Interesting shapes of skyscrapers. The most unusual skyscrapers in the world. Genex Tower in Belgrade, Serbia

Tanned skin has a lot of positive aspects. The skin from pale takes on a pleasant shade. Also, a tan can hide imperfections on the skin in the form of pimples, making it smoother, livelier and more attractive. You can sunbathe not only on the beach, but also on the balcony, in the country house and in the solarium. And you need to do this, observing certain rules.

The main thing in the article

Why does someone tan faster, and someone hardly tans?

Each person tolerates sunbathing differently. It depends on the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light. The ability to sunbathe faster or slower appeared as a result of people living in different climatic zones.

For example, residents of the North and South Africa, China and the Mediterranean have the ability to quickly sunbathe in the warm season, but then lose their tan at the same speed. After all, in winter, dark skin will not allow the body to produce vitamin D, and in summer, light skin will not be able to protect folic acid from decay.

Melanin– a pigment that turns skin cells dark, reducing harmful effects solar radiation on the body.

  • Dark-skinned and swarthy are protected from birth. They tan well and do not burn.
  • The rest develop this protection gradually, being exposed to modest doses of radiation for about three days. The result of developing gradual protection is called sunburn.
  • Red-haired and white-skinned people most often do not sunbathe, but burn. This is due to the fact that a significant part of their melanin is pheomelanin, which is responsible for the red "color" and pale skin, making it vulnerable to sunlight, accelerating tanning.

Which skin tans faster and what factors affect tanning?

There are 6 phototypes that tan differently:

  1. Celtic
  2. European (Scandinavian)
  3. Dark European (Mixed)
  4. Mediterranean
  5. Indonesian
  6. African American.

Factors affecting sunburn:

  1. Time. Don't play with the sun. If you don’t want to get burned, sunbathe before 10 am and after 6 pm.
  2. Water. Enhances the effect of sunlight. If you burn quickly, then spend less time near the water.
  3. Nutrition. There are certain foods that stimulate the production of melanin to protect the skin. Eat foods containing beta-carotene: carrots, watermelons, melons, apricots.
  4. Leather. Don't bathe with soap or shower gel before you go sunbathing. The soap components will dry out the skin, depriving it of a protective fatty coating and making it more sensitive to the sun's rays.

How to quickly, beautifully and evenly tan in the sun?

  1. Prepare your skin. Cleanse it from already dead cells with a scrub. After cleaning on such skin, the tan will lie evenly and last for a long time. Also drink a multivitamin complex to improve the skin.
  2. Under sunlight, the amount of vitamin C in the body is significantly reduced. Replenish your vitamin supply by eating certain fruits and vegetables.
  3. Sunbathe before 10 and after 17 hours.
  4. Sunbathe, gradually increasing the time spent in the sun.
  5. Do not expose moles to the sun.
  6. Protect yourself from burns with a special gel or cream.

How to properly and quickly get a tan on the beach at sea?

  1. Sunbathe at the right time when the sun is not so aggressive. Refrain from sunbathing at noon.
  2. Start sunbathing gradually. To begin with, five minutes will be enough, then it is worth going into the shadows. Gradually increase the time. Total time for tanning should not exceed 50 minutes.
  3. When tanning, change position more often. This must be done every 4 minutes.
  4. On the beach, take a position in which the sun will shine on your feet. Thanks to this position, the sun's rays will fall along the entire body and the tan will be distributed evenly. The head should be raised to expose the neck to the sun's rays and protect the eyes from bright light.
  5. Swim in the sea every 20 minutes.
  6. Sunbathing, do not wear Sunglasses- there will be white circles around the eyes.
  7. Sea water attracts rays more strongly than pool water. Consequently, the sea tan will take faster.
  8. Don't forget sunscreen.
  9. To get the perfect tan, you should spend on the beach from two weeks to a month.

How to quickly tan in a solarium without cream?

Without cream, you will tan in the solarium as quickly as with it. The difference will be only in the freshness of the skin, because the cream does not allow it to dehydrate. Peeling and irritation may appear on the skin caused by the active operation of the lamps. Therefore, it is worth taking care of moisturizing the skin before taking ultraviolet rays.

In which solarium can you get a tan faster?

You can get a tan faster in a vertical solarium, or by combining vertical and horizontal. Also, a tan will appear faster in a solarium with new lamps.

