Normal body weight for women. Online BMI (Body Mass Index) Calculator

Table characterizing body mass index indicators

Ideal body mass index (BMI)

Considering the difference in muscle mass between the average man and woman (we do not take athletes into account), the best indicator is:

  • 20-22 for women;
  • 23-25 ​​for men.

The coefficient (number) of the body mass index for men and women is the same, but the program interprets the result in different ways - you get a calculation depending on your gender.

For example, a man with a BMI of 18 and above is nothing to worry about, but women should not reduce their weight to a BMI of 19 or below. So for a man with a BMI of 18.5, the program will think that everything is in order, and for a girl with the same body mass index, she will indicate insufficient body weight.

BMI - 18 or less

If you are clearly not eating enough, then you should normalize your diet as soon as possible.

Do you feel like you are eating enough? Then you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination in order to exclude dangerous diseases.

A body mass index of less than 16 is more dangerous to health than 30+.

BMI - 25 or more

Do not get upset and worry about a high body mass index. This indicator is very average and is not suitable for everyone. Children and athletes should not be guided by it at all.

Another thing is if the imperfection of your figure is visible to the naked eye. Before starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor. Tests may be needed to make sure that your excess weight is not the result of any disease.

And only after making sure that there are no contraindications, you can begin to reduce weight.

For those who do not have time to visit a doctor J, we can advise you to minimize the intake of salty, fried and fatty foods, and also start doing banal exercises. Already this will seriously reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and significantly improve general state organism.

How is body mass index calculated?

You can do it yourself. This task will be simplified by a simple calculator. Divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters twice.

Example for a person with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 75 kg.

  1. A height of 180 cm is equal to 1 meter and 80 centimeters, that is, 180 cm = 1.8 m.
  2. 75/1,8 = 41,6
  3. 41,6/1,8 = 23,1
  4. Body mass index is 23,1

Body mass index and army

A height of less than 150 centimeters or a body weight of less than 45 kg grants the conscript a one-year deferment. If, after examination and / or treatment, body weight does not increase, then such a man is exempt from conscription.

The right to defer for half a year is granted to recruits with a body mass ratio of less than 18.5 (at the age of 18-25) and below 19 (for men over 25).

Many representatives of the stronger and fairer sex are worried about the state of their own figure. To determine a parameter called body mass index, the calculation formula is a recognized medical and objective method. It allows you to assess how these two indicators correspond to each other. The figure of the calculated body mass index according to the formula within the normal range means that the health of a person is not threatened by problems associated with overweight, and that his figure looks harmonious.

Formula for calculating body mass index

To calculate an indicator such as body mass index, the formula is a simple empirical relationship. Like others relative performance, this criterion requires reservations when used in practice. The value can be significantly affected by the thickness of the bone tissue, the type of figure. Depending on the absence or presence of muscle mass, the same value of the indicator can correspond to both a taut sports and a dense figure.

Often, BMI adequately reflects the overall picture, can serve as a guideline in solving issues of weight loss or weight gain. To calculate this indicator, you need to divide your own weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters. If you are characterized by sagging body, overweight, but the index value (BMI) is within the normal range, focus on playing sports. If you want to lose a few pounds, then physical education should be combined with proper nutrition. Calculation of BMI is needed for such purposes:

  • Being overweight or underweight can lead to health problems later on. For example, a lack of weight leads to the inability to get pregnant, the absence of menstruation, osteoporosis.
  • The normal value of BMI can vary from 18.50 to 24.99: this figure increases with age.
  • If after the calculation you have extra pounds, you should not panic. Nothing seriously threatens your health, but you can improve your condition: choose a set of exercises, start eating right.
  • If the calculation by the formula showed the presence of obesity, consult your doctor.

Ideal body weight

The formula for calculating ideal body weight is designed to determine the optimal weight, which is a combination of the minimum probability of death from a number of diseases, for example, coronary disease heart, diabetes, hypertension, with a maximum life expectancy. The value of this indicator, according to the formula, depends on the gender, height, and physique of a person.

The ideal weight is considered to be the one that is statistically significantly combined with the maximum life expectancy. But the concepts of "normal body weight" and "ideal body weight" are not identical. The last indicator is an abstract value that is characteristic only for a small proportion of the population. developed countries. It depends on factors, among which the determining factors are gender, height, type of human constitution, for example, normosthenic, asthenic, hypersthenic.

