Home hacks to make your life easier. Useful life hacks for home and interior. Interesting life hacks for repairing and cleaning the house. What life hacks have long been used by builders from Central Asia With a plastic bucket, you can make a similar vm

Repair is a small disaster. This event always involves inconvenience, problems and strained nerves. Simplify your life and make repairs comfortable. And we will suggest 10 life hacks, with the help of which the scale of repair problems will be significantly reduced.

1. Drill to size

  • Before drilling a hole in the wall, measure the length of the dowel and mark it on the drill - for example, with electrical tape. That way you don't have to drill many times. The risks of drilling a "window into the world" - a hole to the neighbors, whose faces are unlikely to shine with pleasure, are also excluded.

2. Dust free operation

  • Prior to drilling, minimize the risk of floor and furniture contamination with construction dust. Just stick a sticker to the wall under the drilling site and bend it. The dust collector is ready.

3. Hammer a nail without pain

  • It would seem that hammering a nail is a simple matter, but it also requires skill. And if you are trying to do this for the first time, the attempt may be unsuccessful and painful. To ensure the immobility of the nail, use a comb, in the teeth of which it is fixed. Now drive boldly. The fingers will remain intact.

4. Screw a metal screw into a tree

  • A metal self-tapping screw hardly enters a tree, but if wood screws are not at hand, use ordinary laundry soap. Rub the self-tapping screw with soap and screw it in easily.

5. Cut tiles without chipping

  • You can cut tiles without chips with a glass cutter. But first, soak the tile in water for several hours, then, gently pressing, draw a glass cutter along the marked line and gently press on the edge, aligning the notch line with the edge of the desktop.

6. Nails that are always at hand

  • Where do you keep your nails when doing repairs? In the teeth? Glue a magnet on the hot glue to the end side of the hammer handle and attach a few nails to it.

7. Magnetized screwdriver bit

  • A magnetized screwdriver bit is no less convenient, but if it is not there? Attach a magnet to the bit and take advantage of the unique magnetic fields that keep the screw firmly attached to the tip of the screwdriver.

8. Safe dyeing from a balloon

  • Dyeing small items from a balloon at home is fraught with property damage. But if a large cardboard box is lying around in the attic, feel free to experiment in the area artistic creativity. Hang the paintable structure inside the box and embody your design ideas without fear of messing up the surrounding things.

9. Clean tray

  • If you do not want to wash the tray from paint every time after staining, wrap it in foil. For reliability, make several layers. After painting work, carefully remove the foil, roll up and discard. Tray is like new!

10. Excess paint

  • By pulling an elastic band over a can of paint, you can easily and conveniently remove excess paint from the brush. So the edges of the can will remain clean, and paint drops will not splatter in the repair and painting area. An elastic band can be built from improvised means by cutting off the edge of rubber gloves, for example.

So that after the repair you don’t have to urgently patch holes in the budget, it’s enough to pay attention to planning: study the market properly building materials and work on the preparatory stage.

Make plans and budgets

Decide how much work you want to do. Major repairs and light cosmetic can cost about the same, it all depends on what materials you decide to use.

Look through the list to see which of these you want to do:

  • wiring replacement;
  • replacement and repair of pipes, heating, plumbing;
  • floor screed;
  • wall alignment;
  • replacement of windows and doors;
  • fine finishing of walls, ceiling and floor.

You can't save on the first two points. How to win on the rest, we will write below. The main thing to do is to prepare in advance. Because any transformations that come to your mind in the middle of the road increase the estimate.

They often forget that repairs will require additional costs, and do not include some materials and tools in the estimate, and then they cannot understand where several thousand have gone. It seems that the little things cost a penny, but in the end, going beyond the estimate is serious. The following items are usually not taken into account:

Dismantle yourself

The estimate often forgets to include such works as dismantling and garbage disposal. Meanwhile, the prices for preparing the premises for work from construction teams are not at all low. You can remove wallpaper, old tiles and plaster, flooring yourself. Sometimes this requires taking a day off. Sometimes - buy multifunctional tools.

