Exercises for drying the inner thigh. Drying feet: effective exercises, nutritional features. Exercises for drying the thighs and buttocks

give nice shape legs and reduce the volume of the calf muscles by drying. This process involves getting rid of subcutaneous fat while maintaining muscle mass.

How to dry your feet with special exercises?

Such a result can only be achieved by an integrated approach to the problem.

What is necessary:

  • adherence to a certain principle of nutrition;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • special physical exercises.

Only the combined implementation of these activities can give the desired effect.

The diet should be dominated by protein. Minimize your intake of fats and carbohydrates. The fewer of them in your menu, the faster the fat burning process will go. It is worth abandoning processed foods and other products containing processed fats.

An example of the right menu for lunch: a piece of boiled lean meat and a tomato salad without dressing. The diet should include low-fat dairy products, fruits, herbs and vegetables. The fiber contained in them is vital during the drying of the feet for the normal functioning of the cleansing system.

Constipation must not be allowed. This can cause intoxication of the body with the breakdown products of organic substances in the digestive tract.

Compliance with the drinking regime during this period plays a huge role. Water helps to eliminate toxins, speed up metabolism. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters per day clean water without gas.

How to dry your feet with exercise?

A set of special exercises should begin with a 15-minute cardio workout. It might be an easy run. If you are not used to running, brisk walking in the park or on a treadmill will do. After such a warm-up, you can proceed to strength exercises for the legs:

  1. Squats with dumbbells. Stand straight, dumbbells in your hands, lower your arms along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Raise your arms forward to shoulder level at the same time. Take a starting position.
  2. jumping rope. The pace of execution should be as fast as possible for you - count your strength. One approach should be at least 3 minutes.
  3. "Bike". Lie on the floor on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise your legs and begin to move them, as if pedaling a bicycle. The pace is fast, the time for one approach is about 3 minutes.

The hips are the most common problem area in women, which requires careful study. Often, many girls, both those who came to the gym and those who decided to work out at home, set the initial goal not to pump the hips, but to reduce the volume. If your problem area is the hips, be sure to try the exercises for losing weight on the hips and buttocks that are presented below. This effective exercises for weight loss of legs that can be performed at home or in the gym, the training is designed for drying, namely, reducing volumes, easy pumping and bringing muscles into tone, tightening the back of the thigh, and fighting cellulite.

As already mentioned, this functional training for weight loss is universal, that is, exercises can be performed both at home and in conditions gym. For her, you will need a gymnastic rug (a regular home carpet may work) and a gymnastic ball. We use only weight as weighting own body Let me remind you that in this workout, our goal is not to build muscle, but to reduce volumes.

Performing the set of exercises presented below takes about 15 minutes and consists of two supersets, the first of which focuses more on the front of the thigh, the second, respectively, on the back. However, it is worth noting that the exercises are not isolating, therefore, during their execution, other muscles come into play, such as, for example, the muscles of the press, back and gluteal muscles.

You must perform exercises to failure, that is, a strong burning sensation should be felt in the muscles. Often, ladies are very hacky during exercises that involve working to failure, especially if the training takes place at home. Feeling slight muscle discomfort, the girls take a break or completely stop doing this exercise, which is a big mistake that reduces the effectiveness of the workout to a minimum. This functional training for slimming the hips and buttocks implies a strong burning sensation in the muscles being worked out, moreover, the exercises should be performed with minimal rest between them, of course, the most effective option would be to completely exclude time for rest. However, you should still listen to your body, not to the feeling of laziness and fatigue, but to the inner sensations, if on early stages doing the whole complex without stopping is too difficult, take small breaks of 10-15 seconds. The pace of the workout should be high enough (not to the detriment of the technique of doing the exercises), again adjust it according to your physical fitness.

