Environmental problems deforestation. Deforestation is a pressing environmental problem. Deforestation permit

Deforestation statistics are very important for every country. Deforestation is a global problem that is getting worse every year. The negative consequences of deforestation affect not only human life, but also the planet as a whole. Thanks to the statistics of unauthorized deforestation, the state can look for effective ways fight against deforestation.

Deforestation problem

The forest is a complex ecosystem. Its condition affects cleanliness, drinking and climatic conditions. Once upon a time there was a huge amount of forests on the planet earth. They occupied huge areas. When the population grew, active land development began, development appeared, the number of forests began to gradually decrease. People cut down forests for various purposes, often without permission.

Today, deforestation has become a planetary environmental problem. Trees are a source of oxygen. They absorb many toxic substances and destroy microorganisms that provoke diseases. They live in the forests different types and plants. Trees absorb excess moisture, protect the soil, protect against.

Although trees are renewable resources, the problem of deforestation is one of the most serious in the world. The rate of their reproduction is much lower than the rate of destruction. The planet is suffering enormous damage from deforestation. Everything can end in ecological catastrophe.

Below is a photo from space, which clearly show how in Brazil the number of forest areas. On the left half you can see how the country looked before, and on the right how things are with the number of trees now.

Why are forests cut down

Humanity has many reasons for deforestation even in the 21st century. First of all, we need wood for the construction of premises. It is the most popular material in this industry due to the fact that natural product and costs less. In many villages, especially in Siberia, wood is used to build houses. Sheds for animals, storage for hay or grain, baths are built from it.

The second most popular reason is that forests are cut down to harvest firewood for the winter. In many private houses in countryside people still do not have the opportunity to be heated by gas. They use wood stoves for this. Also, forests are cut down for the sake of wood, which will be used for the manufacture of furniture, doors, window frames, parquet. Sleepers, wagons are made from it, bridges and ships are built.

There is also industrial deforestation, since wood is a raw material for the manufacture of various materials. For example, paper, fertilizers, rubber, plastics, acetone, turpentine, vinegar. Deforestation statistics include the preparation of the area they occupy for the following purposes:

  • for the construction of power lines;
  • for plowing the steppes;
  • under roads;
  • for the manufacture of sports equipment, musical instruments;
  • under construction;
  • in the extraction of minerals.

Today, more than 20 thousand items that people need are made from wood.

The consequences of deforestation

However, not everyone understands what deforestation leads to. Mankind has not yet understood that trees need to be protected. The destruction of forests leads to a violation of the oxygen cycle on the planet. This may end up with the fact that in some areas of the planet it will simply be impossible to live - there will be nothing to breathe.

The destruction of trees leads to waterlogging of the area, which threatens to change vegetation. Reservoirs will be overgrown with grass and mud. Deforestation leads to a decrease in ozone in the atmosphere. This will lead to poor harvests, epidemics, an increase in the number of sick people, and the formation of ozone holes.

The disappearance of trees leads to desertification as precipitation washes away the fertile soil layer. Because of this, residents of areas that have become arid become refugees. Many animals and plants are dying. Deforestation statistics show that this leads to a change in the albedo of the earth and can provoke a catastrophe. Albedo is the planet's ability to reflect the radiation from the sun. Additional effects of deforestation:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • changing of the climate;
  • overabundance sunlight, which will destroy plants that love to live in the shade;
  • creation of a greenhouse effect in the biosphere;
  • destruction of ecosystems;
  • the amount of nitrogen in the soil increases, which prevents the growth of new trees.

Trees hold up the streams groundwater because their roots feed on them. The death of forests contributes to an increase in their fullness, since there is no one to absorb excess moisture. The liquid comes to the surface, fills the rivers, evaporates, falls in the form of numerous precipitations. That is why deforestation is associated with increased flooding, as well as the appearance in the area where they have never been observed.

Bangladesh is a prime example of this. When forests were cut down on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, this city began to suffer from floods every few years. Previously, this happened a maximum of two times in 100 years.

These are Negative consequences deforestation on the ground. In the future, everything may end up leaving our descendants with an unsuitable planet.

