Why dream of green onions in a salad. The magic of numbers. What predicts a dream Bow

Green onions in a dream promise minor changes and events that are just beginning to develop. What else does this image symbolize? popular dream books will help you figure it out.

Why do green onions dream - Miller's dream book

If you dream of onions in large quantities, then soon you will succeed. If you dream that you are eating it, it means that you will get rid of your enemies.

If you dream that it is growing, there will be enough enemies on your way that you will fight. Cutting onions - says that you will succeed in business. If you see a bow in a dream and cry, then this means that rivals will be present on your way.

Green onions - Assyrian dream book

Green onions are a sign of long work that will lead to rewards. If in a dream you peel onions, it means victory in hard work. Harvest - receiving a reward that you did not claim. Eating onions for food - to a deterioration in relations with loved ones.

Green onions in a dream - Freud's dream book

To see green onions in a garden in a dream means that in the near future there will be a sexual partner much younger than your age in your life. Large bulbs seen in a dream indicate that your sex life is very eventful. If you saw that the bulbs had sprouted, then in real life you dream of a child.

Why do green onions dream - a dream book of the XXI century

This plant usually dreams of tears or a bad mood. If in a dream you eat onions, it means that soon your secret will be known to everyone. If in a dream you clean it, it means that success lies in wait for you. Planting onions in the garden - deterioration in health or loss of money.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a green onion - a modern dream book

Green onions usually dream that enemies will envy your success. If you ate it in a dream, then good people will come across on your way. If in a dream you are cooking green onions, it means you will soon make big profits. If in a dream you see that you are cutting onions, and tears are flowing at the same time, it means that in the future you will go to have fun.

If you boil onions in a dream, this is to excellent health. If you fry it, then on your way you will meet enemies. In a dream, they saw that you were planting a bow - expect a reward soon. We looked at bulbs blooming in pots - to the cost.

Why do green onions dream - the dream book of the healer Evdokia

Seeing a green onion in a dream is a meeting of enemies. If you cook onions in a dream - to wealth. Cutting green onions - to a quarrel over inheritance. Planting onions - to worries and worries. If in a dream you are selling onions, ill-wishers will lure you to their side. Bought onions - your friends will be in trouble.

Bow is identified with tears. And indeed - while cleaning this vegetable, it is impossible not to cry. Unfortunately, in the world of dreams, this famous vegetable rarely portends something positive, and its appearance in a dream is a very unpleasant event.

However, you should not despair - the best dream books in the world will help you understand the meaning of the dream, and you will be able to draw the right conclusions. Let's find out what the onion is dreaming of, its most famous varieties and manipulations with this vegetable.

Plot interpretation

What exactly did you do in your dream?

Try to remember - what exactly did you do with this vegetable in night vision?

    Cutting it - soon you will have to pay in full for the idle entertainment and rash acts that you have loved so much lately. Henceforth, so that you do not have to cry bitterly, try to think ahead about the possible consequences of your behavior.

    For young people, chopping onions and, because of this, running down their cheeks, prophesies complete defeat on the personal front. It seems that the dreamer will have serious rivals in this area, and all attempts to surpass them will only lead to tears, disappointments and failures.

  • Peeling onions - such a dream symbolizes a serious conflict that is brewing between you and your friends or loved ones. If, while peeling onions, your eyes stung, and tears ran down your cheeks, a quarrel cannot be avoided. But, if you did this without tears, you can miraculously avoid quarrels, and save your relationship. Also, a similar plot promises a difficult and stressful business, which in the end will end in success.
  • Buy - buying a bow is considered a favorable symbol that promises the dreamer the recovery of his friend or his getting rid of problems. If, on the contrary, the bow was bought from you, in reality, ill-wishers will be able to deceive your friend, which will seriously harm him.
  • Plant in the garden - such a dream symbolizes the very life of the dreamer and his struggle with ill-wishers. Moreover, this image is considered positive, because in reality such rivalry invigorates the sleeping person and makes his life bright and intense.
  • Iterate - if in a dream you were engaged in shifting onions, in reality you are too worried about the intrigues surrounding you. The thought that someone close to you may be traitors just kills you and does not give you peace.
  • Eating onions is a dual symbol: for people suffering from serious or big problems, it portends recovery and getting rid of trouble. To healthy and successful dreamers, on the contrary, he promises many troubles in all areas of life.
  • Fry - an extremely auspicious image that portends an idle and serene life to the sleeping person and light enrichment.

