Tree with named nuts. Different types of nuts and their uses. What a walnut looks like: photo of a tree and its fruits

In the territory southern regions our country is quite common. It is also found in middle lane. The most valuable are frost-resistant varieties that give a high yield and have better fruits. It is very profitable to breed this crop, because one walnut tree can provide the necessary amount of fruit for the whole year.


The walnut is tall tree with a spreading crown, the branches are located almost at right angles. A mighty straight trunk, covered with light gray bark, can reach 2 meters in diameter. The tree of the walnut family has a fairly developed root system, which extends around 20 m. adulthood when the plant is 80 years old, the roots reach a depth of up to 12 m.

Leaves of complex shape consist of five or even nine elongated leaves and have a peculiar smell. During flowering, which usually occurs at the beginning of May, the walnut tree looks very impressive. Male flowers of a greenish tint are collected in thick catkins, and female flowers are placed on the tops of branches in 2-3 pieces.

Fruiting begins in the 12th year of life. The largest yield is given by a tree at the age of 50 years - up to 250 kg of nuts. Fruit round shape ripen in August and have a mass of 8 to 12 grams, depending on the variety and place of growth.

How to grow a tree from a nut

This is the most common way to grow a walnut tree. The fruits are selected for this strong, with a thin shell and a tasty core. Nuts intended for spring planting must be properly dried. To do this, they are first laid out in the sun, and then dried in a shaded place. It is not recommended to dry fruits near radiators.

Landing is carried out immediately to a permanent place, because the root of the tree quickly reaches a certain depth and its injury during transplantation can lead to the death of the plant. For planting, a rather deep hole is dug - 1 m deep and the same in diameter. It is covered with a soil mixture with rotted humus, thus creating a reserve nutrients for the future tree. Seeds are placed in the groove with a seam up to a depth of 15-20 cm, 3-4 pieces in one hole.

Planting seedlings

Walnut seedlings do best when planted in the spring. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the lateral roots. The tap root must be cut at a depth of 40 cm with a pruner, covering the cut with clay. The planting hole must be at least 60 cm deep. At the bottom of it, a layer of fertilizer is poured, consisting of 150 g of superphosphate, 10 kg of humus and 50 g. A peg 1.5 m high must be installed in the pit to tie the plant in the first months after planting. Walnut seedlings are installed so that the root collar slightly rises above the ground. Then the lateral roots are carefully straightened and covered with earth mixed with 1 kg of lime. After planting the seedling, the soil near it must be plentifully watered and mulched. When planting several plants, the distance between them is 8-10 m.

tree care

A young tree requires special attention in the first year of life. Regular watering, weeding and loosening are the main works for caring for it. Starting from the second year, they begin to form the crown, this process is completed by the time of fruiting. Pruning should be done very carefully, be sure to treat wounds. It is also necessary to periodically monitor the health of the plant: remove diseased or broken branches in a timely manner, burn fallen leaves in autumn. In the spring, shortly before bud break, you can spray the tree with Bordeaux liquid to protect against diseases.

The walnut tree is considered, however, to tolerate excessive waterlogging of the soil poorly. Therefore, when watering, one should take into account both the characteristics of the soil and the amount of precipitation.

Disease protection

The main disease that the walnut tree is susceptible to is the fungal disease marsoniosis, or brown spot. Plants are especially susceptible to rainy season. good remedy to combat this disease is spraying with fungicides, but do it regularly with enough large sizes wood is very difficult. For the treatment of young trees, Bordeaux liquid or modern preparations sold in specialized stores are used. Spraying is carried out in two stages: before the start of bud break and in the event of signs of brown spotting, the procedure is repeated after 25 days.

The benefits of walnuts

Nuts are considered an exceptionally valuable product, which contains many nutrients. Main area their application is the confectionery industry, the food industry. It is very useful to eat nuts in winter time years when a lot of energy is used. People after serious illnesses, as well as children who are stunted, are recommended nuts in combination with honey as a restorative diet.

It has long been famous Walnut and their medicinal properties. A mixture of crushed fruits with figs was used in the old days as an antidote. is excellent remedy for healing wounds and chronic ulcers, it is also used to treat conjunctivitis, inflammation of the middle ear. The ability of nuts to improve digestion makes them a real dietary product.