Ways to solve the problem

The most important solution to the problem of deforestation is the development of norms for the reasonable use of plant resources. The following principles must be adhered to:

  • preserve the landscape of the forest;
  • to teach the population to take care of trees, animals and plants;
  • protect forests from illegal logging;
  • strengthen control over the use of resources at the state level;
  • reforestation after deforestation - plant and grow new trees in large quantities;
  • improve legislation, issue laws that will protect forests from deforestation;
  • fight poachers. Attract to or accountable for deforestation;
  • choose only the most resistant tree species for planting, in order to increase the number of forests;
  • create reserves;
  • develop ways to use wood waste;
  • to prohibit enterprises engaged in the extraction of minerals from using large areas of forest for cutting down for their development;
  • develop ecological forms.

How ordinary citizens can contribute to the fight against deforestation:

  • landscaping the territory on their sites;
  • economical use of wood products;
  • plant trees near houses, in yards, near villages, along river banks;
  • complain about those who attempt illegal deforestation,

Of course, deforestation - all over the world a big problem, but ways to solve it can be found.

Responsibility for deforestation in the Russian Federation

In Russia, not legal logging forests entails punishment depending on the severity (Article 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). If the actions of the criminal resulted in the loss of a small number of plantations, then deforestation will not exceed 500 thousand rubles. rub. If an act of poaching was committed by a group of persons, using their official position, then the amount of sanctions will be from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles. For a crime committed on an especially large scale, a punishment of 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles is provided.

Under Article 8.28 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine in the amount of 3–4 thousand rubles is provided for individuals, provided that the equipment for deforestation was not used. For officials fine - 20-40 thousand rubles, for, including - from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles.

Judicial practice shows that illegal felling of trees is often punishable by imprisonment for a period of 2 to 7 years. For unauthorized deforestation, it is also possible the following measures responsibility:

  • forced labor;
  • deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 3 years.

By law, you must obtain a permit to cut down trees. Every citizen can influence the situation with illegal deforestation. It is enough to declare to the relevant authorities about the cutting down of plantings. Initially, you can inform the local forestry. Write down how many people are logging, take a photo, fix the numbers of cars and the number of pieces of equipment.

If the work is carried out legally, then the forestry will inform you about it. If lumberjacks were engaged in poaching, specialists from the forestry should go to the police with your materials. If you suspect that the foresters are covering for criminals, you can contact the police yourself.

World statistics

The statistics of deforestation in the world records the deforestation of about 200 thousand km² of plantations per year. This leads to the death of 100 thousand animals and plants. The table shows the statistics of deforestation by country for last years:

A country Number of hectares (thousand)
USA1, 7367

Least of all trees are cut down by Paraguayans, Chinese, Argentines and Malaysians. The secret is that China, for example, buys wood from other countries. For 10 years, massive deforestation has reached the point where about 20 hectares of trees are destroyed every minute. It is time for humanity to learn how to replenish these riches of nature.

Today due to felling rainforest there are more than two times less plantings left on our planet than it was before. Once they covered 14% of the land, and now only 6%.

In India, the number of forest areas has halved in half a century. Large-scale deforestation led to deforestation in America and countries Caribbean. Here the number of forests has decreased by 500,000 hectares.

In Brazil, a huge number of trees have been replaced with concrete walls. Because of this, the populations of some animal species have declined. Approximately 17% of all forests are concentrated in Africa, which is about 767 million hectares. Now the number of forests on this continent is reduced by 3 million hectares annually. For 100 years, 80% of the forests have been cut down here. In a number African countries people still use charcoal for heating. They do not have access to gas due to.

Deforestation in the Amazon and Madagascar has led to disastrous results. Most of the land has turned into arid and sun-scorched areas. Unique animals live here and plants grow that are not found anywhere else. But due to deforestation, many of them began to die out.

In Asia, deforestation has reached 98% of all land. Here the trees are destroyed mainly for construction. In Europe, the problem has not yet reached such proportions, but programs are already being developed here aimed at restoring lost resources.

Data for Russia

The statistics of deforestation in Russia is disappointing - in our country, trees are destroyed much more than in other states. In the Baikal basin alone, 3 million cubic meters of forest land have disappeared. Deforestation in Russia leads to the destruction of valuable conifers (cedar, pine).

