Can endometriosis cause hair loss? Endometriosis hair loss. Common symptoms of endometriosis

Scientific editor: M. Merkusheva, PSPbGMU im. acad. Pavlova, medical business.
February, 2019.

Synonyms: glucose tolerance test, GTT, glucose tolerance test, sugar curve, Glucose tolerance test (GTT), Oral GTT in pregnancy

According to statistics, up to 14% of pregnant women are prone to gestational diabetes mellitus (impaired glucose tolerance). This is a serious medical problem that can lead not only to severe complications during the period of gestation, but also to provoke the development of type II diabetes mellitus (DM) (non-insulin dependent) in a woman in the future.

Glucose tolerance test (GTT) allows timely detection of abnormal sugar levels in a future mother and prevention of complicated pregnancy and the development of diabetes.

General information

Diabetes mellitus in pregnant women (gestational) has differences in comparison with the classical course of the disease. First of all, this concerns the quantitative indicators of the test - what for non-pregnant patients predetermines a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, for expectant mothers can be considered the norm. That is why, for the study of pregnant women, a special glucose tolerance test is carried out according to the O'Salivan method. The analysis involves the use of the so-called "sugar load", which allows you to identify the pathology of glucose uptake in the body.

On a note: expectant mothers are at risk for developing diabetes. This is due to the restructuring of metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which violations of the absorption of one or another component are possible. In addition, gestational diabetes can be asymptomatic for a long time, so it is difficult to diagnose it without GTT.

By itself, gestational diabetes is not dangerous and goes away on its own after the baby is born. However, if you do not provide supportive therapy that is safe for mother and baby, the risk of complications increases. Also, from the consequences dangerous for a woman, the development of type II diabetes mellitus should be highlighted.

An increased risk of obesity, glucose tolerance, and type 2 diabetes in offspring is associated with gestational diabetes.

Terms of GTT in pregnant women

Glucose tolerance testing should be carried out at 16-18 weeks of gestation, but no later than 24 weeks. Previously, the study will be uninformative, since insulin resistance in expectant mothers begins to increase only in the second trimester. A test from week 12 is possible if the patient has elevated sugar in a biochemical analysis of urine or blood.

The second stage of the examination is prescribed at 24-26 weeks, but not later than the 32nd, since at the end of the third trimester the sugar load can be dangerous for both mother and child.

If the results of the analysis match the criteria for newly diagnosed diabetes, then future mother referred to an endocrinologist for the appointment of effective therapy.


GTT is given to all pregnant women to screen for gestational diabetes between 24-28 weeks of gestation.

A glucose tolerance test is given to pregnant women up to 24 weeks who are at risk for:

The test is inappropriate to carry out in the following cases:

  • early toxicosis with pronounced symptoms;
  • liver disease;
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) in an acute form;
  • peptic ulcers (damage to the lining of the digestive tract);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, gastritis;
  • Crohn's disease (granulomatous lesions of the digestive tract);
  • dumping syndrome (acceleration of the movement of the contents of the stomach into the intestines);
  • the presence of inflammatory, viral, infectious or bacterial diseases;
  • late pregnancy;
  • if necessary, adherence to strict bed rest;
  • at a fasting glucose level of 7 mmol / l and above;
  • against the background of taking drugs that increase the level of glycemia (glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones, thiazides, beta-blockers).


Note: if at the first stage of the test the fasting blood glucose level exceeds 7 mmol / l, then an additional diagnosis is carried out (determination of glycosylated hemoglobin, C-peptide), a diagnosis is made " diabetes certain type» (gestational, 1, 2 types). After that oral test with a load is prohibited.

There are a number of nuances of decoding the test:

  • only venous blood is indicative (it is not recommended to use arterial or capillary blood);
  • established reference values ​​do not change with gestational age;
  • after exercise, one value is enough to diagnose gestational diabetes;
  • when receiving ambiguous results, the test is repeated after 2 weeks to exclude a false result;
  • the analysis is repeated after childbirth to confirm or refute gestational diabetes.

Factors that may affect the result:

  • deficiency of trace elements (magnesium, potassium) in the body;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • systemic diseases;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • simple physical activity (moving around the ward during the test period);
  • taking sugar-containing drugs: cough medicines, vitamins, beta-blockers, glucocorticosteroids, iron preparations, etc.

The appointment and interpretation of the analysis is carried out by a gynecologist, endocrinologist.

Preparation for GTT

To conduct a glucose tolerance test, venous blood sampling is supposed, therefore, the rules for preparing for venipuncture are standard:

  • blood is taken strictly on an empty stomach (at least 10 hours between meals);
  • on the day of the test you can only drink plain water without gas, other drinks are prohibited;
  • it is desirable to carry out venipuncture in the morning (from 8.00 to 11.00);
  • on the eve of the analysis, it is necessary to abandon drug and vitamin therapy, since certain drugs can distort the test result;
  • the day before the procedure, it is advisable not to overwork either physically or emotionally;
  • It is forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke before the analysis.

Additional dietary requirements:

  • 3 days before venipuncture, it is forbidden to follow diets, fasting days, water fasting or fasting, change the diet;
  • also 3 days before the test, you must consume at least 150 gr. carbohydrates per day, while the last meal on the eve of venipuncture should be at least 40-50 gr. carbohydrates.

Testing in pregnant women

The O'Salivan technique involves a glucose tolerance test with a load in 3 stages.

Stage #1

30 minutes before the test, the patient must take a sitting / lying position and completely relax;

The health worker takes blood from the cubital vein by venipuncture, after which the biomaterial is immediately sent to the laboratory.

The results of this step allow the doctor to make a diagnosis of "probable gestational diabetes" if the blood glucose level exceeds the normal value of 5.1 mmol/L. And "certain gestational diabetes" if the result is greater than 7.0 mmol/L. If the test is not indicative or the results obtained are ambiguous, then proceed to the second stage of the test.

Stage #2

The body is given a special "load" in the form of a sugar solution (75 g of dry glucose per glass warm water). Within 5 minutes, the patient should completely drink the liquid and remain in a sitting (lying) position for an hour. The sugariness of the drink can cause nausea, so it is allowed to dilute it a little with squeezed lemon juice. After 1 hour, a control blood sampling is performed.

Stage #3

2 hours after taking the solution, another repeated blood sampling is performed. At this stage, the doctor confirms or refutes the diagnosis of gestational diabetes.

Yes, and even more so, about a third of women who do not receive any treatment go away on their own. This is due to the work of the immune system, which can recognize the "unnecessary" endometrium and destroy it.

How is endometriosis treated?

