Complete general summary horoscope of Capricorn. A woman born under the sign of Capricorn. What to give a Capricorn man - the best present

This man built a stone wall around himself. He is timid, but at the same time strong and strong. Gentle, but terribly ambitious. He seems to prefer being alone. In fact, this is not so. Or rather, not quite like that.

Secretly, he longs for people's approval. At heart he is an incurable romantic, but Saturn places heavy shackles on him, demanding strict discipline, complete calm, practical actions and serious intentions. This is his cross, and he is forced to bear it to the end.

If you were able to turn the stern, stubborn Capricorn inside out, you would see a gentle and cheerful dreamer, longing for a fresh wind that would inflate the sails of his hopes. But, unfortunately, all this will remain hidden somewhere in the recesses of his soul, and on the surface he will be exactly as you know and imagine him. And although what is desired is not the same as what is real, the thought that (without the influence of Saturn) this is inherent in it will help you look at your Capricorn with different eyes.

Capricorns try to assure others that they do not need compliments. In fact, this is not so. Secretly, he longs for people to notice his virtues and merits. It’s just that, being naturally modest, he gets lost when praise is lavished on him. But have you noticed how his ears light up and his eyes shine when he is told something pleasant? He is happy, it’s just that his nature does not allow him to jump to the skies and express delight in a more obvious way.

Capricorn can be likened to a late flower (if such a comparison is at all appropriate). He matures later than his peers, but retains the youth of his soul and body much longer than them. In my opinion, this is one of those advantages that should be discussed in more detail.

Other men first for a long time They cannot give up boyish habits and grow up, and then suddenly, almost overnight, they turn into grumpy, dissatisfied elders. For Capricorns it's the other way around.

At first they will seem too decorous and decent to you, but their more mature years will not only please you, but will also pleasantly surprise you. In his youth, Capricorn is unlikely to run away with his beloved to Paris, buying all the violets from the Montmartre flower girls and throwing them at her feet; but it is he and no one else who, four or five decades after the wedding, will invite you to India to admire the Taj Mahal glowing in the moonlight, while other husbands will prefer to sit at home by the fireplace, complaining of gout.

If you belong to that breed of unreasonable women who, eating only sandwiches and aperitifs in their youth, spoil their health and then switch to vegetarian cuisine, Capricorn is certainly not your partner. An affair with Capricorn (of course, if it ends in marriage) resembles a traditional, according to all the rules, dinner with dessert at the end.

The process of Capricorn's long-term unfading may naturally make you wary of his infidelity. And this may well happen, both in younger years and in older years. mature age. But, treating the home altar with reverence. Capricorn will give you much less grief in the area of ​​feelings than other signs of the Zodiac. No hobby will ever replace Capricorn's family, wife and children. Family bonds sacred to him. Moreover, this is how he treats not only his own family (wife, children), but also the family in which he grew up (parents, brothers, sisters, etc.).

Not only should you not humiliate or insult his family and friends, you should treat them with respect and attention, even if, in your opinion, they do not deserve it at all. If your relationship with his relatives does not work out well, Capricorn, forced to rush between two fires, will become gloomy and gloomy.

Capricorns who do not immediately dare to take a responsible step, such as marriage, will most likely do this when they receive complete economic independence and can support their family in accordance with their ideas.

Capricorn chooses a wife for a very long time and selectively. Capricorn's chosen one must first of all meet his ideal of the future mother of the family: to be devoted, faithful, loving and patient. Secondly, she must cook well and keep the house in exemplary order. Of no small importance for Capricorn is whether he can future wife dress tastefully, does she have good manners, education and intelligence to make a favorable impression on colleagues and superiors. And only after that will he think about whether his beloved is beautiful and whether he likes her. If you don't have very voluminous hair and don't have the most beautiful legs in the world, don't be upset. For your future Capricorn husband, this is not so important.

Since Capricorn lacks emotionality, he should be raised in this direction from the very beginning. Give him poetry collections, and the more romantic their content, the better. Teach him to be affectionate and show visible signs of love and sympathy towards you. If you do not instill this in him from the very first days of your life together, don’t complain later that he doesn’t tell you about his love. And if you try to reproach him for this, he may object: “I don’t love you? Yes, you're crazy. Don’t you remember what I said when the priest asked me about it on our wedding day?”

It seems to Capricorn that if he supports you, feeds you, waters you, clothes you, and not only you, but also your children, this is already a sufficient manifestation of his true feelings, which do not need verbal confirmation. And if you let him know that you need tender words no less than his care for you, he will be sincerely surprised.