In recent years, deforestation in Siberia and the Urals has led to the emergence of a large number of swamps in these regions. Floods have become more frequent here.

Permanent deforestation on slopes Caucasian mountains led to the fact that the rivers overflow every year more and more. Water erosion is developing, which is why cases have become more frequent. All this causes great damage to agricultural lands, as well as settlements located near the mountains.

IN Lately on Sakhalin Island, salmon harvests have decreased. Due to deforestation in the river basins, which have become more frequent in this region, the bottom of reservoirs becomes unsuitable for spawning. In addition, the fauna that salmon feed on is disturbed.

Many forests are cut down in the Altai Territory, damage is done to the famous tape bur. Here, 3.5 thousand hectares of forests are destroyed every year. 66 plots were leased to enterprises engaged in timber harvesting.

According to the statistics of deforestation by years, in Russia the damage from the destruction of trees annually exceeds 10 billion rubles. To restore its resources, our country will need about 100 years, provided that the destruction of trees stops altogether.

Ukrainian and Belarusian data

There are no statistics on deforestation in Ukraine. But lately a catastrophic number of trees has been cut down in the Carpathians. The satellite photo clearly shows how much area is now left without trees:

Deforestation statistics in Belarus for 2015 shows the destruction of 18.5 million cubic meters of wood. However, the government of the Republic of Belarus plans to increase this figure by 18%. While the replenishment of resources in the country is very slow. Therefore, scientists fear for the ecology of the state.


As deforestation statistics show, Russia destroys the most trees in the world. A large percentage falls on illegal activities. The government and specialists responsible for the country's environmental well-being need to look for more effective measures to combat the destruction of forest areas.

The forest expanses of Russia seem almost limitless. But even on such a scale, a person in the process economic activity manages to damage them. Felling for the purpose of harvesting timber in some places is becoming widespread. Such intensive and unreasonable use gradually leads to the fact that the forest fund begins to be depleted. This is noticeable even in the taiga zone.

The rapid destruction of forests leads to the disappearance of unique flora and fauna, as well as to the deterioration of the ecological situation. This is especially true for the composition of the air.

Main causes of deforestation

Among the main reasons for deforestation, first of all, it is worth noting the possibility of its use as a building material. Also, very often, forests are cut down for the purpose of building or using land for agricultural land.

This problem became especially acute at the beginning of the 19th century. With the development of science and technology, most of the felling work began to be done by machines. This made it possible to significantly increase productivity, and, accordingly, the number of cut down trees.

Another reason for the massive logging is the creation of pastures for farm animals. This problem is especially relevant in tropical forests. On average, grazing one cow will require 1 ha of pasture, which is several hundred trees.

Why should forest areas be conserved? What causes deforestation

The forest area is not only trees and shrubs and herbs, it is also hundreds of different living beings. Deforestation is one of the most common environmental problems. With the destruction of trees in the biogeocenosis system, the ecological balance is disturbed.

Uncontrolled destruction of forests leads to the following negative consequences:

  1. Some species of flora and fauna are disappearing.
  2. Species diversity is decreasing.
  3. The amount of carbon dioxide begins to increase in the atmosphere ().
  4. Arise soil erosion that lead to the formation of deserts.
  5. In places with high level groundwater begins to swamp.

Interesting! More than half of all forests are in rainforests. At the same time, about 90% of all known animals and plants live in them.

Statistics on deforestation in the world and in Russia

Deforestation is a global problem. It is relevant not only not for Russia, but also for a number of other countries. According to deforestation statistics, about 200 thousand km 2 of forests are cut down worldwide every year. This leads to the death of tens of thousands of animals.

If we consider the data in thousand hectares for individual countries, they will look like this:

  1. Russia - 4.139;
  2. Canada - 2.45;
  3. Brazil - 2.15;
  4. USA - 1.73;
  5. Indonesia - 1.6.

The problem of deforestation is least affected by China, Argentina and Malaysia. On average, about 20 hectares of forest plantations are destroyed in one minute on the planet. This problem is especially acute for tropical zone. For example, in India, over 50 years, the area covered with forests has decreased by more than 2 times.

