How long to keep a thermometer in the rectum. Basics of measuring body temperature with a thermometer under the arm

On average, a child's temperature is higher than that of an adult, so if it is slightly elevated, this is not a reason to panic. But you need to know the current body temperature of the baby, because it can be one of the main signs of a number of problems and pathologies. And if everything is simple with an electronic thermometer, because with the help of a sound signal it will indicate when it is necessary to stop measurements, then with a mercury thermometer it is not entirely clear how many minutes to keep it to achieve the required accuracy. Let's try to figure it out.

How to measure temperature correctly?

To measure the child's temperature, you need to shake the mercury thermometer well (but gently), and then place it in the armpit. Eat alternative options placement, for example, rectal, but usually the device is placed just under the armpit. It is important to make sure that no sweat drops fall on it, because they have a temperature that is somewhat higher than the average temperature of any body.

As for how long it takes to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer, placing it under the arm of a child, there is no difference with the duration of measurement in adults. It is from 5 to 10 minutes. If you want to be sure of the result, then wait 10 minutes. You don't need to hold on anymore. If it seems to you that the thermometer readings are not very convincing, try again measuring after a while.

  • If the child is sleeping, but you still need to measure the temperature, you must first warm the thermometer in your hands a little. After that, you can take measurements, they will be more accurate than if you just put a thermometer.
  • If the child is awake, he needs to remain as still as possible so as not to knock down the readings. Also, you can not talk a lot, eat, and so on. The more neutral he sits or lies, the better.
  • When the child is completely young age when he is a newborn, it is worth giving preference to the rectal measurement method. But in this case, it is simply dangerous to use a mercury thermometer, you should give preference to an electronic one.
  • In general, follow the progress of the measurement. A child can break a mercury thermometer - and this will be dangerous not only for his health, but also for his life, not to mention the fact that he can get hurt by the glass. In modern thermometers, mercury is often replaced by other similar liquid materials, but although they are less dangerous, they are also of little use.
  • If finances allow, then there is another option - an infrared thermometer. It takes quite a bit of time to apply it - about five seconds. It is simply brought to the children's forehead - and in a matter of moments the results are ready. If your baby is often sick, it may make sense to invest in such a device.

Summing up

The duration of temperature measurement, how long it takes to carry it out, often causes certain difficulties. Remember that if you forget exactly how much to measure, it's okay to slightly exceed the duration. After all, the body temperature of the child during this time will not become higher. But if you just don't want to doubt and you don't have to think about the duration of measurements so that you can concentrate on the health of the child, then just get a good electronic thermometer that will "tell" you when you need to get it.

To check your armpit temperature, put the tip of the thermometer in the armpit of you or your child. In order to find out how long you need to keep the thermometer under your arm. Make sure the thermometer is touching the skin and not the clothing. Squeeze your hand against your body to hold the thermometer in place. Hold the thermometer in your armpit until it gives sound signal. If you have a mechanical type thermometer, then you need to wait 3 minutes. This is quite enough to measure the temperature.

What do I need to know about temperature?

  • There are several ways to measure temperature. in better ways are temperature measurements of the mouth, ear, armpit or temporary (forehead). Digital electronic thermometers are the simplest and most accurate type of thermometer. Do not use mercury or glass thermometers.
  • normal temperature is 98.6°F (36.6°C) but can range from 97.2°F to 99.9°F (36.2°C to 37.7°C). Body temperature changes throughout the day. As a rule, it is higher in the morning and higher in the evening.
  • Your and your child's temperature may vary depending on activity or exercise. Wait at least 15 minutes after you or your child drinks hot or cold liquids to take a temperature. Also wait 15 minutes after a warm bath. If your child is wearing pajamas, turn your child around and wait 5 minutes before taking their temperature.

What are the different types of thermometers?

Read the instructions carefully for each type of thermometer you use.

