Dairy Girl Recipe from Andy Chef. Ingredients for biscuit cakes. The classic version of the "Milk Girl" cake on condensed milk with butter cream

Cooking time: 60-90 minutes.
Servings: 8-10.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: baking sheet (cake mold), bowls, parchment paper, knife, teaspoons and tablespoons, confectionery syringe, whisk and measuring cup, mixer (blender).

There are a lot of tips on the Internet for quick and hassle-free homemade baking that will serve as a great treat for guests or a children's dessert. But I reasonably assume that a cake called "Milk Girl" with sour cream or curd cream is one of the simplest in cooking. It doesn't matter if you are just starting out on the culinary path, or if you are an experienced culinary specialist. I learned how to cook this cake from my grandmother, who was famous for her ability to bake cakes of varying complexity according to her own recipe in an hour or a maximum of two. So you will not regret if you learn how to cook "Milk Girl" with sour cream or healthy curd cream with your own hands.

So here's our family-friendly recipe for this famous sweet treat, perfect for school breakfast or afternoon dessert.

Prepare a baking sheet or a cake pan, 2-3 bowls with a capacity of 500-900 ml, 2 sheets of thick parchment paper, a sharp knife, a few teaspoons and tablespoons, a pastry syringe, a whisk and a measuring cup. It is also advisable to prepare a mixer or blender, as you will have to whip your cream.

It is not necessary to always bake cakes of the same shape. Surprise your loved ones with an unusual approach to volume and arrangement by cutting out parchment molds various kinds. Roll out the cake dough on them and bake a cake that your guests will remember for a long time.

List of ingredients

Korzh universal:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 400-450 gr. condensed milk (can be boiled);
  • 200 gr. flour;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon orange or other citrus peel (to taste).

Cream sour cream:

  • 400-500 gr. sour cream with a high percentage of fat;
  • 150 gr. Sahara.

Do not risk your health - add ingredients of only the very first freshness, bought in trusted stores, to the cream. Poor quality or spoiled sour cream can cause the cream to be tasteless and harmful to digestion.

Curd cream:

  • 350 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 250 ml. fat cream;
  • 150 ml. water;
  • 150 gr. canned pineapples;
  • 50 gr. sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 1 packet (20 gr.) instant gelatin.


  • 5 pieces. cookies;
  • 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa (without a slide).

Cooking sequence


While the cake is baking, prepare the cream of your choice:

Sour Cream for Milk Girl Cake

Put the sour cream in a large bowl, pour the sugar there and beat until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

The amount of sugar can be increased or decreased depending on your taste. I advise you to taste the mixture while whipping to avoid making too sugary cream.

Curd cream for the Milk Girl cake

Usually cream for cakes like "Milk Girl" is made from sour cream or cottage cheese, but it is also possible to prepare it based on thick yogurt with a small fruit filling. In this case, your cream will become richer and more aromatic, and pastries - less fragile.

Cake assembly


The cake is almost ready! I hope you successfully turned out “Milk Girl”, since my family has successfully used the recipe for this cake with cottage cheese or sour cream for several decades. Just put it in assembled cake for 10-12 hours in the refrigerator, and then take it out of the mold and peel off the paper. You will see that the product has frozen and acquired nice shape so you can safely show your guests your culinary talent.

In addition to this classic sprinkle, you can decorate your cake with candied fruits and ready-made confectionery crumbs. If the cake is intended for a birthday person, then you can write his name on the cake using a pastry syringe and melted dark chocolate.

Video of making cake Dairy girl

Here you can see how the eggs for the dough are beaten correctly, the biscuit is kneaded and how your cream should look before spreading the cakes:

At the very end, I would like to invite you to cook another unimaginably delicious a cake prepared on the basis of the above delicacy. Just yesterday, I tried making a sweet treat with this modernized recipe. The result was quite impressive - the husband and children literally swept him off the table!

That's all. I look forward to your comments and suggestions on how to improve the cake recipe, as well as options for sprinkles and decorations.

The cake got its original name due to the fact that it contains condensed milk. Literal translation from German language the phrase "condensed milk" sounds like "milk girl". The finished cake really looks like a girl dressed in white, and is just as delicate, and the recipe provides for the presence of almost all white products.

cake ingredients

The cake is very easy to make, while the “Milk Girl” looks impeccable. A set of products according to the recipe is the most common. This is in the refrigerator in every kitchen.

So, according to the recipe, you will need 2 eggs, a can of condensed milk, a bag of baking powder for dough 15 g, 200 g of flour.

