What causes excessive consumption of sugar. Harm and consumption of sugar. Persistent colds and flu

Ecology of health: Sugar is one of the most harmful substances, which you can eat, and how common it is in our daily diet is simply horrifying. But how exactly does sugar work in the body, and what are the side effects of eating too much sugar on people's health?

How sugar works in the body and what are the side effects of eating sugar in excess on people's health

You add it to a cup of coffee or tea in the morning. In pastries, cakes and cookies. Even sprinkle it on porridge or oatmeal for breakfast to add "taste".

But that's not all. In addition, it hides in such favorite "goodies" that people consume daily - carbonated drinks, fruit juices, candy and ice cream.And it hides in almost all processed foods, including bread, meat, and even your favorite sauces.

It's none other than sugar. Most people find sugary foods tasty and satisfying and can't resist them.

But I think it's more accurate three words describe sugar: toxic, addictive and deadly.

In my opinion, sugar is one of the most harmful substances you can eat, and how common it is in our daily diet is simply horrifying.

But how exactly does sugar work in the body, and what are the side effects of eating too much sugar on people's health?

Why is too much sugar bad for health?

People consume excess sugar in the form of fructose or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

This highly processed form of sugar is cheaper and 20 percent sweeter than regular table sugar, which is why many food and beverage manufacturers have chosen to use it in their products because it saves them money in the long run.

Today, HFCS is present in almost all types of processed foods and drinks.. The bad news is that the human body is not designed to consume excessive amounts of sugar, especially fructose.

In fact, the body metabolizes fructose differently than sugar.

In fact, sugar is a hepatotoxin that converts directly to fat, and these factors can cause a range of problems with far-reaching health consequences.

Consequences of too much sugar

Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Department of Endocrinology University of California and a pioneer in decoding sugar metabolism, says the body can safely metabolize at least six teaspoons of added sugar per day.

But since most Americans consume three times that amount, most of the excess sugar becomes body fat, leading to all sorts of debilitating chronic metabolic diseases that many people struggle with.

Here are some of the effects of excess sugar consumption on the body:

  • It overloads and destroys the liver. The consequences of excessive consumption of sugar or fructose can be compared with the consequences of drinking alcohol. All the fructose you eat goes straight to the only organ that has a transporter for it: the liver.

This puts a lot of stress and even overloads this organ, leading to potential damage to the liver.

  • This tricks the body into gaining weight and affects insulin and leptin signaling. Fructose confuses the metabolism by shutting down the appetite control system. Initially, the stimulation of insulin production is disrupted, which in turn disrupts the suppression of ghrelin or the “hunger hormone”, resulting in disruption of the stimulation of leptin production or the “satiety hormone”.

So you eat more and you develop insulin resistance.

  • It causes metabolic dysfunction. Excess sugar consumption causes symptoms known as classic metabolic syndrome. These include weight gain, abdominal obesity, decreased HDL and increased LDL, elevated blood sugar, elevated triglycerides, and high blood pressure.
  • Uric acid levels rise. High uric acid levels are a risk factor for heart and kidney disease. Incidentally, the link between fructose, metabolic syndrome, and uric acid levels is now so clear that the latter is now being used as a marker of fructose toxicity.

According to recent studies, the safest range for uric acid is between 3 and 5.5 milligrams per deciliter. If the level of uric acid is higher than this indicator, then this indicates a risk negative consequences fructose for health.

Sugar increases the risk of disease

One of the most serious consequences of excess sugar consumption is its ability to cause severe damage to the liver, leading to a disease known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NZhBP).

Yes, the same disease that occurs due to excessive alcohol consumption can be caused by excessive consumption of sugar (fructose). Dr. Lustig explained three similarities between alcohol and fructose:

    The liver metabolizes alcohol in the same way as sugar., since both of them serve as a substrate for the conversion of dietary carbohydrates into fat. This contributes to insulin resistance, fatty liver disease and dyslipidemia (abnormal levels of fat in the blood).

    Fructose enters the Maillard reaction with proteins. This leads to the formation of free superoxide radicals, and, as a result, to inflammation, which can also be caused by acetaldehyde (ethanol metabolite).

