What is the name of Maria Shukshina's mother. Maria Shukshina: biography, personal life, photo. The son of Maria Shukshina - Foka Vishnyakov

Maria Shukshina loves to experiment in films, transforming into various characters that are not at all like her. Playing new images and characters, Shukshina strives to be unrecognizable every time both externally and in the manner of the game.

In her creative biography great importance television is also assigned, where the movie star will soon host a new show on Channel One.

Famous parents. Early filming

Maria was born in 1967 in Moscow. Her father is a famous actor, writer, director Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. Mother - actress Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina. IN acting family her younger sister Olga also grew up, who at first followed in the footsteps of her parents, but then changed activities and now works in the church. Maria also has an older uterine sister, Anastasia Voronina-Francisco.

In the photo, Maria Shukshina in childhood with her sister, father and mother

It is not surprising that at the age of one and a half years, the future movie star appeared on the screen in her father's film almanac - "Strange People". Then the 5-year-old girl and her younger sister played in the film of the father "Stoves and Benches", and two years later she worked on the set of the film "Birds over the City". At the same time, irreparable grief happened in the family: her father passed away. Since my mother was often on the set, tours and festivals, the sisters learned early what independence is. However, these difficulties only tempered the character of Shukshina, which played a big role in her future fate. The acting profession at that time did not interest her, so after graduating from school, the girl entered the institute foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez, after which she received a diploma in translation. For some time she worked in her specialty, and then became a broker on the commodity exchange.

Career takeoff

Once, the future actress was offered to play in the melodrama American Daughter. She agreed because the shooting took place in San Francisco, where she had long wanted to visit. From that time on, Maria took up creative career in which she took great interest. Since 2004, the actress has become a sought-after and popular performer. Many of her heroines are independent women with strong character who stoically endure the blows of fate. Among the works of Shukshina, one can note her roles in such projects as “Dear Masha Berezina”, “I love you”, “Terrorist Ivanova”, “Who, if not me?”, “Own stranger” and others.

Shot from the film “What a wonderful game”

In 1999, Maria was offered to try her hand as a TV presenter. Many viewers then fell in love with the “Wait for me” program on Channel One, on which the actress, along with other presenters, helped many Russians find their relatives. However, at the end of 2014, her TV career ended, which greatly saddened the artist herself, as well as her fans. In 2017, Shukshina delighted viewers by informing them of her new job on Channel One: already in January 2018, she will become the host of a project called "Recipes for Happiness". In 2017, she also made her debut on the theater stage: the actress will play in the musical performance "Kalina Krasnaya", where her heroine was the "correspondence student" Lyuba Baikalova, whose role was once played by her star mother.

Personal life: unsuccessful marriages and a large family

As a student, Maria had romantic relationship with classmate Artem Tregubenko, and in the fourth year, the lovers got married. In 1989, their daughter Anna was born, however, the baby could not hold the family together, and the couple decided to leave. The second husband of the actress was her longtime friend, businessman Alexei Kasatkin. In 1998, the son of Makar was born, but these relationships turned out to be fragile, and soon the family broke up.

Actress with son Makar. www.instagram.com/shukshina_maria

The third choice of Shukshina was the lawyer Boris Vishnyakov. In that civil marriage the twins Foma and Foka were born: this joyful event happened in 2005. Despite the fact that the birth of children was a long-awaited event for the spouses, four years after that, a turning point occurred in their relationship. Maria was forced to leave her husband.

In the photo, Maria Shukshina with her family: mother Lidia Nikolaevna and grandson Slava

Daughter Anna was trained at VGIK, where she entered the directing department. During her studies, she met a young man named Konstantin, whom she married. Quite quickly, the newlyweds became parents: in the fall of 2014, the son Vyacheslav was born. Now Shukshina is enjoying her personal life and her new role as a grandmother, choosing time in her busy work schedule to chat with her grandson. Many viewers note her excellent external data and a slender figure (with a height of 180 cm, her weight is 65 kg), which the TV presenter manages to maintain for many years.

