Increased amount of male hormones in women. Increased testosterone in women symptoms and causes. How to normalize high testosterone in women

It is found only in the blood of men. However, it is not. It is also found in the female body. Deviation from the norm of testosterone in women entails Negative consequences, including for childbearing function. The reasons for the decrease and increase in the level of the hormone are different. We'll talk more about this later.

Most people believe that testosterone is only found in the blood of men.

Normal testosterone levels in women

The concentration of the hormone in the blood of women varies depending on external and internal influences. The level varies depending on the time of day (in the morning the level is higher, in the evening - lower), age and phase of the menstruation cycle.

During pregnancy, the hormonal level increases and by the third trimester its value becomes 3-4 times higher than normal.

Testosterone can be both in a protein-bound state and in a free state. The bound hormone is not metabolized and forms a pool (reserve). Its minimum concentration is observed in girls before puberty (0.05-1.8 pg / ml), the maximum - in the pubertal period (4.1 pg / ml). The amount of free testosterone in women is about 2%.

When calculating the level of hormones, both values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken into account, since changes in the level and ratio of bound and unbound testosterone make it possible to make a correct diagnosis.

Testosterone in a woman's body: functions

A change in the level of the hormone in question indicates the presence of a serious pathology in the body of a woman

What is testosterone in women responsible for? For the implementation of what functions of the female body is it needed?

The considered hormone of the androgenic group is produced by the adrenal glands, ovaries. Smaller amounts are produced by the placenta and skin. The concentration of the hormone changes due to the work of the pituitary and hypothalamus systems. Testosterone in the female body is necessary for the following functions:

  1. The formation of an egg in the ovaries.
  2. Proper functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Increase in muscle mass.
  4. Formation of sufficient bone density.
  5. Regulation of the amount of adipose tissue and the work of the sebaceous glands.
  6. The development of sexual desire.
  7. Regulation of the metabolism of proteins, phosphorus, nitrogen, lipoproteins.
  8. Reducing the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.
  9. Endurance.
  10. Stress resistance.
  11. Correct water exchange.
  12. Blood sugar control.

How does testosterone abnormality manifest in women?

A change in the level of the hormone in question indicates the presence of a serious pathology in the woman's body. Fluctuations in testosterone concentration are expressed various symptoms, in the presence of which you should immediately visit a doctor and donate blood for hormones.

Excess hormone: causes, symptoms

Normally, the concentration increases after physical work. A pathological excess of testosterone in women threatens to disrupt the formation of the egg. This pathology is called: "Hyperandrogenism". By origin, the disease is divided into ovarian and adrenal. The causes of pathology can be the following:

  • neoplasm in the ovaries;
  • ovulatory phase of the cycle;
  • adrenal hyperplasia;
  • malnutrition;
  • heredity;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking medications.

All of the above conditions, with the exception of pregnancy, require testing and treatment.

Pathological excess of testosterone in women threatens to disrupt the formation of the egg

Diagnosing hyperandrogenism is easy. The symptoms are as follows:

  1. Increased secretion of sebum.
  2. The appearance of acne.
  3. Violation menstrual cycle.
  4. Male body type.
  5. The appearance of hair on the face, chest.
  6. Roughening of the voice.
  7. Increased aggressiveness.
  8. Enlargement of the clitoris.
  9. Increasing motor activity.

Prolonged hyperandrogenism leads to impaired ovarian function and threatens infertility.

Low testosterone in women: causes, symptoms

This pathology can provoke serious diseases: diabetes, osteoporosis, endometrial inflammation, breast tumors, heart and vascular diseases.

The causes of low testosterone in women can be both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external).

The causes of low testosterone in women can be both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external)

Endogenous causes include:

  • diseases of the adrenal glands, hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • heredity;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • age changes.

Exogenous causes include the following:

  • eating foods high in magnesium or zinc;
  • unbalanced or malnutrition;
  • consumption of carbohydrates in large quantities;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • reception medicines(eg, contraceptives, antifungals, anticonvulsants);
  • weight gain;
  • high or low physical activity;
  • insufficient sunbathing;
  • insufficient sexual activity.

