What size of male dignity is considered the norm. What should be the length of a normal penis

Is my penis too small? Men probably won't ask their friends or sex partners about this. But behind the closed doors of a doctor's examining room, it's frequently asked question. Worry about small penis size is common. And, as a rule, unreasonable, doctors say.

"Men who are worried about their penis size usually find some other excuse to see a doctor," says Bruce R. Gilbert, MD, Reproductive and Sexual Medicine at the Urology Institute, New York. "When they come for something else, they also ask:" Oh, by the way, I'm worried about the length of my penis. "Most of them are men in their 20s and 40s. But sometimes men in their ages from 40 to 50, and sometimes even older men."

penis size

Penis size is a key element of male self-esteem. But average man significantly underestimates the size of his penis. About 45% of men want a bigger penis. It doesn't matter that 85% of heterosexual women say that they are satisfied with the parameters of the penis of their partners. But how can a man know if his penis is a normal size, large or small? legends about thumb hands and others have little to do with reality. Direct measurement is key in this case.

How to measure penis

The penis is measured in an erect state. But the most reliable principle for measuring the penis is to measure it in a stretched state. Measure penis without erection upper surface. At the same time, gently but very confidently stretch the penis as far as possible. Measure from the pubic bone to the tip of the penis. The penis of most adult Caucasian men is 10-19 cm, and this is a normal length. The average length is 16 cm.

small penis

There is, of course, such a thing as a very small penis. medical term"micropenis" refers to the 0.6% of men with the smallest penises, whose penis length when erect does not exceed 7 cm. A micropenis is usually not detected by a man for the first time in adulthood. This phenomenon is usually caused by genetic or hormonal disorders that cause other, more serious problems with health in early age. The penis begins to develop when the fetus is only 8 weeks old. By week 12, the penis begins to grow. In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, due to male sex hormones, the penis will grow to its normal length (about 4 cm in babies). Factors that interfere with the production of hormones also affect the size of the penis. Micropenis discovered in infancy can be treated with testosterone, which stimulates the growth of the penis in childhood and even after puberty. Although the safety and long-term effectiveness of this treatment has yet to be proven. For adults who have a micropenis, there are few treatment options. "There isn't much that can be done for an adult patient other than inserting a prosthesis into the penis," says Dr. Gilbert. Fortunately, micropenis is a rare condition. Much more common is the presence of conditions that make the penis visually miniature - the concept of an inconspicuous penis. Some form of inconspicuous penis is a hidden penis. The penis is usually at right angles to the scrotum. But in the case of a hidden penis, the scrotum covers the penis. The hidden penis phenomenon occurs when the penis is hidden under the skin. This can be due to excessive belly fat on the anterior abdominal wall hanging down and hiding the penis. Sometimes too big foreskin makes the penis outwardly inconspicuous. The hidden penis problem can be solved with surgery, weight loss, or even liposuction.

The normal length of the member makes his representative self-confident. The penis and scrotum are the external genitalia in the male body. The basis of the penis (penis) includes erectile and cavernous tissues, consisting of a group of smooth muscle fibers. The last tissue consists of three sections: two cavernous bodies (they are responsible for the rigidity of the penis in a state of erection) and one spongy (it forms the urethra).

All these three groups are one whole system. male body. Men are very seriously complex in relation to the size of their dignity, this is especially evident in youth. It happens that boys, being in the locker room with older people and seeing their penis, ask questions: “Is it not small?” “Will I have the same or more?” Moreover, doubts about the size sometimes arise throughout life, but there is one belief "The more - the better!".

Even in the age of advanced technology, doubts about sufficient length are of great concern to the male part of the population. Despite the fact that most of them are of impressive size, and are good sexual partners. The thing is that a man sees his organ from above and at an angle, which is why it visually seems shorter, while in others we see directly and it seems to us that their organ is longer. When the organ is at rest, its dimensions are determined only by the degree of blood filling of the corresponding cavernous bodies.

Each such body is a spongy formation, which consists of several cavities and vessels that react to the active substances contained in the blood. The temperature factor plays an important role in filling the cavernous bodies with blood. For example, a decrease in air temperature contributes to vasoconstriction, and, consequently, a decrease in blood flow through the cavernous bodies. The same condition is observed when adrenaline is released into the blood as a response to stress. That is why a member that a man is used to seeing big can decrease many times over.