Hip Slimming Superset #1

The first set includes effective exercises for slimming the thighs, namely, it focuses on the front of the thigh. This set of exercises is based on various kinds of squats. In order not to pump the quadriceps of the legs, you should not use additional weights, use only your own body weight and remember that exercises should be performed until a strong burning sensation in the muscles. There should be no breaks between the exercises, the set is performed non-stop, if it is difficult for you to complete the entire set of exercises for leg correction, reduce the number of repetitions, but maintain the integrity of the complex.

1. Squat in a wide position. Starting position: legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet slightly turned away from you, back straight. From this position, we do a squat, moving the pelvis back and slightly tilting the body forward. Then we return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 16-20 times, depending on your fitness level.

  • make sure that during the squat, the knees do not go beyond the level of the socks, for this, while squatting, pull the pelvis back;
  • during the exercise, focus on the heel;
  • during the squat, you do not need to lower the pelvis too much, lower yourself to an angle of 90 degrees;
  • help yourself with your hands to keep balance, while squatting, bend them at the elbows and bring your hands slightly in front of you, while returning to the starting position, slightly unbend your elbows and slightly take your hands back;
  • returning to the starting position, try not to completely unbend your knees, that is, in the upper part of the exercise, your knees should always be slightly bent.

2. Squat with three springs at the bottom. We do the same squat as in the previous exercise, but we slightly modify it by adding three springs with a small amplitude at the bottom. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

  • basic recommendations, as in the previous exercise;
  • during the springs, try not to tilt the body too much in front;
  • try to fix the position of the back during execution, do not hunch over and do not slouch;
  • do wiggles with a small amplitude.

3. Squat with seven springs at the bottom. The exercise is exactly the same as the previous one, with the same recommendations and only one difference, in place of three springs at the bottom point, we make springs for seven counts. Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

4. Squat with three springs and a turn of the feet. Starting position: legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet slightly turned to the sides, back straight. From this position, we do a squat, moving the pelvis back and slightly tilting the body forward. We make three springs with a small amplitude at the bottom point, while focusing on the heels, and during the springs we put the feet straight in front of us and again turn them to the sides. And we return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

  • one repetition of such a squat should include three springs, always with a small amplitude at the bottom of the exercise and three positions of the feet (initial turn to the sides, then in front of you, then again to the sides);
  • when turning your feet, try not to unbend your knees and keep an angle of 90 degrees;
  • no need to strongly tilt the body forward, a slight tilt is enough to maintain balance;
  • while returning to the starting position, do not unbend your knees to the end, keep the tension in the muscles.

5. Squat with seven springs and a turn of the feet. The exercise is very similar to the previous one, however, at the lowest point it is necessary to do springs for seven counts, thus there will be six turns of the feet. Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

6. Squat with jumping up. A fairly simple exercise, performed at a high pace. Do a regular squat, as in all previous exercises, after which, pushing off with your feet, make a small jump, lifting your feet off the ground, then do a squat again and jump up again, without stopping or stopping. Repeat the exercise 16-20 times, depending on your fitness level.

  • keep a high pace during the exercise;
  • make sure that during the squat, the knees do not go beyond the level of the socks, for this, try to take the pelvis back as if you are sitting on a chair;
  • during execution, help yourself with your hands, as if starting from the air.

The second complex of the first superset contains effective exercises for slimming the hips and buttocks, which are mainly aimed at the back of the thigh, and since the exercises are not isolating, the gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles are also involved. Exercises, as well as the previous set, are performed without interruptions, so to speak, in one breath, for their implementation you will need a fitball and a soft surface in the form of a regular or gymnastic carpet.

1. Raises the pelvis with an angle at the knees of 90 degrees. To perform the exercise, take a lying position, put your heels on the top (top) of the ball, bring your feet and knees together, bend your knees so that they form an angle of 90 degrees. Stretch your arms along the body. Press your heels into the top of the ball and lift your pelvis slightly while maintaining an angle at your knees. Fix the starting position from which, while exhaling, push the pelvis up as much as possible and return to the starting position again, without lowering the pelvis to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times depending on the level of physical fitness.