Maria Vasilievna Shukshina is not only a famous and incredibly talented actress and TV presenter, but also a bright representative of the creative “golden” youth of the times Soviet Union. She never enjoyed the glory of her mother and father, because she believed that it would be more pleasant to achieve everything on her own and not depend on anyone.

Maria calls her favorite work not shooting in films and TV shows, but the program "Wait for me". In it, she, together with the late Igor Vladimirovich Kvasha, united those people whose fates had long since diverged. At the same time, she sincerely wished the participants in the transmission of happiness, because she knew how important it was to make people kinder and happier.

Fans constantly tried to find data such as height, weight, age on the Internet. How old Maria Shukshina can be found out by the date of her birth, from which no one makes secrets.

The future famous actress was born in 1967, so this spring she celebrated her fiftieth birthday. The zodiacal celestial circle endowed Mary with character traits characteristic of Gemini, namely, duality, inconstancy, and a penchant for creativity.

The eastern horoscope, on the contrary, gave the sign of a charming, creative, economic, active, friendly, kind, smiling Goat.

Maria Shukshina: photos in her youth and now have not changed at all, many spiteful critics attribute this to the huge number of plastic surgeries that she did. The growth of the national favorite is 180 centimeters, and the beauty weighs no more than 65 kilograms.

Biography of Maria Shukshina

The biography of Maria Shukshina has always been similar to fairy tale. At the same time, the actress was an active and incredibly creative girl who has her own opinion on everything. Mashenka was born in the capital of the USSR in a famous and creative family, therefore, as soon as she was one year old, she made her debut in the movie novel "Bratka". At the age of five, she and her younger sister starred in famous movie own father "Pechki-benches". And in the elementary grades, she added work in the film "Birds over the City" to the creative list.

Father - Shukshin Vasily - a man whom every citizen of the USSR knows and Russian Federation because he became famous writer and an actor, director and screenwriter, as well as a person who symbolized an entire era, but died suddenly, as soon as his beloved daughter turned seven.

Mother - Fedoseeva-Shukshina Lydia - an incredibly bright and talented actress who starred not only in films, but played in theatrical performances. It was she who inspired her daughters with the idea that filming in films is an ordinary hobby, and for self-sufficiency, you need to get higher education, so Masha graduated from the Maurice Thorez Institute, becoming a translator and secretary.

Sister - Olga Shukshina - was a year younger than her sister, while her mother for some reason did not really love her. The woman entered the Faculty of Literature, therefore, she is known for essays on the history of her family. At the same time, she fell into religion, taught kids in an orphanage at Orthodox church. Olga is divorced, she is raising her son Vasya and prefers not to communicate with star relatives at all.

half sister- Anastasia Voronina - Francisco - was born in 1960, so she was seven years older than Masha and did not really communicate with her. The girl successfully married an Angolan who held a high position in the country's counterintelligence. She has a daughter, Laura, who gave her mother a grandson, Martin.

Oddly enough, the young beauty Maria has a beloved grandson - Vyacheslav Tregubenko, who was given to her by her daughter Anya. The boy was born in 2014, and his father was an unknown guy named Konstantin, whom she met at the theater skit. Maria easily got used to the role of a young grandmother, she often takes Slavik to her place and already teaches foreign languages.

Filmography: films starring Maria Shushkina

Since about 1995, Shukshina's filmography has been rapidly replenished with series and films "American Daughter", "Dear Masha Berezina", "Guilty Without Guilt", "Brezhnev", "Justice of the Wolves", "Indigo", "Deli Case No. 1", " Village”, “Such work”, “Not all cats are gray”. At the same time, Maria constantly tries herself in new areas, so she dubbed the heroines of “Love is Evil” and “Doctor Zhivago”, and also starred in the video of Nikolai Trubach.

