstrated the result.

    When organizing this and any other creative competition, you should always remember the ten main components of success:

    1. Interesting tasks.

    2. Beautiful design.

    3. Material support.

    4. Musical accompaniment.

    5. Resourceful leader.

    6. Competent jury.

    7. Emotional viewers.

    8. Executive assistants.

    9. Prepared teams.

    10. Prizes for winners.

    The sequence of your actions when organizing "Daisies" will be as follows ...

    1. First of all, you prepare in advance everything that should be prepared in advance, that is, draw and cut out a large beautiful flower from whatman paper, invent and inscribe tasks on the petals, arrange benches or chairs, arrange a "scene" and a "hall", decide on presenter and jury, get or make awards,

    Of all the above, the most difficult thing is to come up with tasks. Tasks should be the same in direction and complexity. If one gets: "Depict a monument to the victims of gluttony," and the other: "Jump like grasshoppers," it will be unequal. Approximately the same as if at sports competitions some ran a hundred meters, while others pushed the shot. These are different disciplines and each should be evaluated according to its own criteria. Therefore, tasks in "Chamomile" should be equivalent. If for some: "Depict the scene "Surgeon at the operation"", then for others: "Depict the scene "The thief in someone else's apartment"". If for some: "Cry out the song" Stewardess named Zhanna "", then for others: "Bark the song" Ah, Lekha, Lekha .., "". If there are several types of tasks, then they must be placed on petals of different colors: on blue - tasks for composing poems, on red - tasks for performing songs, on white - dance tasks, etc. In addition, tasks must initially be creative. If you write on a piece of paper: "Sing some song" or: "Read a poem", this does not guarantee the creative nature of the performance in the least. The children will sing the song "Lieutenant Golitsyn" and read a fragment from N.A. Nekrasov's poem "Frost - Red Nose". Neither the ability to improvise nor the inclination to fantasize is required when performing such tasks. Therefore, offer only those tasks that awaken the imagination, liberate the flight of thought.

    2. The next thing you need to do is to gather all future contestants and spectators, i.e. your squad, and address them with a speech. With this introductory word, you should create an emotionally positive attitude for the upcoming business among the guys. Just do not start your appeal with the words: "Dear guys, now we will hold an interesting event." It’s better to say: “Well, folks, we haven’t had fun for a long time.” Better yet, play one of the so-called "Variety Games".

    3. And when you understand by the sparkle in children's eyes that the guys are inspired and eager to fight, you need to create micro-teams, i.e. groups that will compete with each other in the future. There are dozens of ways to form such groups. From lining up everyone in one line and counting on the "first-second" or "first-fourth" to cutting two or four postcards into parts with distribution of these parts to the participants and further work on collecting the fragments into a whole. But if there are already stable groups /units, crews, chambers, factions/ in the detachment, such teams can also be allowed to compete. It is best if the entire detachment is the participants, and then it will also be a collective spectator.

    4. Then the teams tear off the petals from the chamomile / do not forget: first blue, red will be after completing the first task /, and read what you wrote to them there, understand your explanations and begin to prepare. At the same time, they can remain in place, or they can run away into the room or behind the building - so that others do not peep. The preparation time should be short - from 5 to 20 minutes - and how much, you should announce in advance. Your task at the preparation stage is to run from team to team, finding out how things are going, providing moral support and providing ideological assistance in case of emergency.

    5. As soon as everyone is ready, the culmination of the whole affair will begin - the show. But here, do not rush, first seat everyone, warm up with another short speech, draw lots and introduce the jury, even if it will be personified in your only person. And only after observing these "formalities" start watching. The pauses that inevitably arise between speeches are naturally filled, for example, with comic comments.

    6. After everyone has completed the first task, you can offer the second / red petals /, then the third / white petals /. The maximum number of tasks for organizing one "Daisies" is five. It is possible that the guys will have the strength and desire to continue, but remember: sweets should always be a little bit lacking.

    7. And when everything is over, the laughter and applause subside, you, as the organizer and presenter, will make another speech. In it, you express your gratitude to all the participants, mark someone especially, and give this "someone" a "modest reward." But the results can be summed up in another way: each team determines within itself the most active, most resourceful - these guys will be especially encouraged. And if you had spectators, then you can approve the "audience sympathy award" and hand it over to the one who delivered the most joyful minutes to observers from the outside, Or you can use all forms of honoring at once.

    8. The final word and the presentation of gifts could be put an end to. But then who will arrange the furniture and clean up the decor? Therefore, your creative competition will be considered completed only after the collective putting the scene in order. If you do not do this, some sheet or towel will surely be “lost”, and at the end of the shift, when you return the linen, you will find a shortage that you will have to pay for from your own salary.

    Now that's really all.

    If you are wondering why so much attention is paid to one "Chamomile", then you should know: this is done deliberately. We want you to always follow one simple truth:

    "Success in any business depends on the little things!"

    And according to the algorithm that is painted for "Chamomile", dozens of other creative competitions can be organized:

    "Staging Jokes Competition"

    "Guinness World Records Evening"

    "Competition of unprofessional skill"

    "Talent Auction"

    "Stained Glass Competition"

    "Film Festival"

    "Competition of Chastushechniks"


    "Competition "Little Marianna"

    "Space Force Parade"

    "Video Clip Contest"

    "Comic Circus"

    "Draw Film Competition"

    "Fabulous Vinaigrette"

    "Dance Improvisation Competition"

    "An Evening at the Detective Club"

    "Staging Lullaby Competition"

    |Marina Emelianenko | 9282

    Whoever has tasted the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures do not exist.
    A.P. Chekhov.