  • do not hold your breath, exhale powerfully at the top point, inhale at the starting position;
  • during the exercise, keep the angle at the knees 90 degrees;
  • at the top of the exercise, try to squeeze the gluteal muscle as much as possible;
  • when performing the exercise, a strong burning sensation should be felt in the muscles being worked out.

2. Flexion and abduction of the legs with a raised pelvis. Take the same starting position as in the previous exercise, heels on top of the ball, back pressed to the floor, arms along the body, pelvis slightly raised off the floor, and knees form a 90-degree angle. From this position, without lowering the pelvis to the floor, slightly press the heels into the top of the ball and straighten the legs, rolling the ball away from us, then pull the knees towards us, thereby rolling the ball to the buttocks. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.

  • during the exercise, try to keep the body in a straight line, that is, fix the pelvis above the floor and try not to lower it or stick it out, only the legs should work;
  • movements should be as smooth as possible, without jerks;
  • feet and knees should be brought together, the buttocks are clamped as much as possible.

3. Pushing the pelvis up with bending the knees. Starting position: take an emphasis, lying on your back, legs straight, press your heels into the top of the ball, stretch your arms along the body. As you exhale, push your pelvis up as much as possible while bending your knees and at the same time rolling the ball to your buttocks with your heels. Then gently lower your pelvis off the floor (without touching) and at the same time straighten your legs, rolling the ball with your heels. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

  • try to keep the body straight without deflections in the lower back;
  • during execution, clamp the gluteal muscle and tighten the press.

And so, this is the first superset that contains effective exercises for losing weight on the hips and buttocks, it also includes the abdominal and lower leg muscles. Exercises actively work out both the front and back of the thigh, actively burning fat and reducing the appearance of orange peel. This complex must be performed without breaks between exercises, at the beginning the first part of the superset is performed, then after a minimum rest (slightly take a breath), proceed to the second part of the first superset. In general, repeat this set of exercises three times, and only after that proceed to the second superset.

Hip Slimming Superset #2

The second superset contains effective exercises for losing weight and pumping the inner and outer thighs. To perform, you will also need a mat and a ball, which we will use in the second part of the superset. The first part of the superset contains exercises aimed at pumping the outer part of the thigh, and the second, respectively, the inner part. The exercises are performed in dynamics and statics, during their execution you must definitely feel tension and a slight burning sensation in the muscles, this is a sign that the exercises for weight loss and light pumping of the legs were performed correctly, and not least they were effective for your muscles.

1. Leg raises from a lying position on the side. Starting position, lie on your right side, right hand stretch over your head, and bend it at the elbow, focusing on the upper part of the body. Bring your legs forward so that the hip joints perform an angle of 90 degrees. Slightly lift your left leg, relax the foot and turn it slightly with the heel up so that it hangs down. From this position, do leg lifts to the top with a second pause at the top point, then lower, but do not put your leg down. Do these 15-20 repetitions.

  • during the exercise, the legs should always be in the position of one leg above the other, not in front or back exactly parallel to each other;
  • when lowering your leg, do not put it on top of the other. The muscles of the leg being worked on should always be in tension.

2. Lifting the bent leg from a lying position on the side. Continuing the starting position of the previous exercise, bend your knees, the angle of the hip joints should still remain 90 degrees, as well as the angle of the bent knees (the legs, as you understand, must be bent at the knees), lift the upper bent leg clearly above the lower leg. After fixing the position, pull the knee to the chest and return to the starting position. Do these 15-20 repetitions.

  • the leg should move clearly parallel to the floor;
  • during movement, you do not need to try to move the body towards the knee, only the muscles of the leg should work;
  • return the leg to the “knee over the knee” position
  • the exercise should look like you are sitting on a chair with your legs slightly apart, and pulling the knee of one leg to your chest, while your back remains straight. But as you understand, we are doing this trick while lying on our side.

