How and where to improve your Russian language. Improving student literacy through new approaches to teaching spelling. Preparing for the dictation

Literacy in its most direct sense is a person’s ability to write correctly and structure his speech in accordance with the rules of his native language. Literacy can be innate or acquired.

If you write without errors, but at the same time cannot reproduce a single rule of the Russian language and do not voraciously read the classics, you have innate literacy. It is based on a sense of language at the genetic level.

Acquired literacy is the result of self-development and self-improvement, tireless work on oneself.

The path to literacy is a staircase with many steps

IN modern world Literacy is a calling card of a person. In its absence, it is impossible to get a good job. high paying job– HR managers monitor this nuance already at the stage of receiving an application or resume. It has been noticed that people who have correct speech, a rich vocabulary and the ability to write without errors achieve success in any chosen field. A literate person is a priori perceived as intellectually developed; he is respected more than others. But improving literacy is not a one-day affair. You will need patience and perseverance in this noble cause.

Literacy methods

First, determine what are your “weak” sides and what you would like to “improve”: spelling, punctuation, grammar, speaking skills. Self-analysis must be objective. Next, make up your own short plan and move towards your designated goal using the following literacy methods.

The first method is to read classical literature. Benefits of reading good books difficult to overestimate. Even if you have read all the literature provided for in the school curriculum at one time, there are still many new works that - believe me - will definitely interest you. It is possible that you will comprehend what you once read in a different way - thanks to the acquired life experience. While reading, you can feel the style of the work, the combination of words, and punctuation features. Your vocabulary will certainly expand. In addition, reading helps develop visual memory. But you need to read slowly, thoughtfully, comprehending each phrase. Pay special attention to complex words and long sentences with complex punctuation.

The second method is to arm yourself with dictionaries. This can be either a book or an electronic version. If you are in doubt about writing this or that word, or come across a new word whose meaning you did not know until now, do not be lazy to look in the dictionary. Over time, you will need it less and less.

The third method is to learn the rules of the Russian language. One rule per day is enough.

The fourth method is to listen to audiobooks. For the development of literacy, it is very useful to listen to correct “live” speech. Your auditory memory won't hurt you.

The fifth method is to write dictations. Start with simple text, increasing its complexity and volume over time.

The sixth method is to make it a rule to write correctly everywhere. Even in social networks, chats and forums - where it is considered normal to distort words, conveying only their meaning (“finally”, “what a thread”).

The seventh method is to try to make an audio or video recording of your speech. If you listen to yourself from the outside, it will be easier for you to understand what are the mistakes in your speech.

The eighth method is to develop literacy in a playful way. Feel free to get involved in crossword puzzles and computer games that help develop your intellectual abilities (anagrams, charades, puzzles and others).

The ninth method is to sign up for Russian language courses. The help of a professional has never hurt anyone.


  • Don't know how to improve your literacy? We'll tell you!

Learning to write without errors is not easy, because Russian is considered the most difficult language in the whole world. At the same time, such difficulties in studying open up great opportunities for the use of different techniques that decorate written and oral speech.

The first thing to start with is spelling. Anything containing various colorful metaphors with a lot of spelling errors will look frivolous. Quite often there are people with several higher educations who still make mistakes in the text. As a rule, the reason for this phenomenon is the lack of timely study of the Russian language. The basis for correct written speech was the absence of spelling errors.

In order to decorate your speech with beautiful metaphors, you need a lot. Only reading will allow you to unconsciously perceive and remember the basic, and in the future, special techniques in. You can study everything - periodicals, newspapers, magazines, modern and classic. In any of them you will get exactly what you need. And after a while, you will notice your own - understandable and literate language.

Saying it out loud will help you learn without making mistakes. This will significantly reduce spelling errors. This way you can control the logical integrity of the entire text.


Having set yourself the goal of learning, do not be lazy to look into the bookstore and buy educational software. For example, it would be a good idea to start with a book that summarizes all the rules that are in 5 through 9. This manual will contain most of the most basic rules of morphology, spelling, syntax, punctuation and other sections of grammar. After carefully working through such a textbook, you will solve many spelling issues for yourself.

If you spend an hour or two on the Internet every day, it will be useful, whenever you have doubts about the spelling of a particular word or phrase, to check yourself on the reference and information portal portal "GRAMOTA.RU" at On the main page you can check a word in several dictionaries at once, and in the “Help” section you can ask the portal specialists for an answer, or find a previously asked question on a topic that interests you.

When typing text in Word documents, in general, you can rely on the built-in spelling and punctuation check, however, you should be aware that the Microsoft office suite does not “know” all Russian words and rules. Therefore, check controversial words using dictionaries or the GRAMOTA.RU portal.

As soon as a child begins to learn to write his first letters, teachers at school, together with his parents, want to teach him to write without mistakes. But not all children are the same, and some find spelling easy, while others cannot cope with even the simplest words.


First of all, there is no need to refer to the fact that literacy is inherited. Literacy needs to be developed, and for this you need to try very hard.

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Very often, the reason for incorrect spelling in children is the fear of making a mistake. In this case, it is necessary to work more with the child so that he feels more confident and is not afraid of making mistakes.

Helpful advice

When teaching a child to write correctly and competently, it is recommended to advise him, to say to himself what he wants to write. In this case, auditory memory also comes into play.

Despite the fact that numerous methods of teaching competent written speech have been developed for secondary school students, literacy sometimes “lags” in quite diligent students. The ability to spell words correctly in writing depends, alas, not only on how conscientiously the student approaches the learning process. However, schoolchildren and their parents should not be upset - there is a way out.

You will need

  • -a selection of books that can interest a student;
  • - half an hour of free time daily to discuss what you have read with your child;
  • - the opportunity to observe the child’s progress in mastering competent written speech.


Choose fascinating children's and youth literature that would not seem boring to a school-age child, and at the same time would be written in a full-fledged, rich and varied manner. It is, of course, worth starting from how the literature teacher builds his educational policy, but in any case there should be a place for a small amount of “extracurricular” reading. Our goal is regularity, not a large number of a non-tiring text for every day.