What was he like?

Not only actions with a bow, but also its appearance are important in the interpretation of dreams. Remember - what was the vegetable in your night story?

In general, onions are considered a negative sign, portending troubles and problems. Seeing this vegetable in a dream, be prepared for the deterioration of affairs on all fronts: worsening financial situation, problems in your personal life, problems in relationships with friends will be inevitable.

The plot in which you ate onions is especially bad. If you run your own business, bad deals await you.. If you are a farmer, expect a crop failure. For the rest of the categories of people, this image portends serious illnesses and hints at the need to better take care of their health.

Onion cleaning prophesies disappointment and the risk of becoming a victim of deception. It is especially sad that both can be brought by people whom you trust very much.

It is important to remember how many bulbs you saw at night. Know that the more there were, the harder the troubles that threaten you will be and the more difficult it will be to overcome them.

Chopping onions in a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness that will soon befall either the dreamer or someone in him.

However, onions do not always portend something bad. For example, his collection in the garden means that the dreamer's work will be paid at its true worth.

Add it to the dish - a dream that promises the sleeper a happy and peaceful future.

Seeing boiled onions in a dream - a sign that the dreamer's health will be strong, and life will be trouble-free.

Unlike onions, green onions with feathers in a dream are considered a more favorable way. Most often, it is a harbinger of a large profit or inheritance, for which, however, you will have to seriously fight.

There is him in a dream - For a healthy person, such a dream promises a happy and comfortable family life.. To the sick, he promises a speedy recovery.

Planting green onions to gain respect in society and to great success in business.

Tear green onions into pieces - a negative vision that predicts the most difficult test for the sleeper on the path of life.

Cut green onions and sprinkle them on some dish - in this case, higher powers calm the dreamer and say that he can easily defeat enemies.

In general, a raw onion symbolizes the dreamer's tendency to be interested in matters in which he understands little and penetration into which can harm both him and his loved ones.

The plot in which you ate raw onions is especially bad - it means that soon you will learn some secret from the life of a person dear to you, which he carefully hid from you. One day you will give yourself away, because of which the relationship with this person may end forever.

A rotten or missing vegetable symbolizes health problems that are about to appear in the dreamer's life. Moreover, most often such a plot prophesies problems in the intimate sphere. For men, a rotten onion promises problems with erection, for women - a cooling of relations with a loved one.

onion peel

Onion peel is considered a complex symbol, and its appearance in a dream can be understood only on the basis of details.

  • Peel off onions- to in a difficult matter.
  • Eat onion peel yourself or feed it to someone- a harbinger of irritation, quarrels and serious conflicts with loved ones.
  • Boil the husk in a saucepan- in reality, you are doomed to defeat in the fight against enemies or competitors.
  • Paint Easter eggs with onion skins- soon your enemies will manage to lure you into a trap. And, although the losses that you incur will not be fatal, they will still bring you a lot of trouble.

