The dumbest person in the world World Stupidity Awards. The dumbest person

List of the most stupid people floating in the world.

That is, there are no absolute and stable leaders in it, striking with their stupidity and possessing low level I.Q. Only those who are in different periods life did wrong choices in life, distinguished himself by shameful moments or inappropriate behavior as in drunkenness, there and being completely sober. For example, the most stupid person can be any person who finds himself in a ridiculous situation. The internet is replete with such videos. Netizens post videos with situations that, in theory, simply could not happen to normal, reasonable and smart people. However, mister chance intervened here, so strange, funny and stupid situations can happen to each of us. Well, most often the label "stupid" is tried on famous people. They are always in sight, and their every unsuccessful act is exaggerated by the press and ordinary residents.

World Award for Stupidity

In order to publicly celebrate the misdeeds of celebrities, they even established a special award, the World Award for Stupidity. She appeared in 2003 for the award for the most outstanding achievements in the field of ignorance and stupidity. The sponsor of the award, in which there are several different nominations, is the Just for Laughs comedy festival. It is interesting that any inhabitant of the planet can vote for each laureate via the Internet.

The last award held in 2006 (after this date there is simply no information about the award) had the following winners. The dumbest man in the world is Judge Donald Thompson. He masturbated right at court hearings with a pump to increase manhood. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or US Vice President Dick Cheney were ready to compete with him for leadership.

However, for awards and specific people and their actions. So, the most stupid statement belonged to the lawyer Harry Whittington. This is the man Dick Cheney shot while hunting. After the incident, Harry apologized to the Cheney family "for the inconvenience caused".

The most stupid act, according to the award, was Dick Cheney's hunt, the same one in which he shot Harry Whittington. The moment when Zinedine Zidane butted heads at the World Cup, as well as the publication of a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed by the editors of a Danish newspaper, still fought for the right to be called the most stupid. Another stupidity, according to the founders of the award, was committed by the American Nick Flynn. He turned a stupid situation into a stupid one. The young man managed to smash three Qin Dynasty vases in the museum at once. At the same time, he did not even apologize, but began to criticize the museum's management for their careless attitude towards the exhibits.

remembered strong of the world this and the following actions: Paris Hilton almost became the title of "the most stupid woman" for the fact that hackers got the contents of her mobile phone. Singer Ashley Nicole Simpson-Wentz recalled a silly situation when a phonogram jammed during a live performance. Prince Harry also found himself in a ridiculous situation when he came to the masquerade in the form of an SS. Actor Russell Crowe made everyone laugh by throwing a cell phone at the head of a New York hotel employee. In general, all the terrible situations can not be counted.

You can get awards for awards even for stupid and ridiculous statements. So, George Bush Jr. distinguished himself in this nomination, who said “Brownie, your work is on fire!” while the leader federal agency By emergencies US Michael Bryan discussed hurricane relief efforts.

However, the media often encounter stupid statements. And they hear absurdities from the lips of celebrities. Then they carefully write them down and publish them.

The dumbest celebrity quotes

So, where will the Cannes Film Festival be held this year?

Brooke Shields:

Smoking kills, yes. If you are killed, then you have lost the most important part of your life.

I believe that gay marriage is exactly what must be between a woman and a man.

Steven Seagal:

People all over the world perceive me as their spiritual leader.

Paris Hilton:

Kabbalah helps me resist own fears. For example, if one of my friends takes clothes from me, and then does not give them back. And if I meet her in this outfit, then I will definitely confront her.

Tori Spelling:

Journalist: What is the capital of New York?

Actress: Probably New Jersey?

Journalist: Britney, what do you think about the meeting between Tony Blair and George W. Bush this week?

Spears: Who is Tony Blair?

Journalist: Prime Minister of Britain.

Spears: I think he's a big deal.

Britney Spears Interview

Mike Tyson :

- Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into a Bolivian.

I think that if you analyze well all the past shootings in schools, you will definitely understand that this is not at all a problem of gun control. In fact, all because of psychotropic drugs.

John Travolta's brilliant dance

Jessica Simpson:

Do I have fish or chicken on my plate? I know that there is tuna, it is also called sea chicken.

Incredible Facts

Recently, another dispute broke out among Internet users, the source of which was a simple picture.

The task is simple: P look at the picture and say which of the four is the dumbest?

Your choice can reveal a lot about your personality.

Quiz: Pick the dumbest person in the picture

If you chose 1.

Unfortunately, you are the type of person who often gives up. You believe that you cannot influence the situation and agree to the terms that are offered to you. You never argue and generally prefer to be quiet and peaceful, as quarrels and scandals upset you. You are a very kind and honest person.

If you chose 2.

You are the type of person who tends to make hasty decisions. You don't give yourself enough time to analyze the situation, so you make mistakes that could have been avoided. However, many people consider you quite stubborn.