Prepare your child for the fact that he will spend some time every day with a book, and not voluntarily, but certainly of his own free will - after all, how can one refuse such pleasure? Try to remember moments from your own biography when reading really gave you pleasure, and share your memories with your student. The main thing here is to prepare and create favorable conditions for daily entertaining reading; everything that follows will be a matter of technique.

Try from the very moment your child (nephew, student, ward) begins to deal daily with a small amount of interesting printed text, constantly monitor his spelling. Take an interest in current grades, get acquainted with his dictations, tested and evaluated by the teacher. Based on these data, try to draw conclusions about the progress and the benefits that reading brings to those you care about.

Try to experiment with genres and styles of works that you think should captivate the child. Although a more or less standard selection of classic works of literature is recommended for middle school age, your pet's tastes may simply be unpredictable. Since we are now talking not about aesthetic education, but about increasing the level of literacy, then to achieve the latter goal we can sacrifice some stereotypical pedagogical principles. In any case, if a child regularly spends at least some time with a book, there should be fewer errors in his notebooks.

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Helpful advice

Under no circumstances should you force your preferences on your child. fiction- your goal now is simply to get him ready for reading, whatever kind of reading it may be.

Remember that for the development of visual memory, it is systematic reading that is important, that is, you need to read a little every day.

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  • Students' spelling literacy

It is believed that a person can be called literate when he knows all the rules of the Russian language. However, often people who have never learned the rules write without errors, and those who diligently crammed Russian language textbooks at school turn out to be illiterate. To write correctly, you need to pay attention not only to the rules, but also to other ways to improve literacy.


Use dictionaries and reference books. Whenever you come across an unfamiliar expression, find its meaning and inquire about its origin. Use new ones as often as possible. But don’t get carried away - a large number of pompous, complex and incomprehensible expressions in speech will not make you. The goal of expanding your vocabulary is to learn to accurately select the most appropriate word for a given context. Precise words you're not sure of using dictionaries. Consult dictionaries to avoid repetitions.

Every time you need to write something, practice. Check and edit what you write carefully. Re-read the text several times, thinking about how accurately and expressed the idea is, whether it will be clear to the reader, how the same meaning can be formulated more clearly and concisely. Eliminate all unnecessary things from the text. Check the spelling of complex words in the dictionary, refer to the rules of punctuation if you are not sure about the placement of characters. Apply all these recommendations not only to texts from other people - emails, SMS or statements on forums, but also to your entries in your diary, diary, notes and assignments.

Read more. IN modern life a person pays little attention to books, preferring mass media. Classic fiction, scientific works and articles in magazines and newspapers will help improve literacy and enrich your vocabulary. Visual information trains memory, which improves spelling.

Helpful advice

If you do not have dictionaries, use electronic versions that can be found on the Internet.


  • How to improve your speech literacy

Written literacy is a unique business card person. If he writes with numerous spelling and grammatical errors, in many cases it will be difficult for him to apply for a prestigious, well-paid job. Therefore, improving writing literacy is a fairly urgent task for many people.


Knowledge of the rules is necessary, but not the only condition for competent written speech. A literate person may no longer remember the rules that he once learned - he just knows exactly how to write. To achieve such “innate” literacy, you need to read high-quality Russian literature. The correct construction of phrases, the spelling of words by the classics of Russian literature should be deposited in the mind, becoming a kind of template.

A remarkable example of Russian written speech is the work of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. If you don't have his books in your home library, download them electronic versions in one of the online libraries.

When reading Paustovsky’s books, listen to the sound of the classic’s speech. To its melodiousness, melody, rhythm. Correct written speech in poetry should flow smoothly, fluently, with pauses in the right places, emphasizing its rhythm. The correct rhythm of the text is the basis of competent written speech.

Start mastering the correct rhythm by writing simple phrases from several words, then combine these phrases. For example: “It was a fine day. A light breeze carried the scent of blooming acacia.” First, combine these phrases without a comma (this is incorrect): “It was a fine spring day; a light breeze carried the smell of blooming acacia.” According to the rules, you need to separate them with a comma, since each of them has a subject and . But if you just listen to the rhythm of the phrase, you will catch a pause in the place where it should be. By learning to feel the rhythm of phrases, you will be able to place punctuation marks correctly without thinking about the rules.

To master rhythm, listen to audiobooks. Listen to how the reader pronounces phrases and in what places he makes punctuation pauses. When you write your texts, listen to their sound and place them in places that logically follow from the rhythm of the sound.

Use training programs to improve your writing, they can be found on the Internet. Such programs allow you to test various aspects of literacy, and you can choose the difficulty. After working with such programs, you can significantly improve the quality of your written speech.

There are children who, from the very beginning of learning to write, make virtually no mistakes. Teachers praise them, and parents of less literate classmates set examples for their children and hope that their child will learn to write as well and correctly as excellent student Tanya. Meanwhile, the example of a desk neighbor alone is not enough here. Develop your linguistic sense baby It is possible, but this will require a set of measures.

You will need

  • - books;
  • - a computer with a text editor;
  • - social network account;
  • - “Scrabble” and other games with letters;
  • - a collection of outdoor games for attention;
  • - printed board games;
  • - foreign language teacher.


Develop phonemic awareness baby. If you haven’t made sound models of words before school, it’s time to do it. Explain to him what sounds exist and how they are indicated in writing. Not all words are written the way they are heard, and the child must learn this difference.

If there are no speech impairments, but there is obvious inattention, try to rid your child of this shortcoming. There are many games for attention, and you can play them at any time, including while walking. Choose ones that require each participant to clearly complete the task. These can be classics, when you need to strictly follow the sequence of movements, exercises with a skipping rope, with a ball. Don't neglect verbal and board and printed games, when you need to accurately count, for example, the number of steps or name a city starting with the same letter as the name of the previous one. Purchased or homemade games with letters like “Make a Word” or “Scrabble.” The child understands the task, and he will involuntarily strive to form words correctly.

Try to include baby to reading. Not all children love books, but in this situation a computer or e-book reader can be very helpful. Many modern children are more willing to perceive text from a screen than from paper pages. Moreover, the desired work can often be found on the Internet rather than in the library. If you follow the rules of hygiene, then there is no harm to your eyesight baby the computer will not harm.

