The main program of the Special Olympics. Chapter. History of the Special Olympic Movement in Russia

Activities for people with mental disabilities. It is the main organizer of the Special Olympics ( Special Olympics World Games) held every 4 years. The Special Olympics Movement arose 40 years ago at the initiative of Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of US President John F. Kennedy. In 1957, she became head of the Joseph Kennedy Foundation. The Foundation has two main goals: to find protection against mental retardation by identifying its causes, and to improve the way society treats citizens who have intellectual disabilities.

In 1963, Eunice and her husband, Sargent Shriver, decided to change the position of people who were considered worthless in society. To that end, they converted their home in Maryland into a sports day camp for children and adults with mental retardation to explore their abilities.
The very first results of working with them showed how responsive these people are to care and how, with support and patient training, their enormous inner potential is revealed. People with mental retardation turned out to be much more capable in sports and physical education than many experts thought.
In July 1968, the first international Special Olympics took place at the Military Field in Chicago. In December of the same year, Special Olympics was created, which received the status of a charitable organization. Over the years, more than three million people from 180 countries of the world have become participants in the Special Olympics movement.

In 1988, at the XV Winter Olympic Games in Calgary, the President of the International Olympic Committee, Juan Antonio Samaranch, signed an agreement with J. Kennedy-Shriver, according to which Special Olympics received the right to use the word "Olympics" in its name.

" recognition of Special Olympics International's efforts to promote sport among the mentally handicapped, the International Olympic Committee officially recognizes Special Olympics, which is hereby authorized to use the name "Olympics"...

Juan Antonio Samaranch
President of the International Olympic Committee,
February 15, 1988, Calgary, Canada, XV Winter Olympic Games

The merit of Eunice and her husband, Sargent Shriver, a prominent figure in the US Democratic Party, is that they were able to prove that regular physical education, participation in competitions help mentally retarded people acquire skills in work and collective conscious actions, teach them to act purposefully and in an organized manner. . This creates opportunities for gradual adaptation to real life conditions and integration into society.
In Russia, the special Olympic movement has been developing since 1990. On September 16, 1999, the Russian Special Olympics, which became part of Special Olympic International, was registered by the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation as an all-Russian public charitable organization for helping disabled people with mental retardation.
Now more than 110 thousand children and adults participate in the special Olympic movement in our country. There are about 60 local branches of Special Olympics Russia.

History of the Special Olympic Movement in Russia

February 1990 in Sukhumi (Georgia) the first all-Union seminar for specialists in physical culture was held, dedicated to the organization of sports work with mentally retarded people under the program "Special Olympics". At this seminar, the public organization "All-Union Committee of the Special Olympics" was created, which laid the foundation for the development of this movement in all the republics of the former Soviet Union.
The seminar was attended by Russian (A. A. Dmitriev, V. M. Mozgovoy) and American (Dr. Hieli and Dr. Dolan) scientists in the field of physical education of people with mental retardation, employees of the Ministries of Education, Social Security, Health, physical education teachers, defectologists, as well as specialists from the international organization Special Olympics International, headed by the president of this organization, Mr. Sargent Shriver. It was then that Russian specialists got acquainted with the Special Olympics program for the first time.
In 1990 The first All-Union competitions were held, which selected athletes from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Uzbekistan, who took part in the same year in the summer European Special Olympic Games in Glasgow (Scotland) in athletics, swimming, gymnastics and handball. This first experience of participation in international competitions "Special Olympics" gave the opportunity to coaches to understand the principles of this movement, to get to know its requirements and rules.
Spring 1991 in Moscow, on the basis of GTSOLIFK, an all-Union seminar "Special Olympics" was held, in which well-known athletes in the past took part: Tatyana Sarycheva, Alexander Boloshev, Alzhan Zharmukhamedov, Lyudmila Kondratieva, Galina Prozumenshchikova. After that, the summer All-Union Special Olympic Games were held; they were held in 9 sports in the cities of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. Athletes with mental retardation from almost all republics took part in them.
In June 1991 a delegation of 113 people, including representatives of all the Union republics, took part in the Summer Special Olympics in Minneapolis (USA), in athletics, swimming, weightlifting, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, handball .
In December 1991 In connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the All-Union Committee of the Special Olympics was liquidated and the public organization Special Olympics of Eurasia was created. The purpose of its creation was to help organize independent national programs "Special Olympics" in 12 young countries in the territory of the former Soviet Union.
In 1992 in Petrozavodsk the first Winter Special Olympic Games of Eurasia were held, the program of which included competitions in cross-country skiing and speed skating; A floor hockey tournament was held in St. Petersburg.
March 1993 in Austria, 156 athletes and coaches from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan participated in the Winter Special Olympics World Games in cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, speed skating, figure skating, and floor hockey.
In 1994 in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) in the Summer Special Olympic Games of Eurasia, athletes from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan participated in competitions in athletics, swimming, basketball, table tennis, and football. Unfortunately, due to financial problems other countries could not take part in them.
In 1995 in New Haven (USA) in the Summer Special Olympics World Games, already independent teams of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine participated, and athletes from Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan competed in the same team of Eurasia, so how in these countries independent national organizations "Special Olympics" have not yet been created.
Such a rapid growth of the Special Olympics Movement in the countries of the post-Soviet space can be explained by the fact that it stimulates the development and use of physical culture and sports for people with mental retardation. It was revealed that active physical culture and sports have a positive effect on the functioning of the main body systems of people with mental retardation, thereby contributing to the development of corrective and compensatory functions that allow them to adapt to life in society.
The Special Olympics of Russia is an all-Russian public charitable organization officially recognized by the Russian Olympic Committee, which is the national committee of the international public organization Special Olympics International.
In September 1999 The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the first time registered the Special Olympics of Russia - the only organization in our country that represents Russia in SOI, including at international competitions.
The Special Olympics of Russia organizes all-Russian competitions in certain sports and olympiads, completes and sends national teams to European and world competitions, organizes all-Russian seminars, trains coaches and judges, publishes methodological literature. The main objective of the Special Olympics in Russia is to spread the Special Olympics movement in the country and involve more people with mental retardation in sports under the programs of the Special Olympics. To this end, the Directorate is doing a great job of organizing territorial branches and regional centers.


