What is gastritis during pregnancy? Exacerbation of gastritis and its therapy during pregnancy. Traditional recipes for the treatment of gastritis

Gastritis is a disease of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by disruption of the digestive tract. During pregnancy, this disease can become a serious problem and significantly complicate the course of such an important period. Exacerbation of gastritis in expectant mothers requires a special approach in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

Acute gastritis

This term refers to inflammation of the stomach caused by a single exposure to a substance. This could be poor quality food, medications or various chemical compounds. Quite often, acute gastritis occurs with various infections and is one of the signs of a general disease.

Symptoms of acute gastritis:

  • pain in the projection of the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • single or repeated vomiting.

In severe cases, there may be an increase in body temperature, chills and other signs of intoxication of the body.

Treatment of acute gastritis in pregnant women does not differ from its treatment outside pregnancy. In case of poisoning, enterosorbents are used - drugs that remove dangerous toxic substances from the body. According to indications, antibiotics approved for use during pregnancy are prescribed. To replenish fluids, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible. Special water-salt solutions (Regidron) are best suited for this purpose.

Gastric lavage is practically not performed in expectant mothers. This procedure can provoke an increase in uterine tone and cause termination of pregnancy. Gastric lavage is done only according to strict indications and in compliance with all safety rules. Observation by a gynecologist is required during and after the procedure.

Chronic gastritis

During pregnancy, doctors most often have to deal with exacerbation of chronic gastritis. According to statistics, inflammation of the gastric mucosa occurs in half of all women of reproductive age. The first episode of gastritis usually occurs during adolescence, and by the time pregnancy occurs, a woman usually knows about her diagnosis. When the disease worsens, such a patient already knows which doctor to contact and what to do when the first symptoms of gastritis appear.

A situation in which the first attack of the disease occurs precisely after the conception of a child is quite rare. Symptoms of the disease develop gradually over many years. Much more often, women simply ignore the signs of gastritis, attributing them to poisoning or discomfort after eating any special food. The primary manifestation of stomach disease during pregnancy is more typical of young primiparous women under the age of 25.

One of the reasons for the development of chronic gastritis is considered to be Helicobacter pylori. These spiral-shaped bacteria live in the stomach and intestines of most people around the world. Moreover, 90% of all carriers of Helicobacter pylori do not experience any manifestations of gastritis or peptic ulcer. At the moment, scientists have not been able to find out whether chronic gastritis always occurs against the background of infection with these bacteria or whether other ways of acquiring a dangerous disease are possible.

Factors provoking the development of gastritis:

  • errors in nutrition (in particular deficiency of protein, vitamins and iron);
  • long-term uncontrolled use medicines(anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, corticosteroids);
  • bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • harmful factors at work;
  • diseases that provoke hypoxia in tissues (anemia, pneumosclerosis);
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • constant stress;
  • heredity.

In pregnant women, exacerbation of chronic gastritis most often occurs against the background of dietary errors. Eating spicy, fried, fatty or salty foods can lead to the appearance of typical symptoms of gastritis at any stage of pregnancy. In half of expectant mothers, stomach disease is combined with cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) and colitis (inflammation of the intestines).


Exacerbation of chronic gastritis is characterized by a variety of symptoms and depends on the type of disease. Gastritis with increased secretion is characterized by pain in the epigastric region that occurs shortly after eating. Pain is often associated with a certain type food. Pregnant women notice that after consuming any product, the symptoms of the disease intensify. Most often, pain occurs in response to fatty, fried or salty foods.

With gastritis with increased secretion, pain in the stomach is accompanied by heaviness and a feeling of fullness. Discomfort often extends to the navel area or moves to the right hypochondrium. Characterized by nausea and vomiting, stool disorder in the form of diarrhea. Manifestations of the disease may vary depending on the severity of gastritis and the individual reaction of the body.

For gastritis with decreased secretion Dyspeptic disorders come to the fore. Almost all pregnant women experience nausea, vomiting, belching and flatulence. With a long course, any form of gastritis sooner or later leads to a decrease or complete loss of secretory activity of the stomach and the development of all characteristic symptoms.

Complications of pregnancy

Chronic gastritis in early pregnancy almost always becomes cause of severe toxicosis. There is no single theory explaining this phenomenon. Experts agree on only one thing: nausea and vomiting due to gastritis in the first trimester of pregnancy can persist for a long time. If a pregnant woman's symptoms of toxicosis do not stop after 12 weeks, the cause should be sought in inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

In the second half of pregnancy, chronic gastritis does not have a pronounced effect on the condition of the woman and the fetus. Inflammation of the stomach cannot cause malformations or provoke complications in the placenta. Even in the case of exacerbation of gastritis, pregnancy usually proceeds well and ends with the birth of a child at term.

Gastritis, which occurs with complications, poses a certain danger. In severe cases of the disease, bleeding from the stomach may develop. This condition poses a threat to a woman’s life and requires immediate assistance from specialists. Predicting the course of pregnancy when bleeding develops is quite difficult. With severe blood loss, miscarriage or premature birth is possible.


Making a diagnosis in pregnant women is somewhat difficult. The traditional method for identifying gastritis is fibrogastroscopy. This examination allows you to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa from the inside, detect ulcers, areas of bleeding and other pathological changes. Also during the procedure, a section of stomach tissue is taken for targeted histological examination.

During pregnancy, endoscopic examination of the stomach is performed only under strict indications. If gastritis cannot be detected using other methods, the doctor carries out the procedure in compliance with all safety measures. The procedure is quite difficult for pregnant women to tolerate and can even cause a miscarriage. Doctors try, if possible, to avoid endoscopic examination in expectant mothers and make a diagnosis based on clinical data.

Ultrasound examination of the stomach can help in diagnosing gastritis. An ultrasound is performed on an empty stomach and allows you to assess the size of the organ and the thickness of its walls. Also, using ultrasound, you can determine the amount of mucus in the stomach and thereby identify a malfunction of the organ.

What to do if gastritis worsens?

In the treatment of chronic gastritis in pregnant women great importance has proper nutrition. When the first signs of illness appear, you should switch to split meals: up to 6 times a day in small portions. This approach allows you to reduce the load on the stomach and gives the organ the opportunity to gradually restore its functionality.

For gastritis with increased secrecy It is recommended to consume the following dietary dishes:

  • milk and vegetable soups;
  • vegetable dishes steamed or cooked in the oven;
  • porridge with milk or water;
  • boiled meat and low-fat fish;
  • vegetable, berry and fruit juices.

For gastritis with reduced secretion The diet of a pregnant woman should include the following dishes:

  • soups with meat broth;
  • lean boiled or stewed meat;
  • boiled non-fat fish;
  • dairy products;
  • milk;
  • flour dishes (except for baked goods).

For any form of gastritis, it is prohibited:

  • fried foods;
  • hot and spicy foods;
  • salty dishes (including homemade pickles);
  • smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • alcohol.

During an exacerbation of the disease, pregnant women need to eat food slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly. You should avoid sandwiches, chips, crackers and other unhealthy snacks. At the same time, expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from starving! When you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir or other fermented milk drink. For snacks, you can use fruits, cottage cheese, cheese and other products from the list allowed for gastritis.

Mineral water relieves pain and eliminates other symptoms of gastritis. If you have increased gastric secretion, you should turn your attention to Jermuk or Smirnov mineral water. In case of secretory deficiency, it is recommended to drink Essentuki No. 4 or No. 17, as well as Arzin. Mineral water not only helps relieve symptoms of the disease, but also eliminates signs of early toxicosis. If nausea and vomiting occur, pregnant women should drink mineral water daily.

