Singer Sergei Volchkov: biography, personal life. Singer Sergey Volchkov: biography, personal life What was your most difficult period in life

The victory in the TV show "Voice" coincided for Sergei with another important event - the birth of his daughter. Sergei Volchkov's wife Natalia Yakushkina she worried about her husband throughout the entire program, came to shoot the final, and a few days after his victory gave her daughter Xenia. Sergey met his wife a year before the competition - then he was twenty-four years old, and Natalya - thirty-five. It happened in the temple, where Sergei sang in the choir.

He says that it was love at first sight, and he was not embarrassed by the age difference. But Natalya was more critical of their acquaintance, although she also liked Sergey right away - she imagined such a man in her dreams. Natalya told him that their love should be chaste, and if he intends to live with her, then he must marry and be sure to get married. The fact is that before meeting her future husband, Natalya had many novels, including married man, and she, having come to church, decided to atone for her sins.

At the time of their acquaintance, Sergei had a serious relationship with another woman who loved him and always supported him, so he was at a crossroads, but he understood that he did not want to lose Natalya. When the future wife of Sergei Volchkov found out that he was not free, she immediately decided to interrupt the romance that had begun between them. But he turned out to be persistent and said that he would have left Svetlana sooner or later anyway, but he couldn’t lose her, because he truly loved.

In the photo - the wife of Sergei Volchkov

Natalia agreed to be with him only after her blessing. spiritual father, having received which, they played a wedding. At first, Sergei's parents were apprehensive about their son's decision - they were embarrassed by the big age difference with his chosen one, but nevertheless agreed to their marriage, Natalya said that she would do everything to make their son happy with her. When he found out that their family would soon grow up and he would become a dad, he was immensely happy.

Daughter Sergey and his wife were named after St. Xenia of St. Petersburg and baptized her on the second day after birth. The daughter was born prematurely, and her parents prayed that she would get stronger as soon as possible. Sergey and Natalya do not want to stop at one child, they follow the instructions of the father, who blessed their marriage, who said that there should be as many children in the family as the Lord gives.

My family life they start in his wife's apartment, but Sergey hopes that now he will have more opportunities to earn money, and they will be able to acquire more spacious housing.

Our city is just now hosting an annual trade show, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. the most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr-year and Markt-market, bazaar.
I invite you to walk around the German province in the rain, where are we without it

This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the kids!"


Fairy just Fairy

Many letters.
Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you shouldn’t get married right away, so who would listen ((
The problem was Dasha. More precisely, not a problem, a person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just emerging from the ground. She would have to live at least a year without her mother, just one, but love is carrots, they ran to the registry office.
After the wedding, they combined the premarital, bought a three-ruble note in a new building, got pregnant, that's like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model "dad is a breadwinner, mom is a keeper of the hearth", and mom's Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to her daughter's family life, instead of helping, a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband's dirty socks are washed on the same day and for the husband there should always be the first, second and compote. Sasha's brain was inserted, he began to actively help Dasha and the mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was too late,
It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dasha had a breakdown. At the next scandal, she jumped out of the house in one dressing gown at 3 o'clock in the morning and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her away, but I had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the PND for almost half a year, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to a metropolis, got a job, after 2 years she got married a second time, gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed during pregnancy, inherited her husband's business, now everything is in order with her. She began to communicate with her son as soon as she was discharged from the hospital.
Sasha also got married. Nadia is a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, she was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as her own, adopted a common one.
When Sasha filed for a divorce, she said that determine the place of residence of the child with you, but again, who would listen ((
Andryushka is happy with everything, he calls both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mother Nadia, who is always with him, father and adored younger brother, father and mother promise to buy a sister. And mother-holiday Dasha, who takes her to her place for the weekend and on all sorts of trips to the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
The problem is - Dasha decided that Andryushka should be taken away. Sasha and his family live in small town, she is in the regional center, she wants to send her to a good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
Sane people, while everything is quiet and peaceful, but the scandal is brewing.
The question is what is best for the child? Leave dad in the family or give it to mom, where will there be more opportunities for education?



Hi all.
Finally got around to writing a report.

Hello from Sunny Beach

My journey began from the glorious city of Lvov. (I live here now, so I did not consider another option).

We were in Bulgaria for 9 nights, excluding the road.
I was on the bus...



Yesterday the cat jumped from the 7th floor. So the son, shouting: "I came here to kill a cat!" - rushed down. Thank God, only her knees hurt. And I was hurt to tears ... She raised her sons alone. I sold the old apartment, bought a new one, I pay extra for the mortgage. I myself am retired, I go to Moscow, I work to pay. And he lives in such mansions with his daughter-in-law, money does not help. Yes, they are constantly offended. The cat ripped off the apartment, the smell from her toilet stands .... So I put her toilet on the balcony and slightly opened the sash to ventilate. And this wild miracle managed to jump there. So it was! .. I spent the whole evening walking around the city in tears and resentment. I should have bought them a one-room apartment! And then as they wish! And not a kopeck piece, where my one room is, and in the apartment I don’t feel like a hostess. Although privatized. 3 years retired. I can't buy for myself. I didn't want to kill the cat.



Oh girls
I never thought there would be such a problem.
In general, I have a man, made an offer, applied to the registry office.
He's cool, loving, handsome and a bunch of positive adjectives.
There is only one drawback - the penis is small, see 12. Well, he thinks so that it is small, although more than enough for me.
Against this background, he always had problems and did not work with women. He also, according to him, could not relax because he felt that the woman was waiting for sex from him and all the time he thought whether he was worth it or not.
I had another problem before him - frigidity.
I immediately told him that I was not interested in sex. Maybe it relaxed him and he got up for the fourth intimate meeting. It was 3 months of idyll.
[removed by moderator] (sorry) like rabbits and with him I had my first orgasm.

In sex, it was always his initiative, and knowing his problem, I never insisted or asked.
Except once. She jokingly said that he owes me [deleted by moderator]..
He fell almost immediately
And for more than a month we have had big problems with sex.
He just does not get up, as chopped off. Even, sorry, blowjob does not help.
I did not delicately raise this problem, but gradually his attempts came to naught.
We spend everything together free time he is constantly in touch
But, now he tries to hold meetings on neutral territory, cafes, parks, various leisure activities.
But without intimacy.
I understand that he is afraid of repeating failures

Today I could not stand it and raised the conversation.
She suggested a solution on how to overcome this complex of his.
He said that he would not do anything, everything would work itself out, he was very tense and it was clear that this conversation was unpleasant for him.

