The history of the Olympic mascots. Mascots of the Summer Olympic Games

Over the long history of the Olympic Games, many creatures have become their mascots. We will talk about the last ten.

The mascot of the Olympic Games or mascot (from the English. mascot- talisman) has become a mandatory attribute since 1972. According to the magazine GEO The mission of the Olympic mascot is to "reflect the spirit of the host country, bring good luck to the athletes and intensify the festive atmosphere." Most often, the national animal of the host country, or a fictional or mythological creature, becomes the mascot.

Rio de Janeiro 2016, Vinicius and Tom

Vinicius and Tom are the mascots of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio. This collective images animal and flora Brazil.
The Olympic mascot of Rio 2016 is depicted as a smiling yellow beast. The symbol resembles a cat and symbolizes the rich fauna of Brazil. The Paralympic one is made in blue and green colors and represents the flora. Their names were determined as a result of an Internet vote announced by the organizers of the Games immediately after the presentation.
The names of the talismans were given in honor of the famous Brazilian musicians and composers Vinicius de Morais and Tom Jobim.

London 2012, Wenlock and Mandeville

The mascots of the thirtieth, anniversary, Olympic Games in London were two drops of steel from Bolton named Wenlock and Mandeville. They are named after the city of Much Wenlock, which hosted the first competitions like the Olympic Games, and the village of Stoke Mandeville, where the first British Paralympic Games were held. Both mascots have one eye, wear bicycle helmets, and have the Games' logos painted on them.

Beijing 2008, Fuwa

Mascots for this Olympics were chosen for several years. On the one hand, it was necessary to choose something traditional Chinese, and on the other hand, something unusual, so that when registering trademark not accused of plagiarism. The organizing committee received 662 sketches, including several tigers, a Tibetan antelope and even Hanuman, the mythological Monkey King. And exactly 1000 days before the opening of the Olympics, the chosen talisman was presented, which was the five Fuwa.

In Chinese, Fuwa means Fortune children. Five characters symbolize the five Olympic rings, each of which is painted in its own Olympic color and represents the five natural elements: water, forest, fire, earth and sky. The first syllables of the names of the talismans, put together, make up the phrase Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni, which can be translated: Beijing welcomes you! These mascots are the most popular representatives of the country's fauna. blue fish Bay Bay symbolized well-being, prosperity and patronized water sports. Her headdress repeats the elements of Chinese jewelry of the Neolithic era. The Black Panda Jing-Jing, a symbol of China, personified harmony with nature, sincerity and happiness. He patronized weightlifting, martial arts, etc. His headdress contains a floral ornament. The red Olympic fire Huan-Huan connected with the Olympics and symbolized energy, passion, the desire to win. He patronized team sports. His headdress is stylized as rock art. famous caves Mogao. The yellow Tibetan antelope Ying-Ying has become the embodiment of cheerfulness and health. She patronized athletics. Her headdress contains elements of national costumes. The Green Swallow Ni-Ni became a symbol of good luck, patronizing gymnastics. The headdress repeats the design of traditional Beijing kites.

Athens 2004, Phoebus and Athena

The talismans of these Olympic Games were created according to ancient samples found during excavations. They were made exact copies of ancient Greek dolls dating back to the 7th century BC. According to legend, Phoebus and Athena are brother and sister. They were named after the Olympian gods Apollo (Phoebe, Phoebos or Thevos), the radiant god of light, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Official representatives The IOC in Greece said that these two figures are the perfect mascot for the upcoming Olympics, as they successfully combine the history of Greece and its modernity. However, the public at first was not very happy with the choice, but eventually reconciled.

Sydney 2000, Ollie, Sid and Millie

The mascots of the Games in Sydney were three animals that live only in Australia: the Platypus, the Kookaburra and the Echidna. Together they symbolize Olympic friendship, and also personify the three elements: earth, water and sky. By the way, the three is also a symbolic number, since this Olympiad was held on the eve of the Millennium. Each of the talismans had its own name and original character. The platypus was named Sid (short for Sydney). A symbol of Australia's nature, he personified strength, energy and the desire to win. The Australian gull kingfisher Ollie (short for the word Olympics) is the embodiment of the Olympic spirit, distinguished by a cheerful disposition, generosity and kindness. Echidna was given the name Milli (short for millenium in honor of the beginning of the third millennium). She combines optimism, diligence and striving for the future. In addition, Millie was a symbol of information and technology, the main part of the facts and figures.