Drug treatment

The classic treatment regimen for gastritis involves the use of antibacterial drugs. The goal of such therapy is to eliminate Helicobacter pylori and thereby remove the main cause of the disease. Antibiotics are not prescribed during pregnancy. Drugs used to eliminate the causative agent of the disease are prohibited for use in expectant mothers as potentially dangerous to the fetus. Specific antibacterial therapy for gastritis is carried out only after childbirth.

To reduce the secretion of gastric juice during pregnancy, they are prescribed antacids. Maalox is a good example. This remedy not only reduces the production of gastric juice, but also has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Maalox should be taken 1 hour after meals.

During pregnancy, they are actively used to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis. sorbents. These drugs eliminate excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, reduce pain and stabilize the enzymatic activity of the stomach. Sorbents are prescribed up to 6 times a day, 1 hour after meals.

Used to relieve pain at any stage of pregnancy antispasmodics. The well-known “No-spa” copes well with pain by relaxing the smooth muscles of the stomach. To eliminate nausea, Cerucal and its analogues are used. This drug will be especially relevant in the first trimester in case of severe toxicosis.

Treatment of gastritis in pregnant women is carried out under the supervision of two doctors: a gastroenterologist and a gynecologist. Hospitalization to a hospital is carried out in case of complications, as well as in case of severe toxicosis. In other situations, treatment of gastritis is possible at home.

Gastritis that occurs in the first trimester often goes away in the second half of pregnancy. In some women, symptoms of stomach damage become apparent before childbirth. If after the birth of the child the signs of gastritis do not disappear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Gastritis during pregnancy is considered quite common. Firstly, very often at this time a woman’s existing chronic diseases worsen. Of course, it would be advisable to get your health in order even at the stage of family planning. But the fact is that gastritis is still not completely curable. If it has already become chronic, then the maximum that can be done is to maintain it in remission for a long time.

But for pregnant women, exacerbations of gastritis cannot be ruled out, since the body expectant mother very vulnerable. Therefore, it is important to know what can trigger an attack, how to eliminate risk factors and how to treat this disease if it could not be prevented.

Causes of exacerbation of gastritis

During pregnancy, signs of gastritis can appear due to many reasons. At an early stage, this may be associated with toxicosis; a negative role is played by severe stress(and in this situation all emotions become much more pronounced due to hormonal imbalance). In addition, not all expectant mothers follow doctors' recommendations regarding proper nutrition; many continue to eat refined fats and fast carbohydrates. And besides, during pregnancy, immunity decreases and the body becomes more vulnerable to bacterial infection or fungal infection. But gastritis is caused precisely by special kind bacteria.

But with gastritis of the autoimmune type, symptoms appear due to the fact that over time the synthesis of pepsin with hydrochloric acid decreases in the body. In addition, this disease is associated with the development of a special type of anemia, in which the body lacks vitamin B12.

You should not discount other reasons - problems with metabolism, hypovitaminosis due to the fact that the fetus requires more and more nutrients, duodenogastric reflux, in which the contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus, and this happens not only with elevated physical activity, but also when the growing fetus puts pressure on internal organs.

Symptoms of gastritis during pregnancy

In the first trimester, symptoms of gastritis may not be noticeable. After all, toxicosis passes differently for each woman; it happens that it lasts 14–17 weeks and is accompanied by severe vomiting, and it can be triggered by a completely ordinary smell or even a change in body position after sleep. It is simply not possible to notice any discomfort or other similar symptoms of gastritis. It can only be said that toxicosis is particularly pronounced. By the way, it is often not toxicosis that provokes gastritis, but on the contrary - the disease already existed, only in remission, but it worsened due to metabolic disorders during pregnancy and took the form of morning sickness.

During this period, a serious restructuring of the body occurs. You could even say that the internal organs move a little to make room for the growing fetus. Because of this, acid enters the esophageal canal, irritates the mucous membrane and results in a vicious circle. Although this does not harm the baby, it does have a negative impact on the mother's health.

So, gastritis can be detected in the acute stage. If this is a chronic type of pathology, then its symptoms are not so pronounced. In addition, this disease manifests itself differently in each person. For example, the most common signs of gastritis are pain in the epigastric region (it occurs when there is an increase in the level of acidity of the stomach), belching, nausea and vomiting, as well as digestive disorders, which can be expressed in both regular constipation and frequent diarrhea. Sometimes pain is observed around the navel or on the right under the rib.

With gastritis, pain intensifies after fatty, spicy or sweet foods, but in some cases they can occur even at night, although it would seem that the person has not eaten anything. In general, if such sensations occur, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to rule out other possible complications. All of the above symptoms, except for pain in the epigastric region, can also be observed during a normal pregnancy.

How to treat gastritis while pregnant: proper nutrition

Pregnant women often cannot take medications at all. The doctor may prescribe some medications, provided that the benefit from them outweighs the potential harm to the fetus. So diet remains the only effective method. Moreover, folk remedies, most of which are based on the action of medicinal herbs, can be dangerous when carrying a baby.

Dietary nutrition during pregnancy is not just about refusing some foods and including their safe substitutes in the diet. You need to adhere to certain principles:

  1. Fractional meals, that is, in small portions and 5-6 times a day.
  2. Compliance with certain restrictions, which are expressed in the refusal of fried, spicy, fatty foods and spices - that is, anything that could irritate the gastric mucosa.
  3. Reducing sweets in the diet. There is no need to completely abandon them - one marshmallow or marmalade will not hurt, but chocolate will have to be eliminated completely.
  4. Including milk soups and whole grain porridges in the diet, which need to be boiled as much as possible so that the stomach can cope with them more easily.

Dietary food for gastritis

Any gastroenterologist can tell you how to eat with gastritis. Moreover, treatment tables for various pathologies of internal organs were developed a long time ago. So, for gastritis, you can use the recommendations contained in the so-called treatment table No. 1, developed by M.I. Pevzner.

The diet in this case has two goals at once - on the one hand, it is necessary that the expectant mother receives all the necessary nutrients. On the other hand, nutrition should be gentle so as not to put too much strain on the stomach. And what the acidity of the environment will be plays a role important role in choosing the right diet.

So, with increased acidity, you should try to eat less foods that could release acid. And with low acidity, on the contrary, they eat foods that simulate the production of hydrochloric acid.

Allowed products, even with elevated acidity levels, include those that do not affect the production of gastric juice. This:

  1. Bread, but only slightly dried in a toaster, or yesterday's loaf, you can eat crackers and dry biscuits without herbs and spices.
  2. You can eat meat and fish, but only dietary varieties, especially since you can prepare many different dishes from them.
  3. Dairy products include low-fat cottage cheese, cream, and various yoghurts, since expectant mothers often lack calcium. In addition, such products perform the function of antacids, that is, they remove accumulated in the body harmful substances.
  4. Vegetables, cooked and pureed. It is advisable to eat seasonal fruits. These can be: potatoes, carrots, beets, and peeled tomatoes. But white cabbage can worsen the situation with flatulence during pregnancy. It is advised to replace it with broccoli, but not to get too carried away with it.
  5. You can eat fruits, but only those that do not contain coarse fibers - bananas and pre-baked apples.

Recommended drinks include berry fruit drinks, jelly, and compotes. It is allowed to drink vegetable and fruit juices, but only freshly squeezed ones. This could be carrot or potato juice, as they also help remove harmful substances. But you will have to forget about coffee for a long time.

For gastritis with low acidity, rich soups, including meat broths, will be allowed (and even recommended). You can eat any sweet and sour fruit, drink juices, eat canned vegetables, but only in limited quantities, the less vinegar in them, the better. In addition, with low acidity, drink mineral table water, but only without gas (during pregnancy, this is done only after consultation with a doctor). It is better to avoid whole milk products and replace them with fermented milk.

