Online games with the development of the hero, equipment, technology. Guide for beginners: Important stages of pumping a character in WoW

Greetings friends. Today I decided to continue publishing articles on the topic Persian leveling in the Arena game. And today I would like to talk about how to reach level 11 as a character.

I must say right away that this information will be aimed at those who do not want to waste time in chaotic battles, gaining little experience, getting ups and slowly taking one level after another. I know from my own experience that this is a long process. Passed it.

As it were, in this article I want to talk about how to quickly and without much time go through the initial levels in the forest and reach the coveted level 11. But there it is already possible to go into chaos and take part in battles normally.

Where does the pumping of the Persian begin?

First of all, friends wanted to say this. After my last article, here it is, on how to quickly develop a character to level 5 without investments, there were many questions about what to do next. And then we will swing up to level 11 and, moreover, we will take as a basis the character with which you reached level 5.

If someone rocked himself, then it's okay, you can also take a sample for yourself this development character.

So. In order to Persian leveling was effective will need gray weaving. There are several of them. Fights, professions, investments. Everyone is free to choose what suits him.

For this case, I would advise investing about 150 blue acres. This will give you a good advantage over your rivals and you will do without spending time on getting gray acres.

So. What are we doing?

First you need to go to the city of the Ark. You can walk through the forest, you can teleport with a scroll, you can take a cart from the station. Choose any option.

Arriving at the Ark, buy 200 blue acres and put them up for auction, and you will have to wait 3 days for the lot to play. After that, you will receive about 955 gray acres. This is at the current exchange rate, net of taxes. What is needed to Persian leveling started.

You should also sell all your old gear. We leave only: the amulet of Pain, the belt of Indifference. We sell the rest.

We negotiate with the blacksmiths and put 2 stones + 45% of fisticuffs into the amulet of Pain, and 2 stones + 9 strength into the belt of Indifference. So for reference. The cost of 1 stone with stats is +9 or +45% from 25-35 gray acres. If it turns out, negotiate with the blacksmith for a large order at a discount.

— Helmet of Dignity (2 stones + 45% fisticuffs);

— Fiery armor (2 stones + 45% accuracy);

- Boots of the Warrior (2 stones + 45% accuracy);

- Gloves of Dignity (2 stones +9 strength);

- Ring of Retribution (2 stones +9 strength);

- Ring of Retribution (2 stones + 45% dodge amulet);

- 6 shurikens of the Apprentice (do not set stones).

In as noted, we do not put stones in the Shurikens of the Student. And we use them without any mods up to level 8. Then we change to shakes. By the way, I advise you to see what else happens in order to know its characteristics and cost.

Everything is almost ready for pumping the Persian

After things are ready, go to the magician and buy the magician's book for 200 gray acres. You also immediately buy for 30 gray acres to learn the spell "Create an obstacle." It's impossible without this. Because when will it happen Persian leveling in the forest, you will need to close it with obstacles from bots.

Remember I said that we leave the received stats and do not scatter them anywhere? Now we put all of them into the intellect. And thus we have a decent amount of mana.

Also, your character has perks. We invest them in experience and this will give a decent amount of experience gained per battle. And that's it. Now you can safely swing up to level 11.

Sincerely, your Arenovets

Leveling a character in WoW

Do you want to quickly raise the level of a character in WoW to the maximum or some specific one, but do not have the desire or time to do it yourself?

Quick character leveling in World of Warcraft an experienced player. Any class, race, faction, game world!

In any MMORPG game, character leveling is the main basis for its development. Without pumping up maximum level(often long and boring, especially if this character is not your first) all further achievements and the game features are not available to you. You will stand still, no matter how much gold you have, what professions you have chosen, and how fast your Internet is ...

In the popular Online game world of Warcraft, the maximum possible character level for today is 85. In the first, 'classic' version of the game, the maximum level was 58. With the release of the Burning Crusade add-on, 10 more levels have been added to the game (68 maximum). With the release of the 'Lich King' add-on, they added 12 (the maximum was 80th), and when 'Cataclysm' came out, players had to increase another 5 (the maximum was 85th). The next major expansion (codenamed ‘Mits of Panderia’) promises to add 5 more levels, but information is already flickering, and some facts suggest that Blizzard already has content for the maximum level 100 in development.

Any player likes to play, but not everyone
I like to download another character from scratch ...

