Who is the guessing game the gray-haired hostess shook. "Guess who, the gray-haired mistress?" Selection of related words

Target: To consolidate and systematize ideas about seasonal changes in nature and those characteristic of winter natural phenomena. Enrich children's vocabulary, teach them to answer in detailed sentences. Cultivate a love for nature.



"Guess who, gray-haired housewife…"

Final conversation about winter for children 4 - 5 years old.

Target: To consolidate and systematize ideas about seasonal changes in nature and natural phenomena characteristic of winter. Enrich children's vocabulary, teach them to answer in detailed sentences. Cultivate a love for nature.

Material. Teddy bear, bunny (toys), winter pictures.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator. Today we will talk about winter. A bunny and a bear came to visit us. Think and say: what does a bear do in winter?

Children's answers.

Educator . Do hares sleep in winter?

Educator. The bear slept all winter and doesn’t know what it looks like winter forest. He asked the bunny to tell him about it. But the bunny had not yet learned to tell a good story, and the bear did not understand anything. Let's help the bunny remember and the bear find out what happens in nature in winter. How to say about winter: what is it like? (Snowy, frosty, cold.) What kind of snow? (White, fluffy, cold, soft.) And if there was a thaw, what happened to the snow? (The snow has become wet and sticky.) What does snow look like on a sunny day? (The snow glistens and sparkles in the sun.) What was the weather like in winter? (It was cold, frosty, and snow often fell.) What happens to rivers and lakes in winter? (Rivers and lakes are covered with ice in winter.) What do trees and shrubs look like in winter? (There are no leaves on the trees and bushes, the branches are covered with snow.) Which trees remain green in winter? (Pine and spruce.) Are there many birds in the forest in winter? (No, they stay close to the houses where people live.) What do children do during walks in winter? (They go sledding, skiing, skating, making a snowman.)

Each question and answer is accompanied by a corresponding illustration.

Educator . Look at the beautiful bag the bunny is holding. Let's ask the bunny to show what's in the bag.

Children turn to the bunny with a request, the teacher takes pictures out of the bag and lays them out in front of the children.

Educator. The bag contains not just pictures, but answers. Now I will ask winter riddles, and you will look for the necessary pictures.


  • fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the earth

Light fluffs,

White... snowflakes.

  • He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? (Snow.)

  • I ride it

Until evening.

But my horse is lazy

Carries only from the mountain.

And always up the mountain

I walk on my own

And his horse

I lead by the rope. (Sled.)

  • Invisible carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple, and this is willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

Just white paint! (Freezing.)

  • So as not to freeze, five guys

They are sitting in a knitted stove. (Mittens.)

  • Wooden horses

They jump in the snow,

And they don’t fall into the snow. (Skis)

  • Transparent like glass

Anya, put it in the window, (Ice.)

  • Guess who, the gray-haired mistress:

Shakes the feather dusters -

There are snowflakes above the world. (Winter.)

  • I have two horses

Two horses.

They carry me along the water.

And the water is hard

Like stone. (Skates)

  • Curled up around your neck

Fluffy like a cat.

It just happens

A little prickly. (Scarf.)

Educator . Well done! All the riddles have been solved! Today you helped the bunny a lot, because he really wanted to tell the bear about winter. Little bear, did you like it? Do you understand everything?

(The little bear and the bunny thank the children. The teacher reads a poem.)

Bear cub's winter sleep.

Past the bear's den

A little bunny was walking along the road

And I thought: “Somehow

You need to look at the bear:

I haven't seen him for a long time

Maybe someone offended him?

Maybe he got sick?

Or was there a lot to do?

The bunny knocked on the door

And quietly called:

“Teddy bear, bear, what’s wrong with you?

Do you have a cold? You are sick?".

The little bear came out sleepy

And a little surprised.

He says to the bunny:

“I saw a wonderful dream.

I dozed all winter

And I didn’t walk in the forest.

I slept in a den under a pine tree,

All bears sleep in winter.

And now spring has come,

And I have no time for sleep at all.

I'm in a hurry

See your friends."