I don't know what to do in such a situation. He is stubborn and will not talk anymore. He doesn't want to hear about doctors.

Help with advice
Maybe someone faced similar problems or have their own thoughts on this.
Thank you.


The winner of the second season of the popular show on Channel One arrives in Yekaterinburg with a solo concert. You can get on it!

Sergey was born in Belarus, came to Moscow as a student. But luck did not smile at him immediately. Only after the victory in the "Voice", which he won together with his mentor Alexander Gradsky, young man began to be recognized on the street. By the way, his main rival in the final was the singer from Uzbekistan Nargiz Zakirova. She took second place. The competition was serious, but more than 80% of viewers voted for Volchkov.

And a few days later she gave him a daughter, Xenia.

WITH future wife Volchkov met in the temple, where he sang in the choir, a year before the competition. It was love at first sight, despite the 11-year age difference - then Sergey was 24 years old, and Natalya - 35. Moreover, the singer was in a relationship with another woman, and Natalya was in no hurry to embrace him. But still, Sergei was able to convince his beloved of the sincerity of feelings.

Sergey Volchkov (6+)

March 14, 19.00, Palace of Youth (Lenin Ave., 1, tel. 371-15-68). Tickets: 1200–2500 rubles.

Sergey will present everyone's favorite works of Soviet and foreign composers, classical works. She will also sing legendary songs from Soviet films, romances, as well as foreign compositions. In addition to this, Sergei Volchkov prepared unexpected surprises and premieres.

The concert will be accompanied by a musical group led by the laureate international competitions Oksana Petrichenko (piano). At the end of the concert, a traditional autograph session and a photo with the artist.

Sector "Prize"

Win concert tickets!

Submit your answers by March 14th. email [email protected] or SMS to the phone number 8-909-000-96-45, keyword "Volchkov".

The prize - two tickets to Sergei Volchkov's concert - will go to the first reader who gives the correct answer. When answering, please include your first and last name and contact phone number.

A poor student and a woman whose romance ended in tragedy found each other in a temple.

This love story is like a miracle. At that time, a poor student and a woman whose affair with a dangerous man ended in tragedy found each other in the temple. Since then, their lives have been turned upside down...

Sergey: I remember well the feeling that I can finally breathe out on the day when the semi-final of the TV project "Voice" was left behind. Before the performance, Alexander Borisovich Gradsky said: “Seryozha, no offense. I am calm for you, you will achieve everything yourself, everything will be fine. And Sharip needs help, he pulled hard during the project, you need to push. Sharip Umkhanov is a singer from Chechnya. We became friends at the "blind" auditions, both then ended up in the Gradsky team. So it was no surprise to me when the mentor gave Sharip sixty percent of his votes, and only forty percent to me. I decided: if I have to leave, I will do it with the words of my favorite romance “There is only once in a life a meeting.” I will sing: “Only once on this beautiful evening I so want to love,” and it will be absolutely sincere.

But there was no need to say goodbye to the project. The scale of the audience vote crept up with incredible speed, and I was ahead of the competition. I went to rest in the dressing room, where Borisych soon appeared:

Well, will you be the winner?

In what sense?

- The winner of the second "Voice". You have already beaten Nargiz Zakirova by thirty-five thousand votes. Based on last year's experience, I can say that the first place is yours.

Gradsky was not mistaken. In the final, I beat Nargiz by three hundred and eighty thousand votes. And, as they say, woke up famous.

Could anyone have predicted such a twist of fate? My parents have nothing to do with music, theater or cinema. In Belarusian Bykhov, the regional center of the Mogilev region, my mother worked as a controller-cashier in Belarusbank, and my father worked as a driver. Brother Volodya is six and a half years older than me. was a teacher in English at school, the fame of him thundered throughout the district. But teachers' salaries are low. Having married, Volodya also graduated from the law faculty. He has two children - Nastya and Arseniy, my godson.

I grew up as a hooligan guy, I constantly got into stories: we’ll set fire to dry grass with the guys, then we’ll break the window with a ball. In order not to get out of hand at all, my parents figured out how to pacify me: they enrolled me in a music school.

At first I went there with interest, then under pressure, but gradually got involved, especially when I learned to play the piano decently. I started to sing in the choir - I liked it.

Our Bykhov ended up in the Chernobyl zone, so every summer they began to send schoolchildren on vacation to Italy - to improve their health. I first went there at the age of eight and went three years in a row. I was taken in by the Macetti family - farmers, they lived sixty-five kilometers from Milan, their son Mauro was my age. Of course, I didn’t know Italian, at first we communicated in sign language, but in three years I learned not only to understand, but also to somehow explain myself.

I visited them again last summer. Souvenirs that he brought them from Belarus - crystal vases, straw crafts, wicker rugs - are still stored in the house. Mauro continued the business of his parents, is engaged in cattle breeding, six months ago he became a father. We met very warmly, as if we never parted. And they were able to talk without problems, I learned Italian at GITIS. They remembered how I once sang to them, the mistress of the house Louise still joked: “Well, the spitting image of Robertino Loretti! You will grow up and you will perform at La Scala. I don’t know about La Scala, but now I am taking opera vocal lessons in Italy.

After the ninth grade, music teacher Lyudmila Nikolaevna Vishnyakova said:

Seryozha, don't bury your talent in the ground. You need to go to an audition at a music college in Mogilev.

Nothing will come of it. How will I pass the exams?

Although I studied for seven years at a music school, I always shamelessly skipped solfeggio lessons, and musical literature passed me by. Question: go to solfeggio or kick the ball - always decided in favor of the ball. When I lost three briefcases in six months, my parents simply stopped buying them. I went to school with a plastic bag, it was very convenient to move down the hills in winter.

Nothing, - Lyudmila Nikolaevna did not give up, - I will train you.

And I started preparing for the exams. I studied a lot, but did not score passing score. I was immediately offered to go to the paid branch.

No! Mom waved her hands. - Vova is already studying on a paid basis. We will not pull two with my father.

Mom, please. I cannot live without music. I will do everything to switch to free education in a year.

