Body shaping at home. Exercises for problem areas

Bioenergetic gymnastics - the super method of the third millennium Maria Borisovna Kanovskaya

A set of exercises for weight loss and body shaping

Exercises for weight loss and correction of the waist, hips, abdomen and buttocks are usually chosen taking into account the existing concomitant diseases.

From 1 to 5 exercises - warm-up; from 6 to 13 - the main part.

Initial position- common to all exercises of this complex:

Get on your knees and lower your buttocks onto your heels.

Stretch your arms forward and fix them at the fulcrum. The buttocks should not come off the heels.

Without changing the position of the hands, go to the emphasis on the hands. The torso should be parallel to the floor, arms - hips.

Raise your head.

Exercise 1

Maintaining the position of the arms and legs, arch your back. Lower and raise your head at the same time.

On the count of times - lower your lower back down as much as possible, and pull the back of your head back.

On the count of two - rounding your back as much as possible, lift your lower back, and press your chin to your chest.

Exercise 2

Make rotations smooth circular motions waist around the longitudinal axis of the body; in this case, the head, as it were, serves as a continuation of the spine.

Exercise 3

Arch your back and raise your head as high as possible.

Lift your feet off the floor and make paired springy alternate movements to the sides, while turning your head in the same direction and trying to see your toes over your shoulder.

Rest in a sitting position on your heels, arms extended forward, head down.

Exercise 4

Do paired springy tilts of the pelvis and head to the sides. At the same time, try not to touch the floor with your pelvis.

Exercise 5

Do pelvic tilts to the left, as in the previous exercise.

On the count of one - the pelvis forward and down, on the count of two - the pelvis to the right, on the count of three - to the starting position.

Pay attention to the constant position of the hands and knees and touching the buttocks of the heels.

Repeat in reverse. The exercise is performed with springy movements.

Do the same, but with smooth movements, alternately in both directions. Try to touch your heels with your buttocks during rest.

Perform each exercise 8-12 times in each direction.

Exercise 6

On the count of one, arch your back and at the same time make counter movements of the left knee and head.

On the count of two, bend with the maximum swing of the left leg back and up. Raise your head up at the same time.

On the count of three, return to the starting position.

On the count of four, return to the starting position and arch your lower back.

Do the same with the movement of the right leg.

Perform the exercise 8-12 times on each leg.

Exercise 7

Stretch your left leg to the right and up while moving your head along the same trajectory.

At the same time, arch your back and move your leg in an arc to the left, and then back, in the same way, without touching the floor with your foot.

Exercise 8

Stretch your left leg to the right with an oncoming movement of the head.

On the count of times, jerk your left knee towards your left ear.

At the count of two - back, at the count of three - an oncoming swing of the left leg and head, at the count of four - back. It is desirable that the leg does not touch the floor.

Note 1. If you want to lose weight, then do exercises 7 and 8 in a row without stopping. Leg movements should be caused by efforts directed from the waist with the widest possible amplitude. This will lead to a significant correction of the figure (especially the hips and waist) and a significant healing effect.

Note 2. Repeat the exercises as many times as your body is ready for. To begin with, you can try to perform each exercise 8 times, and if it turns out easily, 12 times or more.

To proceed to the continuation of the complex from the other leg, we will perform a transitional (and most useful for weight loss and abdomen) exercise.

Exercise 9

At the expense of one or two, make paired springy movements of the pelvis forward, pulling your head back as much as possible.

Do not bend your arms or move your knees. On the count of three or four, do paired springy movements in the starting position - the buttocks are pressed to the heels.

Exercises 10 and 11

The same movements as in exercises 7, 8, but for the right leg.

Exercise 12

The same movements as in exercise 9, but for each count.

Finish the exercise in the position of emphasis on the hands with a bent back.

Spread your knees to the sides, connecting the feet. Strive to pull the feet towards the head, maintaining this position for 40 seconds to a minute.

Exercise 13

Initial position. Spread your knees to the sides, connecting the feet.

Bend your arms and lie down on the floor.

With the force of bending in the hip joint, pull the chin along the floor to the knees until the arms are fully extended. It is important that the movement is performed precisely by pulling back with the pelvis, and not with the hands.

Slightly bending your arms, crawl forward with your chest. Then, straightening your arms, bend back. Repeat this exercise 12 to 21 times depending on your fitness. Finish in a lying position, remaining in it for 1-2 minutes until you feel that strength has been restored.

