The best poses for a photo shoot for beginner models. Taking portraits in nature

Autumn has come - the most great time for those who like to fantasize and catch moments. Take out your cameras, gadgets or turn to professionals in order to get beautiful pictures. Those that will not be ashamed to put in a frame or put on social networks! And besides, urgently generate ideas for an autumn photo shoot in nature, because a riot of colors and warm sunny days cannot leave anyone indifferent.

What is the best time and place to shoot?

The most successful time for photography in autumn is sunset or dawn, because it is at these moments that the autumn sun plays with the leaves and lets out bizarre glare, flooding everything around with its mysterious light. As for the shooting location, it is best to choose parks, forests, squares, embankments, where you can see a colorful veil of trees and bright leafy carpets on the ground. Ideas for an autumn photo shoot in nature usually appear after a well-chosen location. It can be beaten so that the pictures are special and one of a kind.

And what about the theme and idea for the autumn photo shoot in nature?

It is useless to argue with professionals about what shots are the best. After all, almost everyone who works with families and non-professional models is sure that the best photos are live, reportage photos taken in motion, or by chance. But, nevertheless, each photographer brings some interesting ideas to the shooting process. In order to work with models it was more comfortable and the shooting turned out to be livelier and more interesting. It is professionals and amateurs who find in their minds unusual ideas for an autumn photo shoot in nature after getting to know the heroes of the shooting and the place where it will take place. It is necessary. When you are taking a photo, ask the photographer to take a photo in one location from several angles: right, left, side, slightly below. Don't be afraid to experiment. This will help you understand what angles are most beneficial for you, and how best you can stand in the frame.

Simple and easy ideas

No matter how trite it may sound, wallow in the foliage, collect a bouquet of leaves, arrange a fall of leaves, and be sure to do it, sincerely laughing and rejoicing - such live shots will not leave indifferent those to whom you show them after shooting. What other ideas do you have for an autumn photo shoot in nature? The frame looks quite interesting when a girl looks out from behind one of the trees - here you can experiment with emotions, eyes and even shooting attributes: apples, berries, a bouquet of leaves. A romantic image will look interesting: you can read a book (or at least pretend to read) sitting on a bench in an alley, on the lake, and even leaning on a tree. You can create the image of a music lover - put on your headphones and climb a tree, melancholy closing your eyes. Or, on the contrary, dance in the foliage, holding a player in your hand - the frame will turn out to be lively and filled with the energy of joy. Such photo shoots will be appropriate for single shots, and for family, and even for children.

Add some fairy tale!

In addition to the usual reportage photos, you can try to become characters in fairy tales, for example, dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood, and go to visit your grandmother through autumn forest. You can transform into Forest Mavka, Mermaid, Goblin, Fairy and anyone else your heart desires! Such photos stylized as a fairy tale will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, autumn photo shoots in nature are quite popular. Ideas with children usually appear in the process of shooting. Even if the general concept was initially thought out and agreed with the kids. These fidgets will definitely come up with something of their own that the photographer will simply have to capture forever!

How to organize a family shoot?

You can spread a blanket under a tree and put a basket of apples, and seat your kids next to it - and you will get a wonderful autumn photo session of children in nature! Photo ideas for little ones - all the same reportage shots in parks, squares, alleys. But babies look different than adults. Therefore, even if the baby completely repeats your pose, he will look more funny than you.

A good pastime will be an autumn photo shoot. Ideas for a family in nature, of course, are similar to those described above. Only the result is more interesting. In autumn, it is simply necessary to triple a family photo session, where you will play hide and seek behind trees, throw leaves, jump, run, wallow in foliage, throw babies into the air or, for example, carelessly walk along the alley holding hands. In creating beautiful shots, you can also involve your pets (cat, dog, ferret) or, for example, rent a horse for an hour.

Choosing clothes and attributes for shooting

Any bright clothes combined with foliage will look impressive - a yellow coat, a red beret, an orange scarf. You can toss a scarf or beret in the air, jumping after them, or you can do nothing with them and still look pretty impressive without turning out to be a gray spot against the background of insanely bright nature. These are single shots. You can also hold autumn family photo shoots in nature. Ideas, in turn, can come from the same scarves, for example, for all family members, or similar colors for the clothes of toddlers and parents.