No two repairs are the same, so it is very difficult to say which tools will be useful to you.

It is better to take one, albeit an expensive, but multifunctional and high-quality tool, than to collect a lot of specialized and cheap ones that can quickly fail.

For example, using a drill and additional equipment, you can hammer (if the drill is percussion), mix the solution, polish, grind, tighten screws. A hot glue gun is indispensable when decorating rooms if you have a lot of design ideas and little experience.

At the same stage, you need to take care of the safety of your belongings so as not to restore furniture damaged during the overhaul.

Watch the video to evaluate what exactly you will go to the store for.

Life hacks to save money

Find out in advance about free services, which provide some of the major construction hypermarkets.

For example, in OBI hypermarkets for repairs and summer cottages, services such as delivery and interior design (when purchased from a threshold amount), wood sawing, paint tinting, carpet overlock, master classes in construction, repair and gardening, assistance with plant transplantation are completely available. for free. In addition, OBI employs master consultants who will help with the calculations of building materials, if you come with measurements of your rooms, arrange delivery, and advise on the assortment of any department.

Take the fastening tool by the piece. If you buy a package of self-tapping screws for a modest repair, after completion of the work, two-thirds of the pack will still lie somewhere on the shelf. If you know exactly what kind of work you need, count the number of bolts, nails and screws in order to buy them individually with a small margin. You may save a penny, but you don’t have to figure out where to put the rest. But you always need to buy wallpaper with a margin: even the same pattern can differ in shades in different batches. If you run out of canvases or if you ruin one of them, it will be difficult to find a replacement.

Use phosphated (black) fasteners, and not galvanized or cadmium (shiny), if you close the heads: save up to a thousand rubles.

Take advantage of the discount. For auxiliary work, buy goods in departments where scraps and discounted goods are located. Especially if you need wooden bars.

Take advantage of discount programs for customers. Many of them really work, especially if you are planning large-scale work: you just need to figure it out and calculate. Let's see this in the example of a long-term promotion with a progressive discount, which is valid until the end of October at OBI.

Promotion conditions: make a purchase for 2,000 rubles and get a card with a 5% discount on your next purchase. For the second and third purchases for 2,000 rubles each, cards are issued with a 7% and 10% discount, respectively. Make a purchase with the last of the cards and you will receive an OBI Club loyal customer card with a 10% discount until the end of October, and then with a 5% discount until the end of the year.

We take a calculator and see how you can gradually re-paste the wallpaper in three rooms if you have a limited budget. First, you need to buy glue, some tools and gloves for 2,000 rubles. The specified amount is just enough for this, and the next purchase will be at a discount. We buy affordable wallpaper for a small room. Everything is individual here (the calculation rules are described below), the purchase cost me 3,213 rubles, the discount on the card is 160 rubles. Expenses for wallpaper in other rooms amounted to 5,685 and 4,390 rubles. Discounts turned out, respectively, 397 and 439 rubles. Savings - 996 rubles, and this is only on the cost of already inexpensive wallpapers. The numbers speak for themselves.

Invest in wiring and pipes

Laying cables and pipes, as well as all the work associated with the electrician, are expensive. It's just an axiom, and it's hard to figure out what you can save on. There are only general tips that help not to spend money on too much:

  1. Do not start work without limit detailed plan. Only with a well-developed project, it is possible to calculate the running meters of cables and pipes.
  2. Buy materials with a margin of 10%.
  3. If you are doing wiring, think about where the furniture and appliances will stand in order to bring out sockets in the right places. Be sure to calculate the load with a margin so that you do not have to change the wiring when you buy new powerful devices.
  4. If you are going to make a false ceiling, run the wires in the space above the sheets. So you can save on meters of cable and on the cost of wall chasing.
  5. Make wiring for lighting and for sockets on different machines, then you will not need to turn off the lighting to repair the sockets.
  6. If you have to change pipes, try to reduce the number of joints and connections in order to increase the reliability of all structures.
  7. Do not hide pipes in walls. It may be beautiful, but much more expensive. In addition, in the event of breakdowns and leaks, even minor repairs will cost a pretty penny. If you do not want to look at the pipes, cover them with a box.
  8. Buy materials in one place, you can take advantage of discounts for large purchases.

