Social differentiation: what is its meaning for modern society? Social science. Social differentiation is the division of society into groups occupying different social positions and differing in volume and nature.

Society is not a homogeneous, diffuse mass. Since ancient times, almost since its inception, differentiating features are clearly visible in it. Within any social whole, as a rule, individual elements (individuals) and their multi-scale associations (groups) are distinguished.

O. Comte formulated the principle according to which the division and cooperation of labor act as opposite principles, creating both poles of tension and dynamic balance within the social system. Labor cooperation arose because of the need to unite the efforts of many people to solve major social problems - to build a fortress, a ship, a cathedral, to oppose a numerous and dangerous enemy, etc.

Thanks to the division of labor, community groups, differing from each other in professional and social characteristics. Consolidated within themselves, they are isolated from other groups and treat them with hidden or obvious hostility.

In other words, the unification of people was invariably accompanied by dismemberment, differentiation in accordance with a variety of principles.

The concept of stratification (from Latin stratum - layer, layer) means the stratification of society into levels, layers, or "strata", when large groups of people occupy certain places in accordance with the principles of the social hierarchy. Stratification is one of the varieties of social differentiation.

A "stratum" should be understood as a real set of people with common status features of an economic, political, demographic, cultural, etc. nature.

P. Sorokin wrote in his work "Social Stratification and Mobility" that any organized social group almost always goes through a process of internal stratification. Such stable groups, where everyone would stay on the same plane and be equal in all respects, practically do not exist. There is no complete equality either in the plant or in the animal world, and, on the contrary, the dominance of one over the other is found everywhere. Therefore, an imaginary society with complete equality of all with all is a myth that cannot be realized.

Within every social system, there are two opposing tendencies. One of them has the form of a desire to cultivate and consolidate various forms inequalities. The other looks like a desire for equality. Both of them balance each other. The social system that carries them in itself is in a state of stable dynamic equilibrium.

Inequality acts as a set of conditions that force people to occupy different places and levels in the hierarchical structures of society. It can be of several types.

  • 1. Natural inequality is due to the physiological, psychophysical characteristics of people, their differences from each other in age, sex, strength, beauty, etc. It has always existed between people and will never disappear.
  • 2. Social inequality has various forms and manifests itself in many areas of public life. Let us designate the most obvious of its manifestations:
    • a) in the division of labor into physical and mental;
    • b) in the ways of life - urban and rural;
    • c) in various professions, positions, social roles;
    • d) in levels of well-being, the size of property and wealth;
    • e) belonging to various socio-political circles, parties, clubs (from democratic to elite);
    • f) by the nature of social privileges, etc.

Social inequality is not something inherent in the human race. It arose along with the development of civilization.

3. Cultural inequality implies differences in the levels of education, upbringing, culture, spirituality, in the degree of giftedness with abilities and talents. People differ among themselves in the nature of needs, types of worldview, ideological convictions, religious beliefs. They themselves often turn these differences into the initial basis for various forms. social confrontation.

E. Durkheim wrote that if people by nature are not equal in the degree of giftedness with certain talents, then social influences in the form of training, upbringing, education further exacerbate this inequality. Society itself, through various signs of attention, payments and privileges, evaluates the work of someone who is mediocre and someone who is talented in different ways.

M. Weber pointed to three main types of inequality. The first is wealth inequality. The second is status inequality, in which people enjoy respect and honor to varying degrees, differ among themselves in their way of life, clothing style, taste, speech, and manners. And the third - inequality, due to the measure of power that a given person has. This measure depends on belonging to influential political circles, parties and on a number of other socio-political factors.

Inequality, taken by itself, goes back to such an objective property of everything that exists as a hierarchy.

The very phenomenon of hierarchy as subordination of different levels of the system was already known in antiquity. So, Plato in the dialogue "State" formulates the idea of ​​a hierarchy of social groups (philosophers-rulers, guards, artisans and farmers).

The actual concept of hierarchy begins to be used in relation to secular issues in the middle of the 19th century. O. Comte and P. Spencer characterize feudal society with its help. M. Weber uses it to describe the vertical structure of bureaucratic organizations. E. Durkheim speaks of social hierarchy in connection with the problem of the division of labor and social functions between individuals and groups. The concept of hierarchy becomes one of the key concepts in the concepts of the elite V. Pareto, K. Mannheim.

In the XX century. with the development of general systems theory, the concept of hierarchy begins to be used in describing various system objects for the characteristics of ordered, subordinated interactions between elements located on different levels X. In social theory, it is used in the analysis of functional relationships of a predominantly vertical nature, where coordination, subordination, division of duties and rights between social subjects are assumed.

In socio-legal concepts, the concept of hierarchy serves to study complex systemic objects, including in the analysis of problems related to the hierarchy of rights, degrees of power and social control, the hierarchy of motives for law-abiding and illegal behavior, etc.

Inequality, being a particular kind of hierarchy, ensures the structuring of society, and, consequently, the strength of the social structure that makes up its core. That is why society and the state at all times sought to reproduce, organize, support and protect inequality. Particularly important in the performance of these functions was the role of the state and its institutions, the church, ideology, and the army.

At the same time, it was extremely important to find the optimal measure of inequality that is acceptable and acceptable by the mass consciousness.

The ideal of absolute equality, with all its attractiveness and temptation, is beyond the reach of mankind. And the reason for this is simple: people are not the same by nature and therefore, in accordance with their different characteristics, they are forced to occupy different places on the many ladders of social hierarchies. The mindset demanding absolute equality and bearing the name of egalitarianism arose as a result of the active efforts of the social lower classes. Where mass consciousness demands absolute equality, it comes only to rough leveling, to vulgar forms of ochlocracy, in which the degree of civilization social relations not rising, but falling. And this happens because absolute equality contradicts the essence of life.

But if there is no absolute equality and cannot be, then relative equality exists. It differs from the absolute in that it implies some elements of inequality in relations between subjects. If, for example, relations between a husband and wife in a family are built on the basis of the principle of equality of rights and duties, this does not mean that when going, say, on a trip, the husband and wife carry suitcases of equal weight to the car.

One of the most common ways of social differentiation is the division of people into classes, that is, into large groups with unequal access to the means of production, wealth and power.

K. Marx made a significant contribution to class theory. He drew attention to the sharp polarization of two large social groups - the owners of the means of production (the exploiters) and the producers (the exploited). Antagonistic relations of social enmity develop between them, which make the social system unstable and inevitably lead to grandiose social upheavals. Class hostility must, according to Marx, inevitably culminate in the complete destruction of the exploiting classes.

In addition to the two antagonists, the social "top" and the social "bottom", there is also a middle class of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. The German sociologist G. Simmel noted that the stability of the hierarchical structures of the social system largely depends on the proportion of the middle class. Being in the social space between the "tops" and "bottoms", he is able to avoid both extremes in his claims and is able to extinguish the aggressive energy of confrontation between antagonists.

