Body mass index calculator online. Calculation of normal body weight (BMI)

Body mass index (BMI) is one of the important indicators of health, only an objective assessment can lend a helping hand and will not allow you to bring yourself to extremes. You can calculate it by dividing the weight (kg) by the height (m) squared. Or use the BMI calculator, which will calculate everything in a few seconds!


Your height (in cm, for example 170):

Your weight (in kg, for example 72):

Obesity and anorexia are two extremes that bring great difficulties for both human health and social activity. The problem does not arise overnight, but is gaining momentum gradually. With purposeful monitoring of their own weight, any person has a chance to prevent the disease even before it takes root. This is done very easily - periodically you need to check the compliance of the parameters of the figure with the norm.

What does body mass index mean?

BMI is medical term, allowing you to assess the correspondence of weight to height. Its value must be considered taking into account the physique, gender, age of a person. Adipose and muscle tissue in men and women are distributed in different proportions, plus the type of figure imposes its own changes. Accordingly, each will have its own ideal index. Subjectively, it can be difficult to both determine the real picture and accept what you see. Plus, this applies to anorexia, the pursuit of a model appearance, attempts to cram your body into a far-fetched ideal, almost always turn a blind eye to the truth. The same with overweight - depression, overeating as an escape from stress or a complex of dislike for yourself, will not allow you to just stop. And only an objective assessment is able to lend a helping hand and will not allow you to bring yourself to extremes.

Online calculator for calculating body mass index

Do not know how to independently determine and calculate BMI? Our online calculator makes it possible to calculate and find out the body mass index in a matter of seconds, for this you just need to specify your real parameters. The calculation takes place in a couple of moments. This definition makes it possible to know which weight class you belong (is there a threat to your health). Based on this indicator, it will be possible to build plans for further action: diet adjustments, volume physical activity, seeking medical help.

IMPORTANT! The online counter is not universal. It is not suitable for bodybuilders, pregnancy, newborn body measurements.

How to determine the correct input?

How to calculate the real weight - be sure to weigh yourself in the morning, after toilet procedures, before meals, without heavy clothes, barefoot.

You can evaluate the results according to the tables below. In them you can find:

  • normal index;
  • below the norm;
  • overweight index;
  • stages of obesity.

Self Index Formula

How to find out BMI when it is impossible to use an online calculator? Using a simple mathematical expression - a calculation formula for self-determination of BMI:

Body mass index \u003d Weight (kg) / Height² (m)

  • up to 16 - a pronounced lack of mass;
  • 16 - 17.9 - insufficient body weight;
  • 18 - 24.9 - index norm;
  • 25 - 29.9 - overweight;
  • 30 - 34.9 - obesity of the 1st degree;
  • 35 - 39.9 - obesity of the 2nd degree;
  • over 40 - obesity of the 3rd degree.

In itself, the accumulation of fat in the body is not a pathology. This is a natural process of forming reserves for the future, especially in women who are called upon to bear offspring, which means providing the fetus with a set of necessary substances. But everything has a limit.

If the calculation showed you points 16-17.9 and 25-29.9, you should not panic. It is enough to choose the right nutrition, if possible, resort to a power load in the gym, think about the reasons.

Obesity or overweight index

For obesity of the first degree, the range of the index is within 30-34.9 points. Despite the external invisibility and familiarity of this condition, the level of complications to which it leads is quite high. These include diseases such as: diabetes, atherosclerosis, disruption of the heart.

The second degree of obesity corresponds to an indicator of 35-39.9 units. Here it is already worth sounding the alarm - seek help from specialists, as the risk of the most popular diseases triples.

The most dangerous indicator for health, life, and eventually life itself, is the result of more than 40 points. At this stage of obesity simple diets can't help myself anymore. The way out of the crisis should take place under the supervision of doctors, be soft, gradual, since a sharp weight loss can be no less dangerous than maintaining excess weight.

Interestingly, taking into account the physique, two types of obesity are distinguished:

  • according to the male type, then fat accumulates from the abdomen and above;
  • By female type The thighs and buttocks are most affected.

Body mass index for women

As measurements show, the ideal index varies depending on gender, which is associated with the natural features of the bone structure and figure. In women, the normal index is slightly lower than that of men. For girls, it will be even lower.

BMI table for women

Body mass index for men

You can determine the male BMI, like the female one, by calculating it according to the formula by dividing the total weight by height, squared. The norm will be somewhat higher.

It is easy to find out online your belonging to a risk group using the table:

The criteria for evaluating indicators are described in detail above. But let us remind you - with good physical fitness, classes in the gym, passion for sports, leading to an increase in muscle mass. The index will be higher than ideal, since the weight of the muscles is greater than that of body fat.

BMI for children and adolescents

The problem of excess weight, unfortunately, is relevant not only for adults, but also for the younger generation. It is especially pronounced in families where this trend has affected both parents. It is dangerous to turn a blind eye to this, the children's body is more vulnerable, and is only being formed.

The load is above the norm internal organs due to the pressure of fatty deposits, the need of the heart to intensively drive blood, the liver to cleanse it of toxins more intensively - as a result, they will lead to incurable diseases. Don't forget about it.

It is necessary to calculate the body mass index for children and adolescents, taking into account age, separately. In order to obtain correct results, in particular, norms for adolescents, sex and age are included in the calculation, since the young body develops at an accelerated rate and gender has a huge impact.

A subjective way of assessing is to compare the external parameters of your child and his peers. But it is better to use an online calculator or formula and check the result against the table to determine the index.

The scale of development in boys and girls is different, as evidenced by the numbers in the tables, where the deviation from the predicted norm is expressed in %.