If a woman has low testosterone, the following symptoms appear:

  1. Brittle hair, nails, dry skin.
  2. Obesity in the abdomen, neck and arms.
  3. Decreased voice power.
  4. Depression.
  5. Lack of sexual desire.
  6. Irritability, tearfulness.
  7. Decreased bone density.
  8. Infertility.
  9. Tachycardia.
  10. Sweating.
  11. Slimming.
  12. Sleep disturbance.
  13. Decreased memory, attention

Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor after passing tests

Treatment can be medical and folk methods. Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor after passing the tests. Self acceptance hormonal drugs can lead to serious consequences. Hormone therapy involves the appointment of drugs (for example, Yarina, Digitalis).

If the cause of the change in the level of the hormone lies in the tumor, then the question of its prompt removal is considered.

To reduce the concentration of the hormone, you should adjust the diet. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be balanced, but you cannot limit yourself in food. The diet should include vegetables, meat, seafood. Exercise will help reduce the concentration of androgenic hormone. Phytotherapy will also help in solving this problem: vitex, licorice root, black cohosh. These herbs bring hormonal balance back to normal.

To reduce the concentration of the hormone, you should adjust the diet

With a low hormonal level, eating chicken meat, nuts, olives and fish is recommended. These products contain a lot of zinc, which is necessary to get rid of the disease. Products must be of natural origin, they must not contain hormones.

Weight loss can also help increase testosterone levels in women. If there is no effect from the above measures, this indicates the need to prescribe testosterone-containing drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe such hormone therapy.

For successful treatment, it is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

On High Testosterone Levels in Women by Westin Childs, Medical Practitioner and Functional Medicine Specialist. Childs blogs for patients, writes as accessible as possible, shows printouts of the tests he relies on, and makes specific recommendations. For women suffering from hirsutism, this article is useful both in terms of content and as an illustration of the approach.

Weight gain, acne, hair loss (and hirsutism - approx. website) - do you have any of these? This is far from full list symptoms of high testosterone levels in women. Why is testosterone levels rising and what should be done to reduce it?

Any doctor is able to say that the concentration of testosterone is above the norm, but few are ready to voice recommendations for solving the problem. To move towards normal life, you need to understand what exactly is happening with your body.

In this case, the problem is that in 95% of cases, high testosterone levels are not a syndrome, but a symptom of another hormonal imbalance. That's why the main task- to find this imbalance and solve the problem associated with it - then the concentration of testosterone in the blood will decrease.

Symptoms of High Testosterone

Before moving on to a discussion of the causes of high testosterone levels in the blood and how to correct it, it is necessary to list the symptoms of this condition.

Symptoms are of key importance, because the body of each person has its own limits of normal. I have seen plenty of women with all the symptoms of elevated testosterone levels, when their tests were only on upper bound norms. (Read how very different the concept of "norm" for individuals, geographically limited populations, and humanity in general - approx. website)

So, the main symptoms of high testosterone:

  • Weight gain (especially fast) or inability to lose it.
  • Hair loss, especially in male pattern and with normal thyroid hormone levels.
  • Acne, change in oily skin and hair; cystic acne is common, especially on the chin.
  • Mood changes: depression, irritability, anxiety, frequent mood swings.
  • Imbalances in other hormones: estrogen to progesterone imbalance, lack of thyroid hormones (Childs does not cover this cause in detail, so read my article on how - approx. website), an excess of adrenal androgens (for example, DHAE-S).

As you can see, these are non-specific, very non-specific symptoms that are also characteristic of other hormonal abnormalities. For example, a lack of thyroid hormones can lead to weight gain and hair loss, but in this case, the hair will fall out evenly, without bald patches, as in men. Excess thyroid hormone can lead to acne, but it is rarely cystic and does not tend to occur on the chin. Thus, these symptoms will help determine exactly where the hormonal failure has occurred. Then the hypotheses need to be tested in the laboratory.

Laboratory study of testosterone levels in the blood

So let's talk about what abnormal testosterone levels look like. Let's look at a few examples. In the first example, the woman has a high level of free testosterone and an upper limit of normal for total testosterone.

You see that only free testosterone is labeled as high, but in reality the patient has an excess of testosterone in general. How do I know? The thing is, I see facial hair, acne, and being overweight. See: free testosterone is the physiologically active form of testosterone, the high concentration of which is responsible for the symptoms listed above. (Total testosterone generally has practically no diagnostic value - approx. website.)

In the case of this patient, the cause was insulin resistance. Working in this direction, she and I managed to reduce the level of free testosterone in the blood, and the symptoms disappeared.

Second example.

Again we see a high level of free testosterone and completely normal level total testosterone. The family doctor did not notice any problems because the excess hair growth was weak, the weight was in the upper limit of the norm, but the girl suffered from severe mood swings and irritability.