Differentiation social, the division of the social whole or part of it into interconnected elements; D. denotes both the process of dismemberment and its results. In non-Marxist sociology, predominantly the formal aspects of the dialectic were developed. was put forward by the English philosopher G. Spencer, who borrowed this term from biology and proclaimed D. the universal law of the evolution of matter from simple to complex, which manifests itself in society as a division of labor. The French sociologist E. Durkheim considered the dynamic as a result of the division of labor as a law of nature and linked the dynamic of functions in society with an increase in population density and the intensity of interpersonal and intergroup contacts. The German philosopher and sociologist M. Weber saw D. as a consequence of the process of rationalization of values, norms, and relations between people. The modern structural-functional school in non-Marxist sociology (the American sociologist T. Parsons and others) considers D. as an actual state of the social structure and as a process leading to the emergence of various types of activities, roles, and groups specializing in the performance of individual functions necessary for self-preservation social system. However, within the framework of this school, the question of the causes and types of D. remains unresolved (see. Structural-functional analysis). Along with functional definitions, there are taxonomic definitions of D., when the term simply denotes differences in social roles, statuses, groups, and organizations. V. I. Lenin criticized the abstract interpretation of the process of deliberation in bourgeois sociology, which does not take into account the main thing connected with the division of society into antagonistic classes (see Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 33, p. 10). ═ The founders of Marxism-Leninism analyzed the process of D. in society, linking it with the development of productive forces, the division of labor, and the complication of the social structure. The most important stages of agriculture are the division of agricultural and pastoral labor, handicrafts and agriculture, the spheres of production and the family, and the emergence of the state. Marxism requires a concrete study of the processes of dynamics in society as a whole—the emergence and formation of classes, social strata, and groups, the identification of individual spheres of society (production, science, etc.), as well as dynamics within classes. public spheres. Such a concrete analysis shows, for example, that if democracy under capitalism is connected with the growth of social inequality, then under socialism society moves towards social homogeneity and overcomes class differences. ═ L. A. Sedov

  • - the division of a system, originally unified or consisting of identical elements, into more or less separate parts of different quality ...

    Biological encyclopedic dictionary

  • - the process of acquiring differences in structure between homogeneous structural elements of the body to perform different functions, for example. D. meristem cells during the formation of permanent tissues ...

    Plant anatomy and morphology

  • - Parents should also, in addition more, be involved in assisting the adolescent in realistic planning for completion of upper secondary, or if indicated, secondary specialized education, and...

    Psychological Encyclopedia

  • - separation of parts from the whole, necessary for conscious access to psychological functions ...

    Analytical Psychology Dictionary

  • - English. differentiation; German Differenzierung. The process of development associated with the division, dismemberment of the developing whole into parts, steps, levels ...

    Encyclopedia of Sociology

  • - English. differentiation, social; German Differenzierung, soziale. The breakdown of social whole or part of it into interconnected elements that appear as a result of evolution, the transition from simple to complex ...

    Encyclopedia of Sociology

  • General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

  • - see integration...

    Reference commercial dictionary

  • - division, dismemberment of the whole into various parts, forms and steps ...

    Modern Encyclopedia

  • - 1. The fragmentation of a single group of plants in the process of evolution into two or more, as a result of which new forms, species, etc. are formed. 2. Differences between floras. 3...

    Glossary of botanical terms

  • - the division of the whole into decomp. parts, shapes and steps...
  • - 1) in phylogeny - the division of a group of organisms into two or more in the process of evolution; max. important phylogenetic. D. - speciation. 2) In ontogenesis - the same as differentiation ...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - in geology, a general term for all processes in which the formation of new products from the source material, genetically related to it, but having a different composition ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • difference, difference, exclusion...

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  • - dismemberment, a separate difference, private when considering, studying something ...

    Big Economic Dictionary

  • - The emergence of varieties of the language, due to the social stratification of its speakers, manifested in the presence of social dialects: 1) corporate jargons; 2) professional speech...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

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Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of social differentiation of the population

1 The concept and essence of social differentiation

2 Causes of social differentiation of the population

Chapter 2. Level and quality of life

1 Level and quality of life: essence, main indicators and criteria

2 The current state and main directions for improving the level and quality of life of the population in Russia


Bibliographic list



Social differentiation closely tied to economic inequality. It characterizes the uneven distribution of the scarce resources of society - money, power, education and prestige - between different strata or strata of the population.

The main indicators of inequality are the number of liquid values. This function is usually performed by money. It is their number that determines the place of an individual or a family in social stratification. If inequality is presented in the form of a scale, then on one of its poles there will be those who own a large number of goods (rich), and on the other - those who do not have enough of these goods (poor) in the amount of goods. Thus, poverty is the economic and socio-cultural condition of people who have a minimum amount of liquid values ​​and limited access to social benefits. Wealth is an abundance in a person or society of material and non-material values, such as money, means of production, real estate or personal property.

Our country has the highest class of owners, accounting for about 3% of the total population. It began to take shape in the late 1980s, when Russia turned to market relations, democracy and a Western-style class society. Over the course of about five subsequent years, both the wealthy “new Russian” class and the social ranks of society formed. Their standard of living is below the poverty line.

The topic of wealth and poverty has always been relevant. It continues to remain even now, in the conditions of the current economic crisis.

The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that in the current economic conditions, the social differentiation of the population is rampant. The middle stratum of the population practically disappears, joining the lower stratum. The population is split into rich and poor, with the latter largely dominating. This problem requires an urgent solution, because it directly affects the economic situation in the country.

The object of the study is the standard of living of the population of Russia.

The subject of the study is the processes of social differentiation taking place in society.

The purpose of the course work is to study the processes of social differentiation of society.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform a number of tasks:

define the concept of social differentiation;

determine the main causes of social differentiation of the population;

determine the main criteria and indicators of the standard of living of the population;

analyze the current state of the level and quality of life in Russia.

The information base of this work is the works of scientists and researchers in the field of economic analysis and sociology, periodicals and Internet resources.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of social differentiation of the population

.1 The concept and essence of social differentiation

Society is not a kind of homogeneous mass equally possessing socio-economic benefits. Almost from the time of the emergence of society, differentiating signs are visible in it. Within any social whole, as a rule, individual elements (individuals) and their multi-scale associations (groups) are distinguished.

Thanks to the division of labor, various kinds of social groups are formed. They differ from each other in professional and social characteristics. Consolidated within themselves, they are isolated from other groups. Often they treat them with hidden or open hostility.

In other words, associations of people were invariably accompanied by dismemberment, differentiation in accordance with various principles.

Within every social system there are two tendencies. One of them seeks to cultivate and consolidate various forms of inequality. The other, opposite to it, looks like a desire for equality. They balance each other. The social system that carries them in itself is always in a state of stable dynamic equilibrium.

Inequality acts as a set of conditions that force people to occupy various niches and levels in the hierarchical structures of society. It can be of several types.

Natural inequality is always based on the physiological, psychophysical characteristics of people, their differences from each other in age, sex, strength, beauty, etc. It has always existed between people and will never disappear.

Social inequality has a variety of forms and types and is manifested in many areas of public life. Let's highlight the most obvious of its manifestations:

a) in the division of labor into physical and mental;

b) in the ways of life - urban and rural;

c) in various professions, positions, social roles;

d) in levels of well-being, the size of property and wealth;

e) belonging to various socio-political circles, parties, clubs (from democratic to elite);

f) by the nature of social privileges, etc.

Social inequality is not something basic for the human race. It appeared only together with the development of civilization.

Cultural inequality in itself implies differences in the levels of education, upbringing, culture, and spirituality. It also manifests itself in the degree of giftedness of people with certain abilities and talents. People differ among themselves in the nature of needs, ideological beliefs, types of worldview, as well as religious beliefs. These differences often turn into the initial basis for various forms of social confrontation.

Inequality, taken by itself, has the same properties of all things as a hierarchy.

The very phenomenon of hierarchy as subordination of different levels of the system was already known in antiquity. So, Plato in the dialogue "State" formulates the idea of ​​a hierarchy of social groups (philosophers-rulers, guards, artisans and farmers).

In socio-economic theories, the concept of hierarchy serves to study complex systemic objects. In particular, it is necessary in the analysis of problems, degrees of power and social control associated with the hierarchy of rights, the hierarchy of motives for law-abiding and illegal behavior, etc.

Inequality is part of the hierarchy. It ensures the structuring of society, and, consequently, the strength of the social structure that is its basis. That is why society and the state at all times sought to create, streamline, support and protect inequality. Particularly important in the performance of these functions was the role of the state and its institutions, the church, ideology, and the army.

At the same time, it was extremely important to find the optimal measure of what is permissible and acceptable for reflection in mass consciousness inequalities.

The most common way of social differentiation is the division of people into classes. This implies large groups with unequal access to means of production, wealth and power.

In a market economy, the income of all owners is formed on the basis of the law of supply and demand. They are also based on the marginal productivity of the factors. The market mechanism never guarantees the level of welfare.