BMI for girls

How many years 10% (deficit) 50% (norm) 85% (excess)
8 12.2 13.2 15.9 18.8 22.3
9 13.0 13.7 16.4 19.8 23.4
10 13.4 14.2 16.9 20.7 23.4
11 13.8 14.6 17.7 20.8 22.9
12 14.8 16.0 18.4 21.5 23.4
13 15.2 15.6 18.9 22.1 24.4
14 16.2 17.0 19.4 23.2 26.0
15 16.9 17.6 20.2 23.2 27.6
16 16.9 17.8 20.3 22.8 24.2
17 17.1 17.8 20.5 23.4 25.7
18 17.6 18.3 20.6 23.5 25.0

BMI for boys

How many years 5% (pronounced underweight) 10% (deficit) 50% (norm) 85% (excess) 95% (dangerously obese)
8 12.5 14.2 16.4 19.3 22.6
9 12.8 13.7 17.1 19.4 21.6
10 13.9 14.6 17.1 21.4 25.0
11 14.0 14.3 17.8 21.2 23.1
12 14.6 14.8 18.4 22.0 24.8
13 15.6 16.2 19.1 21.7 24.5
14 16.1 16.7 19.8 22.6 25.7
15 17.0 17.8 20.2 23.1 25.9
16 17.8 18.5 21.0 23.7 26.0
17 17.6 18.6 21.6 23.7 25.8
18 17.6 18.6 21.8 24.0 26.8

In case of strong deviations from the norm for adolescents (+\-), you should contact your pediatrician to clarify the causes and possible consequences.

Body mass index for age

The last, but no less painful point, is the assessment by age. In youth, a person is more mobile, emotional, closely monitors appearance. By the age of 40, most people reduce the pace of life and physical activity, which is quite natural and is reflected in the figure. The indicator itself should be calculated according to online calculator, a table is used to estimate the ideal index:

19-24 19-24
25-34 20-25
35-44 21-26
45-54 22-27
55-64 23-28
over 65 24-29

As you can see, over the years it increases slightly, which is absolutely normal and should be taken into account.

Remember - regular determination of BMI will allow you to take timely measures to improve your health, avoid many diseases, and improve your appearance.

Body mass index is a ratio of a person's weight to height. Thanks to simple calculations, doctors determine the lack or excess of muscle and adipose tissue in the body, which allows timely start of weight correction procedures. With the calculator below, you can also find out how your weight matches your height. This will help you choose a diet if necessary, normalize physical activity, etc.

Body mass index formula

In 1869, the eminent Belgian mathematician/sociologist Adolphe Quetelet first proposed a formula for measuring body mass index. It was he who considered that in order to derive a coefficient by which it is possible to assess the fullness / thinness of a person, it is enough to divide his weight in kg by the square of height in meters. In other words, to find out the body mass index, the formula looks like this:

Let's try to calculate: suppose that a woman addressed us, whose height is 1.64 m, and her weight is 75 kg. To calculate her BMI, you need 75 / 1.64 * 1.64 = 27.89. As you can see in the table, this is overweight. That is, our hypothetical lady urgently needs to reconsider her lifestyle or nutrition system.

However, this BMI result should not be considered always correct. Indeed, when calculating, we did not take into account what kind of lifestyle a woman leads (suddenly, is she a professional athlete - a wrestler or boxer with well-developed muscles?), And we also did not take into account the age of the lady.

Therefore, the Adolf Ketele formula for measuring body mass index can only be used to obtain primary coefficients. To do this, use a calculator.

BMI Calculator:

If the result of the calculations shows that it is time for you to lose weight, use the advanced body mass index calculator.

Body mass index norms

As already mentioned, the norm of the body mass index is a conditional value. So for people with an asthenic physique, a BMI of 24 points can mean pre-obesity, and for a professional athlete and a BMI of 27 can be the norm. However, you can still tentatively rely on indicators approved by WHO.

I would like to note that the norm of the body mass index is calculated not only for adults, already physically formed men and women, but also for children. It is very important to monitor the weight of the child, since the deficiency and excess of mass can lead to serious illnesses and deviations in physical development.

How to calculate your ideal weight?

Knowing the norm of the body mass index, you can calculate your ideal weight. To do this, you should multiply the optimal BMI result (19-24) by the square of your height in meters. Do the calculations manually or use this calculator.

BMI table for online calculator:

BMI or body mass index indicates general condition organism, of course, the indicator is quite average, nevertheless it works and shows the required value. The online body mass index calculator allows you to quickly calculate the indicator based on data such as body weight, height of a person, his gender and age.

Be careful and scrupulous with your body, excess or underweight is a big problem that can be avoided by using the tips at the end of the article.

Using the BMI calculator is simple, after receiving the index, check it with the values ​​​​in the table, in the second column opposite your value is an approximate diagnosis (again, it is approximate, only the attending physician can determine the exact one). For us, the main thing is to imagine the big picture for ourselves and build a strategy for eating and exercising in the future in order to strengthen and maintain the body in excellent condition.

BMI - body mass index- This indicator depends on the fat resources of the body and may correspond to the norm, be excessive or deficient. Many people have a body mass index that is far from optimal. No wonder BMI appeared in medical records as a key risk factor for morbidity and began to be taken into account in the diagnosis.

What is your body mass index, determined by an online calculator?

According to WHO, half of the people on the planet die today not from dangerous infections, as in past eras. Fast food, overeating, stress, "sedentary" work and "couch" leisure have become the main enemies of man.

A whole generation of obese people has grown up and are doomed to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteochondrosis and many other dangerous ailments. The asymptomatic period of these pathologies can drag on for years, during which the body's strength will slowly but surely be undermined. About the destructive activity of a hidden disease and will warn an increased body mass index.