It is better to take an umbrella transparent or red, always with a long cane handle, which will look bright and rich. If your umbrella is red, you should make sure that the clothes are calm colors - a beige or gray sweater, a black coat. If the umbrella is transparent, diversify your look with bright clothes.

Many professionals are convinced that for a beautiful autumn photo shoot, you can take books, musical instruments, easel with paints and brushes. And then the pictures will be especially melancholy. Similar attributes are popular in such a topic as autumn photo shoots in nature. Ideas for a girl with these attributes can be varied. You can sit with old book under a tree, enthusiastically reading it; you can lay out the paints in tubes on the foliage and selflessly paint the landscape that opens before you; you can play the guitar or violin - your imagination and acting in this case is not limited by anything.

In addition to such melancholic paraphernalia, you can take an old camera (the older the better!) and pretend that you are photographing a photographer or something in the sky. Be sure to try to have a picnic with a beautiful blanket and goodies, involve the whole family in shooting - the photos will turn out warm and cozy.

Use nature to your advantage

If you want to get mystical photos, be sure to wake up as early as possible on a day that is predicted to be cool, around 5-6 in the morning, find a place near a pond and wait for the first rays of sun and fog to appear. Photos will turn out even more mystical if you add an image of a witch or mavka to them. Fog can be used not only to create mystical photos, but also, if desired, to add a little mystery to the picture, where, for example, a girl is standing in a dress and shrouded in fog. And if after shooting you also work in photo editors and take a picture in black and white, it will have some special zest, and you will want to look at it again and again.

To get wonderful pictures, it is important to choose the right poses for a photo shoot in the winter on the street. Great importance has a selection of props and accessories, and the combination of the photographer’s talent and successful posing will reveal the creative idea and allow you to capture important points life.

Winter photography ideas

In the cold season, preference is not necessarily given to shooting in the studio. Pictures in the winter on the street will turn out to be no less, and sometimes even more beautiful. Elegant trees in hoarfrost will harmoniously complement a street photo shoot:

  • lovers
  • girls with girlfriend or boyfriend

If a thematic shooting is planned, the appropriate props are selected. There is scope for the implementation of any ideas. Unlike the static interior of the studio, a photo shoot in nature is not limited to a given theme. In the open air, you can embody various ideas, from filming children's fun to portrait shots. A photo shoot in the winter on the street will be supplemented by:

  • sled - suitable for both children's and friendly shooting in nature
  • New Year's toys - it is with them that winter is associated
  • snow hearts - a simple but cute attribute of a photo shoot for two
  • snowman - a universal detail of the winter surroundings and family or friendly shooting
  • warm clothes - fur coats, coats will emphasize the image and will look natural in a snowy forest
  • a warm scarf and gloves are cozy accessories that add tenderness to pictures

In winter, girls have many opportunities to bring unusual ideas to life. It is at this time of the year that the best pictures are taken with a samovar in the form of a simple Russian beauty, which will suit a gentle blonde and a burning brunette. You can do without additional accessories. In winter, the dress will turn out nice photos for both professional portfolio and personal archive.

Photoshoot for two

For a photo shoot of a couple in the frame, only lovers are enough, it is not necessary to select accessories. Sincere feelings loving people, skillfully captured by the photographer, will emphasize the right poses. Professional photographers recommend using the following:

  • free - the couple stands face to face, looking at the camera or at each other. Such a picture could be full height and at close range
  • romantic - a man hugs his beloved from behind, as if warming and protecting her from frost. The girl-bride looks especially touching in winter in a dress or a light outfit.
  • hand in hand or hugging - such poses for a photo shoot on the street are suitable for walking shooting a couple from the back, or walking towards the photographer in a snowy park
  • leaning back on a tree - such wedding pictures will be original, they can be taken both in the forest and in the city. Alternative option- lean on a festively decorated car
  • lying down - depending on the wishes of the lovers, they can lie on a blanket or directly on the snow. For shots, especially portrait shots, to be successful, the shooting point must be low enough

These poses for a photo shoot in winter are one of the components of great outdoor shots. Emotions must be present in the frame. If the lovers are tight, unable to relax, which often happens when shooting teenagers, the photographer will advise them to relax and look at each other warmly, affectionately. Then the emotions in the photo will be natural, and the poses will be relaxed.