Capricorn - real father in the classical sense of the word. He demands respect, obedience and strict discipline from children. He, for his part, will be devoted to them to the depths of his soul and is even capable of self-sacrifice. Capricorn fathers do not spoil their children and do not spoil them with permissiveness. The only thing they can be reproached for is being too harsh. But Capricorns make the most wonderful grandfathers in the world. By the time they have grandchildren, they become less strict and sometimes allow babies to sit not only on their laps, but also on their heads.

Capricorns are not those who quickly get married and then repent for a long time. They do the opposite - they take a long time to choose, but if they decide to break up, they do it without regret, at once. Capricorns rarely destroy a family, but if they do, it’s abruptly and irrevocably.

Although Capricorns have everything strictly regulated, from spending money to love, it is with them that you will be reliably insured against any surprises, both emotional, spiritual, and material. If you are not a very passionate person by nature, but a reasonable and calculating person, you may like this very much. While other men will waste their love in their youth, Capricorn will appreciate and love you all his life, no matter how many gray hairs appear in your hair or how many wrinkles appear on your face. And is it really so important that he said the word “love” only once in his life, if it means “I love you forever,” and not for five minutes and not for five years.

Capricorn Man from Sergei Vronsky

“Capricorns” are rational, conservative people, realists to the core. They want to receive all the heavenly blessings here on earth, so they try to create for themselves their own small, but their own “heaven”. And, indeed, in their old age they are already provided with a good pension and a decent bank account, your own home or dacha, a car and a life partner on whom you can always rely and rely. All these benefits, of course, are achieved only through exceptional hard work and efficiency.

Work and money, a secure old age and a secure future, honor and respect, an unblemished reputation, authority in the service and prestige in society bring them the greatest joy and satisfaction of the soul. Growing ambition is main factor, leading to social and material uplift.

They do not like to talk about their personal affairs and problems, masterfully hiding their souls under a smoke screen. In the team they are and are present only out of necessity and what is called only their own physical body. In fact, they love and know how to be content with their own company, with themselves. They have few real friends, and even less need for communication.

“Capricorns” are like monuments of perseverance and perseverance, endurance and endurance, patience and reliability.

In marriage and matrimony, “Capricorn” is a faithful and devoted partner, very caring and reliable. He will protect his family and loved ones with great dignity from any insult or injustice. Although the marriage itself is very cool, it is always conditioned by a pronounced sense of duty, responsibility, and responsibility.

Only in old age does he have the opportunity to try to make up for lost time in his younger years - to travel, have fun, admire the former delights of his own wife, that is, to at will more or less cultural relaxation.

Divorces are extremely rare here. When love begins to fade over the years, the feeling of attachment and habit to family and home intensifies. Relations between spouses become stable and friendly. Until the end of life, “Capricorn” remains in the family the rock against which all future waves of the ocean of life break.

Capricorn Man in Love from J. Martin

When you wish him Good night and try to close the door, his leg will prevent you from doing so. He won't accept your no. Rejecting an offer does not mean being indifferent to it. He will make more and more attempts until he overcomes resistance. Of course, you can say "no" in a way that makes it sound like "yes" or at least like "maybe." But why say no? Capricorn loves love as much as food and sleep.

It's likely that during your first date, you'll begin to suspect that this earthly lustful man is counting on the woman to agree to all his desires. He believes that in the soul of every virtuous woman lurks a libertine who is trying to get rid of her virtue. He values ​​the sexual act itself more than the woman involved in it. You can bet that Capricorn men make up a significant portion of those against feminism.

The Capricorn man does not have such innate cruelty as Scorpio, but his strong sexuality makes him unscrupulous in his means. He gladly uses his advantage in relationships with inexperienced or naive people - he is more attracted to young representatives of the fair sex. Passionate, highly sensual, Capricorn hates being denied anything. She will not tolerate even the most harmless teasing from a woman.

However, he will understand if you have strong enough objections to jumping into bed with him; he can be patient. An honest explanation of the refusal due to poor health will be sufficient if this is indeed the case. Don't try to act out the scene. Not only will he recognize the game, but he will be very dissatisfied with it.

Basically, he needs reassurance that you like him. He demands a lot because he wants you to commit yourself to him. If you want to please his ego, let him know how much you enjoy his company and he will be attached to you for as long as you want. Capricorn is characterized by loyalty. He doesn't understand why many men feel the need to go out on the side. If there is one reliable woman, then what else do you need? Capricorn is content to be only yours.