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See what "Special Olympics" is in other dictionaries:

    Special Olympics- is an international organization created to help people with intellectual disabilities develop self confidence, social skills and a sense of personal accomplishment. Among their other activities, Special Olympics conducts the Special Olympics… … Wikipedia

    Special Olympics- Basketballturnier Special Olympics ist die weltweit größte Sportbewegung für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung und Mehrfachbehinderung. Sie ist vom Internationalen Olympischen Komitee offiziell anerkannt und darf als einzige Organization den… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    Special Olympics- es una organización internacional creada para ayudar a las personas con discapacidad psíquica a desarrollar la confianza en sí mismas y sus habilidades sociales mediante el entrenamiento y la competición deportiva. Entre otras actividades,… … Wikipedia Español

    Special Olympics- Special Olympics. an international program of fitness and athletic competition for children and adults who are mentally and often physically handicapped, founded in 1968 and featuring events and quadrennial games modeled on those of the Olympics… … Universalium

    Special Olympics- Jeux olympiques spéciaux Inspirés des Jeux olympiques, les Jeux olympiques spéciaux s'adressent à des déficients intellectuels âgés de 8 à 80 ans. L accent est mis sur la participation de chacun plutôt que sur l exploit sportif. Sommaire 1 ... ... Wikipedia en Français

    Special Olympics- Special O|lym|pics, the an international program of sports events and sports training for adults and children who have mental or physical problems … Dictionary of contemporary English

A private summer camp for people with intellectual disabilities started a worldwide sports movement.

For more than 43 years, Special Olympics has been changing the lives of people with disabilities and the way society treats them for the better.

Eunice Kennedy Shriver opened up the world of sports to children with intellectual disabilities at a summer camp that became the prototype of the Special Olympics competition.

In the early 1960s Eunice Kennedy Shriver's attention was drawn to the problem of the unfair attitude of society towards people with intellectual disabilities. In particular, separate playgrounds were not even built for children with special needs. Eunice decided to fight injustice. Very soon, she was able to find a way to put her beliefs into practice by organizing a summer camp for children and youth with intellectual disabilities.

The goal was to find out whether (and if so, to what extent) such children can play sports and other outdoor activities, and not focus on what they cannot do.

Her ideas were developed and led to the emergence of the Special Olympics movement around the world.

In July 1968, the first international Special Olympics took place at the Military Field in Chicago. In December of the same year, Special Olympics was created, which received the status of a charitable organization. Over the years, more than three million people from 180 countries of the world have become participants in the Special Olympics movement.

In 1988, at the XV Winter Olympic Games in Calgary, the President of the International Olympic Committee, Juan Antonio Samaranch, signed an agreement with J. Kennedy-Shriver, according to which Special Olympics received the right to use the word "Olympics" in its name.

… in recognition of the efforts of Special Olympics International to promote sports among the mentally handicapped, the International Olympic Committee officially recognizes Special Olympics, which is hereby authorized to use the name “Olympics”…

Juan Antonio Samaranch- President of the International Olympic Committee, February 15, 1988, Calgary, Canada, XV Winter Olympic Games

The merit of Eunice and her husband, Sargent Shriver, a prominent figure in the US Democratic Party, is that they were able to prove that regular physical education, participation in competitions help mentally retarded people acquire skills in work and collective conscious actions, teach them to act purposefully and in an organized manner. . This creates opportunities for gradual adaptation to real life conditions and integration into society.

In Russia, the special Olympic movement has been developing since 1990. On September 16, 1999, the Special Olympics of Russia, which became part of Special Olympic International, was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as an all-Russian public charitable organization for helping people with mental retardation.

Now more than 110 thousand children and adults participate in the special Olympic movement in our country. There are about 60 local branches of Special Olympics Russia.

History of the Special Olympics Movement in Russia

February 1990

In Sukhumi (Georgia), the first all-Union seminar for specialists in physical culture was held, dedicated to the organization of sports work with mentally retarded people under the "Special Olympics" program. At this seminar, the public organization "All-Union Committee of Special Olympics" was created, which laid the foundation for the development of this movement in all the republics of the former Soviet Union. The seminar was attended by Russian (A.A. Dmitriev, V.M. Mozgovoy) and American (Dr. Hieli and Dr. Dolan) scientists in the field of physical education of people with mental retardation, employees of the ministries of education, social security, health, physical education teachers, defectologists, as well as specialists from the international organization Special Olympics International, headed by the president of this organization, Mr. Sargent Shriver. It was then that Russian specialists got acquainted with the Special Olympics program for the first time.

June 1990

The first all-Union competitions were held, at which athletes from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Uzbekistan were selected, who took part in the summer European Special Olympic Games in Glasgow (Scotland) in athletics, swimming, gymnastics and handball in the same year. This first experience of participation in international competitions "Special Olympics" gave the opportunity to coaches to understand the principles of this movement, to get to know its requirements and rules.