Romantic paraphernalia will complement wedding shots: elements in the shape of a heart, wooden signs with the inscription "I love you". And for shooting a man with a pregnant wife, booties, a pacifier, and rattles will come in handy. Do not forget that the number of accessories, regardless of the theme, should be moderate.

Posing for family winter shooting

Poses for it is desirable to discuss in advance. For a family photo shoot in the city or in the forest, the following poses are suitable:

  • game - catching up or playing snowballs will emphasize joyful emotions, such family photos will evoke warm memories for many years
  • walking - parents with children go towards the photographer or moving away from him, interesting photos will turn out not only during the day in a park or city, but also in the evening, in the light of street lamps
  • staged - the family stands in a forest clearing or against the backdrop of a house, holding hands or embracing. A simple composition will emphasize the warmth of family relationships.

Suitable for family photography interesting idea use of "family look" - outfits in the same style, one color scheme. Adults and children can wear the same coats or fur coats, fur hats. good shots obtained when all participants feel at ease. Therefore, make sure that walking shooting is not boring for kids, add elements of the game to the process. Both toys and the mood of the parents will help in this. And the frost will take care of creating a natural make-up - rosy cheeks are provided for everyone.

Shooting children

The key to getting interesting children's photos is the relaxed behavior of the little participants in the shooting. Unquestioningly, only teenagers will be able to fulfill the requests of the photographer. Toddlers are better to shoot during the game. If the photo session with children is held in the park, ask the child to build a snowman or play snowballs. Also, good shots will be obtained if the child is:

  • peek out from behind a tree and play hide and seek
  • lie on the snow with arms outstretched
  • sit on the threshold of a wooden house and wrap yourself in a blanket

If the number of participants in children's photography is more than one, care must be taken that the kids do not scatter in different directions. This is especially true for shooting fidgets of three or four years. Professional photographers recommend preparing costumes for children. In cold weather, you can limit yourself to original hats in the form of animals, warm bright scarves and mittens. The kids will love it unusual topic shooting - animals in the forest, because the guys love to try on the roles of bears, bunnies and wolves. And girl friends can easily transform into red caps or chanterelles. It is better to shoot babies during the day, as in the evening the pictures will not turn out as colorful as we would like.

woman photography

Women's photo shoot in cold weather can be organized in the city or outside it. For photographing, it is necessary to think over makeup and clothes in advance. Usually they opt for a coat or a fur coat, but they are also often removed in winter in a dress. Blondes are advised to choose bright outfits to stand out against the background of white snow. So that the girl does not freeze in nature, it is advisable to take care of a warm room. In the city, this can be a cafe, and outside it or in a park, a well-heated car interior will do.

Women's photography is impossible without proper posing. The best outdoor shots are obtained using the following positions:

  • portrait - a girl looks at the photographer or turns over her shoulder, while she can be wearing a hat and scarf, even men's
  • in profile - a good shot will be obtained if you catch falling snowflakes while standing in profile or half-profile to the camera lens. Beautiful pictures are guaranteed when shooting in the evening, in the light of a lantern
  • jump - while the legs at the knees should be bent at different angles, the position is profile or half-face
  • sitting - a place on a bench or steps is suitable for photographing, a cup with a hot drink in your hands will look good. This simple idea will also come in handy for taking pictures with a boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • half turn - the heroine walks along a road or a frozen river, turns around and looks into the lens. Fancy Frame Guaranteed
  • leaning on the car - you can use this position during a romantic shoot with your beloved man

This posing is suitable for a photoset on any topic. Ideas can be used for shooting a pregnant woman. In this case, a photo shoot in the winter in a coat would be preferable, because one should not forget about health.

When discussing the topic of shooting, be sure to take time for the issue of posing. Correctly chosen poses for a photo shoot in the winter on the street are the key to a successful photoset of two lovers, male or female photography.

