Your secret adviser magazine to read online. The first issue of the historical magazine “Your Privy Councilor. - What is this need?

On June 24, the first issue of the historical magazine “Vash Privy Councilor". According to its editor-in-chief Andrey Konstantinov, today the readership has a great demand for such publications.

On June 26, the presentation of the first issue of the historical magazine “Your Privy Councilor” took place in the conference hall of the Agency for Journalistic Investigations. Petersburgers are well aware of the newspaper of the same name, the publication of which, however, was suspended by AJUR in January 2011. The initial circulation of the publication will be 10,000 copies per month, but it is planned to increase it in the future. The magazine will be sold for a fee, the price will be set by the distributors themselves.

In introductory remarks Chief Editor Andrey Konstantinov presented the magazine as a popular-historical one: “Popular, in the sense of popularizing history, is an attempt to speak plain language about what is important, dear, significant to all of us. It seems to me that today there is a great need for such a publication, and perhaps even publications. First, it is a historical trend. Historical magazines are popular in Austria, Poland, Germany, France. We are a little, maybe even late with this matter.

As a good example of such projects, Konstantinov cited the Ekho Moskvy magazine Diletant as an example, emphasizing that the working field of publications is so wide that there is no question of competition: “Everyone knows the Diletant magazine published by Ekho Moskvy. Our brainchild - this one is not a competitor to "Amateur". We decided to focus on our city. We decided to make the founding of the city the theme of the first issue, and we are well aware that with the periodicity of publishing the magazine once a month, we could talk about only one founding of St. Petersburg for a whole year.

“There will definitely be reviews in the magazine, advice on what books about the history of the city to read and what films to watch,” added Maxim Kuzakhmetov, project manager.

The permanent sections of the magazine will be "Bridges", "Interfaith Petersburg", "Fates" (this section will tell about famous people, and about the fate of ordinary people, which, according to Kuzakhmetov, slightly open a window into the era when a person lived). Based on the journal materials, the project management plans to publish a book in a few years.

The theme of the second issue will be the fleet, the third one will be devoted - for the upcoming elections - to the history of the mayors of St. Petersburg. According to the editor-in-chief, the creators intend to experiment with the first two issues. Among the authors of "Your Privy Councilor" are Gleb Stashkov, Daniil Kotsyubinsky, Igor Shusharin.

While printed publications in Russia are closing one after another, a new one appears in the Northern capital. The popular historical magazine "Your Privy Councilor" is a 100-page glossy magazine about St. Petersburg. On its pages - historical investigations, infographics, romantic stories, the life of bridges and buildings. "Fontanka" visited the presentation of the magazine.

While printed publications in Russia are closing one after another, a new one appears in the Northern capital. The popular historical magazine "Your Privy Councilor" is a 100-page glossy about St. Petersburg. On its pages - historical investigations, infographics, romantic stories, the life of bridges and buildings. "Fontanka" visited the presentation of the magazine.

A new magazine appeared in St. Petersburg. However, there is no news in it, but there is old age. A popular magazine about the history of St. Petersburg was presented the day before by journalist and writer Andrei Konstantinov.

The historical format is popular all over the world, Konstantinov noted. “In Germany and France there are 6 or 8 such magazines, and in the USA several publications write only about the history of the war between the North and the South. These magazines are in demand.

According to the head of the project Maxim Kuzakhmetov, in the Czech Republic there are about a dozen historical magazines about antiquity, the Middle Ages, the First World War and other large-scale milestones. The journals about history that exist in St. Petersburg are more aimed at scientific community. “There is, for example, the Gangut magazine, it contains everything about navy, a number dedicated to the armor protection of ships may come out. Or there is a magazine "Warrior". On its pages you can find a long article about the uniform of a regiment, how it has changed over 20 years. All this is not very popular, it is important for scientists to rummage through the shards - ordinary people I need a picture."

As the publishers of Your Privy Counsel say, the public has always been insanely interested in spreads in National Geographic or Around the World, for example, about the death of Pompeii, with drawings and infographics. The only specialized magazine in Russia that writes in detail and interestingly about history is the Moscow Diletant. Now another one has appeared in St. Petersburg - "Privy Councillor".

Perhaps the interest of readers can be explained by the fact that popular historical journals talk about what is dear and familiar - about native history, says Andrey Konstantinov. This is the task that the publishers have set themselves, and among their goals they see the popularization of history among the townspeople.

