Card file of folk games. Game cockfighting rules. Mobile games cockfight. Mobile games Fanta Cockfight play

Alena Lozhkina

Russian folk games have a long history, they have been preserved and come down to our days from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, incorporating the best national traditions.

It is impossible to imagine holidays in Rus' without games. There is a lot of humor and enthusiasm in Russian folk games. They are always figurative and are accompanied by counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, funny chants, jokes.

I present to your attention a small selection of folk games that we used on holidays.

1. The game "Brook"

Tasks: Develop orientation in space, easy running, play together.

Children with the help of a counting rhyme choose a "brook".

Stream, stream!

Hello, dear little friend!

Brook: Can I play with you?

Children: You better run

And choose your friends here.

Children raise their hands. "Brook" runs in and chooses a mate. The remaining one child runs and chooses a mate.

2. "Cockfight

Children are divided into pairs and depict fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out of the game. Hands can be kept on the belt, behind the back, crossed in front of the chest or hands to hold the knee of the bent leg. A circle with a diameter of 2 meters is drawn on the ground. From each team, one participant enters the circle and, jumping on one leg, hands behind their backs, try to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders.

3. "Burners" (with a handkerchief)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal, exercise in running.

The players stand in pairs one behind the other. The driver is ahead, he holds a handkerchief in his hand above his head.

All in unison:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky,

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One two Three!

Last couple run!

The children of the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left). The one who runs to the driver first takes a handkerchief from him and stands with him in front of the column, and the late one "burns", that is, drives.

3. "Lark"

"Lark" is chosen according to the counting rhyme (he has a bell in his hand).

He runs inside the circle. Everyone says:

The lark sang in the sky,

He rang the bell.

frolic in silence,

Hid the song in the grass.

Whoever finds the song

It will be fun all year round.

The players close their eyes, the “lark” runs out of the circle and rings the bell. Then he carefully places it behind someone's back. The one who guesses who has a bell behind his back becomes a "lark".

4. The game "Pots.

2 drivers are selected: "seller" and "buyer". Children sit in a circle on their knees - these are "pots". To the Russian folk tune, the "buyer" and the "seller" go around the circle towards each other. Meeting Dialogue:

Why pots?

By money!

But not perforated?

Try it yourself!

The "buyer" goes around the circle, choosing the "pot". The “salesman” comes behind, coaxing him: “Great pots! New, shiny! Choose, buy, you will not regret! When the "customer" has chosen the "pot", he stops and says: "I'll take this one!". They hit on the hands and run in different directions. Whoever ran to the "pot" first becomes the "seller", and the "pot" becomes the "buyer". The loser sits in a circle, he is a "pot".

5. "Mother - spring

Tasks: To develop the ability to act on a signal, to exercise children in walking, building in a circle.

Spring is chosen. Two children holding hands form a gate.

All children say:

Mother spring is coming

Open the gate.

The first of March has come

He spent all the children;

And then April

Opened the window and the door;

And how May came -

How much do you want to play!

Spring leads a chain of all the children through the gate and leads them into a circle.

Rules: Do not open the chain.

6. "Bouncer"

Popular, dynamic and exciting ball game. Designed for a large number of people. Makes serious demands on physical fitness in terms of endurance.

Game description

A minimum of 3 people are required to play. Of these, 2 bouncers (bouncers) and one driver.

Bouncers stand about 5-10 meters from each other (by agreement, and the driver is between them.

The essence of the game: hit the driver with the ball (knock him out).

The driver can catch the ball (candles) before it hits the ground.

You can play both on the street and in a large hall (for example, in a school gym).

Game rules for more than three players

1. Players are divided into two teams: kickers and drivers.

2. Players agree on the distance between the dodgeballs and draw lines closer than which they cannot approach each other - the greater the distance, the more difficult it is to kick out and the easier it is to dodge the ball.

3. The driving team is in the middle of the bouncers.

4. The bouncers try to knock out the drivers with the help of the ball.

5. The knocked-out one goes out and waits for the end of the game or until they give him a candle.

6. The one who caught the candle can return one of the previously knocked out candles.

7. When the last driver remains, he must dodge the sword as many times as he is full years old. If he dodged successfully, then the whole team comes back and starts all over again. Otherwise, the teams are swapped.