  • In turn, a lowered BMI will signal another deviation from the norm - the painful exhaustion of a person. This state of affairs should also cause concern.
  • An organism with an insufficient mass of body fat is not able to normally cope with its functions and resist diseases. Deficiency of adipose tissue can be a sign of type 1 diabetes, osteoporosis, indigestion, breathing or mental problems.
  • In any case, the body mass index will allow you to catch yourself in time and start restoring your physical form.
  • Of course, on the path to perfection, you will need to pull yourself together, get rid of bad habits, sacrifice destructive addictions. However, the game is worth the candle, because the most precious thing is at stake - your life.

How to calculate body mass index correctly?

To find out this indicator, you need to determine your weight (in kilograms) and measure your height (in meters). Then the number indicating the weight should be divided by the number obtained by squaring the numerical expression for height. In other words, you need to use the formula that conveys the ratio of body weight to height:

BMI = M / R 2

(M - body weight, P - height in meters)

For example, your weight is 64 kg, your height is 165 cm, or 1.65 m. We substitute your data into the formula and get: BMI \u003d 64: (1.65 x 1.65) \u003d 26.99. Now you can turn to official medicine for the interpretation of BMI values:

  • it does not take into account the ratio of muscle and fat mass, so BMI will not be able to adequately reflect the state of health of a bodybuilder involved in building muscle potential: once he calculates the body mass index using the Quetelet formula, and according to the results, he will be in the company of loose fat men;
  • these calculations are not suitable for older people: for 60-70-year-old pensioners, somewhat overweight is not considered dangerous to health, so the BMI range for them can be extended from 22 to 26.

If you are not an elderly person and not a bodybuilder, then the Quetelet formula will quite cope with the assessment of the balance of your parameters. The magnitude of the error in this case does not interfere with understanding whether you are normal or not.

It should be borne in mind that the understanding of the medical community about the BMI norm may change over time. It already happened on the threshold of the third millennium, when the BMI index recommended by doctors dropped from 27.8 to 25. But Israeli scientists proved that a body mass index of 25-27 is optimal for men: with such an index, they are provided with longest duration life.

BMI norms for women and men

BMI norm for women Description
Women over 18: 16 and under
Women over 30: 17 and under
Mass deficiency
Women over 18: 16 - 19.5
Women after 30 years: 17 - 19.9
Women over 18: 19.6 - 22.9
Women after 30 years: 20.0 - 23.9
Women over 18: 23.0 - 27.5
Women after 30 years: 24.0 - 28.0
Women over 18: 27.6 - 29.9
Women after 30 years: 28.1 - 31.0
Women over 18: 30.0 - 35.0
Women after 30 years: 31.1 - 36.0
Women over 18: 35.1 - 39.9
Women after 30 years: 36.1 - 41.0
Women over 18: 40.0 and over
Women over 30: 41.1 and over
BMI norm for men Description
Men over 18: 18 and under
Men over 30: 19 and under
Mass deficiency
Men over 18: 18 - 21.5
Men after 30 years: 19 - 21.9
Men over 18: 21.6 - 24.9
Men after 30 years: 22.0 - 25.9
Men over 18: 25.0 - 29.5
Men after 30 years: 26.0 - 30.0
Men over 18: 29.6 - 31.9
Men after 30 years: 30.1 - 33.0
Painful fullness - 1st degree
Men after 18 years: 32.0 - 37.0
Men after 30 years: 33.1 - 38.0
Painful fullness - 2nd degree
Men over 18: 37.1 - 41.9
Men after 30 years: 38.1 - 43.0
Painful fullness - 3rd degree
Men over 18: 42.0 and over
Men over 30: 43.1 and over
Painful fullness - 4th degree

Restrictions on using the method

Like other tests for assessing weight, the calculation of body mass index is not universal. The formula has a number of restrictions, among which there are criteria such as age and physique.

Who should not use BMI to determine their health and fitness status?

  1. Pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Children and adolescents under 18 years of age.
  3. Professional athletes (in their case, a high figure will be obtained due to large muscle mass).

How to calculate body mass index online on a calculator?

Our online calculator is your quick and accurate BMI calculator. You don't have to manually multiply and divide. The automatic program of the electronic calculator will save you from this puzzle.

Its working principle is simple and clear. You only need to take three steps:

  1. Enter your gender (for physiological reasons, BMI for women is usually lower than for men).
  2. Record your height (in centimeters) and weight (in kilograms).
  3. Enter the full number of your years in the appropriate field.

After filling out the entire form of the calculator, you should click the "Calculate" button. Having accepted the data from you, the program will immediately give the correct result with recommendations from experts.

You will learn what to do if your index is far from optimal or starts to move away from it. Even if you still have a normal BMI, do not neglect the wishes outlined here. Then in the future you will not have health problems.

Body mass index formula

How to calculate the body mass index, or how, in fact, is the calculation of the body mass index? Weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

That is, it turns out that the weight is distributed over square meters of the “human area”. It looks implausible, but it works great and is still actively used by the World Health Organization in the treatment of people suffering from obesity or malnutrition. The body mass index measured using this formula makes it possible to interpret the condition and prescribe adequate therapy in case of deviation from the norm.

Why do you need to calculate body weight

  • The body mass index counter is an important tool for measuring the physical condition of a person, it allows you to timely identify risk factors for the development of diseases associated with obesity or underweight.
  • An overestimated body mass index is the first signal that serious pathologies can begin to develop.
  • An elevated body mass index increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or gastrointestinal problems.
  • It is possible (and necessary) to avoid all these troubles, it is enough to calculate the body mass index in a timely manner, free of charge and quickly, and in case of deviation from the norm, take measures to stop the pathology.

How to use the calculator?

