Drawing Amur tiger on a white background. Amur tiger photo. Amur tigers in Russia

Amur tiger(Far Eastern or Siberian tiger) surpasses all living cats in its size, only Bengal relatives compete with it. The beast stands at the peak of the ecological pyramid, the main structural element of which is the vast expanses of the Ussuri taiga.

Perhaps that is why this predator has another name that reflects its place of residence - the Ussuri tiger. The animal belongs to the genus Panthera, species Tigris. Complete Latin name individuals - Panthera tigris altaica.

The indigenous inhabitants of the Far East, the Evenki, called the beast "Amba", which in translation into Russian means "huge" or "great". Books and fairy tales have been written about the Amur tiger, some of them have been filmed (the film "Dersu Uzala", the cartoon "Tiger Cub on a Sunflower").

Distribution area

Once the Far Eastern tiger was widespread throughout the Far East, but now the range of the predator is limited to the southern part. Khabarovsk Territory, Primorsky Krai, northern and eastern regions of China. The distribution is focal in nature, the total area occupies a little more than 180 thousand km 2.

The Ussuri region, where the Amur tiger lives, is characterized by extreme climatic conditions with very cold winter and hot, rainy summers, has a mountainous relief, rich various forms vegetation. The Amur tiger mainly lives in cedar forests and oak thickets, sometimes it chooses forests near floodplains as habitat. lowland rivers or broad-leaved forest land.

Preference for some territories and ignoring others is due to the abundance and availability of the main prey. For their movements, predators use mountain gorges and river valleys, where the highest concentration of ungulates is observed.


In life and in the photo, the Amur tiger looks like a real giant, inspiring a sense of fear, admiration and respect at the same time. Massive and heavy addition gives the impression of the sluggishness of a predator. But that's not the case at all. Its body is elongated, has an aerodynamic profile and is quite flexible.

  • The average weight of the Amur tiger is 180 - 200 kg, females weigh about 160 kg. Adult males sometimes grow to enormous sizes and gain weight from 220 to 320 kg.
  • In males, the length of the body along the bends reaches 280 cm, in females this figure is in the range of 180 - 200 cm. The height of the animals at the withers is 115 cm.
  • The predator has a large and massive head, well-developed jaws, sharp fangs up to 8 cm in length. On the sides of the muzzle are elongated tanks, on the neck - a small mane.
  • Eyes set deep, yellow - Green colour, with round pupils, very small.
  • The whiskers are long, elastic, helping the predator to navigate in the dark, determine the direction of the wind, the nature and temperature of the surface.
  • The ears are relatively small, inside they have a white edge, painted black at the back.
  • The tail is wide at the base, narrow at the very end. The length of the tail is 75 - 100 cm. By its position, one can judge the mood of the beast. When it is in a calm state, the tail is lowered, its end is smoothly bent upwards. Rhythmic movements made by the tail in different directions indicate a bad mood of the owner and do not bode well.
  • The forelimbs of the predator are wider and heavier than the hind limbs. The claws on the paws are retractable.
  • Long and thick hair, a thick layer of fat on the abdomen (up to 5 cm thick) protect the animal from low temperatures let you sleep in the snow.

The description of the Amur tiger in summer differs from its description in winter:

  • Summer fur has a brighter and more saturated main color, it is dominated by reddish-red shades. The length of the pile on the back does not exceed 2 cm, on the belly 3 cm, on the top of the neck 3.5-5 cm.
  • What does the Amur tiger look like in winter time, gives it a particularly chic and noble look. The winter skin is more fluffy and dense, has a light palette, consists of ocher-yellow shades. On the muzzle of tigers, elongated sideburns are clearly visible, males can boast of a luxurious mane. The pile on the abdomen and chest reaches a length of 6 to 10 cm, on the back and tail up to 5 cm, along the top of the neck it lengthens to 7-11 cm. The belly, the area near the eyes, inner surface paws painted in White color. The pattern on the coat consists of stripes of different widths and lengths, individual for each individual. The stripes are not often located, they are fewer in number than in other subspecies. Usually they are narrow and long, often double or bifurcate at the very ends. Often there are strips of lentil shape with a sharp end. The stripes on the back are black, at the base of the tail, on the sides, paws have a brown tint. The tail is decorated with double dark rings, ending with a black spot. The pattern on the wool is better seen on the summer fur.

