Meaning and grammatical features of the verb

The verb, like any, has signs by which it is characterized. They represent grammatical categories, which are inherent in verb forms. Consider the constants and fickle signs verbs studied as part of the school curriculum.

A verb is understood as a linguistic verbal category with its inherent syntactic and morphological properties, which denotes the state or actions of the subject under consideration. Part of speech answers the questions “what to do”, “what to do”.

When studying, the forms are necessarily considered:

  • Initial. Occurs under the name indefinite. Another name is the infinitive. They end in -ch, -th, -ty. The listed endings are formative suffixes. As part of school curriculum they are often treated as endings. Examples: protect, carry, roll. The indefinite verb form is characterized by the naming of an action or state. There is no indication of a specific person, time or date. Such features allow us to classify it as immutable. The main feature that distinguishes the infinitive from other categories is the presence of constant properties.
  • Personal. This category includes all existing categories other than the infinitive. They have personal endings.
  • Participle. Some scholars classify adverbs as a separate part of speech.
  • Communion. In some programs, it, like the gerund, is distinguished as a separate part of speech.

Knowledge about what morphological features has a verb, the student receives in the lessons of the Russian language. It is the 5th grade in general education high school considered to be the optimal period for mastering the basics of morphology.

As part of the 5th grade curriculum, the student receives basic knowledge about the permanent and non-permanent features of the verb. They also acquire practical skills in parsing a word as a part of speech.

A thorough knowledge of the basics of spelling in the Russian language is impossible without knowledge of the morphological properties that characterize the verb as a part of speech.

There is the following classification:

  • Permanent morphological features. Distinctive feature- are not amenable to modification, regardless of the presence of other parts of speech or other influence factors.
  • Non-permanent morphological features of the verb. In some literary sources they are found under the name of variable. They are marked by the ability to change depending on the general meaning of the sentence or a separate phrase.


Grammatical categories that accompany the characteristics of verb forms are called permanent morphological features. Regardless semantic meaning with which the phrase is endowed, they cannot be changed.

Among the constant morphological features inherent in the verb, the following categories are found:

  • View. Distinguish between perfect and imperfect form. The first group is characterized by a completed action and the question "what to do". For example: run away, read. The second group names the unfinished action and answers the question “what to do”: see, multiply.
  • Recurrence. Serves to describe a potential state (swears) or an ongoing action performed by a subject in relation to itself (washes), as well as an action occurring in relation to two or more objects that are in close relationship (put up). Feature - the presence of a postfix -sya / s. There is a division into reflexive (wash, undress) and irrevocable (plant, drink) verbs.
  • Transitivity. It is a category that characterizes the possibility of directed action. Feature - the ability to attach an add-on. It is customary to distinguish between transitional (wash fruit, eat cake) and intransitive (go, stay).
  • Conjugation type. Represents a category according to which the conjugation mechanism for persons and numbers is determined. It stands out 2 (ending in -it) and 1 conjugation (all the rest). There are also different conjugated verb forms.

Consideration of the permanent morphological features of the verb is impossible without characterizing the non-permanent ones.


The grammatical categories inherent in conjugated verbs and participles are non-permanent features. This group is characterized by the ability to change under the influence of the semantic load, which is contained in the phrase.

What non-permanent signs are usually distinguished:

  • Mood. Expresses the relation of action to reality. It is customary to single out the conditional (a feature is the particle “would”: I would see, read, go), imperative (do, look, hear) and indicative (I rest, you understand) moods.
  • Number. It is a category that determines the number of described subjects involved in the action. Inherent in verbs and participles. There is a division into singular (runs, walks, read) and plural (worn, walk, painted) number.
  • Time. Contains an indication of the time period when the action took place relative to the moment of speech. characteristic of the indicative mood. It is customary to single out the present (I look, I eat), the past (I watched, I ate) and the future (I will watch, I will eat) times.
  • Face. Gives an idea of ​​who is doing the action. It is characteristic of the imperative and indicative mood of the future and present. It is classified into 1 (draw, read, let's go), 2 (eat, think, swim) and 3 (stroke, look) faces.
  • Genus. Characterized by the gender of the person performing the action. Inherent in participles, conditional and indicative verbs in the past tense. Allocate female (decorated, cleaned, would have screamed), male (soiled, swept, would have eaten), middle (cleaned, galloped, it would be needed) gender.

