Walkthrough of South Park The Fractured but Whole: all quests. "South Park": walkthrough, game review

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Far in the lands of Zaron, the inhabitants of the fortress of Kupa fought for their lives under the onslaught of the evil dark elves of Larnion. As darkness fell over the kingdom, the people begged their king, the Grand Master, to save them. The elves attacked again and again, never stopping trying to take possession of the most valuable artifact of people - the Stick of Truth. And whoever owns the Stick of Truth reigns over the entire Universe. Put an end to eternal confrontation people and elves were destined for the mysterious “newcomer”.

Nothing is known about the newcomer's past. However, he himself is also not eager to share details from his life. The parents decided to move to the wonderful town of South Park, saving their child from past problems.

New kid in town

Having created a character to our liking, we look around the room. The chest adjacent to the bed is designed to store items. If an unused item appears in your inventory that you will probably need in the future, then feel free to leave it in the chest. All interior objects that can be interacted with are colored yellow. We open the wall cabinet and take everything that is in it from the backpack. Most of what is found is of no value in battle and is sent to the “Basket” section in the inventory. You can make good money by selling garbage to merchants. We leave the room and go left. We go into the bathroom, sit on the toilet and defecate, quickly and often pressing the button shown. Poop – absolutely free and very effective remedy in battle, causing nausea in enemies and reducing their attack capabilities. We go down to the first floor and go outside.

Open the quest log and familiarize yourself with the “Tasks” and “Map” sections. Main tasks are marked with a stick on a turquoise background. The first person we meet is Butters the Merciful, a paladin. We help him fight off the offender by coming close and striking. On our way we will meet many characters. With most of them, one interaction is enough for them to become our friends. Some individuals will need help first. The number of friends affects the receipt of special privileges (the “Special” subsection in the “Abilities” section), which allow you to achieve advantages in battle. Butters takes us to the Grand Master. In the Cartmans' backyard there is a Koopa fortress - the main and only place where people are stationed. We meet Clyde, a level 14 warrior and part-time manager of a weapons store, Scott Malkinson, a level 9 ranger and the beautiful princess Kenny. We approach Cartman and continue the conversation. We introduce ourselves however we want, because they will still call us simply and laconically – Schmuck. Next, select one of the classes. In this case it is "Warrior". We purchase our first weapon from Clyde. Only available for each class certain types weapons In this case, it is naturally a warrior’s blade, that is, a wooden sword. We open the inventory - melee weapons and arm ourselves with the purchased item. The king wants us to fight against Clyde. Battles take place in a step-by-step mode: first one side attacks, then the other. In this case, the right to make the first move goes to the one who hits the enemy first before the start of the battle. Select the action – warrior’s blade and click on the enemy. To deal maximum damage, you must press the strike button whenever the weapon lights up. An attack is considered perfect if all strikes were made on time. Having successfully carried out the combination, we move on to a strong attack. We deliver one powerful blow according to the same principle as with simple blows.

You also need to defend yourself wisely: click on the simple strike button every time an icon appears under your feet. Ideal defense will minimize the damage received from the enemy’s blow(s), and in close combat it will also allow you to carry out a counterattack.

It's time to use the ability. We approach Clyde: the first time we press the simple hit button to throw the ball, the second time - to hit the ball when it drops to approximately chest level and hit the enemy with it. The use of abilities is limited by power points, displayed as a scale in the upper left corner. Using the knowledge gained, we finish off Clyde. For each victory, experience is awarded, which is used to increase the character's level.

Having proven our suitability to participate in the game, we go into the tent and examine the sacred Stick of Truth. Suddenly the alarm sounds - the elves have attacked! We go outside, hit any enemy and thereby enter into battle. We block the ranged attack of the elf archer. We receive a healing elixir from Cartman, select it from the list of items and use it on ourselves. In one turn, you can perform two actions: use an item and carry out an attack. The move will end with an attack, so we use the item first. We block both enemy attacks separately and carry out a counterattack, striking back. Having won, we collect useful items from the bodies.

We open the inventory and arm ourselves with a bow. Let's enter the next battle. The elf defender covers the elf shooter, so you can’t get to the last one right away. We block the archer's attack and try to strike the warrior. It didn't work out as he got into position to retaliate. Only ranged attacks and abilities are effective against such enemies. We use the bow to hit the elven shooter. The Elf Defender will change position and will now be able to repel a ranged attack. We use the warrior’s ability or blade.

Stick of Truth.

In the last battle, the elven defender will use the “Reliable Defense” ability and put up a shield, which will allow him to ignore one blow without harm to health. The number of hits the shield can withstand is indicated on the shield icon to the left of the health bar. The shield is broken through by any attack: three arrows or three simple blows or three powerful blows in this case are equivalent. We deal with the remaining elven sentry using a powerful attack, since he has armor that levels damage less than 25 (the helmet icon with horns above the health scale indicates the strength of the armor).

The elves retreated, but they quietly took the Stick of Truth with them. Clyde failed in his job of guarding Stick, so Cartman revoked his Kingdom membership. It was decided to gather an army and return the lost artifact. The best warriors - Token, Tweek and Craig - must be recruited as quickly as possible.

Call the best

A fast travel flag appeared a little to the right of the weapons shop. By finding the same flags throughout South Park, we will be able to instantly move between them.

Open the “Abilities” section in the quest log and improve one of the abilities. Through the house we get out onto the main street and open the map. A flashing arrow indicates our location; Question marks are tasks. We go left along the sidewalk, pass by our house and destroy the obstacle. After discovering the second fast travel flag, we are suddenly attacked by elves from an ambush. We try to ideally repel the double attacks of the elves on the first line and make counterattacks. For a partner, the same conditions apply as for the main character, i.e. after the attack the turn ends. We use healing touch and restore Schmuck's health. Butters' main weapon allows him to deliver one powerful blow. Abilities: hammer of justice - spin and after a flash throw the hammer at the enemy, thereby causing him to rage; Storm Hammer – redirect lightning to several enemies in the same line at once. In addition to standard damage, arrows cause bleeding, which takes away a small portion of health with each turn. The healing elixir will get rid of any negative effect. We break through the shields of the elf protector with an ideal simple attack from a bow: three arrows - minus three shields. We finish him off with our main weapon or ability. Having won, we collect loot and continue moving to the left.

Some fights can be avoided by simply running away from enemies. It is highly not recommended to do this, because with each victory, experience is added, which increases the character’s level. Using the map as a guide, we get to Craig's house and learn from his father that Craig was punished for obscene gesture towards the director and left him at school after school.

We go to the Tweek Brothers Cafe on the other side of the city. You can move between streets at intersections. Tweek works part-time as a courier delivering a special ingredient at his father's establishment. We acquire an elixir of speed, which allows you to make two attacks in one turn in battle. We go into the back room through the door on the right side and give the letter to Tweek. In order for him to join the game, you need to help him with his business.

The number of friends affects the receipt of special privileges that allow you to achieve advantages in battle.

Hot coffee

Using the map as our guide, we get to Kenny’s house. Mrs. McCormick will meet us and give us the key to the garage. We unlock the garage door and go down to the basement. Meth addicts will mistake us for a law enforcement officer. We drink the elixir of speed and deal with the enemy on the first line. We use Butters' Storm Hammer ability and damage two enemies on the second line at once. We collect loot, go up the stairs and hit the vertical board. We go all the way to the left and pick up a bag of methamphetamine. We return to Tweek and give him the goods.

Call the best

At the main gate of the Dark Meadows estate we will encounter an aggressive guard. He, of course, won’t want to let us through and will also spray pepper gas in our faces.

Uninvited guest

Let's visit Jimbo's gun store, which is located at the other end of the street. We buy a gas mask, put it on ourselves and return to the guard. Pepper gas will no longer affect us - let's move on to battle. The enemy has good armor, so we make extremely powerful attacks.

Call the best

Having recruited a second ally, Token, we return to the kingdom. The team still needs level six thief Craig. It's up to us to rescue him from school. Before such a dangerous task, you need to thoroughly prepare. Let's follow Cartman to the training field and learn how to use the Dragon's Roar fart spell. Hold down the left mouse button (move the right stick down), use the movement buttons to find and fix the highest vibration amplitude and click on the right mouse button (move the right stick up). We perform “Dragon’s Roar” again on the opponent. Kenny will become our second partner. You can switch between Butters and Kenny both while walking around the city and during battle. In the second case, this will be considered a full move.

Detention after school

We buy everything we need at the merchant's shop. Belt weapons and costume patches are wedged into weapon slots and clothing items, respectively. We go to the school, which is located in the western part of the lower street. A third scale appeared in the upper left corner - mana. It is necessary to use fart spells during battle. We try to replenish the mana reserve before the start of the fight, so that later we don’t have to waste an invaluable turn on this matter. To simple and strong blows a blow enhanced by the fart has been added, causing even more significant damage.

Teacher Mr. Mackie gave his students a three-hour marathon of extracurricular activities. Entering the building, we meet the red-haired duty officer. We hit him or start a conversation. The enemy is weak, so it won’t be difficult to deal with him on the first turn. We pass further through the doors on the right side. The guards barricaded the corridor. We face the fire and use “Dragon Roar” to destroy the obstacle and nearby enemies. Mr. Mackie locked himself in the dining room. You need a golden key to unlock the lock. We collect useful items from the lockers and from the bodies and move to the other wing of the building.

We shoot an arrow at the phone and, as soon as the duty officer approaches it, we hit the chairs. The second option is to shoot the lamp on the far left when the enemy is under it. We go all the way to the left and stand in front of the metal fence in the foreground. We change Butters to Kenny through the “Group” tab in the task log. We switch from “Shooting” to “Partner Control” and, holding down the button responsible for aiming, direct the arrow at the nearest duty officer. Kenny is a master at attracting boys to himself, because it’s not for nothing that he chose the role of a princess for himself. Without attracting attention, we approach the chairs, switch to shooting and knock out the green stand when both guards are near it. We deal with the last enemy in battle and get a brass key. We search the body and select a worthy alternative bow – ball for playing “dodgeball” (3rd level).

We return to the penultimate door (Faculty Only), open it with the obtained key and go inside. We shoot at the ashtray on the table and watch the fireworks. After the explosions, we shoot at the stack of books on the tabletop on the left side. We stand facing the burning box of fireworks and use the “Dragon Roar” spell. We destroy the barrier and get to the frightened boy. We switch to “Partner Control” and, with the help of Butters, heal him. Having received the silver key, we go out into the corridor and go all the way to the right. We unlock the door to teacher Maki's office (Counselor) and go inside. We hit the golden key located on the top shelf with an arrow, pick it up and go to the dining room. After interacting with the door, the main man on duty will appear, so we prepare properly in advance - we replenish our mana reserves and check the presence of the elixir of speed in our inventory.