In Brazil large areas forests were cut down for the purpose of development. Because of this, the populations of some animal species have been greatly reduced. Africa accounts for approximately 17% of the world's forest stock. In terms of ha, this is about 767 million. According to the latest data, about 3 million hectares are cut down here annually. Over 70% of Africa's forests have been destroyed in recent centuries.

The logging statistics in Russia are also disappointing. Especially a lot of coniferous trees are destroyed in our country. Mass cutting in Siberia and the Urals contributed to the formation of a large number of wetlands. It should be noted that most of the cuttings are illegal.

Forest groups

All forests on the territory of Russia in terms of their conservation and economic importance can be classified into 3 groups:

  1. This group includes plantings that have a water protection and protective function. For example, these can be forest belts along the banks of water bodies or wooded areas on mountain slopes. This group also includes forests that perform a sanitary-hygienic and health-improving function, national reserves and parks, natural monuments. The forests of the first group account for 17% of the total forest area.
  2. The second group includes plantings in areas with a high population density and a well-developed transport network. This also includes forests with an insufficient forest resource base. The second group accounts for about 7%.
  3. The most numerous group accounts for 75% of its share in the forest fund. This category includes plantings for operational purposes. Due to them, the needs for wood are satisfied.

The division of forests into groups is described in more detail in the Fundamentals of Forest Legislation.

Clearing types

Wood harvesting can be carried out in all forest groups without exception. In this case, all cuttings are divided into 2 types:

  • main use;
  • care.

Main fellings

Final fellings are carried out only in plantations that have reached the ripening period. They are divided into the following types:

  1. Solid. With this type of felling, everything is cut down except for the undergrowth. They are carried out in one go. The restriction on their implementation is imposed in forests of environmental and ecological importance, as well as in reserves and parks.
  2. Gradual. With this type of felling, the forest stand is removed in several steps. In this case, first of all, trees that interfere with further development young, injured and sick. Usually 6 to 9 years pass between the stages of this felling. In the first step, about 35% of the total forest stand is removed. At the same time, overmature trees make up the bulk.
  3. Selective. Their main purpose is the formation of highly productive plantations. During them, diseased, dead, windbreak and other inferior trees are cut down. All care cuttings are divided into the following types: clarification, cleaning, thinning and passing. Depending on the condition of the forest, thinning may be continuous.

Legal and illegal logging

All deforestation works are strictly regulated by Russian legislation. At the same time, the most important document is the "Cutting ticket". The following documents will be required for its registration:

  1. A statement stating the reason for the cutting.
  2. Plan of the area with the allocation of the area allocated for felling.
  3. Taxation description of cut down plantings.

A felling ticket will also be required when exporting already harvested wood. Its price is proportional to the cost of compensation for use natural resources. Cutting down trees without proper documentation is classified as illegal logging.

Responsibility for it is provided for by Article 260 Part 1. It is applicable only in cases where the amount of damage exceeds 5000 rubles. For minor violations, administrative liability is applicable. It involves imposing a fine of 3,000 to 3,500 rubles on citizens and 20,000 to 30,000 on officials.

The consequences of deforestation

The effects of deforestation are a far-reaching problem. Deforestation affects the entire ecosystem. This is especially true for the problem of purification and saturation of air with oxygen.

Also, according to recent studies, it was found that mass felling contribute to global warming. This is due to the carbon cycle occurring on the surface of the Earth. At the same time, one should not forget about the water cycle in nature. In it the trees take the most Active participation. By absorbing moisture with their roots, they evaporate it into the atmosphere.

Erosion of soil layers is another problem that accompanies the problem of deforestation. Tree roots prevent erosion and weathering of the upper fertile soil layers. In the absence of a tree stand, winds and precipitation begin to destroy the upper humus layer, thereby turning fertile lands into a lifeless desert.

The problem of deforestation and ways to solve it

Tree planting is one way to solve the problem of deforestation. But she cannot fully compensate for the damage done. The approach to this problem must be comprehensive. To do this, you must adhere to the following directions:

  1. Plan forest management.
  2. Strengthen the protection and control over the use of natural resources.
  3. Develop a system for monitoring and accounting for the forest fund.
  4. Improve forest legislation.