You enter height and weight parameters into the fields of the table, and then click "Start" to calculate the body mass index online. In a few seconds you will see your result. The calculator program "Body Mass Index" itself will perform all the necessary mathematical operations, you will only have to interpret the result.
Body mass index - norm and deviation. How to interpret the results of BMI calculations

The data obtained after calculating the body mass index can be interpreted in accordance with the standards calculated by the World Health Organization.

  • If your body mass index is less than 18.5, you are underweight.
  • If the calculator sees your body mass index in the range from 19 to 24.9, then your condition is the norm, the body mass index does not exceed the permissible limits.
  • If your body mass index calculation is between 25 and 29.9, this means that you are overweight and need to be corrected with a special diet and aerobic exercise, as you are at a significantly increased risk of developing obesity-related diseases. .
  • If your body mass index counter "leads" beyond 30, then you should immediately contact an endocrinologist for treatment of a serious degree of obesity, possibly associated with hormonal disorders in the body.

Body mass index - not only this indicator is important for women

It should also be borne in mind: the calculator "Online Body Mass Index" shows fairly average results, which may differ slightly from the true state of affairs, and the state of the medical norm may differ from aesthetic comfort. That is, the weight considered normal is not an analogue of a slender figure. The disadvantage of calculating the body mass index for women using the Quetelet formula is that the content of muscle mass in the female body is naturally lower than in men. That is, the body mass index for men works more correctly, while for women the body mass index will show the state of “normal” even if there are quite noticeable body fat.

In order to correctly assess the state of your body, calculate the percentage of fat, muscle, bone and water, and based on the data obtained, formulate an action program to improve appearance, we recommend reading the ARTICLE ABOUT FLOOR SCALES WITH A FAT ANALYZER and the rules for using this indispensable assistant for losing weight ladies.

How the index is calculated by the formula

Like any relative performance, the calculation of body mass index requires some reservations when used in practice. Firstly, its value can be significantly affected by the type of figure and the thickness of the bone tissue. And secondly, depending on the presence and absence of muscle mass, the same BMI value can correspond to both a rather dense and taut sports figure.

However, these are, of course, extreme cases. Most often, the body mass index quite adequately reflects the overall picture and can serve as a guideline in matters of weight loss.


The body mass index is determined by a very simple empirical relationship. To calculate it, take your weight in kilograms and divide it by the square of your height in meters. For example, the BMI for a girl who is 170 cm (1.7 m) tall and weighs 54 kg would be 18.69.

You can memorize this simple formula to calculate your body mass index yourself, or just use our calculator.

By the way, calculating your ideal body weight is also very easy: just multiply the square of your height in meters by the desired indicator within the normal range. Let's say we take 21 as a guideline. Then, with a height of 165 cm, your weight should be 57 kg (1.65²x21≈57.2 kg)

Understanding the formula: mass and height

  • The body mass index was developed by the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet back in 1869. Since then, calculating body weight has become much easier than estimating “by eye” or asking friends: “I haven’t gained weight, right?”
  • But there are also disadvantages here: body mass index - does not give a 100% result. The free online BMI calculator (which will help calculate the body mass index) should be used for indicative purposes only.
  • For example, athletes and those who regularly attend Gym, the mass index will not be accurate, since muscles literally weigh more than fat.

Interestingly, the BMI norm indicator of different countries can differ markedly from each other. According to the WHO body mass index tables ( World Organization healthcare), it is not difficult to understand that the average is considered the norm. But this does not mean that a person with an average BMI will not be considered "overweight" in the conventional sense.


So, you have calculated your body mass index using our calculator. Our BMI calculator is maximally adapted to the characteristics of European residents. Now it's time to interpret the data and find out the results. So:

  • 16 or less - a pronounced lack of mass,
  • 16 - 17.9 - underweight,
  • 18 - 24.9 - normal weight,
  • 25 - 29.9 - overweight (pre-obesity),
  • 30 - 34.9 - obesity of the 1st degree,
  • 35 - 39.9 - obesity of the 2nd degree,
  • 40 and more - obesity of the 3rd degree (morbid).

Once again, we recall that these data are approximate. But given the magnitude of the error, we can draw certain conclusions: normal body weight or far from it.

Interesting: the BMI norm can change depending on the standards and trends. Until 1998, in the United States, a BMI of up to 27.8 kg / m² was considered normal, but after 1998 the standards were changed, and the BMI recommended by doctors began to end at 25 kg / m².


Given that BMI rates are not ideal, WHO "does not risk" linking them to age indicators. Although, many statistical studies show that BMI in middle-aged people is higher than in young and old people.

As for gender, then (for obvious physiological reasons) the calculated body mass index in men will be higher than the BMI in women.

Interesting: According to an Israeli study, the ideal body mass index for men is 25-27. The average life expectancy of men with this BMI was maximum.


  • It is generally accepted that the average BMI should be slightly below normal in order for people to have something to strive for.
  • However, there is another side of the coin. The belief that a person's weight is much higher than average can lead to low self-esteem and even depression or other mental illness.
  • Regardless of your mass index, try to adequately assess them and take action. We sincerely hope that this online BMI calculator and calorie allowance calculator will help you always stay in shape!

It is recommended already with a body mass index of 25 to think about losing weight, especially if the waist is large or there are other risk factors various diseases(given below). Even losing a small fraction of body weight (eg 10%) will help to significantly reduce the risk of developing obesity-related ailments.

If you are overweight, but the waist is not too wide, and there are less than 2 risk factors, then main task It's not about losing weight, it's about preventing further weight gain.

Waist measurement

It is the waist circumference that is an excellent indicator for determining the degree of abdominal obesity, which can lead to hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other complications.

  • Determining the circumference of the waist is easy enough - just place the measuring tape horizontally around the waist so that the tape fits snugly around it.
  • For men, a waist of up to 102 cm is considered the norm, and for women up to 88 cm - a violation of this norm means the risk of developing various complications.
  • It is especially high when a large waist circumference is combined with a high BMI, indicating overweight or one of the degrees of obesity.
  • In addition, there is a risk for those people who have a normal index, but their waist circumference is higher than normal.