Onion in the garden

Onions in the garden are considered a good sign, but a more detailed interpretation requires details:

  • See how a beautiful green onion grows in your garden- a sign that in real life your enemies will not be able to do anything with you, your position will be stable in spite of everyone and everything.
  • Pick it straight from the garden and eat- soon you will be lucky enough to receive a large sum of money. It can be an inheritance, a prize or a generous gift.
  • Rip it off and throw it away- some problem arose in the relationship between the dreamer and his soul mate. If you do not deal with it in time, the matter may end in parting.
  • If the onion in your garden grew along with other plants(parsley, dill, etc.), in reality, fate will give you powerful patrons and good relations with people around you.
  • Digging up an onion patch or planting a vegetable- a harbinger of rivalry. Dream books warn - the winner will be the one who knows how to be calm and self-possessed.
  • If the onion grew in your garden away from others, in real life you are too prone to perfectionism and obsessed with the desire to earn more. If you do not want to overstrain, you should moderate your appetites and allow yourself a vacation.

Green onions are a delicious addition to a salad. However, it is not clear whether you should be worried if you saw this product in your dreams. Find out what green onions dream of in order to understand what awaits you in life.

Interpretation of the dream book according to Miller and Freud

Miller is a famous psychologist, interpreter of dreams. It is believed that his interpretations are very accurate, as they are based on the work of our subconscious. Miller believed that seeing a lot of green onions in a dream is a sign that in real life you have many enemies. If you cut off onion feathers, then new sharp, but pleasant sensations await you.

Why dream of green onions among the French and gypsies

Planting onions is not a good sign. He says that in reality someone is unhappy with you. But there is a bow, on the contrary, a wonderful sign. It portends victory over enemies. Another good sign is to buy green onions. This is for profit.

Freud is an equally famous psychologist who interpreted dreams from a sexual point of view. According to his dream book, green onions are for a new sexual partner who is younger than you.

The meaning of a dream about a bow with feathers in different countries of the world

Here is how different nations interpret this sign:

  • Ukrainians. Green onions are a bad sign, someone will be very angry with you.
  • French people. Seeing this kind of greenery is a sign of doubt and throwing due to a recent decision.
  • Japanese. Eating and trading green onions is a good sign that promises financial prosperity and success. Cutting or cooking green onions in a different way, on the contrary, is a bad sign. He promises a relative's illness.
  • Gypsies. Green onion is a symbol of discord.

But as for the most modern dream book of the 21st century, he says that green onions are in a bad mood.

Interpretation of sleep for a woman

Remember how you dreamed of green onions, and find the right interpretation:

  • Dense thickets of green onions are a controversial sign. On the one hand, you will soon succeed. On the other hand, this success will attract many envious and ill-wishers to you.
  • You ate onions in a dream. In reality, you will defeat your enemies.
  • You have chopped the onion. A decisive battle with the enemy awaits.
  • The onion grew quickly before your eyes. New rivals will appear in your life, but you will be able to overcome them, and this will even add zest to your life.
  • Have you cooked any dish with green onions. A little financial success awaits you.

As you can see, a bow in a dream is an ambiguous symbol.

Different people who compiled dream books attached different meanings to certain signs. Choose for yourself the interpretation that seems closer to you.

Dream Interpretation Onion Seeing an onion in a dream as a vegetable plant portends an unexpected illness or a dispute between relatives due to inheritance. Eating raw onions means that you will learn something that will bring you trouble and make you quarrel with friends. Peeling an onion in a dream is a sign of deceit or success in a difficult undertaking. Cutting onions with tears in your eyes - be defeated in the fight against competitors. Frying onions or cooking in some other way portends a calm course of affairs and a small but stable profit. There are dishes seasoned with onions - you will overcome your enemies and cope with difficulties, but at the cost of incredible efforts and taking all your savings for it. Seeing onions in the garden in large quantities means that in reality you will cause envy and anger with your successes. Planting and growing onions portends that you will only dream of peace, so business and worries will overcome you. Trading onions in a dream means that you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers and will be drawn into ...

