How to kiss at a wedding. What should be a beautiful kiss at a wedding? Dress with rhinestones

Only through kisses, because they bring so much love and tenderness with them ... It is impossible to imagine life without them.

We are taught to kiss from childhood, and most often we give our mother, who, in principle, deserves it more than anyone else, because she does not sleep with us at night and leads us along the road of life, taking her by the hand. Or imagine a wedding without such a ritual as a beautiful kiss to the cries of “Bitter!”. Impossible? Right. Newlyweds, officially standing next to each other or just holding hands, cannot look happy at all, because you need to somehow show your feelings.

A beautiful kiss at a wedding is exactly what a photographer should capture for a long memory of the newlyweds. However, there are several simple rules kissing each other. Firstly, do not flatten your nose, because in this case, in the photographs, the bride's nose will be lost in the face of the groom, or vice versa, because if the kiss is too strong, there is little space left for this part of the face. In addition, when portraying the most beautiful kiss for the public, remember that everything should be in moderation.

Do not get carried away and do not kiss like an adult, otherwise you will put not only yourself, but also the guests in an awkward situation. However, kissing in the Soviet way as comrades is also not worth it. Rehearse before the wedding, shoot on camera, see how beautiful a kiss you get, and show it to your guests.

Kisses also look funny at the wedding, when, closing their eyes and making their lips a bow, the newlyweds reach out to each other from one side of the table to the other. In this case, for sure, the most beautiful kiss will remain only in dreams, and only “chicken assholes” will turn out in the photo, because that’s what lips are called with a bow.

For wedding photos, it is important that everything looks beautiful, because the children of the wedding couple in the future should admire and be touched by the wedding pictures of their parents, and not laugh at their ineptitude. Therefore, try to make kisses different - cute during filming in the park, solemn during registration, and tender and playful kisses are suitable for a banquet hall.

And yet, in order to get a beautiful kiss, all of the above is not enough. It needs to be airy. And it is not necessary to kiss on the lips. The main thing is to convey all the love and tenderness that you have for each other. For example, the Chukchi do not kiss on the lips, but rub their noses against each other, expressing their feelings in this way. Learn to declare your love with a touch or a look.

It is noteworthy that the kiss is so important to humanity that they even build monuments to it and name bridges after it. For example, in St. Petersburg or Krasnodar there are kissing bridges. What are they? No, this is not a gigantic lip-shaped structure, but just an ordinary construction familiar to the eye. The secret is not at all in this.

Interestingly, the Kissing Bridge in Krasnodar is named so because of the pink evening lighting. However, the cities in love themselves came up with a sign - to hang a lock on the bridge, and throw the key down into the river. It is believed that this is how you can save love for long years. And this sign has become so relevant in the city that, along with local souvenirs, craftsmen began to make castles for sale for lovers. And, preparing for the wedding, the bride and groom must choose an original padlock that can be hung on the bridge. Interesting, isn't it? This custom exists all over the world. There is a park in which all the benches and trees are decorated with such locks in love.

Thus, a beautiful kiss has a huge place in hearts and traditions. modern people so pay attention to how you kiss.

A wedding kiss is the same attribute of a wedding as the bride's bouquet. Kisses at the wedding will be captured on the frames. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to kiss at a wedding so that it turns out beautifully, you are not tired and the bride has a fresh make-up.

Beautiful wedding kiss: what is it?

Unlike caresses on the wedding night, kisses at the wedding should not be so sensual, they do not aim to excite each other. On the contrary: this action is more intended for human eyes and cameras. Therefore, do not try to show all your erotic skills, because a wedding is a holiday, not an orgy.

Newlyweds who have already passed this exam give 4 useful tips:

  1. Do not bump into each other's cheeks, so as not to flatten your noses (looks ugly in the photo).
  2. Kissing without a tongue, maybe the bride can spread.
  3. Do light long ‘smack-smack’ when guests actively shout ‘bitterly’.
  4. Kissing not only lips, but also the hand, neck, cheek of the bride - such moments look touching and cute in photos and videos.