Other risk factors for developing diseases

In addition to a BMI above 25, large waist circumference, there are other risk factors for disease. These include:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension).
  • High LDL cholesterol (also called "bad" cholesterol).
  • Low HDL (“good” cholesterol).
  • High triglyceride levels.
  • High levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood.
  • Having a family history of heart disease.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Smoking.

What BMI can tell about your body, use the calculator

The body mass index is not intended for diagnosis, it rather acts as an average indicator. But if you're looking to try out a new diet or fitness program, our calculator can help you set a starting point. If you are overweight and have some sagging body, but the index is within the normal range, then you should focus, first of all, on exercises, and postpone the diet for now.

If the goal is to fit in old clothes and lose a few kilograms, then a diet and a set of exercises are best combined.

When BMI speaks of obesity or a condition close to it, then you should stop looking for an excuse and get serious about your diet and fitness program in order to protect your health.


Dramatically increased risk:

  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder (stones in the gallbladder).
  • Diabetes.
  • Ischemic heart disease;
  • heart failure; arterial hypertension;
  • Respiratory failure.

Moderately increased risk:

  • Oncological diseases:
  • mammary gland;
  • endometrium;
  • ovaries;
  • prostate;
  • colon and rectum.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Syndrome of disturbed breathing during sleep.
  • infertility.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities.

High probability:

  1. Hirsutism (excessive hair growth).
  2. Sweating.
  3. Shortness of breath.
  4. Pain in the back.
  5. Emotional incontinence.
  6. Industrial and road accidents.
  7. Non-healing of wounds.
  8. Edema and cellulite.
  9. Hyperlipidemia.


1. Overeating, improper eating behavior;

2. Delay in feeling full;

3. Disorders of nutritional thermogenesis and other predisposing genetic factors;

4. Low physical activity.

Check if you have a predisposition to obesity?



The risk of developing comorbidities(strokes, heart attacks, diabetes mellitus) depends more on the characteristics of the distribution of fat than on the degree. The most dangerous obesity type "apple", which is expressed in the abdomen and chest.

Also important percentage adipose tissue and internal fat, a health center doctor can determine these indicators:

Body fat percentage varies with age

  • at 25: men - 14% , women - 26% from body weight;
  • at 40: men - 22% , women - 32% from body weight;
  • at 55: men - 25% , women - 38% from body weight;

The index of internal fat should not be more than 12!

OBESITY is a time bomb that needs to be defused" without being "detonated" because flip side obesity - anorexia (refusal to eat)!

You should know that fat has many useful functions:

  • Fats store the energy needed for life.
  • Adipose tissue keeps the body warm.
  • Adipose tissue protects against injury and cushions impacts.
  • Fats are involved in the formation of hormones and other biologically active substances.
  • A number of vital vitamins, mainly fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, enter the body or are formed with the obligatory participation of fats.
  • Fats are part of cell membranes that protect cells from damage.

You need to understand why healthy fat becomes harmful?

  • Fats should make up 30% of daily calories, economically developed countries this figure is 40-60%. Fats improve the taste of foods and dishes. Unlike carbohydrates, they do not make you feel full while eating, so their absorption is more difficult to control and intense weight gain occurs.
  • In the process of eating, a person focuses not on the calorie content of food, but on its volume. Foods rich in fats are much smaller in volume than those containing carbohydrates. Therefore, when eating fatty foods, the feeling of fullness comes later and the person overeats.

Energy in the body comes only from food, so in order to lose weight, you need to start with a moderately low-calorie diet, for this it is important:

Multiply the resulting number _________ by 1.3 (to ensure physical activity)

Subtract 600 kcal from the received number, TOTAL daily ration _______ kcal
(with such a deficit, you will lose about 80 g of fat per day and 2.4 kg per month).

You must follow this diet for a month, then recalculate the hypocaloric diet, substituting a new one (reduced body weight) into the formula.
Very low calorie diets are best avoided as they cause a lot of side effects, and the lost kilograms are quickly restored - THE EFFECT OF "VANKA-VSTANKA"

In grams, calculate how much protein, fat, carbohydrates you need per day:
Squirrels = (daily ration _______ kcal * 0.19) / 4.1 \u003d _________ grams;
Fats = (daily ration _______ kcal * 0.26) / 9 = _________ grams;
Carbohydrates = (daily ration _______ kcal * 0.55) / 4.1 \u003d _________ grams;

Underweight and its definition using the BMI calculator

Underweight or underweight- a disease that is expressed in a decrease in body weight of a person below the critical mark of the body mass index. Weight loss can be observed in both women and men, as well as in children, including newborns. In severe cases, underweight can be fatal.

Medical Diagnostic Center "Energo" - a clinic where they provide services for the treatment of many diseases, including endocrine and psychological. To achieve the best result, the treatment regimen is always compiled individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

Causes of underweight

The causes of underweight are very diverse. The most common of them are considered to be:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that prevent the normal breakdown of food and the consumption of a sufficient amount of nutrients;
  • diseases of the endocrine system that cause hormonal disruptions: hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, the onset of diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency, including as a result of taking hormonal drugs without medical supervision;
  • lifestyle: insufficient or unbalanced diet with a small amount of fats and carbohydrates, stress, lack of sleep, smoking, excessive physical activity. In this case, the lack of body weight is observed more often in women and can be caused, among other things, psychological reasons- unique presentations modern culture O beautiful body leading to the development of neurosis and anorexia;
  • children may be underweight early age due to underfeeding (lack of milk in the mother or when feeding with improperly selected mixtures). In some cases, a lack of weight can be observed already at the fetal stage and is caused by an improperly proceeding pregnancy - poor nutrition of the mother, bad habits, etc.