April 1991

In Moscow, on the basis of the GTSOLIFK, an all-Union seminar "Special Olympics" was held, in which well-known athletes in the past took part: Tatyana Sarycheva, Alexander Boloshev, Alzhan Zharmukhamedov, Lyudmila Kondratieva, Galina Prozumenshchikova. After that, the summer All-Union Special Olympic Games were held; they were held in 9 sports in the cities of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. Athletes with mental retardation from almost all republics took part in them.

June 1991

A delegation of 113 people, including representatives of all Union republics, took part in the Summer Special Olympics in Minneapolis (USA), in athletics, swimming, weightlifting, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, handball .

December 1991

In connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the All-Union Committee of the Special Olympics was liquidated and the public organization Special Olympics of Eurasia was created. The purpose of its creation was to help organize independent national programs "Special Olympics" in 12 young countries in the territory of the former Soviet Union.


Petrozavodsk hosted the first Winter Special Olympic Games of Eurasia, the program of which included competitions in cross-country skiing and speed skating; A floor hockey tournament was held in St. Petersburg.

March 1993

In Austria, 156 athletes and coaches from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan participated in the Winter Special Olympics in cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, speed skating, figure skating, and floor hockey.


In Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), athletes from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan participated in athletics, swimming, basketball, table tennis, and football in the Summer Special Olympic Games of Eurasia. Unfortunately, due to financial problems other countries could not take part in them.

July 1995

In New Haven (USA), already independent teams of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine participated in the Summer Special Olympics, and athletes from Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan competed in the same team of Eurasia, so how in these countries independent national organizations "Special Olympics" have not yet been created. Such a rapid growth of the Special Olympics Movement in the countries of the post-Soviet space can be explained by the fact that it stimulates the development and use of physical culture and sports for people with mental retardation. It was revealed that active physical culture and sports have a positive effect on the functioning of the main body systems of people with mental retardation, thereby contributing to the development of corrective and compensatory functions that allow them to adapt to life in society. Special Olympics of Russia is an all-Russian public charitable organization officially recognized by the Russian Olympic Committee, which is the national committee of the international public organization Special Olympics International.

September 1999

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the first time registered the Special Olympics of Russia - the only organization in our country that represents Russia in SOI, including at international competitions. The Special Olympics of Russia organizes all-Russian competitions in certain sports and olympiads, completes and sends national teams to European and world competitions, organizes all-Russian seminars, trains coaches and judges, publishes methodological literature. The main objective of the Special Olympics Russia is to spread the Special Olympics movement in the country and involve more people with mental retardation in sports under the programs of the Special Olympics. To this end, the Directorate is doing a great job of organizing territorial branches and regional centers.


From 1 to 8 February in Toronto, the Sixth International Special Olympic Winter Games were held, which were broadcast daily on all Canadian television channels! Over 1780 athletes from 82 countries competed for medals at these Games.

year 2000.

The new millennium opened for us the European Summer Special Olympics, which took place from May 27 to June 4 in Groningen, the Netherlands. 50 Special Olympians participated in bowling, basketball, gymnastics, swimming, table tennis, football and equestrian competitions and won 71 medals, of which there were 35 gold, 27 silver and 9 bronze!

year 2001.

In March 2001, the Seventh International Special Olympics Winter Games began in Anchorage. 2000 athletes from 100 countries. Russia presented a delegation of 70 people at these competitions and won a considerable number of medals.


In the spring of 2002, the Russian Futsal Championship was held in the beautiful city of Smolensk. The championship was attended by 170 athletes from 17 territories of Russia: Yaroslavl, Smolensk, Vyazma, Sverdlovsk region, Omsk region, Komi Republic, Kurgan, Voronezh, Arkhangelsk, Pskov regions, Republic of Mari El, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Udmurtia, Leningrad region, St. Petersburg, Republic of Chuvashia, Kaluga, Khabarovsk region. As a result of the championship, there was a draw for the World Summer Special Olympic Games 2003 in Dublin, according to which the following were selected: the main team - athletes from the Republic of Udmurtia; reserve team - athletes from St. Petersburg. At the end of September, the Special Olympics European Basketball Tournament was held in Moscow. The competition is so high level took place in Russia for the first time.


June saw the Special Olympics Summer World Games in Dublin, Ireland. For the first time in the history of the Special Olympics movement, the Summer Games were held outside the United States of America. The main composition of the delegation of the Russian Federation included 104 people from different cities of Russia, from Moscow to Omsk.

sport for people with intellectual disabilities.

“Let me win, but if I can’t win, let me be brave, in the attempt.” This is the oath of an athlete at the Special Olympics World Games, which is not only part of the organizational activities, but also characterizes international movement Special Olympics in general. After all, only here for an athlete “the main thing is not victory, but participation” (the famous words of the Bishop of Pennsylvania, uttered at the 1908 Olympic Games).

Special Olympics is perhaps the only organization that provides people with intellectual disabilities to join society through sports. Their main goal is not to win a medal at the main competitions of the four years. Here it is important to help people with disabilities in mental development become full members of society.

The Special Olympics movement dates back to 1962, when Eunice Kennedy Shriver organized a summer sports and recreation camp for children with mental disabilities. However, this event has its own history. In 1918, a daughter, Rosemary, was born in the family of Joseph and Rose Kennedy, who, as it turned out later, began to lag behind her peers in mental development. In 1941, Rosemary underwent brain surgery, after which her condition only worsened. Eunice, observing the condition and life of her sister, decided to help people who have the same problem by all means.

So, in 1968, with the help of Joseph Kennedy, Eunice organized the first International Sports Games of the Special Olympics (Chicago, USA). More than 1,000 athletes took part in the Games in 3 sports: athletics, swimming, and floor hockey. Later that year, it was decided to create a charitable non-profit organization Special Olympics Inc.