Behavioral Features

An adult Amur tiger lives in a separate area, within the boundaries of which he marks his presence with marks - spraying urine, notches on fallen tree trunks, loosening the soil or snow. Males lead a solitary existence, females need to take care of their offspring.

Amur tigers have the most impressive size of hunting grounds, which is explained by a very small amount of the main prey. The average area of ​​an adult tiger is 1,000 km2, with females occupying areas up to 400 km2.

The animal runs fast, swims well, at a young age it climbs trees very well, distinguishes colors, sees five times at night better than a man. It easily overcomes up to 20 km per day, jumps 10 meters in length, 4-5 meters in height, develops top speed up to 18 - 20 meters per second. The predator is predictable, almost always roaming the already trodden paths.

Despite a well-developed sense of smell, hearing and vision and immeasurable strength, hunting takes a lot of energy and time from the Amur tiger. Of the ten attempts to strike the victim, only one ends in success. The animal crawls to the intended target, resting its hind limbs on the ground and arching its back, overtaking it with a lightning-fast jump. Big game knocks down and breaks the neck.

He eats lying down, holding the trophy with his paws. He hides the remnants of the feast in a secluded place, returns to them for several days in a row. To maintain a normal shape, a tiger needs to eat at least 10 kg of meat feed per day. The annual diet consists of 50 - 70 large animals.


The animal is able to quickly reorient itself from one type of food to another. The main place in the diet is occupied by ungulate mammals. The size of the prey often exceeds the size of the predator. Red and sika deer, wild boar, roe deer, bear can become a potential victim. The list of what the Amur tiger eats also includes fruits of plants, reptiles, rodents, birds, and fish. In late spring and summer, the predator preys on Ussuri raccoons and common badgers.

Relationships with people

The Far Eastern subspecies avoids direct contact with humans, showing aggression only in special situations. More than half of the individuals seen in the attacks were previously injured by a person or were persecuted, a fifth of the animals were exhausted or weakened. Between 2000 and 2010 in the territory Russian Federation 19 episodes of tiger attacks on humans were recorded, two of them ended lethal outcome. Every year isolated cases of animal attacks on livestock and dogs.

Reproduction and care of offspring

The female can have offspring at any time of the year, but most often this occurs in the summer. When favorable conditions for mating come, she often has to go herself in search of a male. The animal deliberately leaves notches on trees and urinary marks. If the search is successful, the predators stay together for several days and mate many times. With the onset of pregnancy romantic relationship ends, and the father goes in search of new adventures.

Pregnancy lasts three and a half to four months. The tigress chooses a place for a brood shelter. Usually it rises to the upper third of the slopes and settles in stony placers. The classic litter consists of three cubs. Babies are born blind, open their eyes in the second week of life. The mother feeds the cubs with milk for up to six months.

Preparing for adult life takes a long time. Young tigers live with their mother for the first years. The family group breaks up when the cubs reach two years of age.

IN wild nature animals live up to 15 years, in zoos - up to 20 years.

Population status

The number of Amur tigers living in natural conditions is one of the lowest in the population. If in the second half of the 19th century the animal was quite common in nature and even had a commercial value, then already at the beginning of the 20th century reports about the Amur tiger became quite rare.

By the mid-forties of the last century, the subspecies was under the threat of complete extinction, its number was no more than 40 individuals.

