What does the word breed mean? What is a breed: definition, meaning, semantic load. Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

What is a breed in the broadest sense? This word has several meanings, absolutely, it would seem, not similar. This is a collection of certain objects that stand out among their own kind in a number of properties. In one area or another, the meaning of the word may vary somewhat. A close synonym for the word "breed" is a category, and in some cases the words "type", "grade", "tribe" are also appropriate.

Breed in animal husbandry

In relation to domestic animals, a breed is a fairly large group of one species, distinguished by a certain set of qualities, both morphological and genetic. It should be noted that each such intraspecific community was created by man through repeated selection and rigorous selection.

Individuals born from different breeds, in animal husbandry are called crossbreeds, or hybrids. In order to maintain the gene pool in the course of breeding work, several lines of animals are created so as not to resort to inbreeding unless absolutely necessary.

The largest variety of thoroughbred animals can be observed in dogs, cats, horses, chickens, pigeons. Sometimes external data within the same species are so different that it remains a wonder how far artificial breeding. Compare at least the Russian hound and the French bulldog.

What is a breed for a dog breeder? These are, first of all, the external data of the pet: height at the withers, setting of the ears, head shape, limb length, eye color. According to these and many other criteria, it is estimated how close the animal is to the standard adopted by the cynological federation.


What does the word "rock" mean to a geologist? The first thing that comes to mind for a person of this profession is the layer that forms the earth's crust. Each rock is formed by one or more types of minerals that have a solid or loose structure. For the first time this term was used by the Russian scientist Vasily Mikhailovich Severgin in 1798.

What is the breed for the miner and the entire mining industry? This is a fossil, which contains a valuable metal or mineral.

What is a breed of people

In relation to a person given word has several meanings. It is used in the description of complexion, height, physique, for example: "He was a tall, broad-shouldered man who belonged to a large breed."

In some areas (especially in the outback), sometimes a breed is called belonging to a surname or clan: "I know all your breed." This meaning is gradually becoming obsolete, in contrast to the interpretation described below.

A breed is also called a collection of people who have similar character traits or belong to certain kind activities associated with selflessness and dedication to their work. This can be said about firefighters, rescuers or the military.

This is the meaning of the word "breed" often used in the literature. Here are a few quotes from world famous authors.

  • “There is a special breed of people who are specially engaged in making fun of every phenomenon of life” (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov).
  • “There is such a breed of people: no matter what they undertake, nothing immediately turns out” (Haruki Murakami).
  • “I see, child, according to the words that your noble breed” (Homer).

According to the definition of the law of the Russian Federation on breeding achievements of August 6, 1993, a group of animals that, regardless of the ability to protect, has genetically determined biological and morphological properties and characteristics ... Big Law Dictionary

  • ROOD - ROCK, solid matter, constituting earth's crust. Although dense, it does not have to be hard - CLAY and volcanic ASH are also considered rocks. According to their origin, the breeds are divided into three main groups. Scientific and technical dictionary
  • BREED - BREED - a grammatical or lexical-grammatical category of a verb in Afroasian and some other languages, combining verbs with a common voice or aspect value and the same type of affixation or internal inflection. Big encyclopedic dictionary
  • Breed - The term P. is mainly used in relation to domestic animals or plants to refer to a collection of individuals representing some specific differences from other individuals of the same species; Yes, there are many... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • breed - BREED -s; and. 1. A holistic stable group of agricultural or some other animals of the same species, which has certain traits and characteristics that are inherited. Meat, dairy products of livestock. Dog breeds. Dictionary Kuznetsova
  • breed - breed, breed, breed, breed, breed, breed, breed, breed, breed, breed, breed, breed, breed Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  • breed - POR'ODA, breeds, women. 1. A variety of domestic animals that differs in special features from other animals of the same species. Cow of the Kholmogory breed. Oryol breed of horses. Singing bird breeds. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  • breed - -s, f. 1. A holistic stable group of agricultural or some other animals of the same species, which has certain traits and characteristics that are inherited. Oryol horses. Dog breed. Breeding a new breed of sheep. Small Academic Dictionary
  • breed - noun, number of synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • breed - Orff. breed, -s Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • Breed - I Breed is a grammatical or lexical-grammatical category of a verb in Semitic-Hamitic and some other languages. Verbs in one P. are combined by a common voice or aspect value (reflexive, mutual, intensive, etc.). Big soviet encyclopedia
  • breed - I breed I. Derived from the genus. II II "paradise", only other Russian. (Izborn. Holy. 1073, Nestor, Life. Boris and Gleb, Feodos., Pech.; see Srezn. II, 1208 et seq.), old-glory. breed παράδεισος (Supr.). It goes back, in any case, to the Greek. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • breed - BREED, s, f. 1. A variety of economically useful animals that differ in how they are. traits from animals of the same species. dairy cattle, meat breed. P. dogs. Fish breeds. New breeds of colored minks. 2. Genus or species of trees, woody plants. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • breed - See beget Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    since O Yes