If we evaluate overweight in terms of ideal body weight, most of the population will be found to be obese to varying degrees. This is a consequence of the artificially created hype around the whole industry of a slender body, which creates a demand for various products for weight loss. However, when calculating overweight in terms of normal weight, obesity will be detected in a quarter of the population, which is confirmed numerous studies and corresponds to the truth. Normal weight may differ from ideal by 5-10%.

For women

The fair sex, who strive for the ideal, will be interested in such an indicator as ideal body weight. It is a prerequisite for healthy, active longevity, but still remains a theoretical value. This indicator is calculable. The well-known doctor Margarita Koroleva suggests proceeding during the calculation from the indicator of normal weight according to Brokk's formula: for this, one hundred must be subtracted from height in centimeters. If 10% is subtracted from the obtained value, the ideal body weight will be obtained.

For men

Ideal body weight guarantees a man high level working capacity, mental, emotional stability, a good level of physical development. The presence of excess weight is not always obvious, because there is a latent fullness or latent, which is present in people who seem slender at first glance. An objective indicator in the percentage of fat and musculoskeletal tissue is 9-15% fat for male body, 12-20% - for women. When calculating the ideal weight for men, the following formula is used: BMI \u003d height - (100 + (height -100): 20).

For children and teenagers

The ideal weight for adolescents and children is the ratio of body weight compared to height, which guarantees a high life expectancy. For boys and girls, this figure may be different, since the average proportion of muscle mass is higher in males than in females. In a child, the ideal weight is calculated by the formula: MI \u003d (R x D): 240, where R is height in cm, G is the circumference chest in cm, 240 is a constant factor.

Calculation of BMI by different methods

To calculate the body mass index by the formula, there are several methods. This makes it possible to find out the degree of correspondence between weight and height, whether a person has enough mass, whether there is a shortage or excess. The indicator was developed by the Belgian Adolf Ketele in 1869. Now the ability to calculate it has gained wide popularity due to the fact that being overweight is one of the most exciting, actual problems modernity. If earlier fullness was considered an indicator of health, now it is a disease.

Brocca's formula

French anthropologist, surgeon Paul Brokk proposed his method in the 19th century. Standard formulas do not take into account the natural change in mass over time. Brokk included in the calculation data on the age category, information on the length of the body, the constitutional type of addition to which the subject belongs. By nature, it is conceived that weight changes with age. The value that young age indicated extra pounds, over time becomes the best indicator.

For people under forty, the French researcher recommends using the following formula: ideal weight = height (cm) - 110. If you are over forty, the following calculation method is suitable: height (cm) - 100. In addition to age, the formula should take into account height researched: the higher the person, the more he will weigh. This technique recommends using the "Brock-Brugsch growth index":

  • if you are below 1.65 m, your ideal weight will be equal to "height (cm) - 100";
  • with a person's height of 1.65-1.75 m, to calculate this indicator, it will be necessary to subtract the figure 105 from height (cm);
  • if you are taller than 1.75 m, subtract 110 from your height (cm).

In addition to height, age, it is necessary to take into account the physique or constitutional type of a person. There are three of them - sthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic. Normostenics are considered not too low and not very tall people with a normal ratio of limb length to height, average head and chest volumes. For such people, the indicator obtained by the Brocca formula is the ideal weight.

Asthenics are thin people with narrow bones, tall, pale skin. Representatives of this constitutional type should subtract 10% from the result obtained by the formula. If your appearance is more like hypersthenics: you are a broad-boned, stocky person with well-developed muscles, you should add 10% to the figure obtained.

Quetelet formula

Adolphe Quetelet was a Belgian mathematician and statistician. He proposed the BMI formula in the 19th century. With it, you can determine the degree of obesity or malnutrition, assess the possible risk of developing diseases, which is associated with the presence of excess weight. BMI according to the Quetelet formula is calculated as follows: BMI \u003d weight (kg): (height (m)) 2. The result obtained is compared with the following data:

  • for the age of 19-24, the normal index is 19-24;
  • at 25-34 years old, the norm is 20-25;
  • for people aged 35-44 - 21-26;
  • norm for 45-54 summer people – 21-27;
  • at 55-64 years old, the normal value of the index is 21-28;
  • for people 65 and over, the norm varies from 21 to 29.