7. The mobile game "Circular tags

The participants of the game stand in a circle, each marks his place with a circle. Two players stand behind the circle at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he catches up with the second. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he calls one of those close in the circle by name. He leaves his place and runs in a circle from the tag, and the player takes his place. A free circle can also be occupied by a tag, then the one who is left without a place becomes a tag. He catches up with the player who ran out of the circle.

1. Running through the circle is not allowed.

2. A player running away from a tag can run no more than one lap.

3. If the tag taunted the evader, then they change places.

Instructions for conducting

In the game, children should be very attentive, if the player gapes, let his friend down. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, facing the center. The tag can be replaced if he ran two laps, did not tarnish and did not take an empty place.

The game will be fun and interesting if the runaways quickly change places.

8. Ravens and voro n

One team is the Ravens, the other is the Sparrows. At the edge of the hall (platform), the Ravens stand in a line with their backs to the Sparrows, who, at the command of the teacher, perform squats (on toes, on the entire foot; hands on the belt, forward, to the sides) and squat jumps. Crows are included in the game on the command "Crows!" (you can give a signal by croaking loudly). They turn around and try to touch with their hands (touch) the flying Sparrows. It is allowed to salt only up to a certain “border” - to draw a line in advance (Sparrows hide, for example, under the roof of a house). Defeated players are out of the game. The teams can switch roles later.

9.Ordinary blind man's buff

One of the players - blind man's blind man - is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the room and forced to turn around several times, then they talk to him, for example: "Cat, cat, what are you standing on?" - “On the kneader” .- “What is in the kneader?” - "Kvass". - "Catch mice, not us." After the words, the participants in the game scatter, and the blind man's blind man catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man.

1. If the blind man's blind man comes close to any object that can be hit, the players must warn him, shout: "Fire!"

2. You can not shout "Fire!" in order to distract the blind man's blind man from the player who cannot escape from him.

3. Players should not hide behind any objects or run very far.

4. The players can dodge the blind man's blind man's buff, squat, walk on all fours.

5. The blind man's blind man must recognize the caught player, call him by name, without removing the bandages.

Instructions for conducting

The game can be played both in the room and on the site. The boundary of the playing area must be precisely defined, and the participants in the game must not go beyond it. If the boundary of the playing area is crossed by a blind man, then he should be stopped with the word "Fire!".

Children should run inaudibly near the hide-and-seek. Brave players can quietly approach him, touch his shoulder, back, arm, and just as inaudibly run away; they can say a short word behind the blind man's back: "Ku-ku!", "A-u!"

[10. Fishing rod

A fun children's game with a skipping rope or a rope for endurance and coordination of movements. It can be played by a very large group

Game description

Before the start of the game, a leader is selected. All the guys stand in a circle, and the driver in the center of the circle with a rope in his hands. He begins to rotate the rope so that it slides on the floor, making circle after circle under the feet of the players.

The players jump up and down to make sure she doesn't hit any of them.

Rules of the game

1. A player is considered caught if the rope touched him no higher than the ankle.

2. Players must not approach the driver while jumping.

3. The one who touches the rope stands in the middle and begins to rotate the rope, and the former driver takes his place.


Of the additional items, you will need a jump rope (you can also use a rope with a bag of sand tied to the end).

You can use another version of this game, which will be competitive in nature - the player who hits the rope is eliminated from the game. The winners are the last 2-3 players who did not hit the ropes.

Sports competitions"Cockfights" for the Golden Cockerel Cup

- Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle;
- development of interest in different sports through relay races and competitions.
- strengthening the health of children;
- development of motor reaction, attention;
- development in children of attention, the ability to act in a coordinated manner in a team, courage, a sense of self-confidence.
- education of strong-willed qualities, cohesion and friendship.
- Achievement of a positive-emotional mood.
Equipment and inventory: 2 chairs, 2 hoops, balls, 2 spoons, 2 kinder eggs, scallops with rubber bands, buttons and peas in plates, two fluffy tails, braid.
Location: playground.