How to go to the solarium to tan faster?

  • Visit the solarium regularly, as the tan "extracted" in the solarium is washed off faster.
  • Choose a vertical solarium, so you will achieve results faster.
  • Use special cosmetics for tanning. Bronzing creams will help you tan quickly enough.
  • Remember that the face tans faster than the body. Cover it with a towel.
  • Opt for a solarium with new lamps.
  • Sunbathe in cotton strings and make sure the lines match your tan before each visit.
  • Protect moles and tattoos by applying oily tanning lipstick.

How to quickly tan in the country or in the garden?

  • For an even tan, you need to work in a bathing suit in the country. T-shirts and shorts cover part of the arms and legs, so refrain from such clothing.
  • Don't forget to take a shower. After working in the garden, the body sweats, and sweat should be disposed of so as not to cause irritation.
  • Working in the garden, you are on the move. That's what you need for an even tan. But do not forget to periodically turn around so that the rays cover you both in front and behind.
  • If the skin burns quickly, apply sunscreen.
  • Arrange yourself a shade from a large beach umbrella or stretched awning.

How to quickly get a tan on the balcony?

  • Go out on the balcony to sunbathe before 11 or after 17 hours. And choose the moment when the sun turns towards your balcony and directs you maximum amount rays.
  • If possible, sunbathe lying down. But, most likely, you will have to sunbathe while standing, so that the rays cover you to the maximum.
  • Do not sunbathe through the glass - you will only heat up the body.
  • Don't forget sunscreen to help prevent sunburn.

How to quickly tan white skin?

  1. Before sunbathing under the sun, visit the solarium.
  2. Choose your sunscreen.
  3. 30 minutes in the sun will be enough for you. Next, move into the shadows.
  4. Don't stay in one position, move.
  5. If you have fair skin, stay away from water.
  6. Start sunbathing on your back, changing position every 10 minutes.
  7. White-skinned people need more than a week at least to acquire a beautiful tan. Be patient. Still, it's better to wait than to get burned.

How to quickly tan and not burn in the sun?

  • Use glasses and a hat to keep your face from burning.
  • Avoid dehydration.
  • Use sunscreen.
  • Sunbathe by the water, but don't forget to wipe the drops of water off your skin after swimming.
  • When sunbathing, roll over after a certain period of time, preferably after 10 minutes. So the tan will turn out uniform, and the possibility of burning is minimized.
  • Do not go out in the sun during the hours when it is especially aggressive and there is a possibility of sunburn.

What can I do to make my face tan faster?

  • On the day when you go to sunbathe, do not clean your face. This can further provoke an uneven tan.
  • In order for your face to tan faster, use a cream with high protection SPF.
  • Pay special attention to the forehead, cheekbones and nose, as they burn faster - apply sunscreen.
  • Sunbathe in profile - so you can avoid burning problem areas.
  • If your skin is oily or has acne, sunbathe every other day.
  • After tanning, rinse off the cream and moisturize your skin.

How to make your legs tan faster?

In order for the legs to tan quickly and evenly with the whole body, you need:

  • Expose your feet to the sun more often. If your body is tanned, and your legs are lagging behind, lie down in the shade, and expose your legs to the sun. Just control the residence time so that the result does not turn out the opposite.
  • Do not dry your feet after bathing. Drops of water will attract more rays of the sun.
  • Soak your feet in Brazilian oil or walnut.
  • In the evening, before going to the beach, do a foot peeling. For peeling, use sea ​​salt or coffee grounds.

Why do you tan faster in water?

Water has the ability to reflect the rays of the sun, enhancing their effect on human skin.

  • If you want a beautiful tan, then do not sunbathe at the water's edge - you risk getting burned.
  • It is also not recommended to dry in the sun after leaving the water, it is better to dry yourself with a towel.
  • Small drops of water left on the skin after leaving the reservoir, together with the sun, will act as lenses.

If you don't want to burn yourself quickly in the sun, refrain from drying naturally and use a towel.