Your thoughts, a chronicle of events or a description of something. Try to bring the reader up to date and answer the question: what is the article talking about. The conclusion sums up what was stated in the article.

Word games

So that time in line, on the road or during any other waiting process is not wasted, but is as interesting and useful as possible, you can play with words. This could include rhyming, playing city games, asking them to name words that start with certain syllables, or making sentences in which each word begins with a specific letter of the alphabet.


Many children's magazines have a variety of crossword puzzles for children. different ages. There is no need to neglect them, since crosswords are great for training the brain and helping to improve your speech.

Communication with parents

Children learn to speak with the help of their parents, so parental speech should always be as literate as possible. If a child makes mistakes, you need to correct him with a response sentence.

Word games on paper

New words and rules must be memorized not only auditorily, but also visually. Best suited for this word games using letters written or printed on paper. For example, gallows, “Field of Miracles”, making short words from one big one, snake - writing a long chain of words, each word of which will begin with the last letter of the previous one.

Posters and placards on the wall

When learning to read, a child should regularly pay attention to letters so that they are better remembered. And along with the letters, new words will be memorized, which will lead to an increase in vocabulary. On the walls you can hang various posters and banners that have images and captions for them. Topics can be very different - from flowers and animals to modes of transport and geometric companies. Such posters will be an ideal assistant for matching the visual image with the word.


Every child should have a spelling dictionary. In addition to professional ones, you need to create your own dictionary, which will contain the most difficult words that most often cause difficulties. As soon as you have accumulated a few words (5-10-15), you can make crossword puzzles out of them, write short dictations, or play “find the mistake.”

Parents must remember that such exercises with the child should take place in the form of games in a favorable environment, and not turn into a painful and unloved activity that discourages the desire to learn.

There are a number of ways to achieve literacy. These include working with dictionaries, memorizing the basic rules of the Russian language, which, in general, are contained in school textbooks, writing dictations, reading works of art etc. It will be very useful to use several methods. And the main thing here is systematicity and purposefulness.

Working with dictionaries

In your home library you must have at least one explanatory and spelling dictionary. The most popular and useful are explanatory dictionaries edited by Ushakov and Ozhegov. Every day you need to review and memorize the spelling and meaning of at least five to six words. Particular attention should be paid to the placement of stress. This will allow you not only to accurately write down new words, but also to pronounce them correctly, and will also significantly expand your vocabulary. Even if you think that you have a fairly rich vocabulary, there will always be interesting and unfamiliar words, since the language is constantly developing, replenished with new vocabulary, some words become archaic, disappear from everyday speech, being used only in.

Russian language rules

It would not be amiss to remember what you have studied in the Russian language. There are quite a lot of them. The presence of such a multitude of rules is associated primarily with language reforms, with the formation of a language on the foundation of pre-existing dialects. These phenomena have given rise to exceptions to these rules, which should also not be overlooked. Moreover, there is an exception to almost every rule. In this regard, the Russian language is quite difficult for foreigners to learn.

Home dictations

Writing down dictation texts every day after a certain time will undoubtedly yield results. This is a method that has been proven over the years for memorizing the spelling of hitherto unfamiliar words, placing punctuation marks, and constructing sentences. It has been used since time immemorial. However greatest success This is achieved by those who have more developed memory associated with motor skills and sound perception. Systematicity plays a big role here. Half an hour of practice a day is enough to start writing more competently within a couple of months.

Reading literature

No less useful in this case will be reading fiction. The classics are preferable, since it is there that all the beauty and splendor of the Russian language will be revealed to you. All kinds of metaphors, allegories and other artistic techniques used by the authors make the language special and unique. Where else can you find such an abundance of vocabulary! It is in the literature that all possible ways construction of sentences, the influence of emotions on the punctuation marks. At the same time, reading should become a good habit.

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Tip 18: How to improve your writing skills yourself

With the growing availability of the Internet, communication opportunities in this truly worldwide network. It's so great to chat with different people, learn something new, do business. However, it is very important to communicate correctly. How can you independently improve your literacy level and expand your vocabulary?

Even if you did poorly at school and have a weak “3” in the Russian language on your certificate (which, most often, corresponds to an objective assessment of “2”), as an adult you can significantly improve your writing literacy and learn to express your thoughts in an original, interesting way.


Start with the works of great writers - learn from them, look for original expressions, rare words. Force yourself to read at least a story (a short story or chapter of a novel) a day. If you don't know the meaning of some words, be sure to look them up in a dictionary.

Helpful advice: a person who reads a lot quickly begins to write more competently, however, in order to further speed up this process, read long and complex words several times, slowly, preferably out loud.

I want to draw the reader's attention to the following problem: in books published after 2000, there are much more errors than in Soviet ones. Try to choose books published before 1980-90.


Of course, you won’t be able to learn to write correctly without practice. Divide your “writing” into several stages. Start with texts, then start giving yourself dictations (ask for help from relatives, friends, or write from audio recordings of books). After the number of errors made in the texts has been significantly reduced, move on to presentations (pay attention not only to literacy, but also to the logic of the presentation of information, the artistic merits of your text). Remember that the complexity of the texts you work with should gradually increase.

Helpful advice: perfect option at the stage of written training - find an assistant who will keep you company, dictate, and check your texts. The opposite situation is also useful - checking someone else's dictation or presentation.

After practicing on other people’s texts, move on to creating your own. Start, for example, keeping a diary, writing

”, designed to remind us of the existence of spelling and punctuation. On this occasion, in the new issue of the educational column “New Knowledge”, we, together with experts, figure out whether innate literacy exists and how to develop it if you were unlucky from birth.

What is literacy? In my opinion, this story is not only about -tsya/-tsya
and no commas. This includes the expressiveness of speech: appropriate style, understandable vocabulary, the ability to see the second (metaphorical) meaning of the text, to work with words as a tool, to convey emotion and attitude. Literacy is a sign of education and a marker that determines professional and social activities person.

But the degree of “innateness” directly depends on the love of literature and reading skills. To become literate, it is enough to be well-read: read a lot, and most importantly, systematically, expand your vocabulary. Then together
With interest in the content, visual memory also works.