Nature as a decoration is always a good choice for a photo shoot. Shooting in the open air makes it possible not only to realize the most daring ideas, but also to relax, enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world and recharge with positive energy for several days ahead. Such a photo shoot is a great opportunity for experimentation. You can try to shoot in different images at any time of the year and weather. If you think through the details to the smallest detail, you will get a lot of positive impressions and amazing photos.

Images for a photo shoot in nature

It will turn out well in a photo - this is a whole art associated with many tricks and secrets. Not in vain professional models specially trained for this.

As a rule, the most difficult part is choosing a pose. Of course, if a professional photographer shoots, this problem simply does not exist for you. He will always tell you how to stand up, lie down and in which direction to turn your head. If a non-professional acts as a photographer in your photo session, then try to think about the choice of poses in advance.

Pledge good photos- practice. Look at the photo shoots made by professionals and try to replicate the model's poses. First, practice at home in front of a mirror, in which angles you look the most advantageous, ask your loved one or girlfriend to take a picture of you at home. In this way, you will get rid of stiffness in front of the camera, and you will already have a certain idea in which poses you look best.

Here are a few options for successful poses, they are elementary, but spectacular.

Facial expression plays an important role, here you can’t do without practice at the mirror. Practice smiling correctly, choose a good head tilt and gaze direction.

Makeup for a photo shoot in nature

In order for the photo shoot to be successful, you need perfect makeup. So, here are a few tips that will help you look perfect at a photo shoot:

  • In the 72 hours before your shoot, try to eliminate alcohol, red meat, caffeine, and spicy foods from your diet. These foods can make the skin oilier and cause facial puffiness.
  • Take care of your eyebrows in advance, they should be correct form and look nice.
  • Get a manicure. Even the best photo can be ruined by peeling nail polish.
  • If you dye your hair, be sure to make sure that the hair color is uniform. The regrown roots in the photo will be very noticeable.
  • On the night before shooting, go to bed early and do not drink water at night so that there are no swelling and bags under the eyes in the morning.
  • If you are making your own make-up, take a magnifying mirror. Remember, professional cameras capture all the little things and facial defects.
  • Makeup for a photo shoot should be brighter and richer than usual.
  • Try to achieve the perfect face tone. In the process of shooting, always keep powder on hand to remove oily sheen from time to time.
  • Choose matte eyeshadows, in the photo they look more advantageous than mother-of-pearl.
  • It is better for owners of dark skin to abandon pink, purple and burgundy shades in makeup, but for blondes with fair skin, on the contrary, they are very suitable.

Ideas for a photo shoot in nature: seasons

Of course, shooting in the warm season, on bright and sunny days, brings the most comfort and joy. Do not reject rainy and frosty weather, dawns, night and twilight, it is at this time that you can take unique and unusual photos.

Autumn photo shoots

  • Photos during the period of golden autumn are bright and delight the eye with unique melancholy and longing for fading nature. These can be romantic shots with a touch of sadness. It is not for nothing that many poets loved this time of year. "It's a sad time! Eye charm!
  • Love story on the background autumn nature are very touching and sincere, styles such as grunge, retro, hippie, classic, fantasy, beauty, naturel.
  • In a photo shoot against the background of bright nature, contrasting tones should prevail in clothes, because black, white, blue, purple, green and any other, the main thing is that it does not merge with red and yellow foliage. Prints and patterns on clothes look great. The most advantageous options would be a cage, a strip and a coarse knit. Do not forget about accessories and bright makeup.

  • Be sure to bring various props with you, as a bright umbrella, a warm blanket, a scarf, a book, a mug, apples, etc., depending on what image you want to embody.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to take pictures on a rainy day, such weather will come in handy for the realization of ideas in the style of erotic romance or retro drama. Nature itself dictates creepy and nostalgic ideas.