What to put on to tan faster in the sun: TOP of the best tanning products

  • Suntan oil. Such oils are absorbed quickly and flawlessly lie on the skin. This remedy will help you achieve a beautiful skin tone while moisturizing it. Firms: Clarins, Nivea, Lancaster.
  • Tan enhancer. This tool is applied during tanning, making it more beautiful and keeping it for a long time. If you apply a tan booster to your skin after a shower, it will help to fix the beautiful color. Firms: Garnier, Eveline.
  • Sunburn prolongator. It is applied to the skin in the evening after a shower in order to maintain a tan for a long time. Apply to dry and clean skin. Firms: L'Oreal Paris, Lancaster.
  • Sun activator. At the same time protects from the sun's rays and enhances the tan. Firms: Nivea, Estel, Biocon.

How to quickly tan in the sun: folk remedies

  1. Eat foods that stimulate the body's production of melanin. Before going to the beach, make yourself a glass of carrot juice, eat two nuts, a handful of apricots, or apply coffee oil to your skin.
  2. Apply beer to your skin and tan. Often it is this drink that people take with them on vacation, so it is the most handy folk remedy for a beautiful tan.
  3. The coffee mask will help the skin acquire a darker tone. Pour half a tablespoon of instant coffee with boiling water until gruel is obtained. Apply the mask to your skin.
  4. To get an even tan, wash your face with a decoction of chamomile and string.
  5. Mix olive oil and lemon juice, smear yourself with this mixture and go sunbathing.

  • Sunbathe near a pond.
  • Use sunscreen.
  • Constantly change position if you sunbathe lying down. It is even better to spend time actively, in motion, then the tan will fall evenly.
  • Sunbathe according to the Goltis scheme. Do not sunbathe from 12 to 15 hours, swim in the shade or very little and quickly. It is necessary to sunbathe in cycles, for one and a half minutes they sunbathe first in front, then back. Then, for a minute, substitute the right and left sides alternately for the sun. Go into the shadows for three minutes. Further, the time increases, according to the scheme.

Do not forget that there are also contraindications to tanning. If you have many moles on your body or have skin diseases, then consult your doctor before sunbathing. Taking a tan, do not harm yourself and your skin. Wear a hat to avoid sunstroke, moisturize your skin, use sunscreen. Following the advice, decorate your skin with a chic tan without harm to the body and to your own joy.

Now it is very fashionable to be tanned. How to properly and quickly tan in the sun so that tanning is beneficial for the body, and not harmful. Sunbathing has a beneficial effect on the body.

It is in the sun that vitamin D is formed. It is especially necessary in childhood. And children need up to one year, when the child's skeleton is formed and grows.

With a lack of this vitamin, rickets develops. With this pathology, deformation of the bones occurs. well-known rules, which are nevertheless not out of place to repeat once again in the season.

Everyone knows how to properly and quickly tan in the sun, but sunburn, thermal shocks, as a result, an increase in temperature, spoiled vacation are found all the time.

How to sunbathe

To get a beautiful and uniform tan, you need to sunbathe properly. And lying in the sun, especially in the very sun, will not lead to anything good. In addition to sunburn, sunstroke and a severe headache, you will not get anything pleasant.

For your information

Sunbathing is best at a less inactive time for solar radiation. In the morning, the most useful and safe tan, until eleven o'clock. In the evening after four o'clock in the afternoon.

The most active and harmful to health is the sun from 11 am to 4 pm. Sunbathing during these hours can cause burns and other unpleasant consequences for the body. Sunbathing at the peak of the activity of the sun, you can get such a terrible disease. like skin cancer.

There is evidence that some blood diseases can occur with prolonged exposure to the active sun. Its rays do not always have a beneficial effect on the body.

  1. To tan evenly and beautifully, you need, first of all, some time. It is necessary to sunbathe gradually, and not strive to get a beautiful tan in one day.
  2. To start sunbathing under the open sun, you first need to be on it for only 10-15 minutes. And only in those hours that are good for health. Gradually, the tanning time should be increased every day by an average of 5-10 minutes. Longer than two hours to be in the open sun is not recommended.
  3. Do not lie in the sun in one position for a long time. After lying on your back for five to ten minutes, you need to roll over forward. Then go for a dip in the water, leaving the water you need to stand to dry slightly, and not immediately fall on the sand.

If you follow the above rules, then the tan will be even and beautiful.

Advice after

A tan sticks better when you're on the move, rather than lying in a bed sweating on the hot sand.

A faster and more even tan will cover your skin if you are very close to or directly in the water.