Based on the above, endometriosis does not always need to be treated. There are three types of management of endometriosis in world gynecology:

    Observation without treatment: this tactic is not suitable for everyone, but only if endometriosis was detected by chance (for example, during an ultrasound scan or surgery for another reason), the foci of endometriosis are small and do not bring any inconvenience.

    Drug treatment: the most common treatment tactic. We will talk about it in more detail below.

    Surgical treatment (surgery): usually prescribed if medicinal treatment did not help or endometriosis led to serious disruption internal organs. Also, an operation may be required if it has developed as a result of endometriosis.

What medications are used to treat endometriosis?

The main drugs for endometriosis that gynecologists prescribe are hormones and affect the level of the body's own hormones. We will talk about 4 groups of drugs that are used most often in the treatment of endometriosis:

    Contraceptive pills (oral contraceptives, OK): Janine, Yarina

    Medicines containing progesterone and its analogues: Utrozhestan, Duphaston, Byzanne

  • Analogues of gonadotropins: Buserelin, Zoladex

Each of these groups of drugs affects the body differently.

Contraceptive pills (Zhanin, Yarina) and endometriosis

Your gynecologist may prescribe birth control pills (OCs) to treat endometriosis: Janine, Marvelon, Regulon, and others. These drugs contain different doses of hormones, so be sure to consult a gynecologist before starting the medication.

Birth control pills help reduce the pain of endometriosis shortly before and during menstruation. For successful treatment of endometriosis, it is necessary to take OK for at least 6 months. If the effect is noticeable (pain disappears), then your gynecologist may advise taking OK for another 3-6 months. As a result of such treatment, areas of endometriosis can noticeably decrease in size.

Utrozhestan, Duphaston and endometriosis

Preparations containing progesterone (female hormone) or its analogues, such as Utrozhestan, Dufaston, Depo-Provera, Byzanne and some others give good effect in the treatment of endometriosis. These drugs reduce the production of estrogen in the body, which inhibits the growth of the endometrium (both in the uterus and in endometriosis foci). It is better to prepare in advance for long-term treatment, since the course of taking these drugs can be delayed for 6-9 months.

Danazol and endometriosis

Danazol is a synthetic hormone that, at the time of administration, suppresses the production of female sex hormones, helping to reduce the foci of endometriosis. For the appearance of the therapeutic effect of Danazol, it is necessary to take it for at least 3-6 months.

This drug was previously widely used in the treatment of endometriosis, but in some countries doctors are beginning to abandon Danazol for several reasons. First of all, these are the side effects of Danazol, which include increased blood pressure, menstrual irregularities, weight gain, swelling and pain in the chest, excessive hair growth on the face and body, acne, hair loss and others. Secondly, new drugs have appeared in the arsenal of gynecologists that are as effective as Danazol, but at the same time devoid of its side effects.

Buserelin, Goserelin (Zoladex) and endometriosis

Analogues of gonadotropin-releasing hormones, which include Buserelin, Goserelin (Zoladex), Sinarel and others, suppress the work of the ovaries and reduce the level of female sex hormones in the blood. During treatment, you will not have periods, and you may also experience menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, mood swings), but this can be corrected by additional intake of small doses of hormones.

The course of treatment of endometriosis with these drugs is no more than 6 months. After the end of the medication, the ovaries begin their work again, so you do not have to worry that they will never "turn on" again.

  • Medical treatment artificial hormonal drugs

    It is prescribed in the absence of pain and changes in the size of the reproductive organs, at a young age, in the premenopausal period, with adenomyosis or infertility, if it is necessary to restore fertility. Medical treatment includes hormonal, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing And symptomatic therapy.

    Endometriosis is an estrogen dependent disease drug treatment aimed at suppressing estrogen secretion. Treatment is based on long-term hormone therapy, which does not eliminate dishormonal disorders in the body, but suppresses ovarian function, which leads to amenorrhea (prolonged absence of menstruation) and the development early menopause.

    Despite the large number of hormonal drugs for the treatment of endometriosis, the effect of treatment is not high, since hormone therapy does not restore the production of its own hormones and does not eliminate the imbalance in the endocrine system. At the same time, drug therapy causes many side effects: depression, hot flashes, weight gain, fluid retention, reduction in the size of the mammary glands, absence of menstruation after treatment, the appearance of acne, a decrease in the timbre of the voice, facial hair growth, the development of atrophic vaginitis, osteoporosis.

  • Surgical treatment of endometriosis

    With mild degrees of endometriosis and at the very beginning of the disease, this approach to treatment is not used. Indications for surgery for endometriosis are:

    • the presence of foci of endometriosis more than 30 mm in diameter;
    • violation of the functions of adjacent organs -intestines, bladder, ureters.

    Operations are performed by laparotomy (removal of the cervix or body of the uterus through abdominal surgery) or laparoscopic methods. With laparoscopy, endometriosis foci are cauterized or removed using electrocoagulation or a laser.

    It is important to understand that during operations remove the consequence, and the cause of the disease is a violation of neuro-immuno-endocrine regulation, remains in the body and endometriosis is still progressing. Therefore, both before and after surgery prescribe hormone therapy in order to reduce the manifestations of endometriosis.

    Fortunately, there is a 3rd, safe treatment for endometriosis without medication or surgery!

  • Computer Reflex Therapy

    Computer reflex therapy used in the treatment of all forms of localization of endometriosis.

    The task of computer-reflex therapy is to restore the patient's own hormonal background and immune system.

    The coordinated work of the internal organs of our body is regulated by the coordinated interaction of 3 main control systems: nervous, immune And endocrine. It is from their synchronous and well-coordinated work that the physical condition and health of a person depends. Any disease progresses and the body cannot cope with it on its own precisely because of failure in the synchronous operation of these systems.

    Rebooting the three main regulatory systems of the body to a state of active struggle against harmful external environmental influences, internal diseases is the main task of therapy focused on influencing the body through autonomic nervous system.

    There are many methods of influencing the nervous system, but, to date, only computer reflex therapy acts through the nervous system in such a way that 93% cases in patients, the neuro-immuno-endocrine regulation of the body is completely restored and, as a result, many endocrine and neurological diseases that previously did not respond to drug "treatment" recede and completely disappear.

    Efficiency therapy also lies in the fact that the doctor affects the patient’s body not “blindly”, but, thanks to special sensors and a computer system, sees what points nervous system and How many required to act medical device.

    Before each procedure, the doctor conducts a diagnosis of the patient, based on the results of which he makes an individual prescription of points for the procedure in accordance with the treatment plan. During the procedure itself, every second scan current state the patient allows you to accurately dose the effect, which in principle is not available when exposed to any other methods.