What does the player do until he reaches the last level? Playing? Of course, just like everyone else. But there is one but. Unfortunately, leveling up a character is not always a real pleasure, since the RPG genre itself most often involves several stages:

1. pumping itself. Those. reaching the highest possible level in the game, by completing quests, and by other means available in the game.
2. Search for current equipment, weapons and other necessary things, to get the 'middle', which opens up the possibility of getting all the best from what it can take in this game.
3. PvP and PvE progress, achievements, tops, fame and, in general, everything for which a lot of time would be spent on pumping your character.

Everyone enjoys WoW in their own way...

For those, who downloads the first character, World of Warcraft in any addon, of course, shines with its colors, beckons with its size and mysteries, unlike those who have already upgraded several. Those players who have been playing for months or years, leveling up the next character is most often considered boring, more like a job than a game, and this makes sense. The variety in the pumping process is not so much as it might seem to a beginner at first glance, and the time spent on it, normal person, of course it's a pity.

The game only starts at level 100! Up to 100 WoW is not a game! - this is what many players say, and there is some truth in this too.

If pumping the next character in World of Warcraft is a pleasure for you, then you do not need any tips and guides. You just play, and the character gradually gains experience, and as a result, someday he still gets the coveted 85th. But for those who have neither the desire nor the time, or simply do not have the patience to upgrade, for example, a new class that has not been tried before (and they want to play), many Internet sites offer the service of pumping your character for a material reward.

After all, your time and nerves are still worth something?

Advantages of paid pumping.

It is not expensive! By monitoring other sites on the topic, you can see prices for such a service from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles. Do you think this is a lot? Then calculate the approximate time spent on this, divided by the cost of pumping, and compare with the cost of your personal time. Or is your life worth a penny?

It's fast! If you did not choose an incomprehensible 'schoolboy' as your character booster, from an unknown site, but agreed with a reliable performer with a long experience in the game, or a service that guarantees the completion of work on time (as well as the safety of your funds and account), pumping will take a minimum of time, since the result is beneficial to everyone. The contractor, having completed your order, will quickly take on the next one, having received the earned cash reward from you. Everyone values ​​time.

Thus, you get the desired character level in a short time, saving a huge amount of time, next to which the amount spent may seem simply ridiculous.

But I will not deceive you by telling you that there are only pluses in ordering pumping.

Cons of paid pumping.

World of Warcraft is a game that allows you to go through all the content at the last level (after all, it’s easier and faster), but still the most interesting thing is to go through it at the level when it is more relevant for the character. The old dungeons and raids are now being ‘soloed’ at 85 just for some achievements, and by visiting them at the appropriate level for them, you can have a lot more fun, facing the difficulties conceived by the developers at that time.

The same applies to the old quests, which (thanks to the difficulty) are more pleasant and useful to complete (quest = experience = leveling) at the appropriate levels. But for those who are not interested in these difficulties, for the sake of curiosity or achievement, they quickly run through them on the 85th.

For those who have never played WoW at all, abruptly starting the game from level 85 can be as inefficient as watching interesting movie not from the beginning, but from the middle. It seems to be a good movie, but what was there at the beginning? ...

Paid pumping is not officially approved by Blizzard, and therefore, there is a risk (purely theoretical) of account blocking. Why purely theoretical? Because in practice such cases are unknown. Firstly, it is practically impossible to keep track of who sold, gave, and transferred what to whom (the same applies to such a popular service as the purchase / sale of gold). And the company does not conduct a clear fight against such violations, since, in fact, all this does not reduce the number of subscribers in any way, but only, on the contrary, increases it.

After all, what is important for Blizzard?

Like any commercial structure, profit is important to them, and in this area it is measured precisely by the number of active subscribers. Paid character upgrade for people who want to play, but do not have extra time, a great opportunity get everything you want. Actually, the same as buying an account with an already pumped character. After all, someone who, for some reason, wants to sell his account will probably never play again (i.e., will not pay for it), and if this account has new owner, the subscription (i.e. payment) for it will continue, which will continue to bring the company to the developer.

Therefore, I consider any fears for account blocking unjustified.

But! Order a character upgrade or download it yourself, it's up to you!

Leveling up your characters becomes very important once you reach the late game. You will see that on the one hand your heroes are very strong, but on the other hand your village becomes very vulnerable without them, especially if you cannot raise their level higher. In this post, I will try to show you how to level heroes for the most cooperative work. I'll show you how to do it most effectively, although there's no particular way, I'll show you exactly what works.

How to develop Heroes

A lot of questions come up when it comes to developing your characters. The most effective ways are to level up Archie Queen and Barbarian King, pay attention to these characters and keep them on the same level! Or pump one of them to the maximum. Here are mine simple rules for this.