  • Digital thermometers are the most common and give the fastest and most accurate results. Digital thermometers can be used in the mouth, under the arm, or in the rectum. They are usually made of flexible plastic with a sensor on the tip and a display window on the other end. If your thermometer comes with plastic lids or sleeves, use every time you take a temperature. Discard cap or sleeve after each use.
  • Electronic ear thermometers fast and easy to use. Ear thermometers can give you a low reading if there is extra wax in the ears or if it is not properly placed in the ear.
  • Thermometers with temporary arteries pushed through the forehead behind the ear. This thermometer takes practical measures and may not be as accurate as a digital thermometer. You may need to check your or your child's temperature more than once to get an accurate reading. Make sure your forehead is dry when you use this thermometer. Sweating can make reading less accurate.
  • Thermometers with nipples should not be used in children under 3 months of age. Your baby should keep the pacifier as quiet as possible to get an accurate reading.

How to use a thermometer?

Clean the thermometer with soap and warm water or wipe with alcohol before and after use. Do not submerge it in water.

  • To take oral temperature, put the tip under the tongue as far as possible. Gently close your lips around the thermometer. Don't bite the thermometer. Relax and breathe through your nose. Hold the thermometer under your tongue until it beeps. You can take your child's mouth temperature at age 4 or 5. Wait 20-30 minutes after you or your child has finished eating or drinking to take an oral temperature.
  • To take armpit temperature, put the tip in the armpit of your child or your child. Make sure the thermometer is touching the skin and not the clothing. Squeeze your hand against your body to hold the thermometer in place. Hold the thermometer in your armpit until it beeps.
  • To accept temporary temperature, click the button to turn it on. Pass the thermometer from one temple to another and behind the ear until it beeps.
  • To take the temperature of the ear, gently pull the adult ear up and back. When you take your child's temperature, pull the ear down and back. Place the tip of the thermometer in your ear. Not use force or push. The tip of the thermometer must not touch the drum. Hold him until he beeps.

Now we will get acquainted with thermometers and find out how long to keep a thermometer under your arm?

Now there are several different methods for measuring temperature. The best methods are measurements under the arm, in the mouth, ear or rectally. Digital electronic thermometers are the easiest and fastest way to measure temperature. But they also use mercury and alcohol thermometers.

Normal temperature is 36.6°C, but can range from 36.2 °C to 37.7 °C. Body temperature can change throughout the day. It is usually lower in the morning and rises in the evening. And also the temperature can change depending on your activity. For example, exercising or playing sports raises the temperature. There are recommendations on how long to wait after doing some activities before measuring this indicator. You must wait at least 15 minutes after you or your child has consumed hot drinks or foods to check the thermometer. After taking a hot bath, you should also wait about 15 minutes.

  • Digital.
  • Electronic.
  • Mercury.
  • Alcoholic.

You should carefully read the instructions for each type of thermometer.

Digital thermometers are the most common and give the fastest and most accurate results. Digital thermometers can be used in the mouth and under the arm. They are usually made of flexible plastic with a temperature sensor on one end and a display panel on the other. How long should you keep a thermometer under your arm? Before the sound signal, which will notify you of the end of the measurement.

Electronic thermometers have a heat sensitive panel on one side and a digital panel on the other. Electronic thermometers are not always accurate, but they are safe. Digital thermometers can be purchased at drugstores or medical supply stores.

Electronic ear thermometers are fast and easy to use. Ear thermometers can give false readings if there is excess hair or wax in the ears, or if it is not properly inserted into the ear.

A thermometer for frontal measurement is applied to the forehead and temporal zone. Make sure your forehead is dry when you use this thermometer.

How long should you keep a thermometer under your arm?

Clear mercury thermometer warm water with soap or alcohol before and after use. Do not submerge it in water. To measure underarm temperature: insert the tip under the arm. Make sure the thermometer is not touching clothing. Squeeze your hand against your body to hold the thermometer in place. How long to keep the thermometer? Keep the thermometer under your arm for exactly this long until you hear a beep.

In children, normal body temperature ranges from 36 degrees C (96.8 F) to 37 degrees C (98.6 F). Any temperature above 37.7°C (100F) is classified as a fever.

Mercury thermometers are the most exact means measurements, but are now used less and less. A mercury thermometer is a thin glass tube with a silver (metal) tip and a line inside.

Mercury is toxic and dangerous chemical. protection agency environment(EPA) warn against the use of mercury thermometers. If the thermometer breaks, mercury can enter the respiratory tract or skin.

Temperature control (thermoregulation) is part of the homeostatic mechanism that maintains the optimal working temperature for the body, and this, in turn, affects the speed chemical reactions.