After the introduction of a universal ban on the shooting of animals (decree of 1947), the situation improved somewhat. By 1996, the number of animals increased to 450 individuals; in 2005, there were already 502 individuals. In the population structure of the subspecies, 28% were occupied by tiger cubs and young predators up to three years, a quarter of the population was represented by adult males, 39% of all individuals were females, 7% of predators could not be attributed to any of these groups.

The 2015 census brings a certain amount of optimism to further fate subspecies, because the population of Amur tigers is slowly but surely increasing. The number of predators, according to scientists, is approaching 540 individuals. Of these, from 5 to 10% live in China, the remaining 90 - 95% are concentrated along the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, not far from the Sikhote-Alin mountain ranges. There are over 450 Amur tigers in captivity.

Security measures

According to sad statistics, only in 17 - 28% of cases the predator dies from natural causes. The remaining cases of death of a tiger occur as a result of poaching. The organs of the animal are used in oriental medicine, the wealthy population seeks to acquire an exotic animal for keeping in a private zoo. The price of the Amur tiger in illegal markets often reaches exorbitant figures. The exact number of predators that fell victim to human greed, cruelty and stupidity is not known.

Uncontrolled deforestation, expansion of the road network, industrial development of territories, and the displacement of the predator from its habitual habitat contribute to the reduction of the population. A significant role is played by a decrease in the food supply and an increase in the number of food competitors.

The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book and is under state protection. Russian scientists have developed a long-term program for the conservation of the subspecies. The main action plan includes the protection of Amur tigers from poachers, increased liability for illegal hunting, and the use of animal skins and organs for commercial purposes. A special set of measures is aimed at preserving the habitats and food base of the predator, introducing the latest technologies into the population monitoring system.

Rare and endangered animals - the Amur tiger and live on the territory of the Ussuriysky Reserve and national park"Land of the Leopard" Employees of protected areas maintain the food base of animals, protect taiga lands from forest fires and poachers, with the help of special equipment they constantly monitor animals, register Interesting Facts and events from their lives, monitor the state of health.

The Amur or Ussuri tiger is a predatory animal that belongs to the cat family. The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

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Amur tigers are the largest animals among all tigers, their weight reaches 320 kilograms. The body length of the Amur tiger reaches 290 centimeters from head to tail, and the length of the tail is 110 centimeters.

Amur tigers reach speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour, they are very hardy, there were cases when Amur tigers carried a horse for more than 500 meters. In speed, Amur tigers are second only to cheetahs.

Siberian tigers have a small layer of fat on their belly, which protects them from low temperatures and cold winds.

The coat of Amur tigers is thick, unlike other tigers that live in warm countries. The Amur tiger sees very well in the dark and distinguishes colors.

IN winter time the color of the tiger is pronounced, and in the summer it becomes lighter.

The Amur tiger lives in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories near the Ussuri and Amur rivers in a protected area in southeastern Russia.

Approximately 10% of Amur tigers live in Manchuria, in China.

The Ussuri or Amur tiger lives on a rather large territory. The territory of the female is approximately 300-500 square kilometers, while the male has twice as much.

Amur tigers hunt mainly at night for deer, roe deer, wild boars, elk, do not refuse birds, fish and even mice. If the tiger does not have enough food in the forest, then he can also eat domestic animals.

Amur tigers eat their prey lying down, holding it with their paws, at night they hide the remnants of food in a safe place. Amur tiger needs up to 10 kilograms of meat per day.

The Amur tiger rarely goes out to people and almost never attacks them. Amur tigers have not been seen in cannibalism. There were only a few cases of Amur tiger attacks on people in the 1950s.

The average life expectancy of the Amur tiger is 15 years; in zoos, with good care, tigers can live up to 25 years.

Amur tigers at the age of 2.5-3 years old become adults, but they give birth to cubs in about a year. Amur tiger weddings begin in the winter of December, January, and after 3.5 months babies are born, this always happens in spring.

The tigress takes care of her babies on her own, feeds them with milk for up to 2 months, then begins to accustom little kittens to meat.