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Today, every trainer will advise physical exercises for problem areas, based on the classification of body types, because there is indeed a pattern: all girls with the same type of figure have problems in the same areas of the body. Our female online magazine prepared an article that will help correct problem areas female figure by type through exercise.

pear shape

This type is characterized wide hips, so they can look massive and fat deposits are formed most often here. Go swimming first! It helps to make the shoulders stronger and more pronounced, which visually makes the figure proportional. In addition, lean on exercises with squats and lunges, work on the hips, Hollywood trainer Jillian Michaels will help you with this workout.

apple figure

The apple figure speaks of a body that has a pronounced tummy and an almost imperceptible waist. to help you, twist it for at least half an hour a day so that your waist has clear contours. Also for weight loss.

Triangle figure

Triangle shape type. Another problematic type of figure is when the girl's shoulders are pronounced, and the hips are too narrow. Owners of such a body need. Regular squats at a slow pace for 20-30 minutes a day will help. Just remember, the pace in this case is very important. If you want your muscles to lose weight, then you need to squat quickly in three sets of 50 times with breaks of 10 minutes, and if you want to build muscle mass on the hips, then you should do squats slowly.


This is the most beautiful and desirable body type for girls, but in terms of fitness loads, it needs to use all the muscles. Girls with such forms should not focus on one or another part of the body; all muscles should be worked out during each workout. If you want

Fitness exercises for weight loss can be a great alternative to strength training in the gym, running, water aerobics and other sports. After all, running and exercising in the gym are contraindicated for someone for health reasons, and fitness is recognized by leading experts in the field of health and beauty as one of the few ways that allow you to lose weight qualitatively, gradually and safely for your health.

Training Rules

It's no secret that the problem excess weight cannot be solved without the right diet, because the main guarantee of losing weight is to consume more calories than consumed. Therefore, first of all, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle, adjust your diet, relying on healthy foods and excluding products fast food, fast food, etc.

If it’s hard to immediately get involved and train at home or in the gym three to four times a week, you should start with walking in the evenings and gymnastics in the mornings.

Great pleasure and joy can be obtained from dancing. And it doesn't matter whether it's rumba or Russian folk, the main thing is to defeat your own complexes, to feel like a woman again - beautiful and attractive.

This sport can be perfectly combined with fitness exercises for weight loss at home. It is important to follow the breath, starting with the inhalation and ending with the exhalation. Increase the speed and amplitude of the exercises gradually and be sure to start each workout with a warm-up, and end it with stretching exercises.

Muscles should be stretched in the order in which they are in the human body. That is, start from the neck, then move on to the chest, back, abdomen, hips, and then the legs.

Short stretching - stretching, which involves a delay at each maximum limit point for 10 seconds, allows you to check and improve the elasticity and flexibility of muscles and joints. Each task from the complex of fitness exercises for weight loss is performed in three sets, including a certain number of repetitions.

The latter depends on the physical fitness of the student and his capabilities. I must say that the rest between sets should be no more than 2 minutes, otherwise the muscles will relax, and the athlete will relax along with them, succumbing to laziness.

And most importantly - you can not eat 2 hours before training and after the same amount of time after it. It is better to drink plain mineral non-carbonated water or prepare a vegetable or fruit juice or a protein drink in advance.

Exercises for chest muscles

  • by the most the best exercise for the chest is a push-up. It is necessary to do at least 5-10 push-ups, touching the floor with the chest as quickly as possible;
  • Stand in a knee-elbow position and alternately lower the chest as you exhale and raise it as you inhale. Do three sets of 10-15 times;
  • Stand up straight, clasp your hands in the lock in front of your chest. At the expense of "one" with an effort, try to disengage this lock, break the resistance of the fingers tightly clinging to each other. If the athlete feels the chest muscles tense, then he is doing everything right.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles

  • The abdominal muscles can be worked out with the help of fitness exercises for losing weight in the abdomen. It's about about the well-known “bicycle”, leg raises, crunches, etc. Have not yet come up with exercises more effective than these. The main condition is to tightly fix the head and neck on the hands folded into the lock, otherwise all the pressure will be transferred to the neck muscles and as a result, training will not only not give a positive effect, but will also cause problems with this area;
  • You can pump the abdominal muscles well with the help of this exercise: kneel down, put your elbows on the floor. Tightening your muscles, lift your knees off the floor, using your hands and toes as a support. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to the IP. Do three sets of 10 reps, keeping your back straight. This exercise is a light version of the gymnastic wheel workout. As soon as the abdominal muscles get stronger, you can purchase this projectile and pump the muscles to full strength.