Atlanta 1996, Izzy

The organizers of this Olympiad thought for a very long time on the topic of the talisman and did not come to a single conclusion. Therefore, it was decided to generate it on a computer. The creature turned out to be very strange and not like anything else. The original sketch was barefoot, had no mouth or nose. Designers for a long time brought him to normal view. So Izzy got an expressive huge mouth, a tail with Olympic rings, white gloves and funny boots. Subsequently, it was decided to remove the ugly teeth so that the talisman would not look aggressive, and add star sparkles to the wide-open eyes. With the name, too, everything turned out to be very difficult. They also thought about him for a long time, and after that they simply called Izzy - short for English expression What is it? This mascot is considered the most failed project in the history of the Olympic Games.

Barcelona 1992, Puppy Kobe

On the eve of the Olympic Games in Spain there was not enough stable political situation. Designer Javier Mariscal had a difficult task: to find an image that could unite the secessionist provinces. This is how the mutt Kobe appeared, a stray puppy, the cartoon character of a popular children's TV show. Kobe was everyone's favorite before, so he became the perfect mascot. And also the most stylish ever, because he was wearing a navy blue suit and tie. Kobe is also considered one of the most successful talismans. And at the closing ceremony of the Olympics, Kobe, like the Moscow bear, was launched into the sky in a balloon.

Seoul 1988, Hodori the Tiger

To whom, if not Amur tiger destined to become the mascot of the Olympics in Korea. After all, he is the main character all Korean legends. However, so that he would not seem intimidating and aggressive, it was decided to make the tiger small, kind and harmless. The name Hodori was chosen by the whole of Korea from 2295 proposed options. The winning name can be translated from Korean as Tiger Boy. The main attribute of Hodori is a small black cap worn over the ear. It was in such once upon a time that the peasants performed dances during folk festivals. The tiger cub also initially had a girlfriend - the tigress Hosuni, but she turned out to be not at all popular and was soon forgotten about.

Los Angeles 1984, Sam the Eaglet

With the eaglet Sam, who became the mascot of these American games, everything is very clear. The eagle is the national symbol of the United States, everything is simple here. And he got his name thanks to another image - Uncle Sam, who had exactly the same star-striped top hat. Eaglet was invented by the company's artists Walt Disney.

Moscow 1980, Bear cub Misha

With the Moscow bear, too, everything is immediately clear. Brown bear is a symbol of Russia, so the choice was obvious. Although the Little Humpbacked Horse, Matryoshka and Petrushka doll were considered as talismans. But the newspaper Soviet sport appealed to the citizens of the USSR with a request to help in choosing a talisman, about 45 thousand letters came to the editorial office, in which the bear was almost unanimously proposed. The author of just such a bear, which we know, was the famous illustrator Viktor Chizhikov. From more than a hundred images he invented, he chose one, which took part in the final exhibition in Moscow. Sixty bears of different artists got to the competitive selection. Everyone liked Misha. It was his sketch that was selected and officially approved at the very high level. The Moscow talisman was the first of all to face the audience, looked at them and smiled openly. Misha had a wide belt with five Olympic colors and a buckle in the form of rings.

During the closing ceremony of the Games in Moscow, a large rubber Misha was launched into the sky at balloons and thousands of spectators watched with tears in their eyes as the bear returned "to its fairy forest". After the Olympics, this bear was exhibited in one of the pavilions of VDNKh. There is a legend that in the fall of 1980 they tried to buy a rubber bear for a large sum West German company, but the USSR government refused to sell national symbol, he fell into disrepair and disappeared somewhere in the basements. Yes, there is also a version that this bear's name was not Misha, but Mikhail Potapych Toptygin.

The Olympics in Rio de Janeiro will begin very soon. Preparations for it have been going on for a long time. So, already in the winter of 2010, it became known what its logo would look like. It was created by the creative design company Tatil Design. The public got acquainted with the layout on the eve of the new year 2011.

The logo represents three dancing people linked to each other. The colors of the Olympic symbol, green, yellow and blue, were not chosen by chance. Each of them denotes a fragment of the Brazilian flag, on which green denotes forests, there are a lot of them in Brazil, yellow denotes gold, there are quite a few deposits of this precious metal in the country, and blue is the endless sky.

A creature named Vinicius was chosen as the mascot of the Olympic Games. This is a fictional creature that looks like a tree. His body of blue color, and the crown is green, in addition, it contains elements of orange and green colors. The mascot of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro bears the name of the famous Brazilian musician Vinicius de Morais.

Mascot of the Paralympic Games - Vol. He looks like a yellow cat with blue front paws and red hind legs. The animal got its name from the famous Brazilian composer António Jobim. Since it was conceived that the symbols should represent the rich flora and fauna of Brazil, it was decided that one of them would symbolize animal world and the other is the world of plants.