He prefers to stay at home than to go to companies and receptions. This doesn't mean your home life will be boring. The older Capricorn gets, the higher his potency and interest in the physical side of love does not decrease. When other men submit to rocking chairs, the aging Capricorn (or should I call him an old goat?) will still try to lure women into the bedroom. And his technique only improves with age!

Although he needs sexual satisfaction, this alone is still not enough. A woman must satisfy him in other aspects of human relationships. He hopes that you will be a wonderful housewife, work partner and loyal friend. He needs the feeling that you are both connected by a romantic destiny. However, as a Capricorn man once told me, “If you accept the fact that happiness is not exactly what you hoped for, you can be perfectly happy.”

Capricorn is money oriented. He is attentive, careful, prudent and does not compromise. He will always do what he considers his duty. But if your wishes conflict with his own, don't expect a reasonable compromise. Even if it seems to you that he is bargaining, this is only an attempt to gain time.

You will never know what he is up to, because he manages to hide his thoughts under the guise of reflection and bad mood. One thing you can be sure of: deep inside, behind the outer calm, a secret fire burns.

His movement towards the goal is as ruthless and inexorable as a flow of lava. He firmly believes in the power of hard work and knows that without it, all the talent in the world is useless. This is the key to his success in both love and business. He will try to get out of any situation without much loss.

A born manager, he usually reaches the top in the field of activity that he chooses. Practical, decisive and ambitious. Anyone who helps him will certainly be generously rewarded.

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The Capricorn man takes love, as well as life in general, very seriously. Marriage as a unit of society fits completely into its coordinate system. Even if everyone else lives haphazardly, Capricorn and Taurus, like the last of the Mohicans, will always storm registry offices and church altars.

Capricorn men often fall deeply in love with women in their early youth, with whom they various reasons can't live together. Therefore, a person of this zodiac sign hears wedding bells quite late, which some explain by his excessive restraint. Most often, Capricorn men marry for love, although the choice of a partner is dictated by their mind. This person pays attention to the origin, education of his beloved and her financial wealth.

The secretive and silent Capricorn gentleman does not immediately catch the eye of women; rather, he does not enjoy much success with the fairer sex, since he is a little afraid of them. He considers romantic love a little childish, and perceives those who like to flirt as empty and frivolous, so his style of courtship sometimes resembles the tread of an asphalt roller. “If you want a daughter, her mother will like her,” this is the secret of Capricorn’s success. They will do a lot for the future mother-in-law, so that she perceives him as an excellent candidate for her daughter’s hand in marriage and will not let him go. The future Capricorn husband is a very stubborn rival. And if a woman is completely suitable for him, then in the end he will lead her to the altar, having previously successfully freed himself from his rivals.

Capricorn man in marriage: what is he like in family and home life when he gets married?

Capricorn is a stronghold of security and devotion. Apart from truly asinine stubbornness and despondency, which often sets in a gloomy mood, the Capricorn man has no serious shortcomings in marriage, and that says it all. Such a person is a good example of how different people can be in public and when communicating with those closest to them. Within his own four walls, alone with his beloved wife, the Capricorn husband shows a completely different face - a witty and noisy, active gentleman and partner.

How does a Capricorn husband provide for his family?

A hardworking, ambitious, persistent Capricorn makes a career with age, and part of his success and brilliance (social, material, etc.) will definitely go to his wife.

Is your Capricorn husband cheating or not, is he jealous or not?

Capricorn husbands cheat much less often than other zodiac signs. They are jealous, but not so much as to make ugly scenes for their other half - neither in front of an admiring public, nor in a private setting.

Capricorn man: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep your Capricorn husband?

Keeping a Capricorn husband is quite easy if he feels loved and appreciated. After all, he himself does not seek to break free from family ties. On the contrary, this person has a very hard time experiencing a breakup or a partner leaving for some reason. After separation and the breakdown of a marriage, a Capricorn man most often seeks salvation in work, and the wounds on his heart take a very long time to heal. Rarely does he once again try to find happiness in another long relationship.

Because of the fear of being rejected, the Capricorn woman, in most cases, does not take the first steps. They only give a signal that they don’t mind getting to know each other, and then everything is in the hands of the man. Outwardly, representatives of this zodiac sign resemble an icy and inaccessible block, but inside they are burning real fire passions and feelings. Such women are quite scrupulous when choosing a partner. They despise men who “collect” women. For representatives of this zodiac sign, loyalty and sincerity are very important; this is what they expect from a partner. But sometimes such women can fall in love at first sight and completely surrender to their feelings. Because of this, they go down the aisle quite early.