I kept my word and as a result, after graduating from college, I received several qualifications at once: choir conductor, solfeggio teacher and soloist. I wanted to move on. I also thought about acting. I often led concerts, as it seemed to me, I read the poems of Yesenin, Gamzatov, Asadov quite well. When I was rewatching “The Irony of Fate ...”, in the scene where Barbara Brylska asks the mother of the hero Myagkov: “Do you think I am frivolous?”, And Lyubov Dobzhanskaya replies: “Wait and see”, I always had tears in my eyes. I dreamed that I myself would definitely star in a cool movie.

In parallel, he studied for six months at the preparatory department of the Belarusian Academy of Arts. Stage speech teachers removed my “gekanye”. By the way, later, in GITIS, it was worth talking on the phone with my mother, I immediately started “hacking” again and could no longer stop. The whole institute laughed.

In a company of five people - me and four girls, one of whom was my wife - went to conquer Moscow theater universities. The Moscow Art Theater School was denied immediately, the course was recruited by the stern Konstantin Raikin. In VGIK, I was more fortunate: I went through all three rounds of auditions in the workshop of Vladimir Grammatikov. But he failed in the exam. “Young man, you are out of shape,” said Grammatikov. “Come back in two days, maybe you can impress us.” Frustrated, upset. But the girls advised: “In GITIS, they are gaining a course of musical theater artists. You sing well, try it there.”

I went to GITIS, and there was already the last tour. But I still made my way to the audience.

We don’t actually have gatherings here,” Tamara Sinyavskaya got angry. - Where were you before?

But I can sing!

Okay, show me. Where are your notes?

I do not have them…

Let me play, - suggested the accompanist.

And I sang to them “Oh, dears”, with all my heart, as they taught. I was not interrupted, listened to the end.

Tamara Ilyinichna smiled:

Sing something a cappella.

I sang the Belarusian folk song "Kupalinka".

You don't have to go anywhere else, join us.

And I became a student of GITIS. I tried to get into Sinyavskaya's class, although I was warned: she only takes girls.

But I was very persistent, broke through and became her student. True, not for long. When already in the class I sang "I'm not angry" (this famous song Schumann is performed by many baritones), the girls held their thumbs up: they say, well done! And Tamara Ilyinichna looked at me somehow very sadly. Then I did not know that this piece was once performed by her husband Muslim Magomayev. A few days later, the master of the course Rosetta Yakovlevna Nemchinskaya called me to her: “Seryozha, do not be offended and do not be upset. Tamara Ilyinichna cannot work with you. After the death of Muslim, it is hard for her to listen to the baritone.

So, Professor Pyotr Sergeevich Glubokiy, specially invited to GITIS, and Honored Artist of Buryatia, Olga Fedorovna Mironova, became my teachers. They taught me everything I can.

If my studies went well, then my personal life went awry: my marriage was bursting at the seams. I have already mentioned: I went to conquer the capital together with my wife Alina. We met back in Mogilev, the first meeting was not at all romantic. We went out with classmates from college to the street, we wanted to drink beer, and girls were smoking in the yard. One, with a bob haircut, I immediately liked. I did not touch cigarettes then, but drove up with the words:

Girls, can't you find a smoke for my friend?

Why wouldn't he ask for it?

Word by word, we got to know each other. Alina turned out to be a violinist. A romance unfolded. And one day she announced:

I seem to be pregnant.

So, tomorrow we are going to apply to the registry office.

The alarm turned out to be false, but not to cancel the wedding, the preparations for which were in full swing. We got married, walked on a grand scale for two days.

In Moscow, I went to college, but Alina failed. She could not find a job by profession, got a job as a seller in a cosmetics store. Family rooms are not provided in the GITIS dormitory, and for a month and a half we daily wandered from Pushkino, where my uncle lived, to Moscow. Then they found a rented apartment. Alina's parents, who were in business, were in trouble, they lost a lot of money, and mine helped in any way they could. I can imagine how hard it was for them. What a blessing that today I can thank them for everything!

My wife was sure that in Moscow I would immediately become a great and successful artist. But the reality turned out to be completely different: from the first year I worked as Santa Claus and a children's clown, nothing else could be found.

Quarrels, scandals began, I didn’t want to go home. Alina stopped trusting me. We stayed like that for a year and a half, and then the relationship finally exhausted itself. They sat down, talked and went to divorce.

Later they wrote on the Internet that I left my first wife with a child in my arms. Complete lie! We don't have any children and never have. I will not say a single bad word about Alina, we were young, inexperienced and impatient, so we did not save our feelings, no one is to blame for anything. But having divorced, he promised himself never to mess with his peers again. Alina met by chance two years later, she worked in mall"European", I went there to buy something. We exchanged a few words and parted without any hard feelings.

Natalia: We have been looking for each other for a long time. In the fate of each, a lot of things happened until they met. By the way, I could become an artist, as a child I loved to dance. For some time she was the prima of the youth variety ensemble "Fantasy", one of its founders was Mark Grigoryevich Rudinshtein. This acquaintance played important role in my life.

"Fantasy" gave a lot of concerts and was a success. The success was, let's say, versatile. Once we performed at a businessman’s birthday party in Tarusa, I went out there in a room to the song “Army of Lovers” in a lace bodysuit and leather shorts. Finished dancing, bowed, suddenly I see - unknown man walks towards me and holds out a green piece of paper:

No, you don’t need it, I was scared.

But he doesn't listen and stuffs it into the pocket of my shorts. Already in the dressing room I took out a fifty-dollar bill - big money at that time.

Another time they danced at the City Day. She went down from the stage, and an unfamiliar lady was waiting there:

We want to invite you to work in the Russian Troika variety show.

My face was drawn.

You will only dance, nothing like that! Well, unless, of course, you yourself want to earn extra money ...

Oh, no, no, thank you, - I did not even let her finish.

But, no matter how hard she tried, she could not protect herself from troubles - the dashing nineties stood in the yard with all their romance.

In her native Podolsk, she met with " serious man”, fell in love, a romance began. My chosen one was categorically against dancing, so I had to leave Fantasia. He wasn't free, but he didn't let go of me either. When Mark Grigoryevich found out who I was talking to, he was upset: “Oh-oh-oh, this is very a dangerous person. If you need my help, call."

My parents raised me in the right direction. Mom said: your first man should become your husband. But my fate took shape contrary to her ideas. She did not condemn me and repeated more than once: “Everything happens in life. If you get pregnant, no abortions. Bring the child to us, my father and I will help raise it.”