No one will become literate because they know all the rules and read nothing but textbooks. Even sophisticated training techniques will not help here.
People write an “application” for a job not because “there is an unstressed vowel in the root, we are looking for test words,” but because they have seen this word hundreds of times on forms and written it more than once. The cause of the problem is the unnatural system of teaching literacy. It is difficult and boring for children and only causes them to be rejected.

Of course, rules are also needed to understand the logic of spelling, but the methodology for mastering them must be fundamentally different. For this, including mnemonic rhymes. How to remember correct accent in the declension of the word "contracts"? They came up with a verse: "We are not crooks, not thieves, we signed contracts." For an adult, this is more than enough.

Since we mostly work with the corporate sector, I see big problem not in spelling with punctuation, but in the inability to formulate thoughts, determine the appropriate style of communication, write in a living, human language, while remaining within the ethical standards of a particular environment. Typical mistakes a lot, and they concern not only spelling and punctuation, but also stylistics, the meaning of the words used and even the inappropriate use of capslock: “Good day”, “With the hope of understanding
and quick response”, “contracts”, “quarters”, “push”, “fuck” and so on.

People everywhere consider speaking and writing without errors a sign of education. At the same time, everyone is tolerant to varying degrees. Some people believe that the main thing is to convey the idea, then other mistakes can be forgiven. Others are sure that excessive emotionality, long letters and careless design are a clear sign of either disrespect or ignorance.

What to read

Marina Koroleva

"Purely in Russian"

Almost a real textbook, only written accessible language. Journalist and philologist Marina Koroleva analyzes the words and expressions in which we most often make mistakes. She accompanies the rules with amusing stories from life so that they can be remembered faster and easier.

Nora Gal

"The Word is Living and Dead"

A book that has made a significant contribution to the struggle for the purity of the Russian language. Translator and editor Nora Gal analyzes the writing and speech mistakes that we make without even thinking. Suitable for those who think they are right.

What to read and watch online

Preparing for the dictation

You can quickly fill in knowledge gaps on the Total Dictation website. In six video lessons, you are asked to remember the rules of punctuation when homogeneous members And introductory words; rules for writing roots and prefixes, particles “not” with adjectives, as well as other points on which participants most often stumble. To reinforce the material, there are several short assignments after each lesson.

"10 myths about the Russian language"

Series of materials “Vocabulary”

Monthly columns by the popularizer of the Russian language, Ksenia Turkova, in which she analyzes important phenomena and popular memes from the point of view of lexicology. For example, in the latest issues you can find out how to spell the word “kipezh”, as well as about the appearance of “kadyring” and the phenomenon of the word “Charlie”.

Lecture by Irina Levontina
"Norm and Selectivity"

Another opportunity to improve your Russian is accessible lectures from specialists on the intricacies of the language. At this meeting, linguist Irina Levontina talks about how differently people perceive words, how they change language norms and why the words “icicle”, “eat” or many diminutive forms are so annoying.

Where to study in Moscow


"Sustainable Literacy"

A full course of 12 lessons that will help students improve their spelling and punctuation skills. The program includes two levels of difficulty depending on the results of the entrance test. Participants study using textbooks and workbooks developed specifically for the program, and take classes two or three times a week -
in general, everything is serious.

educational center "Intensive"


24,000 rubles


"Russian without mistakes"

Training in "Specialist" in to a greater extent is devoted to problematic issues in Russian grammar: the use of punctuation marks, continuous and separate writing words, construction of phrases and sentences, errors in control and gender of nouns. They promise to teach listeners not only competent written speech, but also oral language.

computer training center "Specialist"


3,900 rubles


"Ambulance in Russian"

For those who didn’t like Russian at school and are still not sure of the correct spelling -tsya and -tsya, there is an intensive course at the Capable People school. In six hours, they promise to refresh your knowledge and go through the most difficult cases of Russian grammar.

Capable People school

5,000 rubles per lesson


"Russian literacy"

Another solid program for those who have decided to take their literacy seriously. In two months they promise to cover almost the entire school curriculum on spelling and punctuation, while at the same time developing the students' linguistic sense.

network of schools foreign languages Alibra

1,600 rubles per lesson

Literacy has always been considered an essential quality of an educated person who occupies a worthy place in society. Development modern technologies, the advent of social networks and mass online communication for many modern children and adults has become an excuse for illiterate written speech. However, it is a mistake to believe that the ability to competently present your point of view orally or in writing is a useless skill that can be neglected.

Mistakes in filling out business paperwork, writing reports, or communicating with clients via email or regular mail can cause significant damage to your reputation as a professional. In everyday life, at any moment the need may arise to drop a few lines to relatives, friends or neighbors, and no adult would want to blush for annoying mistakes in words and punctuation marks.

If you have problems with spelling, punctuation or vocabulary, there is no need to lose heart. At any age, it’s not too late to learn to write without errors and work on your literacy; the main thing is to approach the problem seriously and regularly improve your skills.

Simultaneously with spelling successful man must keep the intellectual functions of the brain in good shape. The brain fitness resource BrainApps will help him with this, classes in which involve daily individual training. Even the busiest person can find 15 minutes a day to improve their own intelligence.

How to become literate in Russian

There is a common misconception that literacy is one of the innate qualities of a person, that is, the ability to write and speak correctly to one degree or another is inherent in every person from birth. Some schoolchildren and adults refuse to work on spelling after several failures and believe that they simply do not have the innate skills for beautiful and correct written speech.