The first Special Olympics Winter Games were held in 1977 in Steam Bount Springs (USA). A feature of the Special Olympics Games is the system of division of athletes, according to which in one competitive division there can be from three to 8 participants (athletes or teams).

Thus began the history of one of the large-scale international sports movements. Today, the Special Olympics brings together more than 4 million athletes. And in many respects this is the merit of volunteers, who play a decisive role in the activities of this organization. Volunteers here are not only those who assist in organizing competitions and other sporting events. Here they are mentors, comrades, brothers and even parents. Anyone can become a Special Olympics volunteer: a businessman who sponsors the competition, and a student who organizes them, and a doctor who conducts a medical examination, and even a law enforcement representative who, together with an athlete, carries a torch with the fire of Special Olympics.

The podium of awarding at Special Olympics competitions differs from the classic one and has 8 steps. Accordingly, at the Games, awards of various denominations are received by all participants.

To understand the essence of the volunteer activities of the Special Olympics, one should understand its features. It is important to note that "special" volunteers are engaged not only in the preparation and organization of competitions (as is the case in Olympic, Paralympic or Deaflympic sports). Here they also participate in various volunteer programs ("United Sports", "Healthy Athletes", "Join", "Young Athletes", "Family Program", "MATR", "Torch Run", "Leadership of Athletes"). Today, Special Olympics has over 915,000 volunteers. Thanks to their activities, as well as the opportunities provided by Special Olympics, athletes with mental disabilities are able to adapt socially through sports and physical activity.

Special Olympics and Paralympics are two separate organizations recognized by the IOC. The unique nature of Special Olympics is that it provides sporting opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities at all levels of athletic ability. The Paralympic Games provide sporting opportunities for elite-level athletes with a physical or mental disability.

History of movement in Russia

In February 1990, in Sukhumi (Georgia), the first all-Union seminar for specialists in physical culture was held, dedicated to the organization of sports work with mentally retarded people under the Special Olympics program. At this seminar, the public organization "All-Union Committee of Special Olympics" was created, which laid the foundation for the development of this movement in all the republics of the former Soviet Union. It was then that Russian specialists got acquainted with the Special Olympics program for the first time.

In 1990, the first all-Union competitions were held, which selected athletes from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Uzbekistan, who took part in the same year in the summer European Special Olympic Games in Glasgow (Scotland) in athletics, swimming, gymnastics and handball.

In the spring of 1991, an all-Union seminar "Special Olympics" was held in Moscow, on the basis of the GTSOLIFK. After that, the summer All-Union Special Olympic Games were held; they were held in 9 sports in the cities of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. Athletes with mental retardation from almost all republics took part in them.

In June 1991, a delegation of 113 people, including representatives of all Soviet republics, took part in the Summer Special Olympics in Minneapolis (USA), in athletics, swimming, weightlifting, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, football , table tennis, handball.

In December 1991, in connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the All-Union Committee of the Special Olympics was liquidated and the public organization Special Olympics of Eurasia was created. The purpose of its creation was to help organize independent national programs "Special Olympics" in 12 young countries in the territory of the former Soviet Union.

In 1992, the first Winter Special Olympic Games of Eurasia were held in Petrozavodsk, the program of which included competitions in cross-country skiing and speed skating; A floor hockey tournament was held in St. Petersburg.

In March 1993, in Austria, 156 athletes and coaches from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan participated in the Winter World Special Olympic Games in cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, speed skating, figure skating, and floor hockey.

In 1994, in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), athletes from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan participated in athletics, swimming, basketball, table tennis, and football in the Summer Special Olympic Games of Eurasia. Unfortunately, due to financial problems other countries could not take part in them.

In 1995, in New Haven (USA), already independent teams of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine participated in the Summer Special Olympic Games, and athletes from Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan competed in one the Eurasian team, since these countries have not yet created independent national organizations "Special Olympics".

Such a rapid growth of the Special Olympics Movement in the countries of the post-Soviet space can be explained by the fact that it stimulates the development and use of physical culture and sports.

It was revealed that active physical culture and sports have a positive effect on the functioning of the main body systems of people with mental retardation, thereby contributing to the development of corrective and compensatory functions that allow them to adapt to life in society.

Special Olympics of Russia is an all-Russian public charitable organization officially recognized by the Russian Olympic Committee, which is the national committee of the international public organization Special Olympics International.

In September 1999, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered the Russian Special Olympics for the first time - the only organization in our country that represents Russia in SOI, including at international competitions.

The Special Olympics of Russia organizes all-Russian competitions in certain sports and olympiads, completes and sends national teams to European and world competitions, organizes all-Russian seminars, trains coaches and judges, publishes methodological literature. The main objective of the Special Olympics Russia is to spread the Special Olympics movement in the country and involve more people with mental retardation in sports under the programs of the Special Olympics. To this end, the Directorate is doing a great job of organizing territorial branches and regional centers.

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state budget educational institution

higher vocational education


Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Department of Physical Culture and Health Technologies

Course work

Topic: "Special Olympiad and special art - two main directions of social integration of persons with intellectual disabilities"

Completed by: Odessa M.N.

