The benefits of pizza for the body. Unhealthy pizza: sodium, trans fats and calories Why pizza is good for the body

Beloved by a huge number of people. Today it enjoys well-deserved popularity not only in its homeland - Italy, but also in the USA, where its own version of pizza was once invented, and all over the world. And yet, even the most passionate fans of this dish, from time to time the question arises whether pizza is harmful to your figure and health. Scientists from different countries. Here are the results of their research.

The filling of almost any high-quality pizza contains tomato paste, which is made from tomatoes, and sometimes contains tomatoes themselves. Tomatoes contain the substance lipoline, to which they owe their color. In addition, lipoline is a very strong antioxidant that can resist the development of many diseases. This is especially true for cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Italian scientists believe that with regular consumption of pizza, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is reduced by almost half. First of all, we're talking about on the prevention of myocardial infarction. With regular consumption of pizza, the risk of a heart attack is reduced by about 40%, and if you eat the treat twice a week, by as much as 60%. Also, according to research, people who frequently eat pizza have a 59% reduced risk of developing esophageal cancer.

Pizza dough is most often made from wheat. Wheat contains “bran” and a substance called “endosperm”, which are rich in antioxidants and have antioxidant properties. They are very useful for the gastrointestinal tract, because they cleanse it, helping the human body get rid of toxins and other harmful products exchange. To ensure that antioxidants not only do not lose activity, but also show themselves fully, pizza must be cooked at a temperature of about three hundred degrees Celsius and kept in the oven longer than usual (10 minutes).

Scientists believe that eating pizza, like eating chocolate, helps improve mood and reduce the production of the stress hormone, cortisol. Considering that in most cases the stress hormone leads to a heart attack, if eating pizza brings you pleasure, eat it for your health, Kamelek reports.

However, frequent consumption of pizza rich in fats, calories (up to 700 in one standard serving piece) and smoked foods, even in normal proportions, and even more so in proportions exceeding reasonable limits, will cause more harm to health than good. The number of calories that are so harmful to our figure can be reduced by using low-calorie cheese, low-fat sausage, dietary meat (chicken, turkey), as well as adding spinach, herbs and more vegetables (sweet peppers, tomatoes, green beans), olives . Such a filling can confidently be considered healthy food, so it is absolutely not scary in moderation.

And so, from all of the above it follows that consuming pizza can bring both benefits and harm, and the benefits are much greater. Of course, this is true if high-quality, natural products: flour, tomatoes, oil, spices and other ingredients. Therefore, if you want pizza to really bring only benefits to your body, cook it yourself or don’t be afraid to ask waiters in pizzerias about its composition and quality.

Many people love pizza so much that they are willing to eat it day and night, seven days a week. For example, in America, pizza is considered a vegetable product and is offered to children in almost all schools. Pizza can be ordered to your home from Pizzaclub to reduce the time spent preparing dinner, because pizza delivery is available and relatively inexpensive.

Calorie content of pizza

But is pizza really that healthy from a nutritional point of view? Of course, the ingredients that form the basis pizzas are high in calories. It depends on the composition of the test. Sometimes the pizza base is prepared with yeast, and fats, flour, and eggs are added. As you know, flour is not at all indifferent to your figure. Therefore, eating pizza too often is still not recommended. It is also not very healthy to feed pizza to children who are prone to obesity. After all, fillers such as ham, sausage, cheese, bacon, etc. also contain many calories and are not healthy eating. It's a different matter when it comes to vegetable fillers. For example, tomatoes, mushrooms, sweet peppers, zucchini, onions, green pea, Pineapple pieces are low in calories and healthy.

But there are varieties of pizza with reduced calorie content. It is better to prepare such pizza at home, this will guarantee that the ingredients included will be exactly what suits you. In this case, the dough is made unleavened, without yeast.

A good alternative to butter dough, which provides the bulk of unnecessary calories, is dough mixed with kefir or pizza prepared on pita bread.

Here's a pizza recipe for those on a diet:

This one is being prepared pizza in 10 minutes. You need to take thin pita bread, place it on a baking sheet, grease it with a small amount of olive oil. The oil should be evenly distributed over the surface without touching the edges of the pita bread. Use a tablespoon to coat the pita bread with marinara sauce. After this, sprinkle the pizza with grated mozzarella cheese. You will need about 100 grams. Sprinkle with dried ground garlic, salt and place arugula and basil leaves on top. If you don't have them, you can replace them with parsley, dill and other herbs. Then place the pizza in the oven. Preheat to 220 degrees for 10-12 minutes. As soon as the cheese melts, the pizza is ready.

How to reduce calories in pizza

For dough, always use rye flour or wholemeal flour.

Instead of mayonnaise, ketchup. Ready-made store-bought sauces. Use a freshly prepared mixture of fresh vegetables. To do this, you need to simmer tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini, cauliflower, and then grind them.