Leaves, which have insecticidal properties, secrete substances that mosquitoes, midges, flies and other insects do not tolerate. Therefore, a walnut tree can often be found not only on household plots, but also in urban gardens, squares, near houses.

tree with nuts

Alternative descriptions

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Genus of coniferous evergreen trees of the pine family

Russian environmental movement

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Korean pine

walnut tree

Coniferous tree, nut-bearing, oil-bearing

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Coniferous Lebanese...

Callsign Gagarin

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Lebanese tree

tree for bonsai

Conifer tree

walnut tree

Tree feeding a squirrel

Siberian pine

Coniferous Siberian...

Lebanese or Siberian

Siberian giant with midget nuts

Tree on the flag of Lebanon

Mighty taiga fellow pine

Taiga handsome man with cones

Siberian antipode tropical. palm trees

Kindred of the pine

. coniferous call sign of Yuri Gagarin

Taiga walnut tree

Taiga supplier of delicious nuts

Siberian giant with midget nuts.

Siberian hazel

Belkin nuts

Coniferous tree with delicious nuts

Coniferous tree of the Siberian taiga

Valuable conifer tree

taiga giant

pine relative

Coniferous tree with large needles

What are cabinets made of so that moths do not start in them?

. "PP-91" Dragunov

Coniferous king of the Siberian taiga

His nuts are good for beer

coniferous hazel

Tree giving small nuts

pine tree

Siberian giant with small nuts

coniferous walnut tree

Coniferous evergreen tree pine family

. "PP-91" Dragunov

. "Coniferous" call sign of Yuri Gagarin

Tree loved by squirrels

What are cabinets made of so that moths do not start in them

M. coniferous tree, giving pine cones or nuts. Cedar of Lebanon, Pinus cedrus; Siberian, setbra, meleda, pine nuts, fun. Red cedar, cedar heather, Spanish juniper, Juniperus oxycedrus. At the extreme north-east. there is also cedar schist or yernik. Cedar forest m. cedar forest. Kedrovik m. Sib. hazel grouse living in a cedar forest. Kedrovka nutcracker, crow bird, Nucifraga caryocataetes. Kedrovshchina arch. holiday of collecting cedar cones, small fry

The novel by the Italian writer G. Deledda "Lebanese ..."

Siberian giant with midget nuts

Coniferous tree with nuts

Siberian giant with midget nuts..

Taiga walnut tree

Mighty taiga fellow pine

Botanical name: Walnut (Juglans regia). Representative of the genus Nut, Nut family.

Origin of walnut: Central Asia, Caucasus.

Lighting: light-loving, shade-tolerant.

The soil: fertile, well drained.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 30 m

average life expectancy: 1000 years.

Landing: seeds, vegetatively.

What a walnut looks like: photo of a tree and its fruits

Walnut is a tall tree, reaching up to 30 m in height. It has a wide, spreading crown with numerous branches extending at a right angle. The root system is powerful, spreads within a radius of about 20 m. At the age of 80 years, the main root reaches a depth of 5-7 m, lateral roots - 12 m. root system does not form, but after the death of its aerial part, offspring appear from the root neck. The tree trunk is straight, up to 2 m in diameter. The bark is light gray, fissured.

The leaves are compound, alternate, pinnate, entire, sometimes serrated in the upper part, consist of 5-9 oblong-ovate leaves. The length of the leaf plate can reach 4-7 cm. The leaves have a strong specific smell.

The flowers are small, green. Males in thick multi-flowered catkins, collected in leaf axils. Female single or collected in 2-3 pieces, formed on the tops of annual branches. Flowering occurs in late April - early May, at the same time or before the leaves bloom. Lasts 15 days. The flowers are pollinated by wind or pollen from neighboring trees.

You can see how the walnut blooms in the photo, which proves that the tree looks very impressive during this period. The fruits are false drupes containing one four-lobed seed covered with a thin film. The peel is thick, hard, finely wrinkled, smooth, sometimes tuberculate. Shell thickness - 0.5 - 1.5 mm. Thick shell nuts have a shell thickness of 2.2 mm. When fully ripe, the shell bursts and is divided into two parts. The fruits ripen in late August - early September. Their weight and size depend on the variety and place of growth. They can be small, weighing up to 8 g, medium, weighing 9-10 g, or large, weighing more than 12 g. The shape of the nuts is round, oval, ovoid or obovate.