    Fructose can directly and indirectly stimulate the "hedonic pathway" creating a habit and addiction, just like ethanol .

But if you think that this is the only way that excess sugar damages the body, then you are very mistaken. Research from America's most respected academic institutions confirms that sugar is the main dietary factor that leads to obesity and the development of chronic diseases.

One study found that fructose is easily used by cancer cells to increase their spread- it kind of "feeds" the cancer cells, promotes their division and accelerates their growth, which is why the cancer spreads rapidly.

Alzheimer's disease- this is another fatal disease, which can occur due to too much sugar intake. A growing body of research is finding a powerful link between a high-fructose diet and the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease - along the same pathways that cause type 2 diabetes.

According to some experts, Alzheimer's and other brain disorders may be caused by the brain constantly burning glucose for fuel.

Other metabolic syndrome-related diseases that can potentially arise from excess sugar intake include:

How to control and/or limit your sugar intake

Sugar, in its natural form, is not inherently harmful when consumed. moderately. This means cutting out all sources of fructose, especially processed foods and drinks like soda.

According to SugarScience, 74% of processed food products contain added sugar, which is insidiously hidden under more than 60 different names.

Ideally, 90% of your food budget should be spent on whole foods and only 10% or less on processed foods.

I also strongly recommend limit your intake of refined carbohydrates(waffles, cereals, bagels, etc.) and grains, as they are broken down into sugars in the body, raising insulin levels and causing insulin resistance.

Remember that while fruits are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, they also contain natural fructose and, if consumed in large amounts, can worsen insulin sensitivity and increase uric acid levels.

Remember that artificial sweeteners are also banned. because they are associated with a whole new range of health problems that are far worse than those associated with sugar or corn syrup.

Don't forget these additional tips:

  • Increase your intake of healthy fats such as omega-3s, saturated and monounsaturated fats. To function optimally, the body needs fats from animal and plant sources to promote health.

Indeed, new data suggest that healthy fats should make up at least 70% of the diet.

The best sources are organic butter from raw milk, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, raw nuts such as pecans and macadamia, free-range eggs, avocados, and wild Alaskan salmon.

  • Drink clean water . Simply replace all sugary drinks such as soda and fruit juices, clean water- this will have a long-term positive impact on your health.

The best way to assess your water needs is to monitor the color of your urine (it should be light yellow) and how often you go to the toilet (ideally about seven to eight times a day).

  • Add fermented foods in dishes. Beneficial bacteria in these foods will help support digestion and support the elimination of toxins from the body, which will reduce the fructose load on the liver. To the most best options include natto, organic yogurt and pastured kefir, and fermented vegetables.

How to get rid of sugar cravings

The temptation to eat sweets will always be there, especially with the ubiquity of processed foods and fast food. However, desire for sweets is more a matter of emotions.

If these are the things that make you crazy about sugar, then the best solution I can recommend is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This method of psychological acupuncture is a simple and effective strategy to help control the emotional desire to eat.

If you find that your emotions and/or your self-image is causing you to continue consuming sugar-laden and other unhealthy foods, I recommend trying this useful method. Prayer and exercise are also effective ways get rid of sugar cravings. published

© Dr. Joseph Mercola

At the sugar great taste, and desserts with its use taste even better! Not surprisingly, this sweetener is used in a huge number of products. Many people, when hungry, first of all remember the unforgettable taste of sweets. However, what seems like innocent pleasure can lead to serious problems with health, if there is sugar without any restrictions. Learn these signs your body is telling you it's time to cut out or at least limit your intake of sugary foods.

Pain in muscles and joints

If you feel that you are starting to skip your usual walks or sports because of discomfort, the point may be that inflammatory processes are actively going on in your body. Excessive sugar in the diet leads to the fact that immune cells begin to fight the process of glycation. How more sugar you eat, the more intense glycation becomes, the more diligently immune cells work, which causes inflammation. This biochemical reaction can eventually lead to arthritis, cataracts, cardiovascular disease, memory problems, or premature aging skin.

