Bull-calf protected Borjomi. "Safe" root in the word and morphemic analysis by composition. "Saved" root in the word and morphemic analysis by composition

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"safe" root in the word and morphemic parsing composition

Parsing words by composition.

Conjugation of the word "careful":

Console: -

Root word: protect

Suffix: en

Word ending: y

Morphemic analysis of the word safe

Morphemic parsing of a word is usually called the parsing of a word by composition - this is the search and analysis of morphemes (parts of a word) included in a given word.

Morphemic parsing of the word safe is very simple. To do this, it is enough to follow all the rules and the order of parsing.

Let's do the morpheme parsing correctly, and for this we just go through 5 steps:

  • determining the part of speech of the word cherished is the first step;
  • the second - we highlight the ending: for changeable words we conjugate or decline, for unchangeable words (germs, adverbs, some nouns and adjectives, service parts of speech) - there are no endings;
  • Next, look for the base. This is the easiest part, because to determine the base, you just need to cut off the ending. This will be the basis of the word;
  • The next step is to search for the root of the word. We select related words for safe (they are also called single-rooted), then the root of the word will be obvious;
  • We find the rest of the morphemes for berezhenny by selecting other words that are formed in the same way as berezheny.

As you can see, morphemic parsing is done simply. Now let's define the main morphemes of the word safe and analyze it.

safe - root suffix ending and prefix in the word

Ending in the word safe

Ending. We find the ending in the word safe by changing the word (decline / conjugate). In this case, the ending is:

The root of the word (in the word) is safe

Root. It is easier to determine the root of a word if you can pick up cognates and related words. For the word cherished shore - the root of the word.

Prefix in the word careful

Console. We determine the prefix by selecting words that are also formed with this prefix. In this case, the prefix: -

1. In the roots of words

Cheap - cheap, chewed - chew, gutter - gutter, yellow - turn yellow, millstone - millstone, liver - liver, slap -

9 cheek, bee - bee, millet - millet, comb - comb, lattice - sieve, seedlings - fathom, accounting - take into account, bangs - forehead, boat - shuttle, black - blacken, stale - callous, devil - devils, dash - trait, tap dance - tap dance, whisper - whisper, dandy - flaunt, silk - silk.

I burned my hand.

He received a burn on his hand. Vanya burned out all the matches in the house. - With a potato there was a clear burnout. The perpetrator set fire to the house and fled. He is charged with setting fire to the house. I burned my trousers with coal from the fire. - The burn-through of trousers is very noticeable.

Seam - seamless; gooseberry - gooseberry; blinkers - saddler - saddlery - saddlery; ratchet - ratchet; clink - clink - clink; shock - shock; glutton - gluttonous; stiffness - stiff; slum - slum; ramrod - ramrod; thicket; rustle.

The jockey went to the circus arena. Jugglers performed on the embankment every evening. The policy of chauvinism is based on hatred and enmity towards other nations. My friend is a big fan of shocking the public. Mom bought two bars of dark chocolate. It is planned to build a new highway through the entire city. Scotch whiskey is valued all over the world. The bus driver looked in the rearview mirror with displeasure. 2.

In endings

A dugout, a rein, a garage, a soul, a watchtower, a reed, a tick, a ladle, a left-hander, a listing, a displacement, a scorcher, a dodger, a baby, a footage, installation, a page, a paralysis, a brocade, a cloak, a candle, sealing wax, circulation, a trumpeter, a tractor, fodder, hypocrite, drawing, siskin, hut, floor.

Barge, stock exchange, dacha, briefing, massage, mirage, burden, landscape, crying, selling, loss, cold, tonnage, cloud, young men. 3.

In suffixes

OK: borscht, debt, friend, bug, hook, meadow, peasant, cockerel, piglet, horn, chest, knot; 10

Onok: ​​camel, wolf cub, bear cub, mouse, shepherd;

Onk-a: piece of paper, little soul, nag, little book, little leg, clothes, little river, little hand, shirt, little dog, old woman.

Veche, clothing, penny, pear, horse-drawn, hedgehog, ruff, reed, bucket, key, kumach, boundary, walrus, knife, brocade, shoulder, ivy, twill, guard, canvas.

No. 38. Orally.