Keep your heroes on the same level

Why do you keep your characters on the same level? Here are a few examples of why this is an effective strategy.

  1. Always keep 1 of the heroes active so that either the King or the Queen is available in case of danger (unless you are fighting a fierce battle).
  2. Your attack or defense will not be as unbalanced as if your Queen was at level 30 and your King only at 10. Yes, you have pumped one of them, but the second will not be able to attack at the same level and you will not achieve co-op work!

Also, don't run for more than 5 steps! You do not succeed, if you make the power of one of them too superior to the power of the other.

You can allow a slight run-up when your Archie Queen is at level 7 and your Barbarian King is at level 9, then level the king first to level 10, because. he will receive the power of the iron fist and this will compensate for the lack of a level 8 queen.

Always keep characters close

This will always be the smarter decision as if 1 over high level they can't do anything together!

Big Chief

So far, we've only talked about Queen Archie and the Barbarian King, but now it's time to talk about the big boss.

Everyone who reaches a certain level understands how important this character is!

Well, Big Chief slightly different in this context as it is a favorable part of the troops and its upgrades cost elixir and not dark elixir.

I like to pump it separately, even though my attacks are not so strong at this time. I try to do it in moments where a fight can be avoided.

Replacement Leveling Heroes

The hardest part about leveling heroes is not the high cost, but the fact that you can't attack while they are leveling, and their hitting power is very high, especially if level 30+. In fact, it's hard to attack without them.

Only 2 ways to play games if you want results:

1. Pump everyone the same

2. Pump one hero as much as possible, and score on the rest.

Leveling individually will take longer while you upgrade your heroes - but in return you can still play the game at a decent level. I've been upgrading my heroes for the past year and have always leveled AQ at level 5 and then BK at level 5 and managed to even push to Titan 1 League at the same time with only 1 character available.

I will show you the strategy below.


There will be a lot of rumors before pumping characters, they say, don’t download right away, but wait for the super price. These rumors are lies! Do not wait, but download the characters always right away! With each new score, download your heroes!

I am not a fan of fast character leveling to the cap. Nearby quest content is always of high quality and it is better to eat it slowly. Besides, there is no particular reason to rush, because the Emerald Nightmare will not open until September 20, three weeks after the release. During this time, you can easily pump and dress the Maine Hunt. However, there are enough fans of fast food and active raiders will try to upgrade and dress 3-4 characters. So below is a guide to quickly leveling up to the cap.

I will make a reservation right away - the guide is not mine. The original is located.

Some helpful tips:

  • the damage level doesn't matter, what matters is how many mobs you can target. In Legion, one mob can be attacked by up to five players. So take some AoE and flood everything that moves even if the mobs are beaten by someone else;
  • do not loot anything other than what is needed for the quest, because the process lags. Things that you did not pick up will then come by mail;
  • treasures of experience do not give, so it’s not worth wasting time looking for them;
  • a similar situation with rarniks, they don’t give experience, stronghold resources are then much easier to farm on dailies;
  • on mobs in instances, experience also rises well, so upgrading to 102 in 5ppl is a good solution;
  • upon reaching level 105, it is worth taking an assistant from among the followers in the class hall;
  • Bonus quests make sense only if they take place in the places where the main quests are completed.
  • complete the starting chain for the artifact; however, you still can’t avoid it;
  • starting quest zone: Stormheim. First quest: solo scenario with Sylvanas. We do not do additional quests, only the main chain, as a result of which we will receive a quest to the local 5ppl;
  • by this time you should already be level 102; we get quests for artifacts of other specs, after that we complete all available quests in the class hall;
  • Level 103: We take quests in Azsuna and quests for the main professions. In Azsuna, we are only doing the main storyline;
  • 105 level: we complete new quests of the class hall;
  • 107 level: moving to Highmountain: doing only the main plot;
  • 105-109: The main quest chain in each zone ends with a quest to the local dungeon. For completing these quests, you can get 130,000 experience;
  • actually by this point you should already get level 110;

I don’t know yet how it works, I haven’t tested it, but I will download the main using this algorithm. I will post the results separately.