In most cases, planting trees does not cover the damage. For example, in South America and Africa, despite all the measures taken, the forest area continues to decline inexorably. Therefore, to reduce the negative consequences of logging, it is necessary to take a whole range of additional measures:

  1. Increase planting area annually.
  2. Establish protected areas with a special forest management regime.
  3. Send significant forces to prevent forest fires.
  4. Deploy recycling wood.

Forest protection policy in different countries may differ significantly. Someone introduces a restriction on the use, and someone simply increases the volume of restoration plantings. But, completely new approach to this problem has developed Norway. She plans completely eliminate cutting.

This country has officially announced that the policy of the so-called "zero deforestation" will be implemented on its territory. Over the years, Norway has actively supported various forest protection programs. For example, in 2015, it allocated 1 billion rubles to Brazil for the conservation of the Amazon rainforest. Investments from Norway and a number of other countries have helped to reduce logging by 75%.

From 2011 to 2015, the Norwegian government allocated 250 million rubles to another tropical country - Guyana. And since this year, Norway has officially declared “zero tolerance” for logging. That is, it will no longer purchase forest products.

Ecologists say that paper can also be produced by recycling the corresponding waste. And as a fuel building materials other resources can be used. To this statement, the state Pension Fund Norway reacted by withdrawing from its portfolio all shares of enterprises associated with damage to the forest fund.

According to the fund wildlife, every minute forests with an area comparable to the area of ​​48 football fields disappear from the surface of the Earth. It also significantly increases the emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

Over the past quarter century, the destruction of the world's forests has slowed down, but the Amazon forests, which produce almost half of the oxygen that humanity breathes, continue to be cut down.

"Area reduction Amazonian forests approaches the point of no return. If deforestation in the lungs of our planet exceeds 20%, then the process can no longer be reversed, ”Euronews quotes scientists.

Photo source: http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/2009/wwf-lungs-before-its-too-late/

By 2018, the Amazonian forest area had shrunk by 17% over the past 50 years.

“If the climate in the Amazon basin changes due to deforestation or global warming, then more than half of the Amazonian forest area will become desert savannah,” says Carlos Nobre, who received in 2007 Nobel Prize world as part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Video about the disappearance of forests in Radonia (Brazil), see.

Millions of hectares of forest disappear every year

Ensuring food security and rational use forests are central to and and the Goals sustainable development. But the forests are disappearing.

The world's population is growing all the time, and with it the demand for resources - wood, fiber, fuel, food, feed and medicine. According to UN experts, by 2050 the demand for wood will triple - up to 10 billion cubic meters. will require an increase in agricultural production, which will lead to the conversion of forest land to arable land and will be one of the main drivers of deforestation, especially in tropical countries and countries with low level income.

Reasons for deforestation

The State of the World's Forests (SOFO) 2016 report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, using examples from Chile, Chile, Ghana, Gambia, Georgia, Costa Rica, Tunisia and food security while halting and even reversing deforestation. Integrated land use planning is a key condition for achieving a balance between different types of land use, based on the right policy instruments for the development of sustainable forestry and agriculture. Source: FAO

Deforestation can also occur as a result of human activity, and as a result of natural processes, but our influence is much more significant than, for example, natural disasters. Today, humans have technological capabilities never seen before to enable them to change land use patterns on an enormous scale. Reasons for deforestation can be identified as:

immediate that have a direct impact on deforestation human actions, examples:

  • the expansion of agricultural production (if we talk about the whole world, then, according to FAO estimates (pdf), the direct cause of 80% of deforestation is the expansion of agricultural production areas);
  • urban growth;
  • infrastructure development;
  • mining, etc.

so deep:

  • population growth(The world population has doubled since 1970, and per capita food consumption has also risen, from an average of 2,370 kilocalories per person per day in the late 1970s to 2,770 kcal per person per day in 2012 – and there have been changes in diets towards increased consumption of livestock products and vegetable oil);
  • agricultural development(profitability is increased due to tax incentives, development of transport arteries, development of new markets, for example, biofuels, improved technology, devaluation of currencies leading to increased demand for exports);
  • high levels of poverty, inefficient agricultural production systems(in search of income, people turn their attention to forests)
  • uncertainty and unreliable land use regime(the value of future forest products decreases compared to income from agricultural products in the short term);
  • inefficient management(imperfect planning and monitoring, insufficient involvement of the local population and stakeholders, corruption, lack of a regulatory framework, insufficient investment in research and education), etc.