Your Spitz is a lovely Spitz, nothing more than a thimble. I stroked all of it. Like silk wool. I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon. I pity his cold, callous heart. The whisper turned into a connected speech. Biryuk silently took the horse by the bangs with his left hand. He became, as the doctors said, bilious fever. Theme clung to the crack of the gate and enviously watched the frisky crowd of guys. Zholkli leaves on the trees, meeting autumn. A cautious rustle was heard in the passage. But the guest also refused to scratch his heels. The teacher comes out, chewing some kind of cake. A chewed flax jacket hung from his shoulders. Rockets take off, today for some reason they are yellow. He danced, as he sang, passionately: a frenzied tap dance was replaced by a whirlwind of squatting. He, you see, is the same driver as your daddy. A good millstone will sweep away everything.

The squirrel sings a song, gnaws on a golden nut, takes out an emerald and lowers it into a bag. I just broke the pie and took a bite. The roadman sat down nimbly on the beam. Leaves with a rattling key do not whisper. At its naked top the green leaf does not rustle. The forester's clothes are soaked above the waist. Uncle and Yegorushka walked along the cobbled streets. The soldier was dressed in a red calico shirt. Gregory stopped in a small village for the night. Next to the door was a tub of pickled apples. It seems to Misha that loaded carts are driving and uprooting of old stumps is underway. He'll remember me, the snow outside the window, and six wax paper packets, six unused sticky wads. From there it smelled of snow and unlit silence. The rustle of stems, barely audible rustling, the clear chirping of birds in the thickets. The polished birch bark creaks near the bast elm at hand. The beast does not take a protected horse. I sow like from a sieve, but not a powder, I fly into a zhito, but not a worm.

11 Two perches are laid across the stream. Arkhip opened the lantern, Dubrovsky lit the torch. A bald dandy, an enemy of labor ... reigned over us then. How stiff and pale is your style! The beautiful caterpillar of this beautiful butterfly lives mainly on gooseberries. Stanovoi ordered to put Kukushkin in a cold room for slapping the shopkeeper. The next morning I had a headache, suffered from heartburn, my face was pale and dull. The slag flowed down an inclined chute into the boilers. The artist juggled equally well, worked on the trapeze and on the horizontal bar. Dersu's whisper brought me out of my reverie. Here, near the door, there should have been a millstone, familiar from childhood. It's just that these robbers have something in their livers to ruin everything in the world. Rock me, starship. We are like two brothers, soldered with a sword. Flying kites with rattles is wonderful. Leaving the darkness of the slums, an elk wanders along the edge. Magpies circled over the bushes, loudly crackling, snapping.

Parachute [shý], life [zhy], fat [zhy], fur coat [shý], joke [shý], jury [zhu], despair [h'á], miracle [h'ý], mercy [sh'á] , sensitive [ch'ý], pike [sh'ý], joke [shý], squint [sh'ý], bowl [h'á], spell [h'a], brochure [shý], feel [sh' á], snowflake [zhy], stitch [shu], tire [shy], awl [shy], cast iron [ch'u], hour [h'á], Jules [zhy] Verne, caricature [shá], ball [ shá], shilling [sh], width [sh], cipher [sh], squint [sh'ý], feeling [ch'ý], monster [ch'u], grubby [ch'u], scarecrow [h' ý], nonsense [ch'ý], playground [sch'á], a little [ch'ý].

Exercise 16

Grushovka[sho] (suffix -ov under stress) cheap[sho] (root cheap- e: dash e vle), no princesses[jo] (suffix -He princess) - no wives[jo] (root wives-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: and e on), little books[jo] (suffix -He to under stress) overarm[jo] (root sazhen-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: soot e ny), piece of paper[jo] (suffix -He to under stress) millet[sho] (root millet-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: psh e But), carcass[shó] (small carcass; suffix -He to stressed) - (beef) stew[shó] (suffix in verbal noun: put outstewedstew), with a rook[h’ó] (noun ending -ohm under stress) nothing[h’ó] (the adverb is formed from the prepositional case of the pronoun What), little soul[sho] (suffix -He to under stress) zhzhenka[zhó] (verbal noun derived from burn: burnburntzhzhenka), hedgehog[jo] (suffix -ov under stress) cheap[sho] (root cheap-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: dash e vle), girl[h'o] (suffix -He to under stress) liver[h'o] (root liver-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: oven e ny), blinders[sho] (root shore-; under stress, no alternation with e) - conductors[jo] (suffix -yor), under the garage[zhó] (noun ending -ohm under stress) - (we) we cut[zhó] (end of the verb -eat), ridiculous[sho] (suffix -He with an accented fluent vowel: funny) - harnessed[zhó] (participle suffix; short form), ratchet[w'ó] (suffix -otk under stress) brush[sh'o] (root brush-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: sch e Tina).