Why is underweight dangerous: complications

underweight- a disease with a large number of serious consequences, including:

  • loss of not only fat, but also muscle tissue, resulting in developing muscle weakness;
  • decreased immunity and general resistance of the body, including psychological: frequent illnesses, long-term inflammatory processes, nervous breakdowns and depressions, fatigue, decreased performance and mental activity;
  • defeat various systems body, cardiovascular, nervous, sexual: lack of nutrition can cause the development of chronic diseases. In men, being underweight can lead to a decrease in sperm production and further to complete infertility, in women there are interruptions in menstrual cycle, up to the complete cessation of menstruation;
  • critical lack of weight can cause death due to extreme exhaustion;
  • in children, lack of weight is dangerous both in early childhood (including at the fetal stage) and in adolescence: it can also cause various disorders, including developmental delays.

Underweight by BMI: symptoms

Modern scientists distinguish several types of underweight (especially when determining this disease in children). Thus, the deficiency of body weight of the 1st degree, calculated as a percentage, implies a deviation from the norm by 10-15%, the second - by 15-30%, the third - by more than 30%.

In adults, underweight is stated when the body mass index (BMI) falls below 18.5 kg/m2.

Symptoms of underweight are most often visual: there is a pronounced loss of body fat on the chest, abdomen, limbs, and also on the face (in the later stages of the disease). Patients may experience weakness, including muscle weakness, fatigue, irritability, and a tendency to depression.

Initial inspection:
Since underweight may be indicative of serious problems in the body - and not only of a psychological nature - when the first signs of this disease appear, the first thing to do is to make an appointment with specialists - an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist and a nutritionist.

Primary admission

The initial appointment with a specialist involves collecting an anamnesis (information about the patient's eating habits, lifestyle, daily routine, concomitant diseases), as well as examining the patient with weighing and other measurements. A preliminary diagnosis of underweight in women and men is made on the basis of the body mass index (BMI), which is calculated using the formula weight (kg) / height (m2). An indicator in the range from 18.5 to 25 kg / m2 is considered normal.

Diagnosis of the disease:
Most often, additional tests are prescribed at the initial appointment, which allow the hidden causes of weight loss to be established (especially if there are no psychological and other external causes diseases):

  • biochemical and hormonal blood tests: allows you to establish the presence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, problems with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • urinalysis: a study of the level of protein (proteinuria), glucose, ketone bodies reveals diabetes mellitus;
  • fecal analysis: performed if there is a suspicion of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, a full examination by a gastroenterologist may be recommended.

Treatment plan:

Further treatment regimen If the examination and analyzes confirm the lack of body weight (in the appropriate percentage), the specialist will prescribe treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms and causes of the disease. Most often, the basis of the treatment of this disease is proper nutrition, which involves:
  • an increase in the calorie content of consumed foods: the introduction of more fatty meat, meat broths, fermented milk products (sour cream, cream, milk) into the diet, bakery products and foods with a lot of carbohydrates;
  • maintaining a balance: an increase in the calorie content of food does not exclude vegetables and fruits from the diet as the main source of vitamins;
  • a possible reduction in the volume of servings with an increase in the number of meals (up to 4-5 times a day). At the same time, the process of eating should take place in a calm environment (quick snacks are excluded).

In some cases, especially in women underweight due to psychological factors, dietary changes may be supervised by a psychologist who helps patients cope with food-related phobias.

In addition to diet, weight loss involves physical activity, which aims to regain lost muscle mass, as well as adequate sleep and rest.

In some cases, the treatment of this disease also involves the use of drugs, most often when a hormonal imbalance is detected. In this case, the use of hormonal drugs should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment result:

Subject to the recommendations of the doctor on nutrition and physical activity, patients manage to compensate for the lack of weight and avoid serious complications. The timing of treatment largely depends on the stage of the disease, as well as on related problems, including psychological ones.

Prevention of this disease involves:

  • sufficient, regular, balanced nutrition, especially during pregnancy;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • reduction of stressful situations, rejection of bad habits;
  • preventive check of hormone levels, as well as preventive examinations for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system;
  • if underweight is detected, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo an examination.

Well-fed, healthy and ... thin - what affects body weight when calculating?

One of the articles that I read in my time, maybe someone will come in handy.

There is no doubt that thinness can be an alarming sign - a symptom of a malfunction in the body or even a serious illness. But what to do if the test card does not show the presence of diseases, when doctors shrug and, speaking about the reasons for underweight, blame genes for everything?

  • For a person who wants to gain weight, this sounds like a sentence - after all, in the case of an illness, at least the treatment regimen is clear, while it is not possible to change the genetic predisposition.
  • Not only do psychological problems remain associated with the inability to get better, but there is also a risk of physical exhaustion - even if proper nutrition weight continues to go away, staying healthy for a long time will not work.
  • What is the reason for such a feature of your body? Why is it difficult to gain mass if even eating high-calorie foods does not work? Let's look at everything in order:

The influence of temperament on the body mass index

One of the interesting patterns that was noticed in antiquity is the dependence of human behavior on the constitution of the body. Are you familiar with the stereotypes in which fat people are always good-natured, and thin people are gloomy?

as show modern research They didn't come out of nowhere. And the point here is not that the thin ones have a bad mood due to the inability to get fat, but the full ones have a good mood, thanks to a full stomach. The root cause lies in the features nervous system.

After all, it is the nervous system that significantly affects all the processes of our body. Not only the ability to gain weight depends on its activity, but also our behavior, feelings, even the thought process - these are biochemical reactions, the features of which are associated with conductivity nerve fibers and metabolic rate, which directly affects your ability to get better.