The decision on which names the talismans would receive was made by popular vote. More than 300,000 residents of the country took part in it. It was preceded by a three-week Internet voting, in which even more people took part. The first stage of voting was launched immediately after the official presentation of the Olympic mascots, on November 24, 2014, and already on December 15, the talismans received their names.

44% of the voting participants voted for the chosen couple (and there were 323,327 people in total). Oba and Eba (38%) followed a little more behind, and Tiba-Tuki and Eskidim (18% of voters) were far behind. So, the mascot of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro received a name that appealed to the majority of voters.

The presentation took place in a festive atmosphere. The mascot of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and its Paralympic counterpart were welcomed by their predecessors - the symbols of the Olympics different years from different countries. Among them were:

  • symbol of the Olympics in Athens 2004 - Athena;
  • the mascot of the London 2012 Olympic Games - Wenlock and Mandeville;
  • Beijing 2008 was represented by Fuwa;
  • and even there was Misha from Moscow in 1980.

  • Also, at the stage of preparation for the Olympics, a number of posters were prepared, they were published in two formats: 280 × 420 mm and 600 × 900 mm. They were presented quite recently, on the eve of the opening of the Olympics, on July 12, 2016, in the famous Museu do Amanha.

    Logo XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro designed by the Brazilian design studio "Tatíl Design" and presented for the first time general public December 31, 2010.

    At the heart of the symbol is a stylized Rio - mountains, the sun and the sea in the form of winding lines, reminiscent of the silhouettes of dancing people holding hands.

    The logo is made in the colors of the national flag of Brazil - blue, yellow and green - and is intended to symbolize interaction and energy, harmony in diversity, a riot of nature and the Olympic spirit.

    Vinicius and Tom are the mascots of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro

    The official presentation of the mascots for the 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games took place on November 24, 2014. The organizers presented collective images of the flora and fauna of Brazil.

    The Olympic mascot of Rio 2016 is depicted as a smiling yellow beast. The symbol is somewhat reminiscent of a cat and symbolizes the rich fauna of Brazil. Paralympic made in blue and green flowers and represents flora.

    The new symbols of Rio 2016 were greeted at the presentation ceremony by the predecessor mascots - Misha (Moscow-1980), Athena (Athens-2004), Fuwa (Beijing-2008) and Wenlock with Mandeville (London-2012).

    On December 15, 2014, the mascots of the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro received official names, which were determined as a result of a three-week Internet voting announced by the organizers of the Games immediately after the presentation. Several pairs of names were proposed for the voters to choose from, including Oba and Eba, Tiba-Tuki and Eskindim, Vinicius and Tom. The last two are in honor of the famous Brazilian musicians and composers Vinicius de Morais and Tom Jobim.

    • Vinicius and Tom - 44%
    • Both and Eba - 38%
    • Tiba-Tuki and Eskidim - 18%

    The official pictograms of the sports included in the program of the XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro were presented in November 2013.

    A total of 64 pictograms were made - 41 for Olympic and 23 for Paralympic sports.

    Work on them began in July 2012 and lasted 16 months, five of which were coordinated with 42 International Sports Federations.

    A team of 28 artists and graphic designers worked on the creation of the Olympic pictograms. “We tried to combine the dynamism and tension of the competition and the fun, relaxed atmosphere of Rio de Janeiro in a single visual image,” Lula Bet, head of the creative team, told reporters.

    Some sports are represented by several pictograms. For equestrian sports, jumping, dressage and triathlon are detailed separately. Cycling is represented by four pictograms - track racing, road racing, mountain biking and BMX. Such scrupulousness is shown for the first time in the history of the Olympics.

    Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Pictograms will be used on tickets, various products, as indicative signs.

    The logo for the XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro was designed by Brazilian design studio Tatil Design and was first released to the public on December 31, 2010. The symbol is based on a stylized Rio: mountains, sun and sea in the form of winding lines, reminiscent of the silhouettes of dancing people holding hands. The motto of the main sporting event is "We are all Brazil".

    The mascots of the games were Vinicius and Tom, who were chosen in honor of the famous Brazilian musicians and composers Vinicius de Morais and Tom Jobim. Talismans are collective images of the flora and fauna of Brazil. Vinicius is depicted as a smiling yellow beast and resembles a cat, he symbolizes the rich fauna of Brazil. The volume is made in blue and green colors and represents the flora.

    "The Gods of Olympus Go to Rio de Janeiro" is the title of the official anthem of the 2016 Olympics. The anthem is played in the rhythm of the samba. Brazilian stars perform the song.