The ongoing discussions about the establishment of income equality have existed throughout the development of civilization and have found wide range opinions and positions. In some cases we are talking about equal treatment of all segments of the population. In others, there has always been a position of distribution of the benefits created in society in accordance with the labor contribution of each member of society to social labor. Proponents of the third position believe that "the pursuit of equality" will undermine any economic system. It will inevitably lead to her death.

Only one thing is clear: only in the case of a constant increase in the annual income of the country can society hope for an increase in general level living conditions. But an increase in income does not guarantee an improvement in life for all segments of the population. It depends on how goods and services are distributed among people. Some group of the population can constantly improve their standard of living at the expense of others.

In Western countries, all incomes are divided into two large groups:

a) income received from participation in labor and entrepreneurial activities (wages and profits);

b) conditionally called "unearned income" legally acquired (dividends, interest on deposits, income from property, including from rented housing, as well as benefits and payments received from governments that do not directly depend on labor costs).

Jan's campaign is to unite in one group wages and profits. Entrepreneurial income is associated with the exploitation of wage labor by capital. An entrepreneur of any form of legitimate business is constantly working and his income is the price for his ability to make rational and relevant decisions.

Income grouping practices in place this moment, here is largely built on the class principle, namely: a) labor income of workers (they include wages, bonuses and other allowances); b) income from business activities; c) socialized incomes that come to them regardless of their labor contribution (these include unemployment benefits, public consumption funds, social insurance payments, etc.); income from property (interest on deposits, rent, etc.).

To measure the scale of poverty, the proportion of the population of the country living on the very poverty line is revealed. To indicate the scale of poverty, such definitions as: “poverty limits”, “poverty rate” and “poverty ratio” are also used.

The poverty threshold is the amount of money established by law as the minimum income or consumer basket, which is enough for an individual or family only to purchase food. It also includes the purchase of clothing and housing. This threshold is called the "poverty level". In Russia, he received the specific name of the subsistence minimum. Today, absolute poverty is perceived as a state in which an individual is not able to satisfy the most minimal needs for housing, food, and clothing on his income. Or he is able to satisfy only the minimum needs that ensure the biological survival of the individual. The numerical criterion here is the subsistence minimum.

Relative poverty is understood as the inability to maintain at least an average standard of living, or some standard that is accepted in society. As a rule, relative poverty is less than half of the income per family share in the country.

Relative poverty shows the difference between an individual or family in comparison to other people. It has a comparative characteristic in two parameters. First, it shows that a person (family) is poor in relation to how much abundance or prosperity other members of society who are not considered poor have. This comparison is the first comparative quality of relative poverty. Secondly, it shows that a person (family) is poor in relation to some standard of living. Under such standards, for example, is understood the standard of living.

The lower limit of relative poverty today is the subsistence minimum and/or the poverty threshold. The upper limit is represented by the so-called decent standard of living. The qualitative standard of living reflects the amount of material goods that allow a person to satisfy all the reasonable needs that he needs. In order to lead a fairly comfortable lifestyle, but at the same time not feel disadvantaged. Only 11.6% of Russians have incomes that are at the level of a decent life or exceed it. At the end of the 90s, according to statistics, 31% of Russians received incomes below the official subsistence level. Thus, the level of relative poverty is 11.6%, and absolute - 31%.

11.6% includes the rich (including the so-called "new Russians") and part of the middle class. These are often those who live in accordance with the requirements for the standard of living. From 100% of the population, we subtract 31% of the poor (since living below the official poverty line, or the official subsistence level, actually means being in a state of poverty), as well as 11.6% of those living at a decent level (relative poverty level), and we get 59.6 % located between the boundaries of absolute poverty (bottom) and relative (top).

Table 1. Distribution of total cash income of the population

I quarter 2013For reference I quarter 2012Monetary income100100 including for 20% population groups: first (with the lowest income) 5.55.6 second 10.310.4 third 15.215.4 fourth 22.722.8 fifth (with the highest income) 46.345.8 Gini coefficient (income concentration index) 0.4030.398 Coefficient of funds, times 14.514.0 1) Preliminary data.

In Q1 2013, according to preliminary data, 11% of the wealthiest population accounted for 28.7% of total cash income (in Q1 2012 - 28.3%), and 11% of the poorest population accounted for 2 .1% (2.2%).

Economists' data show that the richer a person becomes, the higher his claims become. Poorer people have rather modest ideas about how much money they need to live a normal life. Another trend: the younger the age, the more money is required in order to be at least in the average standard of living. For 18-26-year-olds, the level of decent life (at least according to their own ideas) is 1.6 times higher than for 60-75-year-olds.

Table 2. Distribution of the population by average per capita cash income

I quarter 2013 For reference I quarter 2012 Total population 100100 including those with average per capita monetary income per month, rubles up to 3500.02.93.43500.1-5000.05.05.65000.1-7000.08.99.97000, 1-10000.014.615.710000.1-15000.021.021.615000.1-25000.024.824.125000.1-35000.011.210.2 over 35000.011.69.51) Preliminary data.

Another of the existing trends sounds like this: the higher the education, the higher the claims. For those who have not received at least a secondary education, this level is almost 2 times lower than for those who have received a diploma. Finally, what else should be noted is that the level of claims among residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg is 3 times higher than among residents of small towns, villages and rural areas. Rural residents believe that for a normal standard of living they need less money than city dwellers.

Thus, it is clear that an approximately equal standard of living that is universal for all strata and social groups simply does not exist. For each group of the population it is different, and the differentiation between them is very significant.

Thus, it should be concluded that it is social differentiation that plays an important role in the formation of the country's economic policy, and it is it that serves as the main indicator of the instability of social strata at various moments of economic development in the country. Based on the social differentiation of society, the main directions of economic and social policy with regard to increasing the number of the poor and developing programs to support them.

.2 Causes of social differentiation of the population

One of the most important causes of social tension in any country is the difference in the levels of well-being of citizens. This difference is also noticeable and is reflected in their level of wealth. The level of wealth is determined by two key factors:

) the value of property of all kinds, which is owned by individuals;

) the value of the current income of individuals.

People earn income or become entrepreneurs. Or they provide the factors of production they own for the use of other people or firms. And those use this property to produce goods that people need. In such a mechanism of income formation, the possibility of their inequality was initially laid down. The reason for this:

) different values ​​of factors of production owned by people (capital in the form of a computer, in principle, is able to bring more income than in the form of a shovel);

) different success in the use of factors of production (for example, an employee in a firm that produces a scarce product may receive higher earnings than his counterpart of the same qualification working in a firm whose goods are sold with difficulty);

) a different amount of factors of production owned by people (the owner of two oil wells receives, with other equal conditions more income than the owner of one well).

The key group of factors influencing income differentiation are significant differences: in the amount of cash payments from public consumption funds; in the amount of remuneration of workers employed in social production; in the possibility of income from their uncontrolled redistribution of activities, new forms of cooperation; in the volume of income from personal subsidiary plots, individual families; in size and composition.

The economic literature increasingly raises questions related to the presence of a "shadow" economy in the system of social production. The functioning of the "shadow" economy and a certain circle of people who can extract unearned income, cause sharp rejection in the public system. In the public mind, any high income will be regarded as unearned. They are often associated with the development of individual labor activity. They can also be associated with the cooperative movement, the creation of small and joint ventures with foreign firms.

When considering this problem, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between unearned income as legal and illegal. However, their classification and evaluation is the subject of research in legal science. If we apply an estimate of unearned income that was legally received as property income or income from past labor, we can exclude them from our study. The very share of such incomes can increase and have an impact on the differentiation of population strata.

The market system is a passionless mechanism. She has no conscience. She also lacks moral standards. The personal nature of the market economy in some way even implies a high degree of income inequality. Each person has his own personal physical, intellectual and aesthetic abilities. Someone has inherited exceptional abilities. Others will have to spend their lives on ancillary low-paid activities. Someone according to personal characteristics becomes a highly paid professional athlete. Others may become great artists and musicians. People differ significantly from each other in terms of the level of education received and their professional training.