Update (April 2017)

Having pumped four characters to the 110th, I can say the following:

    • leveling up to level cap (level 110) takes a couple of weeks in slack mode;
    • the easiest way to level up: passing dungeons for five people. Get in line by choosing the "Legion Random Dungeon" option and go. For each random passage, you get several tens of thousands of exp and, possibly, "blue" from the bosses. In between playthroughs, do quests in the open world, focusing on those marked with swords - they give a lot of exp there;
    • if a class with a tank spec, then take it - you will not stand in line, tanks are as always in price, damage dealer - 20-30 minutes;
    • on Legion invasions (an event that appeared in the game after the release of 7.2) quests give four times more exp (61000 vs. watch the video for the conditions of patch 7.3);

  • in the class hall there are missions that give exp (5-7% of the level) - do them first of all;
  • in itself, achieving a level cap means little, this is just the beginning of the path, because the level of the artifact and the presence of legendary items play a much larger role;
  • leveling an artifact from zero to level 30+ by the first character of the account can take a couple of months, depending on how much you can jack off, you devote time to the game.
  • Legion content becomes available at level 98;
  • it makes sense to complete the quest chain for artifact weapons - it is level 740, which is twenty levels more than the mythical level kit from the last Draenor raid;
  • then there are two options - you can continue the quest in the Broken Isles, or you can return to Draenor and finish two levels there. While pumping the DC, I chose the latter, because the exp is the same, and picking legion mobs is harder;

A few videos on this topic

Then be prepared that the first few hours you have to die from two or three blows from some overgrown cockroach. In this article, we have collected key tips that will help you upgrade your character as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Many gamers like to explore the world alone without any annoying companion. However, this number does not work in ELEX, since the high complexity of the game and at first very strong opponents will seriously interfere with the easy running around the in-game world.

Based on this, we advise you to enlist the support of a companion as soon as possible. At the beginning of the passage great option is the Duras you meet in the first mission. To fight enemies more effectively and thus level up your character faster, you can use companions as tanks. As long as all the damage is directed at your companion, you will be able to easily eliminate enemies.

Complete quests

The in-game world of ELEX, oddly enough, is quite interesting and diverse, and therefore I want to explore it as soon as possible. We advise you not to rush into this, but first focus on story missions. After completing missions, you will receive quite a lot of experience and money.

As soon as you get more or less high-quality armor and can calmly kill a group of mutants, then run to look for something new, but at first focus on quests. By the way, it is not necessary to complete only story quests. Just help people fulfill their goals and you will quickly be able to get the necessary experience to level up your character.

Know What You Want

Once the character has new level, you gain access to ten stat points in the Strength, Durability, Agility, Intelligence, and Cunning categories.

What exactly to download and what not depends on what you are striving for. It is important to decide who you want to make of your character at the very beginning. If you join the Berserkers and want your hero to be an excellent mage, then you will need intelligence, but, for example, dexterity is not really needed in this case.

Be that as it may, in the beginning, in any case, it is better for you to pump strength and stamina several times so that the hero can somehow get out of skirmishes with enemies.

Pumping initial abilities

The skills menu, even before you join any faction, contains a large number of various abilities. Very often, players mistakenly pump something they don’t need, which is why they experience serious problems in duels with enemies.

The first thing you need to upgrade your character is the Lockpicking skill. As the name implies, this ability allows you to pick the locks on doors and chests using lockpicks, which can be found in the game's locations. The higher the level of the ability, the more complex locks your character is able to crack.

The second important ability is "Strong Health". This skill will automatically increase the amount of your health when you level up.

The third equally important ability is Endurance. At first, you may think that you will not need it, but at first you will run without serious weapons, and the enemies will have to fight long and tiring, which is why endurance is a must for you.

Well, the last very useful ability is Armor. It works on the principle of "Strong Health", only instead of increasing the character's vitality, it improves his armor when the character gains a new level.

Run away if you can't

It is very strange, but in the very beginning of the game there are missions that you, in principle, will not be able to complete if you do not resort to escape. Do not try to destroy all the enemies that you meet, as this will take you a lot of time and resources, and will not bring much experience.

To complete missions where it's hard for you to get through the group strong enemies, just fly around them with the jetpack. The main thing is not to bring enemies with you to the one from whom you took the tasks, because otherwise, you may lose your employer.

Explore and pick up items

In some ways, ELEX is very similar to Fallout 4, since here you also need to look into every house to find some value for yourself. Whether you like it or not, you will have to explore the area, because without it you will not be able to get valuable items for the development of your character.

It is noteworthy that you can carry an unlimited number of items with you, and therefore do not be afraid to take some valuable fork from home, the hero will not overstrain anyway. Very often, many useful things are hidden behind locks (you will need master keys for breaking), or on the roofs of houses. Do not rush to run through the game, but rather focus on careful research.

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