Gastritis with low acidity during pregnancy. Pregnancy and chronic gastritis. Diagnosis of gastritis in pregnant women

According to medical statistics, gastritis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases. Both adults and children are susceptible to it. Pregnant women experience particular discomfort from the manifestation of this disease. That is why treatment of gastritis during pregnancy is a priority. It should not only be effective, but also not harm the unborn child in any way. Mothers need to have accurate and complete information about this question.

Causes of gastritis during pregnancy

What causes gastritis during pregnancy? Three quarters of cases are just an exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory process that was in the woman’s stomach before her situation. There are two types of gastritis:

  • Caused by atrophic processes in the wall of the stomach associated with autoimmune lesions of cellular systems.
  • Infectious, bacterial, caused by infection.

An expectant mother can become infected with infectious gastritis during pregnancy or be a carrier of the infection even earlier. In this case, she may not know about it, since the disease may be sluggish or completely asymptomatic. A hormonal surge causes activation of pathogenic bacteria and leads to an exacerbation of the disease. Treatment of a pregnant woman must be approached thoughtfully, because most drugs indicated for gastritis are contraindicated during pregnancy.

The following reasons cause exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy:

  • Incorrect, unbalanced, irregular nutrition. Overeating or anorexia.
  • Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates.
  • Consumption of products containing dyes, preservatives, stabilizers and flavors.
  • It is contraindicated for a pregnant woman to be nervous. Stress leads to exacerbation of the disease.

Diagnosis of gastritis during pregnancy

Competent, timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. An important step diagnosis is taking an anamnesis. The patient may be bothered by a number of clinical signs of the disease. Typically, the symptoms of gastritis during pregnancy are as follows:

  • heartburn
  • feeling of hunger when the stomach is full, along with rumbling in the stomach
  • belching
  • vomit
  • flatulence
  • bowel disorders
  • nausea
  • pain in the stomach area

The secretory activity of the stomach affects the form of gastritis and its manifestation in the patient. Accordingly, the treatment will be different. Increased secretory activity is often expressed in pain in the upper abdomen, right hypochondrium or in the navel area. Discomfort increases after eating heavy, fatty or spicy foods, as well as on an empty stomach or at night. With this form of gastritis, drugs are prescribed that suppress the secretory activity of the stomach.

If the acidity is low, gastritis manifests itself as moderate pain, which intensifies with large meals. Treatment of this form of the disease is aimed at increasing and normalizing the secretory activity of the stomach.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis in pregnant women causes severe toxicosis in early stages carrying a child. The clinical picture of the disease develops over 13-16 weeks and causes significant concern for the mother, but does not affect the development of the fetus.

For appointment proper treatment The disease requires a thorough laboratory diagnosis using instrumental methods. Usually prescribed:

  • Blood chemistry. It allows you to detect the gastrin content in the body, the presence of antibodies to bacteria that cause the disease and to parietal cells. The presence of B12-deficiency anemia, which is often a companion to gastritis, is also detected.
  • Intragastric pH-metry and fractional probing help determine the form of gastritis by measuring acidity.
  • Biopsy of gastric tissues altered by lesions, identification characteristic features atrophic processes in the gastric mucosa is achieved using esophagogastroduodenoscopy. However, this technique is quite painful and unpleasant, so it is done on a pregnant woman only if there are serious indications.
  • The most convenient test for diagnosing the presence of a bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract is respiratory. It is also called the Helicobacter test (bacteria that causes gastritis) or the HELIK test.

Treatment of gastritis during pregnancy

We looked at what manifestations of gastritis occur in pregnant women and how to make a more specific diagnosis for correct setting diagnosis and treatment prescription. Next, we’ll look at how to treat gastritis during pregnancy.