In general, as mentioned above, there are a little less than a thousand types of onions. Combines their burning taste and characteristic smell - for example, both onions and garlic belong to the onion family. Can you imagine what would be done in folk medicine and cooking without just two types of onions? The most famous species of this family are onions, batun onions, shallots, leeks, slime onions, chives (or Skorodod onions) and the famous wild garlic and garlic. Moreover, wild garlic is understood to mean both Victory onion and bear onion (or wild garlic) - they all call them in one word, only hardened shoes and cooks will distinguish them. One of the features of the onion is that it comes from the Northern Hemisphere, grows and cultivates here. So it’s possible that he had little influence on the original cuisine and folk methods of treating the Indians of South America and Australia, but it’s worth remembering: how potatoes recently came to us ...

Green onion shooters contain more vitamins and microelements and in terms of vitality and benefits are comparable only to sprouted grains or soy sprouts. Green onions are especially useful in spring and winter with beriberi. It is a source of vitamin C and carotene. Green onions have useful properties with reduced appetite, but it rather normalizes the work of the entire digestive chain, from the formation of enzymes to intestinal motility. In general, green onion vitamins are available and easily digestible from foods that can be grown at home and plucked immediately serve to the table.

In most cases, if you dream of onions, this is a harbinger of fatal failure - possibly grief, illness, excessive or unpleasant work. Also, for hundreds of generations, the use of onions, the body itself, in minutes of beriberi, is able to demand the necessary product in the consciousness and subconscious of a person (as children lick chalk when they need calcium) - it’s time to eat onions, otherwise you will get sick.

Onions - Onions dream of anger and envy that you will cause yourself with your success. If in a dream you ate onions, then the enemies will retreat in front of you. You saw how it grows, you will be surrounded by rivals, the fight against which will give a taste for life. Fried onions - ahead of a carefree existence and a small profit in business. They cut onions and shed tears - be defeated in the fight against rivals. If in a dream you were peeling onions and tears were flowing at the same time, in reality you will go to have fun. Ate boiled onions - to health. Ate fried onions - you make an enemy. They planted flower bulbs in a dream - wait for the acquisition. We admired the bulbs blooming in pots - you have to fork out.

Bulb onions). Seeing many bulbs is the anger and envy of enemies from your success in business; there is a bow - the enemies will retreat. Zeleniyluk - meet rivals. Boil onions - to a small profit, peace and serenity. Cutting, chopping onions, feeling how it stings your eyes - the machinations of rivals, quarrels over inheritance, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Dream Interpretation Onion (plant) - Green onions dream of shame or tears. If in a dream you eat onions, this portends the discovery of an unpleasant secret, a quarrel; clean it - it means that you will succeed in a difficult undertaking; planting onions in the garden - a harbinger of damage or health problems due to your addictions.

Dream Interpretation Bow (weapon) - If you see a bow in a dream, you will be overcome by doubts about the correctness of your actions. If you pull a bowstring in a dream, wait for the consolation that will come to you at the right moment.

It is also important why green onions dream separately from other vegetables - this may be evidence of the need to restrain one's own appetites and work on one's character. Dream Interpretations advise spending more time in the bosom of nature, reevaluating your life aspirations and values, and getting rid of negativity, because it prevents you from succeeding in life.

Cleaning the head and crying at the same time - until the relationship with relatives is sorted out, and buying vegetables or herbs - to the recovery of a seriously ill friend. Health is also promised in a dream along with dill and parsley.

Since the onion stimulates vitality, the Chinese are convinced that it appears in a dream - to a stormy showdown with others. And the female dream book of the East indicates that there is it - to success in life and victory over enemies.

If in reality the dreamer experiences some kind of physical ailment or even gets sick for a long time, then in a dream the green onion that he eats is a good sign. This means that in the near future he will be able to quickly recover and return to good physical shape. For seriously ill people, such a dream is a harbinger of rapid relief and remission of the disease, as well as a faster recovery, contrary to the forecasts of doctors. Perhaps this interpretation is due to the fact that the green sprouts of any plant are the key to new life and spring. The main thing is that in a dream the green onion shoots are strong and healthy. If they are sluggish or dried up, then this is a sign that it will take a long time to wait for relief. If they are rotten, then you need to pay even more attention to health.