However, absolutely anyone who has no deviations from a medical point of view can become literate. And although literacy is accessible to everyone, disappointing statistics in recent years show a decline in its level among children and adolescents. The causes of this unpleasant phenomenon are considered to be:

  • Decreased interest in reading fiction. Lovers of reading are much less likely to write with errors, but modern child usually prefers playing on a computer or smartphone to a collection of fairy tales or short stories;
  • Massive communication on social networks. Online correspondence rarely involves observing all the rules of spelling and punctuation, since each of the interlocutors strives to express their opinion as quickly as possible and is simultaneously engaged in other matters;
  • Lack of parental interest. Many parents do not pay enough attention to their child’s literacy development, believing that completing school assignments is more than enough. But school performance is influenced by many factors, and the example of a mother or father who regularly read books and always writes without errors is much more effective. Therefore, before finding out how a child can learn to write without errors, you should work on your own level of literacy;

Writing texts without errors and correct speech provide many benefits at any age. You will always be able to make a good impression on your interlocutor, colleague or manager, easily complete any document and be able to help your child with his homework. All that remains is to find out exactly how to become literate in the Russian language.<>and how long it will take. Ideally, due attention should be given to correct writing from school days or even from preschool age. But if this moment is missed, then regular independent studies will come to the rescue, which do not require huge financial investments, but do require discipline and systematicity.

There is no magic method that will make you forget about misspelled words and incorrect punctuation in two weeks. Only self-education and long-term painstaking work on yourself will give the desired result, which will stay with you for life.

9 working ways to learn to write correctly

There are several truly effective ways to teach yourself to write competently. To write without errors you can:

  1. Read regularly. It is with reading that correct, beautiful oral and written speech begins. Visual memory plays a big role in spelling, and you will gradually be able to remember how to spell a particular word correctly. For reading to be beneficial, you should be selective in your choice of literature. Domestic classical works are best suited for working on improving literacy. Don’t think that classics are necessarily boring and drawn-out; everyone can choose a genre to their liking and enjoy reading. You need to read every day for at least an hour, thoughtfully and in a calm atmosphere. Soon you will notice that your speech has become richer, more figurative, and there are fewer errors in your words.
  2. Learn the basics. In addition to fiction, pay attention to working with reference books and textbooks of the Russian language. This is one of the most effective ways How to learn to write without errors and construct sentences correctly. Remember the rules and be sure to reinforce the theory by completing practical tasks.
  3. Purchase and regularly use a dictionary. Every time you don’t know how to exactly spell a particular word, look in a spelling dictionary. Formation of this useful habit It will help you get rid of mistakes quickly enough, so keep the dictionary on your desktop or other visible place so that it is always at hand;
  4. Write from dictation. Ask relatives or friends to dictate texts from a collection of dictations to you several times a week, this way you can quickly identify gaps in your knowledge and direct your independent studies in the right direction.
  5. Work on mistakes. Feel free to write down in a separate notebook the words that are most difficult for you and re-read them every day. This is an excellent visual memory training that will allow you to write even the most tricky words and phrases correctly over time.
  6. Improve memory. To do this, you can learn your favorite poems or passages of prose by heart. This method will also improve your oral speech, and repeating learned material out loud will train your diction skills. If memorizing does not suit you, then simply rewrite the texts, paying special attention to complex words and sentences;
  7. Find friends with similar interests. Nobody wants to write with errors, it annoys any person and many would like to improve the quality of their writing. Classes in pairs or groups are more disciplined, and you will also be able to help each other and test your assimilation of new knowledge.
  8. Contact a professional. Not only schoolchildren may need a Russian language tutor before taking exams. Several full-fledged lessons with a specialist will allow you to fill in the main gaps and develop a further plan for self-education.
  9. Apply knowledge in practice. Write notes and reminders to yourself, write out quotes you like from books, write regular paper letters to friends or relatives instead of email, sign and give postcards. Such little things will always keep you on your toes and force you to focus on the rules of spelling and punctuation;

If you systematically use these simple ways to learn how to write without errors on your own, you will soon notice positive changes. However, maintaining literacy at the proper level is necessary throughout your life, so all of the above recommendations are relevant for any person who is actively involved in self-development.

How to learn to write without mistakes from childhood

Some children learn to spell much more easily than others their age. To understand how such children learned to write correctly, it is necessary first of all to pay attention not to their school performance, but to classes with their parents at home. A child can be gradually taught to read from the age of three, and for this it is not necessary to force the baby to intensively memorize letters and syllables. First you need to arouse interest in fascinating world literature, read fairy tales and children's stories every day.

Reading and writing need to be developed in parallel, in a playful form accessible to the child. With school-age children, it is imperative to work on mistakes and additionally explain incomprehensible or difficult points. Parents who shift all responsibility for their child’s literacy to teachers are unlikely to be satisfied with the outcome of their child’s education. Therefore, you should know how a child can learn to write without errors and actively help him, overcoming learning difficulties together.

Children usually have a hard time remembering many rules of grammar and punctuation, so together with spelling it is recommended to develop memory and attentiveness. For this purpose, there is a resource called BrainApps, whose games are suitable for both adults and children.

The Russian language, as well as speech culture, are one of the main subjects in school programs. However, knowledge is not always acquired by students properly, and even more often it is simply lost over the subsequent years of life. Meanwhile, knowing the Russian language and being able to not only express yourself correctly, but also write correctly is very important. It’s funny and sad when you hear TV presenters or politicians talking about some kind of nonsense, pronouncing words completely incorrectly, or when you read seemingly serious and useful articles in newspapers, magazines or the Internet, but you see that the words in them are written haphazardly , for example, instead of “obvious” they write “on the face”, instead of “to mom” they write “to mom”, instead of “bad weather” they write “bad weather”, etc. But, in fact, it doesn’t matter what goals and objectives you set for yourself, you need to know the Russian language, if only for the simple reason that by doing so you express respect for your native speech and culture, show respect for yourself and the people around you .

And today we will talk about how an adult can do this. But before describing the ten ways we have prepared for you to close knowledge gaps, we would like to point out one extremely important point.

In fact, improving your literacy is quite simple, but you should understand that you won’t be able to do this in a week or two. At best, this process can take you several months, or even years. Therefore, having decided that you really want to properly master your native language, make sure that books such as a grammar reference book and a dictionary of the Russian language become your faithful companions. It is not necessary, of course, to always have them with you (although you can download them to your tablet, laptop or smartphone), but you should definitely make them your desktop aids.

And if suddenly in some situation you experience difficulty, for example, you are not sure exactly how to spell a word or what it means, do not neglect to use a dictionary. Likewise, when you learn a new term, take a moment to figure it out. precise definition. By doing this, you will always improve your literacy and expand your vocabulary.