Leg exercises

  • The simplest and most effective exercise for slimming legs are squats. You can squat both deep and not very deep, keeping your hips parallel to the floor. The main condition is to ensure that the back is even and do not tear off the heels from the floor;
  • Lie on your side, straighten the leg that touches the floor, bend the other at the knee so that it rests on the floor and is pushed forward. With the lower, straightened leg, perform lifts with good amplitude. Do 8-10 lifts on both legs;
  • Lean on the floor with one knee and straight arms, and take the other straightened leg back and up. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to the IP. Repeat 10-15 times for each leg.

Perseverance and work

In conclusion, it must be said that such a set of training at first will seem unbearably difficult and this is normal. After all, such a sharp physical activity causes accumulation in the muscles " lactic acid”, which turns into a burning sensation and heaviness. The body has yet to learn how to remove these " waste products of metabolism» at the desired speed.


What is figure correction………………………………………………………………………………2

Body Correction Methods………………………………………………………………………………….4


Step aerobics……………………………………………………………………………………………………..9


Race walking………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Waist reduction exercises………………………………………………………………. 14

Posture Correction Exercises………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Exercises to strengthen the buttocks………………………………………………………………… .17

Leg exercises………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18


Belly dance…………………………………………………………………………………………………………21

Exercises with dumbbells……………………………………………………………………………………… 24

For graceful hands……………………………………………………………………………………………………26



"Basic methods of body shaping through physical exercises"

Many people ask, why do we need body shaping? But they themselves know the answer, everyone wants a beautiful figure, and a beautiful figure is a feature and a characteristic feature of health. There is a saying, a skinny cow is not yet a gazelle. So just losing weight is not enough to become the most-most. You also need to tighten up your forms, shape them, and figure correction helps to do this.

Nowadays, there are many ways to correct the figure from pulling up individual muscle groups with the help of exercise before plastic surgery that form individual parts of the body. But any kind of correction requires certain efforts and cannot end with one-time events. Even after plastic surgery, it is required to constantly maintain the "sculpted" forms.

What is body shaping.

Many people, seeing the shortcomings of their figure, do not want to put up with them. A fat fold on the stomach prevents someone from living quietly, someone has full hips, and someone is far from a wasp waist. What is body shaping? Any definitions in this case will be only conditional, because each of us understands this expression in his own way, regarding his wishes and ideas. But, if we approach this problem from a medical point of view, then “figure correction” means the correction of local fat deposits that violate the proportions of the figure and give the body a not entirely aesthetic appearance.

The main difficulty in the fight against local fat deposits lies in the fact that it is very difficult to extract fat from cells in precisely those areas of the body with which we are usually unhappy, since the body consumes, first of all, fat from unimportant, from the point of view of the body, zones - the upper body, arms and cheeks. Fat in reproductively significant areas (on the abdomen, thighs) is consumed last. To make fat break down in the places we need, it is necessary to have a stimulating effect on these zones.

Now there are many techniques that allow you to have a stimulating effect on problem areas. But before you apply them, you need to decide for yourself the main question: are you really ready for long-term body shaping efforts? If so, then you are faced with two problems, without the solution of which the correction will not give any results. This is a healthy diet and active lifestyle. Everything else is just an appendix to these two "whales". Exercises for different types figures