Winter photo shoots

  • At this time of the year, especially in snowy weather, atmospheric styles look advantageous. Photos will turn out incredibly beautiful in gothic, dark, duck fashion, fantasy styles. Winter is the best suited for gloomy, mysterious plots: witches, vampires and others fairy tale characters. Winter is a period of spleen and sadness, bright colors against the background of frozen nature look especially bewitching. The classics will also perfectly fit into the winter atmosphere: high hairstyles, strict makeup and natural furs. If you manage to get to the village, where log huts are still preserved, you can make a photo session in the style of Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas".
  • Makeup for a winter photo shoot should be thought out to the smallest detail. Perfectly even skin tone, well-defined eyes and eyebrows, bright lips.

  • On sunny and fine winter days, you can go for a photo shoot with the whole family and play snowballs, make a snowman, ride down an ice slide. Or grab New Year's paraphernalia, champagne, cocoa, sausages and warm blankets, light a fire and arrange a small family holiday. Such photos are very positive and cheerful.

Spring photo shoots

  • For a spring photo shoot, by the way, it’s perfect light beauty styles, naturel, classic. You can play the role of a spring girl against the backdrop of awakening nature. Photos near flowering trees are always beautiful if you beat the plot in an original way and create a unique composition. Spring is considered the most romantic time of the year, and is a wonderful backdrop for various love stories.
  • The spring image should be light, muted tones, delicate colors and paints, airy textures. Makeup should echo the palette of shades of nature. Best Colors it is light lilac, pale pink, green. On the hair, it is recommended not to make tricky hairstyles, but to leave them loose.

  • The main task of the spring photo shoot is to convey the beauty of nature. Therefore, the model should look neutral, without drawing attention to itself.

Summer photo sessions

  • There are so many ideas for a photo shoot in the summer that one may not even be enough. In addition to beautiful photos, you will also soak up the warm sun and get a lot of positive emotions. For shooting, it is better to choose the second half of the day, when the sun is not shining so brightly, then the photo will have a softer light. Since summer is a bright time, then the clothes should be appropriate.

  • The seashore, ponds, flowering fields, forests, lawns, haylofts, parks are great places to shoot in the summer. For the implementation of various topics, suitable historical directions cosplay, hippie, grunge, etc.

A photo shoot in summer is attractive with bright colors and the ability to take pictures at any time. If you correctly approach the organization of the process, determine a good place, style, choose an image and choose the best professional photographer, then you will get photos that you will look at with a joyful smile even many years later.

Ideas for a photo shoot in the summer are very diverse. You can organize a photo shoot:

  • on a beach holiday
  • on a walk
  • in the park
  • in the city
  • during a picnic in nature

Each of the ideas for photo shoots in summer time interesting in its own way and worthy of attention. However, such a survey requires some preparation.

How to prepare for a summer photoshoot?

For many, a photo session in the summer is a long-awaited event, because when good weather, the sun is shining brightly, and nature is blooming with violent colors, I want to be photographed often and a lot. For a successful summer photo shoot, follow these rules:

  • take photos on a sunny day
  • take pictures in the afternoon, when the sun is not shining so brightly anymore
  • choose clothes suitable for the location where the photo will be taken

For example, for a photo shoot on the beach, you can limit yourself to a swimsuit, and to take a photo in a park or in nature, just choose shorts and a stylish top. We must not forget about the hairstyle. Since a photo shoot in summer is usually held in nature or on the street, the emphasis is on naturalness. This means that you need to choose the simplest hairstyle.

On the street

Ideas for a photo shoot in the summer are interesting and easy to implement. On a warm sunny day, you can spend many hours outside, taking pictures in a studio or at home at this time is unreasonable.

A photo shoot on the street is a concept that combines dozens of ideas, actors which can be families, girl friends, a guy and a girl in love. Ideas for a photo shoot in the summer should be determined based on the “composition of models”, as well as their mood. For example, for two female friends, a summer photo shoot in the city is perfect. You can organize a walking photoset:

  • by the fountain in the park
  • on a bench in the park
  • at architectural monuments, sculptures or decorative figures

There are many places in the city where, by taking various poses, you can get interesting and unusual photos which will be nice to look at.