An increase in temperature promotes the opposite effect, that is, an increase in the size and expansion of blood vessels. The length of the penis of a newborn boy does not exceed 5 cm, and its active growth will begin only at the age of 13. The growth of male dignity usually ends by the age of 18, but significant changes can still occur until the age of 25. The average sexual organ has a length of 12-18 cm, with a circumference of 10-16 cm. A list of deviations and a classification of the phallus from such a norm is given below.

There are 3 sizes:

  • Micropenis (micropenis) - its dimensions in the state of erection do not exceed 2-3 cm.
  • Small penis - the length in an erection is less than 9 cm.
  • Normal penis - his normal penis length in an excited state exceeds 9 cm.

The normal length of a penis is 10 cm, and if it is shorter for someone, then this is the micropenis, which was mentioned above. Penises of 10-12 cm are small, but with skillful handling, a woman can be satisfied with their help. A length exceeding 18 cm indicates a large genital organ.

Second important point in the size of the penis is its width. Experts say that this indicator is much more important than the previous one. A woman, due to the girth of dignity, is able to experience a feeling of pleasure, and the width varies in the range of 8-15 cm, the average value of it is 12 cm.

A man is able to measure his sexual dignity on his own. To do this, you need to get on your feet and achieve an erection, bend the phallus so that it takes a horizontal position (parallel to the floor). Next, a centimeter or ruler is applied to the organ. The measuring tool does not need to be directly pressed into the pubis or penis.

It is not recommended to measure the penis for teenagers! Why? Their body is only developing and still continues active growth. Correct and competent measurement of length: from the pubis to the tip of the head. The thickness of the phallus is determined in the same way, but here you need a centimeter tape, thread or even a paper strip. In a state of full erection, you need to clasp measuring instrument the middle section of the penis and find out its girth.

What is the normal size of the penis, is it possible to increase and decrease

Not everyone knows what the normal penis size is, as men often underestimate their dignity. The fair sex pay too much great importance his classification, by which it is possible to determine the length of the genital organs of men. They believe that the length of the legs, fingers, feet or even the nose is relevant, but in reality it is not so.

The only thing that plays a role in determining the length of the penis is the build of a person, and not the size of the shoes he wears. As for the growth of men, the experts did not come to a consensus. Some believe that height affects the size of the penis, while others - quite the opposite and share the opinion that young people of average height have a large penis. The penis is finally formed before the age of 25 and, subject to a normal supply of testosterone, it will reach the genetically predetermined size by the specified date. In the future, the penis will not change in any way, regardless of the change total mass body. However, there is another one hundred percent factor that affects the length of the body: weightlifting in young age, since these physical exercise affect the development of the genitals.

Factors on which it directly depends on what is the normal penis size:

  1. Genetics (predisposition) - each race is different, has characteristic average sizes of dignity that differ from others.
  2. Growth and development - puberty men begins at the age of 13, and ends at about 18-20 years. The process can be delayed only if the body experiences a lack of hormones, and otherwise, by the age of 20, the body reaches the proper size.
  3. Obesity is the most terrible factor inducing mirror disease. Most people think that in fat men, the genitals become thinner and dryer, but in reality this is not the case. The reduction of the penis is just a visual effect, which was influenced by the fatty layer in the pubic region. Experts summed up the calculations, according to which every extra 6 kg of fat contributes to a visual decrease in dignity by 1 centimeter.
  4. Sociological factors - psychological problem or a barrier that cannot be overcome.
  5. Bad ecology - a heavily polluted atmosphere (aggressive chemical compounds).
  6. Unhealthy diet - high content of herbicides and pesticides in food.

On medical practice There are several ineffective ways to increase dignity. There are a lot of super-mega effective gadgets on the Internet, such as patches and lubricants, all kinds of gymnastics exercises or vacuum pumps that are actually completely useless. Vacuum pumps, of course, can give an extra centimeter, but is that really enough?

More recently, extenders have migrated from Europe, giving more or less the desired result. Urologists use a special frame that helps stretch the penis. It must be worn for several hours every day without a break, thereby lengthening the penis. Most experts claim that extenders are invisible under clothing, and the results are quite good. When wearing the device for a period of 4-6 months, you can achieve a physiological increase of 2-4 centimeters. Quite a lot of private clinics are increasingly offering a surgical operation that will help increase the penis.

It consists in making a small incision in the ligament that supports the penis. After this and the rehabilitation course, the phallus hangs a little more, which provides a slight increase in length, both in the excited and in the normal state. Quite often, men who have a large phallus want to reduce it somewhat. It can be uncomfortable for them, especially in the case of "unforeseen" excitement and there is no other way out, how to reduce it.