A wedding kiss is a symbol of tenderness, a manifestation of love, the beauty of a relationship. Therefore, you do not need to give it too sexual overtones - you work more for the camera.

How to overcome feelings of embarrassment

You are already a husband and wife, and yet not everyone is used to kissing in public. But still, you can’t do without a kiss: these are. The newlyweds are under the lenses of the eyes of many guests, the holiday lasts all day.

The feeling of awkwardness, embarrassment, inconvenience from the publicity of such an intimate process as a wedding kiss will still be. Try to take it like a game special kind shooting. Newlyweds who have already played a wedding are advised to just relax and kiss as it turns out.
If your toastmaster and guests keep shouting ‘Bitter’, ask the wedding host to moderate their ardor. There should be reasonable doses of each process, including a kiss. The wedding is celebrated not only for the guests, but also for the bride and groom. They should enjoy the holiday, and not serve as entertainment for those invited.

What does the wedding kiss symbolize?

Psychologists say that by the nature of the kiss, one can draw conclusions about what family life will be like.

  • A long, gentle and passionate kiss - for a long happy marriage.
  • Short, hot, full of emotions - to the ups and downs in family life.
  • A restrained, modest kiss - to a calculation in a relationship, a reasonable approach to material wealth.

However, a kiss at a wedding is a situational action; global conclusions cannot be drawn from it. After all, newlyweds can get tired, embarrassed in front of a large number of people, try to accept best poses in front of cameras. And then the kiss may turn out to be completely different from that under free circumstances, not constrained by anything.

Kiss and appearance

The beauty of the image of the bride is the main highlight of the wedding, usually everyone comes to see the bride. And the groom, although handsome and athletically complex, harmoniously complements future wife, it is looked at in the second turn. Except for invited girlfriends and exes, of course. After the wedding kiss, the bride's lips should be as beautiful and fresh as before. Despite the number of 'Bitter' and dozens of wedding shots.

Therefore, you need to make sure that the foundation is persistent, the mascara does not spread from unexpected tears or suddenly fallen snowflakes, raindrops (waterproof). Before kissing, warn the groom that yours should not be destroyed by a storm of passions.

For this, a mirror must be in the bride's purse. And also - lipstick or lip gloss to correct makeup in time. And when a kiss at a wedding, beautiful, sweet and tender, will demonstrate all your love, and a mirror and photo frames will show a happy couple.