Exercise 17

Artichoke, lamb, seamless, richer, in what, camel, veche, cub, armed, speak generally, sinful, horse-drawn, girl, money, junk, joule, soul, ruff, more, chewed, gutter, yellow, acorn, perch, millstone, burn, jockey, juggler, bug, completed, obscure, surplus, cossack, shred, nag, ladle, peg, salesman, smoked sausage, smoked meats, root, uprooting, purse, redskin, gooseberry, kryushon, red-skinned, lily-of-the-valley, climb on the rampage, meadow, radiation, peeling (from peeling), boy, boy, bear cub, bag, mouse, naked, inexperience, no guts, clumsy, no matter, twisted thread, knife, hacksaw, legs, leg, overnight, doom, clothes, burned a hand, burned a hand, distracted, hearth, wig, brocade, spider, interleaving, shoulder, plush, under the reins, arson of a house, slap in the face, burned through a jacket, voracious, bee, wheaten, piglet, five cats, delimited, uprooting, comb, retoucher, little river, little river, lattice, neighs, with a dacha, with a tower, with a left-hander, with a scorcher, with a baby, with a mirage, with a burden, with a sale, with a tractor, saplings, locust, fresh on the street, condensed milk, condensed milk, embarrassment, abbreviated, trainee, old woman, rhyme, watchdog, hundred-candle lamp, sealing wax, knot, flowing, Torzhok, ratchet, ratchet, slum, slum, stew, pork stew, thousand, dejected, account, hour, thicket, bangs, canoe, black, stale, devil, dash, tap dance , choking, prim, silk, whisper, chauvinism, shock, chocolate, ramrod, shirring, saddling, rustling, blinders, highway, Scottish, chauffeur, dandy, little skirt.

  1. Yo at the root under stress (there is an alternation with e): more, chewed, gutter, yellow, acorn, perch, millstone, purse, slap, bee, wheat, comb, lattice, saplings, accounting, bangs, canoes, black, stale, devil, dash, tap dance, silk, whisper, dandy.
  2. ABOUT at the root under stress and without stress (no alternation with e; foreign word, there is vowel fluency): artichoke seamless junk .
  3. Yo at the root of verbs and ABOUT at the root of nouns formed from burn: burned his hand, burned his hand, set fire to the house, burned his jacket.
  4. ABOUT under stress in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbs (except for the suffix verbal adjectives -yonn, suffix of verbal nouns -yovk, suffix -yor): camel cub, wolf cub, speak in general, girl, money, soul, ruff, bug, kazachonok, scrap, nag, bucket, root, kumachovy, climb on the rampage, meadow, boy, teddy bear, mouse, naked, hacksaw, little leg, clothes, hearth , a wig, a brocade, a spider, under the reins, a piglet, a small river, with a watchtower, with a left-hander, a slykhach, with a baby, with a mirage, with a tractor, locust, it’s fresh on the street, an old woman, a rhyme, a hundred-candle lamp, sealing wax, knot, Torzhok, ratchet, ratchet, thousand, tractor, thicket, skirt.
  5. E in unstressed position in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbs: lamb, richer, veche, sinful, horse-drawn, surplus, peg, red-skinned, lily-of-the-valley, beam, boy, bag, awkwardly, knife, legs, shoulder, plush, five cats, river, with a summer residence, with a burden, with sale, watchdog, an hour.
  6. Noun suffix -yor: salesman, retoucher, trainee.
  7. Verb endings under stress: burning, neighing, flowing.
  8. Verb suffix combinations -yovyva-, verbal nouns -yovk-, verbal adjectives and participles -yonn- (-yeon-) under stress: armed, completed, obscure, smoked sausage, smoked products, uprooting, peeling (from peeling), inexperience, thread-twisting, overnight, doom, abstract, interleaving, demarcated, uprooting, condensed milk, condensed milk, embarrassment, reduced, stew, pork stew, dejected.
  9. Yo in the form of a prepositional pronoun What, as well as its derivatives: in what, nothing.