Once married, a Capricorn woman expects such qualities from her husband as hard work and reliability. He should be the breadwinner and support in the family. She herself strives to maintain the status of a good housewife and mother in high level. There are cases that after some time the Capricorn woman realizes that the marriage was a mistake, but it is very difficult for her to decide on divorce, since family is above all else. After a divorce, such women will not be alone for long. Only now they will approach the choice of a partner even more carefully and responsibly. A Capricorn woman will never forgive betrayal, since she herself remains faithful and follows all the rules of conduct for a married lady. But in this case there is an exception: she can leave for another man only if she is 100% sure that in the new relationship she will feel happier and more loved.

How faithful is a Capricorn woman?

For people of this zodiac sign, comfort in relationships is above all else, only then feelings. If Capricorn is in a relationship simply for his own convenience, then he will not see anything reprehensible in cheating on his partner. But if he loves and respects his chosen one, he will be able to refuse intrigues. Women of this zodiac sign do not forgive betrayal. For the most part they are virtuous, but can be led by very strong passions. He will blame himself for this for some time, but then he can go all out again.

Why does a Capricorn woman cheat?

A representative of such a zodiac sign as Capricorn is a serious, reasonable and sensible lady - both in matters of love and in any other, able, if necessary, to control herself, and to keep a tight rein on her feelings and emotions. But she, too, can be struck down by a love arrow that is not at all from her husband: with all her ability to reason sensibly and not be led by feelings, the Capricorn woman is capable of being seriously carried away by a man, and one who is the exact opposite of her legal life partner - a superficial and frivolous man. And if on his part an affair with a Capricorn woman can only be a fleeting intrigue, then she takes everything very seriously, without doubting his intention to officially connect his life with her. Having been deceived by her lover, the Capricorn woman returns to the bosom of her family.

Infidelity in a Capricorn woman also happens on sexual grounds. Behind her external coldness, which, by the way, is feigned, hides a passionate nature, ready for various experiments in bed. And if usually with a permanent partner the Capricorn woman in question sexual relations She is quite conservative and does not dare to experiment, but with her lover she allows herself to realize her wildest erotic fantasies.

And yet, a Capricorn woman cannot be called two-faced: it is incredibly difficult for her morally to have a lover while her husband is alive. By withdrawing into herself and constantly thinking about the current situation, she becomes too hot-tempered and irritable. And this is already a wake-up call for her husband that it’s time to “rescue” his beloved from the arms of others before she decides to move into them for good.

Here he is, the cold and unapproachable male type.for his woman he can become that very stone wall. Their best quality is reliability. Capricorns are always very responsible; you definitely can’t expect any stupid tricks from them. If such a man is next to you, then you can be calm about the financial security of your family.

Capricorn Finances

He is an incurable careerist and workaholic, he wants and can earn money. However, here's the problem - he will never allow you to spend too much. The budget will be clearly planned, and money will be allocated for specific needs. Capricorns are people of discipline, but once they reach the desired peak, earn their fortune and status, then they can relax and begin to enjoy material goods. Capricorn can buy himself really expensive things and shower his wife with diamonds.

Marble feelings

Capricorn man in love and sexstingy with feelings. But he's not insensitive. Due to his nature, it is difficult for him to fall in love. And importantly, he idealizes his family life. For him, a wife is:

  • another confirmation of status;
  • a tool for building a brilliant career.

He will not allow a woman to approach him if he feels that she is a threat to his reputation. Capricorns may not immediately accept the idea of ​​marriage with a certain woman. It may take a year or more before he gets married. His philosophy is that a woman should be tested by time and life's difficulties. And when he calls you his wife, believe me, this is serious and for life.

Capricorn's chosen one

What kind of women can conquerCapricorn man in love and sexso much so that they are ready to walk down the aisle? It should be:

  • very clever;
  • economic;
  • caring woman;
  • an exemplary wife;
  • and the mother of his children.

Oddly enough, Capricorns do not tolerate careerists and businesswomen who disappear at work around the clock. These men are old-fashioned and want to see their spouse at home, spending time polishing and perfecting family life. In addition, his wife must be able to dress with taste and be able to present herself in decent society.