    Of course, this method of treatment, like any other, has restrictions and contraindications- This oncological diseases And mental disorders, disorders of the heart (presence pacemaker, flickering arrhythmia And myocardial infarction V acute period), HIV-infection and congenital hypothyroidism. If you do not have the above contraindications, then you have a huge chance to get rid of endometriosis.

    For a good 20 years now, the Gavrilova Clinic in the city of Samara has been carrying out restorative treatment of endometriosis without hormones and operations. The author and developer of the method is Gavrilova Natalya Alekseevna. Associate Professor, Ph.D. with general medical experience since 1968, awarded the Order of Medical Merit. If you wish, you can learn more about bioelectrophysical the basics of the therapeutic effect of reflex therapy and specific treatment examples.

    Using the method of computer reflex therapy, the doctor restores the neuro-immuno-endocrine regulation of the entire patient's body. Restoring the structure and function of the pelvic organs is a manifestation of how the body, using its internal reserves and capabilities, self-regenerates in a natural way for it.

    Treatment of endometriosiscomputer reflex therapy without side effects leads to the following results:

    • The production of own hormones is normalized - the level of estradiol decreases, and progesterone increases, which is controlled by the results of laboratory tests during the treatment;
    • The cycle is normalized - menstruation will become regular, painless, with a normal amount of blood loss;
    • The structure of the ovaries will be restored;
    • The volume and structure of the uterus will be restored;
    • Pain symptoms go away;
    • It becomes possible to cure infertility without surgery;
    • Often, after a course of treatment, diseases associated with the work of the nervous system, allergic and other autoimmune diseases disappear.

    Leave your contact and the consulting doctor will contact you

    Head of the department, endocrinologist, reflexologist, candidate of medical sciences.

  • After stopping the use of this remedy, the body gradually restores its own hormonal regulation, hair loss may occur. It is better to drink specially prescribed vitamins during the period of therapy.
  • Hair loss in women can be caused by a loss of immunity. This often happens when the body is weakened or when it is working at "increased speed". So, many women noted hair loss after childbirth or during breastfeeding. In addition, frequent respiratory or more serious colds (infectious) can also cause baldness. It can also cause hair loss in men.

    Treatment of endometriosis that has arisen with this method has positive reviews.

    Levonorgestrel, which is part of Mirena, normalizes your cycle and normalizes everything women's problems associated with endometriosis. It simply does not allow excess endometrial tissue to grow.

    Result. I can state one thing for sure - this product did not help me. Against the background of healing, catastrophic hair loss continued. On this moment I have full form. Yes, the course of healing by Mival implies a number of restrictions, the most difficult is a solid diet, which I diligently followed. At the moment I want to install a monofilament hair system, can you tell me something about this. Thank you. As for the system, you didn’t understand me, I didn’t mean the transplantation of the so-called biocompatible hair (this is really a terrible thing that is allowed only in Russia and Italy), but something else.

    4. Hormonal disorders, chemotherapy and the use of various hormonal drugs

    What are two-component contraceptives? This is when the composition of the drug includes two hormones: estradiol and norgestrel.

    Since endometriosis was provoked precisely by a hormonal excess (estrogen), it is proposed to artificially introduce a woman into a state of menopause or to treat it with an increase in one hormone.

    The problem of endometriosis is familiar to me firsthand.

    How to take the drug? Depending on the stage of the disease, therapy is carried out according to the following schemes:

    Dienogest is a hybrid component that combines best qualities progestins and norterstosterone. This substance has good bioavailability and a pronounced progestogenic effect. In addition, this component prevents the occurrence of pathologies of a corticosteroid nature. Ethinylestradiol is an artificially created analogue of estrogen. The structure of this substance allows it to penetrate into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract.

    Does Mirena have side effects and how dangerous are they for endometriosis

    True, the spiral in this regard is much safer than tablets, because the tablets pass through the gastrointestinal tract and are absorbed there, and the spiral acts more locally, precisely in the area in which

    So I'm still thinking.

    In some cases, the spiral is removed from the uterus on its own, cases of perforation (perforation) of the uterine wall, the development of an ectopic pregnancy are even more rare - such complications can theoretically occur with the introduction of any intrauterine device, including from Mirena.

    The drug Jeanine from endometriosis, like all medications, has some contraindications. It should not be taken in the presence of the following diseases and pathologies:

    Having removed 3 teeth in a row, I decided that I would not use more pills.

    Advantages: For 5 years you forget about endometriosis, at the same time also a contraceptive effect.

    To determine if your hair is okay, do a simple hair loss test. To do this, carefully examine your fallen hair. If there is no dark pouch on its tip, there is no reason for concern yet. If there is a bag, then do this experiment: do not wash your hair for three days, and then pull the tuft of hair growing on the crown and temples. If every time after such an experience you have more than five hairs in your hand, this means that you have a certain pathology and you need to look for the cause of hair loss.

  • Stopping menstruation, therefore, stop the development of benign growths. The effect is achieved by preventing the release of the egg from the ovaries. Ovulation does not occur.
  • Possible side effects

    Jeanine and endometriosis accompanied by fibroids are quite compatible. And if the myoma node is less than 2 cm in size, then the use of this drug will slow down its growth.

    Often the cause of hair loss is a lack of trace elements and vitamins, which is especially sensitive during spring hypervitaminosis (avitaminosis). In addition, the frequent use of alcohol and the habit of smoking also "burns" some of the vitamins that help the body fight intoxication.

    And how do you get out of the situation - a wig. You can write to [Only registered and activated users can create links] for hormones, for the presence of various viruses, infections, thyroid ultrasound, FGS, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, consultations with a neurologist, endocrinologist, immunologist, hematologist.

  • The fight against the manifestation of male pattern hair growth (on the face, arms, chest and abdomen), reduces the amount of acne (due to the slowing down of the sebaceous glands).
  • dienogest - 2 mg;
  • Using the reviews of experts, the cause of the development of the disease was formulated: the endometrium itself grows most actively during the first part of the monthly cycle, when estrogen “rules” women's health. Most often, this is due to reduced production of progesterone in the next part of the cycle.

  • "Yarina" is absorbed after 1.5 hours (on average), "Zhanin" begins to act after two.
  • Hair loss is caused by infectious diseases scalp like seborrhea and dermatitis. The causes of dermatitis can be both external pathogens and internal state whole body, such as allergic reactions.