The first issue of "Your Privy Councilor" was published at the end of June, its theme was the founding of St. Petersburg. It contains materials about the history of the city's name, infographics and detailed description Bronze Horseman, map Northern war and the appearance of an officer of the Russian army in 1700, and also to find out what color and when the Hermitage was. There is also a "women's" story in the test issue: about the life and execution of Maria Hamilton, the mistress of Peter I. According to Maxim Kuzakhmetov, in each next issue there will be a similar story, one might say, for women - about love.

Ilya Trusov

Journalists are already preparing the August issue, in which they will write about Russian fleet. Next to the story about the great sailor princes, it will contain a story about the mistress of General Kolchak.

In the September issue, they want to touch on a topic that is relevant in connection with the gubernatorial elections - the city government (who ruled St. Petersburg, who elected and who was elected, they will touch on the topic of corruption and tell why there were traffic jams on the improperly designed Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt a century ago).

The publishers nevertheless call the first issues an experiment, and the image of the magazine is still being formed. For example, headings are planned about the fate of city residents - ordinary and prominent people, they will tell about St. Petersburg bridges on the pages of the magazine, historical investigations, discussions and simply entertaining facts, reviews and tips for reading historical books are planned.

The publishers of the magazine are planning to take part of the materials from the newspaper “Your Privy Councilor”, and it was its name that the magazine inherited. “Over the years, a lot of materials have accumulated in the archives, these are stories of brutal murders, and memories of the Great Patriotic war", - added the head of the Agency for Journalistic Investigations. Konstantinov promised to touch on the topic of revolutions: how many were there in St. Petersburg? What were palace coups? “Themes are not dictated to us from the Kremlin and Smolny. As they say, where we want, we cackle there, ”he noted.

However, the Smolny has already become interested in the historical magazine. “I told the governor, right in front of me he began to enthusiastically leaf through the publication,” the writer said.

Advertisers also saw the prospect in the new monthly: already on the pages of the first issue you can find ads, which is rare for a newborn media. Despite the small print run (10,000 copies), it is already being sold out. “Only yesterday I saw it at a kiosk, I thought about buying it, but I was embarrassed, I’m going back - but not anymore,” Konstantinov shared with reporters.

On the cover of the magazine there is a free price, but in the kiosks "Your Privy Councilor" can be found for about 100 rubles. While the publication is not presented on the Internet, AZhUR has not yet decided how to monetize the magazine's website. However, in addition to the monthly itself, the journalists are planning several other projects: for example, after a series of publications, publish books - "100 Bridges of St. Petersburg", "Confessions of St. Petersburg" and so on. There are also more ambitious ideas, for example, to cooperate with reenactment clubs. Project manager Maxim Kuzakhmetov did not rule out that "Your Privy Councilor" could become the organizer of a large historical festival.

The first glossy magazine about history appeared in the Northern capital

The glossy illustrated historical magazine Your Privy Councilor began to appear in St. Petersburg. As conceived by the creators, it is designed to expose the myths about our city and reveal the mysteries of its past. Many secrets of history "Your secret adviser" will reveal on the basis of reliable sources - but in plain language. "MK" in St. Petersburg "talked with the editor-in-chief of the new edition famous writer and journalist Andrei Konstantinov.

Bandits were replaced by ignoramuses

- Andrey Dmitrievich, a few years ago you published the newspaper "Your Privy Councilor" - with criminal investigations. Now it has been revived, but in the format of a historical gloss. What is it connected with?

- The last "Privy Councilor" met the requirements of the time. In those years, 20 murders were committed in the city and serious crimes per day, so the newspaper had a criminal-investigative focus. But now the city has changed, the reader has changed. Organized crime groups have gone into the shadows, the bandits have legalized. The investigations and the criminal component of that closed newspaper were revived in the tab “Privy Councilor” in the newspaper “Petersburg Diary”. And as a full-fledged publication today, St. Petersburg needs a historical journal more.

- What is this need?