The moment of marriage is approaching. It doesn't matter what role you play - the hero of the occasion or a relative, parents or just friends, you want the wedding to be fun and unforgettable. If there is no agreement, then the young ones will have: 5 identical teapots, 10 sets and others, in general, then the necessary things, but ... best gift This is money. For the first time, the newlyweds are offered to start “earning” together. Have you ever tried kissing “in Cossack”, “in gypsy”, “over the stump”? No? Then I give instructions for use. on a faithful horse (witness), pick up a saber (knife), feed the horse (any greens or sugar). ? (the witness is being fed), but “where is the saber? (the groom takes a knife in his hand)” For the witness’s information, be prepared for the horse to be criticized. The guests demand a dashing Cossack whistle, so practice in an artistic whistle Kiss through the fence: it’s right to just kiss with the words: “we don’t let anyone through the fence” In case of a mistake, comments follow: “we are used to climbing other people’s gardens, it’s time to wean”, etc. Kiss between the legs: usually after this there is a pause and the groom either tries to do it or is indignant.In fact, the witness needs to take 2 wine glasses (stool, chair) and hold them on both sides of the newlyweds, and since the glasses have legs, the condition is met. The bride and groom only need to kiss for pleasure.Gypsy kiss: starting from the fingers, then along the arm to the neck and reaching the lips, the groom kisses the bride.For the information of the groom, this method can also wedding night will do. A kiss through a stump - the groom's father or grandfather acts as a stump, but more often, in order not to offend anyone, this role is played by a witness. It is necessary to grunt, depicting sciatica and with the words “oh, old age is not a joy”, squat down. The bride and groom can only kiss, and the guests evaluate how much the stump is “moss overgrown” (if the witness is hairy). Attention witness! Some guests may ask to see the hollow! It's not what you thought! You just need to show your teeth. A kiss 10 (100) times through time is the most desired task for a witness (witness). When else can you kiss a strange woman (man) on legal grounds?! The fact is that the young and witnesses kiss in turn. And since, according to the guests, someone (young or witnesses) kisses worse, the task can continue indefinitely. Kiss like a bear - the groom "climbs" the bride (the main thing is not to tear, and the saddest thing is not to take off the dress) and kisses her. The groom is advised to exercise extreme caution. Oak kiss - the groom stands on a chair and, lifting the bride in his arms, kisses her. If the groom is not Arnold, but the bride is “blood and milk”, then help is welcome. Birch kiss - the bride stands on a chair and, without bending her knees, “bending like a birch”, kisses the groom. Hint - the groom can rise on his toes. Dove kiss - very interesting task. Young people rub their noses and coo before kissing. Kiss of the Russians - everything is simple here - a triple kiss. You can see how movie stars or general secretaries do it in newsreels of old times. Kiss around the corner - before the kiss, the young people look around, “does anyone see” and quickly kiss. In the event of a mistake, remarks follow: “here the youth went, they are not at all ashamed of anything!” A medical kiss - the task of this kiss is to ensure sterility, so you will have to kiss through gauze (I hope you guessed that the bride's veil will perfectly replace it?) The most insidious is a kiss through a candibober. The fact is that both a 500 (1000) bill and any other item can serve as a candibober. True, there is one salvation - to ask to show how it's done. For the information of witnesses, if the young cannot do something, then you will have to show it! By the way, young people can, referring to their inexperience, ask to show how guests and parents are doing it. One elderly couple showed a gypsy kiss so inspiredly that the newlyweds could not wait for their wedding night. Guests need to stock up on change. If the newlyweds “work carelessly”, then instead of the promised 1000 bills, pour them a handful of little things and make them repeat. Trust me, it's a lot of fun. The main thing is not to delay and do not repeat. Even if you are a bank director, this is not a reason to sit at the wedding table with a dull look. Therefore, a little acting skills, a drop of humor and ... let this wedding be remembered by everyone. Bitterly!

From day to day, the wedding and it doesn’t matter at all, you are the root cause of the celebration, maybe you are relatives or just friends - but on this day everyone expects that the fun will be cheerful and memorable. In case there is no agreement, the young people will immediately become richer by five identical teapots, ten similar sets and other other things, in general, the necessary belongings, but ... The best present for a wedding, for sure cash. For the first time, newlyweds are given the opportunity to "receive" a joint income, but they will have to pay for the wealth with kisses. It's time to learn how to kiss "like a Cossack", "through a stump", "like a gypsy" and in other ways. It will come in handy at a wedding.

* Performing a kiss in a Cossack way.

The young groom is supposed to sit astride a faithful horse-witness, holding a saber (knife) in his hand and feed the horse with any greens or sugar. If the groom does not have a mustache, he will have to extricate himself by depicting a mustache from green onions or fresh dill.

Any mistakes, at the same time, are accompanied by questions like: “Why is the nag unfed?”. All and sundry feed the witness.

"Where is the checker?" The young man is armed with a knife, and the witness must be ready for trials. They will say that "The stallion is useless and probably hungry." The witness will have to feast on greens. Or, on the contrary, they will arrange competitions and races so that the stallion gets in shape. At the urgent request of the guests, the groom will have to portray a dashing Cossack, so check your abilities in advance in an artistic whistle.

* Performing a kiss through the fence.

Young people simply kiss, saying the words: “we don’t let anyone through the wattle fence.” Guests notice any oversights and make comments: "addicted to climb into other people's gardens, it's time to wean" and so on.

* Performing a kiss between the legs.

In most cases, the groom either tries to do this with the bride's legs or begins to resent. In reality, the witness must get two wine glasses and hold them on either side of the newlyweds, who are kissing at this time. And since the wine glasses are on legs, the criterion is met. The bride and groom kiss in their pleasure.