But this is mine past history Let's talk about the present. Let me just say that a loved one was shot. So I was left alone, in torn feelings, without work. I called Rudinshtein, he had already successfully held the Kinotavr festival, Mark Grigorievich suggested:

Come to me, we'll think of something.

But I can't do anything!

Yes, we’ll figure it out somehow, - and took him as his assistant.

Secretary Tanya Salchuk (she, too, is no longer alive) taught me how to print, handle copiers and faxes, and I slowly got used to it. Then Rudinshtein promoted me to assistant director Oscar Georgievich Volin, he staged the opening and closing ceremonies of the festival. The work was a joy, because I wanted to deal not with papers, but with living people. The atmosphere in our office was kind of family, warm. "Kinotavra" Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky, when he came, joked: "Yakushkina, make coffee for the king!" He was amazing person, noticed everything, but behind his ironic remarks there was such kindness, sympathy, understanding ... I always remember Oleg Ivanovich with gratitude.

Yes, there were enough stars around. Of course, novels happened, including with married people - it's a sin. They just wanted to have fun, give flowers, take me to theaters and restaurants. And I needed a family and children.

And one day it seemed that I had found my happiness. We met the actor D. in Moscow, I arranged his trip to the festival. We liked each other right away, and later he, so big and beautiful, and most importantly free, flew to Sochi. I came up with a beautiful novel, I believed in it. One evening we were sitting in a cafe by the sea, I told him my story.

God, what a good you are, - D. touched. - I've suffered so much! You can’t offend such a girl, you need to marry. It's a pity I can't.

Already married!

No one knew about this, and even today D. prefers not to talk about his wife.

I got up from the table and walked away like a zombie. I don't remember how I got to the room. And in the morning I couldn’t get out of bed, my legs didn’t obey, I didn’t even imagine that this happens. I called the festival headquarters: “Please take a plane ticket, I can’t be in Sochi while he is here, I don’t have the strength to meet him,” and sobbed.

The girls tried to persuade me to stay for three days, and I cried non-stop. Rudinshtein and Yankovsky found out what was happening to me and came to my room. Oleg Ivanovich hugged: “Natasha, are you out of your mind? Open your eyes, look at him. Because of some weirdo (the word was stronger) are you going to ruin your life?!” These words sobered me, I gradually calmed down.

There were many more disappointments. Meeting a person, you hope: maybe this time it is he, the one you are looking for? But no, everything does not add up again and you need to collect yourself piece by piece again, bring to life ...

My closest friend Natasha married a believer, and I immediately had a wonderful relationship with Victor. It was he who directed me and my girlfriend on the true path - he brought us to the temple. We went to the Intercession to the Novodevichy Convent, where we went to confession and communed for the first time in our lives. I began to go to church, tried to observe fasts.

On the eve of her birthday, she broke up with another young man. The mood is at zero, I don’t want to have fun, I don’t want to have fun, I decided to escape from sorrows to Turkey for a few days, I even managed to book a hotel. Natasha told:

I want to unwind, I'm going to the sea. I'll lie in the sun, warm up ...

Yes, you wait with your sea!

Calls back in ten minutes:

You are not going to any Turkey, on Sunday you will go to Suzdal, to the Holy Intercession Convent.

How?! Why?

We will tell you everything on the spot. Get ready! Take only a change of clothes with you, nothing extra. You will come back a different person.

When I got to Suzdal, there was a service in the monastery. After her, I met the abbess, and I was settled in a house with other pilgrims. I shared a cell with a very nice woman named Alexandra and her daughter. The girl could hardly move: her nerve cells were dying, the doctors were desperate to help.

I lay and thought: “People come here with such problems, and you? Another love story, too, woe to me! But I understood that this is a chance to change my life and I cannot miss it. Sasha introduced me to her confessor, Father Gennady Dvurechensky. He looked like fairy tale character- such a large, rosy-cheeked, with blue eyes and a bright red beard. Sasha immediately warned: the priest is strict. Since I was shaking from tension and fear, I wrote about my problems on a piece of paper in advance so as not to forget anything. I read my list and added at the end:

Father, I want to start a family, children. And everything doesn't work out.

How old are you?

Yesterday I turned thirty-three.

Congratulations. How do you live with men?

For real.

But it is necessary, Natalya, to live chastely!

Father, but I'm not a girl anymore. How to tell an adult: let's go to the registry office first? Anyone would think I'm sick in the head.

And don't rush. We first look at each other, trying to figure out if this person is right for us. Try to live chastely, men will respect you more. And now go, get ready for confession and remember: sin will not add happiness.

This phrase stuck in my head. When I left the temple, the ground left from under my feet, I almost fell. But it was clear: I am changing my fate today, otherwise why did I come here at all?

In Moscow, I imagined how I would go to services in the monastery, take walks, put my thoughts in order. Instead, from seven in the morning, the pilgrims and I chopped cabbage in the kitchen, sorted out onions, worked all day like bees and still had time to go to services. In the evening they fell down from fatigue, and in the morning everything was repeated all over again. I was breaking out of habit, the first day I sobbed non-stop. But on the fourth morning I woke up in complete peace of mind.

She returned home and tried to live in a new way. She met men, but now she communicated with them exclusively in a friendly way. She became a recluse in her inner monastery and realized: you can live without passions, sensual pleasures, and then your head is greatly cleared, you know exactly what to strive for, and peace reigns in your soul.

On one of her visits to her father, Gennady, she told her Podolsk history, his eyes popped out of his forehead:

How long were you with that person?

Three years.

Mary of Egypt atoned for her sin by chastity as much as she sinned. You still have a little bit left before your term, and everything will change.

I immediately perked up. And suddenly it's true? Mom and dad were very worried about me. It was worth coming to them, they always started one song: we want grandchildren. I shrugged it off - leave me alone.

How will you be alone when my father and I are gone? - Mom was upset.

I will go to the monastery. There they will feed, drink, give shelter.

Every Sunday I went to pray in the church of Peter and Paul not far from my house. She knew by sight all the parishioners and singers on the kliros. To be honest, I didn’t even imagine that the church choir consisted of professionals, I thought that ordinary parishioners sing, well, who has a voice. I mentally prayed: it would be great to meet a man right here, in the temple, then he would certainly understand and hear me.