Parsing Order

Among the practical skills provided by the curriculum, students are required to know how to parse a word.

For a verb, there is the following procedure for morphological parsing:

  1. Part of speech, infinitive.
  2. The verb form is highlighted.
  3. The conjugation is defined.
  4. Time is revealed.
  5. The number is specified.

Depending on whether it belongs to the future or the present time, face definition becomes available. For past tense verb forms, the gender is chosen. The last step in parsing is the definition as a member of the sentence, that is syntactic role in a specific offer.

Useful video

Summing up

Knowledge within the Russian language of such concepts as permanent and non-permanent morphological is necessary in order to successfully pass the final exam at school and subsequently enter a university where the Russian language is included in the list of entrance tests.

1. Verb type

Most ch. have species pairs: build - build.

Some ch. do not have species pairs:

Ch. owls. V.: to speak, to rush, to burst, to rush.

Ch. nesov. V.: dominate, strut, depend, participate.

Methods for the formation of species pairs:

A) by replacing suffixes: A t - resh And th, scream A t - scream at t;

B) adding a prefix: grow old - By grow old, bake - is bake;

B) shifting the accent: cut - cut, pour out - pour out;

D) changing the stem of the word: speak - say, take - take.

Attention! Some verbs can take on the meaning of the perfect, then the imperfect form: marry, execute, telegraph, order, injure, investigate. Compare offers:

2. Transitivity / intransitivity

3. Return / non-return

Reflexive verbs denote an action directed at the object itself. They have postfixes (also denoted as a suffix):

SA: hide Xia, prepare Xia, to return Xia,

SI: dress up camping, proud camping.

Irreversible verbs- other.

4. Type of conjugation

Conjugation- this is a change of verbs in persons and numbers, it is indicated by Roman numerals.

I conjugation II conjugation
Indefinite endings
-at, -yat, -et, -yt, -ot, -ut -it
Personal endings + examples
- U (Yu) (I) tell mumble - EAT (you) tell mumble - ET (he) tell mumble - EAT (we) tell mumble - ETE (you) tell mumble -UT (- UT) (they) tell mumble - U (Yu) (I) build glue - ISH (you) build glue - IT (he) build glue - IM (we) build glue - IT (you) build glue - AT (- YAT) (they) build glue
They belong to the II conjugation: - 7 verbs in - to et: see, twirl, depend, hate, offend, watch, twirl. - 4 verbs on - at: drive, hold, breathe, hear. Shave, lay belong to the I conjugation.

Remember! Norms of pronunciation and spelling of some verbs:

1) At Ch. There is And give when changing the form, prefixes appear: With eat, By There is, pen give, cos give.

2) Speak correctly put down, put down; put, put; go, go.

Verb signs are grammatical categories of verb forms that are inherent in the verb as a part of speech. In Russian, permanent and non-permanent signs of the verb are distinguished.

Permanent signs of the verb

Permanent signs verbs are grammatical categories inherent in all verb forms. These signs do not change depending on the context in which the verb is used.

    A view is a sign that determines how an action occurs.
      Perfective verbs answer the question “what to do?” ; Imperfective verbs answer the question “what to do?” .
      reflexive verbs; Irreversible verbs.

    Transitivity is a sign that determines the process or action that passes to the object.

      transitive verbs; Intransitive verbs.
      I conjugation; II conjugation; Heterogeneous.

Inconstant signs of the verb

Inconstant signs of a verb are grammatical categories characteristic of conjugated verbs and participles. These categories change depending on the context in which the word is used.

    Inclination is a category that expresses the relation of an action or process to reality. The sign is characteristic of conjugated forms of verbs.
      indicative; imperative; Conditional.
      Plural; The only thing.
      Future; The present; Past.
      1st person; 2nd person; 3rd person.
      Male; Female; Average.

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Often in school homework in the Russian language, students are faced with the need to perform one or another analysis of a word, phrase or sentence. Along with syntactic, lexical and morphemic analysis, the school program involves the implementation morphological analysis. Let's consider how to perform morphological analysis for a verb, and find out what morphological features characterize this part of speech.

The verb and its forms

Determining the initial form, the part of speech to which the word belongs, and its role in the sentence is usually not difficult. However, students often have questions regarding the morphological features of the word. For each part of speech, their permanent and non-permanent features are distinguished: it can be gender and case for a noun, aspect and tense for a verb.