Proper nutrition for gastritis

Normalization of nutrition, balance and selection of an appropriate diet is a priority in the treatment of such an unpleasant disease as gastritis. In severe forms of the disease, the pregnant woman is prescribed bed rest and meals in small portions 5-6 times a day. Food should be light, semi-liquid, especially on early stages treatment. Overloading the stomach is unacceptable. The most important points Meals include breakfast and dinner.

The diet usually starts with dairy foods: slimy soups, cottage cheese. After some time, boiled or steamed eggs are included in the diet, fresh vegetables, fruits, vegetable stew. Gradually, as you recover, the pregnant woman’s diet is introduced meat dishes, cheese, sour cream, porridge, potatoes. Fried foods are completely excluded.

At the slightest sign of abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant women should avoid:

  • Drinking coffee
  • Fried foods
  • Excessively fatty, salty and spicy foods
  • Smoked meats
  • Rich meat and fish broths
  • Confectionery
  • Coffee

All restrictions are very conditional and are selected individually, taking into account the secretory activity of the stomach. For example, representatives of the fair sex suffering from atrophic gastritis are prescribed juice broths that increase acidity.

Treatment with mineral waters

Treatment for exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy may be accompanied by prescription mineral waters. If a decrease in secretory activity is detected, it is recommended to drink “Essentuki” No. 17 and No. 4, “Arzni”, “Mirgorodskaya”. For high acidity, Borjomi, Jermuk, Smirnovskaya and Slavyanovskaya are recommended.

Mineral waters in medicinal purposes Take after meals, after 1-1.5 hours. The patient’s condition is the best indicator of the dynamics of recovery. If gastritis worsens when drinking water, then treatment with mineral water is stopped for a while.

Drug therapy for gastritis

Gastritis during pregnancy is also treated using medications, but traditional methods of drug therapy are inappropriate here. Drugs that attack bacterial infections can cause irreparable harm to the developing fetus. Therefore, basically all treatment is aimed at normalizing the secretory activity of the stomach. But here, too, the use of traditional drugs is very limited. For gastritis with high acidity, the following is prescribed:

  • antacids - when they enter the stomach, they lead to a decrease in its acidity, which brings significant relief from the symptoms of the disease.
  • prokinetics – regulate the motor activity of the stomach walls, eliminate the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during the development of gastritis;
  • antispasmodics – reduce the intensity of pain during exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Patients with low acidity are more often prescribed replacement therapy drugs:

  • gastric enzymes. In suitable doses, they are able to normalize the activity of the secretory glands of the gastric mucosa;
  • if there are signs of pancreatic insufficiency, pancreatic enzymes are prescribed, which leads to improved digestion;
  • drugs of combined action that have a complex effect on digestion as a whole;
  • prebiotics that naturally extinguish the activity of Helicobacter and normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of gastritis

How to treat gastritis if there is no trust in traditional methods of getting rid of this disease? Herbal preparations and tinctures come to the rescue, enveloping the walls of the stomach, relieving pain and inflammation, regulating acidity.

With increased secretion use: trefoil, St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, calamus rhizome, celandine, flax seeds, oats, bird knotweed

Gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), which occurs in every second resident globe. The development of the disease is based on inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach.

Gastritis during pregnancy can develop due to poor nutrition, food allergies, hypovitaminosis or Helicobacter pylori infection. The body of a pregnant woman undergoes a number of changes and restructuring. This affects not only hormonal levels, but also position internal organs.

Symptoms of gastritis during pregnancy can greatly overshadow the bearing of a child and cause great discomfort to a woman, yet the disease does not affect the normal functioning of the fetus and is not a contraindication to conceiving a child. What causes the disease and how to deal with it without harming the developing fetus?

Provoking factors and symptoms

In more than seventy percent of cases, gastritis during pregnancy is an exacerbation of an existing pathology. The disease can occur in the following cases:

  • unhealthy diet, including overeating;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • stressful situations;
  • chronic infections;
  • iron deficiency;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infection with Helicobacter pylori infection.