Is your figure far from ideal? Have you decided to fix it with the help of sports? It is very important to choose the exercises that are right for you. Take a close look at yourself, decide what type your figure belongs to, and build a workout in the most effective way.
Cone shape type.
Broad shoulders, narrow hips. Fat is deposited in the upper body.
Exercises with light dumbbells with a high number of repetitions
Classes on an exercise bike with a gradual increase in load
with weights for the legs and abdominal muscles, lying on the mat
Climbing stairs
Body type Hourglass.
Full hips and chest, thin waist, weight is gained and lost easily and evenly. proportional addition.
Recommended exercise stress.
jumping rope
Exercise bike with light loads
Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen, legs and hips
Spoon body type.
Narrow shoulders, muscles of the upper body are weak and poorly developed. It is mainly the hips that “get fat”, and as a rule, it is difficult to get rid of excess weight.
Recommended physical activity.
jumping rope
Exercise bike with light loads
Exercises with fairly heavy dumbbells, a large number of repetitions
Line shape type.
Proportional physique. If recruited overweight, distributed evenly throughout the body, the hips are usually narrow.
Recommended physical activity.
Running Jump Rope. Climbing stairs or step
Weight training
Exercise bike with low and medium resistance
Aerobics and dancing
Rowing and simulators imitating it.

Body shaping methods.

Physical exercises are the main means of physical education. On the one hand, their implementation is aimed at improving the functional capabilities of the human body, strengthening health, on the other hand, they are a simple and at the same time effective means of body shaping.

By determining the type of physique, weight, fat content in the body, the circumference of various parts of the body and comparing the measurement results with the standards presented in the tables, one can draw a conclusion about the shortcomings of the figure, about those parts of the body that need to be worked hard.

At the initial stage (3-6 months), strength training includes only general strengthening exercises without weights, consistently working out all muscle groups. And only after reaching a certain level of fitness and physical condition, they proceed to special physical exercises aimed at correcting the figure. This is due to the fact that the musculoskeletal system of women without prior training cannot withstand heavy loads. The muscles that hold the internal organs are not yet sufficiently developed to perform weight-bearing exercises.

The purpose of training in the initial period is to strengthen the muscles, create a basis for the adaptation of the musculoskeletal system, improve physical condition. From the proposed general strengthening exercises, you need to choose 4-8 for each muscle group and create your own individual complex.

Exercises must be performed in the following mode: the number of approaches is 1-3, the number of repetitions is 10-30 times. For the first week, each exercise should be performed one approach, the second and third weeks - two approaches each, the fourth and subsequent weeks - perform as many approaches as indicated in the description of the exercises.

As fitness grows, when 3 sets of 30 repetitions will be easy, you can either increase the dosage, performing each exercise for only one approach, but with the maximum number of repetitions (up to "I can't"), or use a more difficult version of the exercise (with light dumbbells or special weights). Rest between sets - 15-20 seconds. Instead of passive rest, it is better to perform static stretching exercises, which are an excellent way to relieve muscle tension and restore their elasticity. The duration of each stretch is 10-15 seconds.

When performing static stretching exercises, the following rules must be observed:

Before performing an exercise, you need to know which specific muscle group it stretches;

The stretch should be strong enough to improve flexibility, but not so severe as to injure muscles or tendons. Static stretching exercises should be performed only to the point of feeling slight discomfort. It should occur in the middle part of the muscle, and not in the places of its attachment. The main thing is to never bring the depth of stretching to the point of acute pain;

Perform all movements gently, smoothly, without jerks, slowly and evenly, avoiding ballistic exercises (sharp swings, dynamic bends);

When the joint is in the extreme, extended, bent, abducted-adducted, etc. do not wiggle position. Stretch ligaments and muscles only due to static pressure, while stationary;

Avoid dangerous stretching exercises associated with the redistribution of most of the body to one isolated joint ("plough", "hurdling", etc.);

During stretching exercises, breathe calmly and rhythmically;

Observe the symmetry of the exercises: when stretching one, do not forget about similar exercises for the other half of the body;

Never stretch muscles that have a traumatic sprain. This can only worsen your condition.

After the foundation of strength and physical fitness has been laid, you can proceed to specialized weight training (barbell, heavy dumbbells), which allows you to focus on any muscle group. Before performing such exercises, you need a special warm-up. It is performed immediately before the next exercise in 1-2 sets of 12-15 repetitions each. The weight of weights is 30-40% of the maximum. Movements should be similar in structure to training exercises. The table below shows the methodology of exercises aimed at correcting the figure (increase in muscle mass and decrease in muscle mass and body fat).

There are a lot of body shaping methods. There are methods that break down fats (lipolysis), inhibit the formation of fats in the body, improve blood supply to adipose tissue and muscles, remove excess fluid from the body, etc. All these methods can be divided into four categories: basic, draining, auxiliary and preventive. In the body shaping process, all methods are usually used, but the procedures are selected individually.