Modern ideas about body weight

Modern ideas about the characteristics of the nervous system of each of us are based on the predominance of the processes of excitation and inhibition - depending on this, 4 types of temperament are distinguished:

  • Choleric, in which the process of excitation prevails over the process of inhibition. Such a person will be impulsive and even irritable; features of his nervous system determine behavior. As a result, in order to gain weight, a choleric person always lacks the resources to replenish the wasted energy, he has poorly developed fatty tissue, but, as a rule, enough muscle tissue. Active, thin and wiry - a typical example of a choleric.
  • Melancholic, in which the activity of the nervous system is weak, hence the eternal lack of strength, some slowness. The melancholic is very dependent on external causes due to the fact that his own forces are not enough to resist them. Such a person will be more likely to have complexes, depression. It is quite difficult for him to gain mass, also because both adipose and muscle tissues of the body are underdeveloped.
  • Sanguine, in which a person is most balanced, as well as his nervous processes. Therefore, the thinness of a sanguine person is rarely due to the peculiarities of physiology - as a rule, it is difficult for him to gain weight due to any disease.
  • Phlegmatic, in which there is a tendency to be overweight rather than underweight. This person is not interested in the question - how to get fat. His nervous processes are quite balanced, although inhibition slightly prevails over excitation. In behavior, this is expressed by good nature, and in physiology - by slow metabolism, and, consequently, by the predominance of fat in total mass body.

If it is impossible to change your temperament, then it is quite possible to adapt to it - control your diet, do things that suit your nervous system physical exercise. Recommendations of a “fashionable” diet “according to the type of nervous system” can increasingly not only be read on the Internet, but also heard from doctors. It is quite possible to get better with such a diet with the right approach - after all, it is based on the concept of temperament, as a developmental feature nervous processes in organism.

Regulating your weight

Knowing your type of temperament, you can not only adjust your menu to gain weight faster, but also learn to control the features of your behavior. Indeed, the consumption of quite tangible calories depends on how stressful we are, how sharply we react to external stimuli.

It is quite possible that you cannot get fat because you spend all your energy on emotions (nervous stress) - this is typical of choleric and melancholic people, the most prone to thinness types.

The psycho-emotional component of our health directly affects the appetite, which in itself is “in the competence” of the nervous system. If choleric people with him, everything is more or less good - their problem is overexpenditure of energy, a rapid metabolism, then melancholic people quite often complain of a lack of appetite, the need to "stuff" food into themselves, which leads to both emotional problems and physical - even greater weight loss.

Burning calories

One of the reasons why you never manage to gain weight may be constant mental stress or fatigue.

Many representatives of intellectual professions are familiar with the feeling of loss of strength and even quite physical exhaustion at the end of the working day. Moreover, it has been proven that fatigue from mental work can exceed that from physical work. This fact means that the cells of the body used all the energy they stored in the form of glycogen, which means they used up more calories than they entered the body. Then the process of processing fats into carbohydrates begins, which of course affects the change in body weight.

  • Mental fatigue must be taken into account, because. intellectual tension is a negative factor in the balance of energy, it requires the consumption of calories and their replenishment.
  • Secondly, mental fatigue is quite high and can interfere with the physical activity needed to correct weight.
  • With mental overstrain, willpower and performance in all areas decrease - this is explained by quite real processes at the level of the nervous system and the biochemistry of our body.
  • Therefore, if you no longer know how to get better, pay attention to the nature of your work - perhaps your body simply does not have the strength to recover, and calorie consumption will be much higher, taking into account mental activity.


If you have significantly increased your diet, but continue to smoke, cannot deny yourself energy drinks and lead a sedentary lifestyle, then it is not surprising that you are unable to increase body weight. Results will only come if you practice. A complex approach affect all spheres of life of the organism.

Even enhanced nutrition should be correct in terms of quality - overeating McDonald's hamburgers, you are more likely to achieve problems with the stomach, heart and blood vessels, or endocrine system, but it may not work out if such a diet does not correspond to your type of metabolism.

What else to pay attention to?

  • Exposure to stress.

As we have already found out, emotions can burn quite a lot of calories, in addition, they affect appetite, digestion, the balance of excitation and inhibition processes, which contributes to rapid fatigue. Stress can be attributed not only to emotional factors, but also to any overstrain of the body - diseases, a sharp change in the diet or its composition, a change in the level of physical activity, environmental conditions.

In all these cases, the body will need time and energy to recover in order to recover, not to mention the possibility of a serious disruption of the organ systems, which is not always possible to establish. That is why attempts to gain weight quickly and haphazardly fail.

  • Features of nutrition.

Only regular meals that meet your specific needs will have a positive effect on body weight. Impulses to recover sharply from time to time only drive the body into stressful condition, and the wrong ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can completely harm the metabolism.

  • Bad habits.

Excess caffeine, nicotine, excessive addiction to alcohol - all this negatively affects the state of the body. Before asking how to gain weight, stop smoking - nicotine speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite.

The same can be said about caffeine, which, in addition, has the ability to "burn fat", which is actively promoted by manufacturers of various diet pills and creams.


Quite a lot, in our age of combating obesity, talks about the dangers of lack of sleep for those who want to lose weight.

However, in reality, it turns out that sleep problems are, first of all, stress that disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system, preventing the body from restoring the energy spent during the day. So, it is equally harmful to those who want to both get better and reduce kilograms. What is important to consider when you go to bed?

  • The amount of sleep.

One of important factors that affect the ability to gain weight is adequate sleep. At this time, the body accumulates nutrients, forms new cells of organ tissues, and the processes of nutrient breakdown slow down.

We create the right conditions

The more you sleep, the better conditions you create for your body to gain the much-needed kilograms.