Photoshoot of a guy and a girl

Photo session for men and women summer period should be done in a romantic style. There are many ideas for photo shoots for lovers - shooting can be organized in the city, in the field, in the park, on the beach, near the water, in the forest, that is, wherever you can create the right mood. Good summer photoshoot can be seen below.

Walk down the road

Walking photo shoot on the road is easy to implement. To get spectacular photos, it is enough to choose the right image, fashionable clothes, and for a woman to do light makeup. A travel suitcase is perfect as a prop - a girl in shorts or a summer dress is standing near the road with the intention of catching a passing car, and her lover is sitting on the suitcase next to her.

Pictures of lovers on the road in the field or on the path in the forest are beautiful. In summer, the fields are sown, and couples in love look great against their background. Walking shots can be taken on cloudy days, but warm weather when in the sky thunderclouds and it's about to start raining. Particularly interesting will be pictures taken by a tree growing near the road.

Suppose a girl in a beautiful fashionable dress that fits her figure is standing leaning on a birch trunk, holding wild flowers in her hands, and her gaze is directed to the sky, through which rain clouds. A little further away stands a young man and looks at her with a loving look. His image suggests that if it starts to rain, he will do everything to protect his beloved from bad weather. These photos are very emotional.

On the beach

On a warm sunny day, it is interesting to take pictures on the beach near the water. The girl can be dressed in a bathing suit, her boyfriend - in shorts. Poses can be any - a man sits on the sand and looks at his beloved, who slowly enters the sea, or both sit under a large umbrella on a blanket covered for a picnic. You can also take pictures while playing beach volleyball. The man and woman take the appropriate postures: one of them serves the ball, the second prepares to reflect the serve. As props you will need a net and a ball.

At night

Photoshoot of lovers is beautiful at night. Such photos are spectacular against the backdrop of the embankment, when the stars are reflected in the water. The girl can sit on the parapet, and her lover will stand next to her and gently grab her by the shoulders. Both will look thoughtfully at the reflection of the night sky in the river. The beauty of night photography is that you do not need to wait for sunny weather, specially apply makeup, pick up bright clothes. The main emphasis here is on the natural beauty, harmoniously combined with the urban landscape.

Any summer photo shoot will become a bright and unforgettable event in your life if you contact a professional photographer who will help you choose the right style, image and location for shooting.

Summer is the season for filming outdoors. Many go on photo walks to take beautiful staged portraits. But how do you move from creating random everyday shots to conscious portrait photography?

This article is about shooting a staged portrait: one in which a person poses for you. But most of the above tips can be used when shooting reportage shots, without staging.

Where to start?

Of course, the best place to start is planning the shoot.

Arrange with the person you want to shoot. If a person is interesting and pleasant to you, then the shooting will be comfortable. Let's look at what questions should be discussed with the model in advance.

    photography concept. Discuss with the model what image you want to show in the photo (for example, romantic or fabulous). Think about the nature of the model.

    Shooting location. The selection of a location (a slang word from the English location - the place in which the shooting takes place) should be treated with special attention. After all, the area in which you shoot can help reveal the plot of the pictures, the image and character of the model.

We especially note that the selected location must meet a number of criteria. For example, there should not be a ban on filming. It is advisable to choose a time when the planned shooting location has the least number of passers-by. good places there will be parks, territories of estates (open to the public), streets in the city center for the photo session.

Many photographers specifically select "secret" locations for shooting - those that are not known to other photographers. In our lessons, we have repeatedly touched on the topic of choosing locations for shooting. Programs also help in the search - with the help of them we can find out what a particular place looks like without coming there. Before shooting, it is recommended to conduct reconnaissance on the ground yourself.

Choose locations that are easy and convenient to get to.

  • We agree with the model. Immediately agree with the model on the timing and procedure for obtaining photos (even if the model is your close friend).

It is difficult to predict the number of finished photos. It all depends on the circumstances: how lucky you are with the place and the weather, how smoothly you can work with the model. About some general rules it's hard to say, but most often they agree on 10-20 processed frames from a photo shoot, the delivery time does not exceed a month.

All frames from the shooting (source files) are usually not given to the models, because the selection of the best photos should be done by the author. Choice the best shots- the same difficult skill as photography. The ability to select photographs needs to be improved in the same way as your creative vision.