3. Statics of a bent leg from a lying position on its side. The starting position is exactly the same as in the previous exercise, but you don’t need to move your leg anywhere. Raising the leg “knee over the knee”, hold it in this position until a strong burning sensation in the muscles. If your level of fitness is high, you may need much more time, but in this case, you need to wait for sensations in the muscles.

This is the first block of the second superset, first do all three exercises on one leg, then repeat this set of exercises on the outer thigh for the other leg, while observing the number of repetitions done for the leg being worked out earlier.

The second complex of the second superset contains fairly light, but very effective exercises for pumping the inner surface of the thigh, or rather, this is one exercise performed in dynamics and statics. To complete this exercise, you will need a fitball.

1. Squeeze the ball with your feet. And so, lie on the floor, press your lower back to the floor, stretch your arms along the body. Stretch your legs and from both sides pinch the ball with your feet and lift it up. After that, start slowly squeezing and unclenching the ball with the inside of your heels. Do this exercise 15-20 times.

  • Try to keep your legs straight during the exercise.

2. Dynamic compression of the ball with the feet. The starting position of the previous exercise, however, the compression of the ball with the heels should be more dynamic and faster. Do the same for 10-15 repetitions.

3. Static compression of the ball with the feet. As you might have guessed, the starting position is the same as in the previous two exercises, however, squeezing the ball with your heels, fix the tension in the muscles and hold for as long as possible (until a strong burning sensation in the muscles).

Perform the first block of the second superset on one leg at the beginning, then on the other, after which, with a minimum rest time, proceed to the second block of the second superset.

Throughout the workout, you should feel discomfort in the muscles being worked out, namely a burning sensation. A set of exercises for weight loss of the hips will not take you more than 15-20 minutes of time, it can be performed both at home and in the gym. Be sure to perform this complex at least 3-4 times a week, or alternate it with other already beloved complexes, in any case, by performing the above exercises, you will not only be able to make your legs slimmer and buttocks tighter, but also make a significant blow to cellulite which is not so easy to deal with.

If training does not help to make the figure slimmer from below, then drying the legs and buttocks will help out - the process of eliminating subcutaneous fat without losing muscle mass.

The causes of imperfect legs and buttocks can be: not proper nutrition, inactivity, overall overweight, body type. Comprehensive measures will help to eliminate body fat and make the figure more proportional.

It is necessary to tune in to changing eating habits and lifestyle, regimen and regular performance of special exercises. Visible results can be achieved in a short time.

We dry the hips and buttocks: an express method

Drying requires compliance with certain rules. They line up in two directions. This is a strict diet and a set of exercises for polishing the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The basic principles are:

  • expend more energy than you consume through diet and exercise;
  • eat often and in small portions to speed up metabolism;
  • replace animal fats with vegetable ones;
  • regularly monitor weight, record results;
  • consume carbohydrates in limited quantities.

It is possible to form the figure of your dreams without health risks and great efforts in one to two months. You can achieve harmony in the hips and elasticity of the buttocks even in a week.

Attention! Nutritionists advise drying no more than once a year, as this is stressful for the body. It is better to maintain results throughout the year with proper nutrition and activity.

Be sure to check out:

Effective home exercises and diet for drying the male body

How to get results in a week

In order not to destroy muscle mass, but to achieve only a decrease in body fat, you will have to focus on proteins in nutrition. And exercises should be aimed at both general weight loss and the creation of relief muscles. It is not necessary to go to the gym. You can do exercises at home. The same exercises are recommended for guys and girls, only strong half you will have to complicate the tasks with dumbbells in your hands and perform a little more repetitions.

Most :

  • jumping rope - every other day for 10 minutes in combination with other exercises;
  • running - half an hour daily;
  • cycling - half an hour daily;
  • squats - every other day for 10 minutes in combination with other exercises.