Major abnormalities and diseases

  • Fever.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Hypothermia.

Fever - fever . There is no consensus on the upper temperature threshold, and how dangerous it is. Fever is not a disease, it is one of the symptoms of an underlying disease, most often an infection. Depending on your age, physical condition, it is desirable to know the root cause of the fever, as you may need treatment. Many experts believe that fever is the body's natural defense against infection. There are also many non-infectious causes of fever.

Fever is generally not considered dangerous, but hyperthermia can cause dangerous spikes in body temperature. Hyperthermia can be caused by extreme temperatures like heat stroke, as well as side effects some medicines and narcotic substances. With hyperthermia, the body is no longer able to control body temperature.

hyperthermia occurs when the body produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate. This is usually caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures. The body's heat-regulating mechanisms are as a result overwhelmed and unable to deal effectively with heat, causing body temperature to rise uncontrollably. Hyperthermia at or above about 40°C is life-threatening and needs immediate attention. medical care which requires immediate treatment. General symptoms include sweating, headache, body aches and fatigue.

Treatment involves cooling the body. Antipyretic drugs are useless for the treatment of hyperthermia. Moving the patient to a cool place, a gauze bandage moistened with a solution of vinegar and drinking plenty of water are the main methods of dealing with hyperthermia.

Symptoms associated with fever in children include lethargy, poor appetite, sore throat, cough, earache, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Hypothermia is a decrease in body temperature that occurs when the body dissipates more heat than it absorbs. Hypothermia is potentially dangerous fall body temperature, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold. The main cause of hypothermia is hypothermia. But it can also be observed in people with diabetes, anorexia and in people old age. It can often be found in people affected by alcohol intoxication.

Symptoms of hypothermia in adults: drowsiness or fatigue, chills, high blood pressure, slow, weak pulse. Treatment for hypothermia includes hot drinks, warm clothes and physical activity.

Body temperature can indicate many problems in the body. The body reacts to the growth of teeth, bone fractures, poisoning, dehydration.

Anhidrosis- this is a pathogenic condition of a person when he cannot sweat. This may be caused various factors such as genetics, some skin diseases, medications or damage nervous system. Being unable to be cooled by the sweat system, the temperature rises to a dangerous level.


There are certain processes Everyday life that never stop. In order to maintain a healthy metabolic process, our body must function at a certain optimal temperaturefrom 36.2 °C to 37.7 °C. That is, to maintain a balance between losses and receptions of heat.

If your body temperature drops too low, your respiratory system will slow down, eventually leading to death. Conversely, if your body temperature gets too high, then the enzymes in your blood will stop functioning properly, which will also lead to death.

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The first sign of problems in our body is often elevated body temperature. It is the temperature that is of interest to the therapist, to whom you periodically come for an appointment. And it is precisely its indicators and their dynamics that can lead the doctor to a diagnosis. A healthy body, despite various fluctuations in temperature external environment, various physical activities during the day, maintains the temperature of our body with high accuracy. To take measurements, you will need a thermometer (you can, of course, touch your forehead with your lips, but this method is too subjective and cannot serve as the basis for deciding whether to treat a person). The thermometer can be mercury (inexpensive, but easily broken and requiring prolonged contact with the body) or (more expensive, but fast and safe). There are also infrared thermometers that measure in just 3-5 seconds, but they are too expensive. On the human body, there are several places where it is customary to measure temperature (in the armpit, under the tongue, on the elbow, in the rectum, in the vagina). Accordingly, the norm of temperature indicators for each place is different. The easiest, safest, most common and familiar way for everyone is to insert a thermometer under the armpit. Each of us measured the temperature in the armpit hundreds of times, but some did not even think about the fact that there are special rules that must be followed when taking measurements. Otherwise, the result will be incorrect. The following tips will help you to properly carry out this simple at first glance, but such an important procedure.