Emotional experiences can trigger activation of the inflammatory process

Let's highlight the main symptoms of gastritis:

  • epigastric pain;
  • attack of nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • belching;
  • rumbling and bloating;
  • weakness and dizziness.


There are two main types of illness: acute and chronic. An acute process is characterized by a rapid course and occurs, as a rule, for the first time. The chronic form is characterized by periodic relapses.


The disease most often has a chemical, thermal, bacterial and mechanical nature of its occurrence. Injury to the cells and glands of the stomach leads to activation of the inflammatory response.

The catalyst for the occurrence of acute gastritis can be diseases of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, metabolic disorders, as well as poor nutrition and uncontrolled drug treatment.

Important! The disease occurs acutely with severe pain in the stomach.

The incubation period of the acute process lasts from four to eight hours. The initial symptoms of the disease are the following patient complaints:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • pallor;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • premature toxicosis;
  • dry mouth or excessive salivation.

In case of acute gastritis, bed rest should be observed.


Experts highlight general symptoms chronic process: pain in the stomach, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Helicobacter pylori occupies a leading position in the formation of chronic gastritis. Its effect disrupts the secretion of gastric juice.

Chronic gastritis may worsen due to changes in taste preferences. Women often become capricious and picky about food. Sweets, foods with preservatives, dyes can trigger a relapse. It is almost impossible to completely cure the chronic form; patients should learn to live with the disease.

With high acidity

Over-allocation of hydrochloric acid in the literal sense of the word, it corrodes the gastric mucosa, aggravating the course of the disease. Increased acidity provokes the appearance of pain in the navel and epigastric zone. A painful outbreak can be moderate or severe, most often it is associated with food intake.

Women also complain of heartburn after eating and sour belching. Half an hour before meals, medications are prescribed that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. They are appointed for a period of three days. Prokinetics will help cope with attacks of nausea. This group of drugs stimulates the motor activity of the stomach and relieves heaviness.

You can also drink mint, chamomile and oats. They will help relieve the inflammatory process and reduce the excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid. These medicinal plants well envelop the damaged gastric mucosa.

With hyperacid gastritis, it is forbidden to consume foods that can further increase the level of acidity: lactic acid products, sour fruits, fatty foods, rich broths.

Treatment may vary depending on acidity level

Low acidity

In this case, hydrochloric acid is produced in insufficient quantities. With gastritis with low acidity, abdominal pain is mild. Clear signs diseases are: nausea, vomiting, rumbling, heaviness, flatulence, weakness, malaise.

Drugs that support the functioning of the pancreas will help ease the course of the disease. Such medications contain enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To normalize the intestinal microflora, you can take probiotics and eubiotics.

Important! For gastritis with low acidity, it is better to avoid eating watermelon, melon and grapes.


It is characterized by the appearance of erosions on the mucous membrane - damage with a shallower depth than ulcers. Defects do not leave scars. The following reasons can provoke the appearance of an erosive form in an expectant mother:

  • Not correct mode nutrition;
  • anxiety, stress;
  • injuries, burns;
  • presence of Helicobacter pylori infection.

The disease worsens general health and causes malaise. Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea appear. Painful outbreaks may appear at night and on an empty stomach. Erosive gastritis threatens the development of internal bleeding and may end fatal. If a pathology is detected, the woman is prescribed strict bed rest.

At erosive gastritis treatment of a pregnant woman is carried out in a hospital setting


It is characterized by thinning of the gastric mucosa and a decrease in the glands that produce hydrochloric acid. The disease is bacterial and autoimmune in nature. In the first case, the causative agent of the disease is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, and in an autoimmune process the body essentially fights itself.

The immune system produces antibodies to its own cells. Mental and physical fatigue, work in hazardous industries, and hereditary factors can lead to activation of the pathological process. The atrophic form can develop against the background of chronic gastritis.

The disease causes the appearance of anemic syndrome, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness, apathy;
  • pallor;
  • headache;
  • brittleness of nails and mouth.