Effective exercises lying down, sitting:

  1. Mahi legs. Lie on your back, raise your legs together, hands behind your head in the castle. We lower the left leg, and bend the right at the knee. We raise our legs together again. We lower the right leg, respectively, we bend the other knee. And so alternately it is necessary to do from 30 to 60 times.
  2. Scissors. Lie on your back, hands behind your head in the castle. Raise your legs straight up. We make movements by crossing our legs with each other. Repeat 30 to 60 times.
  3. Hip stretch. You need to do it after the muscles have warmed up in the previous exercises. Get on your knees, you can put something soft under your knees. We lower our hand on the heel, bending down, and with the other hand we reach up. You can complicate the task by bending your body back a little. We linger in this position for half a minute. Now on the other leg. You don't need to repeat.
  4. Another hip stretch. We sit on the pillow, put our legs on the leg. We take the leg by the knee and pull, stretching the thigh muscles. The same with the other leg.

Exercises can be performed for longer - to the maximum capacity. And every day.


involves an increase in protein in the diet, a decrease in carbohydrates and an almost complete absence of fat. The BJU ratio looks like this: 70/10/20. Important principles of the diet:

  • drink enough water to flush out toxins and toxins from the body;
  • keep a calorie count - no more than 12 kcal per 1 kg of weight;
  • carbohydrates should be only in the form of cereals, grain bread, fruits and vegetables;
  • fats and meat (only beef, chicken, turkey) should not be consumed on training days;
  • protein foods are best eaten in the first half of the day, and plant foods in the evening.

There are contraindications to such a diet. Diabetics, pregnant, lactating, people with gastrointestinal problems and mental workers cannot afford it.

A sample menu of the day looks like this:

  • in the morning - three boiled eggs, a banana and green tea sugarless;
  • for lunch - 200 g of porridge, green tea without sugar and peach;
  • for lunch - 200 g of meat, coleslaw with a few drops vegetable oil, grapefruit or orange juice;
  • for dinner - 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of herbal tea.

With this diet, you may feel hungry in the first two days. You need to experience it with the right mindset for the result. It is recommended to drink water when there is a feeling of hunger.

Attention! A complete rejection of carbohydrates is unacceptable. Otherwise, the body will lack glucose. Because of this, indigestible fats will be actively formed. They are toxins that poison the body.

Effective strength and cardio training

If we dry the hips and buttocks, you can not do without strength and cardio training. Strength training builds muscle, while cardio helps you burn fat quickly by increasing your heart rate.

Strength exercises include push-ups, abs and legs. Cardio training at home - this can be in the form of running on the spot or in the yard (it is better to do this before the morning meal), jumping, including jumping rope, dancing, squats, lunges, push-ups. Approximate set of exercises:

  1. Squats. The wider the legs are apart, the greater the load on the gluteal muscles. You can squat with dumbbells. Squatting, hands forward, getting up, hands at the seams. Three sets of 30 reps.
  2. Lunges. Stand up straight. Take a step forward and squat so that the thigh of the leg is parallel to the floor. In this case, you can add movement with your hands. Bend them at the elbows, making a lunge. You can complicate it with dumbbells. You have to repeat until you get tired.
  3. Press swing. Lie on your back, bend your knees, hands behind your head. Raises the torso up and down. We do this 10-15 times. We try not to strain the neck, all movements are due to the press and back muscles. Then legs together and raise. Stretch your arms up alternately, raising and lowering the torso. Also 10-15 times.
  4. plank. Hold the plank position for up to a minute.

After 20-30 seconds, repeat everything in a circle.

Daily regime

When drying, it is necessary to strictly observe the regimen. It includes:

  1. Five meals a day at the same time. These are three main meals and two snacks.
  2. One hour before class and one hour after, you can not eat anything. You can not eat 4 hours before bedtime.
  3. Sleep at least 8 hours continuously. Go to bed no later than 23:00.
  4. You have to do it in a day. Every day of classes is wrong. Muscles need to be given a day to recover.