For us today, unearned income obtained illegally is more relevant. There is a systematic process of looting state property at all levels. It should be noted that in on a large scale position is used. A significant part of the population generates income through various kinds of illegal transactions with scarce goods and services. They also add up due to the illegal withdrawal of state resources from the state (the discrepancy between real movement costs and fixed in the reporting, theft of property hidden from accounting and production control). The fight against illicit income will take a long time. Its successes will largely be determined by the strengthening and improvement of all three forms of state power.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the causes of population differentiation are for the most part clearly identified and structured in the context of economic sciences. These reasons should be taken into account in accordance with the current economic standards in the country and the ongoing economic policy in order to find the most effective way of development.

Chapter 2. Level and quality of life

.1 Level and quality of life: essence, main indicators and criteria

The ultimate goal in the development of any society is to improve the standard of living of the population.

The standard of living is expressed by economic category and social standards. It characterizes the degree of satisfaction of the physical and social needs of people. The main components of the standard of living will always be: food and income of the population, health, household property, housing conditions, paid services, cultural level of the population, working and leisure conditions, as well as social guarantees and social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population.

Social guarantees represent the existing system of society's obligations to its members to meet the most important needs. The state, giving guarantees, assumes that society assumes the obligation to create internal conditions for each member of society. This is necessary for the implementation of its economic activity and income generation.

Social protection is a system of measures taken by society to ensure the necessary material and social status of citizens.

These components are directly related to quantitative indicators, indicators and indices and are drawn up in a system of indicators of the standard of living.

In the process of reproduction, it is necessary to take into account mutual economic and social factors, such as nutrition, education, housing, health, and others. The decisive role for society will always have a standard of living, and for production this will be determined by the efficiency of labor.

GDP and national income per capita, as well as the productivity of social labor are indicators of the general economic, and the standard of living is an indicator of the development of social structures.

The current understanding of the criteria for the standard of living of the population focuses on the fact that the standard of living is important not only in itself, but also in relation to the needs of society as a whole.

The all-Russian analysis of the standard of living is determined by the content of the consumer basket and the subsistence minimum. The standard of living of a region or country is differentiated by the amount of unemployment, the average life expectancy of the population. It is further divided on the basis of structural personal consumption expenditures and consumption of basic foodstuffs. The skill level of employees is also taken into account. This also includes the number of students and pupils per 1000 people, etc., as well as the level of development of social infrastructure (for example, the number of hospital beds per 1000 people, cultural and sports facilities, availability of schools, housing, etc.)

The standard of living of the population should be assessed directly in relation to general economic indicators. This should also include indicators related to general economic indicators: consumer demand, household incomes, prices, trade, loans and the state budget. For example, the income received by the population is a key factor determining the basis of living standards.

It is necessary to identify specific components of the standard of living. They will be some types of human needs. Meeting these needs will be a major part of the standard of living. The totality of the economic elements of the standard of living covers in full the very sphere of human needs.

Based on them, a system of indicators of the standard of living is being formed. The standard of living of the population is measured by a system of indicators characterizing the level of consumption, health, employment, housing, education, social security, and others.

Figure 1. The system of indicators of the standard of living of the population.

social differentiation population

The labor functionality of workers depends on the standard of living. It also acts as a lever to influence the price. work force, and its direct realization in labor. A decrease or, on the contrary, an increase in labor productivity and, as a result, the quality of the standard of living of the population, inevitably drives the economy forward or backward.

In many countries, an indicator called the welfare of society is used to effectively assess the standard of living. It reflects the minimum level of consumption and is an indicator of the poverty line.

The cost of living is an estimate of the value of the total consumption of a family or individual. It will always be determined on the basis of the minimum consumer basket. This basket in turn gives the structure of consumption. It reflects the costs of the poor in society and includes the minimum set that is necessary for physiological survival. This set, together with the subsistence minimum, depends on the level of social and economic development of the country. Initially, it was adopted on the basis of the principle of distribution. Currently, this economic category does not make sense. Today, more than 41 million citizens of Russia (30.5 %) is below the poverty line.

At the current level of production, the government cannot raise the poverty line. It is also able to compensate for the entire difference between the minimum consumer budget and the social bottom.

The consumer budget is a balanced system of income and expenses for an average family. It characterizes the standard of living of various social groups.

The smallest consumer budget is always formed on the basis of consumption traditions. It is affected by changes in the market for consumer services and goods. It represents the living wage. The calculation is based on average income per capita. It represents the highest standard of living for the population.

The calculation of the minimum subsistence level is determined on the basis of the food basket.

The food basket is a set of food for one person per month. This basket is calculated based on the norms of food consumption by the population. These standards are in line with physiological needs population.

An analysis of consumption rates, the composition and quality of the consumer basket shows that the level of the subsistence minimum has no social and economic content. It is an exclusively speculative document, fixing a certain starting point for making calculations.

The price of the basic consumer basket actually represents the minimum consumer budget.

The minimum consumer budget, or the subsistence minimum budget, is calculated per capita and for its main socio-demographic groups in general Russian Federation and in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The subsistence level is, like its budget, an indicator of the consumption of the most important material goods and services at a minimum level. As a rule, it is calculated on the basis of the minimum norms for the consumption of essential goods and services, as well as foodstuffs. The most rational minimum consumer budget should maintain approximately the following proportions: food should be - 41.2 %, services - 14.2 %, non-food products - 38 %, taxes and fees - 2.6%

Figure 2. Poverty measures.

Thus, we can conclude that the essence of the concept of the standard of living is formed according to the main criteria for the life support of citizens of the state. These criteria are not specific to a single territory, they are formed on the basis of international human rights sanctions, but at the same time they are adapted to the requirements and opportunities certain state and his economic policy.

.2 Current state and main directions for improving the level and quality of life of the population in Russia

The balance of the labor market, as well as it, are one of the key factors that ensure Russia's competitiveness in the international arena. The systems of vocational education and social protection, youth policy, and employment of the population are responsible for their achievement.

Based on the current economic situation in the country on the basis of the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation, the standard of living of the population of the Russian Federation has noticeably decreased, but this information has not been reflected in the mass media.

At present, issues of the standard of living of the population, differences in the quality of life of different countries, the choice of place of residence, etc. are increasingly being raised. Russia, with its gaps in legislation and imperfect life, is significantly inferior to other states. A number of specific US and Russian economic indicators can be compared in a summary table (See Appendix 1).

From the data given in Appendix 1, one can give the economic characteristics of the Russian Federation and the United States, and as you can see, Russia occupies far from leading positions in many of the economic indicators. Nevertheless, Russia also has its positive features. The absence of a huge number of crimes, as in the United States, is explained by the mental peculiarity of the Russian population to resolve legal issues without the intervention of law enforcement agencies. In terms of economics, Russia is far behind the United States. Russia has a very high corruption rate, however, Russia is still ahead in terms of oil reserves, resources, ecology, and it also leads in terms of the armed forces.

Despite the rather deplorable economic situation in the United States, it should be remembered that the opinion that many Americans have a good level of income is wrong. Based on data from the US Census Bureau, 13.3% of Americans already live below the poverty line. This is about 36.4 million people. At the same time, 24% of the population in Russia is in the same situation. For example, the state of Mississippi and the capital - the city of Washington are represented by the lowest income level of the population. The richest and most livable places are New Hampshire, Maryland and Connecticut. According to RINA, the average life expectancy for Americans with an average standard of living is about 80 years. In Russia, according to the World Health Organization for 2012, this life expectancy is about 65 years. The basis of this is the most favorable living conditions. These will include better and more varied medical care, nutrition, confidence in the future of children, that is, the very factors that positively affect the psychological climate of society.