Teddy bear and bunny

They ran into the forest, skipping.

They shouted: “Miracles!

Spring has come to us!"

Lesson summary for middle school children preschool age By educational field: cognition and communication

Final lesson about winter

“Guess who, the gray-haired mistress...”



To consolidate and systematize ideas about seasonal changes in nature and natural phenomena characteristic of winter;

Enrich children's vocabulary, teach them to answer in detailed sentences.


Develop mental processes: attention, memory, imagination;

Develop motor skills.


Learn to listen carefully;

Cultivate a love for nature.

Material: bear, bunny (toys), winter pictures, trays with semolina.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.

Hello guys, I invite you to stand in a circle, hold hands and say together: “ Good morning! - in a whisper, in a normal voice. Well done, and now:

They blinked their eyes, their mouth stretched into a smile,

The eyebrows were raised, the nose was pressed with a finger.

I wish that everything goes well with you and me today, and I invite you to sit down more comfortably. May we all be warm, good and cozy.

  1. Main part: conversation about the signs of winter.

Educator. What time of year comes after winter? What month is it? But today we will talk about winter. You and I live in the north, and winter is angry and doesn’t want to go away. A bunny and a bear came to visit us. Remember and tell me: what does a bear do in winter?

Children. The bear sleeps in winter.

Educator. Do hares sleep in winter?

Children. No, hares do not sleep in winter.

Educator. The bear slept all winter and doesn’t know what the winter forest looks like. He asked the bunny to tell him about it. But the bunny had not yet learned to tell a good story and the bear did not understand anything. Let's help the bunny remember and the bear find out what happens in nature in winter. How can you say about winter: what is it like? (Snowy, frosty, cold). What kind of snow? (White, fluffy, cold, soft). There was already a thaw, what happened to the snow? How did the snow turn out? ( The snow has become wet and sticky). What does snow look like on a sunny day? ? (The snow glistens and sparkles in the sun). What was the weather like in winter? (It was cold, frosty, it snowed often). What happens to rivers and lakes in winter? (Rivers and lakes are covered with ice in winter). What do trees and shrubs look like in winter? (There are no leaves on the trees and bushes, the branches are covered with snow). Which trees stay green in winter? ? (Pine and spruce). Are there many birds in the forest in winter? Where are the birds? Do you know what kind of birds these are? (Wintering birds stay close to houses where people live).The teacher shows pictures of wintering birds, and the children name them. What do children do during winter walks? (They go sledding, skiing, skating, make a snowman, play snowballs).

Each question and answer is accompanied by a corresponding illustration.

Outdoor game with speech accompaniment “The sun sings in the morning”

The sun sings in the morning: - Aww, winter is ending!

(perform a “spring”, hands on the belt)

Let more snowflakes fall, fly,

(spinning around in place)

But when the sun comes out, they will all melt.

(squat down)

Blue pieces of ice will turn into streams.

(running with fingers)

White-sided magpies chatter: - Spring is coming! Spring is coming!

(they easily run in a circle on their toes, smoothly waving their arms up and down)

Let's follow the spring, we'll start a round dance.

(walk in a circle in a circle, holding hands)

We will sing and dance - to welcome spring and freckles.

(stop, raise their hands up, then bow - bend down, lower their hands down)

Game "Riddles and guesses"

Educator. Look what a beautiful bag the bunny is holding. Let's ask the bunny to show what's in his bag.

Children turn to the bunny with a request, the teacher takes pictures out of the bag and lays them out in front of the children.

Educator. The bag contains not just pictures, but answers. Now I will ask riddles, and you will look for the necessary pictures.

The teacher asks riddles. Children guess them and find the corresponding pictures.


There was a blanket lying, soft, white, warming the earth.

The sun was hot, the blanket began to flow (snow in spring)

He bites everyone's cheeks and makes their noses turn red.

He makes us run. Guess who? (freezing)

Boards and legs (skis) are running along the path.

We stood there all summer and waited for winter. We waited until the time was right and rushed down the mountain (sleigh)

Guess who, the gray-haired housewife: shakes the featherbeds - there are snowflakes over the world (winter).