Also prepare a large bowl, a knife, a sheet of baking paper, a simple pencil, a spatula, a scraper. Do not forget a detachable cake mold, fruit knife, whisk, mixer, sieve.

The process of making cakes

Everything here is simple and accessible even to a novice hostess:

  1. On a sheet of baking paper, draw 2 circles with a diameter of about 20 cm with a pencil. To do this, circle a plate that is suitable in size with a pencil. The finished cake will have this size. Turn the sheet over so that the dough does not come into contact with the graphite of the pencil.
  2. Combine the sifted flour in a bowl with the baking powder. The recipe allows the replacement of baking powder baking soda. Quench it with vinegar or lemon juice.
  3. Beat the eggs with a fork and, stirring, gradually pour into the flour.
  4. Add condensed milk there, but not the whole jar. Leave about 2 tablespoons in it. This milk will be part of the cream. In the case of using boiled condensed milk, the cake will acquire a spicy caramel flavor.

  1. Stir the dough with a fork until smooth. Ready dough should have the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. Spoon batter into each circle. For one cake, 2 tablespoons of dough will be enough. Smooth it out well with a spoon. Then the finished cakes will be easier to assemble into a cake, and the cake itself will have a smooth surface.
  3. Carefully transfer a sheet of paper with cakes to a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven at 180º and bake for 7-8 minutes.
  4. Remove the finished cakes by carefully turning the sheet over.
  5. It can be reused by removing the remaining dough with a knife.
  6. Bake 6-7 cakes and lay them out to cool. Never stack hot cakes on top of each other. They can get stuck.

If you're not sure you can form the dough neatly on the sheet with a spoon, use the top of a springform pan. Set it on a sheet of baking paper and put the dough inside. Separate the finished cake from the mold by running a knife along its circumference, then carefully remove the mold.

In the meantime, let's get on with the cream. Consider the recipe for the Milk Girl cake with sour cream and ice cream.

sour cream

To prepare the cream, buy fresh high-fat sour cream. "Milk girl" will not use a cream of dubious quality.

When making the cream for the Milk Girl cake, you can either thicken the sour cream by separating the whey, or add gelatin to the cream. Chill sour cream first.

In the first case, beat a glass of sour cream with a glass of powdered sugar for 3-4 minutes, adding vanilla sugar. Do not overdo it, otherwise you will knock down butter instead of cream. Sour cream is a delicate product.

Pieces of berries, dried fruits, cocoa, chopped nuts or chocolate can be added to the finished cream to taste. Dried fruits must first be sorted out, washed thoroughly and dried on a napkin. Then cut into small pieces.

Berries can be introduced before whipping, then the cream will acquire a delicate shade of the color of the used berries, and the cake will turn out to be more elegant.

In the second case, prepare the cream for the cake in the same way. Then dissolve a bag of 5 g of gelatin in a small amount of cream. Use approximately 3 tablespoons. Warm up the cream with gelatin, but in no case boil them. Pour the cooled cream in a thin stream into the finished cream. Refrigerate the cream for another 15 minutes before using.

Delicate sour cream has a spicy sour taste.

If the serving of gelatin is larger, you can get soufflé instead of cream, but that's a completely different story. You cannot smear it. From a delicate soufflé, you can make an additional layer of filling for the cake.

Cream "Ice cream"

To prepare the ice cream according to the recipe, store 2 cups of milk, a glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. flour. We also need 1 tbsp. l. starch, vanilla, 150 ml heavy cream, 100 g butter.

  1. Pour half a glass of milk into a small bowl, add a tablespoon of starch, mix thoroughly.
  2. Then, while continuing to stir, add 2 tablespoons of flour, a glass of sugar, vanilla and slowly pour in the remaining milk.
  3. Put the bowl on a small fire. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a boil. The cream will become much thicker. Cool it down.
  4. While stirring, gradually add 100 g of oil to the cream.
  5. Whip 150 g of cream and add to the cream, stirring constantly.

After all the manipulations with the cream, it should turn out homogeneous. Otherwise, it must be passed through a sieve.


Korzhi were waiting for you. Let's start assembling the cake according to the recipe.

Layer the cakes with cream. It is enough to put 2 tablespoons on each cake.

  1. If you intend to decorate the cake with other sweets, do not add any sugar or powdered sugar to the cream. Otherwise, the cake will become cloying.
  2. Between the cakes, you can put pieces of fruit, pieces of soft sweets such as fudge.
  3. Cover with cream too side surface cake. Smooth it out with a spatula or scraper.
  4. There is no specific recipe for decorating the "Milk Girl" in the world. Get creative and come up with your own recipe.