That's why it's so important to study symptoms along with lab tests to see and diagnose the problem.

I also want to show you an example of low testosterone levels in the blood.

The main problem of the patient was insulin resistance, so I gave the value of glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) (HbA1c is a specific marker that helps to assess the average blood glucose over the past 2-3 months - approx. website). Remember: High insulin levels can cause both high and low level testosterone, it depends on the individual patient. And both of these conditions are equally bad.

Now you know how to identify elevated testosterone levels and what symptoms to look out for.

6 Causes of High Testosterone in Women

When hormone levels rise high enough, it becomes more difficult to figure out what exactly started the process. This situation is fundamentally different from low levels, where it is enough to "add the missing" to reduce symptoms. Therefore, most doctors general practice confuse when faced with rising hormone levels.

1. Insulin resistance

The relationship between insulin resistance (or simply - high level blood sugar) and testosterone is HUGE (more on this connection - approx. website). Insulin is able to lower and raise testosterone levels. In men, the hormone usually lowers testosterone levels, and in women, both options occur. To determine the connection in your body, you need to donate blood for glycated hemoglobin A1c, fasting insulin along with total and free testosterone. If a high level of insulin is found along with a high level of free testosterone, insulin is the cause of the hormonal imbalance.

Women with high testosterone levels combined with insulin resistance acquire (polycystic ovary syndrome). These patients have high levels of insulin, testosterone and estrogen and low levels of progesterone. This leads to mild facial hair growth, but in some cases, hormonal imbalances can also lead to darker skin, belly fat, and extreme mood swings. Generally, the worse your fasting insulin levels, the more severe your symptoms.

2. Dominance of estrogen over progesterone

All hormones in our body interact with each other. Think of them like a web: you cannot touch one thread without disturbing the others, and to change the whole web, you only need to break one thread. This principle is also true for the hormonal system. Hormones play together, so if one gets out of the program, it will lead to a failure in the rest.

The female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are particularly closely related. The exact mechanism of the connection between them is unknown, but they definitely affect testosterone levels. Take, for example, women with premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (severe premenstrual syndrome - approx. website). These conditions are associated with estrogen dominance, and these same women have been found to have elevated testosterone and DHEA levels. Compare them to women during menopause, when low estrogen levels are combined with a complete absence of progesterone, and later blood testosterone levels also decrease (but the mustache still begins to grow, again due to the mutual concentration of sex hormones - approx. website). One thing is clear: changes in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone affect the concentration of testosterone.

3. Low physical activity

Training is an additional help to your body to utilize excess testosterone. Although there is no direct relationship between physical activity and testosterone levels, exercise helps with excess insulin levels, which in turn lowers high testosterone levels. The mechanism is simple: low insulin is normal testosterone, high insulin is high testosterone. Physical activity lowers your insulin levels by making your body cells more sensitive to it.

In addition, physical activity helps to overcome the eternal companion of abnormal testosterone levels - overweight.

4. Diseases of the adrenal glands (high levels of DHEA)

Diseases of the adrenal glands are less common. Anything that overworks the adrenal glands can lead to an increase in testosterone levels. To understand this, look at the diagram of how your body secretes testosterone:

It can be seen that the precursors of testosterone are DHAE, pregnenolone, progesterone and androstenedione. If there are more of them, then testosterone levels can also increase.

There are also a number of conditions leading to increased production of DHEA and testosterone: severe stress and associated adrenal depletion, overuse supplementation with DHAE/pregnenolone/progesterone and again insulin resistance. Therefore, checking the levels of DHAE in the blood and cortisol in the daily urine is good test when looking for the causes of elevated testosterone levels. Remember that hormones do not work independently.

5. High levels of the hormone leptin (leptin resistance)

Leptin creates conditions that make it difficult to lose weight. If you don't know what leptin resistance is, please read English language about how exactly it turns off the disposal of excess weight.

In short, leptin resistance is a condition where there is too much leptin in the body and you get fat, but your brain does not see it. Hunger reigns in the head, and the body swells with fat. Leptin not only regulates satiety, but is also part of the reward system.

Leptin, produced by fat cells, is involved in the regulation of appetite, metabolism, tells the brain when to store fat and when it's time to burn it. Guess what happens if leptin sensitivity goes down. Your brain stops receiving leptin-delivered satiety messages and starts giving the exact opposite commands: your metabolism slows down, you think you're hungry, your body stops consuming stored calories.