Capricorn and wardrobe

I remember such a case when a young Capricorn man moved in with his bride. On the very first day, he inspected her wardrobe, which he considered inappropriate, unfeminine and completely inappropriate. suitable for a girl. After this, with timid objections, he sent a large proportion of things to trash can. And the next day the girl was already trying on a new one . Capricorn men want to be proud of their woman. They consider the admiring glances of colleagues and friends towards their companions to be another reward for themselves.

Mountain love Capricorn

How do Capricorns show their love? First of all, it should be noted that this is a very earthly and material sign. At first glance, they may seem cold and indifferent. But the point here is that their psyche by nature has a strong protective shell. Therefore, they know how to “keep a face” in any, even the most stressful situations. Their love is the warmth of a fireplace in a huge stone castle. They love evenly, without flashes and fireworks, but for a very long time and very sincerely. An anecdote that suits Capricorns:

- Why don't you say you love me anymore?
- I said it once. If anything changes, I'll let you know.

Let's keep the bar!

More Capricorn men in love and sex love to express themselves materially. They want the signs of their attention to be on the woman, so that she remembers through them. Capricorns love to give women expensive gifts, especially Jewelry. The higher the cost of the gift, the stronger his feelings, although this may not be completely noticeable on the face. It is also worth paying attention to the location of the date. Capricorn will never take the woman he loves to fast food or a third-rate eatery. These are the options he will choose for his girlfriend for one night. If Capricorn is truly in love, he will choose the most expensive restaurant he can afford. .


Capricorns are people with difficult characters; they are cold and straightforward to the point of cruelty. This character is not suitable for communicating with the fair sex. The woman next to him has a hard time. But her love can melt his cold heart and cause very strong and sincere feelings. Yes, his emotions lack heat, but they are absolutely sincere and real. And it's worth it.

How to find out what awaits you with a Capricorn man?

Well, if you want to know what future is in store for you with a Capricorn man:

  • Will he agree to marry you and how soon?
  • Will he be prone to cheating and how to prevent this?
  • If you marry a Capricorn man, what will it bring you?
  • What scenario will your relationship develop in?

Pass free course“Setting up harmony”, where you will discover all the secrets of your relationship with a Capricorn man:

Ruling planet: Saturn;

Lucky number: 3, 5, 7, 8, 14;

Symbol: goat, ladder, tower clock;

Colors: black, dark brown, ash gray, blue and pale yellow, all dark tones;

Stones: turquoise, lapis lazuli, onyx, moonstone, crystal, garnet, lapis lazuli;

Metal: lead;

Flowers: white carnation, poppy;

Mascot: black cat, devil;

Happy day: Tuesday, Saturday;

Unlucky day: Monday Thursday;

Countries: India, Macedonia, Burma, Mexico, Baltic countries.

From the history of the sign

Perhaps the image of Capricorn as a horned monster with a fish tail originates in Greek legend about Pan. The rural god Pan was in such a hurry to escape from a thousand-headed monster named Typhon that he jumped into the Nile, not thinking that he had just initiated the process of his own transformation into a goat. The part of his powerful body that remained above the water actually turned into the corresponding organs of a goat, but the other part, which had already managed to submerge in the water, became a fish tail.

Channels of communication with the cosmos for people born under the sign of Capricorn are bones, knees, teeth and skin.

The geometric meaning of the sign is interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, the sign of Capricorn can be interpreted as a monogram of the letters tt and gg, with which it begins Greek word with the meaning “goat”, and on the other hand, visually the sign is beautifully divided into horns and a tail.

Forces influencing Capricorn

Capricorn– a sign of the Earth under the auspices of Saturn. The astrological characteristics of the ruling planet gave English language new word: adjective “saturnian” - “Saturnian”, which means “gloomy”, “leaden”. Usually this means a sluggish, inert, gloomy character. All astrologers believe that this is the most exact specification Capricorn. He constantly mopes and often falls into melancholy. At the same time, the “Saturnian” Capricorn loves grace and stability. He does not understand actions without specific goals; impulsiveness, gambling, and a love of risk live in him.

General personality characteristics

He is often sensitive and shy by nature, but tries to hide it. Despite his apparent arrogance, in his soul he suffers from his isolation.

His apparent pride becomes a source of constant hidden suffering for him. Capricorn has a brilliant mind and excellent memory. He is not in danger of pedantry and conservatism.

It is often said that the main characteristic of a person born under the sign of Capricorn is the ability to always achieve his goal.

Temperament: sanguine.

Advantages. Capricorns usually justify the trust placed in them, you can rely on them, they are fair and honest, including with themselves, they are efficient, responsible, and they know how to endure.