Over the past ten years, the wage intensity of Russia's GDP has been increasing: from 24.6% in 2000 to 36.3% in 2008. In 2014, despite the crisis, this figure increased significantly to a record 41%. Last year, the wage intensity of Russia's GDP fell sharply by 0.6%. In terms of internal wage intensity, Russia is significantly ahead of many developed economies. So, today the indicator of wage intensity of Russia's GDP is still higher than the indicators of Belgium (38.1%), Norway (37.5%), Italy (30.9%), as well as Malta (38.1%) and Spain (37.7%). It is on a par with the indicators of the Netherlands and Cyprus - in both countries, the wage intensity of GDP is also 39.5%.

In developed market economies, wage costs rise in line with increases in labor productivity. In Russia, there is no such dependence. As Nikolaev explains, Russia spends more of its GDP on salaries than the developed countries However, this process in our country is not accompanied by an increase in labor productivity. Total wages in Russia grew up to 2009, inclusive, faster than the country's GDP, which means that the pace of labor productivity growth was not what we would like to have.

The main groups of modern events, in order to increase the stability of the labor market in Russia, as well as for the most accurate coordination and coherence of the vocational education system, the following aspects are proposed:

The labor market should be monitored. It is proposed to attract employers to it. This monitoring should reflect the requirements for personnel, the social conditions of life of workers and their psychological state. The data obtained as a result of this monitoring should serve to reduce the imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market. This should happen on the basis of bringing plans for retraining and training of personnel in vocational educational institutions at all levels in line with the needs modern market labor.

The personnel training system should be supported in priority areas of the labor market. Employers should be involved in the management of educational institutions.

It is necessary to modernize educational institutions. It is necessary to move to client-oriented structures. The introduction of PB contributes to the same goal. The material and technical base of educational institutions must be updated. This should occur at all stages including primary education.

It is necessary to continuously develop the education system in all regions. It is necessary to implement programs to support institutionalized and non-formal institutions that carry out their activities in the field of lifelong education. Based on this, the development of educational institutions at all levels should be synchronized. Stimulation of this development should take place at Russian enterprises using advanced human resource management tools.

It is necessary to create and implement a set of specific measures for the professional orientation of adolescents studying in educational institutions. At this stage, it is also important to involve active employers in this process. This system should be financed and supported, up to crediting educational services. There should be an employment system for today's youth, for example, the creation of a labor exchange. It is also necessary to form an infrastructure for the development of entrepreneurial activity.

It is necessary to create conditions for stimulating employment in Russia. As a regional aspect, there should also be stimulation of alternative employment developing in rural areas. It is necessary to develop modern personnel programs and projects for the development of educational institutions in rural areas.

It is necessary to control migration programs. This is necessary to attract the able-bodied population to the regions. It will also help solve the problem of developing institutions for the socio-cultural processing of raw materials. The most important tool for organizing migration processes and the institution of socio-cultural processing will have to be the system of vocational education. It also includes the system of primary vocational education. However, this system will be able to stabilize its position only by expanding the contingent of students of different ages. The instability of this system will worsen due to the reduction in the number of graduates from secondary educational institutions. Additionally, the regional aspect will need to develop a functional system language courses. They will act as cultural institutions to help migrants learn the language and overcome communication barriers.

Today, one of the development priorities for Russia is to improve the quality of life of the population in the state. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the competitiveness of Russia in the international economic arena, due to the fact that new types of activities will require additional development of quality standards for living standards. Within the framework of this direction, it is necessary to implement the following tasks:

· Increase income growth for the population. Along with this, it is necessary to reduce poverty indicators. It is necessary to reduce the proportion of the population with incomes below the average. This will become the basis for further reducing the differentiation of the population in terms of income.

· Full development of the labor market is required. This will increase employment and reduce social tension.

· It is necessary to create equal conditions for access to social benefits and services, especially for educational services. Social protection of the population should also be ensured. It is necessary to prepare the social protection system to increase the burden from the non-working strata of the population, representatives of older age groups on the population at the working age stage. Based on this, it will be necessary to adjust the strategies for the development of social infrastructures in the regions.

· It is necessary to improve living conditions for the population.

· It is necessary to improve the quality of work of communal services and municipal subdivisions in the regions.

· Organizational and leisure activities for the population should also be carried out and members of society should be given equal access to leisure and entertainment programs.

As primary measures that will be aimed at improving the standard of living of the population and increasing infrastructural security, attention should be paid to:

· Development of social support and protection programs for the aging population. The number of nursing homes for the elderly and the disabled should be increased. Additionally, it is required to create a larger number of temporary residence centers for pensioners and the number of places in them. The infrastructure for working with older people should also be modernized. Modernization will include specialized training programs appropriate for age and health, providing opportunities to continue working, etc. It is also necessary to more fully develop social assistance programs for the elderly at home.

· It is necessary to implement social assistance directly to the addresses. This program should include social support for the population, an increase in their income and other activities.

· There should be a development of engineering and technological enterprises in the country and regions (housing cooperatives, utility companies, etc.)

· The housing issue of the elderly and the disabled should also be addressed. This aspect includes the provision of subsidies to citizens from the budget to pay part of the interest rates on various loans and credits received for construction or for the purpose of acquiring housing. This will also include the provision of subsidies to citizens from the budget aimed at paying part of the cost of housing purchased with a housing loan or credit.

· Additional state support should be provided to certain categories of citizens in terms of improving their living conditions. It could be employees social sphere or government officials.

· Stimulation of transport enterprises for the development and renewal of the fleet, improving the quality of passenger service.

One of the functions of the state is aimed at the redistribution of national income is to minimize the difference in the incomes of different strata of society and provide more favorable conditions for material life for all members of society.

However, excessive state intervention in the processes of redistribution of incomes of the population carries the risk of a decrease in the business activity of society and, as a result, a drop in the efficiency of economic activity in some segments of the population. Specialized social support programs can increase the percentage of social dependency. The social redistributive policy of the state has practically no effect on the equalization of incomes between the poor and rich strata of the population.

The state is given a specific choice between economic efficiency and economic equality. This raises a logical problem: excessive equality will inevitably lead to a decrease in the average standard of living of the population and its quality of life. Enterprising and get into a position where they do not need to use their personal talents.

Inequality in the incomes of the population has largely arisen in connection with the objective action of the market mechanism of prices, along with the natural factor. The complete eradication of income differences would mean the complete destruction of the market pricing mechanism.

Thus, it should be concluded that the current economic situation of the population in the country is sufficiently unstable. Differentiation reaches significant limits, and to overcome it, it is necessary to develop new socio-economic programs and projects to stabilize the economic situation.


At the moment, on the basis of the financial crisis, the socio-economic differentiation of the strata of the population is manifested quite clearly. The poor are getting even poorer. Richer groups of people are trying to increase their capital due to the crisis.

Poverty is a global socio-economic problem. It is actively researched and has many similar features at the global level. Poverty, in theory, according to many economists, is the inability to maintain an acceptable quality of life. Consequently, the so-called "classic" poor families are a natural phenomenon for most countries with developed market economies. The more income the rich segments of the population receive, the less financial flow will fall into the poor sectors. This pattern and trend, which today requires close attention from the government of the Russian Federation.

Russia is far from being the poorest country. In Russia, at this stage, there is simply no mechanism for a competent redistribution of income among the strata of the population.

In our country, the state today does not have functional and really operating programs to combat poverty. More and more developed countries are actively improving their support systems for the poor. They try to define the limit of social assistance, beyond which it should not go, so as not to create the risk of social dependency. It is this path of development that should take place in Russia, however, at this point in time, all this is theoretical reasoning.

Bibliographic list

1. Anthology of economic classics: In 2 vols. M., 2012. T. 1. 599 p.

Bazhenova V.S., Iokhin V.Ya. Economic theory. Microeconomics - 1.2: Textbook / ed. Zhuravleva G.P.//M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2011, 934 p.