OBI has a loyalty program for regular customers. With a one-time purchase of more than 10,000 rubles by the end of December, you will receive an OBI Club membership card, which gives a 5% discount on the entire range of goods, and also provides a number of privileges, such as the opportunity to receive individual advantageous offers. For new settlers, the program with OBI Club cards operates on an ongoing basis.

If you don’t remember how zero differs from a phase, and you don’t know what a fitting looks like, but what a clamp looks like, don’t try to become an electrician and plumber using master classes on the Internet. As a result, it will be more expensive than the work of professionals. Independence is better to show when buying finishes, furniture and plumbing. Learn to make the right choice:

Floor screed: choose technology

A screed is very necessary if you have to put boards under the legs of the furniture, and the tea spilled on the floor does not lie in an even puddle, but flows away in one direction. Which screed option you need to choose depends on how big the height difference in the room is.

Take measurements yourself using a laser level (you can borrow it from friends or neighbors) or a regular bubble level. By doing the calculations yourself, you will be sure that the masters will not try to raise the price of materials.

Measurement scheme:


After the level of a flat floor is determined, it is necessary to check if there are any elevations of the floor above this boundary. To do this, the ropes are pulled at the height of the level you have drawn, and if the floor does not touch them anywhere, you can choose the type of screed and work on.

Type of screed When to use pros Minuses
Self-leveling compounds Small thickness of the screed layer, high speed drying out High price, difficult installation
plywood floors If you need to correct minor floor irregularities Good heat and sound insulation of the floor Cost of work, raising the floor level
Dry screed For large elevation changes Clean assembly work High cost of materials, long installation time, possible surface deformations in the future
Cement and concrete screeds With different height differences Inexpensive materials. With large differences, you can lay the screed on expanded clay (to reduce mortar costs) Labor-intensive work

Save money on leveling walls

You can save a lot on leveling walls if you calculate which method and what materials will be cheaper for you. To do this, you first need to find out how crooked your walls are, that is, to take the correct measurements. On the cleaned wall, place the beacons by level (or using a plumb line) and determine at what points you will measure deviations from the plane. Sum the results and divide by the number of points.

If you get a result of less than 3 cm, then you can safely give preference to plaster, as it will take a little. If more, then think about installing drywall sheets.

To find out how much plaster you need, look at the pack. Manufacturers indicate how much mixture is required per square meter area, if applied with a layer of 1 cm. Multiply this figure by the figure characterizing the deviation, then by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. Add another 5-10% of the material to the resulting number.

There is a third way to save. If perfectly smooth walls and corners are not important to you, it is enough to take liquid wallpaper, which themselves will mask small irregularities. The material itself is not very cheap, but you will save on additional work. And here's what might happen:

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Install windows yourself

We already wrote about what can be done with an old door in a post about economical repairs. Actually, old wooden window frames can also be cleaned of paint and updated.

If you decide to buy new windows, save on their installation. Firstly, the cost of work flies a pretty penny. Secondly, many firms openly hack, and you pay for poor quality work.

There are plenty of tutorials on the web to help you get the job done. Here's one of them:

Combine different wallpapers, tiles and flooring

Go to the departments that sell ceramic tiles, wallpaper, laminate and linoleum. See which item has the biggest discounts. That's right, leftovers. This needs to be used.

In a room, not all surfaces must be of the same color and texture. They can be combined, so much so that the result will look like a real design decision. If you take goods from the leftovers for a combination, then the savings will come out rather big, especially if you need to arrange a tiled apron in the kitchen or a small room.

In order not to turn the room into a patchwork quilt, calculate the consumption of materials.