The plant begins to bear fruit 8-12 years after planting. The richest harvests bring 50 - 60 summer trees. From one individual, you can get from 10 to 300 kg of fruits per year (depending on age and growing conditions). So, from a 9-year-old plant, on average, 5 kg of fruits are obtained per year, from 20 - 100 kg, from 30 - 150 kg, from 40 - 200 kg, 50 - 250 kg. Especially large crops are taken from trees standing alone.

The walnut is long-lived. Grown on garden plot, able to live up to 200-500 years. IN wild nature up to 1000 years or more.

When describing a walnut, it is impossible not to mention that this plant has a high shoot-recovery ability, quickly recovers after pruning or freezing in severe frosts.

In the photo presented in our gallery, all characteristics walnut.

Where is it grown and how does a walnut bloom (with photo)

The birthplace of the tree is Central Asia, the Caucasus, Iran, where, according to the historical version, this culture was known 8000 years ago. It grows wild on the northern, western and eastern mountain slopes, in gorges, along river valleys. Settles at an altitude of 1500-2000 m above sea level. It grows singly or in small groups, occasionally forming groves.

To date, walnuts are grown in China, India, Japan, Greece, Malaya and Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Western Europe, Ukraine and other countries with warm climate. In Russia, it is cultivated in the south of the European part, for example, in the Kuban, in Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov region. For the northern regions, cold-resistant varieties have been bred, but the plant does not withstand severe frosts. The walnut is cultivated in the form of single trees and large plantings. Its main producers: USA, China, Türkiye, Moldova.

The tree is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. During seed propagation, all the qualitative features of the variety are preserved. Seeds of last year's collection have the highest germination. Two- and three-year fees are characterized by reduced germination.

You can learn more about walnuts by watching the following video:

The fruits of this tree are a valuable food product with high palatability. They are superior in nutritional value to meat. The core contains fats (60-70%), proteins (9-15%), carbohydrates (5-15%). In addition, they include glucose, sucrose, starch, tannins, vitamins, minerals, pectins, fiber. The content of tannins gives the walnut a tart, slightly astringent taste.

The kernels are eaten mostly raw. Processing is not required. Widely used in the confectionery industry in the manufacture of cakes, halvah, pastries and other products.

Oil is obtained from walnut kernels, which is used for food and technical purposes.

The cake is fed to livestock.

The wood is easy to process, polishes well, has beautiful drawing, therefore, is a valuable raw material for the production of furniture and finishing plywood.

A black dye is obtained from the shell of the fetus, which is used for staining fabrics.

Many gardeners know firsthand how a walnut blooms, as they grow this crop for decorative purposes. During flowering and fruiting, the tree looks very unusual and attractive. In addition, the plant is planted along roads, in parks and squares for landscaping cities. Thanks to a powerful root system, it is also used to strengthen ravines.

When buying this product, you should know what a quality edible walnut looks like. It is better to choose large fruits with a thin shell, or give preference to fruits with an elongated oval shape, since the rounded shells are thicker, therefore, their core is smaller. The shell should not be cracked, damaged or scratched. Good kernels are dense and elastic, with a golden hue, covered with a thin film. As a rule, light-weight fruits are empty.

Many inhabitants of the planet have probably tried amazingly delicious cashew nuts. But few people imagine how they are born and what the tree on which they grow actually looks like. The scientific name of the plant is Cashew (Anacardium, Indian walnut). This tree is native to Brazil. Cashews are very fond of light and soil that contains a high percentage of nutrients with good drainage. The maximum height that cashew reaches is thirty meters. This plant can be safely attributed to centenarians, it can reach the age of one hundred years. Plant cashew seeds.

As already noted, under the conditions natural environment for this tree, it can reach a height of 30 meters. In other conditions, 13-15 meters. Cashew belongs to the evergreens with a short trunk and branches located rather low. Indian walnut is the proud owner of a dense, sprawling crown with a diameter of 11-13 meters.

Cashew leaves may look artificial, plastic. They are oval or egg-shaped, very dense, leathery. Their length reaches twenty-two centimeters, 15 centimeters wide.