She spent about fifteen years leading the project “Wait for me”, in which she did everything so that lost relatives and friends could find each other. Maria claims that for her it was a real test, the program was exhausting and taught that helping is nice.

From December 2017, Masha will become the host new transmission"Recipes for happiness", but information about it is kept in the strictest confidence.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina

The personal life of Maria Shukshina is a rather strange area, which often becomes a secret. On the Internet, it’s really possible to find stories about stormy romances and secret dates. famous actress and the presenter, most of which turned out to be ordinary gossip and ridiculous rumors.

Masha is often given attention by fans, but she treats them with respect and understanding, while not singling out anyone in particular. By the way, next to Shukshina quite often turned out to be influential and rich, powers of the world this, but she could not find her family happiness.

Family of Maria Shukshina

The family of Maria Shukshina is very unusual and creative, since her parents belonged to the Soviet bohemia. Relatives supported the girl in every possible way, and famous father simply adored her. At the same time, Mashenka had a hard time tragic death her daddy, she waited a long time for him to return home.

Masha was very fond of her mother, they were real girlfriends, until now she can trust herself close person all the most terrible secrets. Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina claims that she often consults with her daughter, but cannot find contact with her daughter Olya. That is why Masha is worried that she herself cannot improve relations with her eldest son Makar, who is a difficult teenager.

Children of Maria Shukshina

The children of Maria Shukshina were born with big difference aged, they are born from three completely different fathers. Masha says that she never took out evil on the kids because of her relationship with their fathers, but, on the contrary, tried to establish friendly relations.

At the same time, Shukshina's mother is both persistent, and caring, and understanding, and demanding. She tries to instill in children a love for music and literature, her state and the people living in it.

Maria is very sensitive to everything that happens to her children, she was very worried about the abduction of two-year-old Makar. Currently, Shukshina is very busy filming films and television programs, but she always finds time to talk with children.

The son of Maria Shukshina - Makar Kasatkin

The son of Maria Shukshina - Makar Kasatkin - was born in 1998, he was named after Maria's beloved paternal grandfather. The boy's father was fellow student Shukshina, but the love story of young people is rather strange. The fact is that the sports manager and businessman Alexei was a witness at the conclusion of the first marriage.

Makar is a difficult child, he was stolen by his own dad, while ransom demands were put forward, but the police intervened in time, and the baby was returned home. Currently, the guy is in the cadet corps, but he constantly runs away from him to his father, which upsets his famous mother.

The son of Maria Shukshina - Foma Vishnyakov

The son of Maria Shukshina, Foma Vishnyakov, is one of the twins, who was born in 2005. Became the boy's father civil husband Shukshina - Boris Vishnyakov.

Thomas first tries to do something, and then he will think about all the possible consequences that may occur due to the action. The boy is a big bully, so he constantly incites his brother to various tricks, but Thomas respects only his older sister.

The younger Vishnyakov is studying in the cadet corps, he is more attached to his own mother than his twin brother.

The son of Maria Shukshina - Foka Vishnyakov

The son of Maria Shukshina, Foka Vishnyakov, is the twin brother of the aforementioned son of a famous actress from her common-law husband Boris Vishnyakov.

At the same time, this boy is more thoughtful and calm than his brother. He constantly wants to get to the very essence of each issue or process, only after Fock thinks everything through, he begins to do so that he does not have to redo anything later.

The boy is also brought up in patriotic traditions, he studies in the cadet corps with his brother. The mother clarifies that the twins were sent to this educational institution only because of his unbearable nature. They are hyperactive and incredibly hooligan guys.

Daughter of Maria Shukshina - Anna Tregubenko

The daughter of Maria Shukshina, Anna Tregubenko, is the first child of a famous actress who was born in 1989. She appeared in the legal marriage of her mother with classmate Artem. The fact is that the father was not happy that he would have a daughter, so he disappeared from the family immediately after Anyuta was born.