So, if you're ready, here are ways to close your Russian language literacy gaps.

10 Ways to Close Literacy Gaps

Each of the presented methods is interesting in its own way. You can use them either individually or in combination. By the way, if you give preference to the second option, your successes will be more impressive, and the process itself will go much faster.

Method one - read

Reading is perhaps the best and the right way improving literacy in the Russian language. But given the fact that many people are used to being intellectually lazy, they get most of their information by listening to the radio, watching news, thematic programs, movies, and so on. This, of course, is good, but, unfortunately, it does not make it more competent (in the literal sense of the word). Reading will help you to increase the level of knowledge of your native language and improve spelling.

The fact is that books contain an incredible number of words. And while reading, a person receives several advantages at once: firstly, his vocabulary expands, secondly, the skill of combining and combining lexical units develops, and, thirdly, when reading, the brain visually fixes the correct spelling of various terms and concepts, thanks to which reduces the number of spelling errors in the letter (by the way, if you read ours, you can pass a small spelling test). And another significant advantage of reading is broadening your horizons.

The second way is to write

While reading sessions are extremely helpful, spelling in particular can be improved by writing more. Spend at least 30 minutes every day on this, and very soon you will notice that you have gained confidence when writing various words. In addition, this allows you to study all sorts of subtleties of punctuation. But, of course, this method will only work if you always check what you write (the correct spelling of words and punctuation marks).

If you are concerned about the question of what exactly to write, then absolutely everything will do here. You can write a short story from your life, describe your day, or briefly summarize the content of your favorite movie. Keeping a journal is also helpful. By the way, if for some reason you don’t want to write with a pen on paper, use a text editor on your computer. If you wish, you can even set the goal of starting your own blog on the Internet at interesting topic(and if you like it, over time you can make it one of your sources of income or even your main one).

Method three - check and eliminate doubts

Good ways to learn Russian are not only reading and writing, but also constantly testing yourself and clearing your doubts. You are probably familiar with the situation when you write something or even just talk about something, and you have doubts that you wrote or pronounced it correctly (this also includes the question of the semantic correctness of the use of terms and concepts).

So: such situations should not be considered something out of the ordinary; everyone faces them. But the question is what will you do about it. We recommend that you spare no time and devote it to finding answers and eliminating doubts. Look online or open a dictionary to make sure you haven't made a mistake. By the way, it is precisely such cases that allow you to remember information best, because even a slight uncertainty about something is always microstress, accompanied by an emotional reaction. And, as you know, what evokes emotions in a person is remembered for a long time. Thus, by eliminating doubts, you will internalize the lessons learned for life.

Method four - use online services

Today, almost every person has access to the Internet, and if ten years ago it could be called a curiosity, now having a tablet, smartphone or laptop at hand has become as natural as brushing your teeth in the morning. In addition, access points to the World Wide Web are now available in many public places and institutions.

Firstly, you can find specialized Russian language courses on the Internet. These include 4brain, as well as materials from such platforms as “Universarium”, “Intuit”, “Lectorium”, “PostNauka”, “Lectorium” and others (you can read more about them). And secondly, there are many “lightweight” services where it is possible, for example, to simply enter a word and find out its spelling or meaning. Also, such resources often offer checking for grammar, punctuation, etc.

Therefore, when any difficulties arise, feel free to contact sites such as,,,, and others. These are, of course, not Russian language lessons, but still good ways studying.

Method five – install the “Word of the Day” application

The Word of the Day application is a very simple and at the same time effective tool for expanding your vocabulary. By the way, Igor Mann wrote about him very well in his book “”. The application is completely easy to install on your computer or gadget - here it is.

Once you install it, your vocabulary will increase by one word daily. Someone may say that there is nothing special about this, but it would be wrong. The fact is that every day we all communicate, using for the most part only words we know, and we learn new ones only by chance. Therefore, “Word of the Day” will be a good alternative to these “accidents”.

And if you make simple mathematical calculations, then in a year you will learn 365 new words, in two years - 730, in five years - 1825, etc. Agree, not a bad result? Thus, after even one month, you will notice that your speech has become richer and your writing style more perfect. Plus, looking at the word displayed on the screen, even if you know it well, you will memorize its spelling.

Method six - learn the rules

If Russian language lessons are a stage you have already passed, and, for example, a tutor is irrelevant for some reason, but you need to improve your literacy, learn the rules yourself. Ideally, this method involves learning one rule every day. But if you take into account the fact that, most likely, you have a job, hobbies, family affairs, and so on, and the rules need not only to be memorized, but also to be learned, you can spend two or three days studying one thing.

You can, for example, learn today, practice a little, and tomorrow repeat the rule and practice again. And the day after tomorrow - perform several exercises without repeating the rule.

If such ways of learning the rules of the Russian language become an integral part of your life, over time you will master this subject perfectly. And if you have nowhere to hurry, do it calmly, because even a slowly walking one will reach his goal, while crowds of onlookers will stand and watch. And you can learn and study these very rules with the help of all the same textbooks, collections of rules and online services.

Method Seven - Reread and Edit

This method is very suitable for those who, for some reason, have to or simply like to communicate with friends, family, colleagues or partners through special programs like Skype, ICQ, QIP, Viber, WhatsUp or even on social networks like VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. It sounds somewhat unusual, but even from such communication you can benefit from improving your literacy.

While most people prefer to express themselves using “pasibka”, “mne lira”, “sps”, “priva” and “dosvidos”, we advise you to approach the process of online communication consciously. Just write competent and correct messages. As soon as you have written something, do not rush to press Enter, but re-read what you have written, correct errors, add the appropriate punctuation marks and only then send.

It may take you a little more time, but you will learn to write correctly. And if you dig a little deeper, the newfangled abbreviations so beloved by many simply worsen the culture of speech, reduce brain activity, and have a detrimental effect on attentiveness, concentration and the development of thinking in general.

Method eight – study with a tutor

Tutoring is one of the the best ways improving literacy in any subject, including the Russian language. A competent tutor always uses an individual approach to teaching, taking into account the characteristics of his student and his existing knowledge and skills. If something is not clear, he will explain it clearly, help eliminate gaps and deal with difficulties. Among other things, a professional specialist can significantly speed up the educational process.