Cashew inflorescences can hardly be called beautiful. The flowers are pale, greenish-pink in color, small, consisting of 5 thin petals with pointed tips, collected in a kind of panicle. The flowering of the Indian walnut can be called long (several weeks), the reason is that the flowers do not bloom all at once, but in turn. Depending on the climatic conditions, cashew can bloom up to three times a year, this tree alternates periods of dormancy, vegetation and growth.

cashew nuts fruit

It is worth dwelling in more detail on the description of the fruit of the Indian walnut. Outwardly, the fruit looks like a yellow or red bell pepper. The size of the fruit is quite large, the peduncle is oval or pear-shaped, from six to twelve centimeters long. Under the stalk there is a fibrous pulp - yellow, very juicy with a sour taste, slightly knits the mouth. This fruit formation is called pseudo-fruit or cashew apple. The countries involved in the cultivation of the Indian walnut harvest about twenty-five thousand tons of such pseudo-fruits per year. They are good for food, they make excellent alcoholic drinks, delicious jam, jams, juices and compotes. But the very famous cashew nut is located at the end at the end of the stem or pseudo-fruit.

The appearance of the nut resembles a comma or a small boxing glove. The fruit is hidden under the double protection of the shells, the outer green and smooth, the inner rough. Just under these shells is the nut itself, its average mass is one and a half grams.

As mentioned above, the Indian walnut comes from Brazil. There, the cultivation of this fruit tree has been practiced since time immemorial. Now cashews are grown in about thirty-two countries of the world where the tropical climate prevails.

Cashew is unpretentious in care. The main thing is warm and nutritious well-drained soil. Loves the sun and light, but can grow in partial shade. Survives well in drought and high temperatures, but does not like cold and frost.

The cashew plant is popular in many countries, mostly for its fruit. The peculiarity of cashew nuts is that they are sold exclusively without shells. Because it is poisonous due to the content between the upper shell and the core of the phenolic resin, which causes burns when in contact with human skin. That is why, before the nuts go on sale, they remove the shells from them and carry out quality processing for the complete disappearance of poisonous oil.

Fruits from the tree are harvested after their full ripening. The process is absolutely simple: a ripe fruit is plucked from a tree, a nut is separated from a pseudo-fruit, dried in the sun, then fried on metal sheets, after which the shell is carefully removed.

The use of cashew nuts

Cashew is a very useful thing, it contains minerals. It is eaten both raw and fried, and is actively used in cooking. Indian walnut is an excellent addition to first and second courses, appetizers and salads, in addition, they are added to pastries. It also produces a wonderful oil, in no way inferior to peanut oil. Roasted nuts have a sweetish pleasant taste. When roasted, salt is added to preserve the flavor.

Cashew nuts are truly unique: they are used even in medicinal purposes(treat anemia, psoriasis, dystrophy, strengthen immunity). According to its composition, the Indian walnut is a storehouse of essential nutrients. It contains proteins, starch, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats, natural sugars, omega-3 fatty acids. If you eat cashew nuts in moderation and daily, your body will be enriched with all the necessary substances. Cashew has a high calorie content: 630 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The disadvantage of cashews is that this product can cause allergies. Therefore, people prone to it should eat these nuts with special care. Main symptoms: itching, nausea, swelling, vomiting.

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of cashews on sale: roasted and not roasted nuts, whole and divided. What should you pay attention to first of all? Of course, on the appearance of the product and its smell. Naturally, it is not necessary to buy nuts that have a non-marketable appearance. They should be nice, smooth, without foreign odors. There are several nuances: this way a whole nut is stored much longer than chopped ones (half a year in the refrigerator, a year in the freezer). If the nut is kept warm for a long time, it becomes bitter and may even germinate.

A fair question arises, is it possible to grow such a useful curiosity at home? The answer is definitely yes. But you have to tinker: you need to create conditions for the tree that are close to tropical: warm and humid. As noted above, cashews are propagated by seeds, which must first be germinated, for which they must be placed in a container of water for two days. Important point consists in the fact that water with seeds should be changed twice a day, because poisonous juice seeps out of them, staining the water in Blue colour. This procedure is done very carefully with gloves to avoid burns.