If you chose 3.

You impulsive person, which always goes to the end. You never give up and always fight for your rights to the last. You can become an excellent businessman, as strategizing is one of your favorite things to do. In this area, you can really excel.

If you chose 4.

You are a real rebel. Sometimes you are ready to fight even against yourself, just to prove something. However, all these games prevent you from thinking rationally. You are a born revolutionary.

Stupidity in general? And is it even possible to divide people according to this principle? Experts recommend treating this concept very carefully, because it is no secret to anyone that often those who are considered stupid or, say, backward in childhood, become the most unique specialists or even geniuses already in adolescence or youth.

Section 1. The dumbest person in the world. General description of the problem

Stupidity, sometimes growing into stupidity, of course, is terrible for society. Undoubtedly, this concept found almost everywhere, wherever you go, no matter who you turn to: in the store, at work, in the gym, and just on the street.

Agree, there are so-called bizarre people in almost every family, but none of its members will put the cliche of stupid on them. What can not be said, unfortunately, about public people, personal and creative life which are in full view. And even more than that, every mistake of a star, every answer is not in the topic, is immediately reviewed by thousands of media around the world.

It would seem impossible to create a rating or list of the dumbest people in the world. But no! Of course, there are no leaders here and cannot be. Like absolutely no stupid people, striking others with their incredible "knowledge" and blunders. And if stupidity is manifested in a person who has high level IQ, then definitely His Majesty the case comes on stage! Very often, an absurd situation absorbs a person, exposing him in an unfavorable light. Especially popular are, of course, cases with public people: artists, film actors and, of course, politicians.

Section 2. The dumbest person in the world. Special bonus for this contingent

No matter how absurd it may sound, but in 2003 the American comedy festival Just for Laughs, whose name is translated into Russian as “Just for Laughs”, established the World Award for Stupidity. Yes, yes, and this phenomenon, it turns out, also happens. The most stupid people in the world were named, whose photos very quickly, in just a few days, spread throughout the world.

The organizers of the award pursued the main goal - to identify and publicize stupidity and ignorance famous people. The winners were determined not by the founders at all, but by ordinary Internet users from all over the world. However, the competition took its toll. In any case, the last mention of it falls on 2006.

Section 3. The dumbest person in the world. Some of the most famous personalities

Referring to the recently obtained data, we will give the names of those who bypassed the competitors in all respects. So, the top dumbest people on the planet:

  • The undisputed leader of the rating is Judge Donald Thompson, who, with a certain frequency, engaged in masturbation with a mini-pump right in court. However, how can you call stupidity what is a blatant case of bad manners? Although Thompson is, of course, stupid. But he is still more of a sick person, a pervert in a certain sense of the word.
  • Lawyer Harry Whittington also distinguished himself. During the hunt, the future defendant Dick Cheney shot the lawyer. And everything would be fine if Whittington did not publicly apologize to the Cheney family for the alleged "inconvenience"!
  • The next case is truly unique. An ordinary American, Nick Flynn, transformed an already ambiguous and stupid situation: having broken three vases of the Qin Dynasty era in the museum at once, he did not apologize, did not offer even the slightest bit to compensate for the invaluable loss. Instead, Flynn filed a claim and criticism against the museum's leaders for their negligent and negligent attitude towards valuable exhibits.
  • Needless to say, show business, in which there are countless funny blunders. Paris Hilton has become a frequent guest in cartoons for a reason south park, because her mistakes and incidents went into the hands of journalists. Well, after Hilton's phone was attacked by hackers, and all its contents became public, the status of "the most stupid woman" probably stuck with her forever.
  • A funny incident happened to the singer Ashley Nicole Simpson-Wentz, when the tape jammed at one of the "live" performances.
  • Of course, the status of a dumb person was forever awarded to George W. Bush. Particularly amusing was the case when Bush, with a certain amount of praise, told the head of the US Emergency FA, ​​Michael Brown, that his work was on fire! And everything would be fine if Brown did not just deal with the aftermath of hurricanes.

Who was the dumbest person you've ever met, and what story best illustrated that?

“One day when I was in college, my friend and I were invited to a party. I didn't drive then, so this friend gave me a ride. The trip to the party went well, but on the way back we were stopped by the police. While we were parking, I told a friend that I would pretend to be asleep (since I am a passenger). I close my eyes, I hear the cop get out of the car, walk in our direction, stop at the window, but say nothing. I can see the light from his flashlight through my eyelids, but I can't hear him or my friend say anything. After a while, which seemed like an eternity, I decided to open my eyes and see what was happening. Then I saw that my friend who was driving the car was also pretending to be asleep.

“My classmate was at a party and asked the owner if he could borrow her tattoo kit. She refused him. He left, but returned an hour later wearing a hockey mask and began demanding that he be given a tattoo kit. He was arrested the next day. Such stupidity is unimaginable."