    1. and.

    1) a) A variety of domestic animals that differs in special characteristics from other animals of the same species.

    b) A variety of plants of the same family or species.

    c) unfold A set of qualities that characterize a particular variety of animals; thoroughbredness.

    b) Physical appearance, physique of a person.

    3) a) outdated. Genus, family, kindred.

    b) The totality of characterizing someone. physical, moral, etc. inherited traits.

    4) a) outdated. Origin, belonging by birth to a smth. social group.

    b) Belonging to the highest social strata, manifested in the totality of the characteristic external data of a person.

    2. and.

    1) A mineral or a collection of minerals of more or less constant composition that make up the earth's crust.

    2) A mineral that contains a more valuable mineral.

    Efremov. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. 2012

    See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BREED in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    • BREED in the Dictionary of thieves' jargon:
      - …
    • BREED in the One-volume large legal dictionary:
      - according to the definition of the law of the Russian Federation on breeding achievements of August 6, 1993, a group of animals, which, regardless of the ability to protect, has ...
    • BREED in the Big Law Dictionary:
      - according to the definition of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Breeding Achievements" of August 6, 1993, "a group of animals that, regardless of the ability to protect, has ...
    • BREED
      SMALL - see SMALL (GENE POOL) ...
    • BREED in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
      - a group of animals that, regardless of the ability to protect, has genetically determined biological and morphological properties and characteristics, and some of them ...
    • BREED in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      grammatical or lexico-grammatical category of a verb in Afroasian and some other languages, combining verbs with a common voice or aspect value and ...
    • BREED V encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
      the term P. is mainly used in relation to domestic animals or plants to refer to a set of individuals representing some specific differences from ...
    • BREED in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      , -s, w. I. A variety of economically useful animals, differing in some way. traits from animals of the same species. Dairy and beef cattle. …
    • BREED
      BREED OF ANIMAL, integral consolidated (sustainable) group of s.-x. f-nyh of the same species, having a common origin and differing in specific. exterior-constitutional and useful households. …
    • BREED in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      WOODEN SPECIES, genera and species of trees (pine, spruce, birch, poplar, apple, aspen, etc.). The term is used in the forest ...
    • BREED in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      POROD, grammar. or lexico-grammar. the category of the verb in Afroasian and some other languages, combining verbs with a common voice or aspect value ...
    • BREED in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
      ? the term P. is mainly used in relation to domestic animals or plants to refer to a set of individuals representing some specific differences ...
    • BREED in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
      poro "yes, poro" dy, poro "dy, poro" d, poro "de, poro" ladies, poro "du, poro" dy, poro "doy, poro" milking, poro "damy, poro" de, ...
    • BREED in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      (tracing paper Arabic. nauc-un) - accepted in Russian. semntological traditions notation of derivatives verb stems, forming a paradigmatically coupled system. P. modify the primary ...
    • BREED in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
      Dog …
    • BREED in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords.
    • BREED in the Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
      Syn: See...
    • BREED in the Russian Thesaurus:
      Syn: See...
    • BREED in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
      see tribe, lineage, ...
    • BREED in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
      absarokite, augite, autobreccia, autoclast, agalmatolite, adamellite, silt, siltstone, siltstone, allochetite, albitite, albitofire, alaskite, amphibole, amphibolite, andesite, ankaramite, anorthosite, apaneite, apatitolite, …
    • BREED in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
      1. g. 1) a) A variety of domestic animals that differs in special characteristics from other animals of the same species. b) A variety of plants of the same ...
    • BREED in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
      porod, ...
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