Possible drug treatment

Theoretically, gastritis can still be treated with medications, but only if it is accompanied by high acidity. Then the doctor may prescribe the drug Maalox. It has an antacid effect, that is, it neutralizes hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. Take it in the form of tablets or suspension, in the dosage prescribed by the doctor, about an hour after meals.

Sometimes doctors prescribe a drug such as the adsorbent drug Attapulgite. During pregnancy and lactation, it is used with caution, but women in this position can still drink it. This drug forms a thin film on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, which performs several functions at once. On the one hand, it protects and soothes the irritated mucous membrane, on the other hand, it helps to adsorb toxins, pathogenic microflora, etc. Gradually, this film moves towards the end of the digestive canal, and then it is removed from the body - along with what it managed to pull out . Thanks to this, Attapulgite reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, helps normalize stool, and has an astringent effect.

Doctors may prescribe other medications, including those that have an antispasmodic effect. But this is usually done if there is pain.

Moreover, it is not always healthy eating, even the most balanced one, makes it possible to obtain the necessary substances. In such cases, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes. The list of specific vitamins is determined in each individual case. For example, there are forms of gastritis in which it is necessary to take individual B vitamins, as well as PP, ascorbic acid and retinol. They are mostly found in fruits and vegetables. But B vitamins are usually present only in fairly high-calorie foods, including brown bread, which expectant mothers should not eat because it causes increased flatulence. Therefore, doctors advise getting vitamins not through food, but from ready-made complexes that are sold in pharmacies, strictly following the prescribed dosage.

Physiotherapeutic methods

If gastritis is observed during pregnancy, treatment does not necessarily have to be limited to diet and taking drugs from the group of antacids. There are no less effective physiotherapeutic methods. Some people think that such treatment comes down to acupuncture only. But in reality this is not the case, and acupuncture is not the safest method during pregnancy.

This also applies to a number of other procedures. For example, electrophoresis, which is the transportation of a prescribed drug directly to the area of ​​​​the disorder. During pregnancy, this method is used with caution, since no one has conducted large enough studies that would help identify all possible consequences. However, it is believed that it is better not to use it in the presence of late toxicosis, accompanied by severe vomiting, and for situations where there is chronic kidney disease. But magnetic therapy is considered a safer option, although it also has its limitations.

Gastritis during pregnancy is a disease associated with the fact that the stomach tissues become inflamed due to the changes that pregnancy entails. Moreover, if a woman had problems with the gastrointestinal tract even before pregnancy, then gastritis will most likely appear again and will last the entire gestation period.

Of course, gastritis will worsen the well-being of a pregnant woman - it is quite possible that it will cause the formation of early toxicosis, accompanied by severe vomiting.

ICD-10 code

K29 Gastritis and duodenitis

Causes of gastritis during pregnancy

The cause of the development of chronic gastritis during pregnancy may be the following factors:

  • stress, which entails disruption of the natural biorhythm of life - for example, lack of normal night sleep and working at night, as well as various problems and conflicts in the family or at work;
  • poor nutrition - dry food, unbalanced irregular meals and snacks on the go;
  • poor quality food;
  • frequent consumption of foods that include refined oils and refined grains, as well as foods containing emulsifiers and preservatives. Animal food with antibiotics and hormones is also harmful;
  • infection of the body by the infectious bacterium Hp.

Approximately 75% of women suffering from chronic gastritis suffer from exacerbation of this disease during pregnancy. Basically, in such women, toxicosis begins early, which, moreover, can occur in a rather severe form, and even drags on for 14-17 weeks.

At the same time, we note that chronic gastritis during pregnancy does not have any negative impact on the process of gestation and development of the fetus in the abdomen. In this case, troubles will only haunt the expectant mother, who will feel unwell.


The appearance and development of the chronic form of gastritis occurs due to a combination with other factors of negative effects on the gastric mucosa. The pathogenesis of the disease in various types and forms has some features. We often see gastritis during pregnancy.

There are 2 groups of etiological causes of gastritis - exogenous and endogenous.

Exogenous causes of gastritis:

Endogenous causes of gastritis:

  • genetics;
  • autoimmune causes;
  • endogenous poisoning;
  • endocrine dysfunctions;
  • chronic infection;
  • hypoxemia;
  • metabolic problems;
  • duodenogastric reflux;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • the influence exerted on the stomach by other diseased organs.

Autoimmune atrophic gastritis in chronic form occurs as a result of the appearance of antibodies in the parietal cells of the stomach, which creates the following problems:

  • The level of pepsin production with hydrochloric acid will decrease;
  • Atrophy in the fundus of the gastric mucosa;
  • The production rate will decrease internal factor Castle, and B12-deficiency anemia will also begin to progress;
  • G cells in the antrum mucosa will begin to produce more gastrin.

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Symptoms of gastritis during pregnancy

In general, gastritis by its nature is not considered a contraindication to pregnancy and childbirth (with some extremely rare exceptions). It does not cause any harm to the baby in the mother’s belly. Although for the woman herself the process of pregnancy will be quite difficult, since she will be tormented by severe toxicosis, vomiting, and constant heartburn. These symptoms can last the entire 9 months of pregnancy, until the baby is born, which in itself is very unpleasant, although not dangerous to health.

Even if you have not observed any reminders of gastritis for a long time, mechanical movement of organs, changes in hormonal status and other reasons arising from pregnancy can cause an exacerbation of the disease. It can manifest itself in various ways, but there are no signs that would be characteristic specifically for pregnant women with gastritis.

You should be wary if in the first half of the period of bearing a child, early and severe toxicosis is observed, followed by heartburn, a dull nagging pain in the epigastric region, belching with the taste of rotten eggs, problems with stool, vomiting and nausea throughout the day. Also, a gray coating may form on the tongue, and the temperature will rise to 37-38 degrees.

Gastritis during pregnancy with increased acidity occurs with symptoms of hunger, covering the upper abdomen. With a reduced acidity level, constipation, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, and bad breath are often observed. All these symptoms intensify if you eat spicy, fatty, salty, fried, sweet foods.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will only need complaints from the patient and reading the medical history. If necessary, gastric juice can be studied for FGS and acidity levels.

First signs

With gastritis, the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, thereby disrupting its functioning - in such cases, food is poorly digested, resulting in a waste of energy and strength of the entire body. Gastritis can be acute or chronic, with increased, normal and decreased levels of stomach acidity.

Gastritis has many symptoms, but it may also not have any obvious signs. The main manifestation of this disease is pain in the solar plexus area, which can intensify after certain foods, medications, and liquids, especially if they have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. If you have gastritis, you should not eat spicy foods or drink soda - they have a bad effect on the stomach, contributing to the erosion of the mucous membrane.

Gastritis during pregnancy also has such irregular but important symptoms as vomiting, heartburn, belching, as well as bloating and gas. If you experience 2 or more of the above symptoms, plus abdominal pain, you should consult a gastroenterologist. He will identify the type of disease and prescribe the necessary treatment - diet, or using medications.

Gastritis during early pregnancy

It has long been known that gastritis during pregnancy often manifests itself from the very beginning in the form of long-term and difficult-to-tolerate toxicosis, so expectant mothers have to look for options that will calm aggravated gastritis and reduce pain and discomfort.

Any foods we eat have a direct impact on gastric function and condition. Thus, if your gastritis has worsened, you will have to strictly control your diet by removing a large number of different foods from it. Initially, foods that can have an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of your stomach are prohibited: these are hot, sour, spicy, smoked, salty, fatty, canned foods, as well as too cold or hot foods.

If your diet contains foods that can be classified into any of the above groups, you will have to exclude them from there. In addition, it is prohibited to consume foods containing a large number of carbohydrates, as well as synthetic additives.