The only option is surgery, but the likelihood of an unsuccessful outcome of the operation is high. It is not recommended to resort to intervention if the urologist does not consider this measure necessary. Penis size is a purely numerical data that simply makes up a couple of marks on the rulers. Sexual ability has nothing to do with the size of the phallus, as well as the ability of a man to satisfy women.

It is important to overcome the psychological barrier and stop obsessing over this problem. As for the "normal" size of male pride, this is a relatively vague indicator. Some men cope well with a 15-centimeter organ and satisfy a woman, while others may not even have 20 centimeters. Therefore, the size does not really matter, because the average phallus can send a partner to seventh heaven with happiness.

Characteristics of the size of the penis, including its length and thickness at rest and when erect. The size of the penis is important for maintaining a normal sexual life, as well as for a man to feel his own fullness. The size of the penis, as a rule, does not affect the function of urination and reproductive ability. However, many men tend to underestimate the size of their reproductive organ and often resort to penis enlargement surgery without good reason. Men who are concerned about the size of the penis are shown to consult an andrologist, psychologist, sexologist.

How to measure your penis correctly

Measurements should be taken at room temperature in comfortable conditions for the man. To obtain reliable information about the size of the erect penis, it should be measured along the back (along its dorsal surface) - from the pubis to the end of the head. This method allows you to evaluate the functional length of the penis. If a man is overweight, or erectile dysfunction, this can negatively affect the functional length of the penis, often significantly reducing it.

And, regardless of the measurement data, some men, even with the normal length of their penis, would like to increase it by several centimeters. This is the subconscious desire for leadership. Since with a penis size above average, a man's self-esteem and self-confidence increase significantly, which directly affects his public and personal life.

Normal penis size is an indicator general health men, his reproductive and endocrine system. Since if during puberty there is testosterone deficiency and its derivatives, then the growth of the external genital organs slows down or stops altogether. In adulthood These men are often diagnosed infertility due to the cessation of the production of germ cells and various psychological problems.

Phallic cults were among most peoples. So, in the images and sculptures of the ancient Hindus, men with hypertrophied penises predominated. On the island of Corsica, there are phallic sculptures in the form of a penis 20-25 cm, and most of the ancient Japanese fairy tales for adults are based on plots where exorbitantly large penises predominate.

To visually increase the size of the penis, in Europe during the Renaissance they resorted to false codpieces. The size of the penis is a pride for a man and an opportunity to assert himself. But most psychological disasters, divorces and other negative consequences is not due to a too small penis, but from ignorance and ignorance in the field of sexual relations.

Because in Lately interest in operations to increase the size of the penis has increased, many scientists have tried to find a mathematically determined relationship between its size in an erect and calm state. However, too a large number of the reasons and circumstances that determine the size of the penis in both states did not allow the use of mathematical calculations for prediction. The only observation was that smaller size of the penis in a calm state, the more it increases in relation to the initial size, but these data were not recognized as statistically significant. predict greatest length an erect penis is possible only at the moment of maximum stretching.

That is, most men and some women attach importance to the size of the penis not in terms of functionality, but in terms of masculinity and dominance.

Surgical penis enlargement

Today, surgical medicine is designed to solve both vital issues and issues to improve the quality of life of an individual. This happened after a change in the priorities of public morality towards humanization. Surgical andrology designed to improve the quality sexual life. To this end, numerous operations for plastic surgery of the penis.

Only 10% of transactions penis enlargement are held andrologists according to indications, the rest of the operations are performed in men who initially have a normal penis size. The reason is dissatisfaction with the quality of sexual life on their part or on the part of their partner. Although the fact has long been established that it is not the length of the penis that affects the achievement of orgasm by a woman during intercourse, but the density of its compression by the vaginal muscles and the diameter of the penis. That is, in the absence of other indications and in the presence of a permanent partner, sufficient girth density can be achieved through a simpler operation to reduce the volume of the vagina.

Conversations with psychologist help to realize that today the masculinity of a man is made up of not only the size of the penis, although phallic symbols have a long history and today continue to be promoted by means mass media. The only proven fact of the influence of penis size on sexual arousal is visual erogenous stimulation. The same thing happens with breast size in women, although in real life most men and women prefer partners with average penis or breast sizes. But, if surgery is really capable of improving many aspects of a person’s life, then in the absence of contraindications, it is carried out.

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