Event progress

Educator: Today we will go to the fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel, where we will check how dexterous, brave and fast you are. You all know that the Rooster welcomes the coming day, he foreshadows the coming of the morning and the end of the dominion of the night. The cry of a rooster frees a person who has fallen into the power of dark forces. Chickens were first domesticated in India about 4,000 years ago. In India, chickens and roosters were considered sacred solar birds. In ancient Rome, priests took care of chickens.
Competitions of roosters in the marketplaces were organized by Persian merchants as early as 5,000 years ago. They later spread to India and other Asian countries. In Vietnam, cockfighting was so popular that it formed the basis of the national style of martial arts, called the "golden rooster". In many countries of the ancient world, the rooster was a sacred animal, an object of religious worship. In Rome, during the reign of Julius Caesar, cockfights began to be held regularly. In England, this is the favorite entertainment of the nobility and aristocracy; students from noble families were taught in colleges how to raise cocks and prepare them for fights. Even the English clergy were fond of cockfights, and church premises were used for them. In the 17th century cockfighting became one of the varieties of the gambling business, until Queen Victoria banned them by special decree. In the United States, cockfighting has been popular with many presidents and politicians, and competitions have even been held in the White House and other government buildings.
How do you think?
1. How many breeds of chickens exist, and which ones do you know? (About 200 breeds. Andalusian Blues, Plymitruk, Minorca, Russian White, Brama, Silver, Broilers, Guinea Fowl…)
2. All these breeds are divided into types. How many? (Five types: egg, (meat, meat - egg, fighting and decorative.)
It can break, It can boil, If you want - it can turn into a bird. (Egg).

I found the ball, broke it, I saw silver and gold. (Egg)
The eternal question bothers people, which came first The chicken or the egg?
A game

"Pass the egg in the spoon."

Look, this is a spoon, An egg has settled in it. Run along the path. Just don't break it. There is a team competition
It was considered especially important how chickens eat at sunset: if it’s good, there will be luck, and if it’s bad, failure. Sometimes battles were postponed because of such predictions. Sacred chickens were kept on the ships, and if these chickens did not eat food, this meant that the gods did not give consent to the battle.
Well then. Let's play a game now

"How Chickens Eat"

Cockerel, golden comb cockerel, butter beard, silk head, that you get up early - you don’t let the kids sleep, look out the window, I’ll give you peas.
Preparation. Two plates with buttons and mixed peas. Two chairs.
Game content. We divide the children into two teams, you need to choose peas from the buttons.
Rules of the game: Who will sort through the peas faster and run to the chair and back.
The pugnacity of roosters has been known literally since the time of domestication of chickens. In some places, roosters are specially grown for cockfights. The ancient Greeks also had fun with cockfights. The training of young Athenian warriors included the obligatory presence at cockfights. Themistocles said: "Let young warriors learn stamina and courage from roosters."

Game "Fight of roosters"

Who is more stubborn, who is stronger
Get out in the circle soon
Cockfight is not easy
Keep a fluffy tail.
Preparation. Team captains are given two fluffy tails, they cling to their backs.
Rules of the game: They stand in the center of the circle and without leaving it, who will be the first to tear off the tail.

Game "Cockfight"

Hoop, each hoop has two participants. Participants need to push the opponent out of the hoop. Who stepped over the hoop, he lost.
Preparation. A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the floor. All players are divided into two teams and line up in two lines near the circle (one opposite the other).
Game content. The players choose captains who send one of their players to the circle. Each of them stands on one leg, bends the other, and puts his hands behind his back. In this position, the participants in the duel (on a signal) begin to pull each other out of the circle with their shoulders and torso, trying not to stumble.
The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or make him stumble, thereby bringing the team a victory point. The team with the most wins wins.
Rules of the game: 1. It is forbidden by the rules to remove hands from the back. 2. The match ends in a draw if both players are outside the circle at the same time. 3. The game continues until everyone has been a fighter. 4. Captains also fight among themselves (last).