After the first move, the curator will begin preparing for a crushing spell - calling the parents. This cannot be allowed to happen, as the game will end in our defeat. Also, the battle will end after we deal with the curator. We use Butters’ “Hammer of Storms” on the first turn and hit the opponents on the first line. Against the main enemy on the second turn we use the “Dragon’s Roar” spell - this will disable him for three turns. If necessary, drink the elixir of speed, which will allow you to carry out two attacks in a row. Having won, we collect useful items from the bodies. Using the received key, we unlock the second locker from the top and take out the melee weapon “Mace of Regeneration” (4th level) from it.

Boss "Chief Duty Officer".

Call the best

We free the punished schoolchildren and follow Craig to the Fortress. For our courage and successful recruitment of allies, Cartman promotes us and rewards us with the title “Sir.” The Stick of Truth has not yet reached the Elven Forest and is in the hands of Bard, a dark elf of the tenth level. Hearing his name, the residents are horrified: the Bard enchants his enemies with music, and then destroys them in cold blood. We learn the new spell “Stink-Enchantment” and, according to tradition, test it on our opponent.


The bard hid in the Neighing Donkey tavern. We leave the Kingdom and go there. Having gone down into the cellar, we go all the way to the left, then down and all the way to the right. Thus, moving along the path fenced with all sorts of rubbish, we get to Bard. He will not take part in the battle, but with his melodies he will in every possible way strengthen the morale of the soldiers. The elves are positioned in three rows, which makes it difficult to access two archers, who can seriously harm us, especially if we do not place blocks in time. We throw all our strength at the warrior with the sword and, having dealt with him, we finish off the archers. The bard escaped, locking us in the basement. We approach the barricade, switch to the “Stink Charm” spell and perform a directed fart at the lamp. We enter into battle with another group of elves. Before this, we use the “Stink Charm” on the nearest enemy and, thereby stunning him, quickly strike.

We shoot at the latch of the window above the shelf and let Craig in. Trying to adjust the operation of the shield, he gets shocked. We switch to “Partner Control” and, with the help of Butters, heal Craig. Having got out of the basement, we go to the kitchen and help Cartman. We heal him with the help of Butters and find out that the elves have kidnapped Princess Kenny and are holding her on the second floor. Returning to the living room, we shoot at the lighting fixture suspended on the ceiling, and thereby eliminate one of the enemies. We also shoot at the shield on the sofa, go through it and use the “Stink-Enchantment” on the lamp in front of the door, after hitting it with a ranged weapon. We destroy the obstacle and enter the battle. We are trying to interrupt the powerful spell of the elven witch hunter with some kind of stunning ability. Otherwise, the enemy will perform a signature attack, replenishing his health with each blow. If there is nothing to oppose the hunter, then first we deal with the sentry as quickly as possible. The Forest Elf Armor trophy will serve as an excellent alternative, especially in combination with a bow.

We go up to the second floor and go into the left room. Using a long-range weapon, we knock out the right wall shelf and the multi-colored interior element to the left of the shelf. We hit the table, climb up it and onto an element of the interior. We shoot at the chandelier above the bed, go all the way to the right and, having destroyed the obstacle, grab the rope above the closet. We roll straight onto the bed and free Kenny. We go out into the corridor and, together with our allies, try to get into Bard’s room. The Stick of Truth makes it possible to cheat, including when holding door handles. The elf's mocking remarks are heard from the attic. Kenny will help you smoke out the enemy. Switch to “Partner Control” and, holding down the shot button, aim at the open hatch. We go up the stairs, destroy the box under the multi-colored snowboard and, having shot at the lamp, hit it with the Stink-Enchantment spell. Similarly, we undermine the second lamp, thereby neutralizing the enemy. The second one will not want to fight, so we just hit him and collect the loot. We shoot the chest on the rack, located at the very edge on the right side. We jump down through the resulting hole and find ourselves in the room.

Jimmy Bard.

Bard has excellent health, but in terms of attacks he doesn't stand out in anything remarkable. We try to quickly destroy the rats he summons with abilities with a large affected area. During the lullaby performed by the Bard, quickly and often press the button shown so as not to fall asleep. We spend mana to the maximum, including using it during attacks from long-range and melee weapons. We interrupt the enemy’s powerful spell with a perfectly executed “Soft-boiled” ability. If the Bard manages to perform a spell, then with each blow he will fill our mana scale. This is not so bad if the mana scale is almost zero, but if it is more than half, then an excessive increase will inevitably lead to defecation.

Having won, we take the Stick of Truth, collect all the useful items in the room and return to the Fortress, turning to Cartman, where we will be accepted into membership of the Kingdom of the Koopa Fortress.

It's already late!

The day has come to an end. We get home, go up to our room and lie down on the bed. At night, aliens will kidnap us and try to probe us. Quickly and often press the button shown, resisting the entry of a foreign object. In the same room with us was Randy Marsh, who quickly brought us up to date on the matter of probing the population of South Park.

Alien abduction

We select the alien probe, aim at the teleport beacon that is located above the screen, and shoot at it. By controlling the hologram, we place it in any accessible area outside the force field. To the left of Randy is a container containing the Alien Helmet equipment (level 4). We go down the stairs in the foreground. The alien will raise the alarm and, together with help, will hide behind the force field. Let's look into the next room and take useful items from the container on the right side. Returning to the corridor, we use the alien probe on the lighthouse between the enemies and teleport behind the force field. The aliens are strong in defense and we will have to confront them alone. We don’t spray ourselves on everyone at once, we destroy our enemies one by one.

We arm ourselves with an alien laser and be sure to wear protective equipment, since we were in pajamas while sleeping. We collect useful items and go to the elevator. Using the alien probe, aim at the small blue security panel to the left of the bodice doors and fire.

To free Randy Marsh, you need to disable one of the security system consoles. Which one exactly is unknown. From the container on the left side we take out the “Alien Suit” equipment, which at the beginning of the battle gives a shield that can withstand two hits. We move to the neighboring platform, using an alien probe to the lighthouse there. The left panel is responsible for the upper platform, the right panel for the lower platform. Using the beacon again, we teleport to the lower platform. Having taken useful items from the container, we aim the alien probe at the blue security panel to the right of the alien and shoot: the enemy will be sucked into a perpendicular pipe. We return to the previous platform, move the lower platform to the left and teleport to it. There is also a beacon in the pipe below us - we connect to it and move to the platform under the pipe. We interact with the panel and watch how the alien is sucked into the fan. We teleport into the pipe itself and go all the way to the right. After Randy’s comments, we interact with the security console and carefully monitor the multi-colored buttons in the lower right corner. We repeat the combinations by clicking on the buttons with the mouse (or on the indicated buttons on the gamepad). Randy is still not free, but we are on the right track. You can get into the small room on the right by pointing the alien probe at the blue panel there.

Randy Marsh.

We return to the platform adjacent to the elevator and move to the upper platform. Having searched the container, we wait until the alien above us is on the blue platform of the lighthouse and shoot with the alien probe at the blue security console to the right of him. We go down again and use the left panel to move the upper platform to the left. We teleport to the upper platform, then to the upper level using the beacon there on the left side. We deal with the alien guard using abilities if he gets into an ideal position for dodging. Having won, we go all the way to the right and switch the wall lever. A beacon has appeared below, which will allow you to go down into the room and clean out the container. Returning upstairs, we activate the panel near the burning poppy and go into the room on the left side. We interact with the security console and repeat combinations by pressing buttons. We go down to the elevator, go into the room on the left and be sure to strike first. We drink the elixir of speed and deal with the alien guard with two attacks. Next, we finish off the weaker enemy and fully concentrate on the alien - the head of security. We turn off the ship's alarm and return to Randy Marsh. We interact with the security console and repeat combinations by pressing buttons. Having freed the prisoner, we select the white energy crystal and go out into the corridor. We go left to the elevator, simultaneously taking out the melee weapon “Alien Probe” (5th level) from the container. We insert the crystal into the elevator control panel, shoot from the alien probe into the blue security console and go to the control room. Before the main fight, we will search the container located in the foreground on the right side.

Both alien pilots have several times more health than us. In addition to this, between them there is an alien protective matrix, which imposes on the pilots additional protection. We drink the elixir of speed and destroy the matrix in two attacks. Next, if we were more or less successfully able to repel the pilot’s attack, then again we drink the elixir of speed and unleash all our power on one of the enemies. Otherwise, of course, we replenish our health with food.

An alien ship crashes right in the middle of South Park. It seems this is not the first time that the authorities have eliminated traces of a UFO on Earth.

Find new allies

We go down to the first floor and meet Cartman at front door. The news reports that a new Taco Bell restaurant will soon open - right on the site of the ship that crashed last night. One more thing significant event happened in the dark - the elves stole the Stick of Truth, thereby breaking the rules of the game. The kingdom needs more warriors to punish the dishonest elves.

Recruit ready

Goths hang out in a back alley of the school - you can get there through the gate on the right side of the main entrance. We convey the message to the children in black and after some nagging they agree to take part in the game, but with one condition - we must match their image.


Standard goth set: black clothes, coffee and cigarettes. First, let's visit Jimbo's weapons store and purchase a ranged weapon - a wooden crossbow and a weapon on belts - an iron guard that reflects 15% when blocked. more damage. There is a group of boys in the alley on the left - we enter into battle with them. The sneaks attack quickly and often, so you will have to block accordingly. The reward will be a treasured pack of cigarettes. We go to the other end of the street and buy a gothic suit, hat and gloves from a homeless person. Having put them on, we get to the “Tweek Brothers Coffee” and stock up on the “Heavy Roast” drink. Outside we will be surrounded by elves who will offer to surrender and join them or accept a fight. In any case, the outcome will be the same - a visit to the elf camp. The Elven King, Kyle, will offer to play for them. An important fact becomes clear: it was not the elves who stole the Stick of Truth.

Jimmy Bard and Stan were added to the list of partners. We shop at the local weapons shop and return to the Goths. We've almost recruited them, but we'll have to complete one more test. We go to the community center, which is located to the right of the school, and observe the parent meeting. Parents are unhappy with the closure of the school and are ready to engage in self-government. One of the members of the parent committee turned out to be Randy Marsh, who, noticing us, asks us to tell everyone present about aliens. Without waiting for the truth, the parents separate. We are trying to stick the poster on the table, but Mr. Marsh stops this and asks us to follow him.

Problems of the parent committee

We go to the toilet and, at Randy’s request, fart on him. Randy deflects our spell with ease. Years of training allowed him to master farts to perfection. We are learning a new fart spell called “Whisper”. Hold down the left mouse button (or move the right stick down), use the movement buttons to find and fix the highest amplitude of the oscillation for some time and click on the right mouse button (move the right stick up). We use the whisperer again to distract Mr. Maki.