A green onion in a dream promises an unexpected achievement of goals, which you have recently stopped counting on. If you plant it, you will soon be able to win the respect of your environment and success in business and in society. To dream about how it grows - to fight with competitors or rivals. It will end in your favor, and give you the vitality you need. For young girls, green onions often dream of tears.

Aloe - to recovery, apply a cut leaf or squeeze out juice - find the right method of treatment for yourself or a loved one. To grow an aloe plant is to discover some kind of gift and ability in yourself. Dried flower - missed opportunities. Buy or receive as a gift - rethink your life, in the latter case - with the help of a person who sincerely wants to help.

All dream books unanimously argue that a bow in a dream is a bad sign. It portends the onset of difficult times and serious experiences on various occasions. However, there are rare cases when this vegetable does not bode well. You can find out why the bow is dreaming with the help of this article.

Why dream of onion heads collected in connection. Wangi's dream interpretation deciphers such an image as a big life change, and for people involved in agriculture - a good harvest in the fields, which will bring huge profits.

Green onions dreamed in a dream, which means you should work on yourself, as well as satisfy your own appetites, which can make a person “go over their heads” in order to achieve their cherished goals. It is better to be alone for a while, in nature and to conduct a soul-searching, because the presence of anger and negativity prevents you from succeeding in your career.

If you had to plant a bow, then, as O. Smurov's Dream Interpretation testifies, a sleeping person cannot come to terms with losses or his own defeats and in his heart cherishes the hope of taking revenge on enemies. However, revenge will not bring peace, but will only add bitterness and dissatisfaction, you need to look for other methods to realize your own potential.

The interpretation of sleep - a bow in an English dream book, suggests the successful discovery of a large amount of money or jewelry. Perhaps there is an object that the dreamer has been looking for for a very long time and has already lost all hope of finding it.

Seeing in a dream or eating a fresh radish in a green salad - you will have to indulge in deception for the good of your neighbors; carrot - for profit; cucumbers - for money that will go to entertainment with men; tomatoes - success, if in the garden, green means haste, overripe - slowness.

Stir greens in salads - illness and lack of understanding in your environment await you. Water the greens in the salad with vegetable oil - your fan will turn out to be a slippery person. Adding sour cream to greens in a salad is sadness, regret small quarrels.

Seeing a green sorrel in a dream portends an unsuccessful matchmaking and, in general, problems in cordial relationships and love. If you see parsley in a dream, this portends many patrons and defenders. Pasternak means good luck in business and trade, but for lovers - only trouble.

The purchase of onions in a dream testifies to feelings for loved ones. Despite the fact that now it is very difficult for you, you can be calm, everything will end successfully. You may even be able to benefit from the current problems. Thanks to these complexities, you will gain valuable life experience that will be useful to you.

Severe trials met on the path of life of the one who tore green onions. This dream may also indicate that someone in their environment is dissatisfied with the dreamer. Quite often, such a dream serves as a warning that someone is deceiving you.

Also, when interpreting sleep, it is necessary to take into account the number of bulbs, which indicates how strong the troubles will be. If other people appeared in a dream, then it is likely that the problems will affect them too. Some dream books say that the dreamer will soon find as many enemies as he dreamed of bulbs.

All dream books unanimously argue that a bow in a dream is a bad sign. It portends the onset of difficult times and serious experiences on various occasions. However, there are rare cases when this vegetable does not bode well. You can find out why the bow is dreaming with the help of this article.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the "green onion" dream: why dream and a complete interpretation from various points of view.

Trying to figure out what green onions are dreaming of, many are looking for answers in dream books. But not everyone knows that the interpretation of the same image by different interpreters may differ - everyone prophesies the future in his own way. That is why you should not stop at one single explanation. Remember everything that you saw in a dream in as much detail as possible, and check with several "dream oracles".