Digestive disorders manifest themselves in the form of pain, a feeling of heaviness, heartburn, belching, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The basis of the treatment process is dietary nutrition, since most drugs are prohibited for pregnant women.


A bacterial infection suppresses the functioning of the stomach glands that produce hydrochloric acid. This leads to decreased acidity and digestive problems. Bacterial damage causes the following symptoms:

  • stomach ache;
  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • bad breath;
  • headache;
  • fungal infection;
  • problems with nails and hair.

Helicobacter pylori is a common cause of gastritis

Dietary nutrition will help restore and preserve the microflora of the stomach. It consists of frequent consumption of liquid and semi-liquid foods. As your condition improves, you are allowed to introduce boiled fish, meat, and cereals into your diet.

Important! Treatment aimed at destroying Helicobacter pylori infection is prohibited during pregnancy.

IN severe cases the doctor may decide to prescribe anti-inflammatory, antacid and antispasmodic drugs. Preference is given to drugs for plant based.

Treatment of gastritis during pregnancy

The most informative diagnostic method for gastritis is gastric probing. The technique allows you to take a sample of gastric juice to determine the level of acidity, as well as analyze for the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection.

The endoscopic method will allow you to study the condition of the walls of the stomach and identify the presence of damage. Such diagnostic methods during pregnancy are carried out in extreme cases. What to do next after making an accurate diagnosis?

Treatment of gastritis during pregnancy is selected by a qualified doctor


The correct diet plays a big role in the treatment process. During the acute phase of the inflammatory process, bed rest and a gentle diet are prescribed. A woman should eat in small portions. Under no circumstances should you go hungry. It is better to steam, bake and boil food.

You should avoid foods that stimulate juice secretion: sugar, sweets, broths, carbohydrates. The products should be consumed in crushed form. You should limit your consumption of fatty, fried, salty, smoked, and pickled foods. It is better to give preference to dairy products, cereals, mucous and milk soups, vegetables and fruits.

Eating too hot or cold food is prohibited. For drinking, it is better to use still water, herbal teas, and jelly. It is better to avoid strong tea and coffee during the treatment period. Raw fruits and vegetables can greatly irritate the mucous membrane, so it is better to eat them stewed or boiled.

  • Before the 28th week of pregnancy, it is forbidden to perform unloading;
  • it is recommended to unload on certain days, but not more often than once every ten days;
  • you should eat food 5-6 times a day;
  • food must be chewed thoroughly;
  • During fasting, you should drink two liters of water per day.


You should be extremely careful in choosing medications; you should not take medications without a doctor’s prescription. If the exacerbation of the disease was provoked by Helicobacter pylori infection, then treatment during pregnancy is not carried out. It is impossible to get rid of the pathogen without harming the fetus.

In general, many medications cannot be taken in the early stages of pregnancy. Treatment of gastritis in pregnant women includes the use of drugs that protect the mucous membrane. These include antacids, which reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. Pregnant women are allowed to take calcium and magnesium based medications.

Antispasmodics will help relieve pain. From the third trimester it is allowed to use Drotaverine. In critical situations, Metoclopramide is approved for use from the third trimester. The drug normalizes gastric motility.


Indispensable assistance during the period of bearing a child is provided by traditional medicine. It should be remembered that some recipes traditional healers may cause increased uterine tone. For this reason, it is not permissible to take unconventional medicines without permission.

You can treat gastritis using traditional medicine recipes

Important! Sage is contraindicated in early pregnancy.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs will help calm the nervous system and relieve spasms. They give preference to plants that have anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiseptic, and adsorbent properties. These include: chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort, yarrow, cinquefoil.

Honey is an effective and safe product that is used in the treatment of gastritis. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerating properties. To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, honey should be consumed several times a day, and it is important to ensure that there is no allergic reaction.

For gastritis with high acidity, honey is consumed one and a half hours before meals. A tablespoon of the product is diluted in a glass of warm water. Honey neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid and protects the mucous membrane from the negative effects of gastric juice.