Exercise 18

1. To the right, quietly whispering and occasionally trembling from the oncoming wind, the alder grove darkened. 2. The main street is trafficked and well maintained. 3. Windbreak, thicket - difficult places. 4. A red flag flickers over the roof of the extreme hut. 5. She left in one skirt on the street. 6. Here, too, everything is very general. 7. I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon. 8. A chewed flax jacket hung from his shoulders. 9. The owner does not give a penny forward, he rested: no! Such an asshole. 10. Tired to hell. 11. So that the musicians do not freeze in the cold, a barrel of vodka is released to them. 12. Shepherd Petya finds it difficult to live in the world. 13. Girls could always be distracted by some trifle. 14. I was embarrassed and scared. 15. American pork stew was called (in our army) canned "second front". 16. Voyager dumbfounded looked after him. 17. Crazy tap dancing was replaced by a whirlwind of squats. 18. I just broke the pie and took a bite. 19. Two perches are laid across the stream. 20. I was very funny in the costume of Mephistopheles. 21. They reminded her of those young days when she danced at parties as a beautiful and naive girl. 22. At this time, an old man entered. 23. The glasses of large horn-rimmed glasses could not hide the intense and restless look that followed Polyakov's pencil. 24. I feel sorry for his cold hard heart. 25. If your soul began to play from my conversation, you will be a sailor. 26. On the window, in the corner, modestly stood a penny inkwell with a yellowed goose quill. 27. I went out to the edge of the forest and wandered along the field boundary. 28. Wandering through the fields with wallets, the old people smiled. 29. Terrible fear rushed them through the darkness and the impassable slum. 30. He was an exceptional and versatile artist: he juggled equally well, worked on the trapeze and the horizontal bar.

Exercise 19

Pale face, with a pale face, of a full-faced child, of full-faced children, turn[l’itsy e wat’], facial nerve, turn face, turn face, with a scar, heal, red scars, slate[slate], glossy, glossy, with hoarsely[khr'ipΛttsój], with a calculator, with cunning, caruncle[m'i e scó], jog, potassium permanganate, with manganese, intermezzo, duchess, wise Indians, cycle[tsikl’i e wat’] floors, citrus[citrusy] plants, narcissus, patient, pliers, bacillus, stand on tiptoe[chick'k'i], near the border, bobtail, delicious lollipops [l'd'i e ntsy], cigarette[tsygark], wisteria[gl'tsyn'ij], operation[Λp'i e ratsyj], lead, under the window, quote, deficit, twin brothers, dancing, dancer, fixation, gypsy[Gypsy'onk], duchess, click with a tooth, ringed, palazzo, chicks in her arms.

Exercise 20

1. He was in his father's old jacket, which reached his knees. 2. The officer on duty Kuritsyn entered the cabin. 3. The dusk is thickening, and the reapers are leaving the fields. 4. I lowered the mat, wrapped myself in a fur coat and dozed off. 5. To the usual “chicks! chicks!" a dozen chickens came out. 6. The favorite writer in the Korolev household was Mikhail Kotsyubinsky. 7. Following Matvey, he entered barber. 8. For mica, V lead frame, the window turned green morning. 9. I climbed tiptoe and looked into the room. 10. A cigarette in the teeth, a cap is crushed. 11. "To hell!" the general yelled at him. 12. For him, only circulars. 13. Today Fly-Tsokotuha is a birthday girl. 14. My father, entering the school, was preparing to be dancer. 15. In factory schools, digital wisdom is taught, and digital science is God-removed. 16. On the platform near the porch there were peselniks in crimson Russian shirts. 17. Everything in Pshenitsyna's house breathed like this abundance and the fullness of the economy, which did not happen before. 18. Conceived together so loudly clatter like two magpies. 19. Here came the grandmother to feed the chickens. 20. Horseshoes clattered, horses snored. 21. Like me dance I love ... Oh, until you drop! We don't even have dancers. 22. Soon the smart and affectionate Kutsy became common favorite. And he decided to take all measures so that the "lanky devil" did not meet Kutsego. 23. There was a good feuilleton on Tuesday. And this one... you didn't dance. 24. The same dry chicory grew on the sides of the paths. 25. He left the table, went to dance hall is empty. 26. His eyes looked with cunning. 27. Fronts rumbled from the Barents to the Black Sea. 28. Rescued by an Uzbek in a greasy overalls.

