Expectation and Reality: Postpartum Photos of Kate Middleton and Ordinary Women. The mystery of Kate Middleton: how she manages to look so good after childbirth For other women, Kate Middleton became a motivator and they set new goals for themselves - to look after childbirth

Prince William and Kate Middleton discharged from St. Mary, April 23, 2018

It seems that the whole of Great Britain (and the whole world behind it) has been waiting for this moment with bated breath. Royal reporters and paparazzi began to take their places in front of the Lindo wing at the beginning of the month, and the devoted fans of the Cambridge couple, even a week before Kate's third birth, pitched tents nearby so as not to miss important news.

Fortunately, the birth of the duchess went well, so that already on the same evening the happy "thrice-father" Duke of Cambridge was able to go to Kensington Palace for George and Charlotte, so that they would be one of the first to meet their new, youngest, family member. The joy of Prince Wilm, as usual, was literally written on his face.

"I'll be back in a minute!" he assured reporters with a smile.

As after the birth of Princess Charlotte, the baby's grandparents decided not to disturb his mother once again and, apparently, congratulated her privately. Recall that Prince Charles, Duchess Camilla, as well as Carol and Michael Middleton came to the Lindo Wing only in 2013 to greet the future heir to the British throne ( read also: The Hope of the Crown: The Children Who Will Be Kings and Queens in the Future. The next birth and discharge of Katherine took place, rather, as a purely family event (as far as possible under the guns of cameras).

Princess Charlotte did not miss the opportunity to demonstrate her magnificent manners:

Finally, by 6 o'clock London time, the Duchess of Cambridge herself appeared with a newborn in her arms and accompanied by a loving husband who did not take his eyes off her.

Not to mention how good Katherine looked. The Duchess went out to the journalists with impeccable styling (apparently, Kate's personal stylist Amanda Tucker again tried here), in a red Jenny Packham dress and high heeled shoes.

After a small photocall, the Cambridge family got into the car and went to Kensington Palace. Note that the third baby of William and Kate went home in a special infant carrier from the German-British company Britax Romer, in which his brother and sister had previously left the Lindo wing. The peculiarity of this device lies not only in safety, but also in ease of use: it does not need to be fixed with regular car seat belts, but simply fixed in a chair using a special base.

newborn prince

Prince George (discharged 23 July 2013)

The first birth was not easy for Kate. The Duchess entered the Lindo Wing of St. Mary's Hospital on July 22 early in the morning and suffered in labor for about 12 hours until her first child was born at 16 hours and 24 minutes - the heir to the British Crown, whom the happy parents will call George.

As you know, the sons of Princess Diana were born earlier in the same institution. This clinic is expensive and elite in every sense. The Duchess gave birth in one of the best rooms (price per night - about 10 thousand pounds), and her health (and the health of her baby) was monitored by a team of 20 specialists - surgeons, anesthesiologists, obstetricians and nurses.

How much the duchess suffered, the audience suffered just as much. From waiting. The thing is that, following tradition, Kensington Palace immediately announced to the press that Kate was taken to the hospital "on early stage childbirth." Thus, it can be said that the subjects of the British Crown actually experienced the birth of Catherine with her.

Here's how it was:



Baby George was born at 4:24 p.m., but the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge didn't give their press office the go-ahead for the announcement good news until half past nine. As biographer Gill Napett writes, Kate and William, "knowing that they would have no privacy after the birth of the baby became known to the public, wanted to spend the first hours only with him." Of course, since the news only came out in the late afternoon, there was no question of the Duchess showing her first child on the same day. It was decided to wait until the next day.

On July 23, 2013, the UK celebrated an unofficial, but still universal holiday. All eyes were on the doors of the Lindo Wing, where employees of Buckingham and Kensington Palaces, then happy grandparents: Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla, as well as Carol and Michael Middleton, entered and entered in turn.

Finally, in the evening, the heroes themselves came out of the hospital building to reporters and fans. The Duchess of Cambridge with a baby in her arms and Prince William stopped on the porch and, to the applause, began to smile and wave to everyone who gathered to greet the heir.

However, the matter was not limited to protocol photographs.

It is worth noting that on that day, the Duchess of Cambridge decided to make a kind of bow towards the legacy of her famous mother-in-law, Princess Diana. Katherine came out to her subjects in a blue polka-dot dress from Jenny Packham, giving rise to the warmest associations in the minds of her subjects, because in something similar at the end of June 1982, the Princess of Wales came out of the Lindo wing - just after the birth of Prince William.

The secular press was delighted, but some fashion editors and social media users were not so enthusiastic. Many glossy publications that day impolitely scolded the Duchess for appearance, which, in their opinion, did not correspond to the status of a princess. And this despite the fact that her stylist Amanda Tucker managed to conjure Kate's hair. But, alas, to the critics of the duchess, her styling did not seem elastic enough, her stomach on the second day after giving birth was not flat enough, and the dress (together with wedge shoes) was a failure.

However, Katherine caught her main admiring glance. She hardly needed the rest.

Prince William's emotions that day were worthy of a separate story. The newly-made father not only could not take his eyes off his crumbs and beautiful wife, but also in every possible way demonstrated to his subjects how unusual the role of the pope was for him, which greatly amused those around him.

According to a statement from Kensington Palace, Prince George was born weighing 8 pounds and 6 ounces (about 3.8 kg), and it seems that this was too valuable a burden for Prince William.

Very soon, the informal mood of her husband was transferred to Kate. So the august parents went to the car, and the Duke of Cambridge got a chance to demonstrate the main skill of all modern fathers - to install a car seat in the cabin. But, fortunately, this did not become a big test for Prince William, as their child seat was equipped with a special base for attaching to the seats.

Tired and satisfied, the Cambridge family went to Kensington Palace (they spent the night here before heading to the Middleton home in Berkshire), but London walked and celebrated the birth of an heir for more than one day.

Princess Charlotte (discharged May 2, 2015)

For the second time, the birth and discharge of the duchess were many times easier than in 2013. Journalists and fans were waiting for news, as if according to a well-established scheme: the parking lot was again blocked, tents were again pitched near the hospital, bets were again taken on the baby's gender. It seemed that even the posters for "It's a prince" and "It's a princess" were still the same, two years ago.

Perhaps only one thing overshadowed the upcoming "show": Kensington Palace assured that the second child of the Dukes of Cambridge would be born in April, and experts predicted Catherine's birth on the 24th-25th. But now it's already May, and the long-awaited message hasn't come.

Catherine's contractions began early in the morning on May 2, and it is interesting that, despite the crowds of journalists on duty, the Duke of Cambridge managed to take his wife in labor to the Lindo wing incognito. The statement by the press service of Kensington Palace that the Duchess was taken to the hospital at 6 am came as a real surprise to many.

Bets on the name of the second Cambridge child

However, even more surprising was the second statement of the representatives of the Cambridge, which appeared already at 11 am. It turned out that the little princess was born two hours ago - at 8:40. And if everything was clear with the desire of the Dukes of Cambridge to play for time before the official announcement of the news, then one question haunted the fans: did Catherine's birth last only two and a half hours?

newborn princess

Of course, as on George's birthday, the British celebrated the news across the country. A solemn volley was fired, the townspeople flocked to the gates of Buckingham Palace to look at the statement, and on every second electronic scoreboard in London the phrase “It’s a princess” shone.

At about 4 pm, the Duke of Cambridge, beaming with happiness, appeared at the door of the Lindo wing. Without hiding a joyful smile, he went to the car to pick up Prince George from Kensington Palace. The princess's grandparents did not come to the Lindo Wing. However, taking another look at the first Cambridge baby was an even better alternative.

Hi all! I wonder if many married ladies wear engagement/wedding rings?
I wore, probably, the first month. I can't stand it - some kind of yellow, wide. And for me, all these attributes do not mean anything.
Moreover, I can’t remember if my friends, acquaintances wear these attributes. Never paid attention.


To live well!

Our city is just now hosting an annual trade show, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. The most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr-year and Markt-market, bazaar.
I invite you to walk around the German province in the rain, where are we without it

This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the kids!"



It's about mother-in-law and sister-in-law. I was very tired of annoying visits to our dacha without an invitation and living there for a month or two. It would be nice if we had common points contact, there was something to talk about or at least some kindred relationship, but everything is deaf there.

The mother-in-law comes as if to her home, hangs up her towels, plants and digs trees at her own discretion, brings some odorous fertilizers, in general, everything is "as I like it." You can’t leave a child with her, there is no trust, since she is “wonderful” - she can leave a five-year-old child alone at home, and go away on business herself, I haven’t heard about hygiene: hands with nails are always black, she doesn’t wash her hands after the toilet, all the dishes after her in greasy and sticky spots. It's so nasty girls!

According to the first, I tried to build a respectful relationship: I invited me to the house, set the table, gave expensive wine to drink, but in a conversation I heard that the cutlets were a little dry and I myself was still that bitch! And I decided that we should not sit at the same table with her. It can be seen that I cannot save my family, no matter how much I would like to. I'm not ready for such impudent visits to my country house.

We live in the city in my apartment: me, husband, 5-year-old daughter. The husband built the house. I want to hear opinions on what I can do in this situation so that I no longer get upset. I can’t sleep for two nights. He doesn’t call and doesn’t even pick up the phone when his husband calls him).

I am not interested in being a poor relative, especially since I have a good position and I earn normally. I can theoretically rent a dacha in the suburbs myself, but it's so insulting that I generally do everything myself. And I myself take the child to the sea, because he is sorry for the money - there is a village, And now they have occupied it.

Next week, the sister-in-law sends her children to us .. So that they live there for another month .. I will tell you that the house is not made of rubber, and we all won’t fit there even if I step over my disgust to the slovenliness of my mother-in-law ...


Fairy just Fairy

Many letters.
Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you shouldn’t get married right away, so who would listen ((
The problem was Dasha. More precisely, not a problem, a person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just emerging from the ground. She would have to live at least a year without her mother, just one, but love is carrots, they ran to the registry office.
After the wedding, they combined the premarital, bought a three-ruble note in a new building, got pregnant, that's like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model "dad is a breadwinner, mom is a keeper of the hearth", and mom's Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to family life daughters, instead of helping a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband's dirty socks washed on the same day and for her husband there should always be the first, second and compote. Sasha's brain was inserted, he began to actively help Dasha, and the mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was already too late,
It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dasha had a breakdown. At the next scandal, she jumped out of the house in one dressing gown at 3 o'clock in the morning and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her away, but I had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the PND for almost half a year, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to a metropolis, got a job, after 2 years she got married a second time, gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed during pregnancy, inherited her husband's business, now everything is in order with her. She began to communicate with her son as soon as she was discharged from the hospital.
Sasha also got married. Nadia is a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, she was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as her own, adopted a common one.
When Sasha filed for a divorce, she said that determine the place of residence of the child with you, but again, who would listen ((
Andryushka is happy with everything, he calls both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mother Nadia, who is always with him, father and adored younger brother, father and mother promise to buy a sister. And mother-holiday Dasha, who takes her to her place for the weekend and on all sorts of trips to the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
The problem is - Dasha decided that Andryushka should be taken away. Sasha and his family live in small town, she is in the regional center, she wants to give to good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
Sane people, while everything is quiet and peaceful, but the scandal is brewing.
The question is what is best for the child? Leave dad in the family or give it to mom, where will there be more opportunities for education?


Maria Sukhova

Girls, talkative topic)

I have a friend, in December she underwent a complex paid operation, she was on sick leave for a long time. She went to work in April, and after 1.5 months they were sent on unpaid leave. She found new job from 1.07. But apparently it is difficult to live financially, although she does not complain and does not ask.

Her parents did not offer her financial assistance, although they have such an opportunity. She has both a grandmother and a grandfather, and a sister, and aunts and uncles and their children (cousins). Everyone lives normally. Although if a friend asked, she would be helped. I offered her help, she thanked and said that she would probably apply in July, because. The first salary will be in August.

Moreover, yesterday she met ex-husband and he himself also offered to her, knowing about her difficulties (they have normal relations). She didn't take it, she also left it as a last resort. We chatted with a friend about this topic. But this just pretty a prime example about this theme It's not about a friend and her family.

Do your relatives offer help without your request? Do you yourself offer help to your relatives without their request? In what situations?


I would never have thought that my innocent note about the birth of Kate Middleton would cause an international scandal, and I would be written down in the "mouthpieces of the Kremlin."

And it was like that. Looking on the Internet at the Duchess of Cambridge, who had just given birth and was immediately discharged from the hospital, I, like any normal woman, was amazed: is this normal? I am a mother myself, and I have some practical understanding of the process. And also about how you feel after it. The first day - as if a train drove over you. And here is Kate - with a manicure, styling and perfect makeup, with a baby in one hand, waving her subjects with the other hand. “Probably storks bring children to princesses,” I thought enviously.

I climb on the site "Daily Mail" - and I understand that I am not alone. main theme there is a headline about a storm in British social networks: English women tweet congratulations, but at the same time they are also amazed: wow! We barely walk after giving birth, and Kate is like a cucumber!

And I decided to write a note. About the appearance of the princess, about the surprise of British mothers, about the personal hairdresser of the duchess, who came to her three hours after giving birth and brought with her a dress from designer Jenny Peckham. With a mention of the Daily Mail and a hyperlink to their article. Not a word about politics. Only about childbirth. By the way, Kate is deeply attractive to me, and if her well-being allows her to get up and go right after the birth of her daughter, then why not. Good luck to her and baby.

What was my surprise when today on the Daily Mail website I see a note that "the pro-Kremlin newspaper" TVNZ"accused our Kate of fake childbirth!" “Russian mothers believe that she bore a child for our princess surrogate mother", - I read, not believing my eyes. “Russians are not able to give birth and immediately leave the hospital!” Etc.

I'm about surrogacy, by the way, did not even stutter. And who stuttered, you ask? It turns out that readers in the comments under my note. I love our readers dearly, but I do not always share their opinion. And if suddenly someone somewhere in the comments writes that the Martians planted a child at Buckingham Palace, I will never put it in the headline.

Further more. The news reached the Ukrainian sites, which were not too lazy to translate and reprint the British note about the "princess and the hand of the Kremlin." And interpret it in the vein that, they say, Russian mothers ... these are Russian mothers. It is not given to them to understand, because they are ... Russians.

However, Ukrainian journalist and video blogger Anatoly Shariy spoke more sparklingly about how this news was presented by Ukrainian sites in his last video post. Thanks to him, by the way, for the fact that, unlike many, he was not too lazy to read the source and tell that in fact it was about British mothers. Although I'm 'bout flowering species Kate is still very curious. Purely feminine. Without any politics.

And by the way, when the Duchess of Cambridge became a mother for the first time, what American tabloids just didn’t write. To the point that the child, they say, is not from William, and that Queen Elizabeth requires a paternity test for baby George. Then no one saw the "hand of the White House" in this. How the world has changed while Kate was giving birth...

On April 23 at 11:01 a.m., the third child of the Dukes of Cambridge was born. Six hours later, Kate Middleton, along with her husband and the newborn prince, took to the porch of St. Mary's Hospital to introduce the new royal descendant to the whole world.

The Duchess of Cambridge was in full dress: neat hair, a red Jenny Packham dress with a white lace collar and stilettos. Women are amazed all the time, how can you look so perfect just a few hours after giving birth? Today we will reveal the secret of the duchess!

We are used to the fact that if the birth goes well, without complications, the mother and baby are healthy, they will be discharged from the hospital on the third day. In the UK, under similar circumstances, discharge occurs after 36 hours.

As you can see, Kate left even earlier. Yes, no one argues that nannies are already waiting for her in Kensington Palace, who will take care of her and the child no worse than in the hospital, nevertheless, her radiant appearance can only be envied.

Good health, the right diet, the absence of complications during childbirth, the support of relatives and medical staff - this, according to experts, is the success of the Duchess of Cambridge.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Cheryl Ross dispelled the popular myth among women that easy childbirth is compensation for severe toxicosis suffered at an early stage of pregnancy.

Members of the royal family are well aware of the attention that is riveted to the hospital where Kate gives birth, and how this affects her work. Therefore, they try to leave the hospital as soon as possible so that the noise created by journalists and fans under the windows does not interfere with women in labor.

By the way, after the birth of the second son of Prince Charles and Lady Di, Prince Harry, .

Meanwhile, a real flash mob began in social networks. Women publish pictures of the duchess after childbirth and their own in a similar situation. The contrast, of course, is huge. Fresh pictures of Kate have already turned into a meme like the son of a mother's friend, who does everything better than others.

"What the heck? Yes, when I gave birth to my child, then I could hardly stand, and she looks like nothing happened, ”- women write in the comments under the photos of Kate.

“She looks amazing! Simply amazing as usual! And how can you imagine that a few hours ago she gave birth to a child, ”- commentators admire.

Some have suggested that the birth was quick and successful, as it is. However, during previous births, she stayed in the hospital a little more.

It seems, . But we are very happy for her, Prince William and the newborn boy!

Doctor expert site names several reasons why Kate Middleton was able to pose for the cameras just hours after the birth of her third child

A few hours after the third birth, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton according to the good old tradition, she came out to reporters with a baby in her arms. The young woman looked excellent: she was wearing a red loose dress with a white lace collar.

Appropriate photos have appeared on the web. The picture shows how happy spouses are happy to pose for reporters.?

We decided that the answer to this question can only be given by a doctor who takes birth himself.

PHOTO: press service of the Life Line Reproduction Center

Became an expert on the topic Natalia Potapova, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Life Line Reproduction Center, specializing in the management of complex pregnancies, and one of the best obstetricians in Moscow.

According to Natalya Sergeevna, the “instant” recovery after the birth of Duchess Kate became possible for several reasons.

- Firstly, this is Kate's third birth. Each subsequent birth is usually faster and easier than the previous ones. Please note that after the first birth, the Duchess remained in the clinic for a day, while after the third she went home by the evening of the same day.

Secondly, of course, the royal family uses the services of the best obstetricians who will do everything possible for a gentle delivery.
An individual and attentive approach to the management of childbirth allows minimizing the risks of injury to the mother and child during childbirth. Timely and competent anesthesia allows the woman in labor to save strength and reduce stress from contractions and attempts. In addition, high-class professionals working with the Duchess did their best to control the separation of the placenta and thereby prevent postpartum hemorrhage.

And, thirdly, court etiquette obliges. After all, it is a great joy for the British - the birth of another baby in royal family. Of course, the duchess did everything possible to “be on top” this time too: the picture must meet the expectations of her subjects.

Stylists and make-up artists came into play. Beautiful styling is done, makeup is applied, a light airy dress allows you to hide figure flaws. The young duchess always had enough willpower. Well, the experience of Duchess Kate allows her to brilliantly comply with the requirements of royal etiquette in order to show herself to a subject with a baby in her arms a few hours after giving birth. You remember from the news that under the walls of the hospital people were on duty for hours, almost sleeping in tents. How can you deceive their expectations?

Nevertheless, Dr. Potapova warns young mothers against mindlessly following the example of Kate Middleton.

The doctor recalls that "magic" medicines that allow you to instantly restore the body and health after childbirth have not yet been invented.

The female body takes months to restore weight, muscle tone, hormonal levels after childbirth. In any case, a woman needs rest immediately after childbirth, Natalya Potapova is convinced.

Real recovery after childbirth in any case takes a long time. The early postpartum recovery period for a woman lasts 1 month. Late - up to six months. Nobody is an exception.

- Dear mothers, do not demand from yourself by the evening after childbirth to be fresh, like a May rose, and in a month to restore sports form. It will be great if gloss stops imposing an unrealistic picture of the world on us and creating stereotypes, first of all, among men who make excessive demands on their partners who have just given birth, nodding at articles in magazines or photos on Instagram, where another model boasts chic forms a few weeks after the birth of the baby, the expert concluded.

Recall that for the third time. Prince William's wife gave her second son to her husband. He became the successor. A newborn boy weighs 3.8 kilograms. Kate gave birth in the hospital Saint Mary in Paddington, London.

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