Let's go to shopping center, which is located in the northern part of the upper street. Concerned parents did not stand aside and decided to personally observe the progress of construction of the largest Taco Bell in the country. When the crowd disperses, we come closer to the two military men and release the whisperer in any direction. The fart can be controlled for some time (mouse direction or left stick), which will allow us to detonate it in the right place. We place the fart near the gate in such a way that both enemies, who should be highlighted at that moment, fall within the damage radius. We don’t limit ourselves to just one attempt, we use the spell again and again, moving the military further and further from the gate. Then we quickly pass through the gate into the prohibited area.

We stand in front of the brown generator near the truck on the left side and, with the help of the whisperer, lure the enemy to the water. We pull the generator lever and thereby eliminate the military man. There is a lighthouse on the roof of the building - we shoot at it with an alien probe and move upstairs. From the container on the left side we take out a melee weapon - “Stone Hammer” (7th level). We get inside through the ventilation pipe on the right side.

At an emergency meeting, government officials discuss the leak of alien goo that is turning all living things into Nazi zombies. The plan is simple - to stop the epidemic by destroying an entire town.

A fascist zombie breaks free, kills the military and attacks us. Having dealt with the enemy, we collect useful items from the bodies, including a full set of special forces - an armored helmet, a vest and a glove (level 8). We go into the conference room and take the recorder from the table with a recording of the meeting. From the locker on the right side we take out a weapon on the Tesla Coil belts, which adds 50 shock damage with a perfect attack. Having got out of the building, we leave the territory and run away from the zombies. If you wish, you can go back and join the battle. Fallen zombies can rise after a certain number of moves, so we always finish them off if we are not sure that the battle will end as quickly as possible. We destroy the enemy with a shield first, since he can take a stance that will not allow us to attack him in close combat, and use a stun grenade, which deprives us of our move.

We return to the community center and give the recorder to Randy Marsh. In gratitude, he will take a photo of us with the poster in front of the members of the parent committee.

Belt weapons and costume patches are wedged into weapon slots and clothing items, respectively.


We put on a gothic outfit, if we haven’t done so before, and go to the school back street. Having shown the photo, we dance in front of the goths, pressing the arrows on the keyboard (or the gamepad buttons) in time to capture the flying icons.

Find new allies

The answer is ours. You can take the Goths to both people and elves. The choice has virtually no effect on anything, except that there will be a limitation on partners. People are sure that the Elves stole the Stick, but the Elves think exactly the opposite.

We climb to the top of the tower (people) or tree (elves) and call on our allies. Having received a promotion, we go to school, where everything should be decided.

Attack the school

We go into the nook and get to the first door. We heal the Goth with the help of Butters (people) or gain access to the ramp with the help of the Bard (elves) and go inside. From the kitchen we go to the buffet, and from the buffet to the dining room. We buy everything we need through the vending machine, then stand in front of the barricade and shoot at the lamp above it. We fire another shot at the fire cabinet pipe. At the other end of the corridor, we select the ranged weapon “Basketball” (level 8) from the defeated enemy. We move unhindered to the next barricade and finish off the last enemy. We penetrate the ventilation and get to the upper right grate using an alien probe. We hit the grate only when the enemy is under us. We drive the second enemy to the barricade using the “Whisper” or “Stink Charm”. We return to the barricade and use a spell on the burning torches.

We go out into the corridor and go left. We shoot at the fire extinguishing system on the ceiling above the fan, fart on the burning torch and destroy the obstacle. It’s not that easy to get into the lobby, so we go down to the basement and encounter the infected guards on duty. The “Bull Pass” ability perfectly breaks through all shields (we hold the simple strike button after the notification and release it when the red bull appears), so we use it against instigators. Don't forget that zombies can come to life - we try to finish them off without harming their progress, i.e. an attack that hits multiple enemies at once.

In the next room we go up the stairs and shoot at the valve. We penetrate the ventilation, go all the way to the right and hit the grate at the moment when the enemy is under us. A little to the right of it there is a shield - first we shoot from a ranged weapon, then we use the “Stink-Enchantment” spell when the enemy is under the shield. Your partner will help you destroy the last enemy. If we play as elves, then we direct Stan at the enemy while standing above, if we play as people, then we direct Kenny at the enemy while standing in front of the electrified puddle. We go to the generator, having previously destroyed the obstacle, and turn off the power supply. We get out of the basement and go into the lobby through the door on the right.

We hit the school board, shoot from the alien probe at the lighthouse on the balcony and move upstairs. We go down the rope on the other side and stand in front of the barricade so that the shells intended for us hit it. Then we use the Stink Chara beam on the inflamed area and thereby cause an explosion. First, we can lure all nearby enemies to the barricade using the “Whisper” spell. We stand behind the catapult and use it to hit the barricade in the foreground. All that remains is to use the spell to free the front entrance. The arriving allies will break down the door, and we will be able to move on.

We enter into a fight with Stan (people) or Butters (elves). In both cases, the opponents have strong armor, but in addition to this, Butters also has a shield that can withstand five hits. Stan attacks quickly and often - you will have to block according to his pace. Butters' shields are easily broken through by the "Bull Arrival" ability. Having won, we take the captured weapon and go up to the next floor. Following the corridor, we get to our classroom. Helping your allies is not at all necessary.

We enter the office on the left and make a choice - hit Kyle or Cartman. You will have to fight 1 on 1, without the participation of partners on both sides. We use the elixir of speed more often if there is no threat of death, otherwise we replenish health with healing elixirs. Both Kyle and Cartman have unique spells, which can be repelled to end the fight ahead of schedule. To do this, you will have to press the button shown very quickly and very often.

As it turns out, school desks don't have drawers! This means that we were all lured here... by Clyde, who founded his own Kingdom of the Army of Darkness and gathered a huge number of fighters around him. Craig, who had previously fought on the side of the people, also defected to them.

Come home

The game is interrupted due to the onset of night. Returning home, we go to bed.

The second night was also not without surprises: having noticed the linen gnomes, we entered into a fight with them. Thanks to the miniature size of gnomes, dealing with them will not be difficult. It's another matter when the gnome sorcerer reduces us to his size. As before, the enemies are not very strong in attack, but they are overwhelming in numbers. The elixir of speed will help compensate for the lack of a partner.

Defeat the linen gnomes

Having penetrated the hole, we go around the mousetrap along a narrow passage on the left side (in the foreground) and go up along the multi-colored wires. From the bag on the right side we take the “Dwarf Helmet” (9th level) and the ranged weapon “Superball” (10th level). We go left to the bend, hit the pipe and shoot at the wire. The rat will get scared and run straight towards the trap. We go downstairs, get to the ventilation and watch our parents talk about our certain talent that no one should know about. We get out from the other side, go up along the wires and go all the way to the left. We take out from the container the gnome's clothes (level 9) and the weapon on the belts “Pickaxe Head” (level 10). Returning to the wires, we shoot down the pipe above us and climb up it. We climb even higher along the two-color wires in front of the rat. We shoot at the area above us, destroy the obstacle and, having gone to the end, hit the pipe. Going down, use “Dragon Roar” on an open fire. Dealing with the last remaining rat will not be the slightest difficulty. We take out the melee weapon “Dwarf Pickaxe” (9th level) from the bag, lift it along the wires and get out by pushing the switch.

We overtake the gnomes and destroy them. We collect from one of the bodies the “Cap of Panties” (level 11) and the patch for the costume “Don’t touch me” (level 10). We go all the way to the right, go down and catch up with the gnome sorcerer. We start the attack with “Bull Arrival” to reduce the enemy’s armor and cause him to bleed. In the future, we continue to use abilities and make powerful attacks with ranged and melee weapons. Having won, we receive dwarf dust, which allows us to shrink and grow in size at any time. By stealing laundry, the gnomes wanted to protect themselves from the green alien slime. The sorcerer does not have time to inform about its true purpose.

Dwarf sorcerer.

Creation of alliances

Kyle called all the people and elves for an emergency meeting. We go to the Elven Forest, which is located in the backyard of Kyle’s house. The Army of Darkness numbers at least 50 fighters. With grief in half, people and elves united to confront their common enemy. The main task was to recruit additional allies in the person of pirates, the federation and... girls. The boys don’t have very good relationships with the latter, so it’s up to us to establish contact with the opposite sex.

Recruit girls

Cartman and Kyle became our full-fledged partners. We go to the city administration building and help Annie fight off the bully girls. Having won, we convey the message to a new friend and agree to follow her to the girls’ secret hideout. If we help potential allies, we will receive support from them. So, let's take on the Monica Ryland case. Monica is suspected of spreading rumors that respectable Ellie Nelson was spotted at an abortion clinic. By pretending to be Bebe's boyfriend, we can bring the schemer to light.

Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend

Let's go to children's park and meet Monica, sitting on the bench to the right of the basketball court. The suspicions were not in vain - Monica really turned out to be a two-faced person. The girls prepared in advance and brought her boyfriend, Jake, to the meeting, who attacks us. Having dealt with the enemy, we return to the city administration building and are again transported to the girls’ shelter.

New details were revealed: although Monica was caught in obscene behavior, it was not she who spread nasty rumors about Ellie. The prosecution abruptly switched to Heidi Turner, who until recently was supposed to help implement the plan to incriminate Monica.

For this task we need to transform into a girl. We put on a wig, a dress, shoes and use false eyelashes.

Unplanned Parenthood

We go into the clinic and talk to the administrator at the counter. We move on without a partner. We skip the archive room and take out from the chest of drawers the weapon on the belts “Infusion Needle” (level 11) and the ranged weapon “Poisoned Grenades” (level 11). The next door leads to room “A”, where Dr. Vaginophil will meet us. We lie down on a chair and quickly and often press the button shown until the scale is filled. We select surgical equipment from the cart to the right of the chair and put on it. After leaving the office, go left and gain access to the archive room. We search the box under the yellow marking “2013”. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Randy Marsh appears and reports that government agents have seized the clinic.

We switch to “Dwarf Dust”, decrease in size and go into the hole between the boxes. We shoot at the pipe above the rats and watch them being shot. We destroy two gnomes in the same way, and deal with the third one ourselves. We hit the wires inside the shield and then fart on them. Immediately after the shield we climb the wire and get out. We increase in size and from the drawer of the nightstand we take the patch for the “Hanger” suit (level 12). Having put on a surgical gown, cap and gloves, we enter into a dialogue with Randy Marsh.

Mana intake must be strictly calculated, otherwise you may lose it completely at the most inopportune moment.

Agents burst into the operating room, and Randy immediately takes on the role of a pregnant lady. To be more convincing, we perform an abortion operation on Randy. The syringe needle should be directed directly to the center between the legs, only after that press the downward movement button. We expand the anus by quickly and often pressing the left and right movement buttons (or rotating the left stick on the gamepad counterclockwise). We suck the eggs with the tube: hold down the left mouse button (or move the left stick to the left and hold it in that position) until Randy panics, and then quickly click on the right mouse button (move the left stick to the right). We repeat this action, but on the other side, and leave the operating room after the agents.