The main methods use lipolysis, they break down fats and reduce the number of fat cells (for example, ozone therapy, mesotherapy). Drainage techniques (lymphatic drainage, pressure therapy, thalassotherapy) are aimed at removing decay products and toxins from tissues formed during the breakdown of fat.

Auxiliary techniques (manual and hardware massage, physiotherapeutic procedures) improve blood circulation in adipose and muscle tissue, thereby preparing tissues for the main procedures, as well as enhancing and prolonging their action.

Supporting techniques help maintain the results achieved. This is proper nutrition and physical activity. In order to give the right recommendations for maintaining a figure in good condition, a diagnostic examination of body composition is carried out: measurement of body fat and muscle mass using special equipment (bioimpedance analyzer). Depending on the results of the examination, a preventive maintenance course is prescribed, which includes procedures aimed at preventing the formation of fats in the body.

The goal of the correction is to reduce the fat part and leave the muscle part unchanged. This is where the danger of any weight loss lies: if muscle mass is lost, then this is very harmful to the body.

Body shaping through exercise

Body shaping is impossible without regular physical activity, which helps not only to reduce excess weight, but, most importantly, to reduce volume. Physical exercises help to correct local fat deposits, give muscle tone, help get rid of sagging and sagging skin. The combination of physical exercises and massage helps to put in order even the most problematic figure, however, only if they are used regularly.

Along with body shaping, physical exercises normalize the work of the entire human body, help correct posture, which is also important in body shaping. With the help of regular physical activity, it is much easier to adjust the figure, due to the activation of metabolic processes, a greater consumption of calories consumed.

Shaping is one of the most famous areas of fitness, which allows you to successfully correct your figure using a system of specially selected exercises. The translation of the English word “shape” sounds like “shape”. Body shaping makes it possible to get the shapes you want while working on certain parts of the body and not affecting the rest that do not require correction. This direction of fitness differs from others in that the main emphasis of training is aimed at an individual approach to each student, despite group classes. The training program is usually divided into blocks of exercises for the lower and upper body, with such a system, almost all problem areas that are located at the waist, in the hips, and bust are worked out. An integrated approach to improving the figure and body involves not only the creation of a specially selected set of exercises, but also the development of an individual nutrition system, without which training can be practically ineffective. For everyone involved, a so-called individual shaping model is formed, taking into account the main parameters of the body, as well as the type of constitution, the ratio of height and weight, and so on. It is calculated with the aim of working through problem areas, and as a result, adjusting the figure as a whole. A certain group of muscles during training is trained by repeating exercises - at least a hundred times until severe fatigue appears. It is important, while exercising, to monitor the uniformity of breathing, never hold inhalation and exhalation. Each lesson usually lasts an hour or more and is divided into several blocks - mandatory warm-up, strength exercises, also stretching and relaxation at the end of classes. When deciding on the place of training, training at home should be preferred to training in a sports club, especially in the first months. In the gym, the mentor will correct the correctness of the exercises, will be able to select the most appropriate load, form an individual training program, and conduct control tests at the end of the stage. They will determine what changes have occurred with your figure and will allow you to further adjust the training program. By directly influencing the silhouette, shaping additionally has a serious effect on cellulite, as it makes it possible to most deeply and effectively work out problem areas, muscles that are rather difficult to work out with conventional physical exercises. In training, the body starts metabolic processes, processing fatty acids that are unnecessary for our body into energy. After training, especially during the first sessions, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which provokes the appearance of the so-called krepatura. To reduce muscle soreness, we recommend taking a hot shower or bath after sports activities, as well as better sauna which perfectly relaxes and relieves tension in the muscles. One of the features of shaping is that most of the calories are spent not only directly during classes, but also after, in this regard, it is advisable to follow a special diet, avoiding junk food, giving preference to vegetables and fruits, limiting sugar and sugar in your diet. White bread. By following these rules, very soon you will notice not only positive changes in your figure, but also notice how the general condition of the body has improved - immunity and stamina have increased, and skin tone has improved. These pleasant changes will be another significant argument in favor of shaping. Swimming……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………..eleven
Race walking……………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Waist reduction exercises………………………………………………………………….14
Exercises to correct posture………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Exercises to strengthen the buttocks………………………………………………………………….17
Leg exercises……………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
Belly dance………………………………………………………………………………………………………21
Exercises with dumbbells…………………………………………………………………………………… 24
For Graceful Hands……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

To get rid of excess weight one of the most effective means is the use of a variety of physical exercises. As you know, excess weight is the accumulated fat, which is formed due to unused energy by the body. Accordingly, to get rid of excess weight, physical activity is necessary for increased muscle work, active energy consumption and thus the use of accumulated fat.