Gypsy prophecies

Perhaps the only interpreter who promises great joy to those who saw green onions in a dream is the Gypsy Dream Book. According to his version, this dreamed "hot spice" promises the dreamer the acquisition of untold wealth, and in a very simple way: find a treasure, win the lottery, receive an inheritance.

If your profession involves communication with antiques or treasure hunting, then feel free to take on a new task - it will bring you profit. Just do not tell anyone, even friends, about this luck, the interpreter advises.

Miller's explanations

Unlike gypsies, Miller's dream book gives many interpretations of sleep, what green onions dream of. Depending on what you did with it, interpretations will also depend:

  • to see a lot of green onions in a dream is a sign of the anger of envious people;
  • eat it - to victory over enemies;
  • cut onion feathers - to sharp and vivid emotions;
  • plant a beam - someone is unhappy with your actions;
  • i dreamed that you were buying a bunch of leeks - for profit.

Green beds as a symbol of profit

A dream is considered auspicious in which you see green onions growing in the garden, says Medea's dream book. If in a dream you had to water the onion in the beds, this means that soon you will have a chance to make a good profit, and the thicker it grows in the beds, the easier and more profitable it will be.

Worse, if you dreamed that the entire crop of greenery disappeared in the garden - this means financial problems and unsuccessful investments.

Harvest, or You will be forced to shed tears

Those of the dreamers who had a chance to harvest a "green" crop in a dream - onions, dill, parsley - in reality will face difficult trials on the way to their goal.

You see that in a dream you are forced to tear parsley - expect deception from a loved one; leek - to tears and sadness; and here, tearing dill in a dream is a symbol of the envy of colleagues that your luck will cause, suggests pastor Loff's dream book.

Eat onion: From victory to adventure

Interpretations of dream books differ, which is why visions are dreamed in which the dreamer eats green onions. So, for those who are sick, such a vision promises a speedy recovery, but for a healthy person, this dream symbolizes family happiness, the Eastern interpreter suggests.

What is the dream of a vision in which you cut and eat onion feathers, Tsvetkov’s dream book will tell you: victory over enemies awaits you, but the fact that friends will not share the joy about this will overshadow all the joy. But if you had to cut the onion feathers and sprinkle them on the finished dish, an influential patron will help you cope with the problems.

Did you dream that you were impatient to eat onions right with whole feathers? Get ready for risky but profitable adventures.

Greenery trade is a sign of trouble

If you want to know the answer to the question of why you dream of buying and selling green onions, turn to Vanga's dream book for clarification. I dreamed that you were holding a large armful of “spicy vegetables” in your hands, offering it to passersby - expect the trouble that your friends will bring you.

But, buying an onion in a dream and taking it away from the market in your hands, and not in your bag, is a sign that competitors will want to lure you over to themselves, thereby provoking the wrath of your associates.

Green onions in a dream promise minor changes and events that are just beginning to develop. What else does this image symbolize? popular dream books will help you figure it out.

Why do green onions dream - Miller's dream book

If you dream of onions in large quantities, then soon you will succeed. If you dream that you are eating it, it means that you will get rid of your enemies.

If you dream that it is growing, there will be enough enemies on your way that you will fight. Cutting onions - says that you will succeed in business. If you see a bow in a dream and cry, then this means that rivals will be present on your way.

Green onions - Assyrian dream book

Green onions are a sign of long work that will lead to rewards. If in a dream you peel onions, it means victory in hard work. Harvest - receiving a reward that you did not claim. Eating onions for food - to a deterioration in relations with loved ones.

Green onions in a dream - Freud's dream book

To see green onions in a garden in a dream means that in the near future there will be a sexual partner much younger than your age in your life. Large bulbs seen in a dream indicate that your sex life is very eventful. If you saw that the bulbs had sprouted, then in real life you dream of a child.