Barber[tsyr'ýl'n'ik]; mica[sl'ud'i e nym]; lead[sv’intsovj]; little window[Λkosh'ch'kam]; turned green[z'l'i e n'el]; tiptoe[chick'k'i]; circulars[circulars]; dancer[tΛntsórm]; abundance[Λb'il'ijm]; clatter[tskΛtat’]; dance[tantsy e wat’]; favorite[l'ub'imts'm]; dance[tantsy e vál'nuju].

Exercise 21

1. Chauffeur laughed, climbed into his booth, slammed door. 2. They are going ... to the right slum wooded. Her name is from time immemorial Devil's ravine. 3. little dog Same watched sideways behind the girl who was prancing, and whenever the rope clicked on the ground, she blinked. 4. Among herbs and resinous cones here and there crimson scatterings of berries showed through. 5. Two reed mats lay on the ground inside the house. 6. yellow carnations and bushes of the golden ball rose above the silken grass, crushed by heavy dew. 7. These pictures - popular prints- cheap. 8. Once at lunch we turned off the road to the river, which flooded in this place in small backwater with the remains of piles water mills and fallen reeds. 9. We served a prayer service and went cool and with overnight stays at the stations. 10. Behind the father shoulder he saw the back horses. 11. A chewed flax jacket hung from his shoulders. 12. The old man slept peacefully under a tree on the edge, putting a cap under his head. 13. Everyone began to clink glasses with Katerina Andreevna and Lyakhov. 14. At first I painfully endured burns. 15. A peasant in a railway cap clicked his tongue. 16. He has a rosary around his neck instead of a scarf imposed. 17. There was a special one here silence, there is no such thing in the forest: no rustle, no breeze. 18. The next morning I had a headache, suffered from heartburn, my face was pale and dull. 19. Marina brought a bottle of rum, lemon, sugar, and the zhzhenka blazed. 20. Behind him shuddered canvas bag.

laughed[zasm'i e j'áls']; door[dv'ertsj]; slum[slum]; little dog[sbΛch'onk]; sideways[issk]; followed[sl'i e d'il]; clicked[sh'ólkal]; among[cf'i e d'i]; cones[shy]; lay[l'i e zhal'i]; yellow[yellow]; popular prints[luboch'nyj]; small[n'bΛl'shýjу]; water[vd'i e noj]; shoulder[pl'i e ch'om]; horses[loshd'i]; chewed[zhovnyj]; imposed[n'v'i e zal]; silence[t'ishyna]; canvas[хΛлш'овыj].

Exercise 22

Suddenly [vdruk], bread [khl'ep], train [pójst], expenses [from'd'ershk'i], pancake [bl'in'ch'ik], registry office [zaks], muffin [zdob], speaker [dΛklach'ik], counter [sh'och'ik], connection [s'v'ás'], disease [bΛl'ez'n'], sew [sh: yt '], compress [f: at'] , embroider [rΛsh: yt '], unclench [rΛzh: át '], heartburn [izh: ogj], incident [incident'ijb], disappear [seek'eʹznut'], cabman [izvóshch'ik], spoon [ loshk], make [z'd'elʹt'], escape [zb'iezhát'] and [z'b'iezhát'], obey [pch'in'itsʹ], pavilion [b'ies'etkʹ], seamless [ b'ish: óv-nyj], split [r'z'd'iel'itz], file [p'tp'il'it'], light [l'óhk'ij], soft [m'áhk'ij], firmament [ t'v'ert'] and [tv'ert'], door [d'v'er'] and [dv'er'], take off [s'n'átsj], starry [z'v'oznyj] and [stars], hello [helloj], feeling [h'ýstv], sad [grýsnyj], Icelandic [Islánsk'ij], bench [skΛm'já], announce [Λbjievit '], eat [сjес'т'] , broth [bul'jón'ch'ik], his [svjievo], twenty [dváts'], boring [skýsnyj], cool [cool óv], rain [dosch '] and [dósht '], rain [dΛzh: 'ink] and [dΛd'ink].