Artem Tregubenko tried to prove that the baby was not his own daughter, so she did not want to communicate with him, even as an adult.

Anya is a talented and self-sufficient girl, she graduated from the production department of VGIK. At the same time, Shukshina's daughter was able to successfully marry and give birth to little Vyacheslav.

Former husband of Maria Shukshina - Artem Tregubenko

The ex-husband of Maria Shukshina - Artem Tregubenko - received higher education along with his future wife. He literally turned the head of an inexperienced girl, she melted and married him in her penultimate year.

Shukshina pointed out that her husband began to treat her and the newborn child differently soon after the wedding. However, she almost never tells what was the impetus for the dissolution of the marriage.

Artem could not stand the constant reproaches and quarrels, so he simply left the family, while declaring that he did not want to communicate with his daughter.

Former husband of Maria Shukshina - Alexei Kasatkin

The ex-husband of Maria Shukshina, Alexei Kasatkin, became the new legal spouse of a clever and beautiful woman, but this happened only ten years after the dissolution of her first marriage. He was not only a classmate of young people, but also a witness at their wedding.

At the same time, Alexei entered Masha's family as a friend and assistant, since he lived in a civil marriage with another woman. After some time, young people began to live together, and then got married.

Kasatkin worked as a sports manager and was an influential businessman. The divorce occurred with a scandal, Maria hid her son from him, but then relented and allowed them to spend time together.

Civil husband of Maria Shukshina - Boris Vishnyakov

The civil husband of Maria Shukshina - Boris Vishnyakov - appeared in the life of actresses in 2004, it was to this well-known metropolitan businessman and lawyer that she left her previous spouse.

At the same time, Boris was in no hurry to offer his chosen hand and heart, but they lived together. It is worth clarifying that the birth of the twins opened Vishnyakov from the other side, he completely replaced the mother of the guys, who traveled on tour and filming films.

Boris, who refused to lead own business, took the four-year-old boys to the dacha, but Shukshina took them without permission. Since the couple no longer lived together, the actress and the businessman filed an application with the court, which managed to establish the process of the kids staying with each of the parents.

Photo by Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery are quite real, but they do not refer to radical plastic surgery. It is worth clarifying that Maria, in general, is not very good at this kind of intervention in her own body, even for the sake of youth.

However, Masha claims that she is not ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, therefore she accepts only mesotherapy, a Russian bathhouse and rational nutrition.

Woman making hyaluronic acid injections in elite clinic plastic surgery at professional doctors with a crystal clear reputation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Shukshina

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Shukshina have existed for a long time and at the official level. At the same time, she has the same profiles on most social networks, it’s worth drowning out that Masha tries to regularly post posts on them and tell what exactly impressed her.

The Wikipedia article contains only relevant and reliable data, from which it is realistic to obtain information about childhood, parents, family, spouses, children, filmography and other creative activities.

Photos and videos from the star's personal archive constantly appear on Instagram. Most of which are dedicated to children and beloved grandson, as well as filming new projects or series.

Shukshina Maria Vasilievna is a charming woman, mother, actress, TV presenter. This beauty achieved everything herself, without the patronage of famous parents.

Many people remember her from the TV program "Wait for me", in which she helped to connect people who love and are close by blood. She sincerely worried about them and believed that everything would be fine. The audience fell in love with Maria with sincere love, and the state appreciated her contribution to cinema with a medal and the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Despite the fact that Shukshina is actively acting in films, she manages to raise four children and a three-year-old grandson.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Shukshina

Many fans and admirers of Masha want to know almost everything about her, including the actress's height, weight, age. How many years Maria Shukshina is interested in people as well as how she manages to look so beautiful.

Maria Shukshina was born in May 1967, so she turned 49 years old, however, in 2017 the woman will celebrate her fiftieth birthday. According to the sign of the Zodiac, Masha is a fickle, strong-willed, beautiful Gemini, for whom the family means much more than a career.