You will need:

  • Thermometer
  • A chair or bed where you can sit comfortably during the measurement
  • Dry towel
  • Disinfectant solution

Step by step solution:

  1. The temperature in the room where the measurement takes place should be between 18-25 degrees. If the room is cooler, then before you stick the thermometer under your armpit, you must first hold it in your hands for about 30-40 seconds, warming it with your palms.
  2. Before installing the thermometer, it is necessary to wipe the skin of the armpit with a napkin or dry towel. This will significantly reduce the risk of the thermometer cooling down due to sweat evaporation.
  3. Remember to shake the thermometer if you are using the mercury version, or turn on the electronic one.
  4. When installing a thermometer, be sure to ensure that the mercury column (or metal tip in electronic thermometer) hit the very deep point armpit, while it should be in contact on all sides of the body. The thermometer should not rest against clothing.
  5. Air should not enter the axillary fossa. Therefore, press the shoulder and elbow to the body, then the armpit will be closed. The skin tightness must be ensured throughout the measurement time.
  6. They do not take the temperature immediately after coming from the street, physical activity taking a bath or warm shower. Usually, if a person (and especially a child) cried or was very nervous, then the temperature would be too high. An increased result will be obtained immediately after a hearty lunch rich in protein foods, as well as after a hot tea party. In all these cases, you need to wait at least 10-15 minutes, which should be spent at rest, and only then proceed to measuring the temperature.
  7. During the measurement, you need to be motionless, do not talk, do not sing, do not eat, do not drink.
  8. The measurement time for a mercury thermometer is at least 6 minutes, maximum 10, and the electronic one must be kept under the arm for another 2-3 minutes after the beep.
  9. Take out the thermometer in a smooth motion. If you sharply pull out an electronic thermometer, then due to friction with the skin, it will add a few tenths of a degree.
  10. When you are sick, take your temperature at least twice a day - in the morning (between 7-9 am) and in the evening (between 7-9 pm). At the same time, it is desirable to put a thermometer at the same time, this is how you can trace the dynamics of temperature changes. In case of a serious illness accompanied by a high temperature, it should be measured before taking antipyretics, as well as after (30-40 minutes after taking the medication).
  11. If several people use the thermometer, then do not forget to wipe it with a disinfectant solution and wipe it dry after each use.


  • By the way, scientists recognize the most familiar method (a thermometer under the arm) as the most inaccurate. In addition, the difference between the armpits can be from 0.1 to 0.3°C. Therefore, if you need to get a high measurement accuracy in order to clearly trace the dynamics, then measurements in the armpit are not suitable.
  • At healthy person normal temperature is considered to be from 36.3 to 36.9 degrees. In children, the norm of body temperature can be several tenths of a degree higher, and in older people it can be lower. In the morning the temperature is usually two to three tenths of a degree lower than in the evening.
  • Even at normal body temperature, a person can be sick. For example, people with low body reactivity get the flu at normal temperatures, but at short intervals and with complications.
  • Thermometer nipples have been created for babies. This is very convenient for those kids who are too active: even if they manage to insert a thermometer under their arm, the child immediately pulls it out. When the baby sucks on the pacifier, the mother can easily control the temperature of his body. Naturally, you should not take measurements immediately after a meal or a warm drink. Pediatricians note that this type of electronic thermometer gives incorrect values ​​\u200b\u200band during teething, and this, as you know, is a very lengthy and protracted process.
  • It is advisable to shake the mercury thermometer immediately after measurement. If you store a thermometer with readings, especially if they were high, then over time the thermometer starts to act up.

Temperature is one of the main indicators of the functioning of the body. If the temperature drops or rises above the indicated norm, this always has a reason. A high temperature indicates that the body is struggling with microbes, viruses and bacteria that have entered it. As Hippocrates said, “Give me a fever and I can cure a patient!”. It was understood that high temperature is a sign of the body's ability to resist external factors. That is why thermometer readings are so important in diagnosis and treatment. And for these indicators to be true, the temperature must be measured correctly.

mercury thermometer

Despite modern gadgets and quick ways temperature measurements, the mercury thermometer remains the most reliable measuring device. This is his main advantage. In addition, a mercury thermometer is inexpensive, unlike its electronic counterparts. A significant disadvantage a mercury thermometer is considered to be its fragility. If dropped or shaken, the thermometer may break. Not only is the device itself damaged, a toxic substance, mercury, leaks out. In this case, you need to remove its remains, following special rules. Another disadvantage of a mercury thermometer is the long measurement process. This is especially felt when the child's temperature needs to be measured. Little fidgets are spinning all the time and it is difficult for them to remain motionless for 10 minutes.