“The girl I worked with until she got fired. One day she came to work with a broken arm and said that her boyfriend pushed her during an argument and she fell. We were all very worried about her, but a week later she came to work with a story about how she stabbed her boyfriend with a knife in the palm during another quarrel to avenge his broken arm.

A few more weeks later, she told everyone that she was secretly trying to get pregnant because if she got pregnant, her boyfriend would have to find a job and help her pay the rent. He got pregnant and her boyfriend immediately left her.

“I worked with a man named Roy. Roy had a number of theories about how to live properly: Royconomics.

One day he approached me and my colleagues. “Guys, do you want to know how to get a bunch of cool stuff?” - he asked. “You go to the store and buy everything in installments. New furniture, new household appliances, TVs, stereos, everything you need. Then you do not pay anything and do not come to court for a hearing on your case. They will end up taking your salary, but it will be less than the amount you agreed to pay in the first place!”

Then, about a week later, “You guys want to know how to buy a house? You issue the maximum possible number of credit cards, receive the maximum possible amount of cash from them and use it for a down payment. Then you don’t pay anything and don’t come to court for a hearing on your case…”

“I almost started dating a girl who seriously thought that the Sun and the Moon were the same”

“My friend’s sister got pregnant at 20. She once said something like “it’s a pity that my vagina will be ruined.” I jokingly said: “Maybe the child will come out through the ass?” She said, “What do you mean? Can they come out of there too?” I thought she was joking too, so I said, “Yeah, it’s 50/50.” She decided that I was serious, and asked the doctor if he knew whether her child would come out through the vagina or the ass.

"A guy at my school was sure that Danes got a sore throat after a day of speaking their language/accent (every day)"

“In my young and crazy years, I worked with a young girl who was without a doubt the dumbest person I have ever met in my life.

Some of her best moments:

She won an auction that sold a copy of The Beach Boy's "Pet Sounds" first pressing, and then complained about it because she "didn't want to hear someone moo."

One day when she almost pissed me off and I convinced her to wait to open a can of Coca-Cola because it said someone "wins a prize every five minutes." She was very upset because she did not win anything, even though she waited exactly five minutes. I, in turn, enjoyed the silence for the rest of the day.

The best/worst case was when she interacted with an African-American manager (she is white). They discussed their similar unusual names, then found out they were both from South Carolina. She thought for a few minutes and then joyfully declared, “Well, my family owned yours!” She was very proud of herself for being able to identify this historical connection. The manager didn't say anything and just left"

“A work colleague was against windmills. When I asked why, she replied, “They build too many and we could use up all the wind on the planet.”

I was speechless. I've never been speechless before."

"My brother. Hand on heart, he is the most stupid person I know.

He broke his arms five times - three times the right and two times the left. Here's how it happened:

7 years. Danced on the table, fell.
15 years. Smoking weed with a friend, the cops came. he tried to run away, jumped over the fence, his shorts caught on him, he fell out of his shorts right on his arm.
17 years. Running in front of my friends truck that was traveling at about 50 km/h
19 years. He tried to hide from someone, jumped over the sofa and somehow managed to break his arm.
I don't remember the fifth time, but I do remember that there were five of them.
He was arrested for possession of a weapon for which he did not have a permit. It was his friend's gun. He aimed it at the cop.

He was expelled from school. Twice.

He was expelled from a private school for writing "raped a pregnant bitch - called it a gangbang" on an exam sheet. Note: These are lyrics from a song, he didn't actually rape a pregnant woman.

He had two lines in the mandatory production. He managed to mess up.

When he was in prison, he got a tattoo of a marijuana leaf on his face.

The first time we met after he was released, he said: “Mom thinks I will remove this tattoo, but I will improve it. I will draw a few Chinese characters underneath it." (We are all white)

He dropped out of school before he could finish tenth grade. Not because he had to, he just didn't like school and wanted to use drugs instead of her. He got a 3 in history and a 6 in math, I don't remember the rest of his grades.

When he was 15 and my uncle was 30, I had to prove to him for half an hour that his age would not always be half the age of his uncle.

He truly, truly believed that the Ebola outbreak a few years ago was the beginning of the zombie apocalypse.”

“At the veterinary clinic where we took our dog for several years, there was one stupid receptionist who argued with my father about the pronunciation of his own name. He went there to pick up the medicines prescribed for our dog Daisy, and the lady began to ask him typical questions from the series “dog's name, owner's name”.

“Well, it says Michelle, and you don't look like Michelle at all,” she said. The father asked how the owner's name was written on the monitor, and it turned out that the name was "Michael" (Michael). That was my father's name.