Lorentz formula

The method for calculating BMI according to Lorentz is considered the simplest and most famous: you only need to know growth. His formula looks like this: ideal weight \u003d (height (cm) - 100) - (height (cm) - 150) / 2. The simplicity of this method of determination is considered not the only advantage. The concept of ideal weight is always relative. Any formula is derived by analyzing the results of statistical studies, where different parameters of people are compared. The data obtained can only serve as a rough guide.

The advantage of the Lorentz formula is that it gives an indicator that is close to the results of more complex calculation methods. However, this index does not take into account the body type of a person, of which experts distinguish three: for each, the mass norm varies. The age parameter is not taken into account, and depending on age, a different weight is considered normal.

The maximum allowable body weight depending on age

Undoubtedly, the fact that weight depends on age. It is directly related to the course of such a biological process as carbohydrate metabolism. With age, the metabolism of energy, substances, physical activity slows down, the volume of muscle tissue decreases, and the metabolic rate decreases. All this, together with a decrease in the activity of hormones, energy consumption contributes to weight gain. Its change with age is an inevitable, natural process. This dependence is clearly demonstrated by the table below, which shows the values ​​​​for normosthenics.

Classification of health status depending on the body mass index

health risk

over 25 years

Anorexia, ataroxic and nervous

BMI does not reach 17.5, weight is less than 15% of normal

Treatment of anorexia and weight gain by healthy eating


Under 18.5


Excess body weight


Weight loss through a healthy diet and exercise

Obesity of the first degree


Need to reduce body weight

Obesity of the second degree

Obesity of the third degree

Very tall

Obesity of the fourth degree

40.0 and more

41.0 and over

Too high

Urgent weight loss required

BMI Calculator

The calculator helps to quickly determine the indicator, which is considered an indirect assessment of overweight or underweight, predisposition to the development of obesity. BMI is calculated for both men and women. To determine the indicator, enter the value of your weight (kg) and height (cm). Next, click on the "Calculate Index" button and your BMI value will appear in the "BMI" field. Compare the obtained data with the table above.

What is body mass index and how to calculate it for women by age is a very popular topic, one might say hackneyed. Slenderness today is actually a synonym for beauty and certainly an integral part of health. Insufficient weight, as well as its excess, negatively affect the work of all organs and systems of the body. But how do you know if your weight is within the normal range? After all, the concept of the norm will be different for people of different sex, constitution, age. The most accurate today is the formula by which the body mass index is calculated. Still calculating your ideal weight using the "height minus 110" formula? This is correct, but not for everyone. After all, this way you do not take into account many important indicators, for example, the type of figure and age. The body mass index helps to calculate the ideal weight much more accurately. Let's figure out what it is.

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

Body mass index is an indicator that characterizes the ratio of height and weight. This also takes into account age and gender, which makes it possible to obtain differentiated data for different groups of people.

This indicator is used by doctors to assess the state of the human body - the presence of obesity or dystrophy and their degree. The calculation of BMI is quite simple, it can be done at home. Perhaps it is the result of calculating the BMI that will become your starting point on the path to a normal body weight.

The first BMI formula appeared in the 19th century, its author was the Belgian Adolf Quetelet. In the future, many scientists were engaged in refining the formula, and today the BMI value can be calculated according to Quetelet, Brock, Breitman, Oder, Noorden, etc.

Most often, it is the basic formula that is used, in which the indicator is equal to the ratio of body weight to height squared (height is indicated in meters). For example, a woman with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 50 kg should calculate BMI as follows: BMI \u003d 50 * (1.65 * 1.65). The final value of BMI = 18.36.

After that, you get the finished figure. As a rule, a weight in the range of 19-25 is considered normal, but this is an average indicator. It is not suitable for minors, the elderly and professional athletes. It turns out that just calculating the body mass index for a woman, even taking into account age, is not enough to understand the state of her body. Decoding of indicators is done using special tables.

What does BMI depend on?

Since the only indicators used in the calculation are height and weight, the final result gives only a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe state of the body.

It is quite obvious that the weight of a healthy girl at 20 and a woman at 55 with the same height is rarely equal. This does not mean that one of them “falls out” of normality. No, just to calculate body mass index by age for a woman over 45 years old, the basic formula is used, but a different interpretation of the results. For every 10 years of life (starting from the age of 24), the normal limit increases by 1 unit.

That is, a normal BMI at the age of 19-24 years is 19-24, 25-34 years is 20-25, etc.