  1. You can decorate the cake with whole fruits, berries and their combinations. You can cut the fruit into pieces and lay out an intricate ornament with them. Just do it just before serving the dessert. Leaking juice can ruin the presentation of your creation.
  2. For decoration, use chocolate candies assorted original form, cocoa powder, sugar figurines. For decoration, take colored caramel. Lay out a simple mosaic from it.

Using a fruit knife, make chocolate chips and sprinkle them on your product. Melted chocolate patterns will decorate the cake very much. Milk chocolate lace will turn Milk Girl into a bride.


More on the topic:

Beat the eggs a little with a whisk with condensed milk until the mass is combined.

Gradually add flour mixed with baking powder. The flour must first be carefully sifted so that the baking powder is evenly distributed and there are no lumps in the dough.

Put high quality parchment on a baking sheet! and draw a circle. I baked 2 cakes at once.

Pour batter into center of circle and spread evenly. The more evenly we distribute the dough at this stage, the more evenly we get the cakes.

Put in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees and bake for about 4-6 minutes, until the cakes acquire a pleasant light golden hue. Carefully separate the baked cakes from the parchment immediately. If the dough nevertheless went beyond it, you can carefully cut it into shape immediately after baking.
Do not throw away the rest of the dough, when baking the last batch, I just put them on parchment (I later made crumbs for decoration from them)

Here is such a stack.

Whip cream with powdered sugar until firm peaks (about 5-7 minutes). Do not overdo it so that the oil does not work)). I added 2 bags of cream thickener, but in general, the result is decent even without them.

Spread each cake with cream. If you like very well soaked cakes, you can soak each cake a little. I soaked it with water, diluted with the remnants of condensed milk on the walls of the jar, but do not overdo it too much, because. cream will also soak the cakes.

Remove excess cream, put in the refrigerator for a short time (I set it for 10 minutes)

We decorate the cake. Grind the rest of the dough that I baked on the last sheet with a blender into crumbs (or in another convenient way).

Sprinkle the sides with crumbs, decorate to taste. I decorated with Raffaello sweets cut into several pieces and marshmallows cut into several pieces. Fruits are also great for decoration.

And this is what the piece looks like. Have a nice tea party with the most delicate condensed cake.

This was in 1913. An eleven-year-old girl, a boarder at the Moscow Rzhev Gymnasium, pestered her uncle with a request to show what he had written on the medallion, which he always carried with him on his chest. The uncle took off the locket and handed it to the girl. The girl opened the lid, and there was nothing written. In addition to 5 musical lines and four notes: sol-sharp - si - f-sharp - mi. The girl hesitated for a moment, and then shouted cheerfully: “Uncle. I know what is written here. The notes on the medallion mean, “I love you.” And here comes the question. Can you imagine how this girl was taught, if she, seeing four notes, sang them to herself, and after singing, she recognized the beginning of Lensky's arioso from Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin". It turned out that this medallion is such an original declaration of love, once received by the girl's uncle as a gift from his bride before their wedding. But you think, because the girl is only 11 years old! How did they manage to teach her that? And not in a special music school and not in a music college, but in a normal Russian gymnasium, and even in the elementary grades. Q: How was this girl taught? - I have already asked, now I will ask one more question, the answer to which goes beyond reasoning about the level of education only, but concerns the questions of the gene pool. How should a boy be taught so that he will ever approach such a girl and talk to her, interest her as a worthy interlocutor, as a person, and eventually win her heart? Having trained the girl at such a level, she was, as it were, vaccinated against lack of spirituality, from that flow of primitive monotony, which I conditionally call “disco”. To this girl, if only any boy would not suit. But even if it fits, it is unlikely to find mutual understanding ... Thus, we are talking about the level of contact, the level of spiritual, cultural conformity. Consequently, teaching the girl art, music, poetry, already in the lower grades of the Russian gymnasium, educating (or, better, shaping) a spiritual need, they thought about the gene pool, about the intellectual society of the future. But did a boy exist in Russian society - a worthy partner of our little schoolgirl? Of course yes! You didn't think. why did all the officers of the tsarist army learn to play the piano? Is it really necessary for combat training? For combat, perhaps not, but for the gene pool - of course, yes !!! Think about it, what kind of image is this - an officer playing the piano? Yes, this is a symbol of male harmony - a combination of officers and music. On the one hand, an officer is a defender, a warrior, and on the other hand, a subtle interpreter of the music of Tchaikovsky and Chopin... culture and prepared a cultural explosion, similar to which, I think, the history of mankind has not yet known ... M. Kazinik “Secrets of Geniuses”

March 19, 2016 1448

Cake "Milk Girl" is a delicate, airy sweetness originally from Germany. It has the second name "Cake for lovers". Thanks to the creamy taste and the most delicate cakes, it simply melts in your mouth. The recipe is very simple, so it is easy to bake at home.