When discussing future shooting, the most important thing is to establish contact with the model. It is a good psychological contact with your hero that will allow you to take expressive pictures.

  • When should you pay for filming? Of course, the decision is yours alone. I will describe my opinion on this matter. The money for shooting is taken by a specialist who provides services to a less experienced person. Let's say you are a professional photographer, and your model is just a girl from a neighboring entrance who has nothing to do with photography. Then you will not have to create with it, namely to work. And they take money for work. If your experience in photography is the same as that of your model, then it is quite possible to agree on the terms of TFP (Time For Prints - time for pictures).

The terms denoted by the abbreviation TFP mean not just “free” shooting, but the joint work of two equal specialists aimed at a qualitative result. If you don't make a living from photography, I recommend limiting yourself to shooting interesting, pleasant people in TFP - you will get not only pleasure, but also really good shots.

  • What time of day is best to take pictures? When photographing outdoors, we can only control the lighting to a very limited extent (using flashes and a reflector). To create beautiful shots, you need to adapt not to your circumstances, but to the sunlight mode.

It is best to take pictures during the regime time - in the morning or evening hours; when the Sun is low above the horizon and gives spectacular, voluminous lighting. But sunny afternoon is not the best time for shooting. The model will squint, hard dark shadows will appear on her face, and the lighting itself in the frame will look dull and flat. Cloudy days work well for portrait photography. When the sky is covered with clouds, you can take pictures all day - the light will be diffused, pleasing to the eye.

What photography equipment do you need?

Portrait photography is good because it requires a minimum of photographic equipment. Enough to have reflex camera and bright lens.

Why do you need a SLR? It is very easy to operate, it is convenient to hold it in your hand. And of course, it has a large sensor, which will provide not only excellent image quality, but also allow you to beautifully blur the background in the picture. APS-C (cropped) DSLRs are affordable and easy to operate. These include Nikon D3200, Nikon D3300, Nikon D5300, Nikon D5500. Cameras with full-frame sensors are more expensive, they are designed for an advanced user. This class includes models Nikon D610, Nikon D750, Nikon D810, Nikon Df.

All SLR cameras have interchangeable lenses. It is important to choose the right optics for shooting a portrait. Of course, you can start with a universal "whale" lens. But many photographers are quickly moving to more specialized optics. First of all, this includes high-aperture fixed lenses. A classic choice for portraits is a 50mm lens (such as the Nikon AF-S 50mm f/1.8G Nikkor). It is relatively inexpensive, it is convenient to use it on both cropped and full-frame cameras. If you want to shoot full-length portraits with part of the landscape in the frame, it is better to choose a wider-angle lens with a focal length of 28 (for crop) or 35mm (for full frame).

NIKON D810 / 35.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 64, F1.4, 1/200 s, 35.0 mm equiv.

Note that when shooting at close range, such lenses will distort the proportions of the face and body of a person.

Classic portrait lenses are considered lenses with a focal length of 85 mm (for example, Nikon AF-S 85mm f / 1.8G Nikkor). But they are more suitable for full-frame devices, and on the “crop” they will “zoom in” too much.

Everything except the camera and lens is optional and depends on the author's creative ideas and shooting style.

NIKON D810 / 50.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 31, F1.4, 1/320 s, 50.0 mm equiv.

    When shooting portraits, they usually photograph on open apertures- so it turns out to blur the background, separating our hero from him. In addition, with an open aperture, it will be possible to make better shots in low light conditions. Aperture can be conveniently adjusted in modes A and M.

    How to make a frame darker or lighter? Use exposure compensation. This is the easiest way to correctly change the brightness of the resulting photos.

    Learn to Focus Accurately. This is especially important when working with fast optics. If the aperture value is F1.4 - F2.8, then it is very easy to miss focusing. As a result, your character's face will be blurry. Learn how your camera selects focus points. With high-aperture optics, it is convenient to work in single-point focusing mode, focusing on the eyes of the model.