Why do green onions dream - a dream book of the XXI century

This plant usually dreams of tears or a bad mood. If in a dream you eat onions, it means that soon your secret will be known to everyone. If in a dream you clean it, it means that success lies in wait for you. Planting onions in the garden - deterioration in health or loss of money.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a green onion - a modern dream book

Green onions usually dream that enemies will envy your success. If you ate it in a dream, then good people will come across on your way. If in a dream you are cooking green onions, it means you will soon make big profits. If in a dream you see that you are cutting onions, and tears are flowing at the same time, it means that in the future you will go to have fun.

If you boil onions in a dream, this is to excellent health. If you fry it, then on your way you will meet enemies. In a dream, they saw that you were planting a bow - expect a reward soon. We looked at bulbs blooming in pots - to the cost.

Why do green onions dream - the dream book of the healer Evdokia

Seeing a green onion in a dream is a meeting of enemies. If you cook onions in a dream - to wealth. Cutting green onions - to a quarrel over inheritance. Planting onions - to worries and worries. If in a dream you are selling onions, ill-wishers will lure you to their side. Bought onions - your friends will be in trouble.

In reality, onions are both useful and bring tears. But what to expect from green onions if we see them in a dream? Why dream of green onions?

A vegetable does not always bring tears and sorrows. It is important to correctly interpret the vision and pay special attention to details and nuances.

Sleep details

Dream interpretation

Miller's dream book

green onion symbolizes black envy and anger. Negative emotions have so taken possession of envious people that they are already ready for the meanest deeds. It will be difficult to resist the machinations of enemies, but you will succeed.

If you saw a lot of green onions you will be able to achieve success after a certain time. ate onions? Get rid of the bad guys.

If you saw how the onion grew, then know that there will be many envious people and enemies on the way. Fighting them will not be easy.

Cut green onions dreams of success in the financial sector. If an onion made you cry, then without rivals you will not be able to achieve your goals. If you cut green feathers, then enjoy sharp and vivid emotions.

Assyrian dream book

Bow with feathers dreams before hard and long work. When you finish the job, you will receive a well-deserved reward.

Gathering onions? Soon you will receive a reward that you did not know and did not expect. Eat green onions in a dream- to problems with others.

Freud's dream book

Onions with feathers in the beds promises a new partner. He will be younger than you.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

green onion portends tears or a spoiled mood. Eating onion feathers- to the disclosure of your secret by someone . If onions were planted you will lose health or money.

Modern dream book

Green bow reflects envy of enemies. Did you eat onions? You will meet kind and good people who will help you achieve a lot.

Cooking or cutting green onions- to make a profit. If you saw bulbs with green feathers in pots, then expect big expenses.

Gypsy dream book

Saw a green onion? Expect joy. Great wealth will fall on your shoulders.

Miller's dream book

dreamed of green onions

If you dreamed of an onion, in particular a green one, you should delve into the details of the dream: the onion grows, you cut it or eat it. In the first case, when there are a lot of green onions, this threatens with anger and envy of rivals, which, however, will only add to your enthusiasm and strength. In addition, having eaten onions in a dream, you will overcome ill-wishers.

Freud's dream book

dream green onion

Green onions in a dream - a young lover soon. Young green shoots from the bulb may reveal your secret desire to have children.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

green onions in a dream what is it for

Usually, onions dream of tears, green or otherwise. At least - a bad mood in the next day.

Love dream book

dream interpretation green onion

I dreamed of a young green onion - this means that you have worked hard and will receive a well-deserved reward.

Modern dream book

green onions in a dream what is it for

The interpretation of the dream where green onions appear is as follows: your undertakings will be successful, but there will be those who will become jealous. Eating green onions in a dream means there will be more good people in life. Cook a dish with green onions in a dream - expect profit.

Dream Interpretation sonniq.ru

dream green onion

Green onions will tell you that you have envious people.

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