1967 gave Shukshina the sign of the Goat eastern horoscope, which brought natural charm and a desire to get to the bottom of everything in the character of a woman. This sign is prone to art, contemplation and emotional expression of feelings.

Maria inherited from her mother a high growth, which reached the mark of a meter and eighty centimeters. A woman weighs relatively little, only sixty-five kilograms.

Biography of Maria Shukshina

The biography of Maria Shukshina is full of surprises and surprises. The girl was born in 1967 in Moscow.

Acting biography girls began literally from the cradle, when at the age of one and a half she starred in the movie "Brother". Already in 1972, a five-year-old girl, along with her four-year-old sister, shone in the film "Stoves and Benches". And in the first grade, the girl played Masha Vishnyakova in the movie "Birds over the City."

Mom constantly told the girl that becoming an actress is not a profession, but a hobby. After graduating from school, Masha decided to enter the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages, where she received the profession of a secretary with the skills of an interpreter. For a long time Shukshina did not even think about cinema or theater and worked as a broker. The woman is fluent in Spanish, Ukrainian and English.

Filmography: films starring Maria Shukshina

Later, acting blood still played in her veins, and Masha began to quickly make up for lost time. Since 1995, the filmography of the actress has been constantly updated with new works such as Russian Roulette, People and Shadows, Brezhnev, Ivanova the Terrorist, Indigo, Christmas Trees 3, Goodbye, Boys!, Such work”, “Sanitsa”, “Own someone else's”.

In films and serials, the famous actress skillfully created the roles of self-confident and tough, passionate and fatal, strong-willed and difficult women. Maria Shukshina can equally talentedly play a business shark and a completely downtrodden homeless woman.

In parallel with filming in films, Shukshina dubbed the films Doctor Zhivago and Love is Evil. In 2006, Maria starred in Nikolai Trubach's video "From Love".

In the period from 1999 to 2014, she was the permanent TV presenter of the Wait for Me program along with Igor Kvasha. This project turned out to be incredibly difficult, since the search process took a lot of time and effort, however, it was worth it. The woman began to understand that misfortune is not her own and someone else's, everything lost people- general pain and misfortune.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina

The personal life of Maria Shukshina was passionate and difficult at the same time. Fans were constantly with her, who sought to make the life of a famous actress happy, but Maria never paid much attention to them.

Many influential men who have achieved a lot in life lost their heads in love with a Russian beauty. Maria threw herself into the pool with her head in passion, however, family happiness never came to her.

The woman gave birth to children from her beloved men, but never found her personal happiness.

Family of Maria Shukshina

The family of Maria Shukshina was strong, creative and acting at the same time. Father - Vasily Makarovich Shukshin - a famous actor and writer, screenwriter and film director with capital letter. He died suddenly from heart attack when Mashenka was seven.

Mom - Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina - a popular film and theater actress who appeared in most films that have become real masterpieces.

Half-sister Anastasia Voronina-Francisco was born in 1960, successfully married the head of counterintelligence of Angola. She has a daughter Laura and a grandson Martin.

The younger sister Olga Shukshina was born in 1968. The girl was an outcast famous family She graduated from the Literary Institute. The woman often writes autobiographical essays. Olga is very pious, she worked in a school shelter, although she had no pedagogical education. She has a son named after Shukshin - Vasily. The woman does not communicate with her mother and sister Maria.

Children of Maria Shukshina

The children of Maria Shukshina are her joy and boundless happiness. All babies were born from different fathers in different periods the life of a famous actress and TV presenter.

Her daughter is already quite an adult and has recently become a mother herself, and her twin sons are twelve-year-old schoolchildren. Happened to the middle son scary tale: when he was two years old, he was stolen, but soon after contacting law enforcement returned the famous mother. Mary experienced this story very painfully.

Despite her constant busyness, Maria always found time to listen to her children and help them with timely advice.