3rd year student of the group

Faculty of AFC

Checked: departments of FC and OT

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor V.N. Pushkin

Arkhangelsk, 2015


1.1 Unconventional Special Olympics competition model

2.1 Main distinguishing features of creative types of ROS

2.3 Special art as a kind of creative (artistic and musical) body-oriented types of AFC


musical invalid olympic philosophical


The problem of disability, in general, and the problem of disability of persons with intellectual disabilities, in particular, is one of the most difficult problems modernity. It attracted the attention of the general population of our country: political scientists, scientists, public figures, employees of secondary and higher education. It became obvious that in our country this problem was hushed up, embellished for the sake of ideological attitudes about the advantages of the socialist system over all other systems of social organization. However, the problem of social integration of persons with intellectual disabilities is a global problem that exists in all countries, regardless of their level of economic development. Therefore, the relevance of the topic of this work becomes clear. Indeed, in adaptive physical culture, the two main directions of social integration of persons with intellectual disabilities can be called the Special Olympic Movement and Special Art.

The purpose of this work is to answer the question: how the Special Olympics Movement and Special Arts allow people with intellectual disabilities to integrate into society.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider what philosophical aspects the Special Olympics Movement is based on

Understand how the Special Olympics Movement is organized and how disabled people in our country can get there

Define what Special Arts is, what it includes, and how it helps individuals with intellectual disabilities to integrate into society.

Chapter 1. Special Olympics as a method of integrating disabled people into society

1.1 Unconventional Special Olympics competition model

The non-traditional competition model was specifically designed for people with intellectual disabilities. According to its developers, it significantly reduces the negative aspects of the traditional model, is more humane and more suitable for persons with intellectual disabilities. The most important features of this model are as follows. The main (primary) function of the non-traditional competition model, as well as the traditional one, involves determining the winners and prize-winners of competitions, however, in this case, the procedures for their final ranking from best to worst and fixing records are actually canceled. In the non-traditional model, there can be no losers among the participating Special Athletes. Each of them participates in the awards ceremony, is on a podium and is sure to receive an award. To this end, all participants in the competition are divided according to the results of the preliminary competitions into the so-called divisions (division rule), the number of athletes or teams, in which there should be no more than eight and no less than three. At the same time, the levels of training (physical abilities and technical skills) of participants in competitions of one division should not deviate by more than 10% (rule ~ 10%).

Thus, in the competition model of the Special Olympics, the mandatory identification of the hierarchy of places (rank) of each participant based on the sports results shown from best to worst, which is typical for the traditional competition model, is completely excluded. Here, the ranking is carried out only within the divisions, and everything is done to exclude a negative assessment of those who are below the line of medalists (awarding ceremony, presentation of award ribbons, etc.). In Special Olympics competitions, all participants receive awards, and the number of medal sets equals the number of divisions, which gives a chance to receive gold medal even those individuals whose physical condition is significantly lower than those competing in other (stronger) divisions.

Such an organization of competitions also removes the problem of fixing records, the main of which is the progress of one's own achievements, and not absolute indicator result. It is clear that the representatives and winners of the weaker divisions will have a significantly lower absolute score than the representatives and winners of the stronger division. Therefore, there is no point in emphasizing this, so as not to reduce the joy of the owners of medals and awards in weaker divisions.

The fundamental difference between the non-traditional model of competitive activity lies in its functions associated with the social assessment of sports results and achievements of special athletes. First of all, a strict ban on the use of material rewards for special athletes has been introduced here, as well as a monetary contribution for participation in competitions has been canceled.

1.2 Philosophical aspects of the Special Olympics Movement

The Special Olympics movement is much more “young” (The first international Special Olympics were held in 1968, the same year the private charitable organization Special Olympics International (SOI) was officially registered) compared to the Paralympic. But, despite this, it has received rapid development in the world in recent years, in which the great merit of Eunice Kennedy-Shriver, the founder of this movement. Currently, the International Organization of Special Olympics unites more than 160 countries and is the largest international program in the world, organizing year-round training and competitions for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

The following factors contributed to this:

Development and implementation by the organizers of the Special Olympics of an unconventional model of competitive activity for special athletes, which is softer and more humane than the traditional model of competition for healthy people used in the Paralympic movement;

The largest number of people with intellectual disabilities compared with people with disabilities of other nosological groups (for example, according to G.F. Morozov G.F. Morozov Some results of the analysis of the demographic situation in Russia in the light of the development of the special Olympic movement: Mater. All-Russian scientific-practical Conf. (November 30 - December 1, 2000) - M .: Special Olympiad of Russia, 2000. - P. 12., in the world of people with intellectual disabilities, there are more than 300 million, in the population of the countries of the European and North American continents they make up 2-3%, and in African countries, South America, Asia -8-10%; according to the Ministry of Education of Russia, children with intellectual disabilities make up 70.9% of the total number of students in special (correctional) institutions, not counting 26,000 children studying in general education schools in the so-called special (correctional) classes;

Great opportunities for the programs of the Special Olympics for the implementation of socialization and social integration of persons with intellectual disabilities, improving the quality of their lives.

In the Soviet period of the development of our country, the problem of research and formation of needs, motives, interests, value orientations of each specific person, and even more so with limited health opportunities or disability, was not among the priorities, among which the problems of preparing the younger generation in labor and military activities or, in other words, comprehensively developed builders of a society of a new formation, dominated. The ongoing processes of humanization of society, the humanization of education have attracted the attention of scientists and specialists to the problems of studying a person, his personality, regardless of his state of health.

The mission of the Special Olympics and its main goal is that the main direction of this kind of adaptive sports is the organization of year-round training and competitions for children and adults with mental disabilities, not so much to achieve maximum record results, but to improve physical fitness, gain joy, the development of friendly relations between family members, other special athletes and society as a whole.

Clarification and detailing of the philosophical aspects of the Special Olympic Movement are set out in its fundamental guidelines (principles):

1. Persons with intellectual disabilities may, with appropriate education and encouragement, learn, enjoy and benefit from participation in individual and team sports adapted as necessary to the needs of persons with specific mental and physical disabilities.