    It is also necessary to monitor exposure. At too long a shutter speed, the model will “smear” from its own movements, a “shake” will appear in the photo. The best thing take pictures at shutter speeds shorter than 1/125 s, this will insure against strong blurring of the image. If you are shooting with a telephoto lens, or if your character is in constant motion (running, jumping), it is better to use a shutter speed faster than 1/250 s.

    Portrait photography often involves the processing of photographs. It can be as simple as white balance correction, as well as retouching images, removing skin defects and serious color correction. Therefore, it is desirable take pictures in RAW format in order to provide yourself with greater freedom for creativity during processing.

    From what distance to take a portrait? Keep a distance so that the proportions of the face and body of the person in the frame are not distorted. Photographing is the best from a distance of at least 2-3 meters. The size of the plan can be changed by choosing the focal length.

    Many photographers are fanatically chasing beautiful blurred background(bokeh) and "unique lens pattern". But it must be remembered that main character in the frame - a man. Pay less attention to technical refinements and leave more time to work with the model and the plot of the frame. This is the way to expressive photographs. Beautiful portraits can be made even with the simplest technique, if you approach shooting with soul.

    If you decide to use manual focus lenses, then keep in mind that it will be extremely difficult to accurately focus with them. If the model is relatively stationary, you can focus through the Live View screen. Shooting through it (with zoom) will allow you to focus more accurately.

NIKON D810 / 50.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 100, F2.8, 1/320 s, 50.0 mm equiv.

There are a lot of different approaches and styles of shooting staged portraits. We recently had a tutorial with basic creative tips for beginner photographers. These tips are quite relevant for shooting a portrait. And here's another row useful advice to create expressive portraits:

    A portrait photographer should be able to win over people, interest them, inspire them. If there is mutual understanding between the photographer and his hero, during the photo shoot you will be able to take a lot of good shots.

    Explain the essence of the frames to the model, tell us what you want to see in the photo. It is possible not in words: show by your own example, make sketches on paper, offer an associative series. Perhaps you remember a suitable image from some famous movie or book. The ability to explain your intention is an important skill for a photographer. Of course, in order to be able to do this, you will first have to think carefully about the essence of what you are photographing.

    It's good when the result of portrait shooting is not one frame, but a small series of shots, united by a common idea, history, style.

    The staging does not cancel the life and emotions in the frame. It only determines the plot in which our hero lives. Talk to the model, try to evoke the right emotions in her. Offering clear, strictly defined poses for shooting is not the most the best option. Most likely, with this approach, the model in the picture will turn out to be clamped.

NIKON D810 / 85.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 900, F1.4, 1/160 s, 85.0 mm equiv.

    A similar tip for photographing children: don't expect children to be arranged like puppets. Come up with a plot, a general outline of the shooting and combine it with a child's game to keep them interested. Play, communicate with the child. Pick up funny accessories for the photo shoot: interesting clothes, toys, etc.

    Look for diffuse side lighting. If the shooting takes place during regime time, you can try backlighting.

  • A series of portrait photos (photoset) can be supplemented with other interesting pictures - for example, take a picture of the model's hands.

NIKON D810 / 35.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 64, F1.4, 1/400 s, 35.0 mm equiv.

    Praise the model! Do not forget to celebrate her successful actions. Point to what you like. This will help to find contact, to liberate your hero. If something doesn’t go the way you planned, then it’s better not to blame, but to talk in a friendly way about your vision of the frame.

    Use elementary layout rules. Compose the frame according to the rule of thirds, do not "cut off" the limbs of your hero at the joints, leave the model's gaze to the side more space. Of course, these rules can and should be broken sometimes. But it is important to understand that the one who knows and understands them well breaks the rules effectively.

    It is believed that it is most beneficial to photograph a person at the level of his eyes (yes, when shooting children, you will need to sit down). Let this be your starting point in choosing an angle. It is important to consider that people have different faces, so in each case, the shooting point can be taken lower or higher.

NIKON D810 / 85.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 31, F1.4, 1/320 s, 85.0 mm equiv.

Tip that has become traditional - do not be afraid to experiment! All good photographers did not immediately come to their style of shooting. Think creatively, but don't forget theory! And you will certainly succeed.

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