    Hair loss in women can be caused by hormonal imbalances. Hair loss is affected by certain hormones, or rather, their imbalance. For women, an excess of the male sex hormone testosterone can cause these disorders. This usually happens when a girl begins sexual activity, in the period after pregnancy and childbirth, the period of menopause. In addition, the causes of the disease can be endocrine disorders or diabetes.

    How to use the drug correctly?

    Galina Romanenko

    The condition of the hair can be affected by ecological situation in the region. Air pollution, an increased level of background radiation, various precipitations, plus irrational and improper nutrition - all these factors affect the health of not only the hair, but the whole organism as a whole.



      Disadvantages: Very high cost and possible side effects.

      The drug Jeanine, as one of the methods of treatment for endometriosis

      In this case, immediately after the installation of Mirena, increased bleeding and spotting is possible, but then (usually after one to three cycles) blood loss is reduced due to the regulation of the menstrual cycle and less prolonged and heavy periods. Sometimes menstruation stops completely, which is a positive fact for endometriosis, since it is cyclic changes in the uterus that contribute to the spread of this disease and its relapse after treatment.

      Medicines that stimulate the reproduction of microsomal enzymes (tetracycline antibiotics, barbiturates and others) reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug Zhanin and its contraceptive properties.

      Endometriosis is a disease from which you cannot protect yourself. The disease manifests itself in the development of endometrial cells (uterine tissue) in atypical places. This may be the penetration of growths into the myometrium of the main organ of the reproductive system, into the postoperative scar, mammary glands, vagina.

    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • In addition, many women note that after taking the drug, the condition of the hair and skin improves. In particular, positive changes are noticeable in patients suffering from acne.

      But there are also contraindications, the manifestation of which should be immediately reported to the gynecologist (perhaps he will cancel the drug by prescribing a new one):

      The tool works in several directions:

    • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • Having carefully read all the side effects and pharmacological properties, I read that one-component contraceptives more than two-component ones lead to an increase in body weight (oddly enough, adipose tissue grows in addition to the abdomen also on the shoulders and neck).

      Among such funds, modern Bysanne tablets and the Mirena spiral, which contain only Norgestrel, stand out.

    • This monophasic drug contains a combination of estrogen and gestagens (progesterone). First, there is a cessation of "feeding" of tumors, and then they stop in development, degeneration processes are possible.
    • In addition, during pregnancy and breastfeeding Janine can't be used either.

      The clinic itself and Parfyonov also endeared me to themselves and inspired confidence, in general, I ventured into a course of treatment: I lived in Moscow for a month, underwent a course of treatment in the clinic itself, and, accordingly, bought this Mival-K for six months.

    • daub at the wrong time of the menstrual cycle;
    • A simple hair loss test

      I must say right away: only a gynecologist should prescribe treatment! After a mandatory examination, which includes: smears, a blood test for female hormones and ultrasound.

      With proper use of the drug, side effects are quite rare. These include:

    • Yarina is a relatively new drug, the action of which resembles Janine. The main difference is in the content of a substance similar to progesterone. In "Janine" it is 2 mg, in a competing drug - 3 mg.
    • Therefore, as they say, I have already eaten a dog on the methods of treating this disease.

      IN Once again I went to the gynecologist, hoping that she would be able to advise me a way out of this situation.

      And I'm also worried about the most basic question: is it worth trying to return the hair with complete alopecia, investing effort and money, as I know the chances are small, and the effort is a huge amount. Ready for almost everything, but there is at least some hope. How cosmetically acceptable is the result, if the hair still grows after complete alopecia. Is it possible to put a hair system and at the same time continue medical treatment. In general, how harmful is it to wear a wig. I went to the Blagovest clinic when I had one large lesion in the back of my head.

      What is the effect of the drug in the treatment of endometriosis?

    • The composition of this OK includes drospirenone. The substance neutralizes hormones that contribute to the set excess weight(causing increased appetite), removes excess fluid from the cells.
    • Contraindications for the installation of Mirena are:

      The action of the drug

    • allergic reaction to the drug;
    • The best solution would be to move to a more environmentally friendly area. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to maintain the body with clean products, avoid stressful situations and chronic diseases, so that you can tolerate the environment as easily as possible.

      The most popular series of such contraception are Yarina and Zhanin, similar in their action. These artificial hormones enter the bloodstream and send a signal to the brain to stop producing its own natural active substances. The body of a woman during this period "rests" from hormonal monthly processes.

      Given the list of contraindications and various regimens of administration, You can treat endometriosis with Jeanine only after consulting a doctor!

      The causes of hair loss can be very diverse. The main ones are:

      But, it is not advisable for women in their years to take them, and with age (after 45 years) I began to notice a terrible pattern: after six months of using these pills, my teeth literally began to fall apart into small pieces!

      But the product is definitely good.

      After the examination, the doctor advised me to try ONE-COMPONENT products, hoping that they would not destroy my teeth so much.

      Once the course of treatment is completed, hairline will recover (except in cases of a rather severe course of the disease, for example, cancerous tumors). However, this is not necessary either. In some cancer patients, the hairline is completely restored. You should not stop taking medications without consulting your doctor.

      Alopecia areata One of the common types of alopecia is alopecia areata. This disease damages the hair follicles. More often. Scarring alopecia A group of diseases that provoke hair loss includes such an ailment as scarring alopecia.

      Yes, thanks for answering, I think we need to talk at times, so I'm sending you my own e-mail. [Only registered and activated users can create links] Write, I will be glad. Good luck. I had a similar story. I have an autoimmune disease - SLE. When hair loss began (by the way, against the background of a nervous breakdown: I lost loved one) was admitted to the hospital.

      Characteristics of the drug Yarina

      Review: Mirena for endometriosis - It is better to think 100 times.

    • thromboembolic diseases, including those in history;
    • It is better for the gynecologist to know in advance about taking other drugs during the course of hormone therapy (Yanina, Zhanin, Diana-35 and other means).

      Take a vitamin complex in the spring, after consulting with your therapist. Also eat fresh fruits and vegetables. You can supplement your diet with some micronutrients. Remember that a healthy body is given out by shiny lush hair, beautiful, unbreakable nails.

      Ethinylestradiol, which is part of the drug, reduces the production of estrogen, which provokes the growth of the endometrium. According to research results, the use of Zhanin in endometriosis with a mild form of the disease contributes to the complete or partial disappearance of endometriosis lesions in 85% of cases.

    • ethinylestradiol - 0.03 mg.
    • Endometriosis and its consequences

      Taking the drug Janine with endometriosis prevents the spread of pathological processes, inhibiting the growth of endometrial tissues.