2. A holistic training process, organized under the guidance of qualified coaches and focused on improving the fitness of training participants, is extremely important for the development of sports skills, and athletic competition among people of equal ability is the most correct method of assessing skills, measuring progress and stimulating personal growth.

3. Through sports training and competition, people with intellectual disabilities improve physically, mentally, socially and spiritually; family relationships are strengthened; and society as a whole, as a result of direct participation and observation of events, unites with people with mental disabilities on the principles of equality and acceptance of each other.

4. Any person with an intellectual disability who meets the minimum impairment criteria (see Chapter 14) should be able to benefit from the sports training and competition programs offered by Special Olympics.

5. The International Organization for Special Olympics must transcend all racial, gender, religious, and geographic boundaries, as well as gender divisions. national origin And political philosophy by creating opportunities for sports training and competition according to the same global standards for all people with intellectual disabilities who meet the criteria defined below.

6. Special Olympics International welcomes and seeks to promote the sporting spirit and interest in participating in sports for the sake of participation. To achieve this goal, Special Olympics intends to provide every athlete with the opportunity to participate in training and competition that will maximize the potential of each athlete, regardless of his or her level of ability. That is why the International Organization of Special Olympics requires that the Special Olympics Games and tournaments include sports and types of programs for athletes of all ability levels, and team sports competitions provide every athlete with the opportunity to participate in each of the Games.

7. Special Olympics International welcomes the development of opportunities for sports training and competition at the local and district levels, within individual societies (including schools), as a means of involving the largest number of athletes eligible to participate in Special Olympics program activities. .

1.3 Special Olympics main program

Since children from the age of 8 are allowed to compete in official sports of the Special Olympics, it is advisable to start training sessions with them from the age of 6-7. Most children of this age have some of the basic skills that are typical of ordinary children, but their actions are more intense, less natural and dexterous. They walk, run, climb, many know how to dress, use the toilet, eat. However, more complex motor skills are more difficult to acquire. Children with mental retardation may lack coordination of the process of planning and performing a motor action.

Special Olympics International (SOI) divides all sports in which training and competition can be held with persons with intellectual disabilities into two categories:

official sports;

Nationally popular sports.

Official sports approved by the SOI Board of Directors include:

Summer sports:




Bicycle racing

Horseback Riding


Table tennis



Roller skating

Winter sports:


Ski race

Figure skating


National Popular Sports are sports not classified by SOI as official sports but included by SOI in Special Olympics training and competition programs.

To approve a sport as a nationally popular sport, a number of procedures must be completed and certain criteria must be met:

a) an official regulation for training and competition in that sport must be submitted to the SOI World Games and Competitions Department;

b) the Medical Advisory Committee must review the sport and determine its compliance with SOI health and safety standards;

c) there must be evidence of interest in the sport from coaches, people with intellectual disabilities, schools, athlete family groups, specialized agencies, etc. working with potential Special Olympics athletes;

d) rules should be developed that can be used in the conduct of competitions, and an Advisory Committee for this sport should be created;

e) the recognition of this sport should promote year-round competition and training, which is the main activity of the Special Olympics, and will create additional meaningful opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities, including types of sports for people with different levels of ability, types of programs for athletes with the most limited abilities, etc.

Special Olympics International (SOI) also defines prohibited sports that, in its opinion, do not meet minimum health and safety standards or put the health and safety of special athletes at unreasonable risk. Currently, prohibited sports include: boxing, fencing, shooting, karate and other types of martial arts.

After determining the level of the minimum impairment and admission to participation in training and competitions under the Special Olympics program (Persons with a number of other developmental disabilities (lesions of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing, etc.) can participate in the activities of the Special Olympics, but only in the event that they have a minimum level of impairment of intellectual functions (Impairment of intelligence is the main (determining) sign for inclusion in the program of the Special Olympics), the central issue is the division of athletes into divisions.

Divisional system

1. Special Olympics competitions provide athletes with the opportunity to showcase the athletic skills they have acquired through training. Athletes in each competition must strive to demonstrate the best performance. In order for athletes to get the maximum experience of participation in competitions, they should be organized so that all attention is concentrated on the athletes. In the Special Olympics, this principle means that regardless of occupied place any performance is a personal victory.

2. The International Organization of Special Olympics has developed appropriate rules to ensure the most successful participation of athletes in competitions and to stimulate their sportsmanship at all levels of competition. Competitions must be held regularly, in accordance with the approved rules, while ensuring competent refereeing. Family members, friends and spectators must be given the opportunity to share with the athletes the success they have achieved during the competition.

3. The fundamental difference between Special Olympics competitions and competitions organized by other sports organizations is that athletes of all ability levels are encouraged to participate. The competition is structured in such a way that athletes of the same ability level compete with each other, for which they are divided into divisions. Historically, SOI proposes to form divisions in such a way that the difference between the highest and lowest result within each division is no more than 10%. This recommendation is not a rule, but should be considered as a principle for the formation of divisions of athletes of equal level of ability, if there is an appropriate number of participants.

In general, the division into divisions is based on three criteria: the distribution of athletes by gender, by age groups and by ability level. In doing so, the following points must be taken into account:

1. Athlete's ability is the primary factor in division into Special Olympics competitions.

The abilities of an athlete or a team are determined by the result registered at the end of previous competitions or at the end of the qualifying round. When forming groups, age and gender are also important factors.

2. Competitions are considered to be best organized when there are at least three and no more than eight athletes or teams of the same level of ability in each division. However, in some cases, the number of athletes or teams participating in the competition is not enough to achieve this goal.