Educator. These smart kids have solved all the riddles! Do you know songs about winter? Sing your favorite, please, for the bear and the bunny ( children perform a song).

Educator. Oh, so much more snow! Guys, do you like to draw in the snow?

Drawing on semolina.

Educator. Let's draw snowflakes. What we have in our trays is not just ordinary snow, but magical snow! I will teach you how to draw snowflakes. Look, I index finger I draw a stick from top to bottom, then another stick from left to right. And a third stick between them. This is how my snowflake turned out.

Now you draw your snowflakes! ( children draw).

Educator. What beautiful snowflakes you have, all different, interesting, fluffy, white, magical. You drew a lot of snowflakes. We ended up with a big snowdrift.

3. Final part.

Today you helped the bunny a lot, because he really wanted to tell the bear about winter. Little bear, did you like it? Do you understand everything? ( The little bear and the bunny thank the children).

Educator. What time of year did we tell the bear cub about today?

Children. About winter.

Educator. What did we draw today?

Children. Snowflakes.

Educator. Did you like our lesson? I really liked it and, as a keepsake of our lesson, I want to give you a book, which we will read together later.

Objectives for the lesson: Repeat what you have learned about adjectives, be able to find adjectives in a sentence, define them grammatical features, syntactic role. Using language material on the topic “Winter”, find out what the role of adjectives is in speech. Create your own text using adjectives.

What is the main idea of ​​the text? What kind of snow is there? “Golden,” said the morning and illuminated the forest. “Blue,” said the sky. “Blue,” the trees whispered. “Cold,” she said. white partridge and hid in the snow. “Silver,” said the moon, rising to the stars.

INSTEAD OF POINTS INSERT AN ADJECTIVE Russian forest The Russian forest is good in winter! On... day you will go out into the forest on skis. There are snowdrifts under the trees. Above... the paths, the trunks of... trees bent under the weight of frost. Such a... hat will fall off the top of... the spruce tree and will crumble... ... into dust. The pines are sleeping. ... the shadows of their ... trunks lie on ... snowdrifts.

RUSSIAN FOREST The Russian forest is good in winter! On a quiet winter day you will go out into the forest on skis. There are deep snowdrifts under the trees. Above the forest paths, the trunks of young trees bent under the weight of frost. Such a white cap will fall from the top of a tall spruce and crumble into silvery light dust... The tall pines are sleeping. The bluish shadows of their slender trunks lie on the white snowdrifts.

ADJECTIVES GRAMMATIC FEATURES Quiet, winter day deep snowdrifts Above the forest paths of young trees there is a white cap - a tall spruce with silvery light dust singular, m.r., v.p. plural, im.p. plural, tv.p. plural, gender unit, w.r., im.p. singular, w.r., kind.p. unit, l.r., tv.p.

Rules for compiling syncwine. 1) one word - a noun (syncwine theme). 2) two adjectives that reveal the theme of the sequel. 3) three verbs describing actions related to the topic of syncwine. 4) phrase - an aphorism with which you need to express your attitude to the topic ( popular expression, quote, proverb). 5) a summary word, which gives a new interpretation of the topic, expresses the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the topic.

“Guess who, the gray-haired mistress...”

Target : consolidate and systematize ideas about seasonal changes in nature and natural phenomena characteristic of winter.

Enrich children's vocabulary, teach them to answer in detailed sentences.

Cultivate a love for nature.

Material. Teddy bear, bunny (toys), winter pictures.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator. Today we will talk about winter. A bunny and a bear came to visit us. Think and say: what does a bear do in winter?

Children. The bear sleeps in winter.

Educator. Do hares sleep in winter?

Children. No, hares do not sleep in winter.