  • When sunbathing, you need to protect your hair, eyes, head from direct exposure to the sun. At direct hit sun on your head can get sunstroke. Therefore, it is desirable that a light-colored headdress be worn on the head.
  • When your hair dries out in the sun, it will become dry and brittle. This suggests that it is better to protect them by wearing a panama on their heads.
  • Sunglasses should be worn on the eyes, they prevent sunlight from reaching the mucous membrane of the eye, and prevent burns of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Before you start tanning, you need to know if you have any contraindications to it.


Contraindications are various oncological diseases, the presence of numerous moles on the body.

It is not advisable to sunbathe for pregnant women and people with some chronic diseases. Before you decide to tan to black, consult your doctor. This can save you a lot big problems. Sometimes the tan comes out sideways. Alas!

The summer sun is deceptive - it warms gently, but burns strongly.

Contraindications for tanning

Before you decide to sunbathe, make sure that exposure to bright rays will not harm your health.

Tanning contraindications:

  1. People of the Celtic phototype- blondes and redheads with fair skin. The skin of such people produces little melanin (the pigment responsible for tanning). the main task melanin - protect the deep layers of the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Its small amount provokes the development of melanoma (skin cancer).
  2. Children under 5 years old and adults over 60 years old, pregnant and lactating women. You don't have to completely exclude the sun. It is enough to limit exposure to direct sunlight to reduce the risk of heat and sunstroke. Pregnant women should not sunbathe early and later dates, since an increase in body temperature can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.
  3. People with individual contraindications for medical reasons. These include malignant and benign tumors, female diseases (fibroids, erosions), acute tuberculosis, hypertension, skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis), thyroid disorders, diabetes, infectious (mononucleosis, chicken pox, hepatitis), neuropsychiatric diseases, fever.

By ignoring the above diagnoses, you risk aggravating your health condition.

With tuberculosis in the active phase, the risk of spreading the infection increases.

After suffering mononucleosis, it is better to refrain from ultraviolet rays for 8 months.

After chickenpox, age spots appear.

How not to get sunburned

  • Before going out in the sun for the first time, prepare your skin for ultraviolet radiation by visiting the solarium several times.
  • Control your time in the sun. Limit this period to 6-10 minutes. Change positions often. Do not stay in the open sun for more than an hour.
  • Protect your eyes and hair from UV rays with goggles and a hat.
  • Do not use deodorants and perfumes on the beach. Substances in them cause photodermatosis and increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun.
  • Drink more water! During tanning, a person loses a lot of moisture.
  • Dry off with a towel after swimming. Water droplets focus the sun's rays and can cause burns.
  • enjoy sunscreens and lotions.

By following these rules, you will get a golden and even tan, while maintaining good health.

Facial protection before and after tanning

Pay special attention to the face before and after tanning. Apply a protective cream before going out, and when you return, wash it off and apply a layer of moisturizing milk or lotion. Do not get carried away with tanning the skin on your face. In this place, it is more prone to burns.

How to choose sunscreen

Sunscreens are labeled with SPF. It is marked with points from 2 to 50. The number shows the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation - the higher, the better the protection.

On average, a white-skinned person can stay in the sun for 15 minutes without getting burned, and the SPF index shows how many times longer you can stay in the sun without reddening your skin. For example, by applying a product with SPF10, you can enjoy the sun 10 times more.

Celtic type people will need SPF50+ for sun protection, Nordic type SPF 35 to 50, Dark European type SPF 25 to 35, Mediterranean type SPF 15 to 25, Indonesian and African American types can do without them altogether.

All people tan differently. For some, 5 minutes is enough, and for some, a 1.5-hour stay in the sun will not do any harm. You can get an even tan by following the recommendations for your skin type. In total there are 6 main phototypes:

  • Celtic type. These are people with blond or red hair. They have pale skin, rich in freckles and moles, light eyes. They cannot sunbathe in direct sunlight. 5 minutes and instead of a tan, red skin with blisters appears. If you consider yourself this type stay sunbathing in the shade. Use sunscreen with high level protection.
  • Nordic type. These are people with fair skin, few moles, freckles are rare, light or brown eyes, light brown or chestnut hair. They burn easily in the sun, but over time, the skin acquires a golden hue. Sunbathing with fair skin should be done with caution. In the early days, use products with a high degree UV protection. With them, the skin will get used to and get an even tan. Limit sun exposure to 10-15 minutes.
  • Dark European type. People with fair skin, brown or light eyes, brown or dark hair. They tan easily but can burn. Do not stay in the active sun for more than half an hour.
  • Mediterranean type. People with olive skin, dark eyes and dark hair. Such tan lies evenly and beautifully, they do not burn. Can be in the sun up to 2 hours.
  • Indonesian type. Dark brown skin, dark hair and eyes. There is no restriction on sun exposure.
  • African American type. People with dark skin, hair and eyes. In representatives of the Negroid race, the skin is deeply pigmented and does not need additional protection.