If you take honey twenty minutes before meals, it will stimulate the production of gastric juice, so this technique is used for gastritis with low acidity. Honey is diluted in a glass of cool water.

Gastritis during pregnancy causes great discomfort to a woman. The disease does not affect the development of the fetus, but still contributes to the appearance of severe toxicosis, and in the erosive type it can be fatal.

Many drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy, so in most cases treatment includes diet therapy and traditional medicine. Any actions should be discussed with a doctor, since even safe recipes from traditional healers can cause harm during pregnancy. Early diagnosis and a competent approach to treatment are the key to your health!

In the article we discuss gastritis during pregnancy. We talk about the causes and symptoms, what to do if there is an exacerbation of the pathology. You will learn about the necessary treatment through diet, medication and folk remedies, as well as reviews from women and doctors.

Gastritis is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the inner walls of the stomach. This condition is accompanied by a failure in the production of gastric juice, which causes disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. digestive organ. The pathology has both a chronic and acute form and can occur in different ways.

Gastritis in pregnant women causes discomfort and deterioration of well-being

The development of the disease during pregnancy does not threaten the health of the expectant mother or fetus, but at the same time causes severe discomfort. That is why it is advisable to start treating the pathology as early as possible, since if it becomes chronic, it is fraught with the development of an ulcer or stomach tumor.


During pregnancy, the protective properties of the expectant mother's body are slightly weakened. In the early stages, this is necessary for the successful attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus and to prevent its further rejection.

It is for this reason that most pregnant women, during the period of bearing a child, notice an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the appearance of new ailments, as well as a change in character. For example, if at first they were, and then suddenly became, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

According to statistics, in 75% of cases the main cause of gastritis during pregnancy is an exacerbation of a chronic disease of the gastric mucosa, which was observed earlier in the pregnant woman.

There are 2 types of gastritis:

  • Type A is a pathology that arises due to the progressive development of atrophic processes in the walls of the stomach.
  • Type B - the disease begins to develop after the opportunistic bacterium Helicobacter pylori enters the stomach. An expectant mother can become infected with this bacterium through household means both before and after conception. If before pregnancy the disease did not manifest itself in any way, then during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, the course of gastritis worsens and worsens. This type of illness occurs most often and requires treatment.

A gastroenterologist will help you determine what type of gastritis you have. It is prohibited to independently diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment, as this can lead to a deterioration in well-being or the loss of the child.

What affects the exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy?

The following are the main factors influencing the exacerbation of the disease in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Unbalanced diet, abuse of foods containing preservatives and refined carbohydrates. Food that contains dyes, flavors, and stabilizers is especially dangerous.
  3. Lack of iron in the body.
  4. Eating a lot of spicy and fatty foods. Also, too hot food affects the exacerbation of the disease.
  5. Low intake of vitamins and proteins into the body.
  6. Frequent stress and nervous tension, anxiety.
  7. The presence of infectious pathologies in a chronic form.
  8. Poor eating behavior, including snacking on the go, systematic overeating, poor chewing of food.

The main factors causing exacerbation of the disease are associated precisely with improper food intake. Therefore, normalize your diet; if this does not help, then seek help from a specialist.


Signs of gastritis are varied. Sometimes they do not appear immediately, and in some cases they appear instantly. It all depends on the type and form of the pathology. Experts distinguish between chronic and acute forms of pathology. Below we will look at each of them.

Acute gastritis

Symptoms of this form of pathology are:

  • sharp pain in the stomach;
  • general deterioration of health, occasionally accompanied by vomiting, nausea, dizziness;
  • discoloration of the tongue and covering it with a yellow or gray coating;
  • with increased acidity, severe heartburn occurs, which worsens after eating sweet, sour foods. Belching and stool upset are also observed;
  • the occurrence of discomfort in the stomach on an empty stomach. With reduced production of gastric juice, the expectant mother experiences weakness, nausea, bad breath, and flatulence.