Note that you can hire a tutor at any age, and there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, if a tutor helps you, it means that you are interested in receiving new information, correcting mistakes, and, ultimately, your education. For this reason, if you do not want to engage in self-study, feel free to hire a personal teacher and study with him.

But still, we note that such classes can hit your pocket, because the services of qualified teachers are not cheap. And if you work with unqualified specialists, it may end up wasting money. However, if the issue of costs does not bother you much, finding a professional will not be difficult.

Method nine – Russian language course from 4BRAIN

Separately about our Russian language course. If we consider different ways studying the subject, it occupies far from the last or even ninth (as in this article) place among them. It was compiled professionally - the best teaching materials and the experience of our colleagues were used in its creation. And we approached its preparation with all seriousness and the desire to create truly useful, concentrated material.

The course includes trial testing, which allows you to identify problem areas in your knowledge of the Russian language, an individual training schedule that allows you to optimally distribute time and workload, many daily short lessons and various ways intermediate control of material assimilation. In total, the program allows you to improve your Russian language quite well in just three weeks.

The Russian language course from 4BRAIN is designed for people aged 10-12 years old who are familiar with the basic rules, but are experiencing certain difficulties. To learn more about the course and get more information, go to. We will be happy to offer you a comprehensive and adaptive training program.

Method ten - other options

In conclusion, let's say a few words about other options for eliminating problems with the Russian language. Among them are such ways of studying and testing knowledge as solving crosswords and scanwords - this allows you not only to learn new words, but also to remember their spelling. This also includes all kinds of tests, rebuses, puzzles and anagrams that develop cognitive and intellectual abilities.

And if you want to combine business with pleasure, you need to watch more documentaries, speeches by speakers and public people. This way you can learn to speak correctly, learn new words and notice the mistakes that others make.

Remember that it doesn’t matter which ways of learning Russian you like best: a tutor and private lessons, online classes, reading or anything else, the most important thing is to work on yourself and strive to improve your results. We wish you success and unwavering motivation in this endeavor!

The problem of deep and lasting knowledge of students is always relevant for schools. Its successful solution is determined, in particular, by the level of orthographic preparation of schoolchildren. However, it is no secret that the decrease in the level speech culture our society has a negative impact on the quality of students' writing. Therefore, improving spelling literacy is one of the main tasks facing language teachers.

What to do if time passes, and the child continues to make mistakes in well-known words, although the rules have long been learned by heart, dozens of dictations have been written and all the exercises have been done from a school textbook?

One of the first directions in my work when teaching the Russian language is the formation of strong skills of literate writing. And since any skill, including spelling, is formed in activity and is the result of repeated actions, in the method of teaching spelling, I pay serious attention to studying the patterns of such activities, as well as finding ways and means to increase the effectiveness of teaching spelling, taking into account these patterns.

The main goal of modern education is determined by - achievement by the student of a level sufficient to ensure his self-realization and guaranteeing progress in the development and forward movement of modern society.

The implementation of this goal is possible through the solution of three main tasks:

- achieving a level of education corresponding to the potential of the student and providing further development his personality and the possibility of continuing education, including through self-education.

Formation for each student experience of creative, socially significant activity in the realization of their abilities.

Student accumulation experience of communication and interaction based on humanistic relationships.

The level of education (education) is understood as - the quality of a person, which is determined by the ability to solve the problems of cognitive, value-oriented, communicative and transformative activities, based on the mastered social experience.

The basis of any level of education is, first of all, LITERACY. In this case:

literacy is the level of education, characterized by the ability to use the main methods of cognitive activity, through the perception and textual transmission of linguistic information.

Literate writing involves the ability to find, recognize the phenomena of the language on the basis of the so-called spelling skill, which helps the writer to stop, think, check himself when necessary.

Unfortunately, not all teachers realize the meaning of this. Therefore, the most common reason for low spelling literacy of students is the lack of formation of spelling skills. Spelling skill is a complex skill. It is created during long exercises and is based on simpler skills and abilities, such as:

1) writing skill;

2) the ability to analyze a word from the phonetic side;

3) ability to install morphemic composition words and isolate from the word a spelling pattern that requires checking;

4) the ability to match the spelling to the corresponding rule.

Even in the first years of working at school, in individual consultations, I recommended to the children thoughtful daily reading aloud and rewriting paragraphs followed by self-test. I do not refuse these forms of individual work even now. In the first stages of working in the 5th grade, I pay a lot of attention to playful, entertaining forms of work. It is necessary to awaken interest and self-confidence in every student. One of the most important skills that fifth graders must master is the ability to justify the correct spelling of words and punctuation marks. And to do this, you need to learn to see the identifying features of the spelling and the conditions for choosing the spelling. From playing with words, I gradually move on to the graphic designation of spelling patterns. Various types of work help to develop this skill: spelling, vocabulary, explanatory, selective, distributive dictations, the use of signal cards, didactic games, algorithms, etc.

There are a great many tables - summary rules, reference materials, all kinds of “tips”, various manuals on the Russian language. But how can a student navigate them? How to teach every student to accurately apply the rules of the Russian language? IN last years Algorithms are firmly integrated into teacher practice. As a rule, students come to the 5th grade with different levels of preparation in all subjects, and in particular in the Russian language. My task is to catch up with those who are lagging behind and give an impetus to improve the level of literacy for those students who see themselves in the future as a person of high social status. Algorithms help significantly increase the literacy level of children striving for this.

What is an algorithm? In the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary we read: “An algorithm is a method (program) for solving computational and other problems that precisely prescribes how and in what sequence to obtain a result that is uniquely determined by the initial data.” To put it simply, an algorithm in a Russian language lesson is a method of action (a detailed instruction, a diagram) indicating what and in what sequence the student should do in order to apply this or that rule. For example, you often encounter students’ inability to determine the declension of a noun and the conjugation of a verb. Algorithms are very helpful.