The diet should be based on semi-liquid, natural food, which is prepared in a gentle manner - dairy products, stewed and boiled vegetables, light soups made from vegetables and cereals, omelettes, fruits, soft-boiled eggs, jelly.


Acute gastritis during pregnancy

Gastritis at its first stage has an acute form - when the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach becomes inflamed. This disease has many causes, including bacterial, mechanical, temperature or chemical irritants.

Acute gastritis most often develops in this way - first, the upper cells and glands of the gastric mucosa are damaged, becoming the beginning of the inflammatory process. He will amaze upper layer epithelium of the mucous membrane, but inflammation can go further - along the walls of the stomach, penetrating even into its muscle layers.

Many women who have a chronic form of this disease often notice that gastritis worsens during pregnancy. In most of them, it occurs against the background of early toxicosis, which is accompanied by profuse vomiting. This symptom can last 14-17 weeks, occurring in a severe and very unpleasant form.

But chronic gastritis itself is not considered a contraindication for pregnancy - it does not threaten the development of the fetus and does not affect childbirth. Although the sensations from it for the expectant mother will definitely be unpleasant. And, of course, after the birth of the child, this disease will definitely need to be cured without shelving it.

Chronic gastritis during pregnancy

It should be immediately noted that chronic gastritis during pregnancy does not have any special symptoms, because basically this disease occurs in its own way for each person. For the most part, it manifests itself in the form of pain in the epigastric region, belching, nausea with vomiting and problems with stool. It can also cause early toxicosis in severe form, causing serious discomfort.

When chronic gastritis causes a decrease in the level of acid secreted into the gastric juice, some of the disorders described above become much more noticeable. When the acidity of the stomach remains within the same limits, or even increases (this situation is typical for young people), sharp pain sensations are mainly observed in the upper abdomen, which are often repeated.

With gastritis with increased acidity, many pregnant patients note the appearance of sharp pain in the area “under the stomach.” There may also be discomfort around the navel or on the right under the rib. Often, such pain appears immediately after eating, and this is mainly fatty, spicy or sweet food. Occasionally, pain may occur that is in no way dependent on food intake - at night or even if the person has not eaten anything.

Exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy

Signs of gastritis in a pregnant woman can be observed on different dates. Its main symptoms are heartburn, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, and problems with stool.

Heartburn and nausea appear early in pregnancy due to the fact that at this time the body begins to undergo intensive hormonal changes in preparation for bearing a child. As the baby develops, the mother’s internal organs change their location - the pancreas and stomach move back. Because of this, stomach contents can enter the duodenum or esophageal canal. Alkaline acid, located in the duodenum, corrodes the gastric mucosa, which provokes the appearance of gastritis.

Chronic gastritis during pregnancy can also worsen due to a change in food preferences, because women in this position are often very picky about food, often wanting to eat exotic foods, sometimes in the most unimaginable combinations and types. Consumption of many foods rich in preservatives, as well as sweets, can aggravate a pre-existing disease during pregnancy. It should be treated immediately, without delay, as otherwise fetal intoxication may occur.

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Gastritis with high acidity during pregnancy

When eliminating gastritis with increased stomach acidity, you should know several important things that will help eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

You can take medications that help lower stomach acid levels, such as antacids. They should be taken approximately 30 minutes before meals. Medicines included in this group should not be used for more than 3 days, unless you consult a doctor.

To get rid of nausea, you should undergo a course of treatment with drugs belonging to the medicinal category of prokinetics - their effect can improve motor activity in the stomach, reducing signs of heaviness and fullness in its epigastric region.

Attacks of pain if you suffer from gastritis during pregnancy can be eliminated by taking antispasmodics - they will remove spasms in the duodenum, as well as in the smooth gastric muscles, relieving pain and eliminating discomfort. But it should be noted that such medications should not be abused - they can hide the signs of some more serious illness, the development of which, thanks to them, will go unnoticed by you.

You should also pay attention to the fact that pregnant women are prohibited from using antisecretory drugs included in the omeprazole group.

Erosive gastritis during pregnancy

Erosive gastritis is a type of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, in which erosions appear on its walls - areas in which the destruction is very noticeable. This type of disease can appear as a result of treatment with certain drugs - for example, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal substances, as well as due to frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages and the penetration of chemicals into the stomach that have a bad effect on the mucous membrane.

This gastritis mainly manifests itself in an acute form, sometimes even bleeding can occur. Although it can also be observed in a chronic form, when periods of exacerbation of the disease are followed by periods of remission. If shallow erosions occur in the stomach, they will manifest themselves in the form of pain, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, and nausea. If the erosion is deep, bleeding areas will appear in the stomach, which can later develop into a stomach ulcer.

Erosive gastritis during pregnancy requires examination of the patient in an inpatient setting, when she is under strict medical supervision. To treat the disease, it is necessary to prescribe and adhere to a fairly strict diet. An option is also possible with taking medications, when doctors decide what the risk may be for the child’s development, as well as what the benefits of the medications will be for the expectant mother’s body.

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Atrophic gastritis during pregnancy

Atrophic gastritis is one of the precursors of the development of stomach cancer. It can be identified thanks to the following signs, noticing which you should be wary:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Bloating, rumbling and heaviness in the abdomen after eating;
  • Regular belching with an odor reminiscent of rotten eggs;
  • Problems with stool - diarrhea and constipation replace each other;
  • Aching pain in the stomach that occurs at times after eating;
  • Manifestation of B12 deficiency/iron deficiency anemia;
  • The tongue has a polished sheen;
  • You sweat often, get tired quickly, have general weakness;
  • At a late stage of the disease, a decrease in body weight appears.

Basically, symptoms such as dyspepsia syndrome - nausea, loss of appetite, heaviness in the abdomen - are identified and considered the most characteristic signs of the disease; rumbling in the stomach, bloating.

Atrophic gastritis during pregnancy can occur with a probability of 60-75% - this is a fairly high figure. Note that against the background of this disease, the likelihood of early toxicosis also increases.

Since, due to her position, a pregnant woman cannot undergo certain diagnostic procedures, in order to make an adequate diagnosis, she needs to consult 3 doctors at once - a gynecologist, a therapist, and a gastroenterologist.

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Complications and consequences

If the expectant mother suffers from chronic gastritis, then we should expect that it will worsen during pregnancy, since more than 70% of them are affected by this disease.

Let us note that there is no way to start this disease, because complications in this case will not be slow to follow. But at the same time, it is also impossible to use any powerful medications, because they can negatively affect the child’s health.

Any stomach upsets should be taken very seriously, because if the disease starts or is not cured on time, it can lead to serious consequences and complications. For example, a miscarriage may occur, or death. If you start gastritis during pregnancy, it can develop into a stomach ulcer, which in turn can develop to a severe stage, at which symptoms such as painful shock are possible.

But still, you should not be afraid in advance, since painful sensations can be caused by completely harmless reasons. Although consultation with a specialist is necessary in any case.

It should be noted that the severity of pain is not an indicator of the severity of the disease, because each person has his own pain threshold. And there are diseases that can develop without any visible symptoms at all.

Diagnosis of gastritis during pregnancy

Various shapes diseases have some characteristic features that make it possible to determine the clinical picture of the disease. For example, if the secretory activity of the gastric mucosa is increased, the first symptom will be pain that appears in the upper abdomen, as well as under the right rib or around the navel. Discomfort intensifies after eating spicy or fatty (in general, any food that is difficult for the stomach) food, but can also occur at night or even on an empty stomach. This form of the disease mainly manifests itself in young women and must be treated by suppressing secretory activity in the gastric mucosa.

If gastritis during pregnancy takes the form when the acidity in the stomach is reduced, its symptoms become signs of dyspepsia. In this case, the pain is felt quite moderately, intensifying due to the intake large quantity food - the gastric walls stretch. With such gastritis, it is necessary to take drugs that can improve the secretory activity of the glands.