And then a nice guy appeared in the choir, who sang amazingly. This is exactly what she painted in her dreams: dark-haired, with blue eyes, plump lips. I am an impulsive person, and some kind of inner calm emanated from him. I stood and admired him, but he did not notice me at all.

Sergei: It's not. I noticed Natasha right away, or rather, I saw her eyes, they just beamed. But first, let me tell you how I got there. I have been wearing a cross since childhood, but I was not churched, I never felt the need to attend services, confess, take communion ... I came to sing at the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands on Setun to earn a living. I liked everything, but the funeral service was very hard to endure. The funeral of the son of Dmitry Pevtsov twisted his whole soul. I will not forget the eyes of my father, frozen with grief, and the two women kneeling and sobbing at the coffin. Daniil was my age, the guys with whom I crossed paths at VGIK gathered to bury him. I could barely sing " Eternal memory", there was a lump in my throat. After that, I moved to the choir of the church of Peter and Paul.

That Sunday I sang "Grace of the World", the priest gave a sermon. And then there was a pause before communion, when the Royal Doors had not yet opened. The parishioners put candles, and then children's laughter rang out throughout the church. Suddenly noticed: beautiful girl, at which he often looked, his whole face lit up with inner light, she began to look with her eyes for the laughing child. In an instant, I realized that it was this woman who could give me a lot.

Father was right - it took three years to atone for my sins. And again, life turned upside down on a birthday! On the nineteenth of October, on Friday, I celebrated it with friends, on Saturday I went to my parents, and on Sunday I decided: to go or not to go to the service - not every day a woman is pleasing in the temple. And yet she went. I took my usual place and suddenly felt the eyes of that guy from the choir. She blushed like a cancer, looked up, our eyes met. It was as if I read his mind: “Wow, finally appeared!” After the service, he came up to me, stood next to me:

I'm sorry, I must be interfering with your prayers. I had a hard week, but your smile redeemed everything.

Thank you for the kind words.

I left the temple, but he caught up on the street and introduced himself:

Sergey. May I accompany you?

My name is Natalya. See.

They got to my car.

How about we go somewhere for breakfast? Serezha suggested.

And we settled down at a table of the nearest cafe. We talked for three hours, as if we had known each other for a hundred years. Changed to "you".

Sergei, what are you doing?

I study at GITIS at the faculty of musical theater.

How are you learning? And how old are you?

Twenty four.

I got mad...

Sergei: But I was not at all embarrassed by the eleven-year age difference. I already fell in love, everything just pounded. Saying goodbye to Natasha, he went to visit his father, who was in Moscow to work. He smoked cigarette after cigarette, dad was even scared: “Seryozha, cool down, I beg you! Go home, come to your senses, think carefully.

There was something to think about. I dated another woman. Sveta loved me, we walked through life together, it was comfortable and good with her. It’s hard to break through alone in a strange city without support, and Svetlana was always there, helped, believed in me, for which I am eternally grateful to her. But I couldn't lose Natasha.

Natalya: The text message from Seryozha - love poems - came literally half an hour after our parting. And then he called: "I'm shaking all over, this has never happened in my life." For several days we corresponded on Facebook, he threw links to videos with his performances. When I left work, I was always waiting for a rose on the windshield. Sometimes he himself was standing next to the car. We went somewhere to have dinner and talked, talked ...

So I don’t want to leave you, it’s hard to return home, ”Seryozha once said.

He hesitated with the answer, averted his eyes. And I felt like I was doused with ice water:

You are not alone? Do you have someone?

Seryozha, the beautiful Seryozha whom I met in the church, is not free. Everything repeats ... And I said:

I don't play these games. And we will not succeed in friendship, you understand. Goodbye.

He called a couple of days later:

Natasha, we need to meet.

Okay, but I'm the only one starting to prepare for communion on Thursday.

I also want to partake.

Great, I'll help you with that.

And I have to explain everything to you.

We were sitting in a cafe on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

I don't want to become a breakaway. It's not your girlfriend's fault that you got screwed over. It will soon pass.

No, it won't. Sooner or later, he would have left anyway. I'm sorry I didn't talk about this relationship sooner. I truly loved you.

Listen, you are still young, you have a career and a whole life ahead of you. And I need to marry. Not only that, you have to marry me. And to be the first the wedding night. Now you can get up and run. I'm already used to this.

There was a pause, then Sergey said:

I agree to everything. Now you can get up and run.

To be honest, I did not expect such words at all. She told him about the father:

In any case, we will go to Suzdal for a blessing.

As much as I liked Sergei, I understood: if the priest did not bless, our relationship would end.

I'll call when I decide my situation, - said Seryozha saying goodbye.

Sergei: I have been reading the canons all week, and on Thursday I started fasting. And it was not easy, I had corporate parties one after another. Performances require strength - I don’t treat any work like this: a ride! Wherever I perform, I sing for real, without a phonogram. Therefore, despite the fact that I never printed my posters, I have a lot of suggestions. Some customers pass it on to others, after each concert I receive invitations to take part in two more.

On Sunday, he took communion and, to his surprise, immediately called his second cousin, with whom he quarreled to the nines and did not speak for a year, asking for forgiveness for everything. And then he explained to Svetlana: “I'm sorry, but I have to leave. I can’t lie to you, a woman appeared in my life whom I fell in love with.

Svetlana was in shock, and she herself was in pain and hard. I didn’t understand: where I was going, to whom - then, by and large, I didn’t know Natasha. In two days I smoked ten packs of cigarettes, went green, I just threw up.

I moved back to the GITIS hostel, thank God they saved a place for me. There was no talk of moving to Natalya, she would not let her in, she only allowed kissing on the cheek. And I already blazed like fire.

Soon Natasha went to the Russian Film Week in Israel. I couldn’t wait, as soon as I returned, I immediately called: “When will we go for a blessing?” And suddenly the answer is cold.

Natalya: Sergey pressed me very hard, and I got scared, panicked. Somehow it all happened very quickly. Here a person dreams of something, asks the Lord to help, and then finally gets what he wants, and then it turns out: he does not know what to do with it. There were a million doubts in my head: what if Seryozha is not the one I need? What if it makes me even more unhappy?

Sergei asked:

We'll meet tomorrow?

I can not.

But I haven't seen you for a whole week!

One day doesn't solve anything. And in general, it seems to me that we gathered a little early to the priest. Let's wait, let's check the feelings.