Cake "Milk girl" with ice cream

Many well-known confectioners use their own author's recipes for cake creams: with condensed milk, with creme brulee and sour cream. However, in the classical interpretation, it is made on the basis of ice cream.


  • Flour - 500 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 5 pieces;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can;
  • Cream 33% - 2 cups;
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • Powdered sugar - 200 grams.

Pour the condensed milk into a deep bowl, break the eggs and mix with a whisk. Pour the sifted flour with baking powder into this mixture in small portions.

The dough will not be thick - as it should be.

Preheat the oven to 190°C. We take parchment paper for baking, draw with a pencil the desired diameter of the cake. Put the dough in the middle with a spoon and gently level it on the paper.

We send it to the oven for 10 - 15 minutes (readiness is determined by the golden color of the cake). We take out the cake and immediately, while it is hot, disconnect it from the parchment. If it cools down, it will be very difficult to do this. We bake all the cakes in the same way.

While they are cooling, make cream. Take the cream out of the refrigerator. Their fat content must be at least 33%, otherwise it will be almost impossible to beat them. We combine them with powdered sugar, vanilla and beat with a blender or mixer into airy foam.

Abundantly, without sparing, smear the cakes with ice cream and leave to soak for 6 - 7 hours.

Cake recipe "Milk girl" for mastic with sour cream

Cake "Milk Girl" - great option For children's holiday. Due to the fact that it holds its shape well, it is easy to decorate it with your favorite mastic characters, which is important for little sweet teeth.


  • Flour - 500 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 5 pieces;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • Marshmallow sweets - 1 pack (400 grams);
  • Powdered sugar - 1 kilogram;
  • Sour cream - 500 milliliters;
  • Baking powder - 1 pack;
  • Corn starch - 100 grams;
  • Chocolate bar - 1 piece;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can.

Put marshmallows in a deep bowl, put in the microwave for 1 minute to melt them. Get a viscous homogeneous mass.

We begin to add powdered sugar to it in small portions and knead with a spoon. As soon as the mass begins to peel off the walls of the bowl, we shift it to a flat surface, crushed with starch.

We continue to knead, adding powder and starch. The mastic should turn out plastic and soft, not stick to the surface. We wrap it in a plastic bag and send it to the refrigerator.

In a separate container, combine condensed milk and eggs, mix and gradually add the sifted flour with baking powder. You will get a liquid dough.

We take parchment paper, put three to four tablespoons of dough in the middle, level it into a circle of the desired diameter and put it in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes at a temperature of 190 ° C. Thus, we bake all the cakes.

Beat cold sour cream with 300 grams of powdered sugar and vanilla. The cream should be thick and airy.

In a bowl, put the butter and the chocolate bar broken into pieces, set to melt in a water bath. As soon as the mass has become homogeneous, remove from heat and leave to cool.

Spread generously with sour cream. Coat the top and sides with cooled ganache. Put the cake in the freezer for 30 minutes.

We take out the mastic from the refrigerator, let it lie down until it warms up and becomes plastic. Sprinkle the table with powder and begin to roll out the mastic with a rolling pin.

The layer should turn out to be not very thin, 5 - 6 millimeters thick. We take out the cooled cake and dipped in warm water with our hands we level its surface, smoothing out all the roughness.

We wind the mastic on a rolling pin and gently cover the cake with it, immediately smoothing and removing bumps and folds. We put the cake in the refrigerator. From the remaining mastic, you can mold characters and put them on top of the cake.

Sweetness that came to us from Asia - and recommendations on how to make it.

Delicious Raffaello cake, read how to cook, try and enjoy this unearthly taste!

Cake "Ryzhik", a recipe familiar from childhood with step by step photos and several cooking variations, you will find.

  • For the preparation of ice cream, it is recommended to take exclusively fresh cream, otherwise they will not whip.
  • Take homemade sour cream - it is thicker, and the fat content is higher, this will make the cream thick and tender.
  • If during the preparation of the mastic it began to crumble, add 1 tablespoon of natural honey or vegetable oil.
  • To prepare colored mastic, use food coloring, make it a day before use, so that it ages in the refrigerator.

Thank you for your attention and bon appetit to you, your loved ones and everyone who will be honored to taste the cake you have prepared!

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