The military is no longer able to control the situation. Alien slime infects everyone in its path. So it overtook the embryos, who instantly destroyed the agents. Having dealt with the enemies or avoided the fight, we go left and shoot the ventilation grill above the closet. Using “Dwarf Dust”, we decrease in size and climb up the objects on the shelves of the closet. Having defeated the rats, we get to the next grate and get into the ventilation. We go all the way to the right, get out into the corridor and switch to the “Alien Probe”. We shoot at the beacon and teleport to the pipe above it. We unscrew the valve and teleport inside the pipe. We go all the way to the left, switch to “Arrow” and shoot through the wire that holds the lamp. We return to the floor, increase in size and perform a directed fart at the inflamed part of the turret. We enter into a fight with four embryos. They are not that strong, so we use abilities or weapons that cause damage to as many enemies as possible.

The military at the reception notifies that the building is being cleared. However, this is not so, the last one left is a giant embryo. During an attack, the umbilical cord is capable of completely restoring the health of the embryo, so we destroy it first. It is also necessary to finally finish off the umbilical cord so that it no longer bothers us. The embryo has neither shields nor armor, so we can easily deal with it with powerful and concentrated attacks.

Recruit girls

We return to Annie and are transported to the girls’ shelter. Medical notes from the clinic were found on French. Accordingly, we receive a new task - to translate important documents. We go to the Elven Forest for help from our allies. Cartman reports that French speakers can be found in the Northern Kingdom.

On North

Having received a passport in the name of Larry Bobinsky, we get to the “Photo Dojo”, guided by the map. We contact the operator and go into the photo studio. We stand in the center of the green background and, under the operator’s far-fetched pretexts, undress down to our underpants. The cameraman turned out to be not a cameraman at all, he is a pedophile who took over the studio! Having taught the child molester a lesson, we pose in front of a real photographer and paste the resulting photo onto our passport. The path to the Canadian border lies through the Lost Forest, which is located in the upper right corner of the map. Being in the forest, we move only north and will soon find ourselves at the border. We show our passport and enter Canadian territory.

We visit the first city – Ottawa. Here you can exchange American dollars for local currency and buy goods with them from a local merchant. At the clinic, for ten Canadian dollars, they cure severe AIDS (in two approaches), which animals can “reward” us. At the end of the street there is a castle where the Prince of Canada lives with his wife. After reviewing the records, he will send us to the Earl of Winnipeg.

Oh Canada

We get out of the castle through the right room. The local fauna consists entirely of dire wolves, bears and snakes. All of them, one way or another, are vulnerable to fire, so the ideal partner would be Cartman, who has massive fire abilities.

We get to the next town - Winnipeg. The Count will help us if we kill all the dire bears in the northeastern part of the city. After leaving the building, we go right all the way, and then up - there we will meet fierce bears. Having dealt with them, we return to the count and find out that the records were made in the language of eastern Canada. The Minister of Montreal knows this language, but in this moment he is imprisoned in a cave in Quebec by order of the prince. The Count promised to put in a good word for him.

We go to Ottawa again and agree to help the prince kill the Bishop of Banff, who insists on annexing Montreal to the kingdom and lays claim to the throne. We get to the third city - Banff. We enter the church and hit the bishop. Having finished with him, we will have a choice - to finish off or take the boar's eggs, which will serve as evidence of the murder, and let him go. If we choose the first option, then a chest with a melee weapon “Scepter of Fierceness” (level 11) will appear in front of us.

We return to the prince and provide him with the bishop's eggs. Of course, the prince had no intention of releasing the minister, as he was afraid of losing his place on the throne. The princess insists that her husband keep his promise, but without waiting for a positive answer, he decides to help us on his own. We receive a message for the Duke of Vancouver and actually go to his last city. The Duke is extremely dissatisfied with the prince’s arbitrariness and reports that monks living in the southeast of the city will help us get into the Quibec catacombs. We go all the way down and swim across to the opposite bank of the river, from pier to pier. In the house we will meet Terrence (in a red sweatshirt) and Philip (in a blue sweatshirt). We use the “Dragon Roar” spell on Philip, release the “Stink-Charm” on Terrence and distract both monks with “Whisper”. We are learning a new fart - “Nagasaki”. With its help we destroy the barrier and deal with three pedophiles.

The entrance to the cave where the minister is being held is located between the cities of Ottawa and Winnipeg. Having made our way inside, we clear the blockage near the passage using the “Nagasaki” spell. Before the battle, we replenish our mana reserves. The Nagasaki fart is very effective against large quantity enemies – we use it more often in combination with Cartman’s powerful abilities. We strike first to start the battle with our move! Having won, we take the “Barbarian Armor” (level 12) from the chest and free the minister. He will be happy to translate our notes, and we can return to the girls with the information received.

Monks Terrence and Philip.

The two-faced Heidi Turner is exposed and forgiven. Now the girls will join our game with peace of mind.

Beat Clyde!

We return to the Elven Forest and all together set off to storm the Kingdom of the Army of Darkness. Using the “Nagasaki” spell, we destroy each of the gargoyles on the raised bridge separately. There is a beacon hanging to the right of the tower gate - we shoot at it from the alien probe and move up. Turn off the generator located on the right side. Again, we use the beacon to move it to the area above the gate. We hit the sign and thereby knock out one of the enemies. We go down and deal with the remaining enemy.

Having gone inside, we quickly rush to the barricade, break through it and hit the enemies first. Having defeated them, we collect useful items and shoot up the stairs. Having gone upstairs, we deal with two cyclops and climb up the next ladder. We carry out massive attacks in battle against a large number of different enemies. We strike the leg of the wooden table and finally bring it down with the “Nagasaki” spell. We go up the descending stairs and help the pirates fight off their enemies. We go to the right tower, turn the steering wheel all the way and move to the left tower. We shoot the lamp inside it, then make a directed beam at the resulting fire. We pass the barricade using the beacon above the gate. We turn the steering wheel all the way and, returning to the gate, go inside.

While Craig raises the third cow, we must quickly get rid of the other two. We use "Nagasaki" to free the boarded up passage on the top floor on the right side. The little helper will set the mechanism on fire - we hit him with the Stink Charm. We move all the way to the left and shoot at the lamp thrown by Stan on the top floor. We use the “Stink Charm” on an open fire.

Craig is able to summon an army of clones that attack almost the same as the original, but die literally with one powerful blow. Recognizing the real Craig will have to be done at random, so the elixir of speed will come in handy. We use it for our partner too.

We climb the stairs lowered by Stan and meet Randy Marsh on our way. At the clinic, he found out for what purpose government agents visited such a harmless place. As it turned out, they were looking for a potential candidate who would carry a bomb intended to destroy the city. Faced with resistance and barely escaping, the agents decided that the carrier would be... Mr. Masochist. We decrease in size and penetrate him through the anus.

Almost immediately we encounter the toad king, who advises us to hurry to the colon. We destroy obstacles on the way, climb the corn and neutralize the electrical barrier with the help of our partner, Stan. Having moved forward a little, we shoot through the red clot at the moment when there is a fascist microbe under it. We shoot at the lighthouse with an alien probe and teleport behind the barrier. We go down lower, climb up Mr. Hat and get to a dead end. We use the “Nagasaki” spell to destroy the ball. We enter into battle with a group of microbes and, having destroyed them, select the melee weapon “Vibrating Blade” (level 14). We go up the slope, climb up the hill onto the lantern and go down a similar hill on the other side. We go to the right to the middle of the lantern and insert the battery. We climb onto the lantern again and press its button. From the container in front of the lantern we take out the “Latex Cap” equipment (level 13), which at the beginning of the battle gives a shield that can withstand five hits.

We climb up the chain, meet the Sparrow Prince and defeat him in battle. We destroy the barrier and go through to the barrier. We use “Nagasaki” to destroy the ball in the upper right corner. We climb onto the dildo, move to the left end and hit the white slime. Using the beacon, we teleport to the bottle cap, press the button and thereby drill a passage. Returning back, we go down and encounter guards. Having dealt with them, we finally get out to the thermonuclear warhead. We select Jimmy as a partner and direct him to the bomb control buttons. We complete the neutralization ourselves by performing an abortion. South Park saved!

Toad King.

We go left and get to Clyde. He uses the slime to revive the Chief. The enemy has a huge amount of health, so you shouldn’t count on a quick victory. We take as our partner the time-tested Butters, who will constantly maintain our health at the required level. Having practically destroyed the Chief, Clyde will launch a Molotov cocktail at him. It is important to react quickly with a fart (press the right mouse button or move the right stick down), otherwise we will burn together with the enemy.

We are awarded the highest title - king. Arriving government agents, led by a healthy man, declare us the dragon-born Duvakin. The X-hour has come: a healthy man offers to serve for the good of the country, however, upon learning about the power of the Stick of Truth, he goes crazy and proclaims himself the ruler of the Universe! Princess Kenny joins him, thereby betraying her friends. As they explained to us, Kenny is an orc whose village suffered at the hands of people and elves.


We go up to the tower and buy everything we need before the final battle. You will have to fight against Kenny until all your partners, except Kyle, take part in the battle. They will replace each other at the moment of a unique enemy attack, when you need to quickly and often press the button shown. We weaken the princess’s armor to a minimum with the “Bull Arrival” ability. After the first fight, Kenny will drink the alien mucus, and her armor will be restored, but in the future the armor will remain in the same state.

The fight could continue indefinitely, but Cartman suggests breaking the code and... farting on Kenny's balls. We drink the elixir of mana and use magic. The city escaped not only destruction, but also got rid of infection by alien mucus. All you had to do was fart on your balls.

Far in the lands of Zaron, the inhabitants of the fortress of Kupa fought for their lives under the onslaught of the evil dark elves of Larnion. As darkness fell over the kingdom, the people begged their king, the Grand Master, to save them. The elves attacked again and again, never stopping trying to take possession of the most valuable artifact of people - the Stick of Truth. And whoever owns the Stick of Truth reigns over the entire Universe. The mysterious “newcomer” was destined to put an end to the eternal confrontation between people and elves.

Nothing is known about the newcomer's past. However, he himself is also not eager to share details from his life. The parents decided to move to the wonderful town of South Park, saving their child from past problems.

New kid in town

Having created a character to our liking, we look around the room. The chest adjacent to the bed is designed to store items. If an unused item appears in your inventory that you will probably need in the future, then feel free to leave it in the chest. All interior objects that can be interacted with are colored yellow. We open the wall cabinet and take everything that is in it from the backpack. Most of what is found is of no value in battle and is sent to the “Basket” section in the inventory. You can make good money by selling garbage to merchants. We leave the room and go left. We go into the bathroom, sit on the toilet and defecate, quickly and often pressing the button shown. Turd is a completely free and very effective weapon in battle, causing nausea in enemies and reducing their attack capabilities. We go down to the first floor and go outside.