It should be noted that in our country, the organization of adaptive sports for people with intellectual disabilities, interaction with international structures on this issue is dealt with by the Special Olympics of Russia, whose president is A.V. Pavlov.

One of the leading domestic programs on the special Olympic movement is implemented by the Special Olympic Committee of St. Petersburg (President V.L. Mutko, General Director S.V. Gutnikov), which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2001. Distinctive features of the program of the Special Olympic Committee (SOC) of St. Petersburg are:

Integration of the efforts of state, public, commercial organizations on the basis of a collective agreement between the SOK, committees and departments of the administration of St. Petersburg, in charge of physical culture and sports, education, social security, and institutions under their jurisdiction (orphanages; corrective educational institutions; institutions of additional education of physical culture and sports orientation for children, psycho-neurological boarding schools, etc.), as well as institutions and organizations of vocational education and science (SPbGAFK named after P.F. Lesgaft, Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology International University family and child. R. Wallenberg and others), other structures;

merging the programs of the Special Olympics and programs of special art (Special Art) into a single program;

a large coverage of those involved, both organized in state structures and studying at home.

Based on the above, it becomes clear that the main thing in the Special Olympics is the socialization and integration of people with mental retardation into society, informing the public about their capabilities and talents, and training and competition act as an effective means - accessible and interesting for such people, with the help of which the mission and purpose of the Special Olympics are realized.

Chapter 2

2.1 The main means and distinctive features of the creative types of PFC

The distinctive features of creative (artistic and musical) body-oriented types of adaptive physical culture are the following.

1. Creativity, the desire to know the new, the unknown are the main hallmark creative body-oriented types of physical activity. It is here that creativity becomes the leading goal, the very essence of activities, an indispensable attribute of activity, without which it turns into something else.

2. Other distinctive feature creative bodily-oriented types of motor activity is the mandatory union of the spiritual and bodily principles of a person in the process of training. The maximum possible involvement of the means and methods of psychology and psychotherapy in the field of adaptive physical culture and, on the other hand, the enrichment of classical methods of psychology and psychotherapy with technologies of adaptive physical culture - that's main feature this distinctive feature of this type of adaptive physical culture

3. The most important distinctive feature of creative body-oriented types of adaptive physical culture is the integration of motor activity with the means and methods of art. This is emphasized in the full name of this type of adaptive physical culture, which includes the definition - artistic and musical. Practical experience shows that music, choreography, pantomime, literature, poetry, drawing, modeling, sand work, etc. are widely used here. and so on.

4. A fundamentally important distinctive feature of creative (artistic and musical) body-oriented types of motor activity is the displacement of the previous picture of the world from the consciousness of those involved, its complete absorption by new impressions, images, activity. Here there is not just a change in the type of activity, for example, mental to physical, but a complete switch of consciousness, immersion in a new, unusual activity for everyday life, stimulating the work of the resting parts of the brain, its both hemispheres, all spheres of human perception. This is achieved by using images, music, performing new roles, complex actions, etc., which cannot be achieved when performing well-known, automated actions (walking, running, cycling, swimming, skiing, etc.), used, for example , in recreation precisely to change the type of activity.

5. Creative (artistic and musical) body-oriented types of adaptive physical culture enable trainees to process their negative states (aggression, fear, depression, anxiety, alienation), to play their external and internal sensations, to know and understand themselves better; co-experience situations with other people (children and adults); experiment with your body and movements; develop aesthetic feelings and receive sensory satisfaction and joy from the sensations of one's own body (N.Yu. Oganesyan, 2003).

6. Currently, creative body-oriented practices have received greatest development in psychiatry, psychotherapy, in non-traditional systems of health improvement.

2.2 Goals, objectives, functions and principles of creative types of PFC

The main goal of creative (artistic and musical) body-oriented types of adaptive physical culture is to provide an opportunity for creative development and self-expression of those involved through movement, music, image by integrating the components of physical culture and art, combining the spiritual and bodily components of a person with health problems and a disabled person.

The implementation of this goal allows us to involve this category of the population of our country in accessible activities that can provide self-actualization, self-knowledge and self-understanding, satisfaction from activity; removal of psychological stress, elimination of “muscle clamps”, correction of negative conditions and, ultimately, involvement in other types of adaptive physical culture and, in the future, in professional labor activity.

The main tasks of creative (artistic and musical) types of adaptive physical culture are:

1) development of creative (creative) and aesthetic abilities in disabled people and persons with health problems;

2) providing opportunities for the development of the sphere of feelings, complicity, empathy, self-expression of one's state, mood, spiritual essence of a person in the field of motor practice;

3) overcoming psychological complexes, removing “muscle clamps” with the help of physical exercises, music, dancing, story games, etc. and so on.;

4) activation of the thought process and cognitive interest, mastery of communication skills and collective creativity, improvement of communicative activity;

5) introduction to art and other types of creative activity, to adaptive sports related to art (dancing in wheelchairs, figure skating, etc.);

6) introduction to other types of adaptive physical culture and accessible areas of professional and labor activity.

When conducting classes on creative body-oriented practices, it is recommended to fulfill a number of conditions:

Creating a natural stimulating environment in which the student feels comfortable and protected, showing creative activity;

Selection of tasks that correspond to the abilities of the student, the exclusion of negative assessments of their actions, ideas, results, encouragement of fantasies and creativity;

- “revival” of abstract symbols, strengthening of positive motivation for classes and personal interest of the participants in what is happening;

Real living, playing, feeling all sorts of imaginary and real situations in life;

Using the method of transferring meaning from one cognizable object to another (SV. Dmitriev, 2005) through the use of metaphors (transferring one image to another is more complex and semantically richer), analogies (reveals inner essence object, makes the “unusual familiar”, understandable to the practitioner), allegories (comparison of the incomparable) and other ideal formations that make up the universal mechanism of creative activity and play a significant role in the artistic comprehension of reality.