With the onset of hot sunny days many women think about how to quickly tan. This is not surprising, because an even bronze tan makes the skin incredibly beautiful. Many believe that the more time they spend on the beach, the faster they will tan. But that's not the case at all. You can get a tan in a short period of time only by following some rules and using special tools.

How to quickly get a tan in the summer?

In order to get a tan in the summer as quickly as possible, it is necessary to take baths only near water bodies: seas, rivers, lakes. This is due to the fact that the water surface has the ability to reflect UV rays, which greatly enhances their effect. But is that really all you can do to tan faster? No! Those who want to achieve a bronze skin tone should also:

  1. Actively spend time - swim a lot, run kites, play volleyball or engage in other beach views sports.
  2. Take between 8 am and 11 am and between 3 pm and 6 pm.
  3. Constantly change the position of the body, lying on the sand, turning to the rays of the sun in different directions.
Tanning cosmetics

To quickly and beautifully tan, you should use products such as tanning prolongators. They should be applied before sunbathing. They enhance the color and retain the resulting shade for a long time. by the most effective means helping to tan as quickly as possible at sea are:

  1. Lotion Dark Tanning by Australian Gold- it has an SPF factor, so it activates the synthesis of melanin, which will allow you to tan quickly, and protects the skin from UV rays.
  2. Cream Cosmetics Tanning Accelerator by Eveline- it contains shea butter, ß-carotene and walnut extract, it enhances the bronze tan and prevents redness.
  3. Spray "Sunburn" by Nivea- This tool enhances the production of melatonin, and also perfectly softens the skin.
  4. Spray Caribbean Gold by Sex Kitten- it contains alfalfa extract, which literally attracts UV rays, a set of natural melanin synthesis activators and hemp oil, which has anti-aging and moisturizing properties.

The use of tanning prolongators after sunbathing is another quick and safe way get a tan. It is best to apply lotion on the skin "After Sun" by Garnier or after sun balm Clarins. These cosmetics soften the skin, enhance the manifestation of sunburn and smooth the relief.

Folk remedies for sunburn

To get a tan in the sun as quickly as possible, you can also use folk remedies. Excellent helpers in obtaining a beautiful bronze hue are carrots and carrot juice. These foods contain a huge amount of beta-carotene. This substance increases the production of melanin. Before going out into the open sun, just drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or eat a salad of carrots, grated on a fine grater, with any vegetable oil.

For those who want to quickly tan, you can use such a folk remedy as coffee oil.

Oil Recipe



Mix coffee and oil. Pour the mixture into a glass container, close it tightly and place in a dark place. Shake the container periodically. After 10 days, strain the oil.

With the resulting product, you need to rub the body and face with massaging movements 30 minutes before visiting the beach. If you have sensitive skin, you can add a couple of teaspoons of cream to it. Use the rest of the coffee grounds as a scrub.

Pale skin is no longer the standard of beauty. But a swarthy body in our time is a sign of beauty, health and well-being of a person. Every second owner of a light skin tone dreams of a bronze tan. But how to quickly tan in the sun, get the desired tan and not harm your health?

Statistics confirm that sunbathing increases the likelihood of skin cancer. Many avoid scalding summer sun, but regularly visit solariums. But is it so harmless? UV lamps in last years almost synonymous with skin cancer. It turns out that the safest way to a luxurious bronze tan - lotions and creams with self-tanning effect?

Consider everything possible options more details. Everyone will find their way to the tan of their dreams!

Method one, traditional

Step one

We are looking for creams and lotions with the lowest SPF protection. Direct sunlight is harmful - and it's useless to argue with that. But everyone still wants to sunbathe. The first warm days awaken in people the desire to soak up the warm sun, which everyone has been waiting for so long. And everyone already dreams of a light bronze tan.