Not only that, leptin controls testosterone secretion. The more leptin, the more it stimulates the endocrine glands to secrete testosterone. (Here it is somehow opaque; I could not find a single article confirming that leptin stimulates the secretion of steroids, rather the opposite; nevertheless, there is definitely a connection between leptin and testosterone, see my article - approx. website.)

High levels of leptin are also found in women suffering from insulin resistance (which in itself increases testosterone).

6. Obesity

Being overweight can increase testosterone levels on its own. Fat cells increase testosterone secretion by increasing the activity of the enzyme 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (type 5). Forget that long name: the point here is that fat increases testosterone on its own, but also by reducing the sensitivity of other tissues to insulin.

The moral of the story is that you need to lose weight in addition to all other treatments.

How to lower testosterone levels in women?

First you need to decide why you have elevated testosterone levels in the blood. The goal is to cure the root cause. Below I will talk about ways to treat the six causes that I talked about earlier.

High insulin level:

  1. Add high-intensity exercise: Increasing muscle mass increases tissue sensitivity to insulin.
  2. Reduce carbohydrate intake (especially refined carbohydrates - sugar, bread, pasta, etc.), such as in the Nutrient Ketosis diet.
  3. Consider taking T3 thyroid hormone to speed up metabolism and increase cell sensitivity to insulin (note that we are talking about T3, not T4, but only T4 is sold in Russia - approx. website).
  4. Consider taking special medications that increase insulin sensitivity: SGLT-2 inhibitors, Metformin, GLP-1 agonists, alpha-amylase inhibitors.
  5. Consider taking supplements: Berberine (1000-2000 mg/day), alpha-lipoic acid (600-1200 mg/day), magnesium, chromium, PolyGlycopleX - all of these supplements can help lower blood sugar and insulin levels.

Estrogen and progesterone imbalance:

  1. Make sure your thyroid is functioning properly: hypothyroidism causes estrogen to dominate over progesterone.
  2. Make sure that your body's estrogen metabolism is optimal, liver function and proper nutrition are important for this.
  3. During menopause, consider taking bioidentical hormones (a mixture of progesterone and estradiol/estriol).
  4. Consider taking supplements to support estrogen metabolism: vitamin B12 (sublingual 5,000 mcg/day), 5-MTHF, DIM or Indole-3-carbinol, milk thistle, sulfur in the form of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), bioidentical progesterone (20-40 mg transdermally on days 14-28 of the cycle).

Adrenal Problems:

  1. Increase your salt intake (Himalayan pink salt or Celtic sea salt).
  2. Learn to work with stress and switch from negativity (yoga, meditation, hiking, etc.)
  3. Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.
  4. Reduce consumption of amphetamine-based stimulant drugs (adderall, concerta, phentermine, etc.)
  5. Sleep at least 8 hours a day; eliminate daytime sleep to avoid problems with falling asleep at night; do not overeat at night so that excess energy does not fall at the time before bedtime.
  6. Consider taking the following dietary supplements: adrenal adaptogens, adrenal hormones, vitamins B6 and C. For problems with falling asleep, melatonin.

Excess leptin:

  1. Consider the possibility of therapeutic intermittent fasting (meaning skipping certain meals on a schedule every few days and fasting days - approx. website)
  2. Reduce carbohydrate intake, including fructose.
  3. Compensate for hypothyroidism and treat insulin resistance, against which the restoration of leptin sensitivity is unlikely.
  4. Add high intensity workouts.
  5. Consider taking special drugs to increase sensitivity to lepin: Byetta, Victoza, Bydureon, or Symlin. In my experience, fighting leptin resistance without medication is very difficult. At correct use they allow you to significantly adjust the weight and hormones in the blood.
  6. Consider taking supplements: fish oil, zinc, leucine, and supplements recommended for insulin resistance. There are no specialized supplements that help with excess leptin.


It is possible to reduce the high concentration of testosterone in the blood, but for this you need to find the root cause of the failure. If it is possible to correctly diagnose this cause and cure it, then the symptoms will decrease rapidly.

Typically, high testosterone levels are due to one or more of the following: insulin or leptin resistance, estrogen and progesterone balance problems, adrenal disease, unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

If you're serious about solving your high testosterone problem, find a doctor who understands how hormones relate to each other and is willing to devote his time to getting to the bottom of the cause.

Testosterone is an androgenic hormone. It is considered the main male hormone, which is responsible for sexual characteristics and even behavioral responses. It also contains testosterone, only in much lower concentrations. The cause of increased testosterone in women is a failure in the formation of this hormone. All this can lead to changes in appearance and various diseases.