Exercise 23

You With shi [w] - neither h neck [w], detour [st] - nail [s't '] - group st b [s't '], kro V b [f '] - kro V yu [in '], With give [s] - With thief [c] - With even [w']; baraba n s [n] - drummer [n '] - drum [n '].

The same sounds are pronounced in place of the selected letters in the following cases: you With shi [w] - neither h shey [w], gvo zd b [s't '] - group st b [s't '], baraba n box [n '] - drum n chik [n '].

Exercise 24

Jelu d b [zhólut’] - acorns, peace and[m'irash] - mirages, to G ti [kokt'i] - claw, tears T b [sl'es't'] - get off, you With shi [vysh: yj] - height, nor h shei [n'ish: yj] - low, and d ti [it’i] - I’m going, kno P ka [button] - button, ve h ti [v'i e es't'] - I'm carrying, cargo d b [grýs't '] - milk mushrooms, re h tsy [r'i e stsy] - cut, Norwegian and ka [nΛrv'eshk] - Norway, tele and ka [t'i e l'eshk] - cart, swa d bba [wed'b] - exception (to woo), sumato sh ny [busy] - turmoil, bread h ka [hl'bΛr'esk] - cut, deputy h ka [zΛmask] - cover up, pobla and ka [pΛblashk] - to bless, to the goal b chik [gΛlýpch'ik] - pigeons, under the knot d tsy [pd knots] - bridle, weighty [v'esk'ij] - weigh, crazy d ka [summΛzbrotk] - to wander, Asia T rank [Λz'iách'in] - Asians, macaws b Russian [Λrápsk'ij] - Arabs, upol h ti [upΛls't'i] - crawl away, dumb T rank [n'i e m'ech'in] - German, bombo and ka [bΛmb'oshk] - bomb, fade d shey [uv’atshyj] - fade, bru With chatka [brusch'atk] - timber, lody and ka [lΛdyshk] - ankle, in sch ina [vΛsh'in] - wax, str and ki [strushk'i] - to plan, vya h cue [v'ásk'ij] - knit, she f stvovat [shefstvbt '] - chefs, ski f sky [sk'ifsk'ij] - Scythians, oblo and ka [Λbloshk] - impose, know b cue [znópk'ij] - chill, cut T nitsa [nΛtkosn'its] - bones, over T nickname [sv'ersn'ik] - a verst.