The tigress feeds her cubs with milk for up to 6 months, then they completely switch to meat.

Usually a tigress gives birth to one to four cubs. They are born blind, but after a week they begin to see.

A mother teaches her kids habits, hunting and other tricks for a long time. At the age of 2.5-3 years, they become adults, go to live separately, but not far from their mother.

Amur tigers do not attack people unnecessarily, mostly the person provokes the animal himself. Amur tigers can attack a person in two cases if they feel threatened by a person or if they are protecting their cubs.

The Amur tiger is one of the most unique representatives feline, deserving special attention and respect from humans. Let's look and talk about the Amur tiger. Amur, he is also the Ussuri or Far Eastern tiger, also called the Siberian tiger. ( 16 photos)

The first thing I want to note is the fact that the Amur tiger is the only subspecies of the tiger that lives in cold climate zone where frosts sometimes reach -40 °C.

The Amur tiger lives in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, as well as several individuals live in China, since their habitat is concentrated directly on the border. In total, about 450 individuals have been recorded in the world in the wild, about the same number are kept in zoos and circuses.

Expensive skin and the prestige of hunting for the Amur tiger did their job. The Amur tiger has been listed in the Red Book as an endangered species since 2007. Fortunately, numerous methods for the conservation and protection of animals have helped to maintain the population and even slightly increase it.

The color of the Amur tiger is somewhat different from the usual color, for example. The Amur tiger is somewhat lighter and has a large White spot on the belly, covering the entire abdomen and inside paws.

The weight of an adult male can reach 300 kg. This is one of major representatives feline. Body length about - 220 cm without tail. The paws are small, the body is elongated, the head is massive, the front paws and chest are large.

The Amur tiger is one of the few animals that can distinguish colors! Sees almost perfectly at night, better than during the day. Therefore, it leads mainly night image life.

Tigers hunt wild boars, deer, roe deer and other ungulates, sometimes lynxes. Ussuri tigers are also good fishermen; during spawning they can eat fish. And if the year is completely hungry, then they do not disdain frogs, lizards, rodents.

Tigers lead an exceptionally solitary lifestyle. Only a mother raises her cubs for some time, teaches them to hunt and that's all. Cases of attacks on humans are extremely rare, one might even say that they are almost non-existent. Because if something like that happened, it was in the form of a bayak or funny stories. On the contrary, the Amur tiger tries in every possible way to avoid contact with humans. Humanity also knows many stories when a tiger helped and saved the life of a helpless person in the taiga.

The length of the body of males to the tip of the tail reaches 2.7-3.8 meters, in females it is less. Height at the withers up to 115 cm, weight 160-270 kg. The Amur tiger is capable of reaching speeds of up to 80 km/h in the snow!

Among some peoples of the Far East, the Amur tiger is an object of worship. The Amur tiger is depicted on the emblem and flag of Primorsky Krai. And in China, the death penalty is imposed for the murder of this unique animal.

Proud and beautiful - the Amur tiger and his photographs.

I bring to your attention a gallery of photos "Amur (Ussuri) tiger photo".

Beautiful photos from the life of tigers and not much information about this beautiful animal.

Let's start with its name. Amur tiger, Ussuri tiger, Far Eastern tiger - these are all names of one animal. And in order not to confuse readers, I will (in this article) call the tiger both Amur and Ussuri.

The Tungus call the tiger "taskh" or "amba". Amba means great, huge, big. Amba in Primorye is also called an evil spirit.

The Amur or Ussuri tiger lives in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories on the banks of the Amur and Ussuri. The main animal population is in Russia. China is home to no more than 10% of total tigers.

Since the Ussuri (Amur) tiger “lives” in such harsh (for tigers living in the tropics) conditions, its coat is thicker and longer, and the colors are not so bright. And besides, this is the only species of tiger that does not have a layer of fat. And this layer can be up to 5 centimeters thick. Pay attention to the ears. They are not big at all. And this is also because of the winter frosts.