Pots for planting must be prepared in advance. The soil should not be heavy, on the contrary - nutritious and loose. One seed is planted in one pot. The first shoots of cashews will please you in two to three weeks. Pots should be placed in a well-lit place, under the sun. Be sure to monitor the temperature conditions, control the humidity of the air, regularly spray and water the plant. As a top dressing, it is recommended to use any universal.

The growth of cashews is quite fast, so in the first years after planting, it is worth carrying out tree pruning procedures. With good proper care, cashews can begin to bear fruit already in the second or third year of life. For the best yield, it is recommended to prune in autumn, leaving only the trunk and skeletal branches.

When harvested from a tree, all parts of the cashew nut are used as food. The nuts themselves undergo the necessary processing and are sent to various countries for sale. The pseudofruit is also used in Food Industry. However, unlike the nut itself, it deteriorates very quickly due to the content of a large amount of tannin, therefore it cannot be transported. And you can taste this curiosity only in countries where cashews directly grow.

In addition to nutritional value, this product also carries others: for example, in Africa it is used for tattooing, in Brazil as an aphrodisiac. Cashews are good for treating colds and stomach upsets. In addition, the oil extracted from the shell is used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Also, this product is used for the manufacture of varnish, drying oil, rubber. Indian walnut wood is durable and resistant to rotting processes, for this reason it is actively used in shipbuilding and furniture production.

Cashew nuts have been cultivated since ancient times by the Tinuka Indians, who lived on the territory of modern Brazil. They nicknamed the cashew "yellow fruit", which is obvious from the appearance.

In general, if you set a goal, then it is quite possible to grow a full-fledged cashew tree in home greenhouse conditions. The main thing is to provide him with the right care, atmosphere and care.

» Walnut

Walnut is one of the most useful products on our table. Mentions of its various types are found in legends and epics, old manuscripts. Even the ancient peoples noted that this product perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger.. In addition, each fruit is enclosed in a shell that allows it to be preserved. for a long time and not spoil.

Each type of nut has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of any type of nuts is their high calorie content and a large number of various vitamins that make up their composition. Below is a list of the most popular nuts.

There are practically no drawbacks to these fruits. However, it is not recommended to give them in large quantities to children, and people suffering from food allergies should not eat nuts. Although it is not established that these fruits can cause an allergic reaction, but sometimes this can happen.

A nut is usually called the fruit of some types of fruit trees or shrubs, which consists of a kernel and a hard shell - the shell.

In botany, a nut is understood as a fruit that is unopened, with a pericarp, inside which is the kernel or seed. Nuts include hazelnuts, hazelnuts.

There is also a whole family of Nuts, which look like nuts, but are not nuts from a botanical point of view. And all the other fruits that are called "nuts" are not.

The main types of nuts are:

  • from the Nut family- walnuts, black, Manchurian, hazel, bitter;
  • from the Birch family- hazel, hazelnut, Turkish walnut;
  • from the Beech family- chestnut, chinarik, acorn.

There are other types of nuts, which will be discussed a little below.


This peanut belongs to the legume family. It is eaten much more often than almost all other types of these fruits.. During the Second World War in the United States, it was peanuts that were one of the main products, thanks to which the food problem in this country was solved.

The composition of peanuts includes the following substances and elements that are beneficial to the human body:

  • antioxidants;
  • chemical compounds that increase blood clotting;
  • fats that are part of peanuts and products based on it do not contain "bad" cholesterol;
  • peanut butter contains polyunsaturated linoleic acid;
  • it also contains vitamins of groups E and B.

This nut is more than half fat, in addition, in contain such macro and micronutrients: K, P, Fe, Mg, and vitamins A, B. And a couple of Brazil nuts contain a daily dose of selenium for an adult.

It is this nut that is advised to use in order to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, as well as to normalize the level of glucose. Children should eat it to grow better, and nervous - put in order nervous system. To give the body vigor, it is enough to eat just one such nut.

brazil nut in South America advised to eat couples to improve their sexual functions.

water chestnut

This plant is an annual. The plant is attached to the bottom with the help of last year's nuts.. If the current becomes stronger, then it tears off the stalk of this nut and drags it along until the plant is nailed again to shallow water. There, the nut attaches to the bottom and begins to grow further.