What Causes Forests to Disappear (Seven Countries in South America 1990–2005)

Source: FAO, 2016. The State of the World's Forests 2016. forests and Agriculture: problems and opportunities of land use. Rome.

In countries Latin America export-oriented commercial production of agricultural products accounts for 70% of forest loss (2000-2010). Since 1990

Deforestation is part of the natural process of changing green spaces. In recent decades, it has become one of the global problems. Despite the fact that Russia has the most coniferous forest resources, the rate of their destruction in the country is also high. All this has negative consequences for environment.

Realizing that the problem is getting bigger, many states have united in the struggle to preserve the plantations. As part of this, Russia has repeatedly introduced changes to the Forest Code.

Characteristics of forest resources

In Russia, it is customary to call forests only coniferous plantations or oak and birch groves. But the majority of the planet is occupied by tropical. The main characteristics of the forest, which make it possible to assess the reserves of these resources in the world and in a particular country, are:

  • planting area;
  • forest cover;
  • stocks of wood on the vine.

It is believed that the wood reserves in the world are 384 billion m 3 . In Latin America, this figure reaches almost a third of the world level. But these are tropical forests, which often have low consumer qualities.

The main problem is that deforestation of different properties leads to the same negative consequences. Modern technologies allow a better assessment of the condition of plantings. The Google system even created special card, which marks the areas left without forests.

Why is it important to conserve forests?

From the school bench, people learn that forests make it possible to provide the Earth with oxygen. Therefore, they are called the "lungs" of the planet. In addition, their value lies in the following:

  • prevention of the "greenhouse" effect;
  • reducing the risk of soil waterlogging;
  • preservation of soil fertility by creating a microclimate and retaining moisture in the territory;
  • support required level groundwater;
  • preservation of the soil from drying out, wind drift and other adverse natural factors;
  • make the climate in the region milder and more comfortable for humans;
  • provide the necessary conditions for living animals, birds, insects;
  • make it possible to get a large number of energy and goods for the population.

The ecological results of cutting down are quickly felt. After all, already 5-10 years after the start of irrational use forest resources the local population can point out a range of real problems. This often reduces the attractiveness of the area for living.

Many animals are endangered. These include:

  • capercaillie;
  • white-backed woodpecker;
  • Amur tiger;
  • far eastern leopard.

IN natural environment Oaks and ash trees are becoming less and less common.

What will happen after deforestation?

After the elimination of any number of trees, the environment for animals, birds and insects changes locally. This also applies to plant life. are changing following characteristics territories:

  • The illumination changes. And it doesn't always have a positive effect. As a result of the abundance of sunlight, many plants that prefer shade die. The land dries out faster, which reduces its fertility.
  • The level of temperature fluctuations is increasing.
  • The amount of nitrogen in the soil increases as a result of the decomposition of the roots. This can have an adverse effect on plants as well as hinder the growth of new trees.

After active deforestation, there is an increase in wind, an increase in the number of storm events and other natural disasters.

Proper felling

The problem of forest conservation is related to the fact that they are cut down illegally. Together with fires, this leads to enormous losses. This is typical not only for Russia. There are regular reports that another illegally cut territory has been found in Latin American countries. This exacerbates the environmental problems that already exist in these states. For Russia, such situations are also typical.

In order for a natural renewal process to take place, deforestation must be carried out regularly. If timber harvesting is carried out for industrial purposes, then the cleaning of the territory must also be carried out competently. The problem is that individual trees do not meet the parameters of industrial harvesting. They are passed in the process of work, but subsequently they must be eliminated, like the debris left after felling.

There are a number of other reasons that lead to the need to eliminate forest areas:

  • expansion of the territory for the population and the construction of houses;
  • release of areas for crops and other agricultural work;
  • the need to carry out work for the extraction of minerals and the laying of communications and power networks.

Reasons for illegal logging

In order to obtain an official permit for felling, you must contact the authorities state power. They have to:

  • determine the place of cutting;
  • indicate the volume possible for cutting;
  • state the amount of the fee to be paid to an individual or organizations.

With a high probability, the area where it will be allowed to work has inconvenient access roads. Either the potential customer will not be satisfied with the wooded area.