He said, "It says Michael, that's my name." She started arguing with him! He had to take driver license to convince her. Although she ended up giving him the dog medication, she was convinced that all 50 extra years of my life, my father spelled his name wrong.

The real point is that my father told us this story, and we didn’t really remember it, but after about three months, my mother took the dog for a checkup. The lady was still convinced that the dog's owner's name was Michelle and that my mother "must be in a lesbian relationship." My mother calmly corrected her that the name was actually pronounced Michael, but the receptionist insisted that it was pronounced Michel. Mom was amazed by this and said something like, “That's the name from the Bible. It was pronounced Michael and has been pronounced that way for thousands of years." For the rest of the visit, the receptionist sat silently, uttering only the minimum number of words required for her position.

“My ex. We played rock, paper, scissors - to determine who goes to change the diaper - up to two wins. First round. I show scissors, he shows a stone. “I won,” he exclaimed. Second round. I show paper, he is stone. “I won,” he exclaimed. “Ummm, paper beats stone,” I say. His answer? "Nope, stone conquers all." I spent five minutes trying to understand his statement. I ask: “But what then is the essence of the whole game?”

He replies with complete sincerity, “Fun!”

"Literally on last week I was kind of fired from my job because every time a client came in, he started repeating everything they said. Not only that, he diligently tried to copy their accents no matter what.

Our store got a lot of complaints about this guy, and he got a lot of warnings. He was fired last week for serving an Asian in front of ALL of our managers and saying:


He was called to the office, where, apparently, he still did not understand what he had done wrong and why he was being fired. Definitely a jerk"

“My mom's cousin robbed stores with his friends - he was the driver in every operation. It had several unpaid fines on it. When he was driving his freaky friends home, he speeded past a cop, who naturally pulled him over. He decided to justify his bad driving by driving away from the scene of the robbery. He was arrested. After he was arrested for similar stupid crimes.

And he also believes in it. that there is a worldwide cabal of Jews whose sole purpose is to annoy him. Recently, his rights were declared invalid. Naturally, the Jews were to blame for this, and not him, because he decided to drive drunk past the police station. When he was denied a gun license, it was the tricks of the Jews. I have no idea why he thinks the world cabal of Jews should focus on some idiot from Saskatchewan.”

“I once called an Uber, and the first thing the driver who arrived asked me:“ Do you need to go to X? I said, "Nope." He replied, "Fine, because I won't take you to X." "Okay," I said.

During the trip, I was tormented by the question of what would happen if I said yes, I want to go to X. I asked: “So, what would you do if I said that I want to go to X?” He said, "Listen, man. I'm not taking you to fucking X, okay? I already told you."

I was a little dumbfounded, but I asked again: “No, no, I don’t want to go there. You already know where I need to go - this is marked on the map in the application. I'm just wondering what would happen if I wanted to go to X. Would you cancel the trip?”

There is an opinion that in the world a large number of stupid people. But where do they come from? Why do they do it this way and not another way? Thanks to our investigation, we will be able to find out who is the most stupid person in the world. Some people do things that we call stupid. It is worth remembering that there is a Darwin Prize, which is awarded to some people posthumously. The purpose of this award is to reward the person who can die in the most stupid way.

For example, the award was received by a man who died from his love of order. The American wanted to clean his yard own house. He decided to prune the branches of an oak that was in his yard. But to do this, he decided to use a shredder. Everything would have ended well if he had not left this device turned on right under the oak. He decided to make his job easier and throw branches straight from the tree. But suddenly the man fell down the stairs and straight into the center of the shredder. Rescuers never managed to save him. Well, isn't he the most stupid person?

Given the most stupid actions of people, the question always arises: why do they do this at all? This is not at all affected by a person's IQ or education, but just a simple case. Therefore, almost every inhabitant of the planet can become the most stupid person. It is the actions of people that determine the most stupid person in the world. Such people are not shown on TV and cannot be seen in the ratings. But we can often see them with our own eyes.

In general, the most stupid people try to avoid. No one is friends with them, because they bring only one trouble. Therefore, the list of the most stupid people can be made over and over again. And all because of the fact that the most stupid acts of people never end.

In 2003 appeared world prize which was given to the most stupid person. This award appeared in America, sponsored by a well-known comedy festival. The latest leader of this award was Judge Donald Thompson, who received the title of the most stupid person in the world. The judge engaged in masturbation at all court sessions. In doing so, he used a pump. But two more people fought for his place. This is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as well as American Vice President Dick Cheney.

The most stupid act of a man was the hunt for Dick Cheney, in which he managed to shoot Harry Whittington. Another most stupid act of people was the moment when Zenidine Zidane during the World Cup began to butt heads. Also, Paris Hilton almost got the title of the most stupid woman in the world. And all because the hackers were able to get to the contents of her phone. This list can be continued indefinitely. At the same time, the most stupid people in the world will not decrease.

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