A verb is an independent part of speech denoting an action that answers the question “what to do?” or “what to do?” Here are some examples: clean, walk, wish, love, walk.

There are 4 verb forms. These include:

  • infinitive, or initial form of the verb: run, sit, be;
  • conjugated forms: read, sing, steal;
  • participle: fallen, dormant, embedded;
  • gerund: dreaming, answering, completing.

In a sentence, conjugated forms most often play the role of a predicate, and the remaining forms can be any other members of the sentence.

There are fixed and non-permanent signs of the verb. The infinitive has only constant features, since it is an invariable part of speech. For conjugated forms, it is also possible to define non-permanent signs, since these verbs can change, for example, in numbers or persons.

Permanent morphological features

Permanent signs include the following:

  • conjugation;
  • returnability;
  • transitivity.

View is a category that defines how a given action proceeds over time and shows whether it has been or will be completed at a particular point in time. View can be specified for all verb forms.

The perfect form includes verbs that are used when you need to show the completeness of the action. An imperfect view, on the contrary, denotes a certain prolongation in time, incompleteness. It is not difficult to distinguish them: the imperfect form answers the question “what to do?”, For the perfect form, the question “what to do?” is used.

Consider several sentences and determine the form for the verbs that were used in them.

He woke up as the sun was already setting.

Let's find out what question the first highlighted verb answers.

He (what did he do?) woke up.

This question is a sign of a perfect look. The value also indicates the completion of the action: he woke up, i.e. has already performed the action.

Let's look at the second verb. Let's ask him a question:

The sun was already (what was doing?) setting.

We define the form of the second word as imperfect. Really, the sun was setting, but it's not clear if the action was completed or not.

It should be remembered that there are two-spectrum verbs for which it is possible to determine the aspect only when the word is given in the context. As an example, consider the word use:

  • It is convenient for students to study (what to do?) to use a laptop.
  • To pass the most difficult level in the game, I had to (what to do?) use the last hint.

By asking appropriate questions to the word, we can easily determine the form of the verb: in the first phrase - the imperfect, and in the second - the perfect form.

Type conjugations There are 3 types of verbs: I conjugation, II conjugation and conjugated verbs. To determine the conjugation, you need to put the desired word in the infinitive form and see what it ends with. If before the suffix -th is the letter and ( drink, saw, repair, glue), the word belongs to the II conjugation. In the event that another letter stands before the infinitive suffix ( take, walk, prick, command, bend), we refer the verb to the I conjugation.

However, keep in mind that there are exceptions to this rule, as shown in the table below.

Also a constant feature is recurrence. The reflexive form differs from the non-reflexive form by the presence of a suffix -sya or -ss at the end of a word. Returns include the following: laugh, learn, have fun; are irrevocable walk, be able to, wash.

Transitivity characterized by the possibility of connecting a verb with a noun or pronoun in the genitive or accusative case without a preposition. Thus, turn on (light), open (window), see (forest) - examples of transitive infinitives, and believe (in oneself), laugh (at a joke) are examples of intransitives.

Inconstant signs of the verb

There are five non-permanent signs:

  • mood;
  • time;
  • number;
  • face;

It should be remembered that the presence of a particular category depends on the form in which the word is used.

Mood used to indicate how an action relates to reality. IN indicative mood verb forms denote an action that actually took place, can take place in this moment or else will happen in the future. Examples

  • As children, we often walked in the park near the house.
  • In a few days they will buy a new bike.

The conditional mood describes actions that are possible only when certain conditions are met. They are formed from the infinitive or the past tense with the particle would (b). For example: She would have to pay a large sum for this.

The imperative mood is used in requests and orders to indicate the required action. Examples:

  • Please bring my book to school tomorrow.
  • Put this cabinet a little closer to the window.

The category of time is defined only for the indicative mood. There are 3 forms: past tense for actions that have already happened before; present for actions taking place at the current moment; future tense - for what will happen after a certain time period. Here are some examples:

  • came home, looked for a notebook, listened to music - past tense forms;
  • I learn by heart, you look around, they make noise in the yard- present tense forms;
  • we will know mathematics, find a wallet, watch a movie - forms of the future tense.

Number can be defined for any inflected verb forms. As with other changeable parts of speech, they distinguish the singular (when one actor is related to the performance of the action) and the plural (if there are several persons).