For filling, use low-fat fish, chicken, rabbit, veal, fresh vegetables, mushrooms, low-fat cheese, seafood

Replace yeast dough on thin flatbreads, lavash

Replace animal fat with vegetable oils

Thus, the much-loved pizza can become quite acceptable weight loss dish, really healthy, nutritious and very tasty.

See how to cook pizza with kefir:

How is pizza harmful to the body? and got the best answer

Answer from Zyukanov Anna[guru]
Depending on the type of pizza:
1. Fat sauce (mayonnaise, cream)
2.Fatty filling (cheese, sausage)
3. Dough.
In people with insufficient liver and pancreas activity, pizza can cause pain and nausea.
For overweight people, pizza will help you gain another hundred grams of fat. And regular consumption will transform your figure into an ideal spherical one.
The only healthy ingredient in pizza is tomatoes, which become healthier after baking than before.

Answer from Yovetlaya[guru]
Nothing. If the pizza is real, without preservatives and other rubbish. Do it yourself and you will be happy and healthy!))

Answer from Helena[guru]

Answer from Mr. Corax[guru]
It makes my stomach swoon, how can I digest it all... =)
I, and not only me, have guaranteed heartburn after it.
Although we don’t deny ourselves the pleasure of eating byaka a couple of times a month.

Answer from Katya Zahodenka[expert]
Warm dough is very hard on the stomach. Accordingly, if you eat it constantly, you can get problems. And if, as sometimes in cafes, they make it completely unbaked, then even more so.

Answer from Olya[guru]
It has long been known that dark chocolate and red wine, in moderation, are beneficial to health because they are antioxidants. More recently, scientists have discovered that the sodium nitrate found in canned meats slows down aging, that ice cream improves mood, and that popcorn has the same health benefits as whole grains.
Pizza proponents claim that tomatoes contain lycopene, a natural pigment that gives tomatoes their red color). Which, in turn, is very rich in antioxidants and prevents the occurrence of many cardiovascular and cancer diseases, and also reduces the likelihood of esophageal cancer by 59%. And second required product cheese is a powerful source of calcium.
However, in addition to lycopenes and calcium, pizza contains a lot of fat and calories, which reduce its beneficial substances to zero.
So is pizza bad for your health? Nutritionists answered this question. Dividing food into very good and absolutely bad is initially wrong. Many products contained in pizza supply the body with the necessary protein and calcium. You just need to know when to eat in moderation. And so that pizza does not affect your weight, do not get carried away with large portions.
Fact: Modern scientists believe that stress hormones, not food, most often lead to a heart attack. Therefore, if you care about your health and you enjoy eating pizza, then eat it for your health and don’t count calories. After all, this Italian flatbread can lift your mood so quickly!

Answer from Pavel Patsevich[guru]
much more harmful to the body - like Pizza....))

Answer from Landis[guru]
It is very high in calories!!

Answer from Andrey Sokolov[newbie]
If there are contraindications, it is better not to use it. if not then eat

Pizza (Italian: pizza) is an Italian National dish, in the form of a round open pie.

We can say that pizza has become the most famous dish of Italian cuisine.

Its prototypes appeared among the ancient Greeks and Romans. They served some dishes on the table on slices of bread.

The Italian city of Naples is considered to be the birthplace of pizza. In 1552, tomatoes were first brought to Europe from Peru. Classic Italian pizza appeared in the 15th-17th centuries. There even existed in Naples special people, which were called "pizzaioli". They were preparing pizza for Italian peasants.

Her classic ingredients steel: special dough, cheese, tomatoes, as well as meat, seafood, vegetables and mushrooms.

Pizza was then exclusively the food of the poor. But Maria Caroline of Habsburg-Lorraine, the wife of the Neapolitan king Ferdinand IV, liked her.

Somewhat later, the Italian king Umberto I and his wife Margherita of Savoy fell in love with pizza. In 1889, Neapolitan chef Raffaele Esposito was asked to prepare pizza for the queen herself. She wanted to share his favorite dish with her people. By the way, it was in her honor that one of the most popular types of pizza was named.

Pizza in those days was baked in an oven and sold right on the street. Then special establishments appeared in Naples, which today are called “pizzeria”. In 1957, the first semi-finished pizzas went on sale.

World recognition

Pizza has become widespread throughout the world, and is especially popular in America and European countries. The secret of its attractiveness lies in the ease of preparation, as well as the nutritional value of this dish and the wide variety of recipes.

Various varieties of pizza exist in other countries, but they differ in some ways. national characteristics. For example, partially kosher pizza is sold in Israel; it was first produced by the Pizza Maitre chain of pizzerias. Japanese pizza (“okonomiyaki”) is a fried flatbread with seafood and vegetables. It is well lubricated with a special sauce and sprinkled with dried tuna shavings on top. When serving, such pizza is divided with a flat spatula called “kote”.

