How and with what to make cheekbones. Easy exercises for cheekbones at home. How are hyaluronic acid injections done for cheekbones?

To make your face more beautiful, you can change the line of your cheekbones, but what is better than plastic surgery, gymnastics or daily makeup depends on your choice.

Facial contouring

The most popular method is facial contouring. The process only lasts an hour and you will only need pain medication (painful). Injections with hyaluronic filler will strengthen the facial contour, smooth out the skin in the desired part of the face, or vice versa, make it more voluminous. This procedure will make your cheekbones more expressive and will not give away your secret about plastic surgery. The result is natural and lasts 6 months.

The second method of introducing implants is unpopular. This operation is performed extremely rarely, as it requires general anesthesia and facial skin incisions.

Correct makeup

If you don’t dare to undergo plastic surgery, then buy blush, three types of brushes, bronzer and highlighter for the face.

Makeup stages:

  • 1. You can use cream or powder blush, but you should start with dry blush - they will be somewhat easier to handle.
  • 2. First, even out the tone of your face, then blend the powder with a large rounded brush, apply bronzer with a flat bristled brush. The brush should be drawn along the lower contour of the cheekbones from the corner of the mouth to the temples. The resulting lines need to be shaded.
  • 3. Apply blush to the prominent part of your cheekbones. You will also need a flattened brush, but a smaller one. Use blending to create a natural transition from bronzer to blush.
  • 4. Apply a thin layer of highlighter to the upper cheekbones (using a fan-shaped brush).

Facial gymnastics for beautiful cheekbones

Working on yourself is hard daily work, so few women prefer it. Gymnastics - this method of correcting cheekbones is not only gentle, but also provides an impressive effect.

  1. Puff out your cheeks strongly and try to deflate them with your palms, offering resistance.
  2. Clenching your teeth, tilt your head back and begin to turn it in different directions.
  3. Form the letter “O” with your lips, tightening them as much as possible. When you get tired, rest and do the exercise again.
  4. Tighten your facial muscles and say vowel sounds without relaxing.

Do exercises regularly to make the contours of your face more toned and expressive. Look

Remember Angelina Jolie's heroine - the beautiful sorceress Maleficent? Many will not be able to convey the plot of the film so clearly, but they will certainly remember the stunning appearance of the heroine. How to make your cheekbones expressive, like Maleficent’s, without resorting to the help of Hollywood makeup artists? Let's turn to the advice of professionals.

How to make your cheekbones expressive: exercises

Day after day, our skin is exposed to cold, heat, and unfavorable environmental conditions. Because of this, it loses moisture, which leads to a decrease in elasticity and changes in facial contours. You can avoid such troubles with the help of expensive procedures in salons. But often there is no time and money for this. We offer several effective methods that will help improve the condition of the skin and give expressiveness to the cheekbones at home.

Facial exercises will be beneficial if you do the exercises regularly. It will help not only “sculpt” your cheekbones, but also get rid of small age and expression wrinkles, tighten facial contours, and remove signs of fatigue.

It is important to know how to do exercises to lose weight on your face so that they are more effective.

  1. Puff up your cheeks. Purse your lips. Press your hands to your puffy cheeks. So that your fingers touch your ears. Press your palms onto your cheeks for five seconds. Do this ten times.
  2. Work with your tongue and cheeks. Open your lips in the shape of the letter “O”, press your tongue onto your cheek, and press your cheek onto your tongue. Move your tongue from cheek to cheek. Do 20 times for each side.
  3. Do circular movements tongue. Rotate your tongue in a circle in your mouth: from the upper lip to the cheeks, then from the cheek to the lower lip, as if you were rolling a caramel or a ball in your mouth.
  4. Open your mouth and retract your lips so that they are as close as possible behind your teeth. Place your palms on your cheekbones, clasping the sides of your face. Stretch your arms upward, tightening the skin. Do this until you feel tension in your facial muscles.
  5. Shove it thumb at the very bottom of the cheek, pull it back. Using muscle strength, press your cheek back towards your teeth. Repeat this step three to four times on both cheeks.
  6. "Infinity". Place your lips around a pen and draw in the air with it. Print the figure eight, infinity sign and other signs.
  7. Pronounce the vowels with your lips drawn out.

However, stylists can also give some advice on how to emphasize exactly the facial features that we want.