The belt (braid) is connected by a ring. The players squat and put the ring on their knees so that the legs cannot be straightened. The hands are tucked under the knees.
Jumping in this position on their toes, the players try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who does not keep the balance loses.


Game content. They play in pairs. The players of the pair squat down, holding a short strong stick under their knees. Hands fall under the stick, and the fingers are connected in front of the knees, in front. The couple depicts fighting roosters. Roosters jump on each other, trying to push the enemy so that he loses his balance and falls. If the "Rooster" falls to the ground more than the agreed number of times, then he is considered defeated.
Rules of the game: The fallen person must rise from the ground without separating his hands. With the simultaneous fall of the "roosters", a point is not counted to either one or the other. You can not push the enemy with a stick. The game must take place within a small area, beyond which it is impossible to go.
Educator: Well done, fast guys. Summing up the results of the competition.
Everyone won!
Distribution of sweet prizes of marmalade in the form of scrambled eggs.

Children are divided into pairs and stand at a distance of 3-5 steps from each other. Couples depict fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out of the game. Children before the start of the game agree on how they will hold their hands: on the belt, behind their backs, cross in front of the chest or with their hands to hold the knee of the bent leg.

Rules. 1. The players must approach at the same timeto each other.

2. You cannot push each other with your hands.

Instructions for carrying out. Most often, in a pair, one player leaves the game, one remains the winner. Winners from different pairs can unite and continue the game.

A cockfight can also take place in a different position, for example, in a crouch, the hands of the players are kept on their knees

Mobile games Fanta

The host goes around the players and says: “We were sent a hundred rubles. Whatever you want, buy it, don’t take black, white, and don’t say no!

After that, he asks the children different questions, and he tries to get someone to say one of the forbidden words in the conversation: black, white, yes, no. The host leads a conversation like this: “What is sold in the bakery?” - "Bread". - "Which?" The player almost answered: “Black and white”, but in time he remembered the forbidden words and said: “Soft”. “Which bread do you like more, black or white?” - "Everyone." "What kind of flour are rolls baked from?" "From wheat". And so on. The one who uttered the forbidden word gives the driver a phantom. At the end of the game, everyone who is left without a Fanta redeems it.

Rules. 1. Players must answer questions quickly, the answer cannot be corrected.

2. For each forbidden word, the player pays the host a forfeit.

3. The host can talk to two players at the same time.

4. When redeeming a fanta, the presenter does not show it to the participants in the game.

Instructions for conducting. The game can be played in a forest clearing or in a shady corner of the playground. No more than 10 people take part in the game, all children have several forfeits. They should carefully listen to the questions of the driver and think before answering.

When buying forfeits, the participants of the game come up with interesting tasks for the owner of the forfeit: sing a song, make a riddle, read poetry, tell a short funny story, remember a proverb and saying, etc. The most difficult role in this game is the role of the leader, so at first this role is played by the teacher. Fanta can redeem after 5 people lose.

Outdoor games Sun and moon

All children gather on the playground, choose two leaders. They step aside and quietly so that no one hears, they agree which of them will be the month and which the sun.

The participants of the game stand one after another, put their hand on the shoulder of the person in front or take him by the belt. The sun and the moon approach the players, join hands and raise them high, resulting in a gate. The players sing a song:

Walked, walked the grouse,

Walked, walked pockmarked,

She walked through the meadow

Led the children around

older, younger,

Medium, large.

With this song they pass through the gate. The sun and the moon stop the latter and quietly ask: "To whom do you want - to the sun or to the moon?" The player also quietly answers who he will go to, and stands next to either the sun or the moon. Game continues. At the end of the game, you need to recalculate who has transferred more players.

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

A fun and entertaining flash toy dedicated, as the name suggests, to cockfighting. This kind of fights were popular in different countries, and in some are held in our time. A little about the essence of cockfighting. Two stronger roosters are driven out to a small area and “pushed head-on”. Roosters begin to cock, attack each other.