3. Bayanova E. The main indicator of the quality of life // Parliamentary newspaper No. 057 (2125) of April 24, 2012. 92 p.

Bobkov V.N. Problems of assessing the standard of living of the population in modern Russia.//M.: VCUZh. 2011 400 p.

5.Borisov E.F., Economic theory: textbook.// 2nd ed., Revised. and additional M.: TK Velby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2011. 544 p.

Gontmakher E. Social problems of Russia and alternative ways of their solution // Questions of Economics. 2011 No. 2. 101 p.

7. Zherebin V.M., Romanov A.N. The standard of living of the population.// M.: UNITI DANA, 2011, 314 p.

8. Levashov V.I. Social policy of income and wages. // M: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2011. 360 p.

Marx K. and Engels F. Works // 2nd ed. M., 1987, reprinted in 2011. M. "Eksmo" 303 p.

Nikolaev A.N. Modern standard of living. // M. Polygraph. 2011 429 p.

Ovcharova L.M. Poverty in Russia. Peace in Russia. // Tver 2013. 402 p.

Rimashevskaya N.M. The problem of fighting poverty in the developments of foreign government and international organizations // Poverty: a view of scientists on the problem // Ed. M. A. Mozhina. M., 2010. 414 p.

Smith A. Research on the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. // M. 2011. 427 p.

14.Sotsialnoe position and standard of living of the population of Russia.// Stat. Sat. Moscow: Rosstat. 2014 412 p.

15. Tikhonova N. E. The social structure of Russian society: the result of eight years of reform // Social Sciences and modernity. M. 2013, No. 3. 119 p.

Economic and social problems of Russia. Shadow economy: economic and social aspects. // Ed. Zhilina I.Yu. Timofeev L.M. - M: PHOENIX, 2011. 168 p.

17. Economic statistics: Textbook. // Under the editorship of prof. Ivanova Yu.N. 3rd ed. revised and additional M.: INFRA-M, 2012. 736 p.

.#"justify"> Annex 1

Consolidated analysis of indicators of the standard of living of the population in the Russian Federation and the USA.

Crime statistics in Russia Crime statistics in the USA Total crimes: 2 952 37011 877 218 (3 times more than in Russia) Note: The actual number of crimes committed is often more informative than other official statistics. in the US)20%Note: The piracy rate is the number of pirated software installed in 2007 divided by the total amount of software installed. Russian economy statistics US economy statistics GDP: 1.746 trillion. dollars13.060 trillion dollars (6 times that of Russia) Note: Gross domestic product (GDP) is the value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a year. (3 times more than in Russia) Note: This is the country's total GDP divided by its population. Thus, it is calculated how much product a country produces per person. GDP and PPP: 1,408,603 million dollars 11,628,083 million dollars (7 times more than Russia) Note: PPP - Purchasing Power Parity Human Development Index: 0.7950 .944 (19% more than in Russia) Note: Human Development Index is calculated by the UN. Education statistics in Russia Education statistics in the USA Education spending (% of GDP): 3.8 %5.7 (50% more than in Russia) Note: These are expenses Government Education Russia Energy Statistics US Energy Statistics Gasoline prices: 0.540.77 (43% more than in Russia) Note: This is the ratio of the country's premium gasoline price to the world average gasoline price barrels (3 times less than in Russia) Note: This is the total amount of oil in the country's proven oil fields. total CO2 emissions (excluding land use). Unit: thousand metric tons of carbon dioxide Russian government statistics US government statistics Corruption: 2,37,2 Note: The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is the level of corruption based on expert judgment and public opinion polls. The smaller the CPI, the more corruption. Russian lifestyle statistics US lifestyle statistics Happiness rate: 6% 39% (6 times more than in Russia) ..? Very happy, reasonably happy, not very happy, or not at all happy.” Only “very happy” answers are taken into account. Russia) Note: Total armed forces (2000) Russian population statistics US population statistics Divorce rate: 3.36 per 1,000 people 4.95 per 1,000 people (47% more than Russia) Note: Divorce rate per 1,000 people Population in 2015: 136 696325 723 (138% more than in Russia) Note: Average forecast. In thousand people. Russia transport statistics US transport statistics Cars: 124 cars per 1,000,765 cars per 1,000 (5 times more than in Russia) Note: Number of cars per 1,000 people


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It is known that people differ in gender, age, temperament, height, hair color, intelligence level and many other characteristics. Differences between people, due to their physiological and mental characteristics, are called natural.
Natural differences can become the basis for the emergence of unequal relations between individuals: the strong triumph over the weak, the cunning over the simpletons, and so on. Inequality, due to natural differences, in one form or another manifests itself in animals. The main feature of the human community is social inequality arising from social differences, social differentiation.
Social differences are called differences that are generated by social factors: the division of labor (workers of mental and physical labor), the way of life (urban and rural population), the functions performed, the level of prosperity, etc. Social differences are primarily status differences. They indicate the dissimilarity of the functions performed by a person in society, the different capabilities and positions of people, the discrepancy between their rights and obligations.
Social differences may or may not be compatible with natural ones.
The leading trend in the evolution of any society is the multiplication of social differences, i.e. increasing their diversity. The process of growing social differences in society, complicating the overall picture of social interactions, was called by G. Spencer "social differentiation".
This process is based on:
the emergence of new institutions, organizations that help people jointly solve certain problems and
temporarily complicating the system of social expectations, role interactions, functional dependencies;
the complication of cultures, the emergence of new value ideas, the development of subcultures, which leads to the emergence within the same society of social groups that adhere to different religious, ideological views, oriented towards different political forces, etc. Society is not only extremely differentiated and consists of many social groups, classes, communities, but also hierarchical: some layers always have more power, more wealth, have a number of obvious advantages and privileges compared to others.
Many thinkers have long tried to establish whether a society can exist without social inequality, since too many injustices are due to social inequality: a narrow-minded person can be at the top of the social ladder, a hardworking, gifted person can be content with a minimum of material wealth all his life and constantly experience neglect of himself . From the awareness of the blatant injustice of the world around us, ideas and myths about the bygone "golden age" were born, when everyone was equal, utopian dreams of creating a society arose. equal opportunity and full social equality.
First of all, it is necessary to determine the reasons that give rise to the unequal position of people in society. In sociology, there is no single, universal explanation for this phenomenon. Different scientific schools and trends interpret it differently. Let us consider two main methodological approaches.
Functionalism explains inequality based on the differentiation of social functions performed by different layers, classes, communities. The functioning and development of society is possible only thanks to the division of labor between social groups: one of them is engaged in the production of material goods, the other - in the creation of spiritual values, the third - in management, etc. For the normal functioning of society, an optimal combination of all types of human activity, but some of them, from the point of view of society, are more important, while others are less important. As American sociologists K. Davis and W. Moore noted, in order to maintain inequality, “society must somehow determine the place of its members in the system of social positions and induce them to fulfill the duties associated with these provisions. It must, therefore, guarantee itself two different levels of stimulation: gradually
to give its members the desire to occupy a certain position; and those who have already taken this position - the desire to fulfill the duties associated with it. In other words, society should have special mechanisms that encourage people who perform more important social functions, for example, uneven distribution of income, remuneration for work, privileges, which increases the significance of a particular status position.
On the basis of the hierarchy of significance of social functions, according to the supporters of the functional approach, a corresponding hierarchy of groups, classes, and layers performing these functions is formed. The top of the social ladder is invariably occupied by those who carry out the general leadership and management of the country, because only they can maintain and ensure the unity of the country, create the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of other social functions.
The explanation of social inequality in terms of functional utility is fraught with a certain danger of a subjectivist interpretation of the significance of a particular function, and does not allow explaining such realities as recognizing an individual as belonging to a higher stratum in the absence of his direct participation in management. That is why T. Parsons, considering the social hierarchy as a necessary factor that ensures the expediency of the social system, links its configuration with the system of dominant values ​​in society. In his understanding, the location of social strata on the hierarchical ladder is determined by the ideas formed in society about the significance of each of them and, therefore, can change as the value system itself changes.
Within the framework of the conflictological paradigm, inequality is seen as the result of the struggle of classes for the redistribution of material and social resources. Representatives of Marxism, for example, call private property the main source of inequality, which gives rise to the social stratification of society, the emergence of antagonistic classes. Exaggeration of the role of private property in social stratification society, in our opinion, led K. Marx and his orthodox followers to the conclusion that it is possible to eliminate social inequality by establishing public ownership of the means of production.
The absence of a single explanation of the origins of social inequality is due to the fact that it is always perceived at least at two levels. First, as a property of society. History does not know societies devoid of social inequality. The fight is
social stratification. Vygt. I. - M., 1992, p. 161.
dey, parties, groups, classes - this is a struggle for the possession of large social opportunities rights, benefits and privileges. If inequality is an integral property of society, therefore, it carries a positive functional load, and society reproduces inequality, considering it as a source of life support and development.
Secondly, inequality is always perceived as an unequal relationship between people, groups. Therefore, it becomes natural to strive to explain this unequal situation by professional status, possession of property, power, personal qualities of individuals. This approach is now widely used, primarily due to the fact that it takes into account real actions, interests, i.e. factors that can be observed, compared, generalized, empirical analysis.
Inequality has many faces and manifests itself in various parts of society - in the family, in an institution, at an enterprise, in small and large groups. It is necessary condition organizations social life. Parents, having extensive experience, have the opportunity to influence their young children, facilitating their socialization; the functioning of any enterprise is carried out on the basis of the division of labor into managerial and executive, etc. The appearance of a leader in the team helps to unite it, turn it into a stable formation, but at the same time it is accompanied by the granting of special rights to the leader. Any social institution, organization strives to preserve inequality, seeing it as an ordering principle, without which reproduction is impossible. social connections and integration of the new. The same property is inherent in society as a whole.
The history of various societies shows that each of them tried to organize social inequality in its own way. However, despite the diversity of socio-cultural features of the country, three main historical types of organization of social inequality are clearly distinguished:
caste organization, which assumed a rigid hierarchical division of the entire population into several layers - castes. There were practically insurmountable barriers between these layers: marriages between people belonging to different castes were forbidden, a person could not change the caste at will, belonging to which was determined at his birth.
India was a classic example of the caste organization of society, and the remnants of this system have survived in this country to this day, since a special type of religion - Hinduism - contributed to
the formation in the mass consciousness of ideas about the inevitability of just such a way of organizing social inequality;
a class organization, common in traditional societies and involving the division of society into estates - layers that, in accordance with tradition or law, have unequal rights and duties.
In the countries of feudal Europe, for example, there were two upper classes (nobility and clergy) and an unprivileged third estate (merchants, artisans). Belonging to a class was inherited, but unlike the caste system, the possibility of moving from one class to another was not excluded, although it was a rare occurrence;
the organization of inequality in modern society (sometimes called class organization), characterized by the absence of rigid barriers between different strata. Formally, each person can change his position in the system of social hierarchy, i.e. he is not doomed to be constantly within the limits of his stratum or class, but is oriented towards achievement. And although, as will be shown below, each layer of modern society is constantly reproducing, retaining a certain stable part of the population, nevertheless, there is no such fatal predetermination of the social position that is characteristic of the two previous historical types of organization of inequality. In addition, the social strata of modern society do not have privileges enshrined in laws and have the same political rights.