The Amur (Ussuri) tiger is a very large predator. Long body (up to 3.8 m including the tail), high withers (up to 115 centimeters) and solid weight (up to 300 kg). And no wonder that such a predator is the real master of the taiga. The female controls the territory up to 500 square kilometers, and the male - up to 800. The tiger leaves his territory only in one case - there is not enough food in the controlled territory.

The tiger hunts mainly at night. And this is not surprising - the tiger, like all cats, sees perfectly at night. It must be said that even being such a formidable hunter, the tiger has to work very hard in order to "dine." An adult requires about 7-10 kilograms of meat per day.

It is reliably known that the Amur (Ussuri) tiger never (almost never) attacks again. If the dinner managed to escape, then the tiger goes in search of a new victim, and does not pursue the "old" one.

The tiger very rarely attacks a person. Even in the taiga, he tries to avoid meeting and leaves.
This taiga handsome man lives, on average, about fifteen years.
That, perhaps, is all I wanted to say. And now a photo.

The Amur tiger is the most large predator in the cat family, at the moment it is on the verge of extinction, and therefore is listed in the Red Book. The mammal is graceful and very beautiful. Weight adult can reach up to 300 kg, with a body length of up to 2.9 meters. The Amur tiger lives in Russian Far East. Lives in the Ussuri taiga. The animal has incredible strength. There are cases when a tiger dragged a large horse killed by him along the ground, up to half a kilometer. Among cats, he has no equal. Impressive and color Ussuri tiger. He has a very beautiful and thick coat. orange color. At the same time, the belly of the tiger is always white. The beast is very fast and agile. He has a lightning-fast reaction, excellent jumping and can run at a speed of 80 km/h.

The animal is perfectly adapted to existence in conditions of extremely low temperatures. It is protected from hypothermia by a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. The animal has sharp color vision and is able to distinguish objects in complete darkness.

The Ussuri tiger is a peculiar calling card Primorsky region. His image is present even on his coat of arms. The tiger habitat is protected. It includes the territories of the Amur and Ussuri rivers located in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. IN Lately The Amur tiger can be found in some areas of China, which indicates an increase in its population.

The Amur tiger is the ruler of a vast territory (male up to 800 square kilometers, female - up to 500 square kilometers). As a rule, the animal does not leave its possessions. This only happens when food is scarce. In this case, the tiger can approach human habitation and attack domestic animals. He hunts at night. Males prefer to live in complete solitude. Females live in small groups. Tigers communicate with sounds. Being in a good mood, they rub their bodies against each other, touch their heads.

The tiger spends on hunting a large number of strength and energy. This is due to the fact that out of ten attempts to catch prey, only one is successful. The beast tracks down the victim and tries to get as close as possible to it, while remaining invisible. This is followed by a lightning throw and an attempt to grab the victim by the throat. If unsuccessful, the tiger does not pursue the animal, but prefers to look for a new prey. He drags his prey to the reservoir, where he eats. The rest hides in a secluded place that guards.

The tiger feeds on large artiodactyls, which include spotted deer and red deer. Can hunt small animals, frogs, birds, mice. Sometimes he eats fruit. He eats up to 10 kg of meat per day. Does not attack a person. Lives for about 15 years.

The mating period is not tied to a specific season. This may happen at any time. Pregnancy in a female Amur tiger lasts 3.5 months, after which two to five cubs are born, weighing up to 1 kg. They are blind and helpless. They begin to see only after two weeks. Up to two months they eat only mother's milk, and only then they begin to eat meat little by little. They switch completely to a meat diet at the age of six months. The mother feeds her offspring for two years. After that, the cubs become independent and begin to live separately. The male takes no part at all in the upbringing and feeding of tiger cubs.

The Ussuri tiger has no enemies. Can only compete with him Brown bear. But such fights are very rare.

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