An acute form of pathology can be caused by taking certain medications, prolonged nervous tension, or eating foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach walls.

Chronic gastritis

This type of gastritis is the most common. It is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This microorganism negatively affects the inner walls of the stomach, damaging them, causing problems with the formation of gastric juice and causing disturbances in the functioning of the organ.

During pregnancy, the chronic form of the pathology does not have characteristic signs, which causes difficulties with diagnosis. Some symptoms of the disease can be mistaken for toxicosis, including:

  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • heartburn;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • belching;
  • discomfort, pain in the pancreas;
  • excessive excitability;
  • fatigue resulting from any physical activity.

In the chronic form, it is important to establish the level of acidity of gastric juice, since the symptoms of the disease and methods of treatment depend on this.

Gastritis with high acidity is characterized by:

  • Stool disorder.
  • Periodic painful sensations in the upper abdomen, right hypochondrium, epigastric region. They appear after eating a certain food; they rarely occur on an empty stomach or at night.
  • Belching sour.
  • Heartburn.

With low acidity, the signs are:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating;
  • rumbling in the stomach.

Only specialists should treat and diagnose gastritis


If you suspect the presence of a disease and some symptoms, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. Unfortunately, gastritis has similar symptoms to other similar diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and toxicosis. Because of this, pregnant women are in no hurry to visit the doctor, but try to cope with the illness on their own.

Diagnostic measures are as follows:

  • Biochemical analysis of urine, feces, blood.
  • Endoscopy - the procedure involves taking digestive fluid from the stomach through probing. Using this technique, it is possible to determine the nature of acidity in order to prescribe suitable therapy.
  • Palpation - it is used to identify the affected areas of the stomach.
  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract to assess their condition.

How to treat

Treatment of gastritis is a long process that requires compliance with all specialist recommendations. To prevent exacerbation of gastritis, you should minimize stressful situations, and also pay attention to your diet and diet, excluding from it harmful products. Before therapy, you must undergo all examinations that will help identify the exact form of the disease in order to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Endoscopy during pregnancy is prescribed extremely rarely, since swallowing a probe causes discomfort that can negatively affect the well-being of the expectant mother.

Physiotherapeutic methods

In certain cases, physiotherapy will help cope with the ailment. Some pregnant women are sure that the most effective way is acupuncture, but this method cannot be considered the safest during pregnancy.

The same can be said about electrophoresis, which transports the prescribed drug directly to the area of ​​the disorder. During pregnancy, this technique is used with caution, since there are no large-scale studies on how it affects the baby in the womb. It is not recommended to use electrophoresis in late toxicosis, which is accompanied by severe vomiting and in chronic renal pathologies.

Magnetic therapy is the safest, but it also has its contraindications, which a specialist will familiarize you with.


Most of the medications that effectively treat gastritis are contraindicated for expectant mothers. That is why it is necessary to normalize nutrition in order to cope with the disease.

During pregnancy, antibacterial medications that neutralize the effect of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori are prohibited due to their negative influence on the fetus. Antisecretory drugs are also prohibited.

But the following can be used for treatment: medicines:

  • Dimethicone - has a restorative effect.
  • Raglan, Cerucal - cope with heartburn and nausea.
  • Probiotics (Bifidum, Narine, Bifiform).
  • Antispasmodics - eliminate spasms and pain.
  • Preparations with pancreatic and gastric enzymes are recommended for use in cases of reduced secretory activity.

You should refrain from taking Almagel, Gastal, Maalox and Phosphalugel, as they contain aluminum, which is not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Mineral water

Sometimes mineral water will help cope with gastritis. But you can use it only after your doctor’s permission.

If a pregnant woman has low acidity, then you can drink “Essentuki” number 4 and 17, “Mirgorodskaya”. With high acidity, “Borjomi” and “Jermuk” are allowed.

Drink medicinal mineral water 2 hours after eating.