“History is now poorly known in our country, and I had many opportunities to verify this. When an excellent student of St. Petersburg State University, a girl who studied for all the “five”, to the question: “Who is Bismarck”, after a moment of confusion, said that he was “a philosopher, he lives in Portugal”, I felt terrible. And this girl now, by the way, occupies a high position on the federal television channel. Another journalism graduate stated at the exam that she did not know who Saltykov-Shchedrin was ... And I do not invent, honestly. Even representatives of the authorities are horrified by their denseness. I was a witness when, in response to the question of one federal official: “In honor of whom is the Peter and Paul Cathedral? - another major federal official replied: "Maybe in honor of the Swedes ..." Of course, we will not replace schools and universities, but interesting magazine can push a person to self-development, self-education.

Exposing the imposed myths

“Let’s leave the dumb bureaucrats alone. And why would a citizen who knows history more or less be interested in the magazine?

- You do not even suspect how many myths you live in captivity. You see, ordinary people who have not chosen history as their life's work get interpretations of facts ... And now in the world, in fact, there is a global competition of historical interpretations, political decisions depend on them ... Russia, for example, is constantly being imposed a sense of guilt for past. Our magazine, among other things, debunks these myths, understands documents, lays out facts - and all this in an accessible language, in interesting form with vivid illustrations. Roughly speaking, we are not going to lead our reader by the nose. We lay out the facts - and let him figure out who is right.

But in our country it often happens that a myth is imposed - and then it is difficult to get rid of it. For example, the following interpretation has taken root among the people: "Petersburg stands on the bones." They say that during the construction of the city, tortured by terrible work, from 100 to 130 thousand people lay down in the ground, of which 30 thousand were captured Swedes. In the first issue of our magazine, we explain where these numbers come from. Our author investigated how such a myth was formed, and found out that it was taken exclusively from foreign sources, which were not clear on what they were based. And according to official documents, comparisons of mortality data of that time, lists of workers, and so on, it turns out that the death toll during the construction of St. Petersburg cannot exceed 20 thousand people. But the myth of more than 100 thousand took root! Also, at one time, St. Petersburg was given the title of “criminal capital”. This is also absolute nonsense, which is easy to expose the facts. Or, for example, do you know how old Petersburg really is?

- How many?

“Usually cities take credit for more years than they actually have. But Petersburg, on the contrary, is getting younger. Here in the first issue of the magazine you can just read about it - find out what was on the site of St. Petersburg before the arrival of Peter and how old the city really is.

Who and why repainted the Winter

- I was already leafing through the first issue and was surprised to find images in it Winter Palace different colors: from yellow to brown ...

- And what new, for example, can you learn about Peter? It would seem that everyone knows about him ...

- In the first issue you will find, for example, a fascinating story of the relationship between Peter and his mistress Hamilton, a Petersburger of Scottish origin, who, on his own orders, was beheaded. The story may be known to many, but how it is written by the author! You won't be disappointed, this is a true historical story. How Peter, after the execution, raised the head of his mistress, kissed her dead lips and began to show those present how the vessels were arranged ... And he executed her because Maria Hamilton cheated on him with his own batman. She regularly drowned in the cesspool the children she gave birth to, but Peter suspected that among them could be his children ... They asked for a woman, but Peter did not forgive her.

The life story of the first Governor-General of St. Petersburg Alexander Danilovich Menshikov will also be instructive. He rose from the bottom, handed out pies as a boy, and became the most illustrious prince, ended his days in the provincial Berezovo and at the end of his life he dug his own grave, sadly looking at his children and saying: "You will perish, you are not used to hard work." A very interesting person. It was he who first came up with the idea of ​​keeping stolen money in foreign banks - after him, up to 10 million rubles remained in the banks of Amsterdam and Copenhagen ... By the way, we will completely devote the future September issue to the governors of St. Petersburg, the organization of power in the city. On the eve of the elections, it will be interesting to look at what power was like in past centuries. Many do not know that governors-general in the past performed rather police functions and did not look at all like modern city governors.

- The whole team is people with a historical education, but something else is important - they are professionals who are passionate about their work. Enlightenment is a good mission, but the most important thing is that we ourselves are interested in doing it, we really love what we do. There are many such magazines in Germany, France, Poland, and the USA. In America, for example, 6 magazines are regularly published, dedicated to only one event - civil war North and South. Historical magazines are in demand all over the world, but for some reason they are not published in our country... There is "Dilettante", which is made by Alexei Venediktov, but it is dedicated to world history. Petersburg is full of historical secrets and mysteries. And we would like to tell the readers of The Privy Councilor in a bright and colorful way about them.