      When is Mirena contraindicated?

      Not only is it a contraceptive coil, it also releases a strictly defined amount of the hormone Levonorgestrel, which helps to get rid of endometriosis.

    • decreased immunity and a tendency to frequent infectious and inflammatory diseases;
    • Oh, how you want to stay young and beautiful for a very, very long time, attracting envious glances! It's nice to receive gifts and souvenirs from fans, to be surrounded by genuine attention from the representatives of the stronger sex. But. time inexorably runs forward, and appearance gradually changes.

      Actually, this is a modern wig. You can look most carefully on the website [Only registered and activated users can create links] Nerves are already losing from this difficulty, so I want to try this as a compromise option, at least for a while.

      The spiral can be placed on any day of the cycle, but the most convenient time is at the most last days end of menstruation. Then you will not feel any discomfort from its introduction at all.

    • If there is a positive effect of the last drug on the treatment of endometriosis and an improvement in general well-being even after cancellation for some time, then Janine is limited to effectiveness only within the framework of a therapeutic course.
    • Often patients with endometriosis receive a prescription that says oral contraceptive- Yarina. Medical reviews indicate the quality of the drug, how much the hormonal agent is able to perform its function.

      6. Insufficient blood supply to hair roots and scalp

      The female body is designed in such a way that after ovulation, due to the effects of hormones, changes occur in the body and the reproductive system is actively preparing for possible pregnancy. Since the mucous membrane uterine cavity during this period grows, then in the presence of endometriosis, this leads to an increase in foci of pathology. As a result, symptoms characteristic of endometriosis appear: failure of the menstrual cycle, bleeding, pain.

      Sometimes, against the background of Mirena, inflammatory processes develop in the uterine cavity, this rarely happens, but it requires the removal of the spiral.

      “We treat one thing - we cripple another!” - says folk saying. Many medications have such an effect on the scalp and hairline. The most serious of these is chemotherapy (prescribed in the treatment of cancer). However, not only such drastic measures lead to baldness in men and women. To so negative consequences also give pills for high blood pressure. some birth control pills, some steroids, antidepressants, diuretics, and the usual aspirin.

    • Contraindications of similar drugs are almost the same, but "Janine" is not prescribed for problems with metabolism. In contrast, a similar medication ("Yarina") rather normalizes weight.
    • pain in the chest and the appearance of swelling;
    • This can be fought. Talk to your doctor about what medications you need to take to restore immunity. Do not exhaust yourself with diets, go in for sports is better. This will help strengthen the body and get rid of colds. Leave every summer to the sea, where the body will harden and get enough vitamin D.

      Consult a doctor to determine the cause of the appearance of a particular type of dermatitis. Here, unfortunately, neither scalp masks nor herbs will help. First you need to cure the disease.

      How does mirena work for endometriosis?

      Treatment of endometriosis with Zhanin is carried out according to various schemes, which depend on the degree of development of the pathology. The dosage is selected by the attending physician in accordance with the general picture of the pathology. As a rule, this remedy is prescribed in the following cases:

      A really significant side effect can be vascular thrombosis - this sometimes happens with the use of progestogens, therefore, if a woman has signs of varicose veins veins or thrombophlebitis, she should see a doctor.

      Despite some similar features, existing medicines have their differences. Often doctors antenatal clinic offer patients with endometriosis the drug "Yarina" or "Zhanin". The first is more effective, the proportion of the main active substance in it is higher. But chemical formulas, the content of some excipients can affect the tolerability of the drug.

      When I got acquainted with the price of Visanne tablets, I immediately realized that this was not for me (2800 rubles for a month!).

    • taking the drug as an aid before surgery;
    • 5. Various infectious diseases of the scalp

      Endometriosis is one of the most common diseases of the reproductive system in women. Often the presence of this pathology leads to infertility and that is why it is so important to identify and select it in time. proper treatment. The drug Janine for endometriosis is often prescribed by doctors as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, which has a deterrent effect on the pathology, preventing its foci from spreading to other organs and tissues.

      Limit yourself to 1-2 cups of coffee a day. Let all the drinks in your diet be in moderation. Go in for sports, “dilute” a sedentary lifestyle with other activities, go for a walk every day, and relax as much as possible.

      Mirena also causes limited inflammation in the uterine wall, resulting in the formation of an acidic environment in the uterine cavity with increased amount leukocytes, which inhibits the progress of spermatozoa. This can create a risk of developing an infectious-inflammatory process in the uterus.

    • Attachment of an embryo when it is not possible to become pregnant.
    • The high cost and the prospect of getting better are the main arguments against.

      "Yarina" is prescribed by gynecologists, dermatologists, endocrinologists.

      What can replace Janine?

    • bleeding from the vagina of unknown origin;
    • The Mirena spiral in this regard looks like just savings!

      Mirena coil for endometriosis - successful application

      What is Jeanine?

      In any case, the decision and the introduction of Mirena for endometriosis is made by the doctor after a comprehensive examination of the woman. At severe cases endometriosis Mirena is usually not used. But it can be used to suppress the recurrence of the disease after active hormonal therapy or after surgical treatment.

    • oncological diseases;
    • Interaction of Jeanine with other medications

    • The secretion of a special secret in the uterus, which resembles mucus, is reduced. It becomes difficult for spermatozoa to penetrate the neck of the reproductive organ.
    • This is a good oral contraceptive containing hormones (estrogens and gestagens), aimed at suppressing ovulation. The action of the drug Jeanine is primarily necessary to normalize the hormonal background in a woman. If the content of hormones in the body is lower than required, then the agent has a stimulating effect, due to which they are produced in the right amount, and if they are overabundant, it suppresses the function of hormone production. As a result of taking Janine, ovulation does not occur.

      Despite all the obvious advantages of Mirena, I still have not put the spiral. Still thinking.

      The positive effect of the drug on the body

      This problem can be observed in both adults and children. Hair loss in children. however, as in adults, it can be caused by a careless attitude to one's health. For example, walking without a hat in cold weather or in the open sun.

      Hair loss can be partial. Of course, men are more susceptible to baldness, and it starts from the frontal areas and the crown of the head.

      Therapeutic agents for combating tuberculosis, on the contrary, increase the effect of hormonal OK. This combination can lead to uterine bleeding.

      At the moment, I am collecting information about this feedback, but I have already come to a decision, I will order it for the next week in Moscow. The system is being prepared for a month and a half, so I will share my feelings closer to the end of May.

      For a long time I used these pills and was pleased with their healing effect.