Besides, appearance of a person depends not only on the actual weight, but also on the ratio of the amount of musculoskeletal and adipose tissue. Normal BMI athletes is much higher than that of untrained people with weakly expressed muscles.

The interpretation of BMI will also depend on the type of figure, which is determined by measuring the girth of the wrist. This is how thin-boned, normo-boned and wide-boned types are distinguished.

Men have more muscle than women, which means that the body mass index will be higher. The difference between men and women is visible at any age, so the calculation results for different sexes are interpreted in separate tables.

Why do you need to know how to calculate body mass index?

Feeling your own fullness or thinness is very subjective, someone considers himself a fat man, being more than slender, and someone does not consider 10-20 kg of fat hanging on his sides to be superfluous. The BMI calculation was created to help you understand how overweight you are and how much your weight fits into the average statistical norm.

In medicine, the calculation of BMI is used to adjust the doses of drugs, and in everyday life - to control body weight.

Of course, we all strive to look good and in the struggle for beauty we often go to extremes. For example, girls often bring themselves to exhaustion by strict diets or a complete refusal to eat because they think they are not slim enough.

The body mass index allows you to understand whether you are within the normal range, and in which direction you should work on yourself - to reduce weight or, conversely, build muscle.

BMI not only helps to determine the presence of problems with weight, but also shows their degree. Depending on how much the BMI indicator deviates from the norm, the types and intensity of the load, as well as an individual diet, are selected.

Lack of weight is also fraught with serious health problems - metabolic disorders, water-salt balance, hormonal disruptions, beriberi, amenorrhea, osteoporosis. Complications due to these diseases can even lead to death, so it is very important to pay close attention to your weight and health.

At the same time, you should not blindly focus only on numbers - always analyze how comfortable you feel in your body, what symptoms or complaints you have. A slight deviation from the norm may be an individual feature of your body. If you are full of energy, feel good and are satisfied with your health, you definitely shouldn’t reshape yourself to please numbers and indicators.

How to calculate body mass index for women based on age?

So, the standard formula for calculating BMI is suitable for young women around the age of 20-40 years.

If you do not want to fool around with squaring and dividing numbers, you can use the ready-made BMI table. The advantage of such tables is different variants for men and women, separate tables for athletes, pregnant women and women over the age of 45.

For older women, there is a simplified formula for calculating BMI: height in centimeters minus one hundred. This is how weight is calculated for women of average build.

If your type is asthenic, subtract 10% from the result. For hypersthenics, the result, on the contrary, should be increased by 10%. It is necessary to make accurate measurements of height and weight in the morning on an empty stomach after visiting the restroom.

As a rule, in the morning our weight is less than the “evening” weight by about a kilogram and a half (due to edema and food eaten during the day), and growth in the morning, on the contrary, is a couple of centimeters higher due to the fact that the spine is in a horizontal position during the night “stretches”, the intervertebral cartilages come into their own normal condition. But in the evening we are tired, the spine is compressed and, accordingly, growth is less.

Regardless of the formula for calculating the weight that you use, if there are serious deviations from the recommended weight, it is urgent to correct the diet - on your own or with the help of a nutritionist.

The body mass index calculator is an easy way that anyone can use to find out in a few seconds if their weight is within the normal range. Body mass index (BMI) is a coefficient that allows you to calculate a person's body weight in relation to his height online. It is very easy to calculate BMI, for this you need to apply only a simple formula. BMI does not measure body fat, but it does effectively indicate that a person is not at risk of being obese, overweight, or underweight. BMI for men is calculated in the same way as for women.

BMI calculator


BMI formula

Simple Formula for calculating BMI is given below:

BMI = body weight (kg) / height (m)2

How to calculate BMI? - it is enough to divide a person's weight in kilograms by his squared height in meters, for example: if a person has a height of 165 cm, then it must be multiplied by 1.65 x 1.65 = 2.7225.
Then the weight of a person, for example, 60 kg, is divided by the result: 60 / 2.7225.

So you get a BMI = 22.03.

Moreover, age does not matter in the calculation. Online you can calculate the body mass index for both women and men.

Interpretation of BMI results

IN International classification BMI for adults shows calculations by which you can determine the norm or deviation from it. If BMI:

  • below 16.0 - a person has malnutrition;
  • 16.0-17.0 - exhaustion of the body (often due to a serious illness);
  • 17-18.5 - low weight;
  • 18.5-25.0 - normal value;
  • 25.0-30.0 - overweight;
  • 30.0-35.0 - 1 degree of obesity;
  • 35.0-40.0 - 2nd degree of obesity;
  • above 40.0 - 3 degree of obesity.