The most important functions of creative body-oriented types of adaptive physical culture are creative (which is directly indicated in the name of the types), developing, educational (self-education) and personality-oriented.

As for the developing function, it must be borne in mind that in creative types of motor activity, the emphasis in the process of training is not on the development of motor skills of those involved, but on the formation and development of their personal qualities - intelligence, imagination, empathy, etc.

The means of art, artistic and musical ways of influencing students, their participation in theatrical activities, etc., have great educational opportunities.

Significant reserves of creative body-oriented practices are available for the formation of skills of self-observation, self-assessment, self-control, self-organization.

It should be noted that it is in this type of adaptive physical culture that there are the greatest opportunities for the formation of an axiological (value) concept of human life, value orientations, motives, and interests. This is due to the mutually reinforcing influences of the integrated means of physical culture and art, artistic comprehension and interpretation of reality.

Correction of negative psychological states, carried out in creative body-oriented practices, the possibility of replacing the previous personal position give grounds for asserting the great importance of the recreational and health-improving function in this type of adaptive physical culture.

The type of activity of those involved, the means used, methods, organizational forms of practicing creative body-oriented practices make it possible to single out a number of other functions of adaptive physical culture among the leading ones. Here we mean aesthetic, spectacular, communicative and humanistic functions.

As for the principles of adaptive physical culture, among them in creative (artistic and musical) body-oriented practices, the dominant position is occupied by social principles: humanistic orientation, the priority role of the microsociety, integration and socialization.

The role of special methodological principles is also great, such as differentiation and individualization, taking into account age characteristics, optimality and variability, and preventive orientation.

2.3 Special art as the main direction of integration into society of persons with intellectual disabilities

A striking example of creative (artistic and musical) body-oriented types of adaptive physical culture are the events held within the framework of the "Special Art" program. These may include various formats of holding: exhibitions of arts and crafts, creative competitions, dance, entertainment and game programs, concert programs, etc.

According to the regulation on holding events under the Special Art program of the Special Olympic Committee of the city of St. Petersburg, the mission of this program is to organize year-round creative activities and hold events in various genres of art for people with intellectual disabilities, providing them with the opportunity to develop their abilities and talents on an ongoing basis , experience joy and share achievements, skills and friendships with their families, other members and society at large.

The main goal is to help people with intellectual disabilities participate in society as useful and respected citizens by providing them with equal opportunity in the development and demonstration of their skills and talents through participation in exhibitions creative works, performances on the best stages of the city.

The objectives of the program "Special Art":

Increasing the number of creative people among people with intellectual disabilities.

Attracting the maximum attention of state and public organizations, charitable and commercial institutions, the general public to carry out activities in working with children with disabilities.

Expression of society's gratitude to children, parents, teachers and specialists involved in the problems of creative adaptation of children with disabilities.

Persons with intellectual disabilities can enjoy, gain knowledge and benefit from participation in festivals, concerts, exhibitions, if necessary adapted to their needs with appropriate training and support.

The basis for the development of creative skills, as well as the assessment of these skills, a measure of progress and encouragement to personal growth are consecutive classes under the guidance of qualified teachers, taking into account the abilities of those involved. The events strive to maintain the spirit of competition, love for creativity, create conditions for each participant to manifest their full potential and ensure the participation of everyone in order to reach the largest number of participants.

Thus, Special Art events bring physical, mental, social and spiritual benefits to people with intellectual disabilities, strengthen the family and society as a whole through direct participation or as spectators.


So, considering actual problem social integration of people with intellectual disabilities, we can draw the following conclusions:

Since the main activity under the program of the Special Olympics is aimed primarily at the socialization of children and adults with intellectual disabilities, their integration into society, training sessions and competitive activities here act to a greater extent as an excuse, conditions, environment through which this socialization is carried out. In this case, the main goal setting of both the teacher and the student is focused on the process of achieving the result, and not the result itself. Indeed, it is in the process of learning or developing physical qualities that the intellectual development of a child and an adult, their communication with a teacher and peers, entry into society and even the conquest of their social space takes place. And than in more early age organized work on the training of mentally retarded children, the more likely it is to achieve positive dynamics, both in their mental and physical development. Thus, the Special Olympics, helping all people with mental retardation in social adaptation and self-realization, creating opportunities for them to succeed both in the sports arena and beyond, is the most important social phenomenon of our time, embodying the ideas of justice and humanism. “Special Art” events, as a kind of creative body-oriented types of adaptive physical culture, is another important area of ​​social adaptation of persons with intellectual disabilities, since art itself, in whatever form it manifests itself, is the strongest stimulus for personality development in general, as they bring physical, mental, social and spiritual benefits to people with intellectual disabilities, strengthen the family and society as a whole through direct participation or as spectators.

List of used literature

1. Evseev S.P. Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: textbook. T.1, 2-M.: Soviet sport, 2005

2. Venevtsev S.I. Adaptive sport for persons with intellectual disabilities / S.I. Venevtsev. - M.: Soviet sport, 2004. - 90s.

3. Morozova G.F. Some results of the analysis of the demographic situation in Russia in the light of the development of the special Olympic movement: Mater. Vseros. scientific-practical. conf. (November 30 - December 1, 2000). - M.: Special Olympiad of Russia, 2000. - P. 12.

4. Sports training for the disabled (adaptive sports): Educational method. allowance. - Ufa: Vostok Publishing House. un-ta, 2004 (Typ. Publishing house of the East. un-ta). - 63s.



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