We must find time for daily walks on fresh air. On free days, you can go swimming.

Many girls, doing fitness in the club, or performing exercises on your own,

sooner or later they face the problem of insufficient study of the inner surface of the thighs.

Traditionally, in the bulk of the exercises for the legs and hips, the main emphasis is on the front or back surface. The inner part of the thigh, if it is worked out, is exclusively according to the additional principle.

We all know that if you want to get flawless legs and hips, you need to work out all the zones and develop the muscles harmoniously. Today we will correct this annoying omission and devote time to training the hips from the inside. And at the same time we will work on the problematic collar zone.

This lesson is to work out the zone of the withers and the inner surface of the thigh. Pay attention to the technique and comments of instructor Anna Kurkurina.

If the question of how to reduce the volume of the hips is extremely exciting, act! To do this, there is a simple algorithm for working on yourself.

Don't expect instant results. You can often hear the question, how to lose weight in the hips in a week? In response, I just want to say, but how much time did you spend on absorbing chocolates and planning your morning runs? Miracles don't happen, but integrated approach You will see results within 3 weeks.
Be comprehensive. Diets or exercises alone for slimming legs are ineffective. It is important to combine physical activity, special exercises aimed at correcting this zone, proper nutrition and cosmetic procedures.

Eat right. Your diet should include low-calorie foods so that during the period of physical activity, exactly internal fat, not calories received after dinner. There should be no place for flour and sweet dishes in it, forget about fried foods. Eat protein foods and complex carbohydrates (cereals, lean meats, dairy products), eat as much as you want, unsweetened fruits, lots of vegetables. Cut your usual portion of food in half. Think you won't get enough? Believe me, your stomach needs a lot less food than you used to think.

Drink water. It will help you understand how to quickly lose weight in the legs and hips, as it will speed up the metabolism. Thanks to water, weight loss processes are more efficient. The minimum rate should be 1.5 liters per day, and this does not include morning coffee, tea and soups.

Hit the target! Do only those exercises for slimming the thighs that correct your problem area. So, for example, in the question of how to remove fat from inside hips, the complex presented above is very effective.

Consider the impact area. For the hips, power loads are always relevant, since “strategic” fat reserves are formed on them. They actively store fat if the number of calories in the body exceeds daily requirement. And they are extremely reluctant to give it away. This "reluctance" is represented in a ratio of 1:6. That is, if you managed to lose weight by as much as 7 kilos (a lot!), Then 6 of them will leave the upper body: your chest will droop, your arms will lose weight, your stomach will fall. And only 1 kilogram will give the hips. And vice versa, if you again recover by these 7 kg, then the lion's share of the volume will be taken again by the hips and buttocks.

Such natural injustice has an extremely negative effect on the figure of women who are inconsistent in their program, how to make their legs thin and slender. By dieting and exercising, they lose weight, but when they give up and get fat again, they acquire completely new volumes in the lower body.

Great remedy for thighs

  • Anticellulite massage. You can do it in the salon or at home. Take an anti-cellite gel with a warming effect and in a circular motion rub into the skin of the thighs. Give each leg at least 5 minutes. It is preferable to massage after a shower when the skin is warm.
  • Wraps. Suitable honey and mustard-honey wraps. They are also easy to make at home. Honey can be applied to the skin steamed after a shower, wrapped with a film, and put on tight leggings. With such a “mask”, go to bed, wash it off with warm water in the morning.
    Mustard-honey wraps should not be made so long. 40 minutes with a mustard-honey composition on the skin is enough to activate the metabolic processes in the skin to the maximum.

Use all means to correct the hips. And you will definitely achieve the desired slimness of the legs!

Being engaged in strength training, it is not always possible to cope with fat deposits in the lower body.