How to make cheekbones more expressive: massage, hairstyle

Cosmetologists often talk about face building - facial modeling using massage. Here are some simple exercises you can do at home:

  1. Clench your fists and press them onto your cheekbones. At the same time, try to smile as widely as possible, overcoming resistance.
  2. Move your jaw back and forth, tilting your head. Feel your neck muscles tense.
  3. Alternately puff out your cheeks until your muscles get tired.
  4. Open your mouth wide, lower your head slightly forward and blink quickly. A fun exercise to help tighten your skin and have fun in the mirror.

There is another great way to highlight your cheekbones. The right hairstyle or styling will help you with this:

  1. A cascade haircut that starts from the middle of the cheek can visually elongate the face.
  2. Straight bangs. Bangs a finger above the eyebrows highlight the cheekbones and make even a plump face appear thinner. Just don’t try to cut your bangs yourself! Contact a specialist. The hairdresser will do everything as needed.
  3. Straight parting and curled ends. Remember the image of the unsurpassed Brigitte Bardot? Elongated bangs falling in light waves onto the face, straight parting and hair carelessly gathered into a bun. And your face looks beautiful with minimal effort. It’s especially good if you don’t want to part with your hair or bangs don’t suit you very much.

Follow simple exercises and massage for just 10–15 minutes a day. They work most effectively in the morning. Don't forget: a hairstyle, if chosen correctly, will also make your cheekbones more expressive. The result will not be long in coming!

Health and beauty: Slightly sunken cheeks, a chiseled chin and beautifully defined cheekbones make the oval face look sophisticated, graceful, expressive and beautiful. A certain set of exercises will help tighten the facial muscles and make the cheekbones more expressive.

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

Slightly sunken cheeks, a chiseled chin and beautifully defined cheekbones make the oval face look sophisticated, graceful, expressive and beautiful. But sometimes not everyone can boast of such beauty. Most often this applies to those who have already turned 30.

To achieve the ideal oval face, there are now a huge number of techniques. These can be: cosmetic procedures, massages, thread lifting, myostimulation, as well as surgical operations.

Nowadays, there is an increasing preference fashion trends and the desire to get results as quickly as possible. Many people forget about such effective and popular methods of influence as facial gymnastics. A certain set of exercises will help make your cheekbones more expressive and tighten your facial muscles. .

Why do you need facial exercises?

As we age, our skin undergoes certain changes. She loses her elasticity and muscle tone. All this leads to the appearance of a double chin and sagging cheeks. The result of this impact is deformation of the oval of the face. Not only women, but also men face this problem.

In order to age-related changes have passed as less noticeably as possible, it is necessary to regularly train the facial muscles. This will help increase muscle tone, smooth the skin, and, accordingly, reduce the number of wrinkles.

TO positive aspects this method it is also necessary to take into account thatIt can be done at home and without spending a large amount of material resources.

On this moment There are a huge number of sets of exercises that help correct this defect. We will discuss the most popular and effective ones. But before performing any exercises, you must familiarize yourself withrules for their implementation:

  • Before starting, you need to cleanse your face and apply cream.
  • It is advisable to perform the complex while sitting in front of a mirror and in a relaxed position.
  • Execution should be smooth and slow
  • Muscles need to be tensed to the maximum
  • You need to do exercises regularly
  • Time – 10-15 minutes
  • Correctly performed several repetitions of the exercise will cause a slight burning sensation in the muscles.

Exercises for slimming the face and cheekbones

Cleaning up excess weight from our body, we often forget about how such changes will affect our face. The skin of this area is very sensitive and reacts quickly to all changes. In order to emphasize the oval of the face, highlight the cheekbones, and get rid of the double chin, not much needs to be done. So,the most effective ways:

  • Masks;
  • Diets;
  • Massages;
  • Special exercises.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: exercises

All classes are repeated 10-15 times.

  • "Eights". You need to take a pencil or pen in your mouth and draw a figure eight or infinity sign in the air. You can write other characters. The main task is tension of all facial muscles and energetic movements of the lips.
  • We stretch our lips into a tube and pronounce the vowels a-i-o-u-yu.
  • Squeeze your hands and place them on your cheeks in the cheekbone area. Apply gentle pressure. Try to smile as widely as possible, overcoming the resistance of your hands.
  • Turn your head in different directions, linger at the maximum points for 5-10 seconds.
  • Take air into your mouth and roll it from one cheek to the other for 5 minutes. After this exercise, you should feel tension in the cheek area.
  • Tilt your head back and in this position begin to move your jaw, moving it forward and then back.