Cravings for sweets and sugary foods

Sugar is instantly processed in the body, causing an attack of hunger, even if you ate just an hour ago. In addition, sugar causes the release of dopamine, which leads to an effect similar to drug use. The neurotransmitter dopamine is produced by neurons as a result of the sensation of pleasure. He lifts the spirits. The brain perceives sugar as a reward and a treat. The more you eat, the more your body needs. This is a dangerous vicious circle. In addition, foods rich in sugar do not provide satiety, as they do not contain any nutrients.

Energy spikes and drops

Glucose is responsible for the energy level in the body. That is why it is so important that its quantity does not change too much. If your glucose levels rise or fall sharply, your energy levels also change dramatically. When you eat sweets, the pancreas releases insulin to deliver glucose to the cells. This causes an energy surge. Then the sugar ends, and the energy instantly drops. To avoid this, try to eat less sweets and harmful products eat lean protein and healthy fats. Then your body will receive a stable supply of energy from healthy food. The glucose level will not fall or rise sharply.

Constant appearance of rashes

Sugar-rich foods cause insulin spikes and spur glycation. When glucose enters the bloodstream, it sets off complex processes that can lead to skin problems. In addition, a jump in insulin leads to an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which further exacerbates the inflammatory process. This means that a diet rich in sugar causes an increased risk of inflammation. If you can't manage your skin problems and nothing seems to help, try changing your diet. You don't have to cut out sugar completely, but it's definitely worth limiting, especially if you're following foods with added sugar. This can seriously help in the fight against inflammation on the skin.

Weight gain

Few people will calmly react to the fact that clothes begin to sit tighter. Who would have thought that eaten on last week chocolate cake can quickly lead to disastrous results. However, it is a fact that sugar consumption quickly causes weight gain. Sweets and snacks are deposited at the waist. All because high level sugar in the body causes the production of insulin, which stimulates the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Waist deposits pose a serious threat to health.

Tooth decay

Sweets cause the rapid formation of caries and tooth decay. However, it should be understood that the cause of caries does not lie directly in sugar. The destruction is caused by food residues that accumulate on the teeth. If you don't brush your teeth thoroughly, they will build up plaque on your teeth. This plaque gradually erodes the hard surface of the tooth, resulting in small holes in the enamel. Sugary foods like candies, breakfast cereals, or mints get stuck between your teeth, accelerating the process of plaque formation. If you take good care of your oral cavity, you can avoid having to visit the dentist too often. Remember that dental health determines the state of the body as a whole, which means that the issue cannot be taken lightly.

Decreased sensitivity to sugar

When you eat sweets in large quantities every day, your taste buds adapt to this level of sugar and stop responding to it the way they used to. Excess sugar dulls the taste sensations, which is why sweet fruits and berries already seem rather bland. IN normal conditions a fresh juicy apple brings pleasure to a person. If the food no longer seems tasty and sweet to you, it's time for you to limit the use of sugar and all kinds of syrups. Start eating a more balanced diet, and then your work will taste buds will be restored.

Persistent colds and flu

If you consume excessive amounts of sugar, you undermine the cells of the immune system. Because of this, your immune system is no longer able to protect you from harmful bacteria. Vitamin C, which the body needs to fight the flu, is similar in structure to glucose. Instead of using vitamin C, the immune system uses glucose, which has no effect. To prevent this development, reduce the consumption of sweets, eat more nutritious fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. In this case, your protection against bacteria and viruses will remain strong.


Bloating and gas problems, as well as other signs of digestive problems, can be associated with the most different reasons. For example, eating an excessive amount of sugar may well be such a reason. This is because bloating is directly related to what you eat.
If sugar is poorly absorbed in small intestine, it enters the colon, where it becomes food for gas-producing bacteria. Excessive sugar undermines the digestion process, so limit sweeteners, candy bars, and sugary sodas. This will help you recover normal condition intestines.

How much sugar is too much?