* Performing a gypsy kiss.

The groom begins to kiss the bride's fingers, moving up her arm to her neck and lips. This way of kissing will fit for the wedding night.

* Performing a kiss through a stump.

The father or grandfather of the groom is chosen for the role of the stump. But more often, in order not to offend anyone, this mission is assigned to the witness. It is advisable for the witness to grunt, depicting tortured sciatica and, under the words - “oh, this old age is not a joy” - squat down. At the same time, the bride and groom kiss, and the guests at this time evaluate the extent to which the stump is “overgrown with moss”. I mean his hair. At the request of the guests to show the hollow, it is enough for the witness to show his teeth.

* Performing a kiss 10 or 100 times through time.

The most desired assignment for a witness, and maybe for a witness. It consists in alternately kissing the young and the witnesses. According to the guests, for a bad kiss, you should kiss again, and so the task can last indefinitely.

* Performing a bear kiss.

The groom, being extremely careful not to damage the dress, literally “climbs” up the bride.

* Performing a kiss oak tree.

The young man, standing on a chair, lifts the bride in his arms and kisses her.

* Performing a kiss "birch".

Standing on a chair, the young woman bows like a birch and the young people kiss. The young can stand up on their toes.

* Performing a pigeon kiss.

The assignment is very interesting. The young kiss after cooing and rubbing their noses.

* Performing a kiss in Russian.

Elementary triple kiss. You can borrow experience from the stars big screen or general secretaries from newsreels of past times.

* Performing a kiss around the corner.

The newlyweds, looking around and as if not seeing anyone, kiss with lightning speed. On the part of the guests, playful criticism of the shamelessness of the younger generation follows.

* Perform a medical kiss.

To guarantee sterility, they kiss through gauze, in which the bride will present her veil.

* Performing the most tricky kiss - through the candibober.

The role of a candibober can be played by a 500 or 1000 banknote, or by another item or object. Young people can get out and ask the tormentor himself to visually depict how this is done. Of course, all the mistakes of the newlyweds have to be corrected by witnesses. So they will depict this kiss clearly. By the way, young people, citing their unpreparedness, may request to portray this kiss of guests or parents. One elderly couple imitated the gypsy kiss so enthusiastically that the newlyweds were already in fear for their wedding night.

Guests are required to have a supply of change. In case the young people “work carelessly”, then instead of the 500 or 1000 bills supposed to them, they pour a handful of little things and make them repeat it. Trust me, it's insanely fun. Bitterly!

Vika Dee

The kiss of the newlyweds at the wedding is an essential ritual of the wedding ceremony. Even according to tradition, after the announcement of the newlyweds as husband and wife, they seal vows with a kiss. In addition, manifestations of love and tenderness are usually captured in wedding photographs.

How to kiss in public?

How to kiss at a wedding for the bride and groom? Eat some general rules relating to aesthetics:

  • Kisses should be modest, a sensual manifestation of passion is best left for the wedding night.
  • You need to try to kiss so as not to flatten your noses on each other's cheeks.
  • A light, almost weightless touch with the lips will be enough.
  • No need to reach out to each other for a meter, stretching their necks, folding their lips into a tube - unless it's a staged funny smack of two mimes.
  • Kissing is better without a tongue so that the bride's makeup does not spread.
  • Instead of lips, you can kiss your beloved on the cheek, neck, hand: it looks touching and romantic.

If young people are embarrassed to show feelings in this way, then you can take it as a kind of game, exchanging light, quick kisses. To overcome the feeling of embarrassment, spouses who have already played a wedding, advised to relax without worrying about how beautiful or natural the kiss will be. No need to try to please someone, after all, a wedding is a celebration of the newlyweds.

If the host shouts “Bitter” too often, you can gently ask him to moderate his ardor a little

So that the bride's makeup is not smeared, it is better keep lipstick ready or shine with a mirror. For more durable makeup, you can make a tattoo or use a pencil to outline the contour.