Exercise 25

1. Mother mended the ruba sh ki ([ruba sh k'i] - a shirt) and knitted a vara and ki ([var'y sh k'i] - mitten). 2. Re d kie ([r'eʹ T k'ijy] - rare) the hair was caked on the head. 3. In a dashing ([zul'ihvá c km] - grab) the steppe acceleration bell laughs until the next h([sl'o With] and [sl'o With] - tears). 4. Ilya always brought with him something tasty ([fkýsn'v] - tastes): bagels, mint gingerbread, honey gingerbread ([kΛvr'iʹ sh k'i] - carpet, carpet). 5. Liu d skye ([l'u c kajь] - people) rumor - that the sea wave. 6. I fled so to pay my respects that I can’t take the breath With ty ([p'r'v'i e With' t'i] - will translate; - d before T alternates with letter With ). 7. We stood in silence, staring and ku ([nΛvyt'y sh ku] - pull out). 8. His head was covered with a white belt h koi ([pΛv’á With kjj] - knit) with a strap ([r'm'i e sh kóm] - strap) around the forehead, and the hands are tied behind the back. 9. Brought with anxious curiosity ([l'ubΛpy c tvm] - to torture) looked at the procurator. 10. Marching ([shestvj] - walked), spring pours flowers. 11. His face was lean ([pósnjy] - to fast), and his lips were strictly matched. 12. Our dilapidated shack ([lΛch’ý sh kj] - shack - G alternates with and ) and sad and dark. 13. Damask steel sounded; buckshot vee h sting ([v'i and:'ál] and [in'i and:ál] - screech). 14. I pull out of the colo d tsa ([kΛlots] - well) a bucket of water. 15. Sprinkled up and d ([dósh'] and [dósh']) alternately and ku ([fp'r'i e m'eʹ sh ku] - boundary) with snow. 16. He loved books stras T but ([strasn] - passion). 17. Autumn roses - lovely T nye ([pr'i e l'esnyj] - charms), sad T nye ([grýsnyj] - to be sad) roses. 18. They met obe zdch ik ([Λbjeshch'ik] - ride) - freckled ([v'i e sný sh'h' ytyj] and [v'i e snny sh' ytyj] - no freckles), with a light brown square beard ([bΛrotkj] - beard). 19. She now and d you and d ty ([and T' i] - goes) after and not to think where the tight wall leads and ka ([s't'o sh k] - stitch, stitch). 20. I'll come, I'll come ([pr'idý] - is coming), don't be afraid! Still not at th ti ([prit'iʹ - goes), of course, I will come. 21. Eh, yai h nitsa (- no testicles)! Zaku With ki ([zΛkysk'i] - to have a bite) is not more useful and durable. 22. Dry and re d ko ([r'eʹ T kj] - rare) rustled grains PM aty ([krup'ich'ytyj] - grain, before the suffix -chat- c alternates with T ) sand on the cut of the coast. 23. Perebe zhch ik ([p'yr'i e b'eshch'ik] - run) was wrapped in a protective shroud. 24. There they put him at the table, treated him with all sorts of food (- remember). 25. Several red boxes V([kΛro f] - cow) came out of the rope T nika ([trasn'ika] - reed), and one, raising her muzzle, roared. 26. Pos T lannaya ([posln:jь] - to lay) on the ground, the cloak did not let dampness through. 27. Sent ([mess: yj] - send, send) the messenger returned pos d but ([late] - be late) in the evening. 28. On the ships of the squadron, the bells struck six flasks ([skl'ánk] - remember). 29. Then they became che st vovat ([ch’estv’vt’] - honor, honor) of the best drummers. 30. Slightly bluish light bre h lived ([br'ezh: yl] - remember; in the past came from a noun disdain"dawn") in the window, squaw h b ([squaw With'] - see through) snow. 31. Everyone came out on the porch T ny ([izv’esnyj] - news, news) cab T chik kisser ([kΛbách'ik] - taverns, before the suffix -chik To alternates with T ). 32. Kneading thick mud with boots and hooves h b ([gr'á With'] - in the mud), the procession ([shestv'ijy] - was walking), finally rested against the shore. 33. Commandant at the porch T the Cossack kept the house of the Cossack under bonds d tsy ([pjdZuztsy] - bridle) beautiful ([pr'i e krásnuju] - beautiful) losha d b ([lósht '] - horses). 34. A curious person can make many wonderful ([pr'i e red] - beautiful) discoveries in nature. 35. All I V more clearly and more clearly (- obvious) the crunch of dry branches was heard in the dark. 36. A dim lightning flashed over the lake ([bl'i e snýl] - remember). 37. A thin torment of dust surrounded travelers with a stuffy cloud ([put'i e shestv'n'ikf] - walked). 38. Between tree trunks ([dr'i e v'esnym'i] - wood) trunks of eternal twilight. The branches of firs and fir trees seem to be gigantic ([g'igan-sk'im'i] - giants) hands. 39. Sky blue ([n'i e b'esnjj] - heaven) laughs, washed by a thunderstorm at night. 40. The morning was beautiful ([pr’i e krásnjj] - beautiful), the sun ([sonts] - the sun) illuminated the tops of the lindens. 41. Our cabin was simple before sch atoy ([dΛ sh’atj] - board, final consonants of the root sk alternates with sch ) burrow. 42. In blue clear water were visible mid anoe ([p'i e sch'ánj] - sand, sandy loam; root dog-, the final consonant of the root With stored before the suffix, and -OK in a word sand is a suffix) bottom, piles and keels of boats. 43. An hour walked around the theater T nicknames-hawkers ([h'ásn'ik'i] - part; [lΛto sh n'ik'i] - tray, to before the suffix -Nick alternates with h ). 44. Proe h reap ([prjj e zh:ájut] - riding) without a rut With([cΛl'o With] - wheel) per eye sh com ([Λkoshk'm] - window) of the building.

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