According to World Organization health, the recommended amount of sugar should be no more than ten percent of total calories. This means that you should eat no more than seven teaspoons of sugar per day. Of course, this product is tasty and many people like it, however, the lack of control will lead to devastating consequences. Watch out for the signs listed above to cut down on sweets in time. Get your favorite taste from natural products like fruits, vegetables, nuts, or breakfast cereals. This will keep you from losing your sensitivity to sweets and protect you from spikes in glucose levels that lead to energy problems.

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Most people think that only diabetics have high blood sugar levels. But this is not so - anyone can suffer from this and not even notice the damage done to nerves, blood vessels and organs.

We are in website sure: in order to prevent complications, it is important to recognize alarming symptoms in a timely manner and take appropriate measures.

Constant feeling of hunger

High sugar levels prevent glucose from entering cells, resulting in the body does not receive energy and is forced to ask for food again and again- a vicious circle is obtained.


When sugar levels are high, the body is unable to store and absorb glucose properly. Energy is used inefficiently, and the body's cells do not get the fuel they need. All this leads to a person often feels tired even for no reason.

Frequent urination

If the sugar level is too high, the kidneys cannot pass it. Therefore, the body, trying to equalize the concentration of glucose in the blood and in the cells, dissolves the blood with intracellular fluid, thus bringing the concentration of glucose in the blood closer to normal. The result is increased urination.

Dry mouth, intense thirst

Blurred vision

Blurred vision is also the result of a dehydrating effect due to high blood sugar. This also affects the cells of the eyes. As a result, they are deformed, and the eye loses the ability to focus correctly.

Almost every meal of ours ends with a dessert: sweet tea with candy, sherbet, ice cream or chocolate. This is not surprising, because sugar is available today, and is an excellent source of energy, as it is almost instantly absorbed by the body. However, it is important to remember that apart from calories and gastronomic pleasure, we do not get anything from sweet foods. Obviously, sugar is bad, but have you ever wondered exactly how bad it is?

Daily sugar intake

An important fact to consider: The human body does not need pure sugar.. If you're not ready to give up sugar completely, then a harmless daily intake of sugar is 30-50 grams.

Here are some statistics:

  • A Russian daily consumes from 100 to 150 gr. Sahara;
  • The Americans are ahead in this regard: 190-200 grams are typical here. Sahara;
  • Residents of European and Asian countries every day consume from 60 to 85 gr. Sahara.

Foods with the highest sugar content

  1. Ice cream - 20%;
  2. Lemonades and carbonated drinks (Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite and others) - from 15 to 85%;
  3. Ketchup - up to 25%;
  4. Sweet yogurt - 30%;
  5. Dried fruits - from 38% (in prunes) to 82% (in dried apples);
  6. Bars (for example, Mars) - 80%;

It is also worth listing berries and fruits with a high sugar content:

  1. Mango - 14%;
  2. Lychee fruits - 15%;
  3. Figs, grapes - 16%;
  4. Sweet cherry - 18%.

The harm of sugar

If you use sugar without controlling its amount, you can face a lot of diseases and consequences. Let's analyze the most vivid manifestations its harmful influence.


If you do not expend the energy received from the absorption of glucose into the blood, then the following happens:

  1. Excess sugar is converted to glycogen;
  2. This substance begins to accumulate in your liver;
  3. Exceeding normal glycogen levels fat folds are formed.

False hunger

Excessive consumption of sugar is the culprit of false hunger, and overeating is the result. This is due to the fact that in this situation, free radicals will prevent stable work neuronal cells responsible for the level of appetite. Also, an additional factor in increasing appetite is a sharp increase in the amount of glucose in the body and an equally rapid decline.


The theory that sugar is addictive, was confirmed thanks to experiments conducted on laboratory rats.


Sugar is stronger external signs aging due to the fact that it is deposited under the skin, stretching the collagen layer, reduces elasticity and causes wrinkles. Also, sugar is a real magnet for free radicals, and they are known to be the root cause of aging.

Washout of calcium

Sugar is the cause of the violation of the proportional coefficient of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Because of this, the ability to absorb calcium is reduced, which leads to its deficiency, as well as rickets, brittle bones, nails and teeth.