Types of social groups.

Social differentiation

Reasons for differentiation:

1. private property

Social politics

Theory of stratification

Main stratification criteria

3. prestige

4. education

The social status of the individual and social roles.

Social status - This is the position of a person in society, occupied by him in accordance with age, sex, origin, profession, marital status. This is a certain position in the social structure of a group or society, associated with other positions through a system of rights and obligations.

The totality of all statuses occupied by one person is called status set .

One person has many statuses, as he participates in many groups and organizations. He is a man, father, husband, son, teacher, professor, doctor spider, middle-aged man, member of the editorial board, Orthodox, etc. One person can occupy two opposite statuses, but in relation to different people: for his children he is a father and for his mother a son.

In the status set there must be main status. Main status name the most characteristic status for a given person, with which he is identified (identified) by other people or with which he identifies himself. The main thing is always the status that determines the style and way of life, the circle of acquaintances, the manner of behavior.

Social statuses are prescribed and acquired.

to the second - profession, education, etc. Some statuses are prestigious, others - vice versa.

Prestige - it is an assessment by society of the social significance of a particular status. This hierarchy is formed under the influence of two factors:

1. the real usefulness of those social functions that a person performs;

2. systems of values ​​characteristic of a given society.

The social status of the individual, first of all, has an impact on her behavior.

The social role of the individual - it is a set of social functions learned and performed by a person and patterns of behavior corresponding to them. Social role - a behavioral model focused on this status. It can be defined differently - as a template type of behavior aimed at fulfilling the rights and obligations assigned to a particular status.

Each person has not one, but a whole set of social roles that he plays in society.

Their collection is called role system (role set).

A social role is impossible without conditions such as:

1. expectations of group members functionally related to this status;

2. social norms that fix the range of requirements for fulfilling this role.

social mobility

A person who occupies a certain place in this structure has the ability to move from one level to another. Such a transition is called social mobility.

Kinds social mobility

A high rate of vertical social mobility, other things being equal, is considered an important evidence of a democratic society.

Social elevators (channels of social mobility) are social mechanisms that allow people to move from one social stratum to another.

P. Sorokin (American sociologist of Russian origin) singled out:

1. Army (Napoleon)

2. Church (Patriarch Nikon)

3. School, education (Lomonosov)

Other channels of social mobility:

1. Family and marriage (Catherine the First)

2. Party activities (Stalin)

3. Media (Malakhov, Ksenia Sobchak)

The family is like a small group.

Family types

1. According to the related structure, there are:

extended families (multi-generational) which unite under one roof a married couple with children and one of the parents of a married couple

nuclear families - married couples with one or two children.

2. Scientists identify families full(two parents) and incomplete(where, for some reason, one of the parents or the parental generation is absent, and the children live with their grandparents).

3. Depending on the number of children, families are distinguished childless, one-child, few And large families.

4. According to the nature of the distribution of family responsibilities, according to how the issue of leadership is resolved in the family, two types of family are traditionally distinguished.

traditional, or patriarchal The family is dominated by the male. Such a family unites representatives of at least three generations under one roof. A woman is economically dependent on her husband, family roles are clearly regulated: the husband (father) is the earner and breadwinner, the wife (mother) is the housewife and educator of children.

To the characteristics partner, or egalitarian, family (family of equals) include a fair, proportional distribution of family responsibilities, the interchangeability of spouses in solving everyday issues, the discussion of major problems and the joint adoption of decisions important for the family, as well as the emotional richness of relationships. Social psychologists especially note this particular feature, thereby emphasizing that only in a partner-type family can we talk about mutual respect, mutual understanding and emotional need for each other.

5. By employment in social production:

single-pit model(in a traditional society, the father was engaged in social production, the mother was engaged in housekeeping)

two-pit model

Family Functions

Under family functions is understood as its activity, which has certain social consequences.

1. reproductive function associated with the biological reproduction of members of society.

2. The new generation that replaces the old one must master social roles, gain accumulated knowledge, experience, moral and other values. This manifests itself educational function.

3. Economic function covers various aspects family relations: housekeeping and family budget; the organization of family consumption and the problem of the distribution of domestic labor; support and care for the elderly and disabled.

4. The family helps a person to find peace and confidence, creates a sense of security and psychological comfort, provides emotional support and maintains overall vitality (emotional-psychological function). Scholars specifically talk about recreational function, which includes spiritual and aesthetic moments, including the organization of spending free time.

5. In addition, the family provides its members with a social status, thereby contributing to the reproduction of the social structure of society. (socio-status function).