Functions of the male hormone

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced in men, in women - by the ovaries, fat cells, and adrenal glands - in all people.

In the female body, it regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, bone formation and bone marrow activity, as well as sexual desire, mood and, most importantly, the growth and development of follicles.

It plays a key role during puberty: under its influence, hair grows in the pubic and axillary areas. In addition, this hormone regulates the functions of many organs, including the reproductive tract, bone tissue, kidneys, liver, and muscles. In adult women, androgens are required for estrogen synthesis and have been shown to prevent bone loss and are responsible for sexual desire and satisfaction.

Without this hormone, the functioning of all systems and organs is impossible. But deviations from the norm (low or high testosterone levels) are much more dangerous for women, which can be caused by exposure to many adverse factors or various diseases.


And they can cause increased production of androgens.

The main reason for increased testosterone in women is the malfunction of the adrenal glands and gonads. In addition to PCOS, another cause of increased testosterone in women (called hyperandrogenism) is hereditary overgrowth of the adrenal cortex and other disorders of the functions of these glands. Medications such as anabolic steroids, which are sometimes abused by bodybuilders and other athletes to enhance performance, can also be the cause of hyperandrogenism symptoms.

With a sharp weight loss, malnutrition and significant physical exertion, a failure in the hormone formation system also occurs. It is impossible not to say about hereditary predisposition, the effects of certain hormonal drugs, hypothyroidism. Ovulation is also the cause of increased testosterone in women.

How does testosterone affect the female body?

Excess androgens can be a problem, resulting in masculinization symptoms such as acne, hirsutism (excess hair growth in inappropriate places such as the chin or upper lip, chest), thinning hair on the head (baldness), seborrhea.

It is interesting to note that such violations are possible not only in adults, but also in little girls. Because of this, parents should pay special attention to the development of their daughter, and if even the smallest doubt appears, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist. If you miss this moment and do not take action, then the figure may acquire masculine features, and subsequently it will be impossible to change anything.

About 10 percent of women with high testosterone levels have PCOS, which is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, lack of menstruation, infertility, blood sugar disorders (prediabetes and type 2 diabetes), and in some cases, excessive body hair. Most women with this disease are overweight and even obese.

Enhanced level Testosterone levels, whether a woman has PCOS or not, is associated with serious health outcomes such as insulin resistance, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Dangerous Complications

With a sharp increase in the blood testosterone content in the female body, processes begin that can lead to ovarian dysfunction, menstrual irregularities, lack of ovulation, and infertility.

During pregnancy, there is a risk of severe course, intrauterine death of the fetus and frequent complications during childbirth. In addition, the likelihood of the formation of various tumors on the ovaries increases dramatically.

Researchers have provided evidence that increasing testosterone affects habits and character. Such representatives of the weaker sex have an increased craving for rivalry, dominance, gambling and the use of alcoholic beverages. But it is necessary to recognize that high testosterone always leads to a change in appearance, and internal state does not transform in all cases. It depends on the psychological reasons, genetics and education.

One of the potential complications of high testosterone levels in women is manifested in the form of depression and increased aggressiveness. This is typical not only for women, but also for girls in the prepubertal period.

testosterone during pregnancy

During pregnancy, testosterone increases quite quickly. During this period, the placenta produces an additional portion of the hormone in question, and this is the norm. But it must be recognized that at periods of 4-8 weeks and from 13 to 20 weeks, miscarriage or fetal fading is possible if testosterone is elevated in the blood. In women, the treatment of hyperandrogenism, if detected in time, will help normal gestation.

Many gynecologists, being safe, carry out hormone therapy aimed at lowering the level of testosterone in the blood, because during pregnancy it increases by 3-4 times. This is not always justified, as the placenta has the important ability to convert testosterone to estrogen, protecting both mother and baby from the effects of hormones. It is interesting to note that hyperandrogenism in pregnant women is rare, but you should still be especially attentive to your body and new sensations.


By taking blood from a vein on an empty stomach, testosterone is tested. The day of the cycle does not play a role, but it is recommended to carry out the analysis not during menstruation. Preliminary preparation consists in giving up alcohol, smoking, sex, heavy physical work and taking certain drugs. You should be aware that alcoholism and certain liver diseases can lower testosterone levels. Narcotics, anticonvulsants, barbiturates, clomiphene, androgens, and anabolic steroids can also lower testosterone levels. All medications you are taking must be reported to the doctor conducting the study.