The most effective treatment for gastritis is diet therapy


If gastritis worsens in the early stages of pregnancy, especially if the pregnant woman suffers from toxicosis at this time, experts recommend adhering to a certain diet. If there is a general deterioration in health or weakness, bed rest and maximum rest are recommended.


Basic rules of diet therapy for gastritis in pregnant women:

  1. Fractional meals, consisting of 6-8 meals per day.
  2. Rough food is prohibited; food must have the consistency of porridge and puree or be semi-liquid.
  3. You should not eat smoked, fried, sour or spicy foods, as they increase the production of gastric juice.
  4. It is recommended to reduce the amount of salt consumed.
  5. Remove pickled foods and pickles from your diet.
  6. Food should be varied and nutritious; the daily diet should contain sufficient amounts of fats, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates.
  7. If possible, completely avoid eating foods that contain fast carbohydrates.
  8. It is forbidden to eat too hot or cold food; food should be warm.
  9. To enrich the body with useful microelements, it is recommended to take multivitamins for expectant mothers.

Grocery list

Authorized products:

  • steamed cutlets;
  • vegetables;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • greenery;
  • boiled river fish;
  • boiled poultry meat;
  • fresh fruits;
  • dried white bread;
  • milk;
  • steamed vegetable stew;
  • milk soups;
  • meatballs;
  • semi-liquid porridge.

Now let's take a closer look at the power supply diagram. In the first days, it is recommended to eat semi-liquid food that does not irritate the gastric mucosa. These are the products:

  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable puree soups;
  • porridges and soups with milk.

After a few days, you can add hard-boiled eggs, vegetable side dishes, fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

As her health improves, the pregnant woman can gradually return to her normal routine. proper nutrition excluding from the diet:

  • pickles;
  • broths cooked with fish or meat;
  • peas, beans;
  • cabbage, onions, radishes;
  • sweet and flour products;
  • smoked meats;
  • seasonings, spices, herbs;
  • fried foods.

Folk remedies for gastritis

In certain cases, traditional medicine can cope with pathology. They can be used for treatment only after consultation and permission from a doctor. Self-administration is prohibited, as it can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Important: some medicinal herbs for gastritis are prohibited for use in the first trimester. Such herbs are sage, calamus, plantain and thyme.

Herbal therapy

Herbal decoctions can cure gastritis in pregnant women. Mint, St. John's wort, licorice, wormwood, yarrow, flowers, dried grass, calendula, licorice root, fireweed and cinquefoil will help eliminate pain and reduce inflammation.

To gently stimulate the inner walls of the stomach with low acidity, decoctions of cumin, sea buckthorn, currants, rose hips, gooseberries, thyme and fennel are used.

You can prepare herbal teas yourself or buy them at the pharmacy. They are produced in the form of phyto-packets, which are brewed like tea. Drink this decoction warm after meals.

The decoction recipe is given below.


  • herbal mixture - 2-3 tbsp;
  • water - 500 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Pour boiling water over the herbs.
  2. Let the broth sit for half an hour, then strain.
  3. Drink the drink after meals.

Flax seed

Flaxseed copes well with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach, and it helps solve a number of problems that the expectant mother faces. What is the miraculous effect? natural product? The brewed seed forms mucus, which coats the walls of the stomach and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Flax seed decoctions are safe for pregnant women and fetuses. Contraindications for use: pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.


Regular consumption of apples, especially green varieties, will not only enrich the body with vitamins or improve digestion, but also solve the problem of gastritis.

How to eat apples with gastritis? Grate 2 green apples daily. Half an hour after eating, eat the apple mixture. The duration of treatment is at least a month. After a month, eat 1 apple every other day.


If you are not allergic to honey, you can use it to treat gastritis. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of honey in 250 ml of warm water. If you have low acidity, drink the drink an hour before meals, if you have high acidity, drink it half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 30-60 days.

Honey eliminates inflammation and has a calming effect on the gastric mucosa.

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