Flaws. Capricorns usually have hypertrophied ambition, they are decisive, practical, especially in the choice of means, hardworking and persistent, calculating, resourceful and diplomatic. They often show high degree caution. At the same time, they tend to have a pessimistic view of the world, secrecy and suspicion; they are stubborn, cruel, gloomy, and not lenient.

Capricorn man

Don't hold him back, girl! Do you know how much time is worth? a thousand pounds - one minute! ...And don’t twirl your fingers!.. Don’t make excuses, it’s better to keep quiet. Do you know how much a conversation costs? A thousand pounds - one word!

This man built a stone wall around himself. He is timid, but at the same time strong and strong. Gentle, but terribly ambitious. He seems to prefer being alone. In fact, this is not so. Or rather, not quite like that.

Secretly, he longs for people's approval. In the depths of his Soul, he is an incurable romantic, but Saturn imposes heavy shackles on him, demanding strict discipline, complete calm, practical actions and serious intentions. This is his cross, and he is forced to bear it to the end. If you were able to turn the stern, stubborn Capricorn inside out, you would see a gentle and cheerful dreamer, longing for a fresh wind that would inflate the sails of his hopes. But, unfortunately, all this will remain hidden somewhere in the recesses of his soul, and on the surface he will be exactly as you know and imagine him. And although what is desired is not the same as what is real, the thought that (without the influence of Saturn) this is inherent in it will help you look at your Capricorn with different eyes.

Capricorns try to assure others that they do not need compliments. In fact, this is not so. Secretly, he longs for people to notice his virtues and merits. It’s just that, being naturally modest, he gets lost when praise is lavished on him. But have you noticed how his ears light up and his eyes shine when he is told something pleasant? He is happy, it’s just that his nature does not allow him to jump to the skies and express delight in a more obvious way.

Capricorn can be likened to a late flower (if such a comparison is at all appropriate). He matures later than his peers, but retains the youth of his soul and body much longer than them. In my opinion, this is one of those advantages that should be discussed in more detail.

Other men, at first, cannot give up boyish habits and grow up for a long time, and then suddenly, almost overnight, they turn into grumpy, dissatisfied old men. For Capricorns it's the other way around. At first they will seem too decorous and decent to you, but their more mature years will not only please you, but will also pleasantly surprise you. In his youth, Capricorn is unlikely to run away with his beloved to Paris, buying all the violets from the Montmartre flower girls and throwing them at her feet; but it is he and no one else who, four or five decades after the wedding, will invite you to India to admire the Taj Mahal glowing in the moonlight, while other husbands will prefer to sit at home by the fireplace, complaining of gout.

If you belong to that breed of unreasonable women who, eating only sandwiches and aperitifs in their youth, spoil their health and then switch to vegetarian cuisine, Capricorn is certainly not your partner. An affair with Capricorn (of course, if it ends in marriage) resembles a traditional, according to all the rules, dinner with dessert at the end.

The process of Capricorn's long-term unfading may naturally make you wary of his infidelity. And this may well happen, both in youth and in adulthood. But, treating the home altar with reverence. Capricorn will give you much less grief in the area of ​​feelings than other signs of the Zodiac. No hobby will ever replace Capricorn's family, wife and children. Family ties are sacred to him. Moreover, this is how he treats not only his own family (wife, children), but also the family in which he grew up (parents, brothers, sisters, etc.).

Not only should you not humiliate or insult his family and friends, you should treat them with respect and attention, even if, in your opinion, they do not deserve it at all. If your relationship with his relatives does not work out well, Capricorn, forced to rush between two fires, will become gloomy and gloomy.

Capricorns who do not immediately dare to take a responsible step, such as marriage, will most likely do this when they receive complete economic independence and can support their family in accordance with their ideas.

Capricorn chooses a wife for a very long time and selectively. Capricorn's chosen one must first of all meet his ideal of the future mother of the family: to be devoted, faithful, loving and patient. Secondly, she must cook well and keep the house in exemplary order. Of no small importance for Capricorn is whether his future wife knows how to dress with taste, whether she has good manners, education and intelligence to make a favorable impression on colleagues and superiors. And only after that will he think about whether his beloved is beautiful and whether he likes her. If you don't have very voluminous hair and don't have the most beautiful legs in the world, don't be upset. For your future Capricorn husband, this is not so important.