This means that in order to achieve a pleasant chocolate tone from your skin and not burn, you should not look at sunscreens with an SPF level above 15 on store shelves. And 15 is the maximum used for the beginning of summer. This is necessary so as not to burn and exfoliate your new tan in the first days. After a couple of days, when your skin gets used to sunbathing, you can go back to the store and pick up a product with even less UV protection. Less protection - more tan.

You should also not forget about your lips while tanning. They are also extremely sensitive to the sun, can crack and heal for a very long time, delivering extremely unpleasant sensations.

If you live very far from civilization, and there still no one has heard of sunscreen, do not give up. Nowadays, online stores are always ready to help, delivering their goods to any corner of the earth, even the most deaf. Only in this case, sun protection should be considered already in April.

step two

For those who have sunburnt. A light tan has already gently covered your body and the next step is to increase the effect. Some natural vegetable oils have the ability to attract sunlight. Many of them will also give the skin a pleasant olive glow. It is recommended to use for such purposes:

  • Coconut oil,
  • olive oil,
  • sesame oil,
  • avocado oil,
  • walnut oil.

Apply such oils only before going to the beach. Otherwise, oil marks from clothes will have to be washed for a long time and painfully. Accordingly, after returning from the beach, the first step is to take a shower.

Step Three

Even roasting. We remember how professionals cook barbecue. They do not leave it for a minute, gradually turning over until all the pieces are covered with a fragrant and ruddy appetizing crust.

All in your hands! See that nothing is “burnt” anywhere and that the frying is even. It is recommended to turn around at least every half an hour. From the back to the side, from the side to the stomach. And so on.

Remember to stay in direct sunlight. Move for the sun!

Step Four

Want to quickly get a spectacular tan? Forget about the advice of dermatologists. Sunbathe during the hours when the sun heats up our earth to the maximum. Namely - from 10 am to 3-4 pm.

Step Five

"A bit of a nudist." The secret to a perfect tan is in its uniformity. Not everyone likes stripes from swimming trunks and swimsuits. Lucky for those who have a private house with a three-meter high fence. And other people have two options - to look for a nudist beach or very wild places where it is unlikely that married couple with four children catches you doing something so indecent.

Did you find such a place? Relax and give your body to the sun!

Step Six

Sunburn on the water. Probably, every inhabitant of the Earth has already noticed that a tan “sticks” much more strongly in water than on land. This happens because water attracts and reflects sunlight. How to quickly tan? Start sunbathing on a mattress or a boat in a pond - and all the sun within it will belong to you!

step seven

Let's not forget about safety. After swimming, immediately reapply sunscreen or lotion. Water resistance, which is written on the packaging of the product, does not guarantee you anything. Better to be safe.

Renew the product on the skin should be at least every two to three hours.

Step eight

Moisturizing for the skin after a day in the sun - mandatory step. Use a well-established product or lotion containing aloe juice.

Method two, lotions

How it works?

All cosmetics that give our skin a bronzed tint contain a component that reacts with amino groups in the protein of our skin. The reaction is similar to the process of browning bananas and the process of caramelization of sugar. As a result of the reaction, the skin becomes darker in color.

This is the secret of self-tanning durability: it is not a simple paint, but a complex chemical reaction, the consequences of which cannot be washed off with the first shower. That is why many people are very skeptical about such a procedure. And not in vain.

Treat your choice responsibly

Before buying a cosmetic product, study the range, read reviews on the Internet. Remember that the quality of the purchased product will depend on your appearance for several months. Try not to buy cosmetics that clog pores.

When applying lotions and sprays, make sure that they are applied evenly, do not miss a millimeter!

Take care of your hands

You will carry out the whole process of applying lotion or spray on the body with your hands. Consequently, they will be simply unimaginable amount of self-tanning. The best way protect your hands - purchase disposable medical gloves. They will be much more comfortable than rubber ones. And your hands will not differ in color from the rest of the body.

Take care of hard to reach places

Not all of us can boast of fantastic plasticity. To apply a self-tanner to the middle of your back, you will need to seek help.

The main thing in this matter is not to rush anywhere. Thoroughness and accuracy are the companions of applying self-tanning. Apply lotion slowly. circular motions without leaving a single area of ​​the skin unattended!