Open the quest log and familiarize yourself with the “Tasks” and “Map” sections. Main tasks are marked with a stick on a turquoise background. The first person we meet is Butters the Merciful, a paladin. We help him fight off the offender by coming close and striking. On our way we will meet many characters. With most of them, one interaction is enough for them to become our friends. Some individuals will need help first. The number of friends affects the receipt of special privileges (the “Special” subsection in the “Abilities” section), which allow you to achieve advantages in battle. Butters takes us to the Grand Master. In the Cartmans' backyard there is a Koopa fortress - the main and only place where people are stationed. We meet Clyde, a level 14 warrior and part-time manager of a weapons store, Scott Malkinson, a level 9 ranger and the beautiful princess Kenny. We approach Cartman and continue the conversation. We introduce ourselves however we want, because they will still call us simply and laconically – Schmuck. Next, select one of the classes. In this case it is "Warrior". We purchase our first weapon from Clyde. Only certain types of weapons are available for each class. In this case, it is naturally a warrior’s blade, that is, a wooden sword. We open the inventory - melee weapons and arm ourselves with the purchased item. The king wants us to fight against Clyde. Battles take place in a step-by-step mode: first one side attacks, then the other. In this case, the right to make the first move goes to the one who hits the enemy first before the start of the battle. Select the action – warrior’s blade and click on the enemy. To deal maximum damage, you must press the strike button whenever the weapon lights up. An attack is considered perfect if all strikes were made on time. Having successfully carried out the combination, we move on to a strong attack. We deliver one powerful blow according to the same principle as with simple blows.

You also need to defend yourself wisely: click on the simple strike button every time an icon appears under your feet. Ideal defense will minimize the damage received from the enemy’s blow(s), and in close combat it will also allow you to carry out a counterattack.

It's time to use the ability. We approach Clyde: the first time we press the simple hit button to throw the ball, the second time - to hit the ball when it drops to approximately chest level and hit the enemy with it. The use of abilities is limited by power points, displayed as a scale in the upper left corner. Using the knowledge gained, we finish off Clyde. For each victory, experience is awarded, which is used to increase the character's level.

Having proven our suitability to participate in the game, we go into the tent and examine the sacred Stick of Truth. Suddenly the alarm sounds - the elves have attacked! We go outside, hit any enemy and thereby enter into battle. We block the ranged attack of the elf archer. We receive a healing elixir from Cartman, select it from the list of items and use it on ourselves. In one turn, you can perform two actions: use an item and carry out an attack. The move will end with an attack, so we use the item first. We block both enemy attacks separately and carry out a counterattack, striking back. Having won, we collect useful items from the bodies.

We open the inventory and arm ourselves with a bow. Let's enter the next battle. The elf defender covers the elf shooter, so you can’t get to the last one right away. We block the archer's attack and try to strike the warrior. It didn't work out as he got into position to retaliate. Only ranged attacks and abilities are effective against such enemies. We use the bow to hit the elven shooter. The Elf Defender will change position and will now be able to repel a ranged attack. We use the warrior’s ability or blade.

Stick of Truth.

In the last battle, the elven defender will use the “Reliable Defense” ability and put up a shield, which will allow him to ignore one blow without harm to health. The number of hits the shield can withstand is indicated on the shield icon to the left of the health bar. The shield is broken through by any attack: three arrows or three simple blows or three powerful blows in this case are equivalent. We deal with the remaining elven sentry using a powerful attack, since he has armor that levels damage less than 25 (the helmet icon with horns above the health scale indicates the strength of the armor).

The elves retreated, but they quietly took the Stick of Truth with them. Clyde failed in his job of guarding Stick, so Cartman revoked his Kingdom membership. It was decided to gather an army and return the lost artifact. The best warriors - Token, Tweek and Craig - must be recruited as quickly as possible.

Call the best

A fast travel flag appeared a little to the right of the weapons shop. By finding the same flags throughout South Park, we will be able to instantly move between them.

Open the “Abilities” section in the quest log and improve one of the abilities. Through the house we get out onto the main street and open the map. A flashing arrow indicates our location; Question marks are tasks. We go left along the sidewalk, pass by our house and destroy the obstacle. After discovering the second fast travel flag, we are suddenly attacked by elves from an ambush. We try to ideally repel the double attacks of the elves on the first line and make counterattacks. For a partner, the same conditions apply as for the main character, i.e. after the attack the turn ends. We use healing touch and restore Schmuck's health. Butters' main weapon allows him to deliver one powerful blow. Abilities: hammer of justice - spin and after a flash throw the hammer at the enemy, thereby causing him to rage; Storm Hammer – redirect lightning to several enemies in the same line at once. In addition to standard damage, arrows cause bleeding, which takes away a small portion of health with each turn. The healing elixir will get rid of any negative effect. We break through the shields of the elf protector with an ideal simple attack from a bow: three arrows - minus three shields. We finish him off with our main weapon or ability. Having won, we collect loot and continue moving to the left.

Some fights can be avoided by simply running away from enemies. It is highly not recommended to do this, because with each victory, experience is added, which increases the character’s level. Using the map as a guide, we get to Craig's house and learn from his father that Craig was punished for making an obscene gesture towards the principal and was left at school after school.

We go to the Tweek Brothers Cafe on the other side of the city. You can move between streets at intersections. Tweek works part-time as a courier delivering a special ingredient at his father's establishment. We acquire an elixir of speed, which allows you to make two attacks in one turn in battle. We go into the back room through the door on the right side and give the letter to Tweek. In order for him to join the game, you need to help him with his business.

The number of friends affects the receipt of special privileges that allow you to achieve advantages in battle.

Hot coffee

Using the map as our guide, we get to Kenny’s house. Mrs. McCormick will meet us and give us the key to the garage. We unlock the garage door and go down to the basement. Meth addicts will mistake us for a law enforcement officer. We drink the elixir of speed and deal with the enemy on the first line. We use Butters' Storm Hammer ability and damage two enemies on the second line at once. We collect loot, go up the stairs and hit the vertical board. We go all the way to the left and pick up a bag of methamphetamine. We return to Tweek and give him the goods.

Call the best

At the main gate of the Dark Meadows estate we will encounter an aggressive guard. He, of course, won’t want to let us through and will also spray pepper gas in our faces.

Uninvited guest

Let's visit Jimbo's gun store, which is located at the other end of the street. We buy a gas mask, put it on ourselves and return to the guard. Pepper gas will no longer affect us - let's move on to battle. The enemy has good armor, so we make extremely powerful attacks.

Call the best

Having recruited a second ally, Token, we return to the kingdom. The team still needs level six thief Craig. It's up to us to rescue him from school. Before such a dangerous task, you need to thoroughly prepare. Let's follow Cartman to the training field and learn how to use the Dragon's Roar fart spell. Hold down the left mouse button (move the right stick down), use the movement buttons to find and fix the highest vibration amplitude and click on the right mouse button (move the right stick up). We perform “Dragon’s Roar” again on the opponent. Kenny will become our second partner. You can switch between Butters and Kenny both while walking around the city and during battle. In the second case, this will be considered a full move.

Detention after school

We buy everything we need at the merchant's shop. Belt weapons and costume patches are wedged into weapon slots and clothing items, respectively. We go to the school, which is located in the western part of the lower street. A third scale appeared in the upper left corner - mana. It is necessary to use fart spells during battle. We try to replenish the mana reserve before the start of the fight, so that later we don’t have to waste an invaluable turn on this matter. To simple and strong blows, a blow enhanced by a fart has been added, causing even more significant damage.

Teacher Mr. Mackie gave his students a three-hour marathon of extracurricular activities. Entering the building, we meet the red-haired duty officer. We hit him or start a conversation. The enemy is weak, so it won’t be difficult to deal with him on the first turn. We pass further through the doors on the right side. The guards barricaded the corridor. We face the fire and use “Dragon Roar” to destroy the obstacle and nearby enemies. Mr. Mackie locked himself in the dining room. You need a golden key to unlock the lock. We collect useful items from the lockers and from the bodies and move to the other wing of the building.

We shoot an arrow at the phone and, as soon as the duty officer approaches it, we hit the chairs. The second option is to shoot the lamp on the far left when the enemy is under it. We go all the way to the left and stand in front of the metal fence in the foreground. We change Butters to Kenny through the “Group” tab in the task log. We switch from “Shooting” to “Partner Control” and, holding down the button responsible for aiming, direct the arrow at the nearest duty officer. Kenny is a master at attracting boys to himself, because it’s not for nothing that he chose the role of a princess for himself. Without attracting attention, we approach the chairs, switch to shooting and knock out the green stand when both guards are near it. We deal with the last enemy in battle and get a brass key. We search the body and select a worthy alternative to the bow - a ball for playing “dodgeball” (3rd level).

We return to the penultimate door (Faculty Only), open it with the obtained key and go inside. We shoot at the ashtray on the table and watch the fireworks. After the explosions, we shoot at the stack of books on the tabletop on the left side. We stand facing the burning box of fireworks and use the “Dragon Roar” spell. We destroy the barrier and get to the frightened boy. We switch to “Partner Control” and, with the help of Butters, heal him. Having received the silver key, we go out into the corridor and go all the way to the right. We unlock the door to teacher Maki's office (Counselor) and go inside. We hit the golden key located on the top shelf with an arrow, pick it up and go to the dining room. After interacting with the door, the main man on duty will appear, so we prepare properly in advance - we replenish our mana reserves and check the presence of the elixir of speed in our inventory.

After the first move, the curator will begin preparing for a crushing spell - calling the parents. This cannot be allowed to happen, as the game will end in our defeat. Also, the battle will end after we deal with the curator. We use Butters’ “Hammer of Storms” on the first turn and hit the opponents on the first line. Against the main enemy on the second turn we use the “Dragon’s Roar” spell - this will disable him for three turns. If necessary, drink the elixir of speed, which will allow you to carry out two attacks in a row. Having won, we collect useful items from the bodies. Using the received key, we unlock the second locker from the top and take out the melee weapon “Mace of Regeneration” (4th level) from it.

Boss "Chief Duty Officer".

Call the best

We free the punished schoolchildren and follow Craig to the Fortress. For our courage and successful recruitment of allies, Cartman promotes us and rewards us with the title “Sir.” The Stick of Truth has not yet reached the Elven Forest and is in the hands of Bard, a dark elf of the tenth level. Hearing his name, the residents are horrified: the Bard enchants his enemies with music, and then destroys them in cold blood. We learn the new spell “Stink-Enchantment” and, according to tradition, test it on our opponent.