To find out how long canvases are needed, add to the height of the room the size of the step of the picture (indicated on the package) and another 10 centimeters for trimming. The number of canvases is calculated as follows: the perimeter of the room is divided by the width of the roll. The length of the roll, also indicated on the package, is divided by the height of the web. We get the number of paintings in one roll and calculate how much you need to buy. Do not subtract the area of ​​windows and doors, but rather add 10% to the final number. It is better to buy a little more than to look for the desired pattern in all the shops of the city.

An excellent decoration of the walls of a children's room is an engraving with a print of your baby's hand or foot. On August 30, OBI Moscow hypermarkets will host a promotion dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, where you can make such an engraving absolutely free of charge!


Calculate the area of ​​one tile you are going to buy. Divide the surface area to be tiled by the area of ​​one tile. Round the resulting figure to the nearest whole number and add another 10% to the expense.

Plastic panels

They stopped looking cheap a long time ago. Installing them is much easier than laying tiles, especially if you choose wide panels. The quantity is calculated in the same way as the number of tiles.


The most democratic and convenient coverage. Measure the length and width of the room. Add 10 cm to the dimensions on each side (for trimming). If you buy linoleum with a pattern, add another length of one pattern step. Calculate the floor area and separately - the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach niche, but rather take a room plan to the store. Divide the width of the room by the width of the chosen cover, round up the result - this is the number of strips you need. To calculate the consumption in linear meters, multiply the length of the room by the number of lanes.

stroi-system.ru" data-img-id="389637">

You can master useful skills, which will become an important help in repairs and when communicating with construction teams by visiting free master classes.

Learn to work with your own hands and tell us how you managed to save on repairs.

From the simplest things that at first glance may seem unnecessary to you, you can create a great home decor. If you think outside the box or like creativity in arranging your home, then in this article we will tell you about life hacks for your home that will simplify your life and make it more comfortable and cozy. We will teach you how to save money and at the same time carry out high-quality cleaning in the house and equip your interior.

Modern furniture and other fixtures that help create a cozy atmosphere in the house are very expensive today. Not every person can afford to buy a luxurious sofa and other decorative elements to make a real palace out of their favorite room.

However, in fact, if you give free rein to your imagination a little, it is not necessary to spend money on this at all. There are other ways to make your home more beautiful and cozy. We have made for our readers a selection of convenient life hacks for the home that will help you bring zest and beauty to your interior:

  1. If your child doesn't have a bed of their own and you're thinking about buying one, look in the attic. old table. Perhaps you can just tint it, turn it upside down and make an unusual sleeping place for your child. By the way, you can attach a beautiful canopy to the table legs so that the baby is in the beautiful realm of morpheus every night:
  1. From the old arena, from which your child has already grown, you can make a wonderful table for work. You just need to find some kind of decorative tabletop, screw it onto the bed and that's it - a wonderful product is ready:

  1. If you have to use different carriers all the time, resulting in wires scattered all over your house, you can simply decorate them with a regular rope. Then they will not stand out much from your interior:

  1. If after the winter you have a lot of glass jars from conservation, do not rush to throw them away, you can make them very cool frames for photos. Just put family pictures inside them and decorate with bright ribbons or ropes:

  1. If you run out of your favorite perfume, do not throw away the bottle from under them, because you can make a miniature vase for artificial flowers from it. You can put this very vase in the bathroom:

  1. The same goes for old baby bottles. They can be painted and made original vases or containers for other purposes. This do-it-yourself life hack is useful for housewives in the kitchen:

  1. If you don’t have a toothbrush holder in your bathroom, then you don’t have to buy one, you can just use plastic clothespins:

  1. If you are a girl who has a lot of different jewelry that they don’t fit in the box, then you can use the usual trempel. Such an organizer will look very original:

House cleaning hacks

House cleaning is an integral part of the life of every housewife. Sometimes the pollution of dishes or other household items is so serious that you have to spend money on expensive chemical supplies to clean up and clean. But we suggest you use alternative, cheaper, but no less high-quality means. We have compiled a selection of the best life hacks for the home, using which you can easily clean up:

  1. If your microwave is very dirty, then just fill some container with water, squeeze it into it lemon juice and put in the microwave. Turn on for such a time that the water boils. After that, just walk with a damp sponge along the walls of the device, and it will become perfectly clean.
  2. If you damaged the hood when you wiped it with detergent, then just apply a little on top vegetable oil- no defects will be visible after that.
  3. To clean the mixer, you do not need to clean it for a long time with soapy water. Just fill some container with water, add a little detergent there, turn on the mixer and lower it into this water. For 3 min. it will be perfectly clean.
  4. If you want to clean the grinder from coffee, then just pour some rice into it, turn on the device, and then throw everything out of it. Wipe the grinder with a cloth and it will be perfectly clean.

  1. To clean a cutting board from stains, you need to squeeze lemon juice on it and leave it in this state for 20 minutes. After that, just wipe it with a damp cloth, and the board will be like new.
  2. If your plastic containers, in which you usually store food, have acquired an unpleasant smell, then just pour a little salt into them, close the lid and leave for a while. Salt will absorb all unpleasant odors.
  3. If your cutlery has lost its luster, rub it with a banana peel and it will shine like new.
  4. After you wipe the wooden surfaces with detergents, be sure to dry them with a hairdryer so that there are no ugly streaks left.
  5. A regular woolen sock dipped in a vinegar solution will help clean the blinds.
  6. To clean linoleum from ugly stains, you just need to prepare a solution based on toothpaste. Apply it for 20 min. to the surface, and then rinse with a simple clean water. It will shine like new.
  7. To get rid of stickers on glasses or windows, you just need to spread them with mayonnaise. After 15 min. you can use the most ordinary spatula to get rid of ugly old drawings very quickly.
  8. If your furniture has any scuffs, then they can be painted over with ordinary shoe cream. The main thing is to choose the right color so that it matches the colors of the furniture finish.
  9. If you need to clean the carpet from animal hair, then use a window scraper for this purpose.
  10. If a very large soot has formed in your pan, then you need to cover it with soda, pour water and leave it in this state overnight. You will be able to wash the kitchen appliance quite efficiently and quickly.

  1. The most a big problem for any housewife, this is a plaque on a shower head or faucet. To get rid of it, you can pour it into a regular plastic bag vinegar, then put it on a watering can and secure with a rubber band. Leave the device in this state for 60 minutes, then remove it. You will be very surprised by the result.
  2. So that your clothes and underwear always have a pleasant aroma, just put scented soap under them, and then you don’t have to buy expensive washing balms.
  3. To clean the surface of the iron from scale, simply walk it (when it is hot) on a towel on which you want to pour salt.
  4. Lipstick can be removed from clothes very simply by using women's hairspray. Spray the stain with varnish, leave for 10 minutes, then wipe everything with a damp sponge and wash. No trace of cosmetics will remain.
  5. To clean vases and glassware from plaque, pour eggshells into them and drip a little detergent. Add water and then shake the device well.
  6. To keep your carpets looking neat, brush them with a regular fork.

Home renovation hacks

Repair is always difficult period for the life of the owners of the premises in which it is held, especially if they do it themselves. But we know how you can make your life easier by using home and interior hacks.

We have done good selection simple tips, which you can use if you are currently undergoing repairs:

  1. To remove old wallpaper from the walls before sticking new ones, you need to moisten them with a solution of vinegar, warm water and fabric softener. Leave them for 15 minutes. under this solution, and then they will be removed very easily from you.
  2. If you were painting windows and the paint got on the glass, then you can use cling film. It will perfectly relieve you of streaks in a matter of minutes.
  3. To save paint during its use, put a regular rubber band on the can. You will wipe the brush on it so that no paint remains on it.
  4. Wrap the brush with which you painted after work in cling film. And you don’t have to be poisoned by the pungent smell of the solvent to clean it.
  5. If you need to paint the door, then wrap all the places that you do not intend to paint over with cling film. Then the paint won't get on them.