Natasha, you know, continue to live as you lived! I was going to almost ask the priest for your hand, but you! .. I will not impose myself. Goodbye, - and slammed the phone.

I did not sleep the night, prayed and sobbed: what a fool you are, Yakushkina, the Lord sends you a man in his house - in the temple, take it, and you spoil everything! In the morning she wrote a text message to Sergei: “Forgive me! Sorry for the distrust, I've been burned too often. And I'm very afraid of making a mistake again.

We nevertheless went to Father Gennady, defended the service, after which we even drank a little bit of wine. Father gave me another instruction:

Don't wear trousers. A woman must wear a skirt. I even allow a short one. But no pants!

How about wearing shorts in the summer?

Only tracksuit when you go to the gym. In general, if you want - do it, if you don't want - don't do it. Only you can see for yourself: she heeded my instruction to live a chaste life - and this is what came of it.

We got into the car to go to visit the priest for lunch. I told Seryozha that he would never see me in trousers again. The one with hostility:

Did you ask me? You look good in jeans, I like it!

But I made a vow and I will keep it.

Seryozha's cheeks were already full of jaws. We are going, and I myself think: “Now he will say:“ You went with your oaths! They came to the house of father Gennady in complete negativity. We sat down at the table, the priest began to ask Sergei how he treats me, how we met. There was talk of marriage.

It is impossible to protect yourself, - says Father Gennady, - how many children the Lord gives - so many children need to be born. But now the post, you have to be patient.

How much more can you endure?! - Seryozha explodes again.

Why does a husband cheat on his wife? Because there is no temperance house. So he gets bored with everything, starts walking right and left. And if you begin to abstain, everything between you will happen as for the first time. Do you agree?

We both say:

Yes, - but Seryozha - clenching his teeth.

Then I bless for marriage after the Advent. Come right after the Epiphany holidays, I will marry you.

Sergey: We left the house, got into the car. I turned to Natasha:

Well, wife?

Listen to you, man!

My parents, of course, were very worried:

Seryozha, take your time, you already had one beautiful wedding. Judge for yourself: you hardly know Natasha - why get married right away? This is serious business, this is forever.

Everything will be fine, I reassured them.

Natalia: And my mother, as soon as she heard Serezhin's voice, said: “He sings like Magomayev. Let's take it!" Dad was embarrassed by our age difference: “Seryozha is a pleasant and handsome man, but very young.”

Under New Year Serezha's mother arrived in Moscow, we met her at the station, took her to his father, drank a little.

Natasha, we don’t know you at all, everything happened so quickly with you, it’s not clear what to think, ”Seryozha’s mother said, looking at me doubtfully.

I'm sure I can make your son happy, I replied.

Sergey: We got married at the end of January in Suzdal in a twenty-five degree frost. My parents were not present, my mother was in the hospital. There were Natasha's relatives, her friends Natasha and Victor, a friend from the monastery Sasha with her daughter, who, thank God, recovered. Father Gennady gave us a gift: the wedding not only “sang and danced”, but also rode a troika with a real coachman.

IN Honeymoon went to the sea, and then it became clear how different we are. Natasha wanted to lie on the beach with a book, but I love outdoor activities - trips, excursions. They began to get used to each other, to look for compromises: for five days I suffered on the beach, the remaining ten - she was with me on excursions. Returning to Moscow, we just went to the registry office and signed, then sat in a restaurant in a warm company of friends.

I planned a trip to Italy for June, I wanted to introduce Natasha to my friends. She left to work for Kinotavr, and one morning I received a text message from her from Sochi. And there are two lines! I was incredibly happy: we will have a baby! Of course, I handed over the tickets, canceled everything and stayed in Moscow.

And then “The Voice” happened in my life. I knew that the project was beautiful, honest, and I really wanted to get into it, I sent my recordings for casting, and the waiting began. Before that, I had already become a laureate of a serious competition - "Romansiada", sang in the Hall of Columns and won the title of a star of Russian romance. The jury included Nikolai Slichenko, Lyudmila Lyadova, Sergei Zakharov, Nikolai Baskov.

I was invited to the casting of "Voice" in "Ostankino" when I was fishing in my native Belarus. The day before, I just pulled out a catfish for nineteen and a half kilograms, I also thought: “Which “Voice”? Here the most cool went. Maybe stay fishing?” But, thank God, I went. The casting was carried out by the music producers of Channel One, I sang “Blue Eternity” to them.

Do you know the Mister X aria?

Get drunk.

I sang to the end, the music editors smiled:

And fulfill it.

Thought: a good choice I must be lucky. Two weeks remained before the "blind" auditions. I prepared seriously and was terribly worried. I calmed down a little when I saw Petya Elfimov on the project, his mother was my teacher, and Kolya Timokhin, we studied with him at GITIS. He immediately became friends with Gela Guralia, Sharip Umkhanov. With Gela, in general, they constantly stayed together. It would seem that we are competitors, but the editors created such a friendly atmosphere behind the scenes that everyone sincerely cheered for each other. There, no one lived by their victory, they lived with emotions. I stand before going on stage, I'm worried, the editor comes up, pats on the shoulder:

“You are our favorite Mister X! You have to show yourself to the fullest!”

At the “blind” auditions, Alexander Borisovich Gradsky turned to me from the very first notes. Wow, this is exactly what I dreamed about! My heart told me that Bilan should also turn around, academic vocals are close to him, because he graduated from Gnesinka. And so it happened. But I chose Gradsky. I listened to Alexander Borisovich and listen with my mouth open, he is not only a unique musician, but also incredible person, decent and honest. But Dima was not offended by me, we communicate wonderfully with him to this day.

The repertoire was selected by the mentor. When Alexander Borisovich ordered to sing “I love you, life”, I was in doubt, the song seemed age-related. "She will be yours. calling card", - Gradsky said confidently and was not mistaken.

I perform this piece at concerts, and young people accept it very well, this applies to almost all songs of Soviet composers. I think that our pop classics should live in the twenty-first century. I always sing the songs of Babadzhanyan, Pakhmutova, Tariverdiev as an encore, not a single tomato has flown at me yet. On the contrary, Iosif Kobzon came up and said nice words. And Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova appreciated: “Since the time of Muslim Magomayev, I have not heard such a powerful performance of Melodiya. I would write something for this boy.”