These exercises will help you remove swelling in 2-3 weeks, highlight the shape of your face and improve muscle tone.

Exercises for cheekbones

Most girls often ask the question: “How to pump up the cheekbones of your face?” Not many people decide to undergo surgery to install implants. In this case, it would be a good idea to remember the exercises that will help not only make cheekbones, but also remove a drooping chin, and also change the shape of the face. The effect of such procedures will not take long to arrive. The main condition is regular implementation.

How to make cheekbones on your face: exercises

1. Take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and distribute the air inside. Place your palms on your cheeks. Your fingers should be on your ears. Press down on your cheeks and feel the resistance.

2. Using your thumb, pull the bottom of your cheek from the inside, and press the tension back towards your teeth. Repeat for both cheeks.

3. Sit on a chair and tilt your head back. Clench your teeth. Pull your shoulders down and separate your head from your shoulders. The neck muscles should be tense.

4. Round your lips into an "O" shape. Place your tongue against your cheek. Do resistance with your cheek. Do this until you feel tired in your facial muscles. Rest and repeat the exercise.

You can perform these exercises any number of times and for any length of time, but do not overexert yourself. 10-15 minutes daily is recommended. You can increase the quantity, but without fanaticism. They will help you pump up your cheekbones and create a beautiful oval face.

Evgenia Baglyk: exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

In cosmetology, the term such as "face building" . Translated from English. “face” - face, “built” - to build. This is a system for strengthening the facial muscles, allowing you to model your face. Famous face building trainer Evgenia Balgyk claims that by doing the exercises below for 15 minutes a day, the result will be noticeable within 2 weeks. This complex was developed by cosmetologist Jacqueline Kennedy.

Lesson 1 In order to get rid of wrinkles around the lips, you must always keep the orbicularis labii muscle toned. To do this, pronounce the vowel letters clearly and abruptly: “A”, “O”, “U”, “E”, “Y”.

Lesson 2 To improve the contour of the face, you need to slightly stretch your lower jaw forward. There is no need to strain your lower lip. Doing this exercise regularly will help get rid of a double chin.

Lesson 3 To increase the volume of your lips, you need to pull them forward, as if pronouncing the letter “P”.

Lesson 4 Inflating them alternately will help prevent your cheeks from sagging.

Lesson 5 Alternately pouting each lip and moving it up and down will help prevent wrinkles around the mouth.

Lesson 6 To prevent your eyelids from drooping, the “5 kopecks” eye exercise will help. The eyebrows should not move while performing. It is necessary to alternate tension with muscle relaxation.

Lesson 7 To improve the condition of the nasolabial folds and the area under the eyes. You need to open your mouth as much as possible, tilt your head slightly forward and blink quickly.

In order to achieve positive feedback and effective results It is necessary to perform each exercise at least 30 times. Now you know how to make your cheekbones expressive and everything is in your hands. The main thing is systematic training and focus on positive result. Good luck! For more information about facebuilding exercises, watch the video:


Changeable fashion juggles ideals of beauty, replacing one with another, sometimes diametrically opposed. Fortunately, this does not happen every season, like clothing trends, but once every few decades, or even centuries, but it rules the human consciousness almost throughout the entire planet. The modern fashion for model thinness has placed sculpted faces with deep features and expressive cheekbones on a pedestal. They are admired, envied and tried to be imitated. But, unlike a trendy item, you can’t buy sunken cheeks in a store. Girls with a different type of appearance have to try their best to follow facial fashion.

If nature has not blessed you with high cheekbones, but you still want to match such tastes, you can try to correct your appearance. A rounded face and a wide lower jaw are, of course, an innate feature of the structure of the skull, but it is quite possible to tighten the facial muscles and make the cheeks more toned. In order to choose the right direction for working on facial expression, we first determine the type of your cheekbones.