Mainly due to chronic gastritis, pregnant women suffer from toxicosis, which occurs in a rather severe form. In addition, such toxicosis lasts quite a long time - about 14-17 weeks, and standard treatment does not improve the situation.


A blood test is carried out first - a biochemical study will help determine the level of gastrin concentration in the body. There are procedures that can detect the presence of antibodies in parietal cells, as well as the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. A peripheral blood test will also help diagnose the presence of symptoms of B12 deficiency anemia, which often accompanies gastritis.

To clarify the diagnosis, they study how the disease developed, and they can also perform an endoscopic examination of the stomach. A special machine takes a sample of stomach acid to determine its level. Thanks to the analysis, you can find out the type of disease and determine what treatment is needed. It is difficult for a pregnant woman to undergo an endoscopic procedure, but if preliminary treatment fails to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to perform it.

Also, if there is a suspicion of gastritis during pregnancy, in addition to blood, you need to have your feces tested for occult blood and urine. Stool is collected to determine if the patient has any unnoticed internal bleeding. This research method is often used in cases where, in addition to signs of gastritis, a pregnant woman experiences the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Instrumental diagnostics

To diagnose chronic gastritis, the following procedures are performed:

  • checking the functioning of secretory-motor gastric functions;
  • fibroendoscopic diagnosis is very valuable and productive, but it is quite burdensome for a pregnant woman, so it should be used only if other methods are ineffective or there are special indications. If the gastritis is minor, gastroscopy will demonstrate the existing moderate swelling, coupled with irritation and inflammation on the damaged mucous membrane. In addition, the technique makes it possible to see focal hyperemia and an increased level of mucus formation. Chronic gastritis during pregnancy, in which there is an increased level of acidity, is often accompanied by erosive disorders on the mucous membrane;
  • The procedure for X-ray diagnostics of gastritis in a pregnant patient should not be performed, because this method is not very informative, and X-ray radiation will have a negative effect on the child;
  • The ultrasound method, performed on an empty stomach, will reveal the presence of hypersecretion and excess mucus in the stomach, assess the thickness and condition of all its walls and local inflammation that will appear under the device’s sensor.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis for the main types of gastritis is carried out if there are functional problems in the functioning of the gastric secretory function (stomach irritation, functional achylia). Such observations take into account the fact that in a chronic disease the symptoms are more pronounced and persistent, and how the picture of mucosal inflammation changed during the biopsy and gastrofibroscopy procedures.

Gastritis during pregnancy, which maintains or has an increased level of acidity, as well as antral gastritis, in which pain is observed, must be differentiated from an ulcer. Gastritis does not have seasonal exacerbations and does not eat away the gastric mucosa - it is not as dangerous as an ulcer, but if left untreated it can develop into one, so it cannot be neglected. Gastric polyposis should be differentiated from polyposis gastritis - here you need to focus on a targeted biopsy after this examination.

To perform a differential diagnosis of large hypertrophic gastritis, which is accompanied by a gastric tumor, as well as antral gastritis, the indications of a targeted biopsy and gastrofibroscopic examination are used.

Treatment of gastritis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is quite difficult to treat gastritis, since many medications are prohibited for use, but it should be noted that gastritis affects the very course of pregnancy and the development of the child. negative influence does not provide.

To cure gastritis during pregnancy, you should start by selecting a suitable diet, as well as stabilizing your diet. When the disease is too severe, bed rest may be prescribed, as well as split meals - the number of meals per day is divided into 5-6 times. Breakfast and a full dinner should also be included. At the very beginning of treatment (the first days), you should eat only semi-liquid food - this is necessary in order not to overload the stomach.

You should start the diet with thin soups with milk, as well as cottage cheese and dairy products. Then you can expand the diet to include quail or chicken eggs, which are steamed or soft-boiled. You can also start eating fresh fruit and vegetable products.

Chronic gastritis is treated individually, using differentiated and complex methods. If the disease worsens, the Pevzner diet No. 1, semi-bed rest and separate (5-6 times/day) meals are prescribed.

When a pregnant woman has gastritis with increased acidity, if there is no swelling in the first half of pregnancy, she may be prescribed mineral waters. This could be Jermuk and Smirnovskaya, which should be drunk one and a half to two hours after meals three times a day, 150–300 ml. This water reduces the time it takes for the mucous membrane to be corroded by gastric juice, helping to eliminate the inflammatory process. If chronic gastritis with reduced acidity is present, mineral waters such as Essentuki numbers 4 and 17, Mirgorodskaya, or Arzni are prescribed.


Chronic gastritis during pregnancy with increased acidity is mainly treated in the same way as peptic ulcers are eliminated.

If gastritis B has worsened in a pronounced form, the doctor may prescribe gastrofarm tablets (take 2 tablets three times a day, half an hour before meals), as it prevents inflammatory processes.

The drug Maalox, which has an analgesic effect and also has cytoprotective and anacid properties, can also be used. It should be taken either as a suspension or as tablets an hour after eating.

The adsorbent drug Attapulgite helps restore the physiological balance in the stomach, preventing the rapid formation of acid. The medicine should be taken 3-5 times daily (1 powder 1-2 hours after meals; if necessary, you can take it at night).

If gastritis A is observed, the signs become disturbances in intestinal digestion, as well as in the exocrine function of the pancreas. To get rid of these symptoms, prescribe 0.5–1 g of pancreatin before meals 3–4 times a day.

If problems with gastric motor function occur, metoclopramide is used. When pain occurs, antispasmodics may be prescribed.


Chronic gastritis during pregnancy, against the background of which the supply of vitamins to the body deteriorates, can lead to quite serious complications of this disease. In some forms of gastritis, you should additionally take vitamins of groups A, B6, C, B12, PP.

These vitamins are found in fruits, berries and vegetables - they contain folic and ascorbic acid, as well as carotene, which help restore the health and energy of the body. Nicotinic acid and vitamins A and B can be found in high-calorie foods - dairy foods, all kinds of cereals, brown bread, sunflower and butter, as well as milk. But the vitamins that enter the body from food do not always fully satisfy its daily needs, so sometimes doctors can prescribe for a patient suffering from gastritis to take fortified food, the packaging of which indicates what vitamins it contains, or some multivitamin preparations.

To stabilize the level of acidity in the gastric mucosa, you should additionally take vitamins from categories C, PP and B6 - they are often prescribed to patients suffering from chronic gastritis.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Gastritis during pregnancy can be treated with physiotherapeutic methods, but such procedures can be carried out subject to 2 main conditions - to help the patient and not harm the child in her belly. Mostly in this position, procedures such as electrophoresis, acupuncture, and electrorelaxation are used.

Thanks to the physiotherapeutic method of treatment, the clinical signs of gastritis become less. It also stabilizes gastric motor function, helping to improve blood circulation, and increases mucosal secretion. So, there are the following physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Electrophoresis, in which the medicine is injected locally through current into the area of ​​the disorder;
  • Applying warming substances to the stomach, heating pads;
  • Electrotherapy – anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxing, analgesic effect of current is used;
  • Magnetic therapy – magnets are used for treatment, which help improve blood flow, relieve pain, and accelerate healing of the affected areas of the stomach.

If a pregnant woman experiences early toxicosis with vomiting and nausea, physiotherapy can be used to influence the vomiting center in the brain to reduce debilitating symptoms.

Traditional treatment

There are several traditional methods treatment of gastritis.

Using lettuce - a tablespoon of crushed lettuce leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 1-2 hours, after which the tincture should be strained. The resulting decoction is drunk twice a day, half a glass, and 1 glass at night.