The first issue of the historical magazine "Your Privy Councilor". Petersburgers are well aware of the newspaper of the same name, the publication of which, however, was suspended by AJUR in January 2011. The initial circulation of the publication will be 10,000 copies per month, but it is planned to increase it in the future. The magazine will be sold for a fee, the price will be set by the distributors themselves.

In his opening remarks, the editor-in-chief Andrey Konstantinov presented the magazine as a popular-historical one: “Popular, in the sense of popularizing history, is an attempt to speak in simple terms about what is important, dear, and significant to all of us. It seems to me that today there is a great need for such a publication, and perhaps even publications. First, it is a historical trend. Historical magazines are popular in Austria, Poland, Germany, France. We are a little, maybe even late with this matter.

Cover of the first issue

As a good example of such projects, Konstantinov cited the Diletant magazine Ekho Moskvy as an example, emphasizing that the working field of publications is so wide that there is no question of competition: “Everyone knows the Diletant magazine, which is published by Ekho Moskvy. Our brainchild - this one is not a competitor to "Amateur". We decided to focus on our city. We decided to make the founding of the city the theme of the first issue, and we are well aware that with the periodicity of publishing the magazine once a month, we could talk about only one founding of St. Petersburg for a whole year.

“There will definitely be reviews in the magazine, advice on what books about the history of the city to read and what films to watch,” added Maxim Kuzakhmetov, project manager.

The permanent headings of the magazine will be "Bridges", "Interfaith Petersburg", "Fates" (this heading will tell about famous people and the fate of ordinary people, who, according to Kuzakhmetov, open a window into the era when a person lived). Based on the journal materials, the project management plans to publish a book in a few years.

The theme of the second issue will be the fleet, the third one will be dedicated to the upcoming elections - the history of the mayors of St. Petersburg. According to the editor-in-chief, the creators intend to experiment with the first two issues. Among the authors of "Your Privy Councilor" are Gleb Stashkov, Daniil Kotsyubinsky, Igor Shusharin.

“We believe that we should not start with the most difficult. Because not everything is going well in this sense in the country and in the city, not only in terms of understanding history, but even in terms of knowledge. If we ignore serious conversations, we know and understand that you can always just try to enrich people with knowledge and understanding about your city using some tasty, beautiful, colorful, not very complicated examples,” Konstantinov outlined the main goal of the publication, noting that, in addition to the educational task, the authors of the project are also doing this for their own pleasure: “In general, you cannot be a normal journalist or a normal official without basic knowledge of history and literature,” he explained.

The project, according to Konstantinov, is quite profitable and is able to reach self-sufficiency soon enough: “If we weren’t sure that without grants we wouldn’t at least bring the magazine to zero, we would not engage in such charity. I hope that we will reach profitability by winter.” However, the management of AZHUR does not rule out the possibility of financial assistance from the city and intends to apply for government grants next year. It is worth noting that this year AZhUR's projects made up a significant part of the list of those who will receive Smolninsk subsidies.

In addition, the publication will also exist due to advertising revenue: “Print is going through not the most better times- said Konstantinov. - Advertising falls in print editions quite strongly. And solid advertisers have shown great interest in this edition. This means that serious business feels the need for such publications.”

Two "Privy Councilors" for one city

Note that today there is another edition with a similar name. On September 13, 2014, the issue of the newspaper "Privy Councilor" was published as an appendix to the Smolninsk publication "Petersburg Diary".

“It's just a rubric,” explained the head of AZHUR. - They (the editors of the "Petersburg Diary", - approx. Lenizdat.Ru) wanted to give popularity to their publication in this way. We are not the owners there, but rather we do work to order. And we re-registered the newspaper “Your Privy Councilor” as a historical journal.” Konstantinov added that the editorial board intends to actively use the newspaper's archive.

Recall that the newspaper "Your Privy Councilor" has been published by the "Agency for Journalistic Investigations" since 1999. Initially, the publication was conceived as a monthly, then it began to be published once a week. IN different time the newspaper was headed by the current editor-in-chief of the magazine "City 812" Sergey Baluev, deputy general director of AZHUR Galina Leontieva. The last person to manage the publication was the current editor of MK in St. Petersburg, Vladlen Chertinov. In 2011, the publication of the newspaper "Your Privy Councilor" was suspended, but in the early summer of 2013, the management of AJUR announced its plans to revive the newspaper.

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