    • postoperative therapy to prevent recurrence.
    • any inflammatory and infectious gynecological, urological, proctological processes, including postpartum endometritis, infected abortion;
    • decrease in sexual desire;
    • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
    • stool disorders;
    • Treatment involving a hormonal course is of many types, depending on what level of biologically active substances is in the patient's blood tests. It is better if contraceptives are prescribed by a personal gynecologist, since such drugs affect not only the menstrual cycle.

    • Improvement of the general physical and psychological condition. Since the drug eliminates the symptoms that cause discomfort to a woman, this has a positive effect on her well-being in general.
    • You forget for 5 years what it is to take pills! No need to think about whether you took it on time. And such a little spiral will not be felt in the body at all!

      In general, taking the contraceptive Janine for the treatment of endometriosis brings good results, especially at the initial stage of the disease. The key to successful treatment is a visit to the doctor, who will develop an individual treatment plan. Subject to all prescriptions, there is a high probability of a decrease in foci of endometriosis or their complete disappearance.

      Chronic illness from youth odno-decompensated hron. tonsillitis. The joints do not hurt, no pathologies were found in the blood tests (including those examined by an immunologist). I'm a real mystery to doctors. Well. The word alopecia next to the word autoimmune is indeed suggestive of certain rheumatic (autoimmune) diseases.

    • arterial hypertension;
    • Normalization of the menstrual cycle when taking the drug.
    • any violations of the structure of the uterus, both congenital and acquired, including adhesions in the uterine cavity;

    If a woman smokes, then it is necessary to get rid of this habit before starting therapy.

    Therefore, if you began to find fallen hair on your pillow in the morning, this is an occasion to think about the causes of hair loss and start taking measures to combat this phenomenon.

  • angina;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • iron deficiency in female body may occur due to monthly blood loss during the "critical days" or the abuse of various newfangled diets. Constant starvation, as a result - anemia, drowsiness, general weakness - these are all signs of iron deficiency in the body.

  • Decrease in the abundance of secretions. As a result of the fact that there is no ovulation while taking Zhanin, endometrial tissues are not formed in large quantities, therefore, bleeding stops and the amount of discharge during menstruation decreases.
  • mood swings;
  • Causes of Hair Loss

    The presence of endometriosis in the uterus disrupts vital processes:

  • high sensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • Painful and profuse menstruation, when a progressive disease requires scraping the inner layer of the reproductive organ, and possibly removal.
  • Earlier, a doctor prescribed two-component birth control pills Janine, the same manufacturing company Bayer Pharma (Germany).

    For the sake of hair restoration is ready for many. I am interested, because I also have alopecia areata, it started 2 years ago, later everything was overgrown, and at the moment the focus is again larger size, and 2 small ones, I am extremely afraid of losing all my hair, so at least you can make a tail.

  • therapy for the treatment of endometriosis that is newly diagnosed;
  • hormone-dependent malignant tumors;
  • For women planning to have children, it is better to use such medications and slow down the growth of neoplasms so that the pregnancy proceeds successfully. After childbirth, the issue of endometriosis requires further consideration by doctors.

    The constant presence of mirena in the uterine cavity leads to the fact that with endometriosis the menstrual cycle is regulated, the duration and volume of menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding decreases, and pain decreases. In some cases, with mild forms of endometriosis of the uterus, there is a reverse development of pathological foci up to complete recovery.

    Yarina with endometriosis

    You don't have to take antidepressants. It is enough to drink tea with mint or lemon balm. In general, herbal infusions soothe, relax. You can take a bath with mint and chamomile herbal supplements. It is also advisable to get enough sleep after work, since constant fatigue will again lead to stress.

    Its cost is about 11 thousand rubles, but at the same time it is set for 5 years!

  • Reducing pain. The drug blocks enzymes that are involved in the production of prostaglandins, which are main reason inflammation and pain.
  • It is necessary to start drinking pills on the first day of menstruation. In addition, a woman who began to take Janine should undergo a biochemical blood test every three months in order to determine blood clotting indicators and monitor liver function, and do an ultrasound of the organs in the pelvic area.

    The right to choose

    It is known that a person loses hundreds of hairs every day (it is considered normal if up to 100 hairs fall out per day), but we do not notice this at all, since new ones grow to replace them. But if hair growth slows down or hair loss accelerates for some reason, this can cause incipient baldness (scientific name "alopecia").

    Often hair falls out from constant stress at work or at home. It is worth being a little nervous, as the “first swallows” are already appearing. Of course, if the stress was single, then recovery will not take long. But if the stress has already passed into a “chronic” form, then the vessels of the scalp become very masculine, blood circulation noticeably weakens, and the hair begins to fall out intensively.

  • abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting;
  • severe liver disease with impaired function.
  • To recover and restore the functions of the scalp, it is necessary to replenish the balance of iron in the body. You can drink a course of vitamins. and also eat iron-rich foods. These include: liver, fish and meat (beef), egg yolk, rye bread, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), iron-containing juices (apple, pomegranate).

    Active ingredients of the drug

  • neoplasms in the liver or its diseases and pathologies;
  • But then endometriosis was not slow to declare itself.

  • general swelling, weight gain;
    1. What are the contraindications to taking the drug?

      If you are a risky person, then I can safely advise you. After all, Mirena is a means

      3. Reaction to medication

    2. Prolonged. This type of treatment is prescribed after laparoscopy or with advanced endometriosis. With this scheme, you need to drink tablets daily for 63 or 84 days, and then take a break for one week. With such therapy, the effect is more pronounced due to the fact that the therapeutic effect of the drug is supplemented by the absence of menstruation for a long period.
    3. An equally important cause of hair loss is insufficient blood supply to the vessels of the head. The cause of this disorder may be some general disease (cardiovascular, osteochondrosis), as well as the frequent use of caffeinated drinks: coffee, strong tea. Under the influence of these drinks, the vessels narrow sharply. In addition, the frequent use of alcohol (cognac) also negatively affects the scalp.

    4. Nausea and/or vomiting. Occurs in 1% of patients.
    5. thromboembolism (very rare).
    6. After that, I thought that paying 11 thousand for a spiral, and then, with the action of side effects, go and remove it, this is not for me.

      How to prevent hair loss?

      About 3 people suffering. AlopeciaAccording to the latest research by trichologists, more than a million hair follicles are located on the head of each person, but only 100-150,000. Androgenetic alopeciaAndrogenetic alopecia is the most common type of baldness, which is also called hereditary baldness. Most of the guys. No improvement with prednisolane. Then she was treated with Mival-K, the result is similar.