Impact on the heart

An abnormal amount of sugar consumed leads to a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1), and this is closely related to such sad consequences, How:

  1. Thinning of the heart muscle;
  2. Excessive accumulation of fluid;
  3. Heart failure.

vitamin deficiency

In particular, sugar deprives the human body of vitamins of the groupB. The reason lies in the following:

  1. Sugar is not able to be absorbed by the body on its own - for this it requires B vitamins.
  2. Sugar itself does not contain these vitamins, therefore, in order to assimilate this product, the body begins to transport them, removing them from internal organs, blood and skin.

The consequences of such a deficit:

  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • visual impairment;
  • digestive problems;
  • Anemia and similar diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • Depletion of muscle tissue;
  • Heart attacks.

Impact on human immunity

The amount of sugar in the blood is directly proportional to the quality of immunity. Speaking in numbers, this substance reduces the resistance of the immune system by 18 times. By the way, this is the whole danger of diabetes: the body is unable to absorb sugar, and when it accumulates, immunity is always weakened.

For single use a large number Sugar human immunity is paralyzed for up to 8 hours.

All these consequences and diseases can be easily avoided: just reduce the amount of sugar consumed daily. Of course, you should not act radically, excluding sweets altogether: give up, for example, tea or coffee with sugar, jam, sweet soda and chocolate bars, preferring fruits, honey, dark chocolate.

Refined sugar (and its substitutes) is the problem of mankind, causing all kinds of diseases and general malaise. Product packaging may not list sugar as an ingredient, but it may be present in some other form, such as:

  • corn syrup/sweetener;
  • dextrin;
  • dextrose;
  • diglycerides;
  • disaccharides;
  • evaporated cane juice;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • hydrolyzed starch;
  • malt syrup;
  • maltodextrin;
  • maltose;
  • rice syrup;
  • sorbitol;
  • sucrose.

With so many sources of sugar, it's hard to know how much you're actually consuming. The Daily Health Post magazine outlined the symptoms of excessive sugar consumption and methods of dealing with sugar addiction. If the symptoms described below are observed, it is time to reduce the amount of sweets.

Sugar is addictive. Sugar stimulates the production of dopamine, the pleasure hormone. As with other addictions, your body develops a tolerance for sugar, so the more you eat, the more you crave.

Excessive sugar intake may have dopaminergic, cholinergic, and opioid effects similar to those of psychostimulants and opiates, although less pronounced. The overall effect of these neurochemical adaptations is a mild but well-defined addiction.

2. Lack of energy and fatigue

Orexins are a type of neuropeptide (an amino acid chain that forms a protein in the brain). These neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus are responsible for the sleep/wake cycle. They are sensitive to sugars and react to the level of glucose in the body. Even a small increase in blood glucose levels inhibits the transmission of erexins by nerve signals, thereby causing a state of drowsiness.

3. Weight gain

Excessive consumption of sugar contributes to an increase in body fat. Of course, there are other factors such as activity level and metabolic rate that come into play, but the body first burns sugar for energy. What he cannot immediately use is deposited in the form of fat.

In addition, eating too much sugar contributes to overeating by suppressing the hormone leptin, which tells the body when to stop eating.

An increase in blood glucose levels stimulates the production of insulin to return it to normal level. Insulin lowers blood sugar levels. When it fluctuates or gets too low, the body thinks it needs more nutrients. So you eat even when you don't need to.

On the other hand, proteins maintain activity. Protein food stimulates orexins, which cause activity and promote an active metabolism, which burns calories.

4. Frequent colds

Too much sugar suppresses the immune system. Glucose reduces the activity of white blood cells, which are responsible for suppressing pathogens such as viruses. Consuming too much sugar on a regular basis makes the body more susceptible to infections.

5. Decreased taste sensations

Many people find the sweet taste pleasant. The tongue gets used to different tastes, and sugar is no exception.

British researchers have found that overweight people have a blunted sensitivity to sweets and a liking for sweet foods. In the same study, healthy people who started drinking 2 sweet soft drink per day, taste sensations were dulled and cravings for sugar arose after 4 weeks.