Lipstick for kissing at the wedding

Where did the tradition of shouting "bitterly" come from?

How did it happen that at weddings they shout "Bitter"? Historians have differing opinions on this.. According to one version, this tradition originates from folk game at the wedding. For the festivities, an ice slide was built, along which the groom had to climb to the bride, standing on top of the hill. Such a custom meant the strength of the young man's feelings for his betrothed. At the same time, the guests shouted "hill", hence the cry.

According to another version, with such a cry, the guests drove away evil spirits and evil spirit, trying to deceive them with shouts: "bitterly"

Another version comes from the custom of giving a girl as a wife against her will, without asking her opinion. All night before marriage the girl was crying, saying goodbye to her parents' house. Hence the tradition of saying "bitterly", expressing bitterness from an unwanted union.

Why do they count at a wedding when young people kiss: according to a sign, in this way the guests count the number of years that the spouses live together.

What are kissing at weddings?

What are the types of kisses at the wedding. Surely most people know that if they shout "bitterly" - the young are kissing, "sweetly" - the parents of the newlyweds, "sourly" - witnesses.

Kiss at the wedding

But besides that, there are other funny types of wedding kisses:

  • in gypsy: the groom kisses the bride's hand, rising to the neck and kissing on the lips, descends to the other hand.
  • Cossack: the groom saddles the "stallion", the role of which is played by the witness and gallops to his beloved. " Faithful horse» you can feed green onion or dill.
  • "Between the legs": young people kiss through two legs of wedding glasses, no vulgarity.
  • Berezka: the bride, standing on a chair, leans towards the groom like a birch and kisses her betrothed.
  • Through a stump or woodpile: witnesses depict a stump, and the newlyweds through it seal their feelings with a kiss.
  • Like doves: young rub their noses and coo like doves.
  • medically: a kiss through a veil or a handkerchief.
  • Below the belt: the groom kisses the bride, holding the belt of the witness over his head.
  • herringbone: the bride stands like a herringbone, spreading her arms and fingers to the sides, and the groom kisses her alternately in both hands, rising higher.
  • Around the corner: young people furtively kiss, the task of the witnesses is to notice this and loudly jokingly condemn them for their shamelessness.
  • French: young people send each other an air smack.
  • cosmically: the groom's friends throw him up, the task of the bride is to catch her beloved in flight.

There are other cool wedding kisses that the toastmaster can suggest, giving playful task for young people.

Joking tasks for the newlyweds at the wedding

How to avoid a kiss when shouting "Bitterly"?

As in a playful way give up kissing, especially when cheerful guests call the young with cries of "bitter" after each glass.

There are several original ways:

  • Every time after shouting “bitterly”, the young people raise a special sign with the inscription: “The newlyweds kiss” or “Bitterly? Kiss your neighbor." It is important that the font on the plate is large.
  • According to a similar principle, after a shout, with a sign “Young people kiss”, a witness runs in front of the table of the newlyweds.
  • Young people can charge for each smack.
  • After the “bitterly”, the newlyweds ask some couple among the guests to set an example, as it should be.
  • Come up with gifts in return for a kiss and give them to everyone who wishes.

You can think of others ways to get out of the obligation of kissing, the presenter can help with this by focusing the attention of guests on contests and other entertainment.

Kissing from the point of view of Orthodoxy

Kissing before marriage, according to Orthodoxy, is not considered a sin, but it brings a person to a dangerous line, since sensual and passionate kisses kindle a sinful feeling of lust.

Of course, any couple before marriage wants to show tender feelings for a loved one, but the church warns against too ardent hugs and caresses, limited to innocent kisses on the cheek, on the forehead or on the shoulder, in order to maintain purity before marriage.

A modest kiss on the shoulder at a wedding

Wedding kiss, first of all, proof of love and tenderness between the bride and groom.

The main thing is that the newlyweds themselves feel comfortable and relaxed, enjoying the holiday. There is nothing wrong with not kissing at a wedding or exchanging light kisses.

June 2, 2018, 22:51
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