Daughter of Maria Shukshina - Anna Tregubenko

The daughter of Maria Shukshina, Anna Tregubenko, was born in 1989. The biological father of the girl was her classmate Artem Tregubenko, who left Maria shortly after the birth of her daughter.

The girl was able to independently enter the production department of the prestigious VGIK. She successfully married a man named Konstantin, whom she met in the company of film actors. Anna gave birth in 2014 to a son, Vyacheslav. The star grandmother does not have a soul in the baby and helps her daughter to raise him in a creative atmosphere.

The son of Maria Shukshina - Makar Kasatkin

The son of Maria Shukshina - Makar Kasatkin - the fetus love relationship with a fellow student and witness from the first wedding, businessman and sports manager Alexei Kasatkin. The boy was born in 1998 and was named after his great-grandfather, and two years later he was kidnapped by his own father. The famous actress turned to the police, and the boy was returned to his mother.

Makar starred in documentary projects dedicated to his famous family. The guy studies at a cadet school and has a rather complex character, therefore he is prone to running away from home.

Sons of Maria Shukshina - Foma and Foka Vishnyakov

The sons of Maria Shukshina, Foma and Foka Vishnyakov, are twins who were born in 2005. Businessman Boris Vishnyakov, with whom Maria was in a civil marriage, became their father.

After parting with him, the actress forbade Boris to meet with the kids, however, she later changed her mind. Guys grow up in a patriotic spirit, they are not pampered and are not raised in excesses.

Foma and Foka are hooligans, and only elder sister Anna. Foka is a guy who likes to think everything through and only then do it, while Foma, on the contrary, does it first and then thinks.

Former husband of Maria Shukshina - Artem Tregubenko

The ex-husband of Maria Shukshina, Artem Tregubenko, was a classmate of the famous actress at the Institute of Foreign Languages. He beautifully courted Masha, and the young people got married in their fourth year.

It is not clear what happened in the marriage, but Maria never talks about what happened to her at that time. It is known that the marriage began to burst at the seams after the birth of Annushka's daughter. Love broke into everyday life, so constant disputes and quarrels began, which, in the end, ruined the family. Artem Tregubenko did not want to communicate with his daughter.

Former husband of Maria Shukshina - Alexei Kasatkin

The ex-husband of Maria Shukshina, Alexei Kasatkin, appeared in her life ten years after the conclusion of her first marriage. The guy was an honorary witness at the wedding of Maria and Artem, and was also a classmate of young people.

The guys met by chance, started talking and gradually began to live together. The guy at that time had civil wife, but he left her for the beauty of Masha.

From the businessman and sports manager Alexei, the boy Makar was born, whom his father adored. After the dissolution of the marriage, Maria hid Makar from his father for a long time, but then relented and allowed to see each other.

Civil husband of Maria Shukshina - Boris Vishnyakov

The civil husband of Maria Shukshina, Boris Vishnyakov, is a well-known Moscow businessman with a higher legal education. The couple had twins Foma and Foka, who were raised by their father, who abandoned the business. He replaced the kids with a mother and a nanny, so the guys were very attached to him.

Maria took the four-year-old boys from Boris' dacha and left. Vishnyakov accused the actress of kidnapping children, however, he calmed down and reconciled with his wife. He often sees the twins, although he refuses to live under the same roof with Masha.

Photos of Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery are real photographs, many of which are exclusive footage. Masha is great with plastic surgery, but she believes that it is better not to bring things to radical methods.

A woman prefers to spend active free time, visit beauty salons and take a steam bath. She eats right and gets enough sleep.

From plastic means chooses injections hyaluronic acid. Mesotherapy has its drawbacks, as marks remain on the skin that cannot be removed for three days.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Shukshina

Instagram and Wikipedia of Maria Shukshina are official, in general, the actress actively uses the possibilities of social networks. On her Instagram page, Masha regularly posts videos that struck her, and not only from film sets.