Patience and work

To achieve the ideal result, it is recommended to apply the lotion daily. For the accelerated result - both in the afternoon, and in the evening. Stop when you get your desired skin tone. And do not forget that self-tanning can pretty stain your clothes and bedding.

Spray tanning

Find out how it works. Spray differs from lotion in that it is more concentrated. But it also needs to be applied at least two or three times to achieve optimal skin tone. Sprays also require renewal on the skin about once every two weeks.

Looking for the right remedy

Professionals recommend choosing a spray with a mild effect so that you can make the skin darker in stages, and not all at once. Read reviews before buying a product. Sometimes very well advertised products are actually useless or even dangerous. Talk to friends who have experience applying self-tanning. So you will be calmer, and the result is unlikely to disappoint you.

Preference should be given to products containing erythrulose and green pigment. Thanks to the first, your tan will last longer and be better. Green pigment will remove so hated by many Orange color skin, acquired when using a conventional self-tanning spray.

The number of layers is determined individually

For fair-skinned people, one layer of self-tanning spray is enough. After the first use, a beautiful, healthy glow of the skin will already appear. Darker skin tones will require two to three coats of spray. Do not get carried away - this is the main rule. Many layers of spray will give your skin only an ugly orange-brown color. Always remember that quality and speed are often incompatible!

Peeling before self-tanning

The presence of rough skin on the body is undesirable, therefore it is recommended to peel the entire surface of the body before applying the first layer of spray. Again, special attention must be paid to the composition of the substances included in the peeling agent. It should not contain oil, but the presence of solid particles is welcome. The clearer and softer your skin, the more even your tan will go.

For uneconomical

Self-tanning spray requires much more professionalism than lotion. Therefore, many prefer to turn to specialists in such cases. A private professional will carry out the spray application at your home. But this service is not cheap. But you get exactly what you wanted. And during the procedure you can relax and unwind.

Keep track of your tan. Based on a number of skin characteristics, self-tanning spray lasts 5-10 days. Intensive moisturizing of the skin with oils and lotions will prolong the effect. However, the tan will still have to be adjusted to maintain its original radiance and beauty.

Sunbathe under the artificial sun


Welcome to the solarium! UV lamps are installed here. UV rays are similar in their properties to the sun. Solarium is the fastest, easiest, most enjoyable and in a simple way getting the perfect tan. And all that is needed to maintain the achieved effect is to lie down for 10 minutes under the influence of UV rays 2-3 times a week. But not everything is so simple - it has already been proven that ultraviolet rays can increase the likelihood of cancer.

Protect your eyes! In no case should you forget about protective glasses. They are usually issued in a tanning studio. And if this does not happen, in no case do not agree to a tanning session.

Don't try to speed up the tanning process

It is not recommended to use various means offered in solariums to accelerate tanning. In such cosmetics is added chemical element making the skin darker. Its effect on the speed of tanning has not yet been proven, and doctors have recognized this substance as harmful to health.

You should be more careful with sessions. The first tanning session for light-skinned people can be no more than 5 minutes, sometimes even 3 minutes. Each session time can be increased by 3-5 minutes. Owners of darker skin or those who have already tanned in the sun can start with a session of 8 minutes. A standard session should be within 12-15 minutes. The maximum allowable time is 20 minutes.

Summing up

  • Know the measure in everything. Whether it's sunbathing, solariums, self-tanning - everything should be exactly as much as necessary in this moment. The first time the sun warmed up? Your skin is accustomed to a gloomy winter, and even a half-hour walk in the hot sun can turn into a burnt nose or shoulders. A burn or peeled skin is not something attractive. First tanning session? You don't have to come out of there like grilled chicken.
  • Remember that a tan is not only beautiful, it can also be dangerous. Risks existed, exist and will not go anywhere (allergies, chemical reactions with skin, skin cancer, etc.).
  • Don't forget the necessary protective equipment. With prolonged exposure to the sun, these are sunscreen lotions for the body. For hair and head - caps and hats. For lips - balms with SPF-protection. In the solarium, goggles should be an integral attribute of the session. When applying self-tanner, remember to protect your palms.
  • Take care of your skin, nourish it. After all, beautiful and healthy skin is the main condition for obtaining the perfect shade of tan, no matter what method you choose! Remember that you should not worry about how to tan faster, but how to do it better and more pleasantly!
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