A herbal mixture that combines several components. This is 3 tbsp. brittle buckthorn bark and 1 tbsp. yarrow and trifoli leaves. A tablespoon of this mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, then left for about 30-40 minutes. You need to drink half a glass or a glass of tincture at night. This remedy helps stabilize the intestines.

Thyme is also suitable for treatment. Take 100 g of dry grass, which needs to be poured with 1 liter of dry white wine. The resulting mixture should be left for 1 week, shaking it from time to time. After this, the tincture should be boiled and left wrapped for another 4-6 hours. Then it is filtered and drunk daily 2-3 times before meals in a dosage of 30-50 ml.

For a month, you can eat about 8 grams of propolis every day on an empty stomach. If you are allergic to the medicine, you should stop taking it.

Gastritis during pregnancy is relieved by sea buckthorn - 3 tbsp. pour 500 ml of water, boil under the lid, filter and add honey (to taste). The tincture should be drunk daily before meals, 2-3 glasses.

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Herbal treatment

Often, when gastritis worsens during pregnancy, many people prefer to cope with this disease using natural remedies. In such cases, tinctures and herbs that help reduce pain and also resist the inflammatory process can have a good effect.

For the treatment of gastritis, which is characterized by high acidity, herbs such as St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, trefoil, mint leaves, celandine, as well as flax and oat seeds, and bird's knot herb are used.

If the patient has developed gastritis with a reduced acidity level, wormwood flowers, caraway seeds, thyme herb, aromatic oregano, parsley, parsnips, and plantain leaves will be good medicine.

But keep in mind that these herbs should only be purchased at a pharmacy and brewed in accordance with the instructions. Also, you should not use too many of these tinctures, because some of them can have a negative effect on the course of complex treatment.

Herbs that have a sedative effect, such as motherwort and valerian, also help improve the condition of gastritis. But we must remember that a pregnant woman may have a completely different reaction to any treatment, because her body is in an unusual position. So even herbal medicines should not be taken without consulting a specialist.


In case of exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy, homeopathy is often used for treatment.

Homeopathic medicine Gastrikumel, which has a sedative, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antispastic effect. It is prescribed for the treatment of chronic and acute gastritis. You need to consume 1 tablet. under the tongue three times a day. No side effects were found. Can be used if your gastritis worsens during pregnancy.

Antiemetic homeopathic medicine Spascuprel, which gives analgesic, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, sedative effect. It is used for gastroduodenitis and gastritis to eliminate vomiting. It has no contraindications or side effects. The medication is taken three times a day, 1 tablet. under the tongue.

Homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica Homaccord, which counteracts inflammatory reactions and soothes spasms resulting from inflammation. Suitable if the patient has problems with the digestive tract due to complications resulting from drug therapy. The drug has no side effects or contraindications. Take three times a day in a dosage of 10 drops.

Surgical treatment

Chronic gastritis during pregnancy in the absence of adequate treatment can develop into a peptic ulcer. An ulcer can lead to various complications, including possible bleeding in the stomach and intestines. This is very dangerous for the child’s life - a miscarriage may occur. If severe bleeding is observed in the stomach during pregnancy, urgent surgery is necessary.

If the outcome is unfavorable, the ulcer can lead to the development of stomach cancer, although this disease is rarely seen in pregnant women. It is noted that the first signs of stomach cancer begin to appear at the 15th–16th week of pregnancy. Pain occurs in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting begins, and there is a lack of appetite. Melena can also be observed, although the manifestations are blurred. The diagnosis can be made based on the results of biopsy and fibrogastroscopy. In this case, only surgery is needed; conservative treatment will not give any results. But it should also be understood that in most cases the prognosis for both mother and child will be unfavorable.

Gastritis itself can be treated with diets, medications, various herbs and tinctures - surgical intervention is not required to eliminate it.

Diet for gastritis during pregnancy

Pregnant women who suffer from gastritis must follow a diet, the basic rules of which include:

  • Products must be thoroughly chewed or pre-chopped or ground, turning into puree;
  • Do not eat food that is too hot or too cold;
  • Meals should be taken 4-6 times a day, but the portions should be small.

If gastritis has worsened during pregnancy, you should initially consume only liquid soups made with milk from barley, rice, and oats. Small portions consumed frequently throughout the day help balance the functioning of the digestive system.

Another important task is to stabilize the chair. If you have diarrhea, drink blueberry, pear, pomegranate, blackcurrant, and dogwood juices; if you suffer from constipation, juices from apricots, carrots or beets, fresh kefir or yogurt, as well as grated vegetables are suitable for you.

As a preventive measure, you should use diets and follow a regime of both work and rest. The main method is still diet. With it, the daily diet is divided into 5-6 meals - in small portions. It is important to chew foods thoroughly, without rushing and without swallowing large pieces. If you do not comply with the last condition, you can get indigestion.

Extractive substances, as well as foods that can irritate the stomach, need to be removed from the diet. Among such products are canned food, hot herbs and spices, fatty broths, smoked meat, and strong black tea.

If you have gastritis during pregnancy, overeating is not recommended. The psychological state of the pregnant woman should also be taken into account - she should try to avoid stress, not get upset over little things, and monitor her daily routine.

It is also important to keep your teeth in good condition, as caries can cause an infection in the stomach.

You can expect a negative prognosis and even a risk to life if autoimmune gastritis develops - this is determined by observing how pernicious anemia progresses and dysplasia develops. In this case, the patient will have to be under active surveillance throughout her life, during which endoscopic and morphological examinations will be used.

Autoimmune trophic gastritis can cause gastric adenocarcinoma. Basically, carcinoids formed during the course of the disease are small in size.

Chronic gastritis can worsen during pregnancy. And although the disease does not pose an immediate threat to the baby, it makes life very difficult for the expectant mother. Inflammation of the mucous membrane during gastritis disrupts the normal digestion process, which negatively affects overall well-being and performance. At the first signs of the disease, you need to contact a specialist and begin treatment.

Chronic gastritis has no specific symptoms. It often makes itself felt by pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, belching and upset bowel movements.

1. Gastritis with increased secretion (this form is more common in young people) causes pain in the upper abdomen. Symptoms of gastritis appear after eating, can begin after eating a certain type of food, and are sometimes felt at night or on an empty stomach. The pain can vary in intensity. For severe cramps, the doctor prescribes painkillers.

2. If acidity is reduced, then this is most often expressed by other signs: nausea, vomiting, belching, or flatulence and bowel dysfunction.

Causes of exacerbation

The following reasons can provoke exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy:

1. changes in hormonal levels, which affect the composition of gastric juice;

2. taking certain medications;

3. nervous experiences of the expectant mother during pregnancy;

4. toxicosis in the first trimester. Nausea and severe vomiting in the early stages often force one to completely give up food; the woman begins to eat irregularly, which provokes an exacerbation. In other cases, the cause of gastritis in the early stages of pregnancy may be the abuse of sour and salty foods, with the help of which the expectant mother tries to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

If gastritis suddenly worsens during pregnancy, the woman must be provided with bed rest. It is important not only to take the prescribed medications, but also to strictly follow the therapeutic diet.

With strong pain syndrome you can make oatmeal jelly, which soothes stomach pain and satisfies well. According to reviews from expectant mothers who are faced with this problem, oatmeal jelly helps in cases of exacerbation better than any other medicine.

For preparation, use regular rolled oats, instant oatmeal that do not require cooking are not suitable. Grind 200 g of flakes in a coffee grinder and pour into 8 glasses warm water. Stir and leave overnight to swell. In the morning, strain the swollen rolled oats through a gauze cloth, squeeze, drain the liquid into a clean container and cook until thickened. You can add honey to the finished jelly, pour it into the mold and cool. The result is jelly, which is cut into slices and eaten with milk.