The bard hid in the Neighing Donkey tavern. We leave the Kingdom and go there. Having gone down into the cellar, we go all the way to the left, then down and all the way to the right. Thus, moving along the path fenced with all sorts of rubbish, we get to Bard. He will not take part in the battle, but with his melodies he will in every possible way strengthen the morale of the soldiers. The elves are positioned in three rows, which makes it difficult to access two archers, who can seriously harm us, especially if we do not place blocks in time. We throw all our strength at the warrior with the sword and, having dealt with him, we finish off the archers. The bard escaped, locking us in the basement. We approach the barricade, switch to the “Stink Charm” spell and perform a directed fart at the lamp. We enter into battle with another group of elves. Before this, we use the “Stink Charm” on the nearest enemy and, thereby stunning him, quickly strike.

We shoot at the latch of the window above the shelf and let Craig in. Trying to adjust the operation of the shield, he gets shocked. We switch to “Partner Control” and, with the help of Butters, heal Craig. Having got out of the basement, we go to the kitchen and help Cartman. We heal him with the help of Butters and find out that the elves have kidnapped Princess Kenny and are holding her on the second floor. Returning to the living room, we shoot at the lighting fixture suspended on the ceiling, and thereby eliminate one of the enemies. We also shoot at the shield on the sofa, go through it and use the “Stink-Enchantment” on the lamp in front of the door, after hitting it with a ranged weapon. We destroy the obstacle and enter the battle. We are trying to interrupt the powerful spell of the elven witch hunter with some kind of stunning ability. Otherwise, the enemy will perform a signature attack, replenishing his health with each blow. If there is nothing to oppose the hunter, then first we deal with the sentry as quickly as possible. The Forest Elf Armor trophy will serve as an excellent alternative, especially in combination with a bow.

We go up to the second floor and go into the left room. Using a long-range weapon, we knock out the right wall shelf and the multi-colored interior element to the left of the shelf. We hit the table, climb up it and onto an element of the interior. We shoot at the chandelier above the bed, go all the way to the right and, having destroyed the obstacle, grab the rope above the closet. We roll straight onto the bed and free Kenny. We go out into the corridor and, together with our allies, try to get into Bard’s room. The Stick of Truth makes it possible to cheat, including when holding door handles. The elf's mocking remarks are heard from the attic. Kenny will help you smoke out the enemy. Switch to “Partner Control” and, holding down the shot button, aim at the open hatch. We go up the stairs, destroy the box under the multi-colored snowboard and, having shot at the lamp, hit it with the Stink-Enchantment spell. Similarly, we undermine the second lamp, thereby neutralizing the enemy. The second one will not want to fight, so we just hit him and collect the loot. We shoot the chest on the rack, located at the very edge on the right side. We jump down through the resulting hole and find ourselves in the room.

Jimmy Bard.

Bard has excellent health, but in terms of attacks he doesn't stand out in anything remarkable. We try to quickly destroy the rats he summons with abilities with a large affected area. During the lullaby performed by the Bard, quickly and often press the button shown so as not to fall asleep. We spend mana to the maximum, including using it during attacks from long-range and melee weapons. We interrupt the enemy’s powerful spell with a perfectly executed “Soft-boiled” ability. If the Bard manages to perform a spell, then with each blow he will fill our mana scale. This is not so bad if the mana scale is almost zero, but if it is more than half, then an excessive increase will inevitably lead to defecation.

Having won, we take the Stick of Truth, collect all the useful items in the room and return to the Fortress, turning to Cartman, where we will be accepted into membership of the Kingdom of the Koopa Fortress.


On this page everyone can find instructions for the game - South Park The Stick of Truth passing levels. We tried to consider both main and secondary tasks to make it easier for you in the game. As they say: “It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight.”

To make friends

Go outside to help Baters fight back. After that, follow him and when you meet, start a conversation with Cartman. Once the conversation is over, go with them to create a character, class, and so on.

Next stage - combat training. Study the instructions and try to beat all the “bad elves”. Afterwards you will receive a task from Eric to gather allies.

When you leave Cartman's house, turn left. Beware of the ambush that will await you at the first flag. You will need to go to Craig's house. There you will find out that he was punished by his parents because he showed middle finger school principal. To get a new task, go to Clyde's mansion or Tweek's coffee shop. Once you complete the assignment, return to Cartman.

Flammable coffee

South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough. We should go to Kenya. After talking with his mother, look into the garage. In it you will need to beat all the homeless people and pick up the package that is on the shelf near the door. Find the package, return to the coffee shop to give it to Tweek.

Uninvited guest

There is no way to get into the building, since the aggressive guard sprays pepper spray in the face every time you try. To pass it, first go to Jimbo's store.

Detention after school

South Park The Stick of Truth passage implies correct behavior at school. Go to school to hit the redhead there. When the job is done, go to the room on the right and use the “dragon roar”. It will be necessary to fire on fire so that all obstacles are destroyed. Move along the corridor until you reach obstacles. She will need to choose Kenya. To do this, shift the shooting to control your partner, and then give the task to open the door. When all the redheads are killed, return to the door that was previously locked.

And again we begin to wet the redheads. In this case, you need to use a throwing weapon and gases. Then you should go up to the guy who is in the corner and treat him with Bathers. The guy will give you the key. Having the key, follow the corridor to the door that asked for a silver key, knock down the gold one with a throw. Next, go to the closed door to Mr. McKee. After defeating the duty officer, you can free Craig and go to Cartman.


South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough. While in the tavern, you need to beat all the enemies. This is done using a special bunch, which is selected in the menu. You need to fart on the candle. Then shoot at the window where Craig's figure looms. He will need to be healed with the help of Bathers. When you get out, start fighting with enemies and saving Cartman.

Then go to the second floor where the bard is. The path is complicated because it is replete with traps. It will be necessary to fart on the fire and let the allies into the house. The barrier breaks and the fight begins. After all the enemies have been killed, go up. In the room where Princess Kenny is, shoot at the objects that are highlighted. The rise will gradually build up. As soon as he lines up, climb up to throw something at the chandelier from there. Then shoot down the evil elf too.

South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough

Switch to Kenya and show your tits to the guy on top of the hatch. In the attic you need to beat the enemies and shoot at the chest, jump down. Fight Jimi and approach Cartman.

Go home

Come home, go to bed. When they begin to insert the anal probe, squeeze the sphincter.

Alien abduction

South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough is not only zombies, but also aliens. Using the anal probe, you can navigate through the fields. Leave the room. You need to shoot into the pipe over the aliens. Then you will have to teleport to those aliens that remain and beat them. To unlock the door, use the probe again. You need to aim the beam at the indicator glowing above the door. Go upstairs, but first fry the alien that is near the laser. Beat the other one. Click on the switches, go right. When the door on the left is open, go to the game panel to play the game.

Go downstairs, there you need to activate the switch. Then move the central platform so you can be transported down. Beat the alien below. Try to save Randy again. It is impossible to save him during the first attempts. You'll have to wait for a simple combination to appear. South Park The Stick of TruthSouth Park The Stick of Truth passage - ingenuity and the ability to make the right decision in time.

Climb higher, where the control panels are located, get rid of all the aliens. Then go to Randy at the very beginning of the level. After his release, it’s a good idea to try to beat up the homeless man in the basement. When you defeat him, go through the opened door and beat the pilots who control the flying saucer.

Find new allies

Cartman gave a new assignment - to find new allies.

Recruit ready

South Park The Stick of Truth passage involves communicating with everyone, even with goths and nonconformists. Goths can be found in the backyard of the school. In order for them to join, you will have to fulfill their request - bring cigarettes and coffee.


As for cigarettes, you can pick them up from schoolchildren who hang out at Jimbo's store. Clothes are sold from a homeless person who is located in a garbage dump near the garages. Tweek's dad has coffee.

When you leave the coffee shop, you will meet enemies. They will politely ask you to go to the leader. Talk to Kyle, and then complete the task. Dress up as a goth and talk to them. They will ask to display one of the posters during a parent-teacher conference. When you do this, return to them to dance. Gothic dance is performed using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Problems of the parent committee

South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough

Head to the restroom to talk to Randy. After the conversation, follow the marker on the map. As soon as you reach the soldiers, use a controlled fart. Try to distract the two guards so you can run to the gate. The next episode will also require distracting the guards in order to then use an anal probe to get onto the roof, and from there into the ventilation shaft.

Go down after the cutscene, kill the Nazi zombie, pick up the item that will be on the table in the room and return to Randy. As you exit, you will meet other Nazi zombies. You don't have to fight them, you can just rush past. Then everything develops according to the plot and nothing special happens that can affect the game.

Attack the school

South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough involves fights and manipulations with an anal probe. Follow to the backyard, open the handicapped lift using the Dmizhi. Walk indoors, kill all enemies. If you want to get behind the barricades, use the ventilation. Then fire shots at the lamp and hose. Then the battle will be won without a fight. Then you need to attack the door with the torches on it and finish off the remaining enemies.

Next corridor. You will need to shoot the sensor that signals a fire, break the fan and put it on the torch. Well, then you’ll have to fight the zombie fascists again. When you beat them, move on. Climb up, turn the valve and follow the ventilation. When you see the electrical distribution panel, throw something at it to break it. Then you need to break the pipe and turn off the electricity in the next nook. Beat the guards.

Then you will meet Bathers and his assistants. Using the probe, go up and go around them from the rear. Along the way you will encounter a burning obstacle. Fart on it and the passage will be broken. After knocking out the guards, follow the catapult to use it to throw fire. It wouldn't hurt to blast the gas at the fortifications one more time. Kill Bathers, go up the stairs. At the top you will find yourself in a few more fights, but the most important thing is the battle with one of the bosses. After you deal with him, return to your house.

The winner of the linen gnomes

South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough. Don't pay attention to what's going on around you. Even parents are not always the same as we are used to seeing them.

Kill all the gnomes, and then go into the hole that is in the wall. When you get inside, climb up, break the pipe and shoot at the wire. Wait for the trap to kill the rat, and feel free to go down. Go forward, then climb up using the wire, you need to knock down a couple of rats. One can be killed with a tree by falling on it, the other can be killed by farting.

Then follow the table, which is located in the parent's bedroom, further and beat the gnomes. Then you will have a battle with the shaman in amazing place- under ancestors who also have intercourse. The most important thing in the battle is not to miss the unexpected attacks of the eggs. It just so happens that the passage of South Park The Stick of Truth is not always pleasant - eggs, rats...

Creation of alliances

South Park The Stick of Truth passage is not only about fights.

Go to Kyle's house, where the pfing is taking place.

Recruit girls

In the center you will be given the following task.

Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend

Go to the park bench to beat up the bully. Then go back. You will be asked to get dressed. Dress in these clothes:

Unplanned Parenthood

South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough of the game sometimes prepares surprises... Go to the clinic. There you will have to find a room and wait until the doctor leaves. As soon as he leaves, take your clothes to change into a doctor. Now you will have access to a room that you couldn’t get into before. Once the cutscene ends, crawl through the hole. Kill all the rats using a pipe shot.

When you get out of the hole, dress up as a doctor again to perform an abortion on Randy under his guise. For the operation to be successful, press the action button if the tools are aimed at the middle. In the case when you need to “suck in”, press only what is being said. Otherwise you'll ruin everything.

In the corridor you will be greeted by aborted zombie babies. You'll have to shrink down at the closet with the rats and climb up the torn soldier. You will have to make your way to the top using farts. When you reach the abyss, you will have to knock down the beam and kill the rats. Then go down to the grate and leave the room.

Room with a machine gun. Here you need to shoot the grenade that the soldier has on his body. Shrink and be transported using the probe to the valve. Turn off the water. Teleport into the pipe, knock down the platform onto the machine gun. Then use your fart to blow up the platform.

South Park The Stick of Truth passage involves frequent changing of clothes and teleportation.

To start the battle, dress in normal clothes. You need to start the fight by concentrating on the damage in the umbilical cord area. She is treating the embryo. Most the best option- hammer her with the help of Cartman. We ourselves use two-handed weapons. Try to kill the enemy as quickly as possible. Then kill the embryo itself. You won't have any problems if you have enough food. Go outside, hand in your report to the girls, go to Kyle's house.

On North

South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough continues. Follow to the photo studio. The photographer there needs to give in a little and take his passport. Next, go to the farm. Fart at the mice and go into the forest. In the forest we move only upward. After some time you will reach the border. There you need to go to the first village you come across and head to the palace.

Oh Canada

Go to the neighboring city to chat with the head. After the conversation, go top up the dire bears. After defeating them, you need to immediately turn in the task and go back to the prince. The prince made a request to kill the bishop and take his eggs. Go to the bishop's castle, defeat him and take the eggs. All that remains is to stay in the last city and deliver the letter to the main one.

South Park The Stick of Truth passage is the absence of boundaries. Follow in a southeast direction, cross the river, talk to Phillip and Terence. To start a conversation, you will have to demonstrate to them the ability to fart. Having learned the spells, go to the cave and blow up the stone. Animals at the entrance should not disturb you. You need to talk to the person in the room. When everything is done, go to the vedkas, and then home to Kyle.

Beating Clyde

South Park The Stick of Truth further walkthrough. First you need to fart the spell “Nagasaki” received earlier. Fart along the bridge fastenings. Then go around the gate, shrink in size and crawl through the hole in the wall. There you will meet a gnome who needs to be treated with the help of Barthes. We destroy the rat with the help of farting and a lighter.

Next, follow in a straight direction, break the beam so that you can climb up. Go higher to kill the Nazi zombies using the old scheme. When the job is done, you need to break the leg and, with the help of a huge fart, destroy the entire structure. Staying on the edge, receive a ladder from the hands of your allies.

South Park The Stick of Truth, the passage of the game is destruction and collapse. Well, now you can bring down the side towers. The right tower falls with the help of a fart on a rocket. Left - with the help of farting. Attention! You only need to fart after the lamp inside is shot.

Turn the levers to raise the gate. Before you start a fight with Craig, destroy the cows. With the help of farting, several cows are thrown off at once. As for Craig, he is difficult to kill. It's important to discover it. The point is that he will start making copies of himself. Please note that he is not of Asian or African origin!

And now it’s even more interesting! Make your way up to get into Mr. Masochist's anus. Follow forward in your ass, overcoming obstacles, beating all sorts of evil spirits.

Yes, South Park The Stick of Truth passage is not always a pleasant procedure for wandering in the ass of masochists... Then we climb up the corn, call Stan, remove the current. We shoot some strange thing and teleport behind the barrier. Go down the guts, then up Mr. Hat. As a result, the ball is blown up by a fart.

Using an iPhone, we bludgeon the fascists, climb up the flashlight, go down the dung and put the batteries back in. Press the button at the top. Then the mouse will disappear. After a while, the battle with the ghost sparrow will begin. After defeating him, go straight to betray "Nagasaki" at the didlo. The passage will be open in the distance.

Climb as high as possible, teleport using the probe (anal) to the plug. Next, turn off the vibrator. Two guards will appear on the way. Beat them up and start defusing the pussy bomb. The procedure is simpler than Randy's abortion. You must cope.


When you return, watch the video. Then follow Princess Keni. There you will find breathtaking battles with Kenya. After the victory, the South Park The Stick of Truth walkthrough from the plot point of view ends.

We start the game by creating our hero. The main character, New Kid, has just moved to South Park, and then the adventure begins.

To make friends

Search your house more carefully and go for a walk outside. It’s even better to inspect all the houses in the game, since this way you can find many useful items. So, move on and you will see a fight involving Bathers and an elf, help Bathers. After which you will kill Eric and receive the task of gathering friends.

Call the best

We leave Cartman's house and go to the left side to Craig's house, it turns out that he was punished by his parents. Then go to Tweek’s coffee shop and then to Clyde’s house, where you will be given a new task, after completing the tasks, go to Cartman.

Flammable coffee

Go to Kenny's house, then talk to his parents. Then go to the garage and engage in battle with the amphetamine dealers and take the bag from the shelf near the doors. Now you can return to the coffee shop and turn in your assignment.

Uninvited guest

The guard won't let you in, so now head to Jimbo's store. You need to take a gas mask from the store.

Detention after school

Now go to the school, after which you need to fight the red one. In the school hallway, use your "dragon roar" to clear the hallway. Well, you can reach the iron grate that is blocking your path. Therefore, you need to select the Kenny character and use his special skill. After Kenny opens the grate for you, you will need to fight Red again. After the victory, go to the locked doors, in battles it is better to use what surrounds you, thanks to this, the battle process will go much faster. Now switch to the character Bathers and heal the child who has huddled in the corner. Take the key and go out into the corridor, and go straight to the doors, when you get there, open the doors with the key. Then knock down the golden key and take it immediately. Travel to Maki and free Craig. Now you can return to Cartman.


Go to the tavern, where you will have to fight the elves. Where there is a candle, use a fart to clear the passage for yourself. Afterwards, shoot the window where Craig is. Next, choose Bathers and heal Craig from the wounds he received. Get out and save Eric. For allies, you need to clear the passage and go to the second floor. Once you are in Kenny's room, you will need to shoot at objects that glow in order to “build” your way. Drop the chandelier and you will immediately kill the elf. Now go to Kenny again and use him" unique skill"Go to the hatch. At the top, fight the elves and shoot at the chest. Then go down to the first floor and fight Jimi. After the victory, you can return to Cartman.

Go home

Return to your home and go to bed. Once you find yourself with the aliens, follow all their instructions.

Alien abduction

You will gain the ability to teleport when using a probe and special points. Now you can move through these fields and leave the room. There will be a pipe above the aliens, shoot at it. Then teleport to those who are still left and kill them. Using the probe, open the doors. Near the laser you need to destroy the aliens again, then climb to the top. Finish off the enemies that are still left and go to the right. Open these doors, then play a mini-game with music. Go to the bottom and turn on the switch, thus throwing off the alien. Go to the central platform and go down, here you need to beat the alien. Now we need to save Randy again. After making a few “mistakes”, you will find the combination simple and necessary. Go to the top and fight the alien spawn again. And now you can free your friend Randy. Next, you have the opportunity to complete the task “The Homeless Problem” by going down to the basement and defeating the homeless man. Well, the final station is the cockpit, go there and fight last time with aliens.

Find new allies

Cartman will give you a new task regarding new allies.

Recruit ready

Walk to the school, then find the gate on the right. The party is ready here. To join them, you need to change clothes and find cigarettes along with coffee.


Go to Jimbo's shop and on the right side there will be cigarettes from the high school students, but pick them up. After which you can take coffee from the Twinks in the coffee shop and clothes from the homeless person who will be located near the garages. You will now meet elves who will offer to meet with their leader. The choice doesn't matter; you'll be taken to Kyle anyway. After you talk to Kyle, you can return to the ready, but before that, change into the attire of a homeless person. Goths will ask you to bring a poster to a meeting. local residents. After fulfilling their request, return to the ready and dance the Gothic dance.

Problems of the parent committee

Chat with Randy and follow him to the toilet. Here you will learn a new skill, after which you will need to test it on Mac. Now go to the place where the space saucer fell and use your new skill on the soldiers that will be there, after they start passing, you can pass by them. After which you again need to distract the fighters and use the probe to teleport to the roof of the building. Climb into the ventilation shaft. After your descent, you will need to kill a couple of zombies. Take the item you need and return to your friend Randy. Now you will be faced with a choice of side, which will change little in the future.

Attack the school

Return to the school and go again to the place where the Goths were once. Here you need to switch to Jimmy and open a passage intended for the disabled. Go to the school where you need to fight enemies. Can still be used at school environment to make battles easier. To get beyond these barricades, go through the ventilation shaft. Also, if you don’t want to fight, you can shoot at the hose in the lamp. Now all that remains is to fart on the torches and finish off the enemies that remain. Then shoot under the fire sensor and break the fan and fart on the torches again. Next you will have to fight the red zombie and then go higher. Turn the valve and climb into the ventilation, break the electrical panel there. Now you just need to break the pipe and turn off all the electricity near you. Now fight the local security guard. After which you will meet Bathers and his friends. When using a probe, you can teleport to the top and hit the enemy from the rear. The barrier that says you need to fart.
Now fight Bathers himself and climb the stairs to the top. After a couple of fights, you will have the main fight, with the Boss. The boss will be Kyle or Cartman, it all depends on what you decided above. After the victory, go home.

The winner of the linen gnomes

At night, gnomes will arrive before you and begin to reduce you in size. Then fight these gnomes and go into the hole of the local mouse in the wall. There are no stairs, instead there are wires. Climb up and break the pipe. Shoot the wire to kill the rat in combat. Now go down, then walk forward a little and go up again. You need to destroy a couple of rats to make the fight easier. To do this, you need to drop a tree on one rat and then fart on another. Now go through your parents' bedroom and fight the gnomes along the way. In the end, there will be a gnome shaman left. When you fight with him, be as careful as possible and try to dodge dad’s attacks, as he does them unexpectedly.

Creation of alliances

Go to Kyle's house, after which you will find out what you need to do next.

Recruit girls

After which you will need to save Justin Bieber's doll so that the girl will take you to the others, they will give you a new task.

Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend

Go to the park and fight with the bully. Now go back to the girls and change clothes.