  • come, would do, leave, learn, looking for- singular;
  • bring, would like, reacted, fall, ride- plural.

Category faces are distinguished only for forms of the imperative mood, as well as for the present and future tenses of the indicative mood. 1 person means that the speaker refers this action to himself or the group of people in which he is ( I say, we think). If the described action refers to the interlocutor or interlocutors, then the verb is used in the form of 2 persons ( answer, repeat). 3 person means that the action is performed by people who are not related to the speaker or interlocutor ( silent, wipe).

Genus is a sign that is defined for singular in the conditional mood or in the indicative mood in the past tense.

  • bought, would come- masculine;
  • wear, dream - feminine;
  • broken, burnt- neuter gender.

An example of morphological parsing

Consider how you can determine what morphological features a verb has. To do this, we analyze the word mastered used in the sentence:

Fifth grade students easily mastered new topic.

  1. Mastered denotes an action, therefore, we define a part of speech - a verb.
  2. Initial form (infinitive) - master.
  3. We define permanent signs:
    1. Students (what did they do?) mastered , the question refers to the perfect form.
    2. Pay attention to the form of the infinitive, pay attention to the fact that before -th located And(while the verb is not on the list of exceptions), this indicates the II conjugation.
    3. No suffix -sya or -ss says that the verb is irrevocable.
    4. The verb agrees with the noun in the accusative case ( mastered the topic), therefore, it belongs to the transitional ones.
  4. We analyze what non-permanent signs can be determined for this form:
    1. The action is performed in reality, therefore its mood is indicative.
    2. The time of action is the past (you can add adverbs of time to the sentence yesterday, last year, the form of the verb will not change). Remember that the person is not defined in the past tense.
    3. Because the students - this set actors, mastered is in the form plural. For the plural, it is impossible to determine the gender.
  5. In this offer mastered is predicate.

Russian language lesson in the 6th grade on the topic

"And the action strives for a result" (permanent and non-permanent signs of the verb) (slide 1)

With the use of certain methods of technology RKMCHP

When compiling the development of a lesson in the Russian language and as a result of its practical implementation, a three-stage basic model of the RCMCHP technology is used.

The perception of information occurs in three stages, which corresponds to the following stages of the lesson:

  1. preparatory - call stage;
  2. the actual perception of the new is the semantic stage (or the stage of the realization of the meaning);
  3. appropriation of information - the stage of reflection.

In this lesson, the following goals and objectives were set and implemented:

1. Activate the work of students in the lesson by creating a problem situation.

2. Develop student skills

Independently determine their knowledge - ignorance on the topic being studied;
- work in pairs;
- compare, analyze, formulate questions, make inserts;
- systematize the material in a cluster.

3. To cultivate the desire to rethink one's own knowledge on the topic under study and their practical application.

Subsequent lessons are devoted not to theoretical material, but to its practical development.

In my opinion, the technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing” is effective, has good positive results; designed for the student in order to bring him as close as possible to the process of learning the Russian language and so that he receives moral satisfaction from this.

Epigraph: “The verb gives life to speech, - by its presence it gives life to individual words,” wrote N. Grech(slide 2)

Receptions: Individual work of students in the lesson; group work; reception of "brainstorming"; "insert", clustering.

During the classes

I. Challenge stage - goal setting

The word of the teacher: “Guys, today guests from the distant Old Slavonic school, which existed in Russia many centuries ago, came to our Russian language lesson. They will tell us very interesting stories about the most important part of speech in the Russian language, without which nothing in the world could exist and develop.

Student: “Many writers and linguists (linguists) paid attention to the amazing power of the Russian verb. For example, Nikolai Grech wrote: “The verb gives life to speech, - with its presence it gives life to individual words.” You see the statement of Nikolai Grech on the board as an epigraph at today's Russian lesson.

The name "verb" comes from the Old Slavonic word "verb - to speak."

One of the meanings of the word “verb” in the Old Russian language was “word”, “speech in general”.

It was in this sense that A.S. used it. Pushkin in the poem "Prophet": "Burn the hearts of people with the verb." The verb is the most important part of speech in Russian. Already in the name its special significance is emphasized. The verb as a part of speech means "process". With the help of the verb, we learn how everything in this world moves, speaks, changes colors, how it sounds, how it feels.”