How to lower testosterone? This is a fairly simple, but not necessarily easy way for most women: all you have to do is eat less sugar and refined carbohydrates. The reason is that an excess of these elements causes an increase in blood sugar levels, which in turn causes an increase in insulin, which stimulates the ovaries to produce male hormones. Additional moderate exercise will help even more. Artificial sweeteners don't work because they stimulate insulin production.

It is necessary to use tofu - bean curd. It is very rich in phytoestrogens, which maintain hormonal balance in the blood.

Polyunsaturated fatty acid, vegetable oils are those necessary nutrients that will help in resolving the issue of how to lower testosterone. Daily drinking of green tea with the addition of mint helps a lot.

If testosterone is elevated in women, drug treatment consists in prescribing hormonal drugs: "Diana-35", "Metipred" and "Dexamethasone", "Yarina". The medication is prescribed by a doctor after finding out the main cause of hyperandrogenism.

Each of us, from time to time, experiences emotional outbursts, lethargy or vice versa aggression, bad dream or insomnia. When we complain about this, men roll their eyes and diagnose us with PMS. Although they refer exclusively to our female emotional overdrive, in the end they are right, all these symptoms are the result of hormonal outbreaks.

You and I sometimes poke fun at the opposite sex when we notice in one of them traits inherent only to women: a high voice or soft skin, a mane thicker and more attractive than ours or his barely contained tears in the final scene of Titanic. But we never think that in us, women, there is no less masculine. I will tell you a secret, even the most beautiful and sophisticated representatives of the fairer sex hide a drop of masculinity in themselves. Curious? Let's be secret then.

First, let's get acquainted with the facts.

Hormone of masculinity

Testosterone is a male sex hormone and androgen. Produced by the adrenal glands and testicles. More precisely, in the testes in men, as well as in small amounts in the ovaries in women and the adrenal cortex in both men and women. It is a product of peripheral metabolism, responsible for virilization in boys and androgenization in girls. (Wiki)

It was discovered by the German scientist Adolf Butenandt in 1931. In 1935, he also created synthetic testosterone, which was later used to increase the testosterone content in both sexes in order to make them stronger, faster and increase the reaction rate.

Simply put, the hormone testosterone is present in both men and women, but in different proportions. The more it is, the more pronounced sexual differences and signs are:

  • Thickens the bone structure.
  • Affects the formation and development of the genital organs.
  • Promotes increased hair growth.
  • Changes the structure of the larynx, which makes the voice rougher and lower.
  • Increases the growth of muscle mass.
  • It affects nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism.
  • Affects the distribution of fat mass.

And also on behavioral:

  • Aggressiveness.
  • impulsive behavior.
  • Libido level.
  • Dominance.
  • Increases ingenuity.
  • Reduces empathy.
  • Reflects on emotional stability.

IN different periods life, testosterone, consistently launches human development programs: from the formation of the sex of the child, ending with the maintenance of reproductive function in the period of maturity.

The female body cannot do without testosterone! But for correct operation our system, we need it 7 times less than men. He is responsible for such processes as:

  • (Oddly enough) Sexual attraction.
  • Sexual attraction.
  • Formation of mammary glands.
  • Maintenance of pregnancy.
  • General muscle tone.
  • Emotional stability.

Increased testosterone levels in women

Nature created man as an ideal mechanism, but the conditions of our life lead to disruption of the system. When hormone levels change, there are always consequences. If it is low, there is apathy, lethargy, muscles become flabby and libido suffers. As a result, our lives begin to change. Relations with loved ones and people close to us are changing, the mode and speed of life are changing, a career ceases to be exciting, and the only acceptable hobby seems to be rolling a sluggish calf on the sofa. What happens when testosterone goes up?

  • Failure or complete cessation of the menstrual cycle.
  • Violation of the ovaries.
  • Infertility.
  • Problems with bearing a child.
  • Difficult childbirth.
  • Increases the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Depression.
  • Hypertrophy of the clitoris.
  • Deterioration of the skin. Acne.
  • Male pattern baldness.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Increased sweating.

And to all of the above, the appearance changes! The voice becomes lower and rougher, vegetation appears on the face, chest, back. The body loses its femininity and the gentle appearance is replaced by the strong camp of a weightlifter. The hips lose their roundness, and subcutaneous fat flows into the abdomen. Also, an excess of testosterone affects a woman's behavior, worldview, reaction to ongoing events. Previously unnoticed aggressiveness, the desire to dominate, compete, and the desire to take risks appear. As a result, priorities change. I want to build a career, not a family, to accept dangerous decisions regardless of the risks.