These simple but interesting life hacks for the home will help you make a quality cosmetic repair.

Other useful home hacks

It is impossible to list all the existing life hack ideas for the home. However, we want to dwell in more detail on some options for making life easier for housewives that can come in handy in the kitchen and beyond:

  • If you bought eggs and doubt their freshness, then just dip each one into a glass of water. If the egg is fresh, it will immediately sink.
  • So that the vegetables you bought do not disappear and do not wilt for a long time, before placing them in the refrigerator, wrap them in paper, which will absorb all the moisture.
  • If you drank champagne in the evening, but did not finish it, before taking it to the refrigerator, throw raisins into the bottle. The next day, the champagne will be bubbly and delicious.

  • If you suddenly salted soup or vegetable stew, do not rush to throw the dish away - throw a couple of slices of sour apples into it or raw potatoes. They absorb excess salt.
  • If your bread is a little dry, you can freshen it up by sprinkling some water on it and heating it for 10 minutes. in the microwave.
  • To make slightly sluggish vegetables crisp again, immerse them in ice water with raw potatoes.
  • So that hard cheese does not acquire a characteristic hard crust, you just need to grease it on all sides with butter or margarine.
  • If your pasta sticks together after cooking, just dip it in boiling water before serving.
  • If you bought unripe fruits, then place them overnight in paper bag with an apple. The apple will release ethylene, and the products will quickly ripen.
  • If it so happened that you cooked too much porridge, that no one wants to eat it, do not rush to throw away the product. Prepare dough for pancakes on its basis. They will turn out satisfying and dietary, because you do not have to add too much flour.

Life hacks make our lives much easier! Therefore, we recommend that you at least once try the tips we have given in this article in order to personal experience to make sure that everything ingenious is simple!

Video: "Life hacks for home"

More than a million builders from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan work in Russia every year. Many employers in the Russian Federation know the diligence and professionalism of masons, concrete workers, fitters and plasterers from Central Asia. These specialists are invited to construction sites in different cities Russia.

But the secret of workers from UZ, RT and KR is not only diligence. Builders in a generation use certain life hacks that help facilitate difficult work and even get aesthetic pleasure from work. We will tell you about several life hacks of builders today.

Life hacks at the construction site

When working at a construction site, especially when building new skyscrapers, you need to be vigilant, and very often you need to have one free hand in order to hold on if something happens. And how to hold on and move from one floor to another at a rather high altitude, if you use a few rather bulky tools? The answer to this and other questions was found by workers from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Specialists from Central Asia use several interesting life hacks at Russian construction sites.

1) Organizer belt. A homemade belt is usually sewn from canvas, ideally from thick leather. It has a lot of hanging pockets and loops where workers hang and put tools. So hands are free, and nails, a hammer, a spatula, pliers, a nail puller, etc. are at hand.

2) Larger items, for example, such as a hammer with a long handle, a small pick, a level ruler, a crowbar, are endowed with their own loop. This tool can now also be hung from the belt, and it will not restrict movement, or this loop can be thrown over the arm (forearm, shoulder). Plus, the loop can be worn on the wrist - so you can swing a small sledgehammer with all your might and not be afraid that it will be knocked out of your hands from a blow. Even if the recoil knocks the instrument out of his hands, he will not fall from the 12th floor, but simply hang on his forearm.

3) Working at the construction site of the future apartment building, on high altitude builders have to deal with two constant difficulties: either the scorching sun or the piercing cold wind. And if clothes can solve this issue with protecting the body, then the face can either get badly burned in the sun for a week of work at height, or get windy in bad weather. However, builders-lifehackers from Central Asia have found a single simple solution to this issue.

Workers use a special forces hat-mask (these are sold in stores or you can make this mask yourself from a simple hat with scissors). Having made slits for the eyes and for breathing, light hats can be worn both in cold and in heat, they will protect the face from both the scorching sun and the cold wind.

4) See the following videos for a few more life hacks for builders:

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