    By the way, Leo Bernett's agency made a video for Samsung called "Anthem", in which people from different countries sing a line from their national anthem, but it feels like everyone is singing the same song. The video has already gained 28 million views.

    In the Nike video, newborns played the role of future sports stars. The video has received nearly 24 million views. According to the plot of the video, a speaker comes to the kids and delivers a motivational speech about responsibility for their future. The names of Neymar, Serena Williams and Mohammed Farah flicker among the signs on cribs.

    In the spring, Samsung released the short documentary "Chance of Success", which tells the story of the courage, hope and perseverance of four candidates for the Olympic Games. A film about an athlete South Sudan, whose team will perform at the Olympics for the first time this year, was a continuation of the story. The video about her has already collected a little more than 22 million views.

    Always continues its #LikeAGirl campaign to inspire teen girls around the world to stay in the sport. And this video has already collected almost 22 million views.

    100 days before the opening ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Procter & Gamble, as part of the Thank You Mom! presented a new video "The Power of Mom". The number of views of this video is approaching the mark of 20 million.

    And the company Minute Maid presented in its video, which has collected almost 6 million views, the sports story of Franklin Missy, who put her parents in the spotlight.

    The official broadcaster of the Paralympic Games 2016 Channel 4 created a video about people with handicapped that make up an entire orchestra. The video has already received over 3 million views.

    Visa showed a summer trip together with brand team athletes. The video has received 2.5 million views.

    Rio hosts the Summer Olympics, which is why we decided to recall the emblems of the Summer Olympics over the past 10 years.

    Rio de Janeiro 2016

    XXXI summer Olympic Games 2016 are held from 5 to 21 August in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). This is the first Olympics held in South America. Previously, Rio de Janeiro applied to host the 1936, 1940, 2004 and 2012 Summer Olympics, but was never among the cities participating in the final vote. On October 2, 2009, Rio de Janeiro was chosen as the city of the XXII Summer Olympic Games.
    Rio Olympics logo designed by Brazilian design studio Tatil Design and presented it to the public for the first time in December 2010.
    The logo is made in the colors of the national flag of Brazil - blue, yellow and green, and symbolizes interaction and energy, harmony in diversity, a riot of nature and the Olympic spirit. At the heart of the symbol is a stylized Rio - mountains, the sun and the sea in the form of lines resembling the silhouettes of dancing people holding hands.

    London 2012

    The 2012 Summer Olympics - the thirtieth Summer Olympics - were held in London from 27 July to 12 August. Notably, London was the first city to host the games for the third time after 1908 and 1948. The emblem of this Olympiad consists of four parts in the form of irregular polygons, which symbolize the numbers of the year of the Olympiad: 2, 0, 1, 2. One of the parts includes the word London, and in the other - the image of the Olympic rings. This logo was developed for about a year by the company Wolff Olins and cost 400 thousand pounds. However, later it turned out that the developers did not please everyone. So, in early March 2012, the Iranian authorities announced their intention to boycott the Olympic Games in London, since their logo is stylized as the word Zion, which means Zion and inflicts a deadly insult on Muslims all over the world. And the head of the Iranian Olympic Committee, Bahram Afsharzadeh, even called this logo racist. It has also been repeatedly suggested that this composition resembles a fascist swastika. Whatever it was, the logo steadfastly withstood all criticism.

    Beijing 2008

    The 2008 Summer Olympics were held in Beijing from 8 to 24 August. The emblem of this Olympics consisted of two parts: the upper one in the form of a traditional Chinese seal, which depicts white lines crossing a red space, and the lower one - the words Beijing 2008, which are made in the style of traditional Chinese characters. The white lines are very reminiscent of Chinese character ching, denoting Beijing and a running, dancing man with outstretched arms, inviting everyone to visit, following the traditions of oriental hospitality. And the writing style Beijing 2008 shows the interaction between Chinese and foreign cultures, calling them to interaction, friendship and universal love. In general, this emblem briefly reflects the history of Chinese civilization and the culture of a hospitable and rapidly developing China. 1985 works were allowed for the competition for the Olympics, and as a result of lengthy discussions and edits, this emblem with a cheerful little man was chosen.

    Athens 2004

    In 2004, the Summer Olympic Games were held in their, so to speak, historical homeland, in Athens, from 13 to 29 August. The emblem of that year was simple and quite uncomplicated. It was a wreath of branches of an olive tree or kotinos, as it is called in Greece. This emblem is a kind of tribute to the ancient Olympic Games, where there were no expensive shiny medals, but the highest sign honors Olympic champions served as a regular wreath. And why not a laurel, but an olive tree - because the ancient Greeks honored the olive tree, considering it sacred. Blue and white are the colors of the current Greek flag.