    Urban planning;

    Air navigation;

    medical business;

    Customs business;


    A television;

    media communications;

    art history;



    circus art;

    Acting art;

    Vocal art;





    Film studies.

    Creative competition for admission to the university. What is it and who sells it?

    Applicants | Marina Emelianenko | 9282

    Many specialties require applicants to pass special tests due to the specifics of the chosen profession. Such exams are called creative exam or creative competition.

    A creative exam is an exam that allows you to evaluate the student's creative abilities for any type of activity. Pass such exams in many universities in Russia. There is no single standard for such competitions. All tasks are developed, as a rule, by teachers of the university, where the creative competition will be held. So, future journalists write essays and articles, artists draw, actors demonstrate stage abilities.

    Applicants usually have enough time to prepare for the creative exam. Usually, universities announce all the programs of creative competitions approximately four months before the start of the admission campaign. At the same time, the program itself consists of an explanatory note, the task itself and evaluation criteria.

    How to prepare to successfully pass a creative competition?

    To prepare for the internal competition of the university, you must do the following:

    Find and save the programs of creative competitions of past years in advance. Familiarize yourself with them, pay attention to the recommended literature; . Study additionally with a tutor if your funds allow. Preparation is never superfluous, especially in creative tests. In the exact sciences everything is more clear, and creativity is an unpredictable thing;

    If the chosen university provides preparatory courses, you must attend them without fail. A creative competition is usually developed by university employees. And you will get the best training from them.

    In 2014, the list of specialties for which universities have the right to introduce an internal exam has expanded significantly. An internal exam can be held in the form of a creative competition, interview or exam. However, as a rule, it is the creative competition that is used. It is evaluated on a 100-point scale, and in some universities you can get a maximum of 100 points for the entire competition, while in others - each intermediate stage is evaluated separately, and the total points can be 200 or 300. In general, the creative competition is quite important in total student scores. It even happens that the results of the creative exam are more important for the selection committee than the results of the exam.

    What specialties do you need to take a creative exam?

    In fact, the number of areas of training that require special knowledge is quite large. Among the main ones, for which additional entrance tests of a professional or creative orientation may be required, the following can be distinguished:


    Urban planning;

    Air navigation;

    medical business;

    Customs business;


    A television;

    media communications;

    Teacher Education;

    art history;



    circus art;

    Acting art;

    Vocal art;





    Film studies.

    These are just some of the specialties with additional requirements. In total, according to the list approved by law, there are about seventy such specialties. Some of them have been on this list for a very long time, others, such as pediatrics or pedagogy, have been added over the past few years. An applicant who wants to enter a university, in which one of the main requirements is a creative competition, must approach the preparation for this test with all responsibility. You do not know what exactly will await you on such an exam, so do not neglect any possible way of preparing. Ask, clarify, search, read - do everything to beat your competitors. The creative exam is unpredictable. Perhaps exactly what you considered inimitable will not be appreciated, as you will be evaluated “on the spot” by living people who know a lot about this.

    A creative competition is a real opportunity to impartially assess your capabilities and abilities, listen to criticism and draw productive conclusions based on it.

    1. Getting there is just the beginning of the journey. It is important to understand that the purpose of the creative competition is to give you an idea of ​​the workload and required skills while learning. This means that your goal should not be " pass creative task, and acquire the necessary skills at the highest possible level for you, in order to work productively during training. Therefore, it is important to immediately form the right attitude towards classes - as part of the work of life that you are interested in and which you will not leave after entering, and not as a task, an exam that you need to prepare for and just pass.
    2. Competition depends on the university you want to go to. For example, at the Moscow Architectural Institute on the budget, some do not always pass after several courses of study at a provincial university. But most importantly - do not be afraid! There is always a choice. To begin with, decide on ambitions and opportunities (want to enter your hometown or go somewhere, is it possible to pay tuition if you enter a contract form, are you ready, if necessary, to postpone your studies and enter the desired university a year later, not on the first try, etc.). How to decide on universities, find programs for entrance examinations. Look for students of these universities, student communities, VKontakte groups, ask questions directly local. You will be sure to share the necessary information about the preparation.
    With this information, look for a teacher.
    3. Teacher. It is necessary for the correct setting of the hand. It is important that this person inspires you, and it would be nice if he had an idea about architectural education. Run from the one who says that you will not succeed or you will not have time, from the one who will not be interested in the specifics of the tasks. This is for academic drawing, composition. If there is a drawing task, then you can prepare yourself, it's not difficult. If your city has an architectural faculty, look for a teacher there, ask the students. Courses usually there are annual (in the year before admission) or short-term, in summer or spring. You should go there to get acquainted with the requirements of a particular university. But it is better to find a teacher with whom you will feel comfortable as soon as possible. :)
    Do not forget that there are other exams, about mathematics - you will also need to not only pass it, but also be able to love it. :)

    In two years, you can prepare thoroughly. Remember, the main thing is your aspirations and desires. You can prepare, and if something doesn’t succeed or doesn’t work out, in any case, you can enroll in a year, or enroll in another university, or change universities during your studies - these are not problems at all! :)

    P.S. Two years before entering, I got to a teacher who gave me only sunflowers and generally stated that I would definitely not prepare in two years, a la "well, don't dream." As a result, I quit and returned to classes in the 11th grade, but to a good teacher. On the first one he put a chopped head, I myself did not believe that it would work, but he correctly explained and - I could! It took me eight months of regular academic drawing classes, twice a week for four hours. We spent the summer month before the competition in the workshop, working all day. Received! Or I could sit with still lifes for two years and listen that I won’t learn to draw “so quickly”.

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