Natural Causes of Increased Testosterone Levels in Women

The reasons for the changes can be both external: environment and food; and natural (internal). For example, the restructuring of the body according to the age principle, pregnancy or a serious disruption of the body. Do not be afraid if this is a temporary phenomenon, but if the symptoms are too strong and begin to haunt you, then you should listen to yourself and consult a doctor. What can cause impaired testosterone production?

  • Incorrect work of the adrenal glands.
  • Drug poisoning.
  • Tumor of the ovaries.
  • Disruption of the pituitary gland.
  • Megama uterus.
  • Dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Cushing's and Conn's syndromes.

I see how your shaking hands are already reaching for the medical directory. Do not rush. This scoundrel will say again that your symptoms fit 99% of his contents! Be smart, don't self-medicate! At home, it is still impossible to determine the level of testosterone. In any case, you will have to consult an endocrinologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist if you have suspicions. This will not go away on its own, but the consequences of your fear or laziness can develop into hyperandrogenism and then all the most unpleasant consequences that I described to you above can come. So do not be afraid and first of all take tests, consult a doctor, and only then you will decide for yourself what treatment is right for you, if it is needed at all.


Every problem has at least two solutions. We can go the traditional way and regulate hormonal failure with medication, or we can turn to alternative / folk medicine. Naturally, if we are talking about a significant and systematic failure in the work endocrine system, then serious medications are needed, but if there is no such problem, then you can try easy ways to control and normalize hormones. Let's start with food!

Include in your meals: Coffee (no more than 1 cup per day), White bread, honey, vegetable oil, a little soy, salt and cream (but not more than 3 grams per day), sugar, natural juices, glucose, vegetables and fruits.

Some well-wishers will advise you to include fried and fatty meat in your diet, but think for yourself, if we are fighting for our femininity, do we still need problems with being overweight, not to mention a spoiled stomach?

Brew herbs: angelica, licorice root, marin root, cimifuga, evening primrose, sacred vitex, creeping serenoya (dwarf palm tree).

With the latter, you should not overdo it for women with large breasts. It affects the growth of underdeveloped breasts.

Speaking of control, remember yoga! This is an ideal way to exercise, which will help normalize hormones and calm the nerves.

Testosterone is a sex androgen hormone. In the female body, it performs the function of distributing adipose tissue, regulates sexual desire and sexual health, and is responsible for the maturation of the follicle during ovulation. Participates in the formation of bones and muscle tissue, improves mood, promotes concentration. In women, testosterone is produced by the ovaries and lesser degree- adrenal glands.

The concentration of testosterone also fluctuates depending on the time of day. The peak occurs in the morning, and in the evening the content of the male hormone in the blood is significantly reduced.

The norm of testosterone in women:

The results of the analysis may vary, depending on the laboratory where the test was performed. This is due to different research methods. Reference values ​​are indicated on the form-direction.

Analysis for testosterone levels

How to determine the level of male hormone in the blood? The attending physician prescribes general analysis testosterone or free hormone test. Free androgen is not associated with blood transport proteins and is highly active in the body, while the total is a complex compound, due to which it is transferred to distant organs.

The analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Preparation begins 12 hours before visiting the laboratory: you must refrain from eating, drinking alcohol, active physical activity. For women, the study is carried out on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle, because the level of testosterone in the blood depends on the phase. The highest concentration is observed during the maturation of the follicle.

On the 5th day after the onset of menstruation, the rejection of the endometrium in the uterus stops, the tissues are completely renewed, and the balance of hormones is restored. After 5-7 days, ovulation occurs. If it is not possible to take an analysis on the fifth day of the cycle, it is better to postpone the procedure for the next month, otherwise the answer will be uninformative. Exceptions are special indications of the attending physician.

The result of the analysis can be affected by:

  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • a low-fat diet;
  • heatstroke;
  • smoking;
  • sexual contact on the eve of the study;
  • physical exercise.

It is also necessary to first discuss with your doctor the possibility of discontinuing medications that can increase testosterone levels.

Causes and symptoms of high testosterone in women

What is the male hormone responsible for and why does it rise? Malignant tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands, polycystic ovaries, long-term use of steroid drugs, and pregnancy can affect the concentration of the hormone in the blood. The reasons include adrenogenital syndrome, Itsenko-Cushing's disease - these are congenital genetic diseases in which excessive testosterone production occurs.