    Sydney 2000

    The millennium in the sports world was marked by the Olympics. The 2000 Summer Olympics were held in Sydney from 15 September to 1 October. This emblem is very symbolic. The first thing we see is a running torchbearer. However, if you look closely, then ordinary boomerangs and twisted lines will form mountains, sun and sea with ports. And the red space inside the emblem will remind you of the uniqueness of the Australian landscape and the indigenous people of Australia. Moreover, even the smoke from the Olympic torch above the head of the running athlete resembles the silhouette of the Opera House in Sydney, which cannot be confused with anything.

    Atlanta 1996

    The last in the 90s and the 100th anniversary Olympic Games were held in Atlanta, Georgia (USA), from July 19 to August 4. The emblem depicts a torch, which is based on the Olympic rings stylized as a classical Greek column and the number 100, which speaks of the centenary of the Olympic Games. The flames of the torch gradually turn into bright multi-colored stars, symbolizing the desire of every athlete for excellence and great achievements. The golden color in the emblem symbolizes gold medals, and the green color symbolizes laurel branches, wreaths from which the winners of ancient times wore. In addition, Atlanta is famous throughout the world as the City of Trees, which was also taken into account when using green.

    Barcelona 1992

    The 1992 Olympic Games were held in Barcelona from 25 July to 9 August. This was the first Olympic Games after the collapse of the USSR, and all 12 countries that were previously part of it participated as part of the Unified Team. Also in connection with the collapse of the SFRY, Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina made their debut as separate countries.
    The official emblem of that year was created by the famous designer from Barcelona, ​​José M. Trias. Its only element is a person jumping over an obstacle in the form of Olympic rings. The image of a person is simplified to a minimum - three simple details: a blue head, which symbolizes the Mediterranean Sea, yellow hands, which are wide open as a sign of the hospitality of the southern city, and simply red legs.

    Seoul 1988

    The 1988 Summer Olympics were held in Seoul (Korea) from September 17 to October 2. The Republic of Korea was then the second Asian country after Japan to host the Olympic Games. It was also the last in the history of the Games for the national teams of the USSR and the GDR, which during the 70-80s were giants of world sports and collected most of all the medals. These games, like the previous ones, were boycotted by several states that, together with the DPRK authorities, were eager to hold competitions in both parts of the Korean Peninsula. The emblem of 1992 was based on the traditional Korean pattern and the graphic image of Sam-Teguk, which symbolizes Korea. This pattern has been used in the country from generation to generation as a decor on fans and jewelry, in the interior, cultural monuments and folk crafts. The emblem depicts the movement of the pattern in two directions - centripetal and centrifugal, which symbolize people from all over the world who came to Korea to achieve world harmony and the continuous pursuit of human happiness and prosperity.

    Los Angeles 1984

    The 1984 Summer Olympics were held in Los Angeles, California (USA) from July 28 to August 12, and this was the second time since the 1932 Olympics had already taken place here. Since the United States boycotted them at the previous Olympic Games in 1980 in Moscow, in 1984 the USSR and most of the socialist countries responded in kind. The emblem of these games depicts a star - a universal symbol of the highest aspirations of mankind. The horizontal stripes symbolize the speed with which the competitors strive towards the goal, and the threefold repetition of the star shape symbolizes the spirit of rivalry between the athletes. The three colors - blue, white, and red - represent the colors of the United States and the traditional values ​​in the first, second, and third place awards.

    Moscow 1980

    The 1980 Summer Olympics were held in Moscow (USSR) from July 19 to August 3. These were very unusual games. First, they were the first ever games in the territory of Eastern Europe. Secondly, the first, carried out in a socialist country. Thirdly, they were boycotted by more than 50 countries. This negative attitude was caused by the introduction Soviet troops to Afghanistan. The emblem for the Moscow Olympics was created by the Latvian artist Vladimir Arsentiev. It symbolizes six treadmills located above the Olympic rings, which, gradually reaching up, symbolize the Moscow Kremlin. At the top of the Kremlin, of course, the October star shines.

    Montreal 1976

    The 1976 Summer Olympics were held in Montreal, Canada. The emblem of this Olympics consists of the Olympic rings mounted on a pedestal in the form of the letter M - capital letter in the name of the city of Montreal. These rings symbolize the universal brotherhood, the glory of the winners, courtesy in competitions, as well as the accession of Montreal to a number of Olympic cities.

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