Educator. The bear slept all winter and doesn’t know what the winter forest looks like. He asked the bunny to tell him about it. But the bunny had not yet learned to tell a good story, and the bear did not understand anything. Let's help the bunny remember and the bear find out what happens in nature in winter. How to say about winter: what is it like?(snowy, frosty, cold ). What kind of snow? (white, fluffy , cold, soft ). And if there was a thaw, what happened to the snow?(the snow became wet and sticky ). What does snow look like on a sunny day? (the snow glistens and sparkles in the sun ). What's the weather like in winter? (cold, frosty, snow often falls ).What happens to rivers and lakes in winter? (covered with ice ). What do trees and shrubs look like in winter? (no leaves, covered snow ). Which trees remain green in winter? (pine and spruce ). Are there many birds in winter? (no, they stay close to the houses where people live ). What do children do during winter walks? (sledding, skiing, skating, making a snowman ).

Educator. Look what a beautiful bag the bunny is holding. Let's ask the bunny to show what's in the bag.

Children turn to the bunny with a request, the teacher takes pictures out of the bag and lays them out in front of the children.

Educator. The bag contains not just pictures, but answers. Now I will ask winter riddles, and you will look for the necessary pictures.

The teacher asks riddles. Children guess them and find the corresponding pictures.


Fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the ground

Light fluffy,


He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? (snow )

Transparent like glass

You can't put it in the window. (ice)

Invisible carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple, and this is willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

Just white paint! (freezing)

So as not to freeze, five guys

They are sitting in a knitted stove. (mittens )

Wooden horses gallop through the snow,

And they don’t fall into the snow. (skis )

I ride it until evening.

But my horse is lazy

Carries only from the mountain.

And I always go up the mountain on foot

And I lead my horse by a rope.(sled )

Guess who, the gray-haired mistress:

The feather dusters shake - there are snowflakes over the world.(winter )

I have two horses, two horses.

They carry me along the water.

And the water is hard, like stone! (skates )

Curled up on his neck, fluffy like a cat.

But it can only be a little prickly.(scarf )

Educator . Well done! All the riddles have been solved! You know songs about winter. Sing for the bear and the bunny. (children sing songs recite poems ). Today you helped the bunny a lot, because he told the bear cub so little about winter. Little bear, did you like it?

Do you understand everything? The little bear and the hare thank the children!

Anastasia Lavrikova
Final conversation about winter “Guess who, the gray-haired mistress”

Final conversation about winter

Who, Guess, Gray-haired mistress

Middle group

Progress of the conversation

winter Tell: What does a bear do in winter?

Children. The bear sleeps in winter.

What kind of snow? What was the weather like in winter? (Pine and spruce.) Are there many birds in the forest in winter?

fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the earth

Light fluffs,

White... snowflakes.

He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? (Snow)

Transparent like glass

Don't put it in the window. (Ice)

Not snow and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

Invisible carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple, and this is willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

Just white paint! (Freezing)

They sit in a knitted glove (Mittens)

Wooden horses

They jump in the snow,

And they don’t fall into the snow (Skis)

I ride it

Until evening.

But my horse is lazy

Carries only from the mountain.

I'm always uphill

I walk on my own

And his horse

I lead by the rope. (Sled)

Who, take a guess

Gray-haired mistress:

Will shake the feather dusters -

There are snowflakes above the world. (Winter)

I have two horses


You will hide two legs in them -

And run for a walk in the cold. (Felt boots)

Curled up around your neck

Fluffy like a cat.

It just happens

A little prickly. (Scarf)

winter winter

Bear cub's winter sleep

Past Mishka's den

A little bunny was walking along the road

And I thought: "Somehow

I need to visit the bear:

I haven't seen him for a long time

Maybe someone offended him?

Maybe he got sick?

Or was there a lot to do?

The bunny knocked on the door

And quietly called:

“Teddy bear, bear, what’s wrong with you?”

Do you have a cold? You are sick?"

The little bear came out sleepy

And a little surprised.

He tells the bunny:

“I saw a wonderful dream.

I dozed all winter

And I didn’t walk in the forest.

I slept in a den under a pine tree,

All bears sleep in winter.

And now spring has come,

And with everything I have no time for sleep.

I'm in a hurry

See your friends."

Teddy bear and bunny

They ran into the forest, skipping.

They screamed: "Miracles!