With enviable constancy, photographs appear on the official Instagram profile, which depict the entire Shukshin family. Mary often shares breaking news about their children, who recently had a rest in a military-patriotic camp.

On the page, you can comment on a photo or video of a star, or simply rate it.

Maria Shukshina is considered one of the most successful and sought-after actresses, whose heroines are often strong and self-sufficient women. It is very important for her that on the set there are good relations and mutual understanding with the director of the film, thanks to which Maria gets great pleasure from work. Despite unsuccessful marriages, Shukshina believes that her personal life has developed happily. Now she is not only raising children, but has also become one of the youngest and most beautiful star grandmothers.

Maria was born in 1967 in Moscow. Her parents are well-known creative people: her father is an actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, and her mother is an actress Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. When the future screen star was seven years old, grief happened in the family: her father died. Mom was often absent from home, going on tour or festivals, so the girl also had to look after her younger sister Olga.

Even during his lifetime in 1972, his father took off his daughters in the film "Stoves and Benches", and two years later Masha played in the film "Birds over the City". But acting did not interest her at all, and after graduating from school, the girl was educated at the Institute of Foreign Languages, and then she was a translator in a brokerage company.

In the photo, Maria as a child with her parents and younger sister

Perhaps Shukshina did not continue acting dynasty, if she had not been offered to star in the film "American Daughter", which was filmed in San Francisco. After the release of the picture on the screens, the first success came to the aspiring actress. Since 1999, her cooperation with television began: for 15 years, Maria hosted the Wait for Me program on Channel One. Among the successful works of the actress, one can note her roles in such film projects as “Who, if not me?”, “Departing nature”, “Yolki 3”, “Such a job” and others.

Despite career success and excellent external data (height - 180 cm, weight - 65 kg), Shukshina's personal life was not easy. During her university years, she began dating her classmate Artyom Tregubenko, who soon became her first husband. In 1989, a daughter Anna was born in the family, however, almost immediately their relationship changed. After few years family life Maria decided to leave her husband.

actress co eldest daughter Anna

With her second husband, businessman Alexei Kasatkin, she was familiar before: the young man was a friend of her first ex-husband. Having once met with an actress, he called her on a date, after which they did not part. Soon the couple had a son, Makar, but this relationship did not develop into a strong and long-term marriage.

Boris Vishnyakov - the third husband of Shukshina

A new love appeared in Shukshina's personal life a few years later, and businessman and lawyer Boris Vishnyakov then became her chosen one. In 2005, the couple became parents: they had twin sons, whom the happy parents named Foma and Foka. At the same time, her husband started having problems at work, and the couple began to quarrel, as a result of which the actress and children left him. For a long time there was a strained relationship between them, but time passed, and everything worked out. Boris is involved in the upbringing of boys, but here's about the reunion former spouses out of the question.

In the photo, Maria Shukshina with her sons:

Maria strives for her children to grow up as decent and educated people, so she is a strict and demanding mother. Daughter Anya was educated at VGIK, and in 2014 she married her lover Konstantin, with whom she lived in a civil marriage for several years. In the autumn of the same year, they gave the actress a grandson, Vyacheslav. Shukshina rarely shares details of her life with fans, but sometimes on her page you can see photos of growing twin sons, as well as her beloved grandson.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 05/26/2017

Touching, sincere and charming Maria Shukshina - these are the epithets associated with the image of the famous actress and TV presenter. Despite the gentleness and kindness shown by her in the well-known program “Wait for me”, in life she is completely different. A character famous person, her waywardness and iron will best disclosed in three novels of a woman with different men. She does not tolerate weak men and only children reign in her heart.


The birth of Mary in a family of famous actors

There was no other way than acting for Mary, because the girl was born in a couple famous actors- Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva Shukshina. Masha was born in May 1967, next year she will be 51 years old, but despite her age and numerous births, and she has four children, she looks charming and youthful in the photo and in reality.