In our country, pizza has also enjoyed well-deserved love for a long time. In Russia today there is a huge number of pizzerias where you can try a wide variety of types of pizza. Many Russians also like to make homemade pizza.

A survey was conducted on the Internet that showed that 78% of its users consider pizza to be their favorite dish.

According to another study, the average European consumes 300 kg of pizza every year. At the same time, only data on pizza that was ordered at home was taken into account.

In Italy, pizza even had a special quality mark - D.O.C. Only pizza that has been prepared in a certain way can receive it.

The harm and benefits of pizza

many lovers delicious dish I'm interested in the question of how pizza is good and bad for your health. We can say that pizza has both harmful and beneficial properties for health.

As for the benefits of pizza: the pizza filling includes tomatoes, which contain lipoline. This substance, which gives tomatoes their color, is rich in antioxidants, which help prevent many cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Frequent consumption of pizza reduces the risk of esophageal cancer by 59%. Cheese on pizza is a source of calcium.

Another argument in favor of pizza is that pizza dough is most often made from wheat. Wheat contains “bran” and “endosperm”, which are rich in antioxidants that have antioxidant properties. They help our body defend itself effectively.

About the dangers of pizza. Eating pizza, rich in fats, smoked meats and calories, in a proportion that exceeds reasonable limits, will not help you get more benefit from it than harm to your health. Their numbers can be reduced by using low-calorie cheese, spinach, sausage and low-fat turkey. This topping is considered a healthy food, so pizza in moderation is not harmful.

The stress hormone in most cases leads to a heart attack, so if eating pizza gives you pleasure, then eat it for your health.

Making pizza

Making pizza is very simple. You can use yeast or unleavened dough for it. It is kneaded and rolled out by hand. The first is used more often, but it takes longer to prepare. Unleavened dough is considered less tasty, but it can be stored longer.

The pizza filling can be almost anything. It is also necessary to use the sauce that is used to coat the dough, and the spices that make the pizza so aromatic. To prepare the sauce, Provencal herbs, olive or vegetable oil, as well as sour cream, tomato paste and eggs.

Meat is used for filling meat products, fish and seafood, vegetables, mushrooms and even fruits and nuts. The required ingredients are cheese and tomatoes. Pizza is baked in a special oven at high temperatures.

American pizza

Pizza came to America at the end of the second half of the 19th century. Most likely, they first started cooking it there in Chicago.

American pizza differs from Italian pizza in that it is baked on a fluffy dough.

The dough for this type of pizza usually contains vegetable oil rather than olive oil.

In addition, American pizza often uses flour with a high gluten content. This dough stretches well without breaking.

Some recipes don't tomato sauce- white pizza. There is also upside down pizza in the USA. Cheese is placed on the bottom, and the pizza is covered with sauce on top.

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Pizza is a favorite food made from dough, tomato sauce, cheese and various fillings— originated in Italy in the late 1700s. Since then, pizza has become loved by millions of people around the world.

Pizza may seem like an unhealthy treat, but fatty pies do provide some nutritional benefits. Here are 10 reasons why experts think pizza is actually good for you.


1. Pizza toppings can be surprisingly healthy.

Ordering a pizza with plenty of vegetables and lean proteins can ensure you're getting enough nutrients, necessary for a person in his daily diet.

2. Pizza can be high in protein.

The body uses protein to support daily bodily functions. The average slice of pizza contains about 12 grams of protein, mostly from cheese. According to the National Academy of Medicine, adults should consume 7 grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight.

Lycopene is an antioxidant that can be present in colorful fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and tomatoes. Tomatoes are the base of most pizza sauces. According to the US National Library of Medicine, people consume lycopene to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

3. Pizza can help your body absorb lycopene, an antioxidant found in tomatoes.

Take a look at many pizzeria menus and you'll find all sorts of toppings that go far beyond the standard sauce and cheese. We suggest sticking to basic toppings like sauce and cheese.

A thin crust pizza will contain fewer calories than a thick crust pizza.

5. Order thin pizza.

It doesn't matter what time of day you eat pizza, it can still be a balanced choice. And yes, that includes breakfast too.

7. Pizza made with whole wheat flour provides even more nutritional benefits.

At some fancy pizzerias, you can choose between regular pizza dough and whole wheat dough. According to a study published in ScienceDaily, whole grain bread contains fewer carbohydrates than White bread, and contains more fiber, which saturates a person faster.

8. Pizza can help you stick to your diet.

If you eat healthy food most days, it's okay to deviate and eat a greasy slice of pizza every now and then. This can help you lead more healthy image life.

9. Pizza can make your bones stronger.

According to National Institute Child Health and Development Eunice Kennedy Shriver, dairy products such as cheese are good sources of calcium. The body uses calcium to maintain strong bones and prevent osteoporosis, which can cause brittle and weak bones.

10. Pizza can help you eat more vegetables.

If you don't like eating vegetables, try putting them on your pizza. When combined with cheese, sauce and dough, vegetables can take on new life.

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