Many lumberjacks don't want to do any paperwork. The introduction of a foam fee increases the cost of production significantly, which can make felled trees uncompetitive.

Additional factors for the spread of this phenomenon should be considered:

  • unemployment in the place where forests grow;
  • reduction in the number of persons controlling the forest area;
  • reducing control in the process of acquiring a tree, which allows you to buy illegally cut wood.

Types of deforestation

Depending on what purpose is pursued by logging, it is customary to distinguish several types of it:

  • Sanitary - such cutting solves environmental problems of eliminating diseased trees that have fallen during natural disasters, etc. The main task is to improve the forest.
  • The felling of the main use, in which the problem of harvesting the resources necessary for industry is solved. In Russia, it is most common.
  • Complex, designed, together with other types of work, to solve the problems of landscaping the territory or conducting communications.
  • Care - needed in order to free up space for the growth of trees valuable breeds. It must be carried out in a timely manner so as not to disturb the growing specimens.

In Russia, forestry experts are sounding the alarm about the fact that sanitary felling of trees is practically not carried out. The exception is trees in settlements and cities. As a result, the number of insects that kill trees has increased dramatically in the country. For Russia, this can have serious environmental impact, apart from the fact that bugs can devalue forests for the needs of industry.

How to preserve forest wealth?

To prevent deforestation from becoming a catastrophe for Russia and the world, it is necessary to create a whole range of measures. They belong to the legislative, executive and judicial branches. The most common ways to deal with destructive logging:

  • Establish areas where legal logging can take place.
  • Side control government agencies for the work being done in the forest.
  • Establishment of serious penalties for violation of the order of deforestation.
  • Imposition on duty industrial enterprise carrying out reforestation works.
  • Determination of the list of territories where tree felling is prohibited in order to preserve valuable and unique species.
  • Carrying out specialized training, which would make it possible to ensure the closure of vacancies for foresters in the future. For Russia, this is one of the urgent problems.
  • Determine how deforested areas should be marked in documents in order to control their further legal movement.
  • Creation of a control system on the roads in order to timely identify violations of the felling.

This is not a complete list of measures that can lead to a reduction in negative consequences. It depends on each person how successful the struggle for the conservation of forests will be. After all, improper behavior in nature, the absence of signals about illegal logging can lead to the elimination of significant forest areas. For action to be effective, states cooperate and share experiences. This makes it possible to improve the forest management system.

Trees and other vegetation are the key to maintaining the climate on Earth. In recent years, the issue of preserving forests on the planet has become particularly acute. For the number of green spaces and their condition in cities and other settlements monitored by the competent authorities.

Sanitary felling of trees on the site is possible only after agreement with the utility companies.

Sanitary felling

Trees, like other living organisms, are prone to disease, they age, become emergency. Spontaneous collapse of such a tree can lead to accidents and injuries, as well as the collapse of power lines, damage to cars and other property.

Regular felling of trees within the boundaries of settlements is necessary for:

  • timely removal of diseased, old or damaged plants that can harm people or property;
  • rejuvenation of the garden and arrangement of territories, as new plants will be planted in place of old trees;
  • construction work in the construction of new buildings, laying roads or communications.

All these activities must be carried out in accordance with applicable law after approvals.

For industrial purposes, wood is obtained by deforestation. This process should be controlled by the state. Recently, cases of illegal deforestation have become more frequent, in which case no one cares about preserving nature and reducing damage to the forest ecosystem.

As a result, irreparable damage is caused to nature:

  • after the destruction of the forest ecosystem, many species of animals and plants disappear;
  • a decrease in the varieties of representatives of the flora affects the quality of life of the population of the planet;
  • an increase in carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere leads to a greenhouse effect, resulting in global climate change;
  • there is a constant washing out of the soil, the destruction of the upper fertile layer, which leads to the formation of deserts;
  • high humidity on the soil provokes waterlogging of areas where trees were cut down;
  • the destruction of green spaces from the slopes of the mountains leads to the rapid melting of glaciers.

The negative consequences can be mitigated by planting new plants, as well as reducing the consumption of wood and paper products. Recycling paper also allows you to partially solve the problem of cutting down trees.

Deforestation can lead to sad consequences, look at the video:

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