Below we will consider physical exercises for body shaping.

1. Exercises for the chest area

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, palms together, fingers interlaced at chest level. The shoulders are retracted back and down, squeezing the palms with effort, relax, it is worth doing 10-15 approaches;

Lying on your back, spread your arms wide apart so that the shoulder blades touch the floor. Clench your hands into fists, raise them up, describing an arc, squeeze your fists, relax, performed 15-20 approaches;

Standing against the wall, push-ups are performed, leaning on the wall with palms, 15-20 approaches are performed;

Lying on your stomach, palms rest on the floor at chest level, elbows slightly raised, legs together. The torso rises, arms straighten, and the lower back bends, 15-20 approaches are performed;

Lying on the floor, hands are clasped on the stomach, the chin touches the floor. You need to try to simultaneously raise the torso and legs from the floor, then bend, straighten your arms and take them as far back as possible. We fix in this position for 3-5 seconds, return to the starting position, perform 8-10 approaches;

Kneeling in front of two chairs, palms resting on the seats. Both arms are bent and you need to try to lower the chest as low as possible while inhaling, after which we return to the starting position, 15-20 approaches are performed;

Lying pressure. Push-ups are performed 10 times from the floor, while you need to make sure that the back and arms are straight.

The following physical exercises will allow you to quickly adjust your figure.

2. Exercises for the waist area for body shaping

Sitting on the edge of a chair, grab it with your hands. Back bends are performed as far as possible, without lifting the feet from the floor; performed in 20-25 approaches;

Lying on the floor, slightly bent legs are raised in 3-4 approaches until the moment of severe fatigue;

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest. Three turns of the torso to the right are performed, as if looking behind our back, we return to the starting position, the same is performed in left side; the exercise is performed in 20-25 approaches;

Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body. The torso carefully rises, without sudden movements, we turn the chest and sit down, turning our shoulders, then moving to the starting position. You can also perform the exercise by placing your hands behind your head, straightening them; performed in 15-20 approaches;

- “rocking chair”: lying on the back, arms extended along the body, the head and legs are simultaneously raised (imitation of rocking chair movements), rolls forward and backward are performed. The head does not lean back, we press it to the chest. The number of approaches is determined by general well-being.

These exercises will help keep your waist thin!

3. Exercises for body shaping in the hip area

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread apart. The left leg is put back on the toe, the femoral muscles are tensed, the same is done for the right leg; 15-20 approaches are performed on each leg;

Lying on your stomach, hands under your head, palms down. The left leg rises up and back, then moves to the left, then returns to its original position. The same is done with the second leg; 10-15 approaches are performed for each leg;

Sitting on the heels, the spine is straightened, hands behind the head. The buttocks are rotated to the right, the center of gravity is transferred to one side, then returned to its original position, the same is performed on the other side; only 15 approaches in each direction;

Lying on the floor, roll over to the right side, the right leg is slightly bent at the knee, the left leg is extended along the body, bent right hand at the elbow and placed under the cheek. The abdominal muscles are strongly tensed, a semicircle is described with a straight left leg, moving it forward and backward. The abdomen relaxes, and the exercise is repeated on the left side.

To correct the figure in the buttocks, perform the following physical exercises.

4. Exercises for the buttocks

Standing straight, knees slightly apart, toes turned inward. On a deep breath, the muscles of the buttocks tighten, the stomach is drawn in, the left leg is retracted, then its toe turns out and the position is fixed for 10 seconds, then exhale. The same is done for the other leg;

Lying face down on the floor, place a pillow under your stomach. Both hands are stretched out in front of both hands, palms are compressed, the chin is raised above the floor surface. A breath is taken and both hands are pulled back, fists touch the buttocks, return to the starting position. Then you should relax slightly and repeat the exercise.

Now, after getting acquainted with the complexes for body shaping, you just have to choose from each group the physical exercises that you like the most and create a personal program. Ideal figure will be provided to you!

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