    7. migraine or epileptic seizures;
    8. skin rashes, itching;
    9. The tumors themselves are benign, but they are prone to an abnormal increase in size and difficulty in the activity of other organs.

    10. Cyclic. This scheme is prescribed at the initial stage of endometriosis or if a woman is planning a pregnancy in the near future. It is necessary to drink tablets for 21 days at the dosage prescribed by the doctor. After that, a week break is made, and then the course is repeated twice more.
    11. The positive effects of Jeanine in the treatment of endometriosis include the following:

      9. Impact of polluted environment and aggressive external factors

      In addition, it is very convenient.

    12. Breast pain, discomfort, discharge (a sign is rare).
    13. Visit an endocrinologist, check the thyroid gland, do blood tests for hormones and biochemistry. After consulting with a doctor, you will be able to take medications that will not only save you from hair loss, but also help your endocrine system. The course of treatment is usually 2-3 weeks (up to 24 days).

      Mirena is quality hormonal contraceptive, which today is often used to treat certain types of endometriosis.

      Why does hair fall out?

      Treatment of such an unpleasant disease as endometriosis often requires surgical intervention. If hormonal contraception does not work, surgery will be scheduled. But even in such a situation, you can not do without OK. It is necessary to strictly follow the prescription of the gynecologist - and recovery or planned pregnancy will occur in a couple of cycles after the end of the course.

      The differences between these analogues are in the following aspects:

      Mirena is a low-dose hormonal system, so it has drastic side effects. But sometimes nausea, headache, depression still appear. Depression is a little more than Bad mood or irritability Irritability - try to control your mood. painful swelling of the mammary glands, slight menstrual irregularities, acne Acne: facial troubles. hair loss, increased hairiness, urticaria, back pain. All these side effects do not require the removal of the coil and go away on their own within a few menstrual cycles. With endometriosis, they are not dangerous, moreover, the cessation of menstruation has a healing function in this disease.

      2 in 1: contraceptive and healing.

    14. frequent headaches, migraines;
    15. The Mirena intrauterine therapeutic system is successfully used in the treatment of certain types of endometriosis, as it constantly releases small doses of hormones, thereby suppressing the growth of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity (endometrium). Today, such treatment is often used for endometriosis of the uterus.

    16. Carrying a baby who has successfully attached in the wrong place of the tumor. But with development, the fetus does not have enough space in the uterus, it receives less oxygen.
    17. diabetes;
    18. constant fatigue;
    19. The composition of the drug includes:

      8. The effects of stress

      The use of hormonal contraception Yarin for diagnosed endometriosis is considered very effective, many doctors say that such treatment can stop the disease. Of the sparing methods of dealing with a female ailment - the most effective. "Yarina" slows down the development of formations, and plays the role of contraception.

      I clearly did not expect such a result.

    20. increased blood pressure;
    • In addition, the risk of contracting herpes increases with age. By the number of carriers of herpes, the most numerous age categories are 20-29 years and 35-40 years. Infectious pathologies frequent overheating and hypothermia, herpes encephalitis and meningitis, which, in the absence of urgent and intensive treatment, can lead to […]
    • Published: March 31, 2014, 11:54 by the spread of infection into the deep layers of the skin; Treatment of herpes by cauterization by increasing the sensitivity of vesicles to a secondary infection. As a replacement for iodine-containing solutions, when a person is allergic to the drug, you can use "Fukortsin", which is also called "red green". By […]
    • The main methods of treating herpes in the buttocks The second type virus appears in the body after intercourse with a carrier. In this case, herpes on the buttocks refers to the manifestation of genital herpes and is considered venereal disease. 80% of the carriers of the disease are almost asymptomatic and often they do not even know what kind […]
    • Symptoms and treatment of herpes on the buttocks Herpes can also affect the nervous system, experts distinguish between chronic, acute and subacute disease. The disease can occur in the form of ganglioneuritis (sacral, cranial), meningitis, radiculoanglioneuritis, myelitis or encephalitis. Encephalomyelitis and encephalitis are among the most […]
    • What if a woman with a persistently atypical smear is not treated properly? Such a scenario is unlikely in developed countries where the procedures described above are standard. But even assuming that a woman has not been treated for frequent atypical smear results, she still has a chance, because only one in four […]
    • Secondary vaginismus - this type can be caused by fungal infections, birth trauma, psychological disorders. Occurs in women with sexual experience. Treats faster than primary vaginismus. Balancing the psychological state of the patient; girls who from childhood were instilled with disgust and fear […]
    • In addition to herbs to enhance immunity, tea tree oil can be taken internally as an antifungal agent. Before eating, dilute 2-3 drops of oil in 40 grams of water and drink. Take the mixture 2 times a day. phenolic substances. The tree was named tea by the English navigator James Cook. On his latest expedition, […]
    • Treatment of Herpes Zoster in Children: Passive Immunization Burdock also helps to strengthen immunity and speedy recovery. It is used in the form of a decoction, for the preparation of which 2 tablespoons of the plant are poured with water (300 ml), heated over low heat for 5-10 minutes. and insist in a thermos for another 3 hours. Dosage - 50 ml. […]

    endometriosis occurs much more often than it is diagnosed. Endometriosis is the thirdthe prevalence of diseases of the female genital organs. Often a woman is treated for cystitis for a long time and unsuccessfully, drinks bromocriptine to treat hyperprolactinemia, thinking that she caused it, while it turns out that endometriosis also needs to be treated.

    Endometriosis can cause , persistent chronic among women. With endometriosis, there are very painful periods, disruption of the intestines and other organs affected by endometrioid growths. Women with endometriosis often suffer (the frequency of allergic reactions is 27.3%).

    The main causes of endometriosis

    Endometriosis most often affects women of reproductive age. In 40-45 years, endometriosis is diagnosed in 27% of cases. Endometriosis occurs even in teenage girls. In this age group, endometriosis is detected during abdominal surgery for any surgical pathology. There is endometriosis in postmenopause, but rarely. With artificial or natural menopause, endometriosis foci undergo reverse development.
    What caused the appearance of endometriosis - a disease in which endometrioid tissue is located in organs where it normally does not exist, is difficult to answer, since there are many theories of the occurrence of endometriosis.