Diet for gastritis

During pregnancy, it is important to provide a nutritious and varied diet. The basis for treating gastritis and preventing exacerbations is a special diet based on the following principles:

  • You need to eat at least 5 times a day in small portions.
  • Every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid, reduce salt intake to 7 g per day.
  • It is important to ensure comprehensive sparing of the stomach, so all food during the diet is boiled, poached (cooking vegetables in a small amount of water at a low temperature), steamed and occasionally baked without a crust.
  • All drinks and food are consumed warm.
  • Monitor bowel regularity. Your daily diet must include vegetables and fruits.

What is allowed to eat with gastritis during pregnancy:

1. Bread and pastries. White dried bread, biscuits, dry cookies, and occasionally you can indulge in a savory pie with filling: apple, egg, cottage cheese.

2. Soups. Slimy soups made from oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwheat with milk or vegetable broth (except white cabbage). Vegetable puree soups with vermicelli.

3. Meat. Homemade quenelles, meatballs, steamed cutlets made from lean meat (veal, chicken, turkey). Sometimes you can include beef stroganoff and lean pork in your diet.

4. Fish. From low-fat river fish make steamed cutlets or fillets. Occasionally allow themselves soaked low-fat herring.

5. Milk. You can drink several glasses a day. If milk is poorly digested, it is not consumed in its pure form, but porridge, jelly, milk soups are prepared with it, and added to tea. You should include cottage cheese in your diet, both in its pure form and in the form of cheesecakes, puddings and casseroles.

6. Cereals. Any, except millet and pearl barley. It is recommended to eat oatmeal and buckwheat more often: they help normalize digestion and cope with constipation.

7. Soft-boiled eggs or steamed omelet.

8. Vegetables. Boiled: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beets. Sometimes green peas, green beans, young zucchini, pumpkin, non-acidic red tomatoes, and lettuce are allowed.

9. Oil. Add a piece of butter or a little vegetable oil to dishes.

10. Fruits. Baked or fresh grated non-acidic apples and pears.

11. Drinks. Mineral alkaline water without carbon, weak coffee, tea with milk, jelly, juice diluted half with water.

12. Sweets. Sometimes you can allow yourself a little something tasty: eat marmalade, jelly, marshmallows, marshmallows, creamy caramel. If there is no allergy, honey is allowed.

Products to avoid

Pregnant women with gastritis are prohibited from eating this food:

1. grain, rye bread, as well as coarse bread;

2. fermented milk products with high acidity;

4. hard-boiled eggs;

5. legumes;

6. pickled and salted vegetables;

7. garlic, onions, radishes, all types of cabbage (except cauliflower), sorrel, spinach and bell pepper;

8. hot seasonings and spices;

9. mayonnaise and ketchup are excluded;

10. citrus fruits, sour berries (gooseberries, currants), sour varieties of apples.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you are very concerned about pain and other symptoms of gastritis, you can try to start treatment with simple but effective traditional methods of treatment, after consulting with your doctor.

1. Herbal decoctions.

Herbal treatment is safe during pregnancy, unlike many pharmacological drugs.

For gastritis with high acidity, they relieve pain well and have an anti-inflammatory effect: mint, chamomile, yarrow, cinquefoil. To gently stimulate the stomach with low acidity, make herbal infusions with fennel, cumin, mint, oregano, and thyme.

Herbal medicine recipe: 2-3 tbsp. l of the collection is brewed in 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour in a warm place, filter. You can use ready-made pharmaceutical preparations packaged in filter bags, like regular tea. Drink half a glass of warm broth after meals.

It is worth remembering that some herbs are strictly contraindicated in the treatment of gastritis - calamus, plantain, thyme, and sage should not be used in the early stages of pregnancy.

2. Flaxseed.

An effective natural remedy for treating chronic gastritis is flaxseed. This remedy for a sick stomach has been used for a long time. When the seeds are brewed, a special mucus is formed, it envelops the walls and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Flax seed can be used by pregnant women for any type of gastritis.

There are several recipes, all of them are effective and easy to prepare.

  • 5 g seeds pour 1 tbsp. water, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Leave for 2 hours. Take 1 tbsp decoction. l before every meal.
  • In the evening, pour 10 g of seeds into 1 liter of boiling water, wrap and leave to infuse overnight. The next day, drink a decoction of 100 g 20 minutes before meals.

Flax seed is contraindicated for cholelithiasis, hepatitis and pancreatitis. Before you start taking it, you need to make sure there are no stones in the liver or kidneys.

3. The healing effect of honey.

If you are not allergic, you can try this recipe for treating gastritis during pregnancy. Dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of warm water. l honey. If you have high acidity, drink half an hour before meals; if you have low acidity, drink it an hour before meals. Treatment should continue for 1-2 months, depending on how the body reacts to the medicine. Honey helps with gastritis with its calming effect. Often women during pregnancy complain of insomnia. A spoon of honey before bed will help you relax and fall asleep.

4. What are the benefits of apples?

Regular consumption of apples helps to cope not only with diseases of the digestive system, but also with skin diseases and low blood pressure during pregnancy. The highest content of nutrients is in green apples.

Every day on an empty stomach, 2-3 hours before meals, eat 2 finely grated apples. It is important to maintain a period of time between apples and eating other foods. Otherwise, increased gas formation may occur. It is best to take the medicine before breakfast. Treatment of gastritis during pregnancy should be continued for at least a month. Then reduce the dose and eat apples in the morning every other day.


A woman's diagnosis of chronic gastritis does not mean that she cannot become a mother. However, it should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy: consult with a specialist, and, if necessary, undergo a full examination and treatment with prescribed medications. During pregnancy, strictly follow your doctor's recommendations and adhere to your diet.

So that the wonderful period of pregnancy is not overshadowed by old sores, it is important to properly organize the daily routine: eat at least 5 times a day in a calm environment, chewing food thoroughly and not get carried away with foods prohibited by the diet that provoke stomach irritation: meat broths, pickles and smoked meats, hot spices, canned food, coffee, tea, soda. Walk more in the fresh air, move, avoid stress. And, of course, exclude smoking and alcohol. And when the first signs of exacerbation appear, be sure to consult a specialist.

Chronic gastritis is a disease caused by inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa and impaired production of hydrochloric acid. Along with unpleasant and painful sensations, gastric and intestinal disorders caused by food intake or nervous stress, patients often experience irritability, increased blood pressure, general weakness, and decreased blood pressure. According to the results of numerous mass surveys, chronic gastritis affects more than 50% of the adult population developed countries peace; in the structure of diseases of the digestive system it makes up 35%.

The main forms of gastritis at present are chronic gastritis A (accounting for 15-18% of cases of the disease) and chronic gastritis B, caused by a special microbe - Helicobacter pylori (70% of all chronic gastritis). Other forms of gastritis are much less common.

Symptoms of chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis has no specific symptoms, clinical picture diseases are very diverse. In most cases, signs of the disease are pain in the epigastric region and dyspepsia - nausea, vomiting, belching, upset stool. In chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency (low levels of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice), gastric dyspepsia (belching, nausea, vomiting) and intestinal dyspepsia (flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, stool disturbances) are more often observed. With gastritis with preserved or increased secretion of gastric juice (forms most common in young people), pain predominates. Most often, recurring pain occurs in the upper abdomen. Mostly, patients complain of pain in the epigastric region, around the navel or in the right hypochondrium. Pain occurs after eating, is often associated with a certain type of food, less often appears on an empty stomach, at night, or regardless of food. The pain can be moderate, sometimes severe. With increased production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach, the pain is usually severe; with decreased production, the pain is mild. The pain becomes stronger when the walls of the stomach are stretched by rich food.