There are very simple algorithms that include 1 - 2 steps, but they also discipline the work of the student's thought. For example, many schoolchildren do not immediately learn how to determine whether a complex or simple sentence is given to them. Algorithm helps

There are algorithms that contain 3-4 “steps” that allow you to get to the solution of a given problem. This may seem too cumbersome to some, but the result of using such algorithms exceeds all expectations: errors almost completely disappear.

How to introduce an algorithm in class? Of course, after familiarizing yourself with the rule. The first way: give the complete algorithm in its entirety. The second way: gradually, step by step. The third way: through leading questions, lead students to compose an algorithm. I prefer the latter, because it allows the development of logical thinking, forces the student to think, and not receive a finished product of the teacher’s activity.

After introducing the algorithm, it is necessary to reinforce it by repeating the actions multiple times. Here everything depends on the teacher’s imagination, on the methods of his work to consolidate the topic. First, of course, oral work (frontal and individual), then written exercises (commenting, selective dictation, selective distribution work, etc.).

To write without errors,

  • read syllable by syllable;
  • find the spelling;
  • explain the choice of letters;
  • fix the mistakes

It is important that students learn to perform logical operations proposed by the algorithm, so that they can see in a word or sentence the place where the rule needs to be applied. How to ensure that the spelling is visible and not confused with another?

Students must learn to use an algorithm for solving a spelling problem:

1. determine the place where the spelling problem arose;

2.which group of rules does this spelling belong to; which part of the word is the spelling;

4.set which letter needs to be checked: vowel or consonant;

5. determine the stress in the word;

6. determine checkable or uncheckable spelling;

7.write the word according to the rule.

I will give several types of exercises to develop spelling vigilance.

Read the proverb: Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is with sheaves. Determine in which words the vowels should be checked or memorized.

“Pick up the letters”: Russian l:sa are beautiful! L:sa walked through the fluffy snow. Prove why words are pronounced the same but spelled differently.

I use various written works in my work:

Selective cheating;

Visual dictation;

Dictation "Guess the word" - the teacher gives an interpretation, the children write down the word itself (Often such dictations are made by the students themselves.);

- “silent” dictation - the teacher shows a drawing, the students write down the word;

Lexical dictation - children must give an interpretation to the dictated words;

The dictation "For a friend" (a dictionary dictation of 15-20 words prepared by students on a specific topic) helps to identify those who doubt the spelling of a particular spelling, a signal to the teacher that you need to continue working on this spelling;

Task "Explain the difference" - work with pairs of words similar in sound, but different in meaning (this helps to prevent errors in the use of these words caused by ignorance of their exact meaning);

Compiling phrases and sentences.

The next stage of vocabulary work is diagnostic vocabulary dictation. As a result of this work, the words that are most difficult for students are identified. We will work on them in subsequent lessons. And only after this is a control vocabulary dictation given.

As a rule, systematic work gives positive results: the number of good and excellent grades increases, and there are significantly fewer Fs.

Systematic, carefully planned and well-organized vocabulary work not only develops spelling vigilance and literacy, but also expands the vocabulary of students, develops speech, and also disciplines children, promoting stability of attention. And as a result - respect for the native language, increased interest in the subject.

When performing a dictation, during the writing process, I allow you to underline questionable letters.

The kids really love the game “Find the extra word.” For example, I offer students the following vocabulary dictation: village, notebook, Saturday, Moscow, vegetable garden, pencil, black, magpie.

To spell a word correctly, the student must recognize “the grammatical nature of the spelling and subsume it under the appropriate rule.” Most letter spellings have identifying features ( letters o-e after the hissing words at the root, -н- and -нн- in adjectives, spelling of prefixes in z, s and plural. etc.). Words with a root unstressed vowel have such obvious signs No. Therefore, about 30% of students are not able to isolate words with an unstressed vowel in the root from a number of words. The reason for such a low level of formation of the skill of seeing this spelling is probably that students do not visually feel the root, they single it out "in the already written word" and "single it out formally" (M. M. Razumovskaya), they do not associate this root with its real value. And when choosing test words, they pay attention only to the external similarity of the checked and test words, not taking into account the main thing: you need to highlight the root, based on its meaning.

Therefore, the main thing in the process of fixing the spelling of the checked vowels at the root should be the formation of two skills: 1) vision of the named spelling and 2) reliance on semantics.

I recommend using a simple technique, which, when used in the process of checking spelling, actively replenishes the schoolchildren’s vocabulary. This is the attraction of the maximum number of test words or words of the same root, among which those that are suitable for spell checking are then selected. Usually the teacher is satisfied that the child correctly named one test word. For example: garden - garden. If he turns to the class with a request to bring other test words (who is more?), then a whole nest of cognate vocabulary is collected: kindergarten, planting, estate, household, etc. In this case, related words are attracted, the semantic connections between them are realized, when It is necessary to interpret the meanings of some of them based on cognate words. The constant use of this accessible and effective technique forms in schoolchildren the habit of using cognate vocabulary, develops a sense of language, develops thinking, activates cognitive activity, and helps to include each child in collective work. This approach introduces elements of creativity into the educational process and creates motivation (This is why we learned to interpret words, analyze them according to their composition!).

One of the significant reasons for the low level of spelling literacy is that our children have stopped reading. Reading develops intelligence, speech, enriches vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, which is important for competent writing. In the process of reading, visual memorization of linguistic units is triggered, and this plays a huge role in the development of spelling skills. This means that the task of teachers and parents is to instill in younger schoolchildren a love of books, to form in them the need to read for their own pleasure, and not under duress. This, in my opinion, is another way to solve the problem of increasing the literacy level of students.

The problem of students' spelling literacy remains one of the central problems of teaching the Russian language. And the greatest attention here should be paid to the spelling of checked unstressed vowels in the root and words with unchecked spellings, since it is these spellings that, according to M. M. Razumovskaya, give a high (30 - 50% of the total) percentage of errors even in high school .

The use of the methods and forms described in this work allows you to reduce the number of errors in words with the specified spellings, and, consequently, increase the spelling literacy of students.

Of course, the work is not completed and requires further refinement, but the forms and methods described in it not only improve literacy, but also develop students’ speech, broaden their horizons, and awaken interest in the subject. I think that this work can be useful for novice teachers.

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