The subconscious drive plays a huge role in food choices. When overweight people feel hungry, they are more influenced by their subconscious desire for sugary, high-calorie foods.

Similarly, a 2016 study found that after a month of cutting back on sugar in their food, the experimental group found they were more sensitive to sweet tastes. So if you cut back on sugar, food will start to taste sweeter without it.

6. "Fog in the head"

A study published in the journal Neuroscience found that mice fed a diet similar in composition to the typical diet of most industrialized Western societies, rich in saturated fat and refined sugar, experienced a decline in brain function in as little as 2 months. This is because large amounts of sugar affect the proteins and neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for learning and memory. Sugar makes you more stupid.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is responsible for skin elasticity. By nature, sugar molecules bind to collagen and help collagen cells move. Too much sugar in the body makes collagen cells less mobile, which causes stiffness in tissues, including the skin. Loss of skin elasticity becomes apparent with the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition, sugar causes cellular inflammation. Enhanced Level sugar causes acne and dermatitis. Carbohydrates such as bread, cereals, rice and pasta cause an increase in the production of insulin and androgen (male sex hormone). Androgens cause glands in the skin to produce excess oil, clogging pores and leading to acne.

Sugar also leads to uncontrolled reproduction of the fungus. Candida fungi live in the digestive tract and on the skin. Eating too much sugar leads to fungal growth, which contributes to nail infections, vaginal infections, and thrush.

What's more, high blood sugar can also lead to diabetic neuropathy, causing tingling and pain in the legs.

8 Cancer

Over time, internal inflammation and increased insulin production can cause cells to multiply abnormally and rapidly. Cancer cells feed on sugar, so this is another reason to cut back on sugar.

Cancer is considered a global epidemic. In a Swiss study on the prevalence of cancer worldwide, excessive sugar consumption in the industrial developed countries turned out to be one of the main culprits of cancer. It is estimated that in the United States alone, 30-40% of health care spending is directed towards the treatment of diseases and illnesses associated with sugar consumption.

The 2014 study, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, was the first to look at how malignant and benign cancer cells respond to increased glucose. All cells consume glucose as fuel. The researchers found that not only do tumor cells (both malignant and benign) consume sugar, but excess sugar disrupts normal cellular expression and causes "enhanced canonical oncogenic signaling" (tumor development). This is caused by complex metabolic reactions of cells to sugar. What is interesting and encouraging is that when sugar intake is reduced, cells return to normal function over time.

Sugar = fat

Eating too much sugar contributes to uncontrolled weight gain. This is because sugar contributes to weight gain in several ways, some of which are mentioned above. Clinical studies have proven unequivocally that an increase in sugar intake causes weight gain. In fact, a meta-analysis of the effects of excessive sugar consumption found that after a 1-year follow-up period, the propensity for weight gain and obesity in people who regularly consumed sugary foods was, on average, 55% higher than those who reduced their sugar intake.

The dangers of sugary carbonated drinks

The amount of consumption of sugary drinks is especially correlated with significant weight gain, which directly leads to obesity and diabetes. And artificial sweeteners are not metabolized by the body and are therefore stored in fat cells, causing inflammation and weight gain.

How much sugar is excessive?

Sugars found in natural sources, such as fruits, come with vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that make them easier to metabolize and allow cells to feed on them efficiently.

Daily recommended amounts of carbohydrates vary by age, weight, and activity level. However, on average, it is recommended to limit non-natural sugar to 6 teaspoons (30 grams) per day (about 100 calories) for women and 9 teaspoons - 45 grams (about 150 calories) for men.

Labels on products list total carbs in packaged foods and split that amount into fiber and sugar. Generally, more than 22.5g of sugar is considered too much, 5g or less is low. Total carbohydrate intake should be approximately 45-65% of your daily calorie intake.

With a typical diet of 2000 calories per day, 900-1300 calories or 225-325 grams should come from carbohydrates. You can use labels to find out how much added sugar and total carbohydrates you get from packaged foods per day.