I wanted to win, but, honestly, the victory in the "Voice" was not the main thing. I dreamed that the audience would remember me and begin to recognize me from the first note. If it weren't for luck, I wouldn't run away with tears in my eyes or insults to the people who gave me the opportunity to show myself. But I also understand those who have had emotional breakdowns. For a creative person, especially a young one who believes that he can do a lot, it is a huge stress not to be recognized, not to receive confirmation of his talent. "Voice" is a big test, an insane emotional breakdown.

When Gradsky chose “Melody” for our duet with a blind participant, the singer Patricia Kurganova, I consulted with Tamara Sinyavskaya on how best to perform it. Magomayev dedicated this song to his wife. And we decided that in my version it is a cry for loss: it's scary if your loved one can never see you.

Gradsky left me in the project, hoping that one of the mentors would "save" Patricia. But she had to leave. Now I invite her to all my concerts, recently we performed together with the Presidential Orchestra in Vitebsk, our duet lives on. But I always try to sing "Melody" at the end of the program. When I sang the song for the first time, I came to my senses for two days - yes, I clutched my heart for two days!

Sharip Umkhanov and I remained friends despite the fact that I won our battle. Sharip did not return to Chechnya, he successfully works at the Grigory Leps Center, tours a lot, we meet from time to time, exchange news.

I know - my victory was absolutely fair. The call center that counts votes is independent of Channel One. By the way, the collected funds are immediately transferred to help seriously ill children, last year it was the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation.

Natalia: For me, "Voice" has become a complete hassle. I thought: I’ll get pregnant, I’ll read books, walk, eat and sleep. What is there! My dad got seriously ill. I had to work for two, because the organizers of the "Voice" forbade the participants to shine at concerts once again.

In addition, I sat on all the broadcasts, I missed only one, where Sergey sang with Patricia. And the broadcasts continued until the night, until everyone performed, it was not supposed to leave. From loud music, the child tossed and turned in his stomach, pounded his legs. We already knew that there would be a girl, and since the doctors set the date for her birth on the sixth of February, they even chose the name - Xenia, in honor of Xenia of Petersburg. My daughter seemed to be telling me: “Mom, go home!” But how could I leave? She sat and was terribly worried about her husband, more nervous than himself: if only I didn’t forget the text, if only I didn’t break my voice.

At some point, the body failed. The finale of "Voice" took place on the twenty-seventh of December, and on the twenty-eighth I came to see a doctor. Elena Nikolaevna measured my blood pressure and said that I needed to be hospitalized urgently. The ambulance did not go for an hour, stuck in New Year's Eve traffic jams, and then she got behind the wheel herself and took me to the Kurtser perinatal center. They promised: you will lie down for a couple of days and let you go home. But I met the New Year in the hospital. Seryozha stayed with me until eleven, then went to visit Gradsky.

I called my father Gennady:

I have high blood pressure.

Don't worry, there's pressure on you Magic word"Amen". Do not settle for premature birth, he advised.

But on the third of January at seven in the morning a whole delegation of doctors came to the ward:

Natasha, we need to urgently move to the operating room. The child does not move. He is bad there.

How can he move if you stabbed me with tranquilizers? I have to call my father...

If you don't want to lose your child, you can't wait.

At noon they made me C-section. Waking up from anesthesia, she called Serezha: “You became a dad, we had a daughter.” He was crying with happiness. Since the anesthesia was epidural, I could not feel my legs for several days. The child was in an incubator in intensive care, but Serezha was allowed in, he took a picture of our daughter and showed it to me. Doctors and nurses were his fans, they let him see the child even in late time. I was surrounded by attention, every woman considered it necessary to admire: “What a magical husband you have!”

We christened our daughter the day after she was born. Seryozha, when he was taking the priest to the hospital, shared his doubts:

They wanted to call her Xenia, but she was born a month earlier, it turns out - not according to the calendar.

If you want it, call it that.

Father Gennady became Ksyushin's godfather, with the help of which my life changed. Father John, who baptized the child, said to Serezha: “Perhaps the victory in the Voice was given not so much to you as to your daughter.”

Indeed, after the project, Sergey received so many job offers that we paid all the hospital expenses and did not even go into debt.

Ksenia Sergeevna Volchkova calm, positive child- all in dad. And I'm a crazy mother. When my daughter had colic, she plagued the doctors:

She is crying! What to do?

Well, how long does your baby usually cry for?

I don't know, maybe five or seven minutes.

Mommy, babies cry for hours, your girl is just perfect!

I woke up recently in the morning in our one-room apartment. She opened her eyes: there is our bed, Ksyushina's bed, playpen, sofa, chest of drawers, TV and that's all - there is no more room. What plans do you think you started building? How to give birth to a second child as soon as possible, age is still running out.

Sergey: Today a shaft of work fell upon me. I participate in such concerts, which I had only dreamed of before. In February, a solo album should take place at the Moscow House of Music. Not so long ago I sang in the Kremlin. The conductor of the symphony orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory said:

We worked with both Gulyaev and Muslim - from a professional point of view, we see no difference between you. You gave us rare happiness!

And how much you gave me - words can not express!

It's nice to hear the praise of professionals. Alexander Borisovich instructs: “You don’t grab onto everything.” I agree, what I have is enough, but, of course, I hope that I will continue to grow, this is important for me. I think of one and only thing - if only my parents would not get sick, they would live longer.

Natalya: And I want the whole world to hear Volchkov. I believe that this will happen soon, because Seryozha sings with his heart.

The editors would like to thank the Esse coffee house for their help in organizing the shooting.

The wife of Sergei Volchkov in the first days of the new year gave birth to a daughter

The wife of Sergei Volchkov in the first days of the new year gave birth to a daughter

25-year-old Sergey VOLCHKOV, who performed "Mr. X's Aria", confidently won the main music show of the First Channel "Voice" -2 and, as the host Dmitry NAGIEV announced, became the king of the stage. The other day, an even more joyful event happened in Sergey's life: his wife Natalya YAKUSHKINA gave birth to a daughter, Xenia.

On the happy addition to the family Sergey Volchkov prefers not to spread: only mentor singer knows about the news Alexander Gradsky and close people.

Natalia came to shoot the final, - said Sergey. - Beloved was worried about me, and on the second day after the victory, her pressure rose. They called an ambulance and took me to a private clinic that we had chosen in advance. And on January 3, our daughter Ksenia was born.