6. The family regulates people's sexual behavior by determining who can have sex with whom and under what circumstances. (sexual function).

Youth as a socio-demographic age group

Sociologists refer to the youth of people aged 16 to 25 years. Age boundaries are determined by specific historical conditions, the socio-economic situation, and therefore can be mobile.

The transition from youth to maturity is characterized by criteria

The main features of the youth subculture

1. challenging adult values ​​and experimenting with your own lifestyle

2. inclusion in various peer groups (informal youth groups)

3. peculiar tastes, especially in clothes, music

4. cult of power, radicalism

5. it is more a cult of leisure than work (some representatives of the older generation believe that a significant part modern youth does not live, but lives, does not work, but earns extra money, does not do, but pretends to do)

6. openness to innovation

Social Features youth

1. mastering new professions. Pattern: the newer the profession, the younger the age of its representatives

2. development of new territorial production complexes. The territorial mobility of young people is 5 times higher than that of other age groups (examples: development of virgin lands, BAM)

3. cultural and intellectual mobility. Young people are the most active consumer of the latest scientific knowledge.

ethnic communities. Nations and international relations

Ethnos (Greek - people) - a set of people with a common language, culture, aware of their historical unity. In the modern world there are at least two thousand different ethnic groups.

Forms of ethnic groups:

in primitive times - a tribe

in antiquity and the Middle Ages - nationality

in modern times, the most developed and stable community is the nation

Nation - autonomous, not limited by territorial boundaries ethnic community whose members are committed to common values ​​and institutions. Representatives of one nation no longer have a common ancestor and a common origin. They do not have to have a common language, religion, but the nationality uniting them was formed thanks to a common history and culture.

The nation arises in the period of the birth of capitalism. During this period, classes, an internal market and a single economic structure, their own literature and art were formed. On the basis of a common territory, language and economy, a single national character and mental warehouse is formed. There is a very strong sense of solidarity with one's nation. National patriotic and national liberation movements, ethnic strife, wars and conflicts arise as a sign that a nation has been formed and is fighting for its sovereignty.

Nation signs:

1. common territory;

2. common language;

3. community of economic life;

4. common features of the mental warehouse;

5. national professional culture;

6. national identity. Awareness by the individual of himself as an integral part of the nation, participation in the common historical fate and culture of the nation, feelings for its past, present and future, orientation towards the goals and values ​​of national development.

How to determine the nationality of a person? national identity.

Nationality is a private (personal) matter of the citizens themselves. Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 25, paragraph 1: “Everyone has the right to determine and indicate their nationality. No one can be forced to determine and indicate their nationality"

Nationalism and chauvinism

Nationalism is an ideology, the essence of which is the preaching of the peculiarities and / or exclusivity of one's people, the priority of national values, etc.

The extreme form of nationalism is chauvinism, preaching the exclusivity of one's own nation, opposing the interests of one's own nation to the interests of other nations, inciting national enmity and hatred.

Interethnic relations

Interethnic relations have always been distinguished by their contradictory nature - the gravitation towards cooperation and periodic conflicts.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

1. territorial disputes;

2. historical tensions between peoples;

3. the policy of discrimination pursued by the dominant nation;

4. national attempts political elites to use national feelings for the sake of their own popularity;

5. the desire of peoples to create their own statehood (SEPARATISM)

When resolving these conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of policy in the field of national relations:

1. rejection of violence and coercion;

2. search for consent based on the consensus of all participants;

3. recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;

4. readiness for a peaceful settlement of disputed problems.

Trends in the development of nations

The nature of national relations is determined by two interrelated trends:

differentiation integration
Each nation strives for self-development, for the preservation of national identity, language and culture. These aspirations are realized in the process of their differentiation, which can take the form of a struggle for national self-determination and the creation of an independent national state. On the other hand, the self-development of nations under conditions modern world it is impossible without their close interaction, cooperation, exchange of cultural values, overcoming alienation, maintaining mutually beneficial contacts. The trend towards integration is intensifying due to the need to solve the global problems facing humanity, with the success of the scientific and technological revolution. It must be borne in mind that these trends are interrelated: the diversity of national cultures does not lead to their isolation, and the convergence of nations does not mean the disappearance of differences between them.

National politics

National policy - a set of measures of all branches authorities in the field of national relations.

National policy differs in goals, direction, based on the priorities of the state policy.

Goals, direction of the inhumane totalitarian policy Aims and content of democratic national policy
1. upholding the so-called ethnic "purity" 2. inciting racial hatred 3. violence in the interests of domination of one's state. These goals are realized by laws, organization and encouragement of appropriate group behavior. Fascism is the most misanthropic expression of this anti-democratic policy. 1. legislative consolidation of a respectful attitude towards people of all nationalities, ethnic groups to their self-consciousness, identity, 2. creation of the most favorable conditions for the free development of all peoples, 3. harmonization of national interests, 4. warning and humane resolution ethnic conflicts. State, democratic parties help ensure that these goals are shared by the population of the country.

The main principles of the state national policy in Russia are as follows:

1. equality of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, regardless of his race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, membership in social groups and public associations;

2. prohibition of any form of restriction of the rights of a citizen on the grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation;

3. preservation of the historical integrity of the country, equality of all subjects of the federation, guarantee of the rights of indigenous peoples;

4. everyone's right citizen determine and indicate their nationality;

5. promoting the development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

6. timely and peaceful resolution of contradictions and conflicts;

7. prohibition of activities aimed at undermining the security of the state, inciting social, racial, national and religious discord, hatred or enmity;

8. protecting the rights and interests of Russian citizens abroad, supporting compatriots living in foreign countries in the preservation and development of their native language, culture and national traditions, in strengthening their ties with their homeland

The social structure of Russian society

Causes of conflicts

1. the possession by one of the parties of tangible and intangible (power, information) values, while the other side is either completely deprived of them or does not have enough of them. At the same time, it is not excluded that the predominance may be imaginary.

2. incompatibility of worldview attitudes and evaluative positions of various social groups (classes, estates, strata) of society;

3. misunderstanding of each other by people; differences in views and the imposition of the opinion of one of the parties, the psychological incompatibility of people

4. increased irritability, an overestimated level of claims (in interpersonal conflicts)

Types of conflicts

1. Depending on the spheres of human activity in which conflicts occur, they are divided into





2. In terms of scale and volume, they include

Interpersonal conflicts when the interests of individuals collide;

Conflicts between small and large social groups:

International conflicts arising between individual states and their coalitions.

3. By the nature of development:



Stages of conflict

Pre-conflict stage This is the period during which contradictions accumulate.

Direct conflict stage is a set of specific actions. It is characterized by a clash of opposing sides.

On post-conflict stage measures are being taken to finally eliminate the contradictions

Types of social groups.

A) in terms of numbers - large (nations, estates) and small (family, school class)

B) according to the method of organizing and regulating behavior - formal (production team) and informal (bikers, emo)

Reasons for grouping people together:

1. groups help achieve common goals

2. groups allow you to satisfy psychological and other problems

3. group membership contributes to the formation of a positive "I-concept"

Social differentiation- this is the division of society into groups occupying different social positions and differing in the volume and nature of rights, privileges and duties, prestige and influence.

Types of differentiation, their manifestations

It should be noted that with the development of society, its social structure becomes more complicated. Also, connections and relationships between people are becoming deeper and more complex.

Reasons for differentiation:

1. private property

2. the complexity of modern society, the need for a division of labor

3. various abilities, psychological features of people

Social politics

Social policy is a set of measures aimed at meeting the material and spiritual needs of a person, as well as ensuring the social protection of citizens in need of special care from the state.

Social policy is designed to mitigate social inequality.

The traditional areas of social policy are:

1. organization of pensions and social insurance, medical care;

2. material and consumer services for the disabled and other categories of people in need of social protection citizens (students, temporarily unemployed, orphans, etc.);

3. promoting the employment of citizens.

Theory of stratification

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