Chronic gastritis A initially occurs with normal gastric secretion (secretion of gastric juice), and at this stage patients do not complain and treatment is not required. The need for treatment arises when the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa deepens and, as a result, the secretion of gastric juice is reduced.

With the development of chronic gastritis B, the secretion of gastric juice in the lower parts of the stomach is increased or normal, but with widespread chronic gastritis B, the secretory function of the stomach decreases sharply until it becomes severely insufficient.

IN last years Infections play an important role in the development of chronic gastritis type B and gastric ulcer (formation of ulcers in the stomach). Special microorganisms (called Helicobacter pylori) are found only in the stomach, and they are not found in the esophagus, duodenum and rectum. A high frequency (100%) of their detection during exacerbation of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer has been established. These microbes secrete substances that, under certain conditions, can cause damage to the gastric mucosa, disrupting the production of digestive juices.

Causes of gastritis

Predisposing factors for chronic gastritis are:

  • stress leading to disruption of the natural biologically determined rhythm of life (work at night, lack of a full night's sleep), troubles at work, in the family, etc.;
  • nutritional conditions (irregular, unbalanced meals “on the go”, “snacks”, food “dry”);
  • intake of poor quality food, strong alcoholic drinks in large quantities or their surrogates;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of foods that contain refined grains, refined oils, the presence of preservatives, emulsifiers in foods, and hormones and antibiotics in animal foods;
  • infection with bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

In 75% of women suffering from chronic gastritis, the disease worsens during pregnancy. As a rule, women suffering from chronic gastritis develop early vomiting of pregnancy, and it often lasts up to 14-17 weeks and can be severe.

Chronic gastritis is not a contraindication for pregnancy. Despite the fact that during the period of exacerbation of the disease the woman experiences discomfort and a significant deterioration in well-being, exacerbations of chronic gastritis do not directly affect the course of pregnancy and the fetus.

Diagnosis of gastritis in pregnant women

To clarify the diagnosis of chronic gastritis, in addition to studying the patient’s complaints and the history of the development of the disease, examination of gastric juice and endoscopic examination are important.

Gastric intubation (sampling of gastric juice), as well as measuring the acidity of gastric juice using a special device that is lowered into the stomach (pH-metry), acceptable during pregnancy, allows you to find out the level of acidity of gastric juice, which helps determine the nature of gastritis (increased or decreased acidity), prescribe the correct treatment. The diagnostic value of the endoscopic method (insertion of a special optical apparatus into the stomach, with which you can examine the walls of the stomach) is undoubted; in particular, it can be used to determine the presence of erosions (tears) in the gastric mucosa, but since the technique is quite burdensome for a pregnant woman, it used for diagnosis for special indications when treatment is ineffective.

Treatment of chronic gastritis

When the disease worsens, the woman is prescribed bed rest. A diet is also necessary. For gastritis, split meals are recommended (5-6 times a day). The food is first prepared in a semi-liquid form, without frying, with limited table salt and carbohydrates (sugar, jam, confectionery), and broths that have a juice-like effect. During a diet for gastritis, milk, mucous or milk soups from cereals, soft-boiled eggs, meat or fish balls, dumplings, butter, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetable stew, fresh fruits and vegetables are recommended. As the condition improves, the diet is expanded to include boiled fish and meat, boiled potatoes, pasta, lean ham, doctor's sausage, any cereals, non-acidic sour cream, and cheese. Even after switching to a normal diet, patients are advised to exclude smoked foods, spicy seasonings, and fried foods from the diet, which, however, should be avoided by all pregnant women.

For pregnant women with normal or increased acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended (in the absence of ) the use of mineral waters: “Borjomi”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Jermuk” 150-300 ml 3 times a day 1.5-2 hours after administration food, since this reduces the time of action of hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa. For chronic gastritis with low acidity, use water such as “Mirgorodskaya”, “Essentuki” No. 4, 17 or “Arzni” (remember, acidity is determined using probing and pH-metry).

Drug treatment of chronic gastritis during pregnancy has its own characteristics. Elimination of Helicobacter pylori infection during pregnancy is not carried out, since the use of drugs used for this purpose is undesirable: De-Nol And Tetracycline, Oxacillin And Furazolidone(used instead Tetracycline) without De-Nola ineffective. In case of severe exacerbation of chronic gastritis B, anti-inflammatory action can be used Gastrofarma(2 tablets 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals). Maalox, which has an antacid (reduces the acidity of gastric juice) and analgesic effect, is prescribed in tablets or suspension 1 hour after meals. Gelusillac has an adsorbing effect on hydrochloric acid and prevents its excessive formation; it is prescribed 3-5 times a day, one powder 1-2 hours after meals and, if necessary, at night. Antispasmodic drugs ( Papaverine Hydrochloride, No-Shpa) eliminate pain. Cerucal(synonyms: Metoclopramide, Reelan) regulates the motor function of the stomach, eliminates nausea and vomiting.

For the treatment of chronic gastritis with normal or increased gastric secretion, infusions are also used medicinal plants, having anti-inflammatory, analgesic, enveloping effects: chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, flax seed, oats, yarrow, cinquefoil, knotweed, calamus rhizome, celandine, sedatives (valerian root, motherwort herb). The infusion is prepared as follows: 2-3 tablespoons of herbal collection are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, left in a warm place for 30 minutes, then filtered. You can add honey to taste. Drink the infusion warm, 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day after meals.

In cases of severe secretory insufficiency (low levels of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice), special attention is paid to replacement therapy - replenishing the deficiency of hydrochloric acid and the digestive enzyme pepsin. For this purpose, take gastric juice (1 tablespoon per 1/2 glass of water), Acidin-Pepsin, Pepsidil, Abomin, Panzinorm in doses prescribed by the doctor. Multivitamin complexes stimulate gastric secretion, which are useful for a pregnant woman from other points of view, as well as Riboxin(0.02 g 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks) and sea ​​buckthorn oil(1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals for 3-4 weeks). Oxygen treatment—hyperbaric oxygenation—serves the same purpose. Maalox can also be used for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, in this case it is better to administer it in the form of a suspension (1 tablespoon or 1 sachet of suspension 1 hour after meals). For patients with gastritis with reduced secretory function, medicinal herbs are also recommended that suppress the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa and stimulate its secretory function: plantain leaves, wormwood, thyme, fennel, cumin, oregano, parsnip, parsley, mint, St. John's wort, trifolia, yarrow etc. Infusions are prepared from these herbs in the same way as mentioned above.

In patients with chronic gastritis A, the activity of the pancreas and intestinal digestion are often disrupted. To correct these disorders, medications prescribed by a doctor are useful. Pancreatin 0.5-1 g before meals 3-4 times a day, Festal 1-2 tablets with meals. Previously used Enteroseptol, Meksaza, Meksaform are currently not recommended, because they can cause serious side effects: peripheral neuritis, impaired liver and kidney function, allergic reactions. As with chronic gastritis B, disturbances in the motor function of the stomach are corrected Cerucal, and for pain, antispasmodics are prescribed: Papaverine, No-Shpa.

For erosions of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, drugs such as Almagel, Phosphalugel 1-2 dosed spoons 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. Their use is due to the fact that the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum arise as a result of the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid and pepsin on the mucous membrane when its protective mechanisms are weakened. These drugs coat the gastric mucosa, protecting it. When using these drugs, pain usually goes away on the 3-4th day.

It is important to note that chronic gastritis does not affect the timing and methods of delivery, as well as fetal development.

Measures to prevent chronic gastritis primarily include diet. You should eat food in small portions, 4-5 times a day, chewing well. You should not overeat. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that cause irritation of the gastric mucosa: strong broths, smoked foods, canned foods, seasonings, spices, strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks. If possible, it is necessary to exclude the influence of factors, stop smoking, and do not abuse alcohol.

May Shekhtman
Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

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