If you want to impress him, invite him (or better yet with his mother) to dinner. Moreover, all dishes must be prepared by you yourself and served on the family Wedgwood. When he invites you for a walk, take your little sister with you and be extremely attentive to her. (If you don't have a younger sister, borrow the child from neighbors or friends.) When hanging out with Capricorn, you can sprinkle your speech with French expressions and quotes from classic works from time to time. It doesn't hurt to casually mention that one of your ancestors fought for George Washington at Valley Forge, and your uncle was right hand Henry Ford himself.

If you strictly follow these tips, the only test left for you is to gain the approval of his family. And as soon as it is received, you can consider yourself a bride.

When dating a Capricorn, you should not dress extravagantly, douse yourself from head to toe in exotic perfumes and behave provocatively, otherwise you may find that your reserved, loving Capricorn fiancé has suddenly disappeared.

Since Capricorn lacks emotionality, he should be raised in this direction from the very beginning. Give him poetry collections, and the more romantic their content, the better. Teach him to be affectionate and show visible signs of love and sympathy towards you. If you do not inspire this in him from the very first days of your life together, do not complain later that he does not tell you about his love. And if you try to reproach him for this, he may object: “I don’t love you? Yes, you're crazy. Don’t you remember what I said when the priest asked me about it on our wedding day?”

It seems to Capricorn that if he supports you, feeds you, waters you, clothes you, and not only you, but also your children, this is already a sufficient manifestation of his true feelings, which do not need verbal confirmation. And if you let him know that you need tender words no less than his care for you, he will be sincerely surprised.

Capricorn is a real father in the classical sense of the word. He demands respect, obedience and strict discipline from children. He, for his part, will be devoted to them to the depths of his soul and is even capable of self-sacrifice. Capricorn fathers do not spoil their children and do not spoil them with permissiveness. The only thing they can be reproached for is being too harsh. But Capricorns make the most wonderful grandfathers in the world. By the time they have grandchildren, they become less strict and sometimes allow babies to sit not only on their laps, but also on their heads.

Capricorns are not those who quickly get married and then repent for a long time. They do the opposite - they take a long time to choose, but if they decide to break up, they do it without regret, at once. Capricorns rarely destroy a family, but if they do, it’s abruptly and irrevocably.

Although Capricorns have everything strictly regulated, from spending money to love, it is with them that you will be reliably insured against any surprises, both emotional, spiritual, and material. If you are not a very passionate person by nature, but a reasonable and calculating person, you may like this very much. While other men will waste their love in their youth, Capricorn will appreciate and love you all his life, no matter how many gray hairs appear in your hair or how many wrinkles appear on your face. And is it really so important that he said the word “love” only once in his life, if it means “I love you forever,” and not for five minutes and not for five years.

Celebrities born under this sign:

Kevin Costner, Gerard Depardieu, Cary Grant, Henry Muskie, Anthony Hopkins.

Some Russian celebrities born under the sign of Capricorn - Sofya Kovalevskaya, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, Joseph Stalin, Sergei Parajanov, Nikolai Kryuchkov.

Capricorn woman

With these words, she stood up and walked across the lawn, at first very stiffly, for she was afraid that the crown would fly off her head, but then more boldly, persuading herself with the fact that there was not a soul around. “If I really am the Queen,” Alice thought out loud,- with time I I'll learn to deal with it.

The appearance of a Capricorn woman can be very different: with a strict bun, in a white robe, pouring liquids from one test tube to another, and an unusually feminine, flirtatious lady, around whom a crowd of fans swirls. But regardless of appearance, Capricorn secretly always dreams of how to grab the most worthy man who will achieve great heights in life and put her on the pedestal that she deserves.

Many Capricorn women make professional careers. And not at all because they prefer work family life. It’s just that the most important thing for Capricorn is to achieve recognition in life, and in what way is the tenth matter. And if she feels that she is unable to find a man who would satisfy her ambitious plans, she plunges into work, believing that it is better to achieve success in her professional activities than to drag out life with an unambitious spouse. True, the thought of successful marriage remains in the subconscious of the Capricorn woman, and sooner or later she will achieve what she wants. For no success in work will give her such satisfaction as a successful marriage.

One of the most pleasant features of Capricorn's nature is extraordinary good manners and the ability to control oneself. From her manners, always impeccable, you would never guess her social origin.

Thanks to Capricorn's enormous endurance and willpower, it will seem to you that she is always in a good, even mood. But that's not true. The planet Saturn is conducive to gloominess, pessimism and melancholy, and the Capricorn woman has to make a lot of effort to fight such an unfortunate predisposition. You, for your part, should help ensure that a bad mood visits her as little as possible. And to do this, never make fun of her. She can't stand it. Don't deceive her, especially in serious matters, and praise her when she deserves it.

In love affairs, especially at first, while she is not sure of anything (neither your serious feelings and intentions, nor your financial situation and plans for the future), she is very uncomfortable. But as soon as she understands that you are her chosen one, how surprised you will be at her affection, tenderness and even passion! Capricorn women never indulge in hobbies recklessly, not knowing where it might lead them. But if she is firmly convinced that her ship is following the intended course, she will relax and give you all of herself, without a trace.

In family life, Capricorn adheres to established routines, traditions and strict etiquette in everything.

Capricorn women cannot be called natural beauties, but they have a special, elusive charm and endless charm. While other women have long passed the peak of their prime, Capricorns still seem young, like girls.

A man who chooses Capricorn as his wife must respect and honor her family. Do not allow yourself to talk or joke about mothers-in-law in her presence. In relation to her parents, she is capable of such sacrifices that sometimes this can even affect the well-being of her own family. True, in such attachment to relatives there is also positive sides. She will surround with similar attention not only your parents, but also your brothers and sisters, if you have them. Capricorn does not need to be asked to sit with a sick mother-in-law. She will willingly do this herself, without any hints from you, and will faithfully look after her until she is completely cured. By the way, Capricorns are almost the only women who are sincerely liked by their future mothers-in-law. And it’s not surprising - after all, they make excellent wives.

The Capricorn woman's house looks as if she is not in charge. ordinary woman, and a sorceress with a bunch of gnome assistants, it’s so clean and cozy.

Capricorns love serious classical music and are partial to all types of art. Capricorn is romantic. True, she does not approve of the romanticism of beggars. In her opinion, one should choose a high goal in life and go towards it, overcoming all the obstacles that stand in the way. Only this is true romance for her, and not at all about singing happiness in a hut.

Capricorn is strict in relation to children: she instills in them a respectful attitude towards relatives and elders and teaches them discipline and good manners. Her love for children is expressed not in sugary kisses, but in attention and patience. Perhaps Capricorn is sometimes too strict, but as they get older, the children themselves will thank her for this. The only exception is adolescence - it happens that at this time too conservative Capricorns conflict with their freedom-loving children. But common sense and the logic of Capricorns will come to her aid here too, and she will find the strength to conclude an acceptable compromise with the children.

Due to their very sensitive skin, Capricorns rarely use cosmetics, and if they do, it is done very sparingly. Fortunately, nature has endowed them with such youthfulness that the roses on their cheeks and lips shine when time has long since erased them from other women.

Capricorn needs your attention and care to overcome self-doubt and self-confidence. In return, she will give you love and devotion that will accompany you throughout your life.

Celebrities born under this sign:

Marlene Dietrich, Kate Moss, Diane Keaton, Christina Kaufman, Sade.

Capricorn child

Little Capricorns are already in early age They are distinguished by quite great willpower and determination. Such a child will not be capricious at the table and smear mashed potatoes on the tablecloth, but if he does not want to eat, no one will force him.

With age, Capricorns become very neat and even pedantic. They love to keep their toys and books in a certain order, and God forbid they break it! Typical Capricorn children easily get used to the daily routine in the family and are not as prone to mischief as others. School classes do not present any difficulties for young Capricorns. They love to study and do their homework very carefully. Arriving home and having lunch, they immediately sit down to their homework and do not allow themselves to be distracted by anything until everything is done. Their games are most often an imitation of adults: girls love to try on their mothers’ dresses and play mother-daughter with them, and boys imagine themselves as doctors, teachers or bosses, like dad. They also love to draw and listen to music, but they will not waste time on empty entertainment - they would rather do something useful and practical: for example, glue a beautiful box or something else. It is very difficult to get them to be in the sun and fresh air that they need.

Growing up Capricorns are very shy, but also curious about opposite sex, although boys disparagingly say that “all girls are sentimental fools,” and girls say that “all boys are stupid idiots.” Sometimes the gestation period can be quite painful. You should be very careful and tactful with them at this time, otherwise you can completely scare them away from meeting their peers and peers.

Young Capricorns are very attached to their families, and parents do not need to worry about who will take care of them in old age.

Create conditions for him, and your child will grow up like Humphrey Bogart, Benjamin Franklin, Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Edgar Allan Poe, A. Griboedov, V. Serov, G. Ulanova, Mao Zedong, Henry Miller, Richard Nixon, Albert Schweitzer.

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