- You wanted a girl with your wife?

Dreamed of a child from the first day, as soon as they met. Both me and Natasha have this first child. I always knew: "I will marry the person from whom I want a child." My wife and I dreamed of a girl and the name was chosen in advance, in honor of St. Xenia of Petersburg. She was born a little premature.

- Mentor Alexander Gradsky will become a godfather?

If there was time, then, perhaps, Alexander Borisovich was invited. But in our situation there was no time to think. We christened Xenia on the second day, the local priest Gennady became the godfather. That's what Natasha wanted. All the days after the victory, I asked God for only one thing: that my daughter would get stronger. There will be a son, maybe Gradsky will become a godfather. But I know: Father Gennady prays every day for my daughter. It's not clear to me when some go to be friends or famous people became godparents, but they don’t even go to church.

The victory dress was sewn by Nargiz

- Did you dedicate performances to your wife?

Why did Gradsky give 60% to your opponent Sharip Umkhanov in the semi-finals? Not sure about your victory?

According to rumors, Channel One sewed a red dress for the final performance for Nargiz Zakirova. And I put on a suit rented from the First. Nargiz understood from her face that she was upset because she was sure of victory.

One of the first to congratulate me was the music producer of Channel One Yuri Aksyuta. He was worried that the day before the performance, during rehearsals, I had a fever: I could barely hold the microphone. Nargiz generally left the runs, so as not to plant her voice. I was very worried: on the day of the final, I performed “Mr. X's Aria” six times. But the artist has no days off and sick days.

I won, by the way, thanks to Gradsky, his correct strategy - primarily the selection of repertoire. The song "I love you, life" hit the mark. Although she has an adult understanding, and I am only 25. At first I doubted, argued: “Maybe I should take something else?” But Gradsky insisted and was not mistaken.

As for the semi-finals, Sharip Umkhanov and I both proved to be worthy of choosing a mentor. But against the will of Gradsky, the people "saved" me. However, the mentor did not stop treating me well. This is a competition.

In the finale, Nargiz's red dress, her cap and Freddie Mercury's song are all alien, not Russian. Why do vocalists at the main music competition of the country, and even in the final, sing not in their native language?

Agree. I am for an ideology so that our people believe in the country in which they live. Believe on American project"Voice" is not sung in Russian. I want the whole world to love Russian word. Ready to perform “Moscow Evenings” on “Voice”, because this song is known all over the world. I can sing in both Italian and English, but it's important to understand that this is a national show. It is easier to put your heart and soul into the phrase “I love you” than into “ich liebe dich” or “I love you”.

Congratulated the President

- You have Belarusian citizenship, and we are talking about patriotism ...

I have not received Russian yet, I am just going to apply for dual citizenship. Natasha's wife is Russian. Mother, father, brother, friends live in Belarus. My corner is Belarus, but now another country feeds me, and I will raise a child with the money of another country. There are more opportunities in Russia, and, thank God, there are no borders between Russia and Belarus. I think it's one country. Before the final, I received text messages, mostly from relatives and friends. But two weeks after the victory, I was invited to a private concert in Minsk, where the Belarusian elite gathered: politicians, artists. At the concert, I performed hits that sounded on the show "Voice". The president Alexander Lukashenko congratulated, hugged with the words: “Well done, tore everyone!” I was not presented with Belarusian awards, but I saw the genuine pride of Belarusians.

- I saw how you crossed yourself after winning the "Voice".

Such a period has come in life. He began by asking for forgiveness from his second cousin, with whom he had not spoken for a year. Then he went and took communion. There have been many things in my life that I would like to avoid. For example, parties, clubs ... A couple of years ago I left the hustle and bustle and got a job singing in the choir of the Church of the Assumption and Holy Mother of God Troekurovsky cemetery. Fate, but I also met my wife Natalya in the church - Peter and Paul in Lefortovo. A week before we met, we just looked at each other. There was a meeting of smiles, and I thought about it for several days. A week after the liturgy, I heard her laugh: Natasha was talking to some child, and I seemed to feel her inner world. We started talking, and I was sausage for another week. Two months later, her father gave his blessing for the marriage, and we got married. My wife is older than me, but visually it is not noticeable. Natasha is a miracle that I will cherish.

- Father blessed you to participate in the project?

Yes. Every time before going out, I read the prayer “Our Father”, and it became easier for me to overcome the excitement. I was ready for everything that could happen on stage: the spotlight fell, the microphone broke. Before each stage in the "Voice" I went to confession and took communion.

- Project participants Nani Eva and Anton Belyaev said that no one is particularly happy with the contract with the record company Universal Music, which is awarded to the winner. By the way, is there a cash prize?

No, but the winner is given the opportunity to earn. Contract for three years. It's strange that artists don't want to be under the wing of the biggest record company. Everyone is afraid that they will be forced to sing some repertoire that is not “theirs” or to give 20 concerts a day. But no one can dictate terms to you if you are an artist and a person.

- You were probably the favorite of the singing teacher at school?

You won't believe it, but I went to 15 sports sections! He studied well, but was not a crammer. Until the 7th grade, he was doing excellently, then he moved out: he began to deal with computers, by the way, he supplied half of his native city of Bykhov. I could get it for a good price through a friend. Mom gave little money, but I wanted to go to a cafe with a girl. So I started making money early.

- What was your most difficult period in your life?

First time in Moscow. At the age of 21, after graduating from the Mogilev College of Music, I arrived in the capital and rented a room. I had to walk several kilometers to save money. Whom only did not work: an animator, Santa Claus ... Like no one else, I clearly know the cost of living. Having entered GITIS, I moved to a hostel. Then it got easier. In general, I look at everything from a philosophical point of view: once, when I had an operation in the back area, a roommate said: “Believe me, someone hurts more.” So everything is relative.

- But now bought a house?

No, I live in my wife's apartment, although I need to expand: we all want to live better. Thank God, now there is an opportunity to earn.

- As your mentor told me, the problem is not in the vocalists, but in the repertoire. What songs will you sing?

I want to sing songs Alexandra Pakhmutova from the repertoire Muslim Magomaeva. Alexandra Nikolaevna, by the way, called Gradsky after the next performance and thanked: “I didn’t think that someone could adequately perform the song“ About the Sea, the Sea ”after Magomayev. This is the best thing I've heard since his death."

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