Question: Guys, how do you understand Nikolai Grech's statement about the Russian language?

Student: “The famous Russian linguist A.M. Peshkovsky argued that "verbs are words that enliven everything to which they are attached." And indeed it is. With the help of nouns, we can name everything that surrounds us. Adjectives help us clarify what is called a noun, but only verbs can “revive” the world around us.

Linguists single out the verb as the most complex and capacious independent part of speech. According to scientists, the verb takes the second place (after the noun) in terms of frequency of use in speech.

Moreover, in texts of different styles, the verb is given an unequal role. Yes, in formal business style- about 6% of verbs, in scientific - about 10%. IN artistic speech the verb is used much more often: up to 15% of all words in a literary text are verbs. Masters of Russian speech skillfully used the direct and figurative meaning of verbs in their works.

Let's all together learn to use the whole variety of verbal vocabulary and choose the most accurate for each speech situation Verbs."

Question: Guys, why do you think we need to learn to use the variety of verbal vocabulary?

2. And now let's do an interesting exercise for the brains “Who does what?” (slide 3)

Cook - ..., doctor - ... .., teacher - ..., student - ..., bayan player - ..., artist - ..., dressmaker - ..., seller - ..., baker - .., wind - ..., thunder - ..., lightning - . ., grass - .., rain - ..., fire - ..., sun - .., water - ..

Make a conclusion.

3. And now let's shift our gaze to the pictograms depicted in front of you (9 pictograms of faces with a clearly expressed mood of joy, sadness, kindness, etc. are attached to the board), and using verbs, we will name the mood that you see on these bright “ pictogram faces. (Rejoices, laughs, frowns, cries, smiles, gets angry, etc.)

Make a conclusion.

5. Formulate and write down the theme of the lesson yourself.

6. Set a goal for yourself and write it down.

7. Remember everything you knew about the verb before and write down in the first column of the table “I knew ...”.

8. Get into pairs and discuss your lists. Leave the information with which both agree, with which someone disagrees, mark with a question mark.

(One or two pairs read out the information, the teacher writes it on the board.)

(There are questions on the board to help the children work in pairs.)

Questions: (slide 4)

1. What questions can a verb answer?

2. What does the verb mean as a part of speech?

3. What morphological features does the verb have?

4. How does it change?

5. What member of the proposal is usually?

II. Semantic stage

1. Individual work of students with the text, which contains the correct information. Text marking is used to ensure that the student learns new things and rejects incorrect information. Text marking is carried out using special characters:

“! ” - I knew it.

“+” - New to me.

“-“ - Makes me doubt.

“?” - Question.

2. Students briefly (words and phrases) write down new information in the second column of the table.

3. Students formulate and write down questions in the third column of the table (only if they arise).


III. Information text

1. The name “Verb” comes from the Old Slavonic word"to speak", which means "to speak".

2. Verb - it is a separate part of speech, which denotes the action or state of the object and responds toquestions what to do? what to do?

3. Verbs can havelexical meanings of movement(jump, run, swim…); sound (sing, speak, shout); states (turn blue, turn golden, hurt); process (absorb, heat up); existence (to live, to be) and others.

4. Verbs have a commongrammatical meaning "action".

5. The verb has the following morphological features:

1) Permanent signs: (slide 5)

a) view : perfect (what to do?); and imperfect (what to do?)

b) transitivity and intransitivity (transitive verbs require a direct object, intransitive verbs cannot have a direct object with them);

V) return and non-return(reflexive verbs are formed from intransitive verbs using the suffix -СЯ-СЫ;

d) conjugation - this is a change of verbs in persons and numbers. The conjugation is determined by the personal stressed endings of the verb. If the personal endings of verbs are unstressed, then it is necessary to rely on the indefinite form of the verb. (The second conjugation includes all verbs in- it , except for shaving, laying; 7 verbs in - to eat (watch, see, hate, depend, offend, endure, twirl); 4 verbs per- at (hear, breathe, hold, drive).