Cheekbone structure: varieties
Methods for correcting cheekbones
Desperate women decide to plastic surgery and the molars are removed so that the cheeks fall in and the cheekbones above them become more prominent. But it is not at all necessary to undergo such radical methods, because you can try to make your cheekbones more expressive with the help of facial care and proper makeup. Here are the most available techniques:

  1. Weight maintenance. Pay attention to the faces of some actresses and fashion models: having fairly wide mandibles However, they are proud of their sunken cheeks and high cheekbones. This is mainly due to lack of body weight. After losing weight, the cheeks of most people noticeably sink, and the cheekbones begin to protrude, as happened, for example, with Keira Knightley. True, it is important to stop in time, because a thin face looks haggard, and even the most expressive cheekbones will not make it attractive.
  2. Diet. Connected with the previous advice, because a rational selection of products has a positive effect on the metabolic rate, activating not only the loss of extra pounds, but also the processes of nutrition and skin renewal. A tightened epidermis on the cheeks makes them smoother and keeps the face toned. Besides, a large number of Crunchy vegetables and fruits on the menu make the jaws work intensely, training the jaw muscles and other facial muscles.
  3. Gymnastics for the face. There are many exercises aimed at correcting various imperfections in appearance, and their choice depends mainly on the individual structure of your face. Exercises for lifting the cheeks and creating a more sculpted face are considered universal. To sculpt expressive features for yourself, take a deep breath every morning and before bed, but do not swallow the air, but puff out your cheeks as fully as possible. Without opening your lips, press your palms firmly onto your rounded face and feel how the muscles resist this pressure. Repeat until you feel muscle fatigue.
    Other effective exercise It involves not only the cheeks, but almost the entire face. To train it, imagine that you have a small ball in your mouth, about the size of a plastic tennis ball. You need to roll it from one cheek to the other, passing under the upper lip and back. To enhance the effect, you can use your tongue: press it to the inside of your cheeks and press, feeling the resistance of the facial muscles.
    Familiar to everyone who attended a theater studio as a child, the “smile-pipe” articulation exercise. Smile as wide as possible, stretching your cheeks and feeling their tension. Then immediately move your lips forward, as if reaching out for a kiss. Alternate these positions until you feel significant muscle fatigue in your cheeks and lips.
  4. Decorative cosmetics. In the right hands it can work wonders. It, of course, is washed off every fan, but it makes it possible to re-create the desired image each time, making it more or less dramatic depending on the situation and time of day. To make your cheekbones more expressive with makeup, you will need two products for black-and-white facial correction: dark and light. Apply the first one under the most convex part of the cheekbone so that the intensity of the tone is higher towards the earlobe and gradually decreases towards the middle of the face. Carefully blend the edges of the dark corrector and apply a light concealer or highlighter with a light stroke directly above the cheekbone. Make sure that the transition between shades is smooth and looks as natural as possible. For evening makeup use oily products, and dry ones for daytime.
Comprehensive measures that combine several of the listed methods for correcting cheekbones can make the face more expressive and brighter. As most women age, their cheeks become more sunken and the bones above them protrude naturally, so this aristocratic type of appearance can manifest itself, and you can simply speed up this process with the help of our tips. Be beautiful and love yourself with any cheekbones and facial features!

Every woman wants to have beautiful and defined cheekbones. Together with a clear facial contour, this is the key to special attractiveness. Unfortunately, nature has not given everyone beautiful and surrounding cheekbones.

Most women find it easier to accept this and place more emphasis on other parts of the face that look more expressive. And only a certain percentage of them are looking in every possible way how to make cheekbones on their own with the help of exercises or procedures. If you think that this is simply impossible and no amount of gymnastics can correct something that did not appear by nature, then you are deeply mistaken.

How to do exercises to remove cheeks and highlight the cheekbone area in a short period of time? All you have to do is be more persistent and find some free time in your daily schedule to perform such simple exercises.

Modern beauty standards

Some beauty standards can be explained much more simply than others. A symmetrical face, for example, will be considered attractive by everyone. But there are other special features in appearance that, for some reason, are considered important and especially beautiful.

Everyone likes high and pronounced cheekbones. Even in the film Maleficent, the outstanding actress Angelina Jolie had them slightly scary, but just as beautiful. But what's so special about cheekbones? Maybe these are just instructions from fashion agencies and magazines?

In fact, what attracts people is what attracts a lot of interest from scientists. They tried to explain from a scientific point of view why high cheekbones in girls can be called beautiful.

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

Such exercises will help you get a fashionable face with cheekbones. How to do gymnastics?