Unplanned Parenthood

Go to the hospital where they perform abortions. Go see a doctor and wait until he leaves. Take the doctor's clothes and change into them. Then go into the doctors' room. Here you need to crawl through the hole that is in the floor. Once you go down, you will have to fight zombie rats, it is better to shoot at the pipes. After you get out, put on the doctor's suit again in order to perform Randy's abortion. The button must be pressed when the instruments are aimed at the middle. Go into the corridor, after which you need to shrink and go through the corpse of a soldier who has a hole in his chest. After which you will get to the abyss, where you need to knock down the beam that is at the top. Go down to the grate and leave the room. Now shoot the grenade, then shrink down and teleport to the valve. Turn off the water. Using the probe, teleport into one of the pipes in order to drop the platform onto this machine gun. Use a fart to blow up the platform, after which you can move on. Now you will have a boss fight with a giant germ zombie. I recommend that you change clothes. First, attack half. Then the embryo itself. After the victory, you can turn in the task to the girls and return to Kyle.

On North

Go to the photo salon and take a passport photo. After which you will need to fight the perverted photographer and take your passport from him. Now go to the farm, where you will need to fart on the local mice so that they leave and clear the way for you. When you are in the forest, then at each new territory move up, after passing a couple of locations, you will find yourself on the border with Canada. Go to the first city you come across and go to the palace.

Oh Canada

To avoid fighting with dire wolves and other bunch of animals, just run away. After going to the neighboring town, you will receive the task of killing a couple of fierce bears. After victory, turn in the quest and return to the prince. After which you will receive a quest to showdown with the episcop. After you go to his castle, you will receive the item you need. Now you will be sent to another city, but this time send a letter. Move to the Southeast, when you reach the river, there will be a pier that you need to use to cross the river. Now you have a meeting with Phillip and Terence. Use all your abilities in the areas of farts. Then learn a new ability - Nagasaki. Go to the cave and use your new ability there. After which you will save the man who was trapped there. Well, now we can return to South Park. But first, go to the girls, and then to Kyle himself.

Beating Clyde

Use your new ability on the bridge. Go around the gate, then shrink down and go through the hole in the wall. Now go to Bathers and heal the gnome. To kill a rat, fart on a lighter. Then go straight and break the beam. Climb higher and defeat the Nazi zombies. Fart on one of the legs and break the entire structure. Then climb up the stairs. Now you will be faced with the task of destroying two towers. Inside the left tower, fart on the fire. To the right, fart on the rocket. Then pull a couple of levers and open the gate. Now you have to fight Craig himself. In battle, only hit it, not its copies.

After which you will need to get into Mr. Masochist. Inside you will need to fight bacteria and other enemies. You can climb up along the corn, after selecting the Wall, you will get rid of the electricity. Now you need to teleport behind the fence. Go down through the guts, and then up through Mr. Hat. Use a fart to blow up the ball. Go to the flashlight and put the batteries back in. There will be a button at the top, click on it and kick it out bat. After which you will need to fight the ghost of a sparrow. After victory, open the passage using Nagasaki's ability. Get as high as possible and when you use your probe you will teleport, after which you need to turn on the vibrator. And now there is a battle with the soldiers. After defeating them, you will need to defuse the bombs. The meaning of neutralization is the same as with Randy's abortion.


Now watch the video and follow Princess Kenny. After a very long fight with the immortal Kenny. You will have to perform a bunch of actions for various characters. After victory, the story will be over.

South Park- a cult provocative cartoon for adults, who always willingly and cheerfully talked about games, players and everything connected with it - simply could not be content with small-scale crafts, racing arcades and pinballs based on them. Multi-million dollar budget, legendary Obsidian Entertainment as developers and Active participation fathers of the franchise Trey Parker And Matt Stone - this is, damn it, our way! In more than three years, on such a foundation, it has grown role-playing game, the theme of which could have been guessed in advance: naturally, it parodies and ridicules role-playing games!

Southern Skyrim

All The Stick of Truth - This is one big parody of role-playing fantasy. The plot revolves around the fact that the kids of South Park, including old friends Butters, Kenny, Stan and Cartman, play field role-playing game. They divided into two camps - elves and people - called themselves great magicians and bards of the tenth level (naturally, the stuttering Jimmy became the bard), dressed Kenny as a princess and started a war for the legendary artifact that grants power over the world - the Stick of Truth. Do I need to explain that the latter is really an ordinary wooden stick?

At this time, a new guy arrives in town - our hero. Just in time: the people, led by the sorcerer-king Cartman, are just attacked by elves who dream of capturing the Stick. Cartman, sensing the chosen one from the prophecies in the newcomer, teaches him the basics of battle and throws him into battle.

Well, then the typical heroic work awaits us: carry out the king’s orders, recruit or rescue allies from captivity, fight bosses and, of course, kill rats in the basement. True, there are almost no moral dilemmas that are fashionable these days, but in the end we will have the opportunity to go over to the side of the enemies - is this a role-playing game or not a role-playing game? And all this is wrapped in the signature obscurantism of “South Park”: in the process of fighting for the Stick, we will have to fight with local drug addicts, turn into an informal goth, kill the school guards (every single one of them is red-haired!) and even experience a very painful acquaintance with alien proctologists .

Song of the Ass and the Flame

The South Park frenzy, of course, is not limited to the plot. After choosing the name of the hero, no matter what you suggest, the asshole Cartman will still call you Schmuck (it’s like Shepard, only Douchebag), and for services to the fatherland they will add the respectful “sir” to the address. Among the classes, in addition to the thief, warrior and magician, there is also a Jew, and he will subsequently master the secret Jewish martial arts of Jujutsu and the unique attack “David’s Sling”.

Other classes can’t complain: for example, a thief (“This is the first time I’ve seen a white thief,” notes Cartman) can throw rotten eggs at enemies, rob them right during an attack, and call the entire thieves’ guild for help at once. In addition, each class can use “magic”, which contains the whole salt and soul of “South Park”: each of the four killer spells is a powerful gas-blowing technique available only to the true Dragonborn. Fuss!

The battles here are reminiscent of turn-based battles from a JRPG. The hero and his partners are on the left, the enemies are on the right. Each player can attack, use a special skill (or “spell”), or drink a potion on their turn. At the same time, during attack and defense, QTE mini-games are activated: in order for your attack to “pass” and the enemy’s to cause minimal damage, you need to click the mouse at the right time, and also quickly and in the correct order hold down the indicated keys. And this, oddly enough, is appropriate - it adds dynamism to the leisurely and thoughtful combat.

One of our partners of our choice participates in battles with us. Their skills are almost more colorful than our own: for example, the paladin Butters can turn into his beloved Professor Chaos, and Princess Kenny passionately kisses her enemies and shows them her lovely charms, causing them to experience attacks of nausea and poisoning. You can also, as in classic JRPGs, summon some spirit (demon, person...) to the battlefield: for example, the owner of a local sushi bar, liberated from the Mongol yoke.

Kenny does get killed here - this is a side effect of one of his terrifying skills. But then, according to tradition, it is quickly revived. One of the most striking moments is the battle with the entire Mongol horde.

THIS IS INTERESTING: After the battle, in addition to normal equipment, there are simply mountains of unnecessary rubbish. We take from the enemies some CDs with porn films, toys, “Brad Pitt survival kits,” pieces of glass and other garbage. From the chest of drawers in the bedroom of the first house you come across, you can take out a used condom or a purple Hammer dildo and then sell all this wealth to local merchants. Thus, the authors got to the bottom of another cliché: the manic collecting of everything and everyone, encouraged in role-playing games.

By the way, about “normal” equipment - the concept of “normal” in The Stick of Truth, you understand, is very relative. The hero, who began his journey in typical role-playing attire, after some time can run around in a Jewish kippah and beat up enemies with an alien phallus. In addition to the usual weapons and armor, you can attach different types glasses, you can do your hair and change your makeup - this doesn't give you any bonuses, but it's just fun.

Big and long potential

Behind all this extravagance lies a fully functional and varied game. These kids do everything like adults: we explore the city, communicate, fight, complete quests and develop a hero. The skills of each class can be improved with a new level, and equipment can be improved with the help of different stripes. In battles, at first you have to take into account the positive and negative effects imposed on you or the enemy (for example, bleeding or burning), the level of your opponent’s defense, his readiness to carry out a counterattack, and alternate simple and powerful blows in different situations.

Sometimes enemies can be eliminated even without a fight: selective interactivity of the environment allows in some cases accurate shot knock over some shelf on them or blow up a gas cylinder by blowing winds in a directed manner. In some places, The Stick of Truth generally manifests itself as a quest, in others you have to use the skills of your partners - so that, for example, Kenny lures the bearer of an important key with his unearthly beauty.

Well what can I say... We swear!

There are a lot of tasks - not only plot ones, but also side ones. At the same time, the game places a special emphasis on collecting: all the way we collect chinpokomon figurines, hunt bizarre animals, tear down some posters, place sensors in the right places on the orders of Al Gore. And we constantly lick our lips at chests with forbidden treasures, which are often very cunningly hidden. Here the quest pops up again.

Finally, The Stick of Truth perhaps the first game where typical modern technology is organically woven into the mechanics social network. The local analogue of “Facebook” is an in-game menu in which, in addition to characteristics, inventory and a map, messages from friends are displayed, often suggesting what to do next. And, by the way, looking for and making new friends throughout the city is one of the main quests. The more friends you have, the more perks available that increase health, increase damage from ranged weapons, and so on.

There's a flight there, there's a flight there

With the help of a chosen anal probe suppressed by the will, we will be able to move between special portals and get into previously inaccessible places.

It's all fun and engaging, especially since The Stick of Truth looks and sounds exactly like the original series and occasionally bombards you with its trademark social satire and mockery of specific social groups. After all, what other game lets you find Jesus between the pews in a church?

The script was written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone themselves - it’s hard to imagine that something like this could come from the pens of Obsidian Entertainment employees who once wrote the texts for Planescape: Torment. Probably Parker and Stone wanted to stage new record in vulgarity and raise your own anti-sanctimonious bar even higher, because in some places The Stick of Truth allows itself even more than the series. I would like to add more sophisticated satire to this, but the entire satirical-parody potential of the script, by and large, does not go beyond ridicule of role-players and the aforementioned jokes about Jesus and the Mongol horde. Therefore, this potential dries up a little faster than we would like.

As soon as you receive good weapon, you can forget about the enemies’ tricks until the end of the game.

In addition, the game mechanics are sometimes painfully glitchy. If at first it’s really difficult to survive here, then after about two or three hours there’s simply nowhere to put your money, your inventory is full of unnecessary equipment, and the use of magic and special skills fades into the background: it’s much easier to quickly shoot everyone with a bow! Add here not the most convenient controls (the hero constantly gets stuck in surrounding objects), crooked navigation on the map (often your position on it is displayed incorrectly)... in general, South Park is far from a heavenly place.

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