Final conversation about winter

Who, Guess, Gray-haired mistress

Middle group

Target. To consolidate and systematize ideas about seasonal changes in nature and natural phenomena characteristic of winter. Enrich children's vocabulary, teach them to answer in detailed sentences. Cultivate a love for nature.

Material. Teddy bear, bunny (toys, winter pictures.

Progress of the conversation

Educator. Today we will talk about winter. A bunny and a bear came to visit us. Think and Tell: What does a bear do in winter?

Children. The bear sleeps in winter.

Educator. Do hares sleep in winter?

Children. No, hares do not sleep in winter.

Educator. The bear slept all winter and doesn’t know what the winter forest looks like. He asked the bunny to tell him about it. But the bunny had not yet learned to tell a good story, and the bear did not understand anything. Let's help the bunny remember, and the bear find out what happens in nature in winter? How to say about winter: what is it like? (Snowy, frosty, cold.) What kind of snow? (White, fluffy, cold, soft) And if there was a thaw, what happened to the snow? (The snow has become wet and sticky.) What does snow look like on a sunny day? (The snow glistens and sparkles in the sun.) What was the weather like in winter? (It was cold, frosty, and it snowed often.) What happens to rivers and lakes in winter? (Rivers and lakes are covered with ice in winter.) What do trees and shrubs look like in winter? (There are no leaves on the trees and bushes, the branches are covered with snow.) Which trees stay green in winter? (Pine and spruce.) Are there many birds in the forest in winter? (No, they stay close to the houses where people live.) What do children do during winter walks? (They go sledding, skiing, skating, making a snowman.)

Each question and answer is accompanied by a corresponding illustration.

Educator. Look what a beautiful bag the bunny is holding. Let's ask the bunny to show what's in his bag.

Children turn to the bunny with a request, the teacher takes pictures out of the bag and lays them out in front of the children.

Educator. The bag contains not just pictures, but answers. Now I will ask winter riddles, and you will look for the necessary pictures.

The teacher asks riddles. Children guess them and find the corresponding pictures. Riddles can be shown using movements (how you ski, skate, put on a scarf, mittens.)

fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the earth

Light fluffs,

White... snowflakes.

He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? (Snow)

Transparent like glass

Don't put it in the window. (Ice)

Not snow and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

Invisible carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple, and this is willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

Just white paint! (Freezing)

To stay warm, five guys

They sit in a knitted glove (Mittens)

Wooden horses

They jump in the snow,

And they don’t fall into the snow (Skis)

I ride it

Until evening.

But my horse is lazy

Carries only from the mountain.

I'm always uphill

I walk on my own

And his horse

I lead by the rope. (Sled)

Who, take a guess

Gray-haired mistress:

Will shake the feather dusters -

There are snowflakes above the world. (Winter)

I have two horses

Two horses carry me across the water.

And the water is hard, like stone! (Skates)

You will hide two legs in them -

And run for a walk in the cold. (Felt boots)

Curled up around your neck

Fluffy like a cat.

It just happens

A little prickly. (Scarf)

Educator. Well done! All the riddles have been solved! Do you know the songs about winter. Please sing your favorite one for the bear and the bunny. Today you helped the bunny a lot, because he really wanted to tell the bear about winter. Little bear, did you like it? Do you understand everything?

Bear cub's winter sleep

Past Mishka's den

A little bunny was walking along the road

And I thought: "Somehow

I need to visit the bear:

I haven't seen him for a long time

Maybe someone offended him?

Maybe he got sick?

Or was there a lot to do?

The bunny knocked on the door

And quietly called:

“Teddy bear, bear, what’s wrong with you?”

Do you have a cold? You are sick?"

The little bear came out sleepy

And a little surprised.

He tells the bunny:

“I saw a wonderful dream.

I dozed all winter

And I didn’t walk in the forest.

I slept in a den under a pine tree,

All bears sleep in winter.

And now spring has come,

And with everything I have no time for sleep.

I'm in a hurry

See your friends."

Teddy bear and bunny

They ran into the forest, skipping.

They screamed: "Miracles!

Spring has come to us - it’s red!”

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