How to take the temperature axillary (in the armpit)

This is a simple process, but the reliability of the indicators depends on its correct implementation.

  1. Shake the thermometer so that the mercury column drops below 35 degrees.
  2. Place the thermometer in the armpit so that the tip is completely covered by the skin. If you measure the temperature of a child, put the thermometer in the armpit and hold the baby's hand until the end of the measurement.
  3. The temperature should be measured within 5-10 minutes. An approximate result will be ready within 5 minutes, a more accurate one will take 10 minutes. Do not worry if you hold the thermometer for a long time, the column will not rise above your body temperature.
  4. After measuring, wipe the thermometer with alcohol so that it does not remain contagious. Especially if the house has one thermometer for all family members.
  5. The normal temperature for the armpit is 36.3-37.3 degrees.
  6. If the temperature is normal, but you still feel bad, then the problem is in your immune system - it simply does not protect the body. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

Axillary temperature measurement is considered the most in a safe way. However, in some countries, the temperature that was measured orally or rectally is considered more reliable.

How to measure temperature rectally

This is a fairly accurate way to measure temperature, since the colon is a closed system that is not affected by external temperature readings. This method is often used if a thermometer needs to be placed on an infant or a seriously ill person (when soft tissues do not fit the device tightly enough). Lay the person on the side of the bed. Press the patient's legs to the chest and lubricate the anus with petroleum jelly. You also need to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with cream or petroleum jelly. Carefully, with scrolling movements, insert the thermometer into the large intestine and hold the device there for about five minutes. This is usually enough time for accurate measurement. The normal temperature in the rectum is 37.3-37.7 degrees. After each measurement, the thermometer must be disinfected.

In addition, there is also a vaginal method for measuring temperature. It is used to determine the period of ovulation. The temperature in the vagina can vary from 36.7-37.5 degrees depending on the day menstrual cycle.

Before measuring the temperature in the mouth, do not eat too cold or too hot food. Children do not measure the temperature in the mouth, as they can chew on a dangerous object. Also, it is impossible to measure the temperature in the mouth for those who have diseases of the oral cavity. It is impossible to measure the temperature in the mouth if the nose is blocked. The thermometer is usually placed behind the cheek or under the tongue. In the mouth, the temperature is slightly higher, the mark of 37.3 degrees can be taken as a normal indicator. The temperature can also be unreliable in smokers.

Physiological temperature fluctuations

Body temperature can change not only depending on a person's illness. It decreases in the early morning hours and rises slightly in the afternoon. The temperature is higher if the person is moving and lower if the person is sitting or just lying down. The most low temperature bodies in a dream. average temperature the bodies of men are slightly lower than those of women.

Causes of low and high body temperature

Low temperature is less common, but it also indicates some malfunctions in the body. Often this can be the result of nervous strain, stress. The temperature drops below normal at the very beginning of pregnancy and may be its first sign. Low temperature occurs on some days of the menstrual cycle. But most often, low body temperature indicates a deterioration in the functioning of the body's immune system, overwork, and an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Among the serious causes of low temperature are AIDS, adrenal disorders, anorexia. For the sake of justice, I would like to note that for some people, low temperature is an individual norm.

High body temperature can indicate various infectious, viral and bacteriological diseases. It is very important to monitor the temperature and the level of its rise. For example, in acute viral diseases, the temperature often rises sharply and stays at a high level. It often rises again a few hours after taking antipyretics. But hidden inflammatory processes give a slight increase in temperature, but for a long time. This can be with iron deficiency anemia, when there is internal bleeding. This can be confirmed by an analysis of hemoglobin - with anemia, it is reduced. High temperature persists in autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors, tuberculosis, otitis media, sinusitis and a host of other diseases. It is important to pay attention to accompanying symptoms.

The lowest body temperature of a living person was recorded in a two-year-old girl who spent 6 hours in the cold. Her figure was 14.2 degrees. And the highest temperature belongs to a resident of the United States, who was subject to heat stroke. His body temperature was 46.5 degrees. Both of these people survived such record-breaking temperature limits. Body temperature is a very important indicator that can signal a malfunction in the body in time. Measure temperature correctly!

Video: how to measure the temperature correctly

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