The cockfight gets hotter and more dynamic until one of the roosters gives up, exhausted. The owners of the roosters and numerous spectators carefully observe the process and loudly "cheer" for their bird. In this game, you are invited to control the roosters facing in a fierce fight. You can play together, then each player will control his rooster. This is where you can really let off steam!

Remember before starting the control keys: Q, W, A, S, D for the player on the left and U, I, J, K, L - on the right. Keep in mind, the buttons work only in the English layout!

Can download game COCKFIGHT on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because here it is always available, you just need to open this page.

Take a break and play Online Games, which develop logic and imagination, allow you to have a good rest. Relax and take your mind off things!

Full screen

A game in categories Fighting, Games for two is available for free, around the clock and without registering with a description in Russian on Min2Win. If the capabilities of the electronic desktop allow, you can expand the COCKFIGHT plot to full screen and enhance the effect of the passage of scenarios. Many things really make sense to consider in more detail.

Line up the children.

Teacher: Do you guys want to play? (Yes)

Guess the riddle:

It is important to walk around the yard,
He will be all of them, in the morning.
In boasting has a skill,
Little Red Riding Hood.
And usually with an opponent
He gets into a fight, as usual:
His singing cuts the ear -
Then in the morning, screaming ...


Guys, look what attributes for the game "Rooster Fight" I made for you. Let's play.

The game is called "Rooster Fight"

Task: develop jumping ability, cultivate a sense of balance.

Location: playground with a circle

Building Players line up in two lines near the circle one against the other.

Content The team captains (or the head of the game) send one player at a time - "rooster" into the circle. Each of them stands on one leg, bends the other back, puts his hands behind his back. At the signal of the leader, the "roosters" jump on one leg, and begin to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders or seek to force their opponent to stand on both legs. The winner wins a point for their team. Then the next pair of players goes to the middle, and so on. The game continues until everyone is in the role of roosters.

A circle with a diameter of 3-4m is drawn on the ground. ;

The players are divided into two teams;

Each team chooses a captain;

If there are many participants in the game, the fight can be carried out in 2-3 circles at the same time.


1. a rooster standing on both legs or jumping out of the circle is considered defeated, and both players return to their teams;

2. if during the expulsion both roosters leave the circle, victory is not awarded to either of them, and the next pair goes in their place;

3. roosters enter the battle only on a signal. If any of them start earlier, they replay. If the second time - is assigned as the loser.

4. captains also fight among themselves;

during the fight, the hands must be behind the back, otherwise the one who puts them down loses.

The team with the most cockerels standing on their feet wins.



Line up the children.

Teacher: Do you guys want to play? (Yes)

Guess the riddle:

It is important to walk around the yard,
He will be all of them, in the morning.
In boasting has a skill,
Little Red Riding Hood.
And usually with an opponent
He gets into a fight, as usual:
His singing cuts the ear -
Then in the morning, screaming ...


Guys, look what attributes for the game "Rooster Fight" I made for you. Let's play.

The game is called "Rooster Fight"

Task: develop jumping ability, cultivate a sense of balance.

Location:playground with a circle

Building Players line up in two lines near the circle one against the other.

Content The team captains (or the head of the game) send one player at a time - "rooster" into the circle. Each of them stands on one leg, bends the other back, puts his hands behind his back. At the signal of the leader, the "roosters" jump on one leg, and begin to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders or seek to force their opponent to stand on both legs. The winner wins a point for their team. Then the next pair of players goes to the middle, and so on. The game continues until everyone is in the role of roosters.


A circle with a diameter of 3-4m is drawn on the ground. ;

The players are divided into two teams;

Each team chooses a captain;

If there are many participants in the game, the fight can be carried out in 2-3 circles at the same time.


1. a rooster standing on both legs or jumping out of the circle is considered defeated, and both players return to their teams;

2. if during the expulsion both roosters leave the circle, victory is not awarded to either of them, and the next pair goes in their place;

3. roosters enter the battle only on a signal. If any of them start earlier, they replay. If the second time - is assigned as the loser.

4. captains also fight among themselves;

during the fight, the hands must be behind the back, otherwise the one who puts them down loses.

The team with the most cockerels standing on their feet wins.

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