With actor Sergei Nikonenko and twins

The girl grew up obedient, successfully studied at school, had the makings of a polyglot - she was easily given foreign languages. Free time the family spent at the dacha, where Maria, in her childhood, met many famous personalities.

Communicating with friends of the Shukshin couple, the girl realized that the path of an actor is not so easy, and therefore she decided to connect her future with a career as a translator of foreign languages.

After graduation, the girl successfully passed the entrance exams to the Mores Torez Institute of Foreign Languages. After graduating with ease, she managed to work as a translator for several years. Today in her arsenal is an excellent knowledge of such languages ​​as:

  • English;
  • Italian;
  • French;
  • German.

The beginning of the wedding stories of Maria Shukshina

In the arsenal of Maria's movie heroines, there are a variety of images that she played with Vladimir Mashkov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Andrey Merzlikin and others.

In an interview, the actress often repeats that she is best given the roles of heroines that are completely unrelated to her in spirit. Well, in her personal life she does not like to joke, if she loves, then completely, not tolerating deceit and betrayal.

True, in recent interviews the famous TV presenter said that she was full of marriages and did not intend to marry anymore.

And it's clear, three unsuccessful marriage anyone can be knocked out. But they gave her beloved children, who today make up the meaning of her life.

Maria with children - daughter Anna, son Makar, twins Foka and Foma

Maria's first husband - Artem Tregubenko

She met her first husband at the Institute of Foreign Languages. The guy was her classmate.

Remarkably, at their wedding, on the part of the groom, the second husband of the TV personality, Alexei Kasatkin, became a witness. And, as it turned out later, even then he was secretly in love with a girl.

In this marriage, Maria gave birth to a daughter, Anya, but after a few years the couple broke up. Maria does not voice the reason for the breakup to this day.

Maria with her daughter Anya

"I have always loved her" - Maria's second husband Alexei Kasatkin

Fate brought the girl to her future husband only ten years after the divorce. They met by chance at the dinosaur exhibition and realized - student years and secret love was not forgotten. And, although at that time Alexei was already married, nothing prevented their stormy romance. For a year and a half, the lovers lived without legitimizing their relationship.

According to the TV presenter, Lesha showered her with jewelry, drove her to expensive resorts and gave fur coats unthinkable for the price.

The young were in love and happy, in this harmonious union the son Makar was born. The couple officially registered the marriage on the day Maria was discharged from the hospital and, despite the fact that they are now divorced, ex-husband still confesses his love to her.

After the birth of the child, Maria lived with Alexei for four years - all this time was punctuated by scandals and personal problems in the family. According to Alexei's relatives, many problems arose due to the pathological jealousy of Mary, but the star herself refutes this.

A fatal case that influenced further relations with Alexei and his family was the problems that arose due to a misunderstanding regarding the child. IN Once again having gone on tour, Maria left little Makar with a nanny, and Alexei's mother came and took him away. The nanny called Maria and said that the child had been kidnapped. What horror the TV presenter experienced at that moment, she cannot even describe in words.


The third common-law husband of Mary - there will be no official marriage

Taught by the previous two marriages, Maria is no longer in a hurry to get married. In 2000, fate brought her to the lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, and no matter what tricks Boris does, the woman is in no hurry to marry him. Even the birth of a pair of twins - Foki and Thomas, did not move her to this. Moreover, the personal life and family of Maria Shukshina, paired with Boris, is experiencing constant storms. Boris associates them with swings, and he can only guess if Masha loves him and if everything will work out again.

Maria with Foka and Thomas

Maria Shukshina today

IN Lately information appeared in the media that the scandal in the family of Maria Shukshina was now indicated not by her, but by her son. 19-year-old Makar is accused by his chosen one, claiming that the guy takes narcotic substances and often engages in manhandling. But, many believe that all this is just a way to promote.

The TV star is sure that her son a priori cannot behave like this. Children are everything for her, for them she works, develops, takes care of herself and she raised them to be purposeful and respectable members of society.

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