  • But how long healthy sleep should last is an individual question, someone needs 6 hours, and someone doesn’t get enough sleep even for 10. The notorious metabolism and organization of the nervous system is what affects your specific needs. Also keep in mind that the amount of sleep needed changes throughout life (a baby, for example, needs more sleep than an adult), depending on the degree of fatigue.
  • In addition, if the sleep time was sufficient, but after waking up you do not feel a feeling of cheerfulness, first of all you need to pay attention to your biological clock - the sleep time should coincide with it. At a minimum, you should go to bed before 11 pm, and get up before 9 am.
  • And remember that “lack of sleep” is one of the main contributing factors to stress. Lack of sleep also increases the concentration of the hormone ghrelin.
    It is a newly discovered peptide hormone that is produced in the arcuate nucleus of the brain, the hypothalamus. Ghrelin plays important role in obesity and anorexia, having a significant effect on appetite. It is very difficult to get better without a normal appetite.
  • Sleep quality.

Do you sleep soundly, are there any irritating factors? If you feel overwhelmed in the morning, and during the day you struggle with the desire to fall asleep again, one of the reasons for this may be the poor quality of sleep. Uncomfortable position, light, extraneous sounds - all this interferes with healthy sleep. Irritable people may need to calm down before going to bed. Moreover, one of the reasons bad sleep may be an internal disease.

How to gain body weight for you?

An important role is also played by the proportionality of weight and height. To get better tall man, ceteris paribus, his diet should be more high-calorie. This is due to the fact that the structure of the body is a factor influencing the basic metabolism. The higher the person, the larger area body surface must be supported normal temperature due to increased calorie intake.

Gender of a person - in men, the rate of calories per day is higher than in women, due to greater muscle mass, the maintenance of which requires more calories. But in order to get better, and not just maintain body weight, the caloric content of the diet must be increased.

The basal metabolism in adults decreases by 7-10% every 10 years, which is associated with a slowdown in the work of mitochondria in cells and a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland.

  • With age, the time of “burning” calories also increases and the required daily rate calories, the question arises less and less - how to get better? The thyroid gland works most actively until the age of 30, hence the “youthfulness” of the problem of thinness, which is typical for people at the age of 16-35, arises.
  • If your goal is to gain weight, then you need to consider all the reasons for your particular situation - psychological picture, lifestyle, physiological parameters.
  • Do not forget about medical confirmed facts- stress, bad habits, lack of sleep and an excess of physical activity. They haven't helped anyone yet. If you are serious about solving the problem of thinness, you should change your attitude towards all of the above factors.

Ideal weight is an average standard that is calculated based on data about in large numbers of people. But all people are different. Lifestyle, food culture, nationality and body type - all this affects the ideal weight. For example, the normal weight of people with a strong physique will be 2-3% higher than that of people with an average body. And the norm for thin people is 3-5% less. Therefore, it is not necessary to strive specifically for the ideal weight, which shows weight calculator. It is enough if your weight is within the calculated range.

Beyond the weight calculator calculates BMI- body mass index (ideal weight), which is widely used to determine the degree of correspondence between body weight and height.

How to calculate your ideal weight (BMI) yourself

BMI \u003d M: R 2, where

M - body weight in kg

P - height in meters

An example of calculating the body mass index: M (weight) - 78 kg, P (height) - 1.68 m

BMI = 78: 1.68 2 = 27.6

From the table below, you can see that a BMI of -27.6 corresponds to being overweight.

Table of interpretation of BMI indicators

In the case of a strong deviation from the norm, it is time to seriously think about correcting your weight. With reduced weight, dystrophy develops. In the modern civilized world, its cause is usually intentional malnutrition. The desire to have an unnaturally slender figure can result in a violation of both the psyche and physical health - the ability to work decreases, the skin dries, hair falls out. All this comes from a lack of substances necessary for the body.

However, their excessive excess also does not lead to anything good. A huge number of people suffer from obesity. Excess weight greatly increases the risk of kidney stones and gallbladder, joint deformities, impotence, myocardial infarction and many other diseases. The whole body works with overload, moving masses of fat in space that are not provided for by the design of the human body. Not surprisingly, the life expectancy of obese people is on average 6-8 years less than that of the rest.

Body mass index (BMI) is a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s body weight and his height. The index allows you to indirectly assess whether the mass is insufficient, normal or excessive. It is important, first of all, in determining the indications for the need to treat diseases associated with obesity.

It should be said that the body mass index is far from an ideal indicator. Only weight and height are used to calculate BMI. It does not take into account the ratio between muscle and fat mass, overestimates the percentage of fat in athletes, the elderly, and underestimates it in those who have less muscle mass. In addition, BMI should not be used for women in position.

Despite all of the above, body mass index is generally a correct way to assess whether weight is a threat to the health of the body as a whole.

It is of great importance in the forecast. Obesity of the upper half of the body (chest, abdomen, waist) poses a great threat to the patient's health. With an increase in waist circumference of more than 102 cm in men and more than 88 cm in women and a ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference of more than 1.0 in men and more than 0.85 in women, the risk of diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, and stroke is very high. At the same time, obesity in the lower half of the body (buttocks and thighs) often leads to.

Why is it important to know your BMI?

Obesity can provoke the so-called "metabolic syndrome", in which there is a high risk of developing diseases such as diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia (changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levels), arterial hypertension. In addition, some patients have sleep apnea, impaired fertility, arthrosis, and other pathologies.

Body mass index for women, as well as for men, is the standard method for diagnosing and classifying obesity. We offer you an average BMI decoding table for women.

It is important to remember that relying solely on BMI for any weight correction is strongly discouraged. But if it differs from the norm, then this is a reason for additional biometric, laboratory and instrumental studies.

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