Symptoms of pathology are manifested in the external change in the figure. Fat is deposited in the abdomen, waist and mammary glands. The physique takes on a masculine outline.

The first signs of increased testosterone in women:

  • acne on the face and body, which is not treatable;
  • seborrhea;
  • the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks on the skin);
  • hypersexuality;
  • insomnia, nightmares;
  • aggressiveness, irritability;
  • increased appetite, want to eat all the time;
  • male overweight.

What are the causes and effects of high testosterone in women? Excess testosterone in women contributes to the suppression of ovarian function and leads to the appearance of male-type secondary sexual characteristics (virilism). In girls, the voice becomes rougher, hair growth on the face, chest, legs and arms increases, sweating increases with a change in smell, hair falls out on the head, the mammary glands, uterus and ovaries partially atrophy. Long-term use of steroid drugs also causes virilism, with symptoms persisting for life.

High testosterone in the blood causes enlargement and deformation of the external genitalia. The clitoris and labia become larger and droop, resembling a male scrotum (clitoromegaly). Violation of the ovaries leads to problems during childbearing, cessation of menstruation, lack of ovulation and infertility.

Due to an excess of testosterone, the reproductive function of the body is disrupted. The ovary, which produces the male hormone, does not cope with its work, there are problems with ovulation. A woman cannot conceive a child. Therefore, during the planning period of pregnancy, studies are carried out on the level of sex hormones. If abnormalities are detected, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone is prescribed.

Pregnancy can increase testosterone levels by 3-4 times, this symptom is caused by the formation of the placenta. Very high concentration of androgen early dates(4–8 and 13–23 weeks) leads to spontaneous abortion, as the growth of the uterus stops. In women with high androgen levels, childbirth is more difficult, disappears quickly breast milk. Pathology can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child.

Causes of low testosterone

has a negative effect on female body and deficiency of male hormones. Fat burning slows down, the ability to build muscle tissue is lost.

Causes of low testosterone levels:

  • overweight;
  • menopause;
  • kidney failure;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ovaries;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits;
  • Down syndrome.

This condition causes depression, chronic fatigue, lack of sexual attraction, sweating increases, rapid weight loss occurs, blood pressure decreases.

Testosterone replacement therapy helps restore hormonal levels, treatment reduces age-related androgen deficiency by stimulating the ovaries to produce testosterone. The hormone comes in tablets or ampoules for injection. In the form of capsules, Andriol, Methyltestosterone are prescribed. Treatment is long, can take more than 1 year. As a result, blood pressure is normalized, the general well-being of the patient, work nervous system, metabolic processes.

How to lower testosterone levels

What to do if the concentration of the male hormone in the blood is increased? It is important to follow a special balanced diet. Foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates are added to the diet, but these should not be quickly splitting sugars. Preference should be given to such foods that affect testosterone in women:

  • whole grain cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • eggs;
  • seafood;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • lean meats and fish;

Protein should account for about 40% of your daily calorie intake.

Moderate exercise, outdoor activities, and reflexology help treat high testosterone. It is important to observe the regime of the day, to ensure a good night's sleep. As an additional therapy, you can drink tea from decoctions medicinal herbs, useful properties has lemon balm, licorice root, angelica.

Pharmaceutical assistance

Restoring normal testosterone levels at very high rates can be done with the help of drug therapy. The endocrinologist prescribes a specific course of treatment, taking into account the severity and causes of the hormonal imbalance. Usually use:

  • Diethylstilbestrol;
  • Cyproterone;
  • corticosteroids.

Glucose is capable of lowering the hormone, which causes the secretion of insulin.

Dexamethasone treatment with elevated testosterone affects carbohydrate and protein metabolism. But the medicine can cause side effects in the form of arrhythmia, reduced immunity. Therefore, therapy is carried out only as directed by a doctor. With the normalization of testosterone levels, it is necessary to constantly monitor the hormonal background, because after the withdrawal of medications, androgen can rise again.

The norm in women of the sex hormone testosterone depends on the state of the reproductive system. A long-term violation of the concentration of androgen in the blood leads to a decrease in reproductive function, miscarriage of a child and a change in the male figure.


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⚕️ Olga Alexandrovna Melikhova - endocrinologist, 2 years of experience.

Deals with issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, etc.

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