For the exercises to really have an effect, repeat this complex over the next 14 days. If your face is not very plump, then you can achieve the effect of pronounced cheekbones after seven days.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

In this case A simple facial massage will help:

If you cannot perform this procedure daily, then you can do it 2-3 times a week - this will also bring a positive effect.

How the massage proceeds:

  • Lubricate your hands with a special cream;
  • We apply our palms to the surface of the face to increase the overall blood flow, starting from the center, and then moving towards the temple area;
  • Stroke your face with the pads of your fingers, drawing lines from the back of the nose to the temples, and then down to the neck - five times in total;
  • Under the eyes, carefully move from the outer corner to the inner;
  • From the wing of the nose, move along the cheekbones to the upper area of ​​the ear, then lower to the neck, repeat five times;
  • Run your fingers from the corners of your mouth to the middle of your ear, then from the center of your chin to your earlobe. The strokes are repeated five times.

You can eliminate cheeks using:

Regular repetition of this massage will help stop or reverse the process of fading of the skin on the face.

How to make cheekbones in a short time

In a short time, a properly selected hairstyle will help us highlight our cheekbones, which will help create the desired effect without the use of cosmetics.

What hair styles can be used:

  • Cutting line, which should start from the middle of the cheeks;
  • Straight bangs located below the eyebrow area;
  • Ponytail hairstyle, with several strands of hair released onto the face;
  • Curled ends of the hair, which will visually help to elongate the face and expressively emphasize small cheekbones.

Use of contouring

Cosmetologists offer their patients to contour plastic surgery The easiest and safest method is the introduction of a product containing hyaluronic acid. This procedure is carried out in the salon and lasts for total about an hour. At this time, the patient may feel a burning sensation, swelling may occur, but all these symptoms go away within a week, and the patient will continue to enjoy the results for three years.

Useful massage

Cheekbone massage is another way to give your face additional definition. To begin with, there is gymnastics, which ends with a special massage.

Lipofilling of cheekbones

In this case, your own fat tissue goes to the place where it is missing. The main fatty tissue will go to the cheekbones. This method does not have negative effects and can be well tolerated. This method also lifts the face contour.

How to create cheekbones for a man

Any guy will also not refuse beautiful cheekbones on his face, which will give him more masculinity and strength. Men very often also use the same methods as women. But there is the most effective method- This is men's gymnastics. To do this, you just need to clench your teeth and play with your nodules. After this, the cheekbones will become larger and stand out more.

Correction of cheekbones using cosmetics

Cheekbones that are emphasized with makeup will make your face more expressive. The process of face sculpting is common among girls, which has not gone unnoticed by cosmetic brands, so the cosmetic market contains a large number of products that will help create ideal relief on your face. The easiest way to highlight your cheekbones is with a dark brown concealer - either dry or cream. A more natural result can be achieved using bronzer. Less effective means to achieve the effect of cheekbones, use eye shadow and blush in two shades at once.

The most natural way to give your face a defined look and more freshness and health is to use blush. To do this, you need to take a light and dark shade in the same color scheme. For example, dusty red and pink.

Despite the fact that during the creation of this, the shadow effect does not appear, but the face still looks much thinner, and the cheekbones stand out noticeably.

Correction with bronzer

Highlight your cheekbones and at the same time give your face a rested look appearance You can easily and simply with the help of a corrector such as bronzer.

  • Apply it to the surface of the face, moving the brush from the cheekbone area (near the earlobe) to the corners of the mouth. You don't need to reach your lips. Stop the brush at a distance that will reach the thickness of two fingers.
  • To prevent lip correction from being so bright, it is imperative to add bronzer to the T-zones, where tanning appears most quickly: on the forehead, along the hairline, temples, face area, middle of the nose, and chin.

Ultimately, you will have a natural and organic complexion. It can be easily achieved using a natural brush with soft bristles. It distributes cosmetic products along the perimeter of the face as easily as possible.

Corrections with shadows and powder

If you don’t have blush, a special corrector or even bronzer on hand, and you need perfect cheekbones right now, then use dark eye shadow and face powder. It is best to take shadows with a more matte texture and a cool undertone - grayish, slightly dusty and greenish-brown.

This method can be called the longest due to the high pigmentation on the fabrics. With this correction you can draw completely new facial features. In photographs and videos, such makeup will look impressive, but in life you can overdo it with such cosmetics, so you need not to get too carried away and monitor the process of applying makeup.

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