How to solve this problem? Drying helps! What rules should be followed in order to achieve optimal results at home?

How to choose the right set of exercises for girls and a balanced menu? What are the mistakes?

Let's review everything topical issues relating to drying.

Causes of fat deposition in this area

There are several reasons for the appearance of fat deposits in the legs:

  1. Heredity. The pear body type, in which all the fat is concentrated in the calves, thighs and buttocks. The upper part of the body looks quite toned.
  2. The presence of a general excess body weight, a predisposition to fullness. Fat deposits are in their favorite places - not only in the lower body, but also on the back, sides and arms.
  3. Improper diet, sedentary lifestyle. Fat deposits are localized mainly in problem areas - calves, hips, abdomen.
Important! Experienced instructors advise starting drying only for those who have already pumped up muscles.

How to dry your feet in a week - 3 rules

Drying means a complex effect on the muscular system and subcutaneous fat. Its goal is to maintain muscle mass and eliminate body fat. An important role is played by the psychological component. You need to tune in to a change in eating habits, lifestyle and exercise.

Coming to the gym or exercising at home, at the first stage, you need to build a set of exercises aimed at working out the muscles and increasing their volume. And the next step may be drying the thighs and buttocks. As a result, you will get a beautiful relief and a slim figure without a hint of body fat.

There are certain rules drying, which must be strictly observed. Drying individual areas of fat deposits is not possible. You will have to work with all muscle groups of the body, but the emphasis must be on the muscles of the legs.

Attention! First place in your daily menu should take lean protein foods: fish, chicken breast, egg white, cottage cheese. Vegetable proteins - soy, beans, chickpeas. You can use spices and seasonings, and it is better to limit salty foods.

1. Diet

A balanced diet is the main rule for drying women.

Divide your daily diet into four to five meals. This activates the metabolism and helps control hunger pangs. Some nutritionists advise during drying to include additional snacks between meals. For example, cucumber, tomato, carrot, apple, grapefruit. Portions should be small - "fit in two palms" and be two hundred - two hundred and fifty grams. This helps to significantly improve metabolism and not gain excess weight.

Important points:

  • Eating is recommended in two hours before exercise and forty minutes after exercise. It is very important to get used to this mode, as it is the most useful for those involved in strength exercises.
  • Can't skip meals so as not to provoke uncontrollable hunger, during which you can eat more than expected. If there is no time to eat, drink a glass of kefir or tea with milk.
  • If you feel hungry before going to bed, you can drink low-fat kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk, or eat light salad from raw vegetables.
  • The basis of a balanced diet during drying is to build the right diet. Do not break it, otherwise the lost kilograms will begin to return very quickly.
  • Eat greens, non-starchy vegetables - cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, cabbage. Salads from these vegetables must be eaten daily. This will help speed up the metabolism and provide the body with the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  • A more sparing and reasonable, from the point of view of rationality, diet includes slow carbohydrates. These include cereals, primarily: buckwheat, whole grain oatmeal, raw (brown) rice, durum wheat pasta.
  • Introduced for weight loss strict restriction on fat intake, since they are the most high-calorie foods. For example, one hundred grams of vegetable oil is nine hundred calories, and one hundred grams butter- seven hundred calories. It is permissible to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil daily to a salad of fresh vegetables.
  • It is completely necessary to exclude all sweets, confectionery, sweet sodas and juices for the drying time. It is also necessary to refrain from fried foods, as their calorie content is very high. If for some reason you have violated the diet, nutritionists recommend that you arrange an unloading mono-diet the next day. For example, drink only low-fat sour-milk drinks or tea with milk. A good option- buckwheat porridge boiled in water.
  • During weight loss, do not get carried away with mono-diets. They are stressful for the body and can disrupt metabolism. Such a diet (using one product) can only be used for one day, no more.