    • The theory of embryonic origin - endometrioid heterotopias can arise from paramesonephric (Müllerian ducts). This theory is supported by the occurrence of endometriosis in children.
    • The implantation theory of endometriosis - the torn endometrium is implanted into other tissues during gynecological operations (abortions, curettage) or gets there during retrograde (reverse) advancement of menstrual blood (for example, during sex during menstruation).
    • Autoimmune theory of endometriosis. Cases of endometriosis in women with high levels of autoimmune antibodies speak in her favor.
    • Psychiatrists believe that if there is a predisposition, endometriosis often develops in women with a high level of aggression, both internal and to other people. In such women, a focus is formed in the cortex, which serves as a trigger for the onset of a cascade reaction, leading to a violation of the hormonal background, and, as a result, the development of endometriosis. Arises vicious circle pathogenesis, which is difficult to break.
    • Combined theory of the occurrence of endometriosis.

    Predisposing factors for the development of endometriosis are:

    1. Burdened heredity (the presence of endometriosis in the mother).
    2. Enhanced level (absolute and relative hyperestrogenism).
    3. Iron deficiency anemia (with endometriosis, it is even more aggravated).
    4. Decreased immunity.
    5. Hormonal disorders (insufficiency of the luteal phase).
    6. Cauterization of cervical erosion, abortion, caesarean section, diagnostic curettage, pathological childbirth.
    7. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
    8. Intrauterine device.
    9. Impaired liver function.
    10. Abuse of caffeine and alcohol.

    The overgrown endometrium can affect the body of the uterus (adenomyosis, combined with 2-3 stages of endometrial hyperplasia with uterine fibroids), tubes, ovaries (there may be many cystic cavities or an endometrioid ovarian cyst), vagina, cervix, sacro-uterine and wide ligaments of the uterus, peritoneum, uterine rectal cavity. These are all genital forms of endometriosis (internal and external). With extragenital endometriosis, endometrial heterotopias occur:

    There are also combined forms of endometriosis.

    Symptoms of endometriosis

    Sometimes endometriosis is asymptomatic, while a woman can be treated for infertility for a long time and to no avail, without revealing its cause. But with a long progressive course of endometriosis, pains begin to bother before and during menstruation. The pain can be unbearable and require mandatory anesthesia. Before menstruation, there is an increase in the organs affected by endometriosis. Menstruation with endometriosis is painful, with blood clots.

    Why is there dark blood during menstruation with endometriosis?

    The black color of menstrual flow is due to hemosiderin (due to the rupture of the “chocolate” cysts of endometriosis). Menstruation in endometriosis can be irregular, adenomyosis is characterized by heavy menstruation (hyperpolymenorrhea). Recognition of endometriosis is based on the detection of these cyclic symptoms. Pain syndrome not associated with menstruation can be explained by a secondary inflammatory process in the organs affected by endometriosis. Strong pain during sex (dyspareunia) occurs when endometriosis affects the vagina, recto-uterine space, sacro-uterine ligaments, rectovaginal septum.

    Often with endometriosis, perifocal inflammation occurs. With endometriosis of the distal mucosa of the cervical canal, pre- and postmenstrual discharge may appear, which is a pathognomonic (characteristic) symptom for cervical endometriosis. Endometrial foci on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal can be in the form of a polyp or pseudo-erosion with glands filled with hemorrhagic contents (blood may be released when the mirrors are inserted when viewed on a chair).

    With the germination of the endometrium in the retrovaginal tissue, a sharp pain during defecation may disturb. The adhesive process contributes to the development of dysuric (frequent painful urination) and gastrointestinal (bloating, constipation) phenomena. Endometriosis is often confused with intestinal diseases.

    In 16-24% of women with endometriosis, there is pelvic pain that is not associated with menstruation. It is caused by a secondary inflammatory process that has developed in the organs affected by endometriosis.

    With endometriosis, irregular, excessively heavy menstruation, pain in the lumbar region are not uncommon.

    Pain in endometriosis may be accompanied by symptoms of intoxication: weakness, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills.

    With a pronounced form of endometriosis of the bladder, the presence of blood in the urine may join the frequent painful urination. Frequent urge to urinate, blood in the urine with endometriosis must be differentiated from cystitis or bladder cancer.

    Endometrial growths can spread hematogenously (with blood flow). Among the unusual symptoms of endometriosis, hemoptysis during menstruation (with pulmonary endometriosis) and bloody tears (with conjunctival endometriosis) can be noted. Hemolakria (crying bloody tears), in addition to endometriosis, can cause other diseases, but with them there is no clear connection with menstruation.

    Infertility develops as a result of anovulatory cycles, an inferior secretory phase, adhesive processes in the pelvis, and changes in the endometrium.

    In 30% of cases with endometriosis, colostrum is released from the mammary glands with pressure on the nipples, which is caused by increased level prolactin. Hyperprolactinemia also provokes increased .

    Diagnosis of endometriosis is based on history, ultrasound. Depending on the type of endometriosis, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, colposcopy or laparoscopy are used to accurately diagnose. With endometriosis in the patient's blood, there is a slight increase in the level of CA-125 (ovarian cancer antigen). The diagnosis of endometriosis can be confirmed using a functional test with drugs that turn off ovulation. A test for endometriosis is considered positive if pain syndrome disappears within two to three cycles.

    Treatment of endometriosis

    1. In the treatment of endometriosis, a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (linseed oil fatty fish species). Restriction of flour and sweet. Simple carbohydrates cause the release of insulin, a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, the accumulation of adipose tissue, which, as you know, is capable of synthesizing estrogens. And they, in turn, cause excessive proliferation (growth) of the endometrium.
    2. If you are overweight, you should try . Help to reduce weight , safe
    3. Hormonal treatment of endometriosis.
    4. Treatment with gonadotropic releasing hormone agonists.
    5. Surgical treatment of endometriosis.
    6. Treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies.
    7. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis with iodine and zinc, magnetotherapy, radon baths). Hirudotherapy and acupuncture for endometriosis are carried out in courses under the supervision of a gynecologist.

    How to treat endometriosis - the doctor determines. Hormone therapy is effective only with highly differentiated tissue of endometrioid heterotopias.

    suppress ovarian function and prevent the development of new foci of endometriosis. Under the influence of estrogen - progestin drugs in the endometrium, proliferative processes are suppressed, regressive changes develop. Treatment leads to sclerosis and obliteration of endometriotic lesions.
    Jeanine can be the drug of choice in the treatment of endometriosis - it is taken both in continuous and in a cyclic mode. The second option is preferable, as it is more physiological and preserves menstrual function. But the cessation of menstruation prevents the reflux of menstrual blood into the small pelvis, actively causes atrophic processes in endometrioid foci. Jeanine is a combined estrogen-progestin drug with a low content of estrogen (ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg) and has a contraceptive and low androgenic (due to dienogest) effect.

    When taking COCs, the frequency of ovarian inflammation decreases, but there are contraindications to its use (read the instructions for the drug).

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