Another way to check if you are in the weight norm is the waist circumference indicator. For women, a waist circumference in the range of 80-88 cm already indicates overweight. Waist more than 88 cm, in turn, speaks of obesity. Men with a waist circumference of more than 94 cm are overweight, we can talk about the initial degree of obesity when a man is the owner of a waist with a circumference of 102 cm. Obese people are most often prone to the following ailments: stroke, heart attack, arterial hypertension, certain types of cancer, diseases musculoskeletal system.

The calculation of BMI in children is carried out in the same way as in adults, only the data obtained are compared with the average results of this age group. Instead of defining intervals that indicate obesity, overweight and underweight, BMI in children allows comparison of the results of the coefficients of a certain sex and a certain age. Research in the UK shows, for example, that girls aged 12-16 have a much higher BMI than boys in the same age range.

Advantages and disadvantages of BMI

A huge advantage that BMI is characterized by is the fact that it is easy to calculate it using a formula. Studies show that a BMI of 18.5-25 is observed in people who use for a long time good health and have the lowest incidence of diet-related ailments such as diabetes Type 2 or atherosclerosis. Thus, coefficients that deviate from the norm are a valuable evidence for a person that you need to take care of your health. But, unfortunately, a BMI within the normal range is not always a guarantee that you have a normal body weight. You may be at risk of latent obesity, which is most often diagnosed among people who are not physically active enough. In this case, the study of the percentage of adipose tissue in the body will be more effective. Also, an elevated body mass index does not always indicate that you are overweight. It may happen that an above-normal BMI is the result of highly developed muscle mass with little fat content. For example, athletes have high BMI values, but they are in the right physical shape. After all, muscles are heavier than the same amount of adipose tissue. Physically active people should focus more on measuring their body contours rather than monitoring BMI results.

When calculating the BMI of people with a height of less than 150 cm and more than 190 cm, they will not get the correct result, in addition, this method is not suitable for monitoring body weight in pregnant women.

Scientists are thinking about introducing a classification of BMI indicators depending on geographical and cultural conditions.

Other methods for determining obesity

  1. Measurement of the thickness of skin folds (the degree of obesity depends on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer);
  2. measurement, which uses the method of bioelectrical impedance (passage of current through the human body with a very small force and voltage);
  3. measurement of body density by weighing it under water (the difference in density between fat and muscle tissue is used).

health warning

The resulting BMI calculations do not speak about the health or illness of a person, they indicate an increased risk of diseases associated with obesity.

The World Health Organization often uses body mass index to calculate the percentage of people who are obese or overweight. These calculations are especially important in Western countries where obesity is the main disease of civilization. You already know how to calculate BMI. The result that you get may indicate that your body is susceptible to illness due to an improper diet. At the same time, this can be a good motivation for you to make changes in your diet and lifestyle.

BMI is used to assess the risk of various dangerous diseases: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and even cancer. All of these diseases occur with obesity, which is why the BMI calculator is an important tool that allows you to quickly calculate a person's body mass index. Remember that the higher the degree of BMI, the greater the risk of various diseases.

The results of BMI calculations are not suitable for assessing the weight of professional athletes, pregnant women, as well as people suffering from edema and other disorders that lead to an incorrect assessment of the original data.

Weight ranges in this calculator are calculated taking into account height, according to the methodology World Organization Health (WHO).

The very method of estimating weight by BMI is intended for the primary detection of underweight or excess weight. Obtaining an estimate different from the norm is the reason for contacting a nutritionist and endocrinologist in order to conduct an individual weight assessment and make recommendations for its correction, if necessary.

The range of ideal weight (norm) shows at what weight the probability of occurrence and recurrence of diseases associated with overweight or underweight is minimal. In addition, as practice shows, a person with normal weight looks not only healthy, but also the most attractive. If you adjust your weight, it is highly recommended not to go beyond the norm, in order to avoid health problems.

About weight categories

underweight usually an indication for increased nutrition; consultation with a dietitian or endocrinologist is also recommended. This category includes people who are malnourished or have a disease that leads to weight loss.
Underweight is also typical of professional models, gymnasts, ballerinas or girls who are overly fond of weight loss without the control of a nutritionist. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to health problems. Therefore, weight correction in this range should be accompanied by regular medical supervision.