Carefully! Some instructors advise completely eliminating carbohydrates from the diet for the time of drying - but this is a dangerous path. A rigid diet can lead to metabolic disorders. In addition, it is not compatible with physical activity that require energy to complete.

2. Strength training

In order to pump up your legs, training with dumbbells is perfect. Drying involves the use, first of all, of strength training. A set of exercises should be directed to the following leg muscles:

we pump up the hips and calves.

We hold dumbbells in the area of ​​​​the lateral surface of the thigh, legs slightly apart. We squat shallowly, bending and unbending the knees. We carry out the possible number at a fast pace.

Develops the muscles of the lower leg, thigh, buttocks. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the arms with dumbbells are located in the area of ​​​​the lateral surface of the thigh.

We tilt the body and take a step. The knees are bent at a right angle, we go with a wide step. We control that the thigh of the forward leg is as close to the floor as possible and is parallel to it. We carry out the possible number at a fast pace.

Rise on socks will help to dry the calf muscles of the legs from fat. Keep the dumbbells loose. We rest with our heels on the floor, the toes of the legs are located on a small, up to five centimeters, elevation. Straining the muscles of the lower leg, we stand on our toes. We perform the possible number of repetitions.

We are working on internal surfaces hips. We hold the dumbbell with both hands. We squat shallowly, rise, leaning on the heel area. We perform the possible number of repetitions at a slow pace.

A properly selected set of exercises and a balanced daily diet will help to give muscle relief and cope with body fat. A slender and fit figure is a reward for your efforts and perseverance!

3. Cardio

The use of simulators - a treadmill, stepper, elliptical, helps to maintain good physical shape. These workouts are more suitable for girls to maintain the results achieved and control weight. They can be perfectly combined with power loads in one workout, as well as allocate certain days for them. For a more harmonious distribution of the load on different muscles, the simulators can be used in turn.

  • Treadmill. Indispensable for those who control weight and maintain good physical shape.
  • Exercise bike. Helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, prevents the appearance of fatty deposits in the lower body.
  • Stepper. Well supports the muscles of the legs in good shape, strengthens the muscles, subject to regular exercise.
  • Elliptical trainer. Suitable for developing leg joints and maintaining muscle tone. Slender legs will delight you if you exercise on an ellipsoid every other day.

To dry the limbs, the following cardio exercises are useful: jump rope exercises, any kind of dancing, swimming, running. They give vivacity, energy, strengthen muscles, do not allow fat to be deposited, perfectly burning calories. An active lifestyle is good for the body. It does not let the legs hurt, is the prevention of varicose veins, maintains the achieved muscle relief, even if you have stopped exercising.

Should I focus more on cardio or strength training?

If you have developed muscle volume well, then it can be supported by cardio loads. To do this, you can use classes on cardio, running, swimming, burpee. If the muscles are underdeveloped and have a weak relief, attention should be paid to strength training.

Do not neglect the advice of instructors - this will help you avoid problems and get only positive emotions from classes!

  • Properly selected set of exercises and a balanced daily diet will help to give muscle relief and cope with body fat.
  • Start your workout with a warm-up on your legs. It can be jumping rope or running.
  • Calculate the load individually, focusing on their physical fitness, gender and age.
  • If you have a weak level of training, be careful about the selection of dumbbells and start with minimal weights.
  • Use collapsible dumbbells - then you can add weight gradually.
  • With an average level of physical fitness, you can perform ten exercises with several approaches.
  • Don't forget about rest! Plan strength training several times a week, not more often.
Carefully! Strength exercises put a lot of stress on your joints. To avoid injury, follow the exercise technique.

Being engaged in power loads, it can be difficult to cope with excess fat in the calves and thighs. The main purpose of drying is to remove fat and preserve muscle relief. This problem can be dealt with only in a complex: with the help of physical exercises and changes in the nutrition system. To have a slim figure and relief muscles, you will have to adjust your entire lifestyle. A slender and fit figure is a reward for your efforts and perseverance!

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