This nut contains:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • triterpenoids;
  • phenol compounds.

All parts of this water plant are used in folk medicine. They are used in the treatment of dyspepsia, as a diuretic, and also as a sedative and diaphoretic and choleretic agent.

The fresh juice from the leaves is helpful in the treatment of certain eye diseases, as an antiseptic in the treatment of bites from stinging insects or snakes. This nut can also help relieve stress., enhances immunity, helps in the fight against viral infections.

This nut contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids which are necessary for the fruitful functioning of the brain.

It also contains vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, as well as trace elements such as Fe, Co, Zn, K, Mg, Ca, I, P.

Thanks to so many different elements and vitamins walnut is recommended to eat with anemia, it strengthens the immune system, reduces arterial pressure. It should also be included in the diet of older people, pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.

This nut is another healthy high-calorie product that is desirable to have in your diet. But it should be remembered that because of their calorie content, nuts are best consumed separately from other products.

Hazelnuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, various macro and microelements, vitamins of groups B and E. These vitamins support the normal functioning of the central nervous system, improve metabolism in the body, and prevent early aging of the body. Hazelnuts also contain vitamin C and nicotinic acid.

The fruits of this shrub should be eaten if you need to recuperate after a serious illness or operation. A large number of beneficial substances contained in these nuts, helps to cope with anemia, and additional vitamins are supplied to the internal organs.

By regularly eating hazelnuts, you can reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol, reduce the risk of varicose veins, cleanse the liver of toxic substances, remove decay products. In addition, these nuts have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve feelings of anxiety, and improve sleep.

Although there are many varieties of chestnuts, sweet chestnuts are traditionally eaten. They are baked on coals.- This delicacy has long been prepared in many countries of the world, especially for Christmas.

Chestnuts are not nuts, but for their nutritional value rank among such nuts as walnuts.

Useful substances are found not only in fruits, but also in leaves, bark, flowers. They contain glycosides, tannins, astragalus, carotenoids, steroids, vitamin C.

Almost all parts of pine nuts are useful- from kernels to shells, resin and needles. And they all have a unique set mineral elements, vitamins and other useful substances, which together give Siberians health.

Fats, proteins and amino acids included in pine nuts are easily digestible, they contribute to the growth of the teenage body are indispensable in the nutrition of pregnant women.


Cashew nuts have recently appeared on the shelves of our stores, but have already gained popularity among customers. They are not only used in cooking, but also used in the treatment of a number of diseases..

These nuts are low in fat, but have more fiber and carbohydrates than walnuts, for example. However, vitamins of groups B, E and P, as well as such chemical elements, as Zn, Fe, Mg, Na, Ca, K, Mg, Cu, Se, help to improve the work of many internal organs in our body. And saturated fatty acids Omega - 3 are able to maintain the youth of the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails.


This nut can perfectly replace animal proteins in the diet., it also contains beneficial macro and microelements, as well as antioxidants.

The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in pecans helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

What is rich in this nut? It contains easily digestible fats, carbohydrates, thiamine, vitamin B6, Fe, Mg, P, K, Zn, Cu. mg.

B vitamins improve the condition of nails and hair, improve the condition of the skin. These vitamins also prevent muscle cramps and make tissues more elastic.

The substances that make up these nuts give a person a charge of vivacity, help fight cancer cells.

Pistachios are another type of nuts that are beneficial to the human body. In their composition were found:

  • oleic, palmitic, stearic amino acids;
  • vitamins A, E, B, P;
  • proteins, carbohydrates, starch;
  • Cu, Mg, Mn, K, Fe, P.

These nuts satisfy hunger well, give vigor, and also saturate the body with useful amino acids.


The trees on which these nuts appear can bear fruit for about a hundred years, and the yields do not decrease, despite the age of the tree. Fruits ripen for a long time - up to 7 months.

The composition of the fruits of this nut contains vitamins, chemical elements, various acids, alimentary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids.

These nuts have medicinal properties, helping with headaches, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the condition of the skin, help restore strength, improve brain function, and remove “bad” cholesterol. And this is not a complete list. useful properties macadamia.


Any type of nuts is very valuable for the human body.. Therefore, they should be regularly included in the diet. Moreover, you can eat both each of the species separately, and several different nuts together.

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