2) Variable signs (slides 6-7)

a) mood: indicative (verbs in the indicative mood denote actions that really happened in the past, are happening in the present or will happen in the future), conditional (The form of the conditional mood of verbs is formed from the stem indefinite form using the suffix l - and the particles would; for example, would do, would like to ...), imperative (verbs in the imperative mood that someone orders or asks to be done; for example, write, read, study ...) .;

b) time (only verbs in the indicative mood change at times): the present (what does it do? what do they do?), past (What did (uh, o) do?) future (what will (ut) do? what will (ut) do?;

c) number: singular and plural;

d) face : 1st (I - WE); 2nd (YOU - YOU); 3rd (OH - SHE - IT); however, there are verbs for which the change in persons is unusual, and this is due to the peculiarities lexical meaning these verbs. Such verbs call actions that occur on their own and are called impersonal, that is, without a face. They express: natural phenomena (it freezes, it gets dark); physical or mental states of a person (fever, chills, unwell). Impersonal verbs in a sentence are always predicates; they do not and cannot have a subject. (It was getting dark. It's already evening.)

e) gender (only for past tense singular verbs)

6) In the sentence is most often predicate, can act as a subject (“Learning is always useful”), is included in the grammatical basis of the sentence.

7) Particle - NOT with verbs it is always written separately, with the exception of those verbs that are not used without “not”. These are the following verbs:not well, to hate, to be indignant, to be perplexed, to be unwell, lacking (knowledge), to bask, to dislike.

8) In a literary text, verbs most often act as personifications (transfer of human properties to inanimate object). For example: the wind howls, whistles, plays; fog breathes...

9) The verb sets in motion everything that happens around us, thanks to it there is a movement forward, that is, life ....

IV. Stage of reflection (thinking) (8 slide)

After reading the text, students should remember the information that turned out to be relevant for each of them; rethinking one's own knowledge; drawing up a cluster (graphic image) so that the information is deposited in memory.

Students work in pairs.(Students discuss the new information in pairs, based on the questions written on the board.)


1. What did you already know from what you read? What turned out to be new? What do you disagree with? What caused doubt? Why? Prove your point.

2. Drawing up a cluster on the blackboard and in a notebook together with the teacher "Non-permanent and permanent morphological features of the verb."

Brain exercise “Who is doing what?” Cook - ..., doctor - ... .., teacher - ..., student - ..., bayan player - ..., artist - ..., dressmaker - ..., seller - ..., baker - .., wind - ..., thunder - ..., lightning - . ., grass - .., rain - ..., fire - ..., sun - .., water - ..

Questions: 1. What questions can a verb answer? 2. What does the verb mean as a part of speech? 3. What morphological features does the verb have? 4. How does it change? 5. What member of the sentence is usually?

Constant features of the verb a) view: perfect (what to do?); and imperfect (what to do?) b) transitivity and intransitivity (transitive verbs require a direct object, intransitive verbs cannot have a direct object with them); c) reflexivity and irreversibility (reflexive verbs are formed from intransitive verbs with the help of the suffix -СЯ-СЫ; d) conjugation is a change of verbs in persons and numbers. The conjugation is determined by the personal stressed endings of the verb. If the personal endings of verbs are unstressed, then it is necessary to rely on the indefinite form of the verb. (The second conjugation includes all verbs on - to eat, except to shave, lay; 7 verbs to - to eat (to look, see, hate, depend, offend, endure, twirl); 4 verbs to - at (hear, breathe, hold, drive ).

Non-permanent features of the verb a) mood: indicative (verbs in the indicative mood denote actions that actually happened in the past, are happening in the present or will happen in the future), conditional (The form of the conditional mood of verbs is formed from the stem of the indefinite form using the suffix - l - and particles would; for example, would do, would like to ...), imperative (verbs in the imperative mood that someone orders or asks to perform; for example, write, read, study ...) .; b) time (only verbs in the indicative mood change at times): present (what are you doing? what are you doing?), past (what are you doing (a, o)?), future (what will (ut) do? what will you do (yut) ?;

c) number: singular and plural; d) person: 1st (I - WE); 2nd (YOU - YOU); 3rd (OH - SHE - IT); however, there are verbs for which the change in persons is unusual, and this is due to the peculiarities of the lexical meaning of these verbs. Such verbs call actions that occur on their own and are called impersonal, that is, without a face. They express: natural phenomena (it freezes, it gets dark); physical or mental states of a person (fever, chills, unwell). Impersonal verbs in a sentence are always predicates; they do not and cannot have a subject. (It was getting dark. It's already getting dark.) e) gender (only for past tense singular verbs)

Questions: 1. What did you already know from what you read? What turned out to be new? What do you disagree with? What caused doubt? Why? Prove your point.

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