To give you an idea of ​​the carbohydrate content of typical foods, consider the following list:

  • 1 piece white bread contains 15 g (1.5 g sugar);
  • 100 g of pasta contains 25 g (8% of the total recommended daily allowance);
  • 100 g of rice contains 28 g (1.1 g of sugar);
  • 1 medium apple: 19 g (including fiber);
  • 1 bottle of cola with a volume of 0.25 l: 28 g (almost the entire norm of sugar);
  • 1 medium carrot: 6 g (including fiber).

Are artificial sugar substitutes better?

Artificial sweeteners are not a great alternative to refined sugar. They also cause obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease, metabolic syndrome, depression, chronic headaches, and cancer.

These sweeteners include:

  • aspartame;
  • sucralose;
  • high fructose corn syrup;
  • saccharin;
  • Truvia and others.

Natural sugar substitutes

Natural sources of sugar, such as honey, maple syrup, fruits and molasses, give the body nutrients, as well as the sweetness of taste. They have a relatively low glycemic index compared to refined sugar and are not only safe to use, but also promote health.

In addition, these types of natural sugar substitutes prevent excessive consumption of sweets. Natural sugar substitutes and their properties:

  • Honey (natural, unpasteurized) is a superfood that is anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, and contains nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Maple syrup - kills cancer cells, rich in minerals, anti-inflammatory agents, antioxidants and unique phytochemicals that benefit human health.
  • Molasses is rich in minerals, including calcium, iron, potassium, selenium, and magnesium.
  • Fruit juice (real fruit juice with no added sugar) - These are high in fructose (natural sugar) but full of vitamins and minerals.

Sugar addiction - how to get rid of?

If you're addicted to sugar, there are ways to wean yourself off of it. The difference in how you feel will be noticeable almost immediately.

Depending on how much artificial sugar you consume throughout the day and how long you do it, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. Like any other addiction, the body will respond to the lack of sugar with the following symptoms:

  • anger, irritability;
  • anxiety, depression;
  • changes in appetite;
  • dizziness
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • impulsive behavior
  • insomnia
  • chills
  • weight loss.

Reduce your sugar intake gradually. Abrupt discontinuation is more likely to result in noticeable withdrawal symptoms. The process of giving up sugar can take anywhere from a few days to a month.

To ease the discomfort of quitting sugar, you can try the following methods:

  1. Eating a handful of nuts or other sources of protein with something sweet to slow down digestion and the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the body.
  2. Drink green tea with lemon, it will help to get rid of sugar in the blood faster and prevent its accumulation in the kidneys and liver.
  3. Eating a protein-rich, low-carb breakfast will boost your metabolism throughout the day.
  4. Drink a smoothie made from vegetables (low in sugar) with a little fruit to provide the sweetness you crave. It is energy, satisfaction, and nutrients without further problems.

Sugar addiction - step by step recovery

How to overcome sugar addiction? Let's look at a few steps:

  1. Eliminate sugary snacks and artificial sweeteners from your diet.
  2. With reduced sugar intake, the brain will not produce as much dopamine. Spend time with friends, have fun, find other activities that will cheer you up and not be tempted to eat change.
  3. Replace sugary treats with foods that are delicious and sugar-free. For example, raw cocoa contains phytochemicals that increase sensitivity to hormones. Eggs, cruciferous and leafy green vegetables, beans, spinach, corn, fish, and poultry contain nutrients that stimulate neurotransmitters, including dopamine.
  4. Drink plenty of filtered water. Not only will this help you get rid of excess sugar, but it will also prevent dehydration, which can cause sugar cravings.
  5. Green and sea vegetables provide minerals that are often depleted by excess sugar and provide energy.
  6. Probiotics will help digestive system process sugar and rebalance gut flora: kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso are all super sources.
  7. Use peppermint oil to relieve withdrawal symptoms, either in an aroma lamp or by applying it to your temples and the insides of your wrists.
  8. Chromium helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Eat more chromium-rich foods: shellfish, brewer's yeast, broccoli, garlic, grapes, turkey.

Remember: what less sugar you eat, the sweeter the real food will be. Reducing the amount of sugar you consume will help you feel better and live longer.

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