Norm shows the weight at which a person has the maximum chance of staying healthy as long as possible, and, as a result, beautiful. Normal weight is not a guarantee of good health, but it significantly reduces the risk of disorders and diseases caused by overweight or underweight. In addition, the owners of normal weight, as a rule, are in good health even after intense physical exertion.

Preobesity speaks of being overweight. A person in this category often has some signs associated with excess weight (shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, fatigue, fat folds, dissatisfaction with the figure) and has every chance of moving into the category of obesity. In this case, a slight weight correction to the norm, or to values ​​close to it, is recommended. It also does not hurt to consult a nutritionist.

Obesity- an indicator of chronic disease associated with excess body weight. Obesity invariably leads to problems with the cardiovascular system and significantly increases the risk of acquiring other diseases (diabetes, hypertension, etc.). Obesity is treated exclusively under the supervision of a nutritionist or endocrinologist, and only after the necessary tests have been carried out and its type has been determined. Uncontrollably engaged in diets and serious physical activity with obesity is not recommended, as this can provoke additional problems.

Answers on questions

What is the ideal weight for me?

The calculator calculates a weight range that is ideal for you based on your height. From this range, you are free to choose any specific weight, depending on your preferences, beliefs and requirements for the figure. For example, adherents of a model figure tend to keep their weight on the lower border.

If your priority is health and life expectancy, then the ideal weight is calculated based on medical statistics. In this case, the optimal weight is calculated based on a BMI of 23.

Can you trust the resulting estimate?

Yes. Adult weight estimates are based on the results of authoritative research by the World Health Organization (WHO). Weight assessment from birth to 18 years of age is carried out according to a separate special method, also developed by WHO.

Why is gender not taken into account?

The BMI of adults is assessed in the same way for both men and women - this is justified by the results of statistical studies. At the same time, for weight assessment, gender and age are of fundamental importance.

Some other weight calculator gives a different result. What to believe?

There are a huge number of calculators designed to give an estimate of weight based on height and gender. But their formulas, as a rule, were developed in the last century by individuals or groups based on criteria that are unknown to you or do not suit you (for example, formulas for evaluating athletes).

The WHO recommendations used in this calculator are based on common modern people, subject to conditions modern life, advances in medicine and based on recent observations of the population of all continents of the planet. Therefore, we trust only this technique.

I think the result should be different.

Evaluation is based solely on the height and weight you provide (and age and gender for children). In case of unexpected results, please double-check all entered data. Also, make sure that you do not belong to any of those whose weight cannot be assessed through the body mass index.

My result is underweight, but I want to lose more weight

This is not unusual, many professional models, dancers, ballerinas do just that. However, in this case, it is recommended to lose weight only under the supervision of a nutritionist and endocrinologist, so as not to harm your health. if it means something to you.

My result is normal, but I consider myself fat (or thin)

If you have concerns about your figure, then we recommend that you go in for fitness, having previously consulted a good nutritionist.

Please note that some elements of the figure are almost impossible to correct only with the help of fitness, exercise, diet, or a combination of both. Your goals should be analyzed by an experienced doctor in order to assess their reality, consequences and prescribe only the right procedures.

My result is pre-obesity (or obesity), but I do not agree with this

If you are an athlete with increased muscle mass, then BMI weight assessment is simply not intended for you (this is mentioned in). In any case, for an accurate individual weight assessment, contact a nutritionist - only in this case you will receive an authoritative result with a doctor's seal.

Why am I considered too thin or fat even though my weight is normal?

Pay attention to the personality and weight of those people who bother you. As a rule, they judge exclusively by themselves: subjectively. Fat people always consider thin people to be skinny, and thin people consider fat people to be fat, moreover, both of them can have a healthy weight. Take into account and social factors: try to exclude or stop those judgments in your address that are based on ignorance, envy or personal hostility. Only an objective assessment of BMI is worthy of trust, which clearly indicates the norm, excess or deficiency of mass; and trust your anxieties about the figure only to supportive people of your weight class or a doctor.

How to calculate body mass index (BMI)?

It is necessary to divide the weight indicated in kilograms by the square of the height indicated in meters. For example, with a height of 178 cm and a weight of 69 kg